5'7 and a fraction said on 28/Aug/22
Looks about riht.
Vamp said on 23/May/22
Rob — here's Bill with Killer Mike taken a few days ago who's supposedly 6'0/183cm
Click Here Any thoughts on this? To me it looks like Mike is either taller than 183cm or Maher is shorter than 172.7cm?

Editor Rob
Danimal said on 19/May/22
He has also claimed to be 5'9" in the past. Take into account that he's 66 years old, so he's definitely lost a good inch since his younger days.
Mickie said on 11/Oct/21
Either Maher is a little shorter than listed or Ben Shapiro is a little taller. They were closer than this.
David Tang said on 31/Aug/21
5'8. the guess here is way too low. guys quentin tarantino a 6'1 guy, looked to have 4-5 inches on bill with similar footwear. bills at least a 5'8 guy
David Tang said on 28/Jun/21
vastlybetter566 said on 25/Nov/20
I've been wondering about the height of green party politician Ralph Nader. In this pic with rather poor posture, I think he can look 6ft-6ft1 range next to Bill Maher, if I'm not mistaken.
Click Here
However, he's in his late 70's in that pic, currently in his mid 80's. He sure has lost some height by now.

Editor Rob
could have been 6ft 3 range
admin ;) said on 19/Oct/20
Is it just me or does he have like a 6 ft build for somethin':D
John Bricker said on 9/Sep/20
That is exactly his height Rob! Good guess!
6'4 1/2" leperchaun said on 2/May/20
5'7" in the 90s. 5'10" Ann Coulter made Maher look short.The girl next to him is 5 inches shorter in heels? She must be only 4'11".
Importer said on 24/Sep/19
I thought this guy was 6’3”...
Rachmaninoff61 said on 1/Sep/19
Rob, look at the pictures of Buttigieg and Zuckerberg. I think Buttigieg is max 5’8

Editor Rob
When you see him with
Fallon, he can look near 5ft 8
MrFish said on 27/Jun/19
Rob, how tall does US Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg look? He’s appeared on Maher’s show—and Maher might be under 5ft 8 now. Thanks!

Editor Rob
Pete looks 5ft 8-9 maybe
Spencer said on 28/May/19
5'7" tops.
SnerhagAip777 said on 13/Apr/19
Rob, would you say that there is a chance that you and Bill Maher are equal in height? He might have a similar head size to you as well. He might weight a bit less than you though.

Editor Rob
He might not be much over flat 5ft 8
Halloween said on 4/Oct/18
How tall do you think Van Jones might be?
Click Here
Looks a lot taller but also overall bigger than Bill Maher at 4:03.

Editor Rob
Van might be near 6ft
Halloween said on 9/Aug/18
How big do you think his eye - chin is, Rob?

Editor Rob
Close to 5 inches
DanTheGuy said on 2/Jul/18
On Comedians in Cars, Bill Maher was easily 3 inches shorter than Jerry. Jerry had on Nike shox but Maher had on some quite thick soled dress shoes. Since Jerry is more like 5'10 these days, Maher is probably more like 5'7, 5'7.5 max
Lee said on 7/Nov/17
On a very good day 5'7...his head is huge for his small body...makes him look taller
ragtimepiano said on 4/Jun/16
He's very careful not to stand next to anyone on his show. They remain seated when he stands. He's slightly built, looks to me to be 5' 5" or so.
Sean said on 4/Jan/16
I saw some pictures of him recently with other celebs; I'd say he's closer to 5'7 now.
Cohomology said on 12/Nov/15
There is a clip of him meeting / being interviewed by Chelsea Handler on the set of her show. She's wearing quite tall heels to add to her 5'6" (via celebheights), and he's pretty even with her. Of course, there's the question of his footwear, but if you watch the interview while he's seated, including with legs crossed occasionally, there is not a meaningful assist. Given Handler's sizable heels assist, I'd say he needs a slight upgrade or (my guess) she might be 5'5" or less.
Sean said on 30/Oct/15
[Bruster said on 3/Nov/14
I have walked beside Maher, and he's not one 1/100th an inch over 5' 4'.]
bandet said on 16/Aug/15
Bruster, you need your eyes and perception checked. He was an easy 5ft8 in his prime if not taller. Not even that much shorter today. As per usual anyone 5ft10 and under and a celebrity, is thought to be a good few inches than in reality.
Danimal said on 28/Dec/14
He's claimed both 5'9" and 5'8". Here he is will Martin Short (who was 5'7" or 5'8" at his peak). This video is from 1999 or 2000. Martin is playing Jimini Glick. Hilarious video btw. You can see that Maher was noticeably taller than Martin at the beginning (40 second mark) and Maher looked longer (taller) 15 years ago than he does today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zdNmKsy0gY
Bruster said on 3/Nov/14
I have walked beside Maher, and he's not one 1/100th an inch over 5' 4'. I don't care what he says. I am 5' 10'. And I promise you he had on heels and was well over five inches shorter than I am.
Ian C. said on 11/May/14
Well I was interested in the list, and thank you. I am elderly (over 60) and I don't know who fourteen of these celebrities are. All are currently active, I notice. None is dead. When I search after a celebrity's height it is because I think he is unusually short or tall, or because I suspect he's lying about his height. Sometimes I'm interested in how tall an actor is if he has played a part demanding a character of a certain height, and I want to see if he really is that tall or short. I'll check the height of a talk show host so I can use him as a gauge in judging the heights of his guests. Otherwise I'm not particularly interested. I have lately grown to like and admire Jennifer Lawrence, for example, but I don't actually care how tall she is.

Editor Rob
sometimes circumstances generate interest in certain heights...maybe people at awards shows or chat shows or films whose height becomes of interest.
Ian C. said on 7/May/14
Actually, Dwerb, an interest in celebrity heights is not in itself hostile to short celebrities. I do not condemn a man for being short, but I will take a malevolent glee in catching him pretending that he isn't if he is. I am not alone in this, and I'll bet there is a lot of traffic to the pages of suspected height fibbers like Sylvester Stallone and Tom Cruise.

Editor Rob
For anybody who is interested, this data from last month is from a search engine and the kind of top names people search for related to height terms...
Tom Cruise
Taylor Swift
Kevin Hart
Justin Bieber
Josh Hutcherson
Kim K
Jennifer Lawrence
Robert Downey
Dave Franco
Ariana Grande
Emma Stone
Mark Wahlberg
Zac Efron
Kit Harington
Katy Perry
Harry Styles
Scarlett J
Brad Pitt
Andrew Garfield
Chris Evans
Lil Wayne
Selena Gomez
Sophie Turner
Johnny Depp
Bruno Mars
Kanye West
Hugh Jackman
Sly Stallone 1/4 the amount of searches compared to Tom
Arnie 1/4 the amount of Tom
Kendall Jenner
Cameron Diaz
Chris Hemsworth
Ben Affleck
Jimmy Fallon
Daniel Radcliffe
Steve McQueen 1/200th the amount of Tom
Woody Allen 1/660th the amount of Tom
Cary Grant 1/700th
Elizabeth Taylor 1/2000th the amount of Tom
PLB said on 13/Jan/14
I would have guessed shorter. But if our editor Rob who is himself 5'8" says he's 5'8"- I have to agree.
John Francis Burglecutt said on 18/Mar/13
5' 5" bank on it
AA said on 16/Nov/12
I'd say he's my height flat. 5' 7.5"
dwerb said on 22/Oct/12
this height obsession with people is ridicules.are people that insecure they have to try and find something they think is wrong with someone to make themselves feel better?or is it ignorance?the height complex comes from all the people making fun of shorter people so don't blame small people for something society pushed on them=truth.
it seems some are disappointed when they hear their favorite stars height?what does that have to do with anything?that way of thinking does not even make sense and if it does to you im afraid you have problems/insecuritys...
linke said on 21/Sep/12
5'7 and change.
max said on 19/Sep/12
saw him this week, he looks quite different in person than on tv. 5-8 i is pretty accurate.
mr handsome said on 8/Sep/12
Rob, Are You Sure He Is Still 5'8" Barefoot. Or Do You Think He Is Only 5'8" Out Of Bed

Editor Rob
I think near enough 5ft 8 is a good shout for him...out of bed over 5ft 8 flat
Ken said on 5/Aug/12
He's probably 5' 8" but he has a short man's complex so people think he's 5 5.
Mike O said on 4/Aug/12
Saw him on the street in New York about five years ago. Not as tiny as I imagined he'd be. I'd put him at about 5'7", not more. A little bit better looking in person and his voice isn't quite as nasally. Walks pretty quickly.
Paul said on 13/Jun/12
5'8" my ass. He's about 5'6".
Edie said on 27/Dec/11
I saw him hanging at the bar part of the Improv one night. I swear he was shorter than me and I'm 5,3. Id did have heels on but there is no way he's 5,8.
jxkd said on 21/Nov/11
Me and my friend met him at the ama afterwards and he was at most an inch taller than me. I'm 5'6. And I was in vans while he was in dress shoes.
george555 said on 21/Aug/11
Bill is at least 5'8'', if not 5'9''.
chris z said on 22/Jul/11
bill maher doesnt look 5 foot 8 to me, 5 foot 6 or 7 sounds about right.
Clay said on 28/Dec/10
HAHA 5'5/5'6...
What a laugh this place is good for at times. He is 5'8''.
Anonymous said on 13/Apr/09
glenn says on 30/Dec/07
i could swear he was taller than 5-8.either he is a lift wearer or he doesnt know his height.
glenn it now seems like you were the one who didnt know his own height huh?
Clay said on 9/Apr/09
5'8 is not so short, so short would be like 5'6.
Danimal said on 23/Feb/09
SuperAnonymous says on 22/Feb/09
What? I am shocked! I always thought he was a very tall guy. He looks so tall on TV. I always thought he was in the 6'1" - 6'4" range. Really surprised that he is so short.
WOW, there goes your credibility.
SuperAnonymous said on 22/Feb/09
What? I am shocked! I always thought he was a very tall guy. He looks so tall on TV. I always thought he was in the 6'1" - 6'4" range. Really surprised that he is so short.
Clay said on 17/Oct/08
What? Maher's hair makes him look taller than Glenn, but really there is maybe max .5 of an inch between them.
A-Bomb said on 1/Oct/08
I watched him interviewd by Jon Stewart tonight on The Daily Show. He barely looked taller - an inch at the most if that. I think this finally makes me think maybe Glenn was 5'8" first thing in the morning and was closer to 5'7" at night when his photo's were taken. Ive always thought of him (Glenn) as at least 172cm and defended him, but now 170cm seems reasonable.
Clay said on 28/Aug/08
Looked an easy 5'8'' next to Leno.
Brad said on 11/Jul/08
Met him today, he's 5' 7". Now I know Glenn's height.
Davey said on 21/May/08
He doesnt come off as a 5 '9 guy to me.I think hes a boot wearer.Ill give him 5'7 barefoot.
Goober said on 21/Apr/08
I ran into this guy in a club in Hollywood about 9 years ago. I'm 5'10" barefoot and this guy was tiny. He barely came up to my eyes, if that. I was so suprised that I look at his shoes and saw they had really thick soles and heels, so if there is no way Maher is more than 5'6", if that. He was with two women, who appeared of questionable morals, and they both towered over him in their heels.
Danimal said on 2/Jan/08
My question is, when did Maher lose all his hair on top? Last I remembered it was slicked back and NOT entirely bald on top as it is in the above pic.
glenn said on 1/Jan/08
i bump into them or for the most part know where to find them.
Chris said on 31/Dec/07
glenn, how do you find all these celebrities??
glenn said on 31/Dec/07
maher also stating he is 5-9 and maybe a dress boot involved sure explains the pic better.
Danimal said on 31/Dec/07
I respect your opinion Viper, but the way I see it and this is trying to be as objective as possible, but O'reilly does NOT give others a chance to talk and starts calling them names and bullying them if they differ with his and in reality, with FOX's political agenda. Maher can get emotional, but he just seems a lot more rational and logical and doesn't threaten to BOOT his guests off his show if they stand up for what they believe in. Olberman is a tool, much like O'reilly. They both try to get people riled up, where as you can tell with Maher, that that is not his agenda.
Anonymous said on 31/Dec/07
no way 5'8, I would say around 5'9 or 5'10
Viper said on 31/Dec/07
Heh, I have to disagree with you there totally Danimal. Im not really an O'reilly fan either. But I like him more than Maher. Though, Keith Olbermann is the worst of the worst.
Danimal said on 30/Dec/07
I have read that he has stated his own height as 5'9" as well. Most people who claim they can't stand him, because he is too arrogant and too liberal, it's those same people who claim they respect the biggest !@#!# of all: Bill O'reilly, only because he supports the war and is a very religious man, yet he is the most fascist bullying, biased individual on American TV, yet most conservative religious republicans love him and overlook the fact that he is a complete sensationalistic fraud. Bill Maher on the other hand is as real as you can get. The best!
glenn said on 30/Dec/07
i could swear he was taller than 5-8.either he is a lift wearer or he doesnt know his height.didnt talk to him much danimal.he was nice though.
Fisher said on 30/Dec/07
I've met him before, hes exactly 5'8, nice job.
Original said on 30/Dec/07
He Looks a 5'9
Shawn Jones said on 29/Dec/07
You take note of the footwear Glenn? I can't stand this guy. Comes across as very arrogant.
Anonymous said on 29/Dec/07
he looks 174cm in the pic with glenn
Danimal said on 29/Dec/07
Honestly, I think Bill Maher is the best!! Did you have a chance to talk to him Glenn?
glenn said on 29/Nov/07
im surprised.i just got this guy and he was around 5-10.bizzare.
Danimal said on 27/Nov/07
He's no 5'6". 5'8"-5'9". Ellen, with all due respect to you and your gender, but females are REALLY bad a judging someone's height. Especially that of guys.
Ellen said on 26/Nov/07
I saw Bill Maher on Miami Beach at his show on January 20, 2007 and I saw up front and he is VERY_VERY_SHORT. If he's 5'6" that would be pushin' it....Much shorter than one would think....
antron said on 6/Sep/07
he has said that he has a big head before, so even if he is rather slight, his head could give him that extra inch or so. A 5'9" head on a 5'6" body so to speak; could make him 5'8".
Danimal said on 31/Mar/07
It's an american show Viper. Henry has guys like Ozzy, Bill Maher and lots others come on. Henry was kissing Ozzy's @##@. He worships the man.
Viper said on 31/Mar/07
Danimal, does that show only come on in Canada?
Danimal said on 29/Mar/07
The man's not short. He was on the Henry Rollins show and was about the same height as Henry, who's at least 5'9".
Viper said on 29/Mar/07
He looks 5-8 to me.
Alexander said on 29/Mar/07
5-7 max sounds about right. Don't buy 5-8, he has the appaearance of a slightly built person.
TNTinCA said on 18/Oct/06
Hard to believe he dated 6 foot Ann Coulter once. Reason 1, that must have been a bizarre looking height difference. Reason 2, well, any guesses? ;-)
trueheight said on 4/Sep/06
actually, I do believe he's 5'8; dunno about footwear though. He was like almost as tall as Rep. Darrell Issa who represents the 41s district here in CA; he's 5'10, i've actually shook hands w/ Mr. Issa
J. said on 6/Jun/06
I met Bill after one of his shows. I'm 5'2 and was wearing 4.5" heals and I was a little bit taller than him. I'd say he's 5'6.
trueheight said on 9/May/06
5'7; I was at a taping of maher's show this season w/ none other than...Seth Green. Green was in sneakers and maher was about 4in taller. anyway, if you're a fan of HBO than you undoubtebly have seen Maher's '98 special in which his 2-3in heels were very very apparent. He's 5'7 barefoot
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/06
He has been listed in People Magazine I think as 5-9. Clearly a misprint.