Jasmine said on 10/Feb/07
I ran into her once. I am 5'7" myself without heels. She is at MOST 5'4" but that was assuming she was wearing flats at the time.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/07
She is skeletal lately. Something about Brad Pitt, Aniston got too skinny too while dating him. Guess he likes them scarily thin. I think more around 5'6. In Mr. and Mrs. Smith, when there is a scene where they list their stats, Brad is said to be 6'1" and Jolie is listed at 5'7". So, I don't think anyone agrees with the Brad listing but Jolie is no more than 5'7.
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/07
after looking at her near brad pitt and near kidman a think she is closer to 5'6 possibly 169
Dee said on 23/Jan/07
Angie is the prettiest thing to walk the earth as if today. And she's a good actress too. I totally admire her. And Ricardo; Skin and bones? Don't think so. Maybe it's cause most gals you see are kinda 10-20 sizes bigger? That's what you get for eatin at Mac'ies every day.
Aaanyway: she's great! :D
boo said on 16/Jan/07
5'5 - 5'6" TOPS. No taller.
anonymous said on 10/Jan/07
i think she may be the 5'8 claim she's stated. very tall and gorgeous in person. at the very least, 5'7.

Editor Rob
never heard her say 5ft 8, which magazine/program?
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/07
5'6, I think 5'8" was the standard 2" bump up for actors. She clearly is an inch shorter than Sevigny. Looking again maybe even 1.5" - 2" and both in heels, neither with a platform.
mimi said on 4/Jan/07
look at the interview of her on the ellen degeneres show. Now according to this site ellen is 5'7, and in the interview angelina was wearing shoe that were easy 3 inches...and still was no taller than ellen. why this lie that she is 5'7 when in fact she is hardly taller than 5'5 ...maybe 5'5 1/2.
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/06
brad has 4 inches on jolie but looks 5 inches since he wears aleast 1.5 in when she wear sleepers
Glenn said on 31/Dec/06
Seemed 5-10 to me.guess the footwear fooled me.
nothing said on 30/Dec/06
I am surprised Jolie is not 5'10" but the consensus here seems to be against it. I guess because she's so slender height is added. Thought I saw a pic recently of her with Pitt at almost same height, but I forget where and my memory could betray me. One thing about Jolie especially lately is that she looks like a skeleton. She needs to eat. No way one could be eating enough and be that skinny unless they are suffering from illness. So either she's ill or she's starving herself/regurgitating/whatever. Skin and bones. Pitt must like her personality because if I was he I would not have gone with Jolie but who knows, sometimes personality makes up for alot.
Glenn said on 29/Dec/06
Thank you irsgrl :-).Rob agrees too.
irshgrl500 said on 28/Dec/06
Glenn says on 22/Dec/06
Who is Dan Futterman?
Dan Futterman wrote the screenplay, "Capote" and was Amy's brother, Vincent on the show, "Judging Amy".
BTW Glenn, since you have met AJ and say she is 5'7", I am going to go with your observation.
Glenn said on 25/Dec/06
Duvall is 5-10.or was.5-9ish now.ran into him last month in the street.not the internet.
The Horse of FUNK said on 24/Dec/06
I think part of the reasoning for Jolie to be thought of as being shorter than 5'8 and 5'7 (below 5'7 is just absurd) is because so many people are either convinced or simply want to believe Pitt is 5'11 or shorter. Pitt generally maintains a solid 4" on her, too. If anything, she's 7'.5" at the bare minimum.
Glenn said on 24/Dec/06
Thats your opinion that your entitled too.instead of studying internet photos,I met these people.Brad can appear 6-1 in the street.so he is no smaller than 5-11.
Paul said on 23/Dec/06
How comes that 5-10 Jonny Lee Miller is 3 inches taller than Jolie, in spite of Angie's heels? Come on. No way Jolie is that tall. Brad and Jonny are 5-10 guys and they are both much taller than Angelina Jolie.
Glenn said on 22/Dec/06
Jolie isnt smaller than 5-7.
Anonymous said on 22/Dec/06
jolie is not 5'8 . in pictures with 5'9 gwyneth paltrow she looks about 3 inches shorter.
Glenn said on 22/Dec/06
Who is Dan Futterman?
Sunny said on 22/Dec/06
OK, Glenn, she is 5-7.5-8. So how tall is Dan Futterman?
Glenn said on 22/Dec/06
Alot of people dont listen.never mind 5-8,she appeared 5-10 in Doc marten type boots that went up her to knees.at least 5-7.5-8 most likely.strange that she would be at a whole foods market in that part of the city when there is one where she resides in the city.
Coco said on 19/Dec/06
I saw her weight listed as 120. That would coincide with being 5'7" or so. The weight scale is 5 feet = 100 lbs. and for every inch over 5' you add 1-2 pounds per inch for a model 2-3 pounds for a healthy but slim, 3-5 pounds for healthy average, 10 pounds per inch overweight, etc. So, 5'7" x 2-3 pounds would be 114 to 121 lbs. She looks really skinny though.
D. Ray Morton said on 16/Dec/06
"every millimetere's a battleground, every 1/4 inch a massacre, in the world of celebrity height, you better not come up short!"
Beautiful, Rob.
- said on 16/Dec/06
why do people fight over celebrity's heights?! wow that ryhmes!

Editor Rob
every millimetere's a battleground, every 1/4 inch a massacre, in the world of celebrity height, you better not come up short!
Glenn said on 15/Dec/06
Hey man,Jolie is 5-7 or 5-8.you ever meet her? I did. if not,dont be so sure of yourself.
dmeyer said on 14/Dec/06
brad does tower over her by 13 to 15 cm so either he alwais have lifts or she might be 167 cm also i do think he wear elevator all the time my girlfriend is 5'7 to 5'7.5 i have about 4 inches on her but i dont tower like brad does with herhe looks 3 inches taller when she has 3.5 inches heels
Investigator said on 7/Dec/06
Brad Pitt does seem to tower over her alot, and hes 180cm max.

Editor Rob
brad pitt is not a normal shoe wearing posture standing human.
irshgrl500 said on 5/Dec/06
Hi Tiff,
I checked out the picture of Jolie and Futterman. BTW, Dan Futterman is 5'9". In this picture, Jolie is wearing heels and still appears to be 1 1/2"- 2" shorter than Futterman. It is hard to tell; neither one is standing straight. I would guess Jolie to be about 5'5".
paleface said on 16/Nov/06
I don't think she's as short as 5'4, but she sure as hell isn't 5'7. My guy friend and I are exactly the same height 5'9 (I'm a woman), and if I wear even a small heel, i.e. less than 2 inches, I'm taller than he is, even when we're both wearing shoes. If she was really 5'7, she's be taller than Dan Futterman with the wig and the heels. The wedges look like they're in the neighborhood of 3 inches, but let's assume it only gives her 2'5 inches of height, which would bring her up to 5'9.5 if she were 5'7, include a very conservative 1 inch of hair for the wig and she's up to 5'10.5, she'd still be noticeably taller than 5'9.25 Dan (adding 1.25 inches for the shoes). In reality, she's still shorter than he is with all the additional height. I'd say she's 5'5 and some change.
susie q said on 13/Nov/06
sorry, folks. Talked to Angelina on Madison Avenue. No way she's over 5'4". More likely 5'3". Remember, skinny looks taller.
Meme said on 10/Nov/06
Yep, that's the pic. I've seen other pics of the same night, and they both have similar heels on, about 3 in. Even if the angle favored Lohan, the body proportions don't give Angelina a 3 in. advantage on Lohan. I'm 5'4" and my 5'7" friends look much taller/longer than I do in pics, whatever the angle. I would give Lohan 5'4" and Angie maybe 5'5". Whatdya all think?
Dunken said on 7/Nov/06
to Meme:
Lindsey Lohan is slightly taller than 5'4, maybe an eyebrow above 5'5.
Angelina looks, both in movies and candids, a solid 5'6.5, 5'7.
Tiff said on 6/Nov/06
She was in Calgary/Edmonton last summer with Brad (who was filming Jesse James)...and my friends who saw them in person said that both her and Brad were a lot smaller than they appear. My friend is 5'5 and was wearing flip flops and she said that Angie was just as tall as her...and Angie was in heels!
Glenn said on 3/Nov/06
Havnt seen the pics.must be weird angles,perception, and or footwear.
Glenn said on 29/Oct/06
Jolie is 5-7,5-8.Pitt is 5-11.
anonymous2 said on 27/Oct/06
Y-Man, great pics. good to see you on this page as the 5-5 believers are few and far between here...:)
Lmeister said on 25/Oct/06
5'7'' looks rather accurate 5'8'' is possible...
anonymous2 said on 24/Oct/06
That card may be from when she was a teen and still growing, but I doubt she is over 5-5 now. and if pitt is 5-9, not 5-11, then 5-5 makes sense for her.
Glenn said on 24/Oct/06
Absurd.she gave me the illusion of 5-10 in doc martin type boots.so I would say 5-8 is a slight possibility.
Alex said on 23/Oct/06
Jolie is a solid 5'7 girl. These claims of 5'3-5'4 are impossible.
anonymous2 said on 11/Oct/06
someone mentioned using photo-editor to sharpen it and said it read "height: 5'4",but it would be great to have it posted
cluedin said on 11/Oct/06
can someone please provide a shot of the sharpened model card, it looks more like it does say 5'7 or even 5'9 to me if I blow it up. But I don't know how to make it clearer.
anonymous2 said on 10/Oct/06
why doesn't it say 5-7 on her model card?
Anonymous said on 5/Oct/06
I have never met her, but just a picture of her with renee zellweger, christina aguilera, missy elliot and mary j blige (who was the tallest wearing a hat) and even with angelina tilting her head back which makes her seem a bit more tall, the difference beetween her and the other girls is not that much, so she can't be that tall, I think 5'5 is correct.
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
Agreed, she is 5-6 1/2 minimum, more 5-7 to me though.
Lmeister said on 4/Oct/06
It is ridiculous to say that she is 5'4''. This is really accurate...
Chris said on 3/Oct/06
She has stated her height as 5'7''. It is about 8-10 cm between her and Brad.
anonymous2 said on 2/Oct/06
she can look taller, but I think she is 5'4 to 5'5.
Chris said on 2/Oct/06
i love this woman. and yes...she's a mere 5'5.
Dakota_Pony said on 25/Sep/06
I'd say she's about 5'6.5". Foot size has nothing to do with it. I am a solid 5'7" (probably a little over) and have a 7.5 US shoe. My best friend is 5'1" and takes an 8 or an 8.5 in often the same shoes (neither of us have children which seems to expand the foot permenantly for a lot of women I know).
john said on 23/Sep/06
I tend to agree with you on this one, Viper652. That felt wierd to type.
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
Its possible she is only 5-6. I still think she is 5-7 though.
Brad said on 3/Sep/06
5' 6". Brad with his regular cycle boots on towers over her at 6' 1". Check out photos with Billy Bob.
anonymous2 said on 2/Sep/06
dmeyer, I've seen an old paparazzi pic of pitt with gwyneth paltrow, full body, both barefoot. he is standing slightly above her and his posture isn't perfect, but to me it is pretty clear they are close in height. however paltrow is nude in it, which is why I didn't post it.
dmeyer said on 30/Aug/06
it would be great to have a brad pitt barefeet pics beside sombody
Anony said on 28/Aug/06
I take it back, in the first 2 airport photos she looks more 5'8 than 5'9. Still, she's probably still wearing above-average heels though, something like 2" or so.
Anony said on 28/Aug/06
Brad and Angie at an airport:
Click HereClick HereShe actually looks 5'9 here - as the Nike saying goes: "must be the shoes"!
Then taking a romantic stroll holding hands (awwww):
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereHere's the key my friends - check out the shoes:
Click HereAha! Angie is going heel-less!
All-in-all (except for the 4th picture which catches Brad mid-stride in a walk-cycle thus shortening him, and one or two others where Angie is slightly in mid-stride also, shortening her), Brad and Angie in regular 1" heeled shoes show a difference of roughly 5" in my eyes. Since Brad is listed at around 5'11, this makes Angie roughly 5'6. Among that series, the best one to to use for guaging height to me, is this one where both have their legs almost fully straightened out:
Click HereThis is the whole page with the full story where the pics came from, in case you're curious:
Click Here
Anony said on 28/Aug/06
Di, to me your pic suggests Angelina has a good 2-3" over Gillian, just compare their eye and shoulder levels. Angelina also isn't standing straight like Gillian, her head a little bit stooped forward which loses an inch or so. If Gillian's heels are 1" bigger than Angelina's that would add another inch for Angelina. So that's about a 3.5" difference, if this site lists Gillian at 5'2.5, that pic suggests Angelina to be about 5'6.

Editor Rob
anderson does have platform heels on, so that might give advantage
Viper652 said on 28/Aug/06
Keep in mind that Brad Pitt can be 6-1 in lifts. 5-4 for her is still pretty far out there.
Gina said on 27/Aug/06
Recently, Angelia was shown walking with Brad Pitt. He towered over her at 5'11" and she was wearing high heels!!! She CANNOT be 5'8. Sorry guys to ruin your "tall" fantasy. She is more likely 5'4" and that's average height. As they say, stars look taller on the screen! See this video by copying and pasting:
Click Here
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Correct Simone.
Simone said on 13/Aug/06
5'8 or 5'7 tops, there's no way she's 5'5 or any lower. I've met her and I'm 5'6 1/2 and she was a little taller then me plus she was'nt wearing heels. I met her when she was just out and about shopping.
ds said on 11/Aug/06
I think it's hard to judge from just pics. And even so you can almos tnever accurately measure someone, the nurse or a doctor can be wrong by about 2or 3 cm up or down and it happens all the time. Especially whe nmeauring on a carpeted floor.
kathrine said on 11/Aug/06
no way shes 5ft7.. if bare footed i'll give her to be 5ft5.5(1.66m) no more or less..
MMK said on 10/Aug/06
After looking at the pics provided by Cluedin, I'd say Angelina is 5'6".
Viper652 said on 10/Aug/06
Most of the time I would beleive a shorter height from the past on a card, but with Angelina she just physically looks a good deal taller than 5-4.

Editor Rob
has anyone got a link to the large scan of her model card?
sara said on 9/Aug/06
Shoe size means nothing. My mom is 5'3 and wears size 8.5 in US size. Big shoe size doesn't mean anything. Thecard itself says 5'4. Why is there still an argument?
absent said on 6/Aug/06
There were pics of her barefoot walking with Brad Pitt, they kinda looked close in height.
Natalie said on 3/Aug/06
I have to say that it's not true. It can't be true. She looks much more taller than 170 cm. I think she's in the same height with Cameron Diaz.
Alex said on 2/Aug/06
Viper, thank you. I say you can throw anything under 5'7 out the window now. Especially those 5'4-5'5 claims. 5'8 she could be but looks more 5'7 though and could be calling height in shoes.
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/06
So where are all these so called pictures of her that prove she is 5'7?
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
Thank you Chris.
Chris said on 1/Aug/06
Saw a program on Mtv about Angelina Jolie and they asked her some questions and some of them included, place of birth, age and height. She answerd and at the same time text came up. This was back in 2003 and she said:
"I´m 28 years old, I was born the fourt of June in 1975 in Los Angeles. I´m 5'7''."
Viper652 said on 1/Aug/06
She could be 5-7 1/2 on the dot.
Glenn said on 31/Jul/06
I just saw a barefoot pic of her with Brad.Brad wasnt barefoot.she appeared 5-7,5-8.
Karen said on 31/Jul/06
I can't even hazard a guess, but I'd agree that she could be around 5'10 with very high heels, and another person here mentioned her wearing stilettos, so Glenn's est. seems sensible. However I don't think you can use length of limbs or size of feet as a reliable indicator of height. There are plenty of people of average height who have long arms/legs or larger feet.
amanda said on 31/Jul/06
there is no way she is 5'5-5'4 that's ludicrous. she looks a solid 5'7 if not taller. her limbs and body are too lanky and lean to be any shorter.
900 said on 30/Jul/06
i always thought she was around 5'7" but that may be coz shes always wearing heels. im 5'6" and i hate my height coz i've always wanted to be a model and models have to be 5'7" and 5'9" for runway - god tall people are lucky. if you are a tell girl consider yourself lucky and dont ever wish to be short! trust me
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
Here is the picture I meant to link
Click HereHer legs, arms, and body just look far to long to look as short as 5-4 or 5-5. I think she is 5-7, hell maybe 5-7 1/2 and just rounds it up to 5-8. Could be as short as 5-6, but I doubt it.
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
I saw her at 5-10 in front of my face! footwear I guess.thanks for Backing me Viper.
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
Ive seen her look 5-10 in a picture next to a supposed 6-4 guy before on the net. I agree with the 5-7. She doesnt even have the body proportions of some chick that is 5-4 or 5-5.
Click Here
Glenn said on 29/Jul/06
Stop the nonsense. she is 5-7.
jen said on 28/Jul/06
she wears a size 9.5 shoe....isn't that pretty big for a "5'5" woman? Rob, is there any correlation?

Editor Rob
uk 8.5 is big yes, maybe she got big feet from her dad...I don't know about correlations
ayushi said on 27/Jul/06
she is 5'5 saw her on tour to pakistan she looked very pretty in traditional dress suit but she is not too busty .
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
That modeling card says 5'4". I'd say she is now 5'5" since that was a long time ago. But, yeah, is says 5'4".
Emil said on 26/Jul/06
That video is actually pretty good. Considering that Ellen is wearing dress shoes or sneakers (which may give her a little over an inch) and Angelina is wearing large stilettos (at least 3 inches) that would give Angelina approximately 2 inches on Ellen. Now, assuming that Ellen is 5'7" (which is one of the more generous claims), that would mean that Angelina is one inch shorter than Ellen barefoot. That would make Angelina 5'6" at the very most.
Anonymous said on 24/Jul/06
Watch this video of Jolie on the Ellen Show.
Click Here
Jolie is only about an inch taller than 5'6 or 5'7 Ellen, but after Angie sits down, you can see she is wearing huge red stilettos. No way in hell is she 5'7.
Dave said on 19/Jul/06
She is 5'7'in heels. i was stood behind her while she was buying Coke in CO-OP Iver Heath(near pinewood and her fulmer home) Shes not as chesty as i would have expected either
ER. said on 18/Jul/06
Agreed. Angelina is 5-7, Pitt is 5-11.
Maya said on 18/Jul/06
In reference to the post by Adrianna on May 11...that is in fact Jolie's official model card! To clear things up ONCE AND FOR ALL: It says "height: 5'4", bust: 33, waist: 24, hips: 33, shoes: 7, eyes: blue/green, hair: brown". If you don't believe me, then sharpen the image on photo-editor and see for yourselves!
Lo said on 17/Jul/06
How come most of the sightings have her at 5'4"-5'5" except for Glenn's?
Glenn said on 11/Jul/06
Correct Alex.
Alex said on 10/Jul/06
Angelina is 5'7, no less than that and Pitt I'd put at 5'11.
Kate said on 9/Jul/06
Last year I saw her at LAX, I was standing right next to her. I'm 5'4" and I was looking down at her. She is so tiny. She was holding Maddox so she can be 5'4" at most.
last word said on 8/Jul/06
Angelina is 5'7"...end of story, not an exageration. The pic with Faye Dunaway is proof. I met Faye in Hollywood. I am 5'8" and the height difference in the photo is proof,I was at least a good four inces over Faye Dunaway, she was standing right in front of me while I was ringing up her groceries. Angelina is in the fore front angle of this pic and slightly bent posture...Linsay Lohan is in the far background, you cannot use this pic to suggest she is Linsay's height, that is a no brainer. You can clearly see if she was standing completely straight in this pic she would be MUCH taller than Faye. Now, she does have a small body frame for her height, short torso, her height comes from her legs, she has long limbs. Trust me I lived in Hollywood and have seen the models, 5'7 may sound tall....but this size "tall" in Hollywood, the clothing size is size 4 or 6, very petite, waifish BODY FRAME (not talking height). As for all you short ppl on this thread that wish she was shorter ...sorry that YOU can't be taller but Angelina is tall and that is that.
Goldie said on 7/Jul/06
My friend met her and he said she is NOT 5"7, about 5'5. She apparently has a very lean long look so that can sometimes give the appearance of looking a little taller.
ice said on 29/Jun/06
That pic with Gillian Anderson doesn't count. Anderson is in PLATFORM heels, while Angelina is in standard heels. That makes a pic difference. So, 5'5 is far too low.I don't believe her to be under 5'6 at all, but i don't see the 5'7 either. so 5'6-5'6.5" as my guess. As for Brad, no more than 5'11. He wrote that down,so i doubt he's any taller than that. A vast majority of men round up, not down. Especially actors.
shara16 said on 28/Jun/06
From my opinion she is 5'7.5.And Brad Pitt ias may 6'
Glenn said on 27/Jun/06
Yes indeed Elio.except Brad can look 6-1 in public.
Glenn said on 26/Jun/06
it looked like these doc martin type long up her leg boots.maybe it had a heel on it.but seriously,she did look 5-10.so she is either 5-7,or I truly think 5-8.
elio said on 26/Jun/06
I saw her looking only about 2 inches or so shorter than 5'11" Brad in some footage on TV the other day (showed their full profiles too) .... so given the right footwear (and provided Brad aint in his Herman Munster shoes) she can look very tall for a woman. No less than 5'7" in my humble opinion.
Larry said on 26/Jun/06
I'd say Angelina is spot on 5'7". No less than 5'6.5" or more than 5'7.5". Er, and beautiful!
Glenn, Rob; I takes approximately 8 Heinikens (dark) to do that to me with perspective, but it NEVER made me see Angelina (sadly!!!).
trueheight said on 25/Jun/06
elizabeth, thats pretty much impossible as she never comes across as anything less than 5'7 in all her films
Gotxo said on 25/Jun/06
LOL to you she must be a godess, quit normal chap ;)
Yeah, i coudl buy her 5'7", i would be surprised if she is your height (5'8")
did you checked her footwear? Or were you looking to an upper zone? (Into her eyes i mean :D )
Elizabeth said on 22/Jun/06
I met Angelina several years ago (she had just adopted Maddox and him with her) and was surprised to see how short she is -- tiny, I would have said. I'm 5'4" and I would have been wearing 2" heels at the most. I'd be very, very surprised if she even reaches 5'4". She does not come across as a small woman at all in photos or on the screen, which seems to create the confusion.
ibiza said on 22/Jun/06
Here are a few links to maybe clarify this whole dilemma of how tall Angelina is, like were all gonna feel enlightened if we only knew how tall she really is. Hopefully this will put an end to this riduculous inquiry:
*Brad Pitt is 5'11" and Angelina looks about 5 inches shorter, which would put her at about 5'6".
Click HereClick HereClick Here
Anonymous said on 20/Jun/06
Check her out on 06/20/06
Click Here
She is in 2 inch heels and still three plus inches shorter than Anderson Cooper. Isn't he 5'8".
Jolie is 5'4" TOPS
jess said on 19/Jun/06
i think 5'5" at the most
Alex said on 18/Jun/06
Rob you're right as she doesn't look 5'8 but these claims of under 5'6 I just can't buy. Your listing of her I think is good.
john said on 8/Jun/06
hate laced, where do you hear about your average height?
hate laced said on 8/Jun/06
Alex I don't know where you hear about average height but 5'7 is average height for Healthy Females and 5'11 for dudes, alot of people don't eat enough or worked to hard an end up shorter and Kris what are you talkin about?
Alex said on 6/Jun/06
Average woman is 5'4.
richinkle said on 3/Jun/06
The following web site gives average heights for men and women in several dozen countries.
Click Here It says the average height of an American woman is 5'-4.1", and 5'-9.6" for an American man. This was based on a 1987 study. However, an April 5, 2004 New Yorker article, with a link at the website, notes that the height of Americans has not increased appreciably in about a generation because of poor nutrition in this country.
berry said on 3/Jun/06
I voted for 5'5 a while back and am sticking with that so far. A thought: one reason why AJ looks taller than that is because she a has VERY long, thin feet and hands for her height. Not proportionate (but still gawgeous). I think it makes a difference in how height is perceived.
Flemish said on 3/Jun/06
Aims where did you get that? American women are shorter.
Aims said on 3/Jun/06
The average height for an american woman is 5'6.
Kris said on 29/May/06
Her height makes her features very beautiful and visible as many can see. She's very lucky to have a height where she can be a normal woman with a good attitude and be appreciate of how "God" made her a beautiful appearance. She a woman with strength and power. She's a loving person with a gift to help the sick and the worse. An angel from the Gods. Bless her soul, for she will make a difference to the most. Make her see that she's very lucy to be created in a beautiful being. Like all human beings, we are all like one another.
Britainy said on 28/May/06
My friend met her at a movie premiere more than a few years ago and said that she was short. He's 5'6. So there's no way that she can be 5'7. Unless she's grown a couple of inches in 4 years.
Azarea said on 27/May/06
not 5'7, im 170, saw her here in London about a year and a half ago, she was barely 2-3 cm taller in heels, not small but average size heels, about the size of an index finger is the best i could describe it.i'de say without them, just a smidgen under 168.
jon said on 22/May/06
I think 5'3 is a the lowest for Jolie on this site. I guess I find Jolies height really confusing from the photo's I've seen. Other actress I'm usually pretty sure of and usually think their listed height is on target. Diaz is tall-Drew is short etc. I can buy Jolie being 5'7 but also I can believe 5'3. Guess I'll never know until I meet her-that should happen Uh... never!
elaine said on 20/May/06
a friend of mine met angelina jolie over the summer b/c she was filming part of 'the good shepard' in her backyard, and she got to meet her up close. my friend is about 5'5 and she says she and jolie were eye-to-eye but the actress was wearing 2-3 inch heels. therefore i'd say she's probably about 5'3. im sorry i dont have a picture but my friend does so i'll try to post it
ice said on 19/May/06
After looking at her a lot more closely, I give her 5'6 (168) I don't think 5'6.5 (169) is impossible, but I truly believe the 5'6 is the truth. Gia, other movies, and other photos were very telling. As for under 5'6, I don't see that at all.
Alex said on 18/May/06
I always read that Jolie was 5'8, never anything else and since I saw it that much I bought it plus she did look it. I could see her 5'7 though, unless she is wearing HUGE heels all the time. These 5'4-5'5 sightings are absurd. I'll stick to 5'7.
jon said on 12/May/06
Hey Paleface! That's a great find! I guess if Ann Curry (embarrassed to say I don't know who she is) then Jolie is 5'5 or 5'6 tops! I read a funny maybe telling comment by Joss Stone. She heard that Jolie and Pitt listened to her music. She refered to Angelina as "little miss angelina"! Well, maybe she was just jealous! I never thought about it but maybe your right about women in Mass being taller on average. I'm 5'10 and hardly tower over women in Noho. Maybe it's something to do with the Quabbin affecting height-just kidding. A friend lives in Philadelphia :what a great place. actually she lives in a town right on the edge of Philadelphia. I'm zoning out on it's name! Did you ever visit the 5 college community: a lot to do for such a small community. Ps-you have a really lively highspirited writing style!
paleface said on 9/May/06
Jackpot! Here's the picture I'm referring to:
Click Here and another picture of them posing together with Ann in flip flops and Angelina in boots.
Click Here
Based on this, I'd put in her in the 5'5 to 5'6 range, but no taller.
Hey Jon, I'm a Mass native as well. I've currently live in DC and have lived in Philadelphia. At 5'9, I felt really tall in both cities (I'm a woman), but not so much back home in Massachusetts. I think the woman may be taller than average in our home state.
paleface said on 9/May/06
"There's a picture of Ann Curry and Angeline Jolie in Namibia, Africa in US Weekly magazine and since Ann Curry is 5'6, Jolie looks a good 2 inches taller, making Jolie 5'8." I thought the same thing, but then I saw a full body shot of the two of them and Ann Curry is wearing flip flops and AJ is wearing big ass (3' at least boots). Of course, like an idiot, I forgot to save the picture. I'll post it if I can find it.

Editor Rob
see may 1st comment for the shoe pic
jon said on 6/May/06
Hi Kat No problem-it could be wishful thinking on my part-same way I wish most women looked like PreRaphaelite paintings. Still have to believe my eyes to though-most college age to 20 somethingish women seem over 5'5 to me. Not a lot-5'6 or 7 seem average. well, who knows-same as angelina it could be debated forever! Oh, I live in Northampton, Mass-a college town in New England. Visited Seattle about 6 yrs ago when my best friend graduated Smith and moved back to Langley. It was a beautiful city-I especially liked the sections called Magnolia and Queen Anne. Oh, it seems impossible to really figure out Angelina's height so I guess I'll just stick with 5'4/5 but who knows 5'7 is'nt impossible. I guess unless you meet someone-who knows? Even in real life my friends have conflicting heights. One friend thinks shes 5'6 but another(they look the same to me) thinks shes 5'8! Seriously!!! So, I guess my height varies depending on which one I'm with! Well, its fun to play guessing games. I'm concentrating on Tilda Swinton for a while -i've loved her acting since i saw her in Orlando.
Kats said on 5/May/06
LOL cool... thanks for following my tradition jon. I do post endlessly sometimes and I have a bad habit of posting a post before reading everything. So here I am again, posting something else because I didn't realize you would mention me more than once. Now I don't know ya, so I shouldn't be going out on a limb here but I can't help but think you feel most females are more than 5'4-5'5 because that's what you prefer. So maybe it's a case of "seeing what you want to see," ya know? In which case, I couldn't care less. Whatever you like doesn't bother me. I just think you have facts wrong based on statistics. If you took my "full of applesauce" comment in a bad way, I'm sorry. I get aggressive on here a lot so that's just my way. I personally wasn't angry at you because I don't take anything online seriously. And speaking about Angelina, I must say, I was ridiculous going back and forth changing my opinion with her height so easily. I wasted a lot of space with too many posts.
Kats said on 5/May/06
hey, it's cool jon. Keep on thinking what you want. I was actually walking the the streets in downtown Seattle this weekend, (so now you know "my world"--a basic USA city) and I thought I would try to observe heights of females. I was in regular tennis shoes so I was about 5'5.5 in them. As I've said countless times on this website, I think eyewitness accounts can be off. I still felt very average. A lot of females I was coming across seemed a little taller than me, but then I'd notice they were wearing heels. 5'3--5'5 really seemed to be the average height I came across/always do come across, with 5'4 being about the mode height. You have read statistics on average height haven't you? They all come to nearly a 5'4 conclusion for US females. Should I believe countless studies, plus my own eyes.... or you??? ;)
jon said on 3/May/06
Leonari: Excuse me? Read your unjustified insulting post to me. Why don't you and some of your cronies be so kind as to refrain from insults toward me if i disagree from them.. Just exactly what "serious bull" was i speaking? I did'nt insult all members:I was very specific about who had used direct or veiled insults towards me. I also very clearly said i was speaking about the Jolie page:people on the other pages I post on(Sharapova, Swinton) are very polite. You don't own this site so why don't you find a new place to post.My "overpoliteness " what exactly is that? So, sorry pal but I have as much right to be here as you and you posse do.
leonari said on 2/May/06
Jon : your over politeness is anoying to say the least. This site is great even if some of us lose our temper from time to time. We then apologize and it's all good.To call this site a "STRANGE LITTLE GROUP" now that is insulting! Why?because you insult all people who actively post on this site not just me. Please be so kind and find a place on a "polite" board where it's boring...
jon said on 1/May/06
Think I'll follow in Kats tradition and post endlessly. there's something very odd about this page-I post on Sharapova's and tilda Swintons. People are polite, agreee to disagree. Here rudeness reigns supreme. It's a private little club:guess i did'nt take out my membership. By the way Kats is telling me I'm full of applesauce a "polite" way of saying I'm full of s..t? Your the one you went on and on about Jolie being 5'5 or whatever. Now you've raised her height so I guess I'm need to follow the leader. Again to you Rob-watch your members. Rudeness to other members is your responsibility to delete! Oh, Kats-I never said being 5'4 was "disgracefull". I prefer tallish women(some people like redheads) so YES it makes a difference to me that she's short. Well, I'll let you people go about your little ways: I don't accept rudeness from people. This is one strange little group.
jon said on 1/May/06
Kats-still don't know what world you live in but most women under 30 I see are more than 5'4-sorry! Is'nt it funny how websites bring out the insults in insecure people-The horse of funk aka Leonari. Rob-you need to do a ethical job of editing insulting comments. I don't need to be called a "idiot". Anys sense of respnsibility on your part or is this all just part of the sick little game this page seems to be.
jon said on 1/May/06
Leonari, the Horse of funk-any chance your the same person registered under the same name? Hard to believe 2 back to back comments by such jackasses. Kats-sorry If i disagree with you. Guess you think since you post every second you have some special knowldge.
anonymous said on 1/May/06
There's a picture of Ann Curry and Angeline Jolie in Namibia, Africa in US Weekly magazine and since Ann Curry is 5'6, Jolie looks a good 2 inches taller, making Jolie 5'8.

Editor Rob
true, Ann Curry does look 5ft 6
and true
Taller easilyAnd AgainSo I guess I better raise her nearer 5ft 9?
CASE CLOSED, She's 174 easly!
but wait,
Look at both of their feet ;-)
As someone else mentioned, their footwear is heel vs shallow sandal. Doh!
Coffeecakes said on 30/Apr/06
You have Winona Ryder at 5'3.5, so if that's true, then these pics should be interesting to look at.
See how big Winona's heel is, and the uber flat sandal Angie is wearing.
Click HereStanding up. Angelina doesn't seem to be standing straight, leaning to her left.
Click HereI would say she is at least 5'7. I would say 5'7.5
Coffeecakes said on 29/Apr/06
Ann Curry is only 5'6? She must have some long limbs because she always looks like a tall woman. I would have put her at 5'8.
Chris said on 29/Apr/06
Seriously doubtful on the 5'7 front unless every single other person in the movie 'Gia' was over 5'9 and that is doubtful. She was the shortest one in that movie and was wearing heels. I would guess her to be around 5'5 and maybe... just maybe at 5'6.....
anonymous said on 28/Apr/06
Actually, she is wearing heels.
Click Here scroll down
Alex said on 27/Apr/06
5'5 isn't short for a woman. The average is 5'4 so 5'5 is around the average you can say. 5'7 and up is now tall for a girl.
sarah said on 27/Apr/06
there's a picture of here standing next to Ann Curry, who's supposed to be 5'6". i think this is the link
Click Here
and i know you can't see their feet, but angie is quite pregnant now, and in Africa, i don't think she'd be wearing heels that would make that much of a difference. in the picture, she's easily taller than ann. my guess, close to 5'8"?
The Horse of FUNK said on 26/Apr/06
Whoops, I meant 5'7.75" in my previous post. lol a 7'8 girl. Now that would be scary.
Kats said on 26/Apr/06
Full of applesauce, Jon. FULL OF APPLESAUCE. I'm 5'4.5 and even though I believe it is hard to accurately peg people's height when comparing yourself to them, I know for a fact I am basically dead-on with most females a come across. Of course there is a wide variety too--I come across plenty that are shorter and plenty that are taller. But for the most part, 5'4ish is the average. You're kidding yourself. I'm 22 by the way, so obviously I am mostly among under 30 people.
Elio said on 25/Apr/06
While I also don't agree with jon's guess of 5'4"- 5'5", there's no need to flame the guy for voicing his opinion.
His guess is 2-3" less than what editor Rob has given her .... there's plenty of other boards here where people have guessed 4"+ difference to what Rob has listed and they haven't been bashed.
Haylie said on 25/Apr/06
There is no way Jolie is 5'4 or 5'5 just be comparing photos of her and Pitt to photos of Pitt and Jennifer Aniston (who is around 5'4 or 5'5) then you can see she is clearly taller.
And Shellie 5'6 is a great height to be, you don't dissapear when you wear flat shoes but you can still wear heels and not be taller than most men- be happy! :-)
Shellie said on 25/Apr/06
I'm pretty sure from looking at her photos that she's 5'7.
I am quite ashamed of my height; 5'6"; because I've found the tall people look down on me and the short ones leer at me heh. I wish I wasnt so..in the middle.
leonari said on 24/Apr/06
jon: you talk some serious bull man!
The Horse of FUNK said on 24/Apr/06
Jon, you're an idiot. For one, if you think AJ's 5'5, then you need a new pair of glasses or somethin'. And second, 5'5 for women is average to above average height for women in most western countries.
As for the main topic though, I do believe AJ's 5'8. I think the reasoning for her to be listed as 5'7 on here is because of Pitt, who looks 6' to me, is all of the sudden 5'11 according to many on here.
Man, looks like Pitt's going to be 5'9 soon and Jolie might very well become 5'5 as well. I mean gosh, 'dem celebs just keep shrinking and shrinking.
jon said on 23/Apr/06
I'm still sticking with 5'5 tops-most likely 5'4. She looks short-yes 5'5 is short for a woman. 5'5 is derived from ALL woman:70yr olds, middle age, various ethnic groups. Sure if you look at it that way 5'5 is average. If you look at women(or men, though less so) in the teenage to 30ish group 5'5 is less than most. Go to a starbucks sometime and look at women and girls under 30. Most are over 5'5-not a lot but a inch or two.
ice said on 16/Apr/06
For some reason, every movie I rent has her in it. LOL. I just watched Gia. Looking at that, I would peg her at 168-169cm. A strong 5'6, if not 5'6.5. hmmm
Alex said on 8/Apr/06
Kats, I don't think shes 5'8 either in her barefeet. I did at first, but I think shes honestly 5'7 though. Shes on the tallish side for a female.
Alex said on 8/Apr/06
Runway models can be as low as 5'7. Other models like fitness models or commercial magazine models or whatever can def be under 5'7 and I've seen some as low as 5'0-5'1.
Kats said on 6/Apr/06
Rob, do you think Jolie is more than 2 inches shorter than her in the picture? Maybe 2 1/2? Jolie is leaning in a bit too.
You know, I am such a booger I am inclined to dismiss that picture if it turns out Jolie could be 5'7 based on the other stuntwoman. My first response would be to say, "well I bet the stuntwoman is less than 5'8." I definitely think Jolie is turning out to be MORE than 5'4-5'5, but I'm still not ready to say 5'7...
Kats said on 5/Apr/06
(dang, I guess down below my posts weren't combined as one like the other time-I feel like I am flooding this page lately.) To answer your question below Glenn, yes, some females wear lifts. I often think of lifts when I'm trying to compare celebrities heights because I wonder if that is ever effecting my judging.
Curious picture with Jolie and the apparent 5'8 stuntwoman. I can't tell if the stuntwoman really has that much huger heels though. The picture is dark, but Jolie looks like she has a bit of a heel herself. As much as the stuntwoman though? If this woman is a legit 5'8, Jolie looks like she would be about 5'6 to me...

Editor Rob
trust me, I've seen more pics of the stuntwoman and jolie. really does have big 2-inch sandals vs jolie normal shoes, actually I'd just say stuntwoman has 1-inch shoe advantage in reality...
Kats said on 4/Apr/06
Jen, gotta argue with your comment about runway models. Some runway models are listed even under 5'9, and I have a hunch some listed as 5'9 are less. Anyways, some are definitely less if you want to believe every listing. It's not common, but it happens.
Btw, checking out all the other posts since I've been here last... it's so interesting some people think she is around 5'4-5'5 and others think 5'7-5'8. She does look tall, but it is curious that if she was just about average height she's usually taller than most females she's around...
Kats said on 4/Apr/06
You know what... I have to upgrade her from my most recent 5'4-5'5 listing for her. I need to go back to my other thoughts and put her at at least 5'5.5, a solid 5'6. She may even be more than 5'6, but I'm not comfortable giving her 5'7 yet. She'll never be 5'8 to me. But I have happened to watch 2 of her movies the past few days and even though I was not judging seriously, I couldn't help notice she was taller than most females.
ice said on 3/Apr/06
Usually, I'm quick to call out a celeb I think is lying about their height. But, I actually think Jolie is tallish. I don't believe the 5'8 listing. But 5'7 or a LITTLE under is highly believable. She looks far too tall for a 5'5. 5'4 just seems out of the question. The shortest I can think for her is 5'6, and that's the absolute shortest.
cluedin said on 2/Apr/06
Rob, I'm confused. To me, this picture makes her definitely below 5'7, if the stunt lady is 5'7 or 5'8

Editor Rob
the stuntwoman has bigger sandals, so I can still see her near 5ft 7. In any case
Scroll down to bottom of page and see her in heels with deniro, and note some pics the slant of road...
MeLiSsA said on 2/Apr/06
I can't understand why people always say that EVERY celeb on here is extremely short. I know a lot of them are, but Angelina Jolie never looks short next to anyone. You will hardly ever see her with a taller girl and she's not that much shorter than Brad Pitt. And jon, ANYONE will look short next to a 6'2 or 6'5 girl. Angelinas perfect in every other way so ppl just have to lie cuz they're jelous.
Cherry said on 2/Apr/06
We can't see angelina's shoes in that pic! Huthart could be as tall as Jolie in my opinion, why is so difficult to find a picture of Angelina and a 3-4 inch taller woman?

Editor Rob
yeah, I already know the exact heel sizes of the shoes ;-)
the point was simply that somebody wanted a pic of a lady looking taller...hence in this case, the stuntwoman in the pic looks 2 inches taller, so dada!
But, seriously, stuntlady has 2-inch sandals, Jolie about 1.25 type shoes on so it still puts Angelina in 5ft 7 range...it is harder for people to argue the 5ft 5 which has been mentioned a bit on this page...incidentally, stuntlady was 5ft 7 back on Gladiators *shock*
Byron said on 2/Apr/06
Rob, can you find a picture of Angelina and a taller woman?

Editor Rob
I don't know whether this post will placate those who think Jolie is under 5ft 7...anyway...firstly:
In this picture, the lady who is taller than Jolie is a stunt actress called Eunice Huthart. She has given her details
on StuntNet with her height as 5ft 8. She was also a competitor turned gladiator on the early 90's british version of that Gladiators type show.
jen said on 1/Apr/06
you guys are all wrong....to be a runway model u have to be 175cm or up (5'9 or up)..and the average female runwau model is 5 foot 10!..every single internet site says angelina jolie is 5 foot 7....she is above average. she isnt short but she isnt really tall!
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/06
In "Original Sin" is Jolie barefooted taller then Banderas (barefooted). Is Angelina 5'8 and Antonio 5'7?
~Nate~ said on 31/Mar/06
When I saw her at Comic Con here in San Diego a few years back, she is soo gorgeous in person! Very sweet too. My sister is 5'8 exactly and her and Jolie were both wearing sandals, they were about the same exact height! So 5'7 5'8 seems logical enough to me.
jon said on 31/Mar/06
I still go with 5'5 tops-probably 5'4. I wish someone could find a photo of her with someone like 6'2 Maria Sharapova or 6'5 Lauren Jackson. It would be funny and show her as the "shortie" she is.
Glenn said on 31/Mar/06
If you say so.Im sure you met her.
berry said on 30/Mar/06
No way, Jolie is no way 5'7. No chance, no how. Not even close.
(just had to get that in. she's around 5'5)
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
Ive seen her look 5-10 in boots.so I say 5-7 minimum.anything is possible and we know that ground levels and posture can make a photo decieving.and it never,ever occured to me since female height never interested me much,but do females wear lifts?
Kats said on 29/Mar/06
(another post to add--I hope my last two on this page can be combined into one, and then omit this sentence in this post, thanks!)
Glenn, back again! Perhaps I should take a breather and allow you to answer back to me and jimbo, but I'm curious for you to tackle this picture specifically:
Click HereAs Rob has mentioned, grass is difficult and undoubtedly this won't be accurate, but it's still a pretty good idea in comparing Jolie and Lohan. You yourself said Lohan looked 5'3. How in the world is Jolie 5 inches more? She's not even 5 inches more IN THE PICTURE and she's actually closer to the camera, and is up straighter than Lohan. I doubt Lohan's area of grass is a significant amount taller...
Kats said on 29/Mar/06
Like Jimbo, I am interested in knowing this as all. Never thought I'd disagree with ya, Glenn! Sometimes our opinions are an inch off, but that's still not "disagreeing" to me. But with Jolie, whoa! There is too much proof that Jolie is below her listing here of 5'7. Forget 5'8! My first comment on this page put her at 5'6, and later I've decided to downgrade her again after more viewings. I'm pretty comfortable with 5'5, maybe even a little less. Your 5'8 claim is most curious...
jimbo said on 28/Mar/06
what makes you think jolie is 5'8 glenn ? .
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
Jolie is 5-8.
Rae said on 26/Mar/06
Kats, You're Too Cool. Thank You; Your Information Was Most Helpful. :)
Alex said on 25/Mar/06
Everytime I see Jolie, she doesn't appear as short as 5'4-5'5 as some of you are saying. I don't think shes 5'8 anymore like I use to. Shes gotta be 5'7 or at least 5'6.5.
Byron said on 25/Mar/06
She's not very tall, but I don't know why I can't find a picture of Angelina with a taller woman...I really don't know! Can you help me?
Kats said on 24/Mar/06
I still totally disagree with that, Tybor. If you have an oval shaped head, especially when it is combined with a thin neck and square shoulders, you will look taller. Another example is Amanda Bynes whom I talk about a lot. She appears taller than she is because she has the same features as Jolie. Rianna, I've also discussed... another prime example.
Another example is me! People always think I am taller because I have the same oval head, thin neck and square shoulders. Comic books ain't real life, even if they are drawn to look realistic. Another thing is... we are often looking at people from their torso upward, and the main thing we see is their head, so that larger, oblong head tricks us into thinking they are a bigger person. With comic characters, we are seeing the whole, small TWO demension looking body at once.
Tybor said on 23/Mar/06
Actually one of the tricks when drawing comic books is that a larger head gives the illusion of a shorter, stumpier character. Smaller heads in proportion make the character seem taller and sleeker. In fact, that's how u would measure a character- in terms of how many heads tall they are.
Rae said on 23/Mar/06
Honest question: When it is said that the average woman is 5'4, is this including every race and culture? I'm Hispanic and most women I know from this background (growing up in El Paso, living in Dallas now) are much shorter than that. Women from different cultures appear taller to me than 5'4. I'm asking a serious question and would appreciate a serious response without insult. I am not trying to offend, but only trying to understand this. I take into consideration that my being 5'3 and mostly wearing no heeled shoes gives the illusion of many women appearing taller to me (due to their heeled shoes) but unless they are wearing stilletos, they will only be a couple of inches taller, no?
Kats said on 22/Mar/06
No a large head won't make you look shorter. Please, elio! You mean to tell me large headed Angelina looks shorter than she really is? She she looks like what, 5'2 to you?! LOL The eyeline comment does not fly either. There will not be that much of a difference in eyelines to create a bad illusion for people with large heads. And it's not just about LENGTH of the head when people are talking "large." It's how the bones are constructed width-wise as well. Let's also remember, Angelina has the other necessary illusion-creators for more height as well--skinniness and square shoulders.
Thanks Jon, but how is it disgraceful for her to be less than 5'6, especially less than 5'5? Does that change how she looks? Does it change ANYTHING? No. And how is 5'4 a "shortie" when that's average for a female!
Wake up, dudes. ;)
elio said on 12/Mar/06
a larger head will actually make you look shorter, and the eyeline will be at the same height as someone shorter.
jon said on 11/Mar/06
I think Kats has a good point-so many celebrities have their heights eggagerated. It makes it hard to judge. I think though it's telling that almost everyone here thinks she's 5'5 or 5'4:a shortist woman. I'm sticking with 5'5 but maybe thats because I don't want to picture her at only 5'4! I'm not thrilled by it but I guess Jolie is a shortie!
Kats said on 9/Mar/06
Once again, a big oval head, and a large forehead will give an illusion of more height. Ever time. I know it gets hard to compare heights when so many people are listed incorrectly (of the generous nature), but she's probably no more than 5'5.
jon said on 6/Mar/06
I always thought of Jolie as tall-5'10 maybe. I was surprised to see listings for her at 5'8 and 5'7. Gweneth Paltrow is I believe 5'10 and it seems pretty obvious in "Sky Captain and the World of Tommorrow" that Jolie's height is "boosted" to make them the same. It's dissapointing but I honestly think she's 5'6 tops and 5'5 or even 5'4 isnt out of the question. It won't happen but a stocking feet shot of her with say Paltrow or Cameron Diaz could sove it. I'm going with 5'5?
mike said on 24/Feb/06
my cousin is a marine and met her in person in DC at some meeting about her work in africa. he said she was short and appeared to be roughly 5'4".
A said on 24/Feb/06
Here's Jolie with Wynona Ryder (5'3.5"). 5'6.5"-5'7" seems right for her.
rae said on 23/Feb/06
I honestly thought Angelina was at least 5'9. In watching her in Taking Lives & Mr. And Mrs. Smith I didn't think her leading men towered over her. I guess I have to watch them again. I never knew short women (or I suppose average height) could have such huge feet too!
Katie said on 12/Feb/06
Please downgrade her to 5'5". Here she is with Lindsay Lohan. Looks the same height as Lohan.

Editor Rob
Anne said on 10/Feb/06
Being tall is actually good for a woman, especially if the woman is in the business world. Dark hair and clothes and relatively low voice also helps. And I'm pretty sure Angelina isn't 5'7 but shorter. Could someone fix that height? There is no point in a website like this if it doesn't tell the real height of people.
CHLOEE said on 9/Feb/06
MeLiSsA said on 7/Feb/06
What ananymous said about the stupid opressed ideal of women seems to be true. Most would rather rather be 5'4 than 5'7 for sure. I hate when people are like being tall is good, models are tall, i wish I was tall blah, blah, blah. Yeah, being tall is good...for a GUY!!
richinkle said on 6/Feb/06
I agree with anonymous that the oppression of women is stupid - not to mention insanely harmful to EVERYONE. However, I believe the statistic that the average height of a woman in India is 5'-7" must be mistaken. Perhaps that was a serif, and not a seven. I checked this website http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Human_height, which gives average heights in different countries, and it shows the average height of a woman in India is 5'-1".
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/06
Hey Melissa, you're not alone in the way you feel. I just learned that in India the average woman's height has gone up to like 5'7". It's hard for these Indian women to find men b/c Indian men tend to not be so tall. I think our society is funny b/c if a women is tall, she's made to feel awkward and for men the taller the better. Women reach a certain height like 5'7" or more and they start to feel bad b/c of our stupid opress ideal of women. I think you should be proud of your height and don't be afraid to put on those 3-4" heels. One more thing, 5'7" isn't freakishly tall. I have a friend who's a volleyball and basketball player and she stands at 6'5". Imagine how harder is it for her.
CHLOEE said on 1/Feb/06
Aw god sake Melissa! 5'7 isnt freakishly tall! Most people are growing taller these days anyhow. Your moaning isnt goin to change your height is it? Just be happy with your height! As I said in the other page Iam 5'8 and totaly fine with it! And wear heels. 4inch. Stop putting yourself down becasue you feel too tall! And think why these clebs list themselfs as being taller than they are? . . Because they wish they were. U have it, lovee it ! :D
theheightguru said on 1/Feb/06
Melissa, learn to be happy with what you've got. We always think the grass is greener on the other side. If someone is givin' you slack, just ignore them, and remember that everything is relative. To someone who's 6'2, you're short. To someone like me (who's 5'3 and some change fresh out of bed), you're TALL!It all depends on how you look at it. Personally, I'd LOVE to be able to buy pants and not have to have them hemmed. But then I'm guessing you'd love to buy pants and not have them be a few inches too short, am I right?
MeLiSsA said on 30/Jan/06
She looks tall next to Brad Pitt, even though she's in heels a lot. I don't know why everyone wants every celeb to be short for some reason. I was actually UPSET when i found out so many of them where shorter than their listed heights. As a 5'7 girl I feel so alone. Does anyone else think this is too tall?
lilo said on 13/Jan/06
to anonymous i think its crazy to believe that somebody who can't even spell 'ridiculous' workd for an angency in LA
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/06
No, models can be 5'5" or under if they are catalogue or swimwear. only runway and high fashion demands 5'7" up. And Kate Moss is 5'5".
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/06
she has got to be over 5'5" due to her history as a teen model. models have got to be over 5'7". and she is at least this.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/06
This is truly rediculous. She is not a tall person. Watch playing by heart. She is shorter than Ryan Philipe, who is 5'8". I find so many heights on this sight inflated by personal opinion of a celebrity. Pictures can clarify, as can personal teestimony that Jolie is no way over 5'5". I would like to see one picture where she looks to be 5'7" I saw the pic of her with Aquillera and she is not tall enough against Aguilera's 5'1" TO BE EVEN 5'6". Really, a site like this should be more careful tyo find real height and not let people who are obsessed with beautiful famous people manipulate. And Brad Pitt is famously under 5'11". I thought everyone knew. Hollywood will never list a real height. Always 2-4" inflation. I worked for an angency in LA and I can offer that when we list these numbers, it is by how tall ohne "LOOKS" not how tall one is.
CoolJ said on 3/Jan/06
A: Pitt also looks to be elevated slightly in that picture.
175cm16andgrowing said on 3/Jan/06
Yes, 5'7 to 5'7.5'' should be correct. @A: Who knows... perhaps BRad's wearing lifts :D. Sometimes he appears to be 6'2''! I noticed that yesterday when I was on www.bradpittfan.com and surfed through the gallery. He's 5'11'' - 6' but wearing lifts... and has a great posture.
Anonymous said on 25/Dec/05
I think she is slightly taller than 170cm. Maybe 171/172
Calvin said on 19/Dec/05
Im amazed, after watching the Tomb raider films I thought she was about 5'11,
paleface said on 17/Dec/05
"Her legs are very slender too and slender legs tend to go with the 5'8-5'10 range."
Not really. Taller people tend to have bigger frames because they need to have a somewhat sturdy skeleton, larger muscles, etc to support a longer frame. I'm a five foot nine female with slender legs, but it has a lot to do with the fact that my five foot ten mother and six foot one father both had very short, small-boned family members marry very tall spouses. Conversely, my six foot six brother is freaking monster compared to me and my identically heighted sister (meaning, she's five foot nine like me). However, despite my mother, sister and I's long slender arms and legs, we have very robust shoulder with broad backs, and large feet and large hands. Take someone like Uma Thurman, she's 6 foot with dynamite slender legs and slender arms, but her feet, hands and shoulders are large. Taller people tend to have larger frames. That's why models are considered such anomolies. They are very tall, but counterintuitively small-framed. Jolie's slender legs are hardly evidence of her height. If anything, I'd argue her slender legs make it more likely that she is on the average side of the height spectrum as shorter people tender to have smaller limbs.
Britpop said on 15/Dec/05
Darlings, I am 5'8.5 and next to my 5'3" friends (in photos) I have much more than that. Jolie is in no stretch of the universe possibly taller than 5'5".
Britpop said on 15/Dec/05
Alex is definitly treaching a bit. You can see footwear and Aguilera only makes 3" on Jolie and she is 5' so Jolie is 5'4". That's the ceiling.
absent said on 15/Dec/05
Jolie cant be more than 2 inches taller than Zellweger. Her head looks huge by the way.
CoolJ said on 14/Dec/05
Britpop.. Hard to tell what their heels really look like in comparison to one another... but she does look closer ot 5'6" in those pics... I still wouldn't throw 5'6.5 - 5'7 out of the question..
Britpop said on 13/Dec/05
This is not what 5'7" looks like: And they are all wearing similar heels except for missy. It is a sham to call Angelina over 5'5".
Anonymous said on 13/Dec/05
She's too close to Christina Aguillera to be 5'7. She seems to be what sightings say, 5'4"
LOGAN5 said on 13/Dec/05
Angelina only looks a couple of inches shorter than Pitt and I think he's a solid 5'10 which makes her 5'8". Her legs are very slender too and slender legs tend to go with the 5'8-5'10 range.
gyllenhaalic823 said on 6/Dec/05
5'4" isn't very short, just commenting; and she does look the 5'7" if not a bit taller.
BritPop said on 30/Nov/05
5'4". She is short, actually. i remember it being an issue when Gia came out. She talked about how they had to create tricks to make her appear closer to 5'8".
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/05
I just stood next to her saturday. In high heels she is 5'6". Very tiny frame.
Madeline said on 20/Nov/05
I just watched "Playing by heart" and she is Ryan Phillipe's height in 4 inch heels. That makes her 5'5" tops.
ii said on 15/Nov/05
Jolie looks 5'4" or 5'5". Sightings wouldn't refer to her as "short" and "shorter than I thought" if she were 5'7". She looks very small.
ds said on 11/Nov/05
5'7" to 5'*' is pretty good. She was a couple inches taller than 5'6" Meryl Streep and 5'5" Lindsay lohan.
Chloee said on 10/Nov/05
Robinz said on 8/Nov/05
She didn't look tall enough next to Bi ling to be 5'6". More like 5 ft 4 or 5 ft. 5 . http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/search/details_pop.aspx?iid=51307357&cdi=0
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/05
She really needs to be downgraded to 166 - 167.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
I have met Zellweger and she was under 5'4". Jolie must be 5'4" to 5'5".
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
I have met Zellweger and she was under 5'4". Jolie must be 5'4" to 5'5".
from Gawker Stalker said on 12/Oct/05
Angelina Jolie with her new baby, Zahara. Angelina looked gorgeous, her hair was a little blonder and she did look really skinny although not as tall as I had expected
berry said on 8/Oct/05
Thanks Rob, those are the pictures I was referring to. I agree with mary that 5'5 sounds about right.
mary said on 8/Oct/05
if anjelina is 5'6 that may i say that is NOT SHORT! i mean we do not live in a world of giants seeing that most women are under 5'5, i personally would put anjelina at 5'5 making her medium sized but definently not short
JUSTMATT said on 7/Oct/05
I think we all agree Rob that this girl is a max of 168 and maybe even less than that height, my guess is for instance 165. Why don't you change this height? Everybody here know that she's not that height!
Janelle said on 6/Oct/05
I saw her shes actually really short, more like 5'6 i'm guessing.
Anonymous said on 6/Oct/05
It is pretty ludicrous that she would be listed at 5'7" . It is pretty darn clear that she is 5'4" or 5'5" to be generous.
Anonymous said on 6/Oct/05
Angelina is only an inch or two taller than Zellweger, who is obviously 5'2" or 3". I don't believe that anyone really looking at Jolie can think she is over 5'4". And Brad really is not 6', people. Evidence abounds that he is a medium height, under 5'11 and over 5'8".
reality said on 24/Sep/05
i really bilieve after seing angelina jolie that she is between 165 cm and 167 cm not taller than that
rena said on 23/Sep/05
Angelina is really tall, I can say that she is more than 170. Althought at some events she doesn't wear heels that are too high, she still looks 173cm tall.. about 5'8"
Z2 said on 10/Jul/05
In the movie, "Girl,Interrupted," Angelina Jolie was wearing very thick black boots when 5'5" Whoopi Goldberg and staff came to haul Angelina off to her room. Angelina, who was wearing very thick black boots, was like an inch or so taller than 5'5" Whoopi Goldberg. Plus, a woman on VH1 called Angelina tiny. 5'7" tiny? My guess is Angelina is 5'4" barefoot.
Kats said on 8/Jul/05
She's one of those people who appears rather tall. She almost gets away with 5'7. But she might very well be 5'5 1/2, or 5'6. Brad Pitt who is probably 5'11 at the most (and probably with lifts at all times) did not look only 4 inches taller than her in a picture I've seen of their recent movie, where they are both wearing rubber boots. She was clearly less than 5'7.
emma said on 4/Jun/05
brad pitt is about 180 right? she was wering hells and brad was like...10cm taller than her...then she is probyl 165cm
Jade said on 27/May/05
I was an extra on The Bone Collector, and spoke to Angelina. I'm exactly 5'6 and she was dead even. It's funny though that when someone is very slender (Angelina) they tend to get mistaken for taller than a person who is in fact the same height only fatter(me)HAHA.
sam said on 24/May/05
I think she wears very high heels a lot, so that gives the impression often that she is taller. I would have guessed just over 5'7" from the looks of her.
bethany said on 24/May/05
i dont think so!!!!!!!!! she has to be at least 5'8"
HB said on 23/May/05
I was lucky enough to stand next to her a few months ago. She was wearing boots, but also a tall hat, so I could tell she is not that tall, but could not say her aprox ht.
Smoke said on 22/Mar/05
Well even 5'7" is relatively tall for a woman. :P
Lucas said on 8/Mar/05
Take a look at this pic were Angelina is standing next to 5 ft 8.5 in Robert Duvall she looks a lot shorter when she is just wearing normal boots not high heels http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/search/details_pop.aspx?iid=51548717
She is also a little bit shorter than Scott Caan who is also wearing biker boots.
Lmeister said on 3/Mar/05
I hate to say this Angelina, but U def. ain't 5 ft 7 in kinda sad, cause I always pictured her as a tall rock chick...but when standing next to Val Kilmer she looks kinda tiny even with heels...and so does Colin Farrell and he is again wearing boots in every pic...that makes me worder about Colin...I think he got listed 5 ft 9 in before he became leading male...
JUSTMATT said on 2/Mar/05
Angelina is 5.5 Do you needs more? Look at www.gettyimages.com and than change this fool height!
Nee Nee said on 8/Feb/05
I have a pic of her standing with a friend who is 54'9 and she's about 5 inches shorter, Angelina is 5'4 to 5'5