coco said on 7/Aug/07
Last weekend, a friend of mine, who is a policeman, saw Brad and Angie on the beach at Malibu with their kids. My friend said that Angie was "very petite". I asked him what that translated into as far as height and he said "about 5'3" or so" and "really thin" but that she's just as beautiful in person. He said that when Brad Pitt took off his shirt, it put any other man to shame because he's "really ripped".
anonymous said on 5/Aug/07
Click Here she looks quite short compared the guy in a red thirt who can't be is wearing heals with his shorts. She wearing about 2' heals and her head reaches to the bottom of his ears give or take an inch . Her heals with the same outfit:
Click Here Gleen, you said that she looks "tall" and maybe she does next to 5'10, 5'11 an average height guys. Next to a men who is 6'2 she does not appear more than 5'5. I was suprised that K. Dunst in only 5'5.5 She has REALY long legs and she looks at least 5'7. I think it is the same case with Jolie.
Queen of Sheba said on 1/Aug/07
What is this handbags at dawn? For goodness sakes it is only a meisurement!!! Rule of thumb, take two inches off of a star's "official" height and you have their true height! Now put your handbags away and chill. Peace xx
Glenn said on 1/Aug/07
Well said Sophia.I get defensive cause I get attacked on the site alot.sorry that I dont examine peoples posts.dont have time.again,thank you for clarifying your words.sorry for my backlash.Ive been meeting celebs for 17 years.not for watching.
anonymous/Sophia said on 1/Aug/07
Rob, where is the "bolded" word "estimation"? I am sorry but I have never seen it. This is the only information about Angie you posted" US Actress from Tomb Raider. There is possiblity she is 169cm." I use Firefox so maybe it does not show. Still, if there is such note, you may want to make it more visible. Thanks to responding to my posting! I really appreciate it.

Editor Rob
bottom of every page on the site in the footer, its just there as a small reminder that everything is an estimation.
anonymous/Sophia said on 1/Aug/07
P.S. I just re-read what I wrote and nowhere in my post I said, "you never met these celebs". I just asked you" Did you stand next to Angie the last time she went to the doctor and had her height measured?" Again, you made me bad enough to go back and re-examine over and over again my post ;-) It may be helpful if you read the posts more carefully before getting so defensive. Again I am SORRY if I offended YOU.
anonymous/Sophia said on 1/Aug/07
Dear Glenn: it was not my intention to cause havoc on your/Rob's website. Also I called you claim "rather ignorant" which does not imply that YOU ARE IGNORANT. We all make claims that are ignorant at different points in our lives so I do not understand why you are upset. As I said: " I apologize for the choice of words, this is not a personal attack on you." Perhaps it would be better to use "unknowledgeable." Again I am sorry if I was out of line. I am a software developer and to take my mind off of boggling programming I browse the Internet for blogs because I find them very entertaining. Still, I am a scientist and if I see make people's claims that have no scientific basis I cannot help myself but to react to them. No matter how much experience you have meeting these people; based on the principles of science you cannot claim their exact height unless you measure it. These are the facts of the universe. Furthermore you give people like Alex to make claims that also have no basis in factual evidence. On the other hand, what about people on this site who include links to hundreds of pictures where Angie again "only looks" shorter then 5'7 people. A hundred pictures showing the same thing is at least some evidence and still you and Rob decide to completely ignore them. You never even bother to respond to them, which I find very interesting. This is my last post on this site. Enjoy your discussions and good luck with you profession of "celebrity-watching" (again no sarcasm here). I think your job is a lot of fun!

Editor Rob
you are correct on not being able to say with absolute certainty someone's height unless measured. You can guess to a range, with varying degrees of certainty in your own mind. Although every page here has the words estimation bolded.
the probability of Jolie being 5ft 6.75 to you might be slimmer compared to 5ft 6, which is fine.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/07
YOUR ignorant cause you never met these celebs.I see them in heels,sandals,boots,shoes and even slippers! you judge by watcing DVDs,yet Im ignorant by meeting them in the flesh? what gives? its people like you that start trouble on site.I await your rebuttle.make it constructive.not obnoxious.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/07
Anonymous,if you had posted a name,that would be nice.unlike most here,as opossed to alike,I achieved alot in 17 years of meeting celebs.maybe its bogus,maybe Im a bum,and its not fruitfully monetary,but unlike sharp talkers,I MET these celebs repeatedly.reading posts and emails and not being able to understand ones tone and phrasing is a normal and common mistake.and rude comments hiding behind a computer is commonplace too.Brad and Vaj are
Banned from the site for life now cause of Im not accusing you of wrongdoing,just realise we all make mistakes.I can make alot.but construtive criticism from a no name is futile at best to far your a gentleman.
Kay said on 1/Aug/07
If AJ is 5’7 then she should be the same height as Rosario Dawson who is listed at 5’7, but if you look at this pic
Click Here Rosario Dawson looks at least 1’ taller, and AJ heels are higher. So 5’5 sounds about right for AJ.
Here are pic of both their shoes
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Felix said on 31/Jul/07
I actually agree with you anonymous although Im sure Glenn does his best to keep it accurate and objective. Your right though I mean a person shrinks a little at night. I wish they published a book having everyones height by a doctor it buy it lol.
anonymous said on 31/Jul/07
ALEX, if you read my post carefully you would see the statement: "Glenn, I DO NOT disagree with you" but alike Glenn you make just as ridiculous claim based on your perception: "I just can't see her under the 5'6 mark" How do you "see" that? You also must be clairvoyant when it comes to telling people's height in which case I rest my case. All I want to do is bring some logic into people's claims about someone's height. You should visit Brad's section on the site OMG that is just free for all, I could not stop laughing when I kept reading some of the comments. And also you seem to contradict yourself in your post because on 28/Jul/07 you complain about people infalting their height, what makes you think that celebrities are any different? They are only human despite what America wants them to be: demigods.
Alex said on 31/Jul/07
I agree with Glenn. I just can't see her under the 5'6 mark. Thats bare minimum height for her.
anonymous said on 30/Jul/07
Glenn, I DO NOT disagree with you but the way you assert your claim makes you look rather ignorant ( I apologize for the choice of words, this is not a personal attact on you). Did you stand next to Angie the last time she went to the doctor and had her heignt measured? Perhaps you are clairvoyant when it comes to telling people's height? All I know is that from the simple standpoint of probability theory unless you make the measurement and show the prove only then you can present it as a fact i.e. the truth. There is nothing certain about what you say so your words "no way" are plain silly. If people who argue about inches on this site just sat down and thought for a moment they would realize that no one in reality knows how tall most of the celebrities posted on this site are. But then this site would not exist in this particular form. Honestly, how do you know that she is not 5ft 5.75in. That would make her not much but still "way" under 5'6 ;-) Do you know what I am try to say? UNLESS it is your stategy to incourage people like jacke kiloski to make crazy claims based on "bumping" into one of the most pursued celebrity at this time, I applode you and it is different case all together and that is how you and Rob keep this site going and you probably have many good laughts readying the posts. Whatever rocks you boat boys!!!
Glenn said on 30/Jul/07
Jolie is no way smaller than 5-6.
anonymous said on 29/Jul/07
jackie kiloski, just by comparing how tall, on average, she stands next to Brad (~5'11) in all of their pictures, with both of them wearing heals, her 3'-4' , him 1'-1/1/2' , the top of her head in most pictures reaches the top of his ears making the difference between them around 7'-7'1/2 which adds up to Angie being around 5'5. This is calculating their height with their heals on. Also, she does not look 5'2 -5'3 in any of the pictures and there are thousands of them. If you compare Angie's pictures to pictures of other actresses who are 5'2-5'3 take for example Reese Witherspoon, Lucy Liu or Kelly Ripa, the last one also very tiny Angie just looks plain taller. I would not put her above 5'6 like she is listed here and since none of us (not even Rob and Glenn) really knows how tall she really is, anywhere between 5'4 -5'6 is a possibility. Finally given paparazzi's insane hunt for anywhere Angie goes and anything she does I find it very difficult to believe that you just "bumped" into her w/o noticing her.
jackie kiloski said on 28/Jul/07
I actually bumped into Angie on Montana Ave in Santa Monica as our streets joined.I said excuse me and realized it was her. I'm 5'9, She's probably not exaggerating 5'2-5'3.Tiny/Petite/But Gorgeous!
Glenn said on 28/Jul/07
Funny,but possibly the old man was that height once.or close to it.look at eastwood.
Alex said on 27/Jul/07
Glenn, the funniest exaggertation was a couple years ago when this guy who was 5'8-5'9 legit and claimed 6'0 while I was 6'0 and he said no and thought I was 6'3-6'4. He was an old guy in his late 60's so he was maybe closer to 6'0 in his younger days though, but still it was def the funniest one I've came about.
glenn said on 26/Jul/07
true alex.
Alice said on 26/Jul/07
Alex, it may be carlessnes with an average Joe but if you see your height posted everywhere on each site that has your stats, wouldn't you say to your agent to correct it. I am sure that they would care if it was shorter than they really are. But that is just opinion. I round up to a full inch, I even have it on my drivers licence but 2-3 inches, that is a bit weird. Still, with Angelina you are probably right she does not care, she has other things to worry about: world poverty, her kids, her movie projects. I respect her a lot for what she does. I do feel bad about how exploited her family is by paparazzis and for example people chearing up every time
Click Here posts every picture he can find of them. It is different with they movie related appearances. It must be stressful to live under such scrutiny and I think the she handles it very well. Poor B. Spears, she is being torn to pieces and she looks like she is craking up. Having something trivial as their heinght scrutinzed and argued over is rather insane if anyonwe asks me.
Alex said on 26/Jul/07
Glenn, I've seen people as you have too that will say they're 2-3 inches taller than they really are without even knowing it. Its not like they're lieing. Someone I knew was 5'8 and claimed to be 5'10. You'll get plenty of guys 5'8 who claim 5'10. I see often where a lot of guys are off by an inch with their height. I think the case with that is most of them measure with shoes on. I say my real height to the exact 1/4 inch sometimes but I did round up a lot when I was 5'11.5 and said 6'0 some years ago.
glenn said on 26/Jul/07
some people round up for the hell of it or dont know their own height.sometimes its not insecurity.just carelessness.
Anonymous said on 25/Jul/07
Glen, why do you say that she would lie about her height? Insecurity? It is hard for me to get the whole height thing...
bb said on 22/Jul/07
her 5'7 claim is probably her height with shoes on - lots of ppl do it that way
glenn said on 22/Jul/07
im sure she would say 5-7.even if that is off by a half inch or inch.
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/07
As far as I am concerned she may be 6 feet tall. Good luck getting her exact height Glenn. You should tell her about this website if you get a chance to even speak with her, maybe she will be merciful to all the poor souls who are arguing daily about her height and TELL US ALL HOW TALL SHE that really be really be something else.
glenn said on 20/Jul/07
ryan phillipe is 5-9.met photo.ill be seeing angelina next month.i hope.exactly alex.your right.
Alex said on 19/Jul/07
Glenn, I agree with you. Looks anywhere from 5'6 minimum to 5'7 max but could get away wth 5'8 with her slender body frame. Under 5'6 seems a bit too short to me still.
Angela said on 19/Jul/07
Click Here
This link shows Jolie in heels with Ann Curry in flips
Angela said on 19/Jul/07
Jolie was in 3 inch heeled boots when interviewed in Namibia by Ann Curry (in flip flops for this interview). Postings list Curry at 5'6. From the photos walking with Curry, Jolie looks to be closer to 5'6 without shoes.
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/07
Glen I wonder if the next time you see her you may get the impression of her being 5.5 -5.51/2
;-) and who is ryan again and how does he reaches that conclusion? Also skinny, tall legs? Plese look at the scene from Gia where she is in a cage naked having her pictures taken, she looks way shorter that 5.7.
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/07
I am 1/4 inch under 5.5 and when I was only 110 pounds, I looked shorter NOT taller. Many people here keep saying that being skinnier makes you taller but with everone that I know it is just the oposite. Once I stopped streesing out about school I gained 8 pounds and my tine my body frame got slightly bigger and I appear taller, really. When I wear 2 inch heals I look close to 5.8 at least that what guys and girls that I meet these days tell me. I guess, overweigh people may look shorter but being underweight doesn't make you look taller. They say it with awe as if it makes me a better person for being taller and that is where the problem with our society lies. Taller is better.
If anyone looks at Angie's pictures from her earlier times when she was a healty weight she looked like many of 5.5 or close that that height women look. Also we are dealing with pictures and angles from which they are taken can make a huge difference in how tall one looks. For example in some magazine photograps of Scarlett J. her legs look as if she is 5.7 when we all know that she is 5.3 at the most despite Rob having her listed at 5.4. I belive that it is best to determine Angie height by comparison with other people she is pictured with but then again their height is probably exaggerated too. Either way there is no reason trying to convince Rob to downgrade her, he obviously made up his mind and unless Angie officlaly admits herself otherwise he will not change it. My adviseL let's stop trying to convince his that Angie is really closer to 5.5 than 5.6 because in the end of the day, do we really care how tall someone is when we even do not know the person. We can go with what is offically repored on most Internet sites which is 5.8. I know totally ridiculous.
glenn said on 19/Jul/07
flower-i dont know why she gave me a 5-10 impression in doc martin type boots that ran all up her i thought 5-8 minimum.and sometimes you hear that for her.saw her a month ago look 5-6.5 to 5-7.
glenn said on 19/Jul/07
ryan is 5-9.angelina is 5-6ish,5-7.
Einenn said on 19/Jul/07
Angelina looks tall cos she`s skinny and has long legs.
I think she`s about 169-171cm (5.6 - 5.7)
Anonymous said on 18/Jul/07
Then why is she shorter than Ryan Phillipe in Playing by Heart. Like an inch or two shorter. She must be 5'5"
Flower said on 18/Jul/07
5'7" is tall too. Glenn, do u still think she is 5'8?
anna said on 18/Jul/07
oh and i also think you should downgrade her
anna said on 18/Jul/07
go to google pictures an search for angelina jolie in animal print, you will get a picture of AJ and Renee Zelweger.How can she be 5ft 7 if Renee is maybe 5ft 4
Miss K said on 18/Jul/07
I read somewhere that she was 176 cm??? I REALLY don't think so.. maybe with heels or so.. So I think 5'7'' is probably true.
Melvin said on 18/Jul/07
She's almost never close to Pitt's forehead even in her tallest boots. I'm another one who suspects 5ft 5.5 to 5ft 6. She appears tall sometimes because there is no one, not one person, with bones as thin as hers.
misch said on 17/Jul/07
mhmm i really cant see the 5'6 or 5'7 rob gives her. Why is she still listed that height??? like someone said before:
if jolie is 5'7 then her head should reach his eyes, but she's like two inches shy of that. so 5'5 is about right!
i think thats a fact. she could reach his eyes with huge heels but without?? no way!
its time to downgrade her!!
Anonymous said on 16/Jul/07
Thanks Kay, I am glad that I am not the only one who is actually making these comparisons because if you see enough pictures you start to wonder about the "real" height of a person. Funny thing, Angie official height listed in many places on the web is 5'8 and for example Jenn’s is 5'4 (I am not taking sides) so the discrepancies are just ridiculous. The same goes for other actors and actresses. I actually hoped that this site would give me a better idea of what their height may be but just like everywhere else the height that Rob decides to list is not that accurate. Maybe he has his favorites ;-)
KAY said on 16/Jul/07
Here is a pic of AJ and Tony Shalhoub who is listed as 5'9.75.
Click Here
This is the best pic of her shoes that I can find.
Click Here
Lets just say she is wearing 2' heels (possibly more), and she appears to be at least 2' shorter then a 5'9.75 Shalhoub. Thats a 4 inch swing for her, making AJ around 5'5.5
Anonymous said on 16/Jul/07
Rob, if I understand you correctly, Brad is standing at 6'1 and not 6’0, which would still make Angie shorter than Keira. Now that we can assume that both of the couples are the same height give or take ½ inch it means that Angie is anywhere from 1'5 to 2' shorter than Keira which would again make her 5'5.5 maximum. Looking from another angle, Jennifer Aniston is listed on this site exactly 2' shorter than Angie but in all the pictures with Brad the difference in their height is the same as between Brad and Angie. Here are a few examples: (Notice Jenn’s hair it hangs straight whereas Angelina’s is up in the pictures I posted, which adds to Angie’s height so please let’s not argue over an inch.)
Click Here and another one:
Click Here
How do you explain that anomaly Rob?
Anonymous said on 15/Jul/07
Look at the picure of Keira (listed her as 1/4 inch shorter than Angeling and Ruper (listed here as 6'1) and the differenc in their height:
Click Here No heals on Keira! here is another one:
Click Here They stand next to each other like Brad and Angelin, even if brad is only 6' in healslooks like the difference is the same between two couples except that Angie is wearing heals. Here is the picture:
Click Here and Angie is wearing 3 inches (asume the average height for Christian Louboutin shoes). Another one where you can see Brad heals:
Click Here If are only 1 that makes Angie closer to 5'5 at most. What do you guys think? I just want to know if someone sees the same especially Rob. What do you think Rob?

Editor Rob
I think its slight oversize heel in his slickback hairdo picture. Jolie could be argued 5ft 6-7 range.
Chrissy said on 8/Jul/07
I have also met Halle Berry when i was working in Harrods London and she was shopping there. I am 5'7'' and was wearing very low heels and I was definitely looking down on her when I was speaking to her and Halle had on a pair of low heel boots on. I think Angelina's of 170cm is about correct.
Ivan 6'2.25 said on 8/Jul/07
Well thank you for my magnificent height. As I said they listed the scottish actor to 6'1 and is his real height but when I saw the movie face to face with Glen her height was well under his eyes. With heels she looks more than 2 inches shorter than Brad Pitt however.
Anonymous said on 8/Jul/07
Ivan with the magnificent height of 6'2.25 please give us some facts. Statements without back up don't do us any good. I can say that Angelina is 5'9 just to post a comment and perhaps upset some of the people who read this website still what is the point? I think all of our comments would actually mean something if there were proofs attached like photos, official quotes, lets make this blog more than just bickering about 1-2 inches.
Ivan 6'2.25 said on 7/Jul/07
She looks 7 inches shorter than Iain Glen in tomb raider
so she's at least 5'7 at best.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/07
Glen, how do you know that Angelina and 7'5. I know that you have seen her but many people on this site also have seen her and claim otherwise anything from 5'5 to 5'8? I am just curious how do you calculate your numbers?
glenn said on 7/Jul/07
sorry to inform you,but jolie is 5-7.possibly as small as me the bizzare illusion of 5-10 once.
Mia said on 6/Jul/07
I read an article recently stating she has a 30' inside leg now I stand a whopping 5'3 on a good day and have the same leg measurement. She looks fairly long limbed for her height, I doubt she is 5'6 as my old roomie was 5'6 with a 34'leg. Ange looks longer in the neck then me so I reckon 5'4 tops 5'5.
Albi said on 6/Jul/07
Why are the Anonymous people bringing up heights like 6'6 and 4'5 for Jolie?
Anonymous said on 6/Jul/07
You mean like about 5'-6'in flats and 4'5 in 3'- 4'heels Anonymous? Please post a link if you have one. Regarding the difference measurements take a look under the link to the left titled "How to measure celebrity height: picture of Orlando Bloom who is listed on this website as 5'10.25. Given the above, even if Brad is wearing his lifts and standing at 6'1, or flats 5.11 that would make her 5'6 and at most 5'6.5 flats or heels. Finally have you ever seen photos of Milla Jovivich listed on this site as 5'8 Angelina's from for example Oceans 13 movie premiere. You can find them all over the internet. Check out the difference in the length of their legs and overall difference in how they look. Hopefully this will give you an idea how 5'6 is different from 5'8.
Anonymous said on 6/Jul/07
no way-angelina is closer to 5'8 than 6'6. it's quite obvious when she stands next to brad pitt-even in flats, there is only a few inches between them. def 5'7-5'8 range.
Annonymous said on 5/Jul/07
Actually she is listed as 5'8 everywhere, not sure if that is what she claims but that is way too much. She looks 5'6 to me no taller. Also, I looked up 2006 statistics on average height of women in US and it is 5'4 so yes Alex she is taller than an average woman in US I wrote US because in Scandinavian countries to my surprise women are on the average 2'taller than everywhere else in the world. Halle Berry, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba are no more than 5'4 add Kate Hudson to that list. Kate Moss is probably 5'6.
bb said on 5/Jul/07
Lots of 5'5"-5'6" actresses claim to be 5'7" - Halle Berry, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Kate Moss, and you can add Angelina to that list now.
Alex said on 4/Jul/07
I could go as low as 5'6 for her but no lower. She is taller than the average woman.
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/07
these seem to look like the shoes that Angelina is wearing:
Click Here These have 3'5 heels, which would make her standing next to Brad 5'6. Glen don't you think that is it time to downgrade her height, there is so much evidence supporting it.
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/07
Sorry for this but here are lots of picture, look up the height of her shoes (Christian Louboutin peep-toe pumps with crystal heels) :
Click Here
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/07
To support my posting about the difference in height between Brad and Angelina here is a picture from a Mighty Heart premiere:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/07
Meryl is listed as 5'6 by Glen/Rob and in the picture Kay posted she is wearing about 2' heals while Angelina's are deginitelly 4' (beautiful by the way) if in dount look at their ancles. They are not standing on the grass and Angeling is not slowching and on the pictures timber posted Meryl looks about 2' shorter than Angelina which would make them both about 5'6. Also in every picture with Brad Pitt who is listed 5'11 if both are wearing in heals (Angelina 4') and Brad 2' (yeah I know about the whole lifts things) she looks about 4.5 inches shorter than him as she always reaches to the top of his ears (look under the link to the left titled "How to measure celebrity height: picture of Olrando Bloom listed on this websit as 5'10.25) this would make her 5'5.5 based on this claculation. Regarding her heels she tends to wear Christian Louboutin a lot and he rarely makes heels below 4'. Also why is it so difficult for all of us to accept that she is indeed at most 5' 6 does it make her any less beautiful.
timber said on 30/Jun/07
that pic is from the Yéle Hamptons Benefit in 2005, and yes, she photgraphed wearing heels at that event. however, I think she is standing on grass in that pic, so it isn't the best for judging.
Kira said on 30/Jun/07
In regards to some of the older comments: Why is it "hating" to say that Angelina Jolie is 5'4"-5'5" (which is the AVERAGE height for American women)? What is wrong with being average in stature, or, god forbid, less than average?
J said on 29/Jun/07
5'5 is not short. I am 5'6, and my boyfriend is 6'8...When i wear heels i am 5'9, generally speaking- i know this because i have frequently been measured at the Drs' office in heels and am EXACTLY 5'9 in 3 inch heels...(Believe it or not for those who argue about the whole "Arch in the foot" theory.)The truth is, for the women who are around my height or even 5'7, KNOW, we can be tall when we wear certain footwear. SEGWAY into the topic of Angelina's height, i completely agree with what she is listed as on this website. WHY? Because one, she slouches, two, some of the pics (with lohan) you cant see her dang feet so scratch that one off your evidence list, and three we know how she looks next to Brad at (5'11 or so) and we always have to assume....people round up on their own heights. Whether its their doing or just ignorance...she is 5'6 1/2. With my curly hair, no one could tell she was taller than me.
Anonymous said on 29/Jun/07
timber, we don't know what footwear lohan and jolie have on in that pic. jolie does appear only a smidge taller than 5'5-ish lohan, but lohan could easil;y have on heels, and jolie may not. not a good reference to judge. sorry.
James said on 29/Jun/07
Wow...I wonder what all htose people who always claimed she is 5'6 would say now. Let's say AJ is one inch taller in this pic than Lindsey...even than it would put her at exactly 5'51/2 BUT NOTHING OVER THAT. I still find it unbelievable that some no matter how much evidence they are comfronted with they still deny the fact that SHE IS SHORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
timber said on 28/Jun/07
with 5 ft 4.5 in Lindsay Lohan:
Click Here
Alynne said on 28/Jun/07
Does it matter who is leggier, men or women? NO
Rachelle said on 28/Jun/07
I've met Angie and seen her several times. She is definetly not under 5'7, that's for sure.
Alex said on 24/Jun/07
Shes reported down to 98lbs and they keep saying for a 5'7 girl but even if she's 5'6 thats too light for her still.
Bibi-NL said on 23/Jun/07
In reference to the 'men are leggier than women' comment, I don't think that's true. Although a man may have longer legs than a women simply because he is taller than her, the leg-length to torso-length ratio may be completely different. Generally, for women the ideal ratio is the for legs to be about 1.4 times the length of the torso. For men they should both be about the same. So, even if the man technically has longer legs, the woman would still be leggier.
For me, the ratio is actually more 1.6... (and here I was thinking I had stubby legs) Leg length measured from "the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus" (or, pelvis to ankle)the way physicians measure, torso length measured from same spot on pelvis to top of shoulder. So, a man would have to be about 6'-6'1" to have the same leg length as me (5'8" with 35.7" legs).
Um, yeah. Back on topic:
Angelina is very leggy too. Which is why she seems taller than she is, I think.
newcomer said on 22/Jun/07
i don't understand how she could be under 5'7 if she was once a model. Most agencies won't consider anyone under 5'8 unless they have exceptional modelling talent (which, as pretty as she is, she didn't have considering her stagnant modelling career).
annonymous said on 21/Jun/07
THANK YOU cluedin; now we can go on discusing Angelina's height ;)
anonymous said on 20/Jun/07
Ash, I did look up the proportions of human body in men and women and on average women have longer legs. I will try to find the link (medical study I think) and post it here just for the argument sake ;) AND there are sooo many exceptions hence ultimately it should not even be a factor on this website
Ash said on 19/Jun/07
Realme is right, Anonymous. You can even look up "Human height" online. I also think my cousin's endocrinologist said that it has something to do with internal/reroductive organd and childbirth. Scks for us ladies any way you look at it.
Nigel said on 19/Jun/07
She is indeed barely 5'6...more like slightly over 5'5. This has been confirmed by one of my contacts that attended (through work) the Mighty Heart premiere here in the US. Also it is worth noting that many people lately are questioning her weight loss and it is begining more and more evident that AJ is loosing her looks very fast.
annonymous said on 17/Jun/07
[17,181] I listened to the interview but I did not hear her mentioning her height. Please tell me if she said how tall she is if I missed it. Thanks!!!
Alex said on 15/Jun/07
I could see Angelina as low as 5'6 but no lower. I still wouldn't rule out 5'7 but thats at the most since Glenn said she looked that in person. Also she claimed 5'7 so she wouldn't be any taller than that.
Aniston I think looks 5'4, average for a female.
ice said on 14/Jun/07
I'm glad other people are starting to see what I saw. Since forever I have been saying 5'6 (5'6.5 MAX) for Angie. However, I have yet to see the 5'5 many people have been saying. I'm not saying they're wrong, I just haven't seen it. But, with Angie at 5'6, we know she has Jennifer Aniston by at least 2.5 inches. So, how can Jennifer be the 5'5, or 5'4.75 she likes to claim. Even if Angelina is 5'6.5, that still puts Aniston at 5'4.
Alex said on 14/Jun/07
on the recent picture from mighty heart premiere if pit is wearing 1' 1/2 heals, that is what it lookes like :) and she is wearing what looks like 3' 1/2 heals with again what looks like 4' difference between them, then...calculating including shoes 6' 1/2 - 7' makes the lady about 5' 6 at most 5'6 1/2 so the height posted on this site is about right, definitelly under 5'7
Annonymous said on 14/Jun/07
Realme, I would be really interested in your source. Just out of curiosity nothing personal.
glenn said on 14/Jun/07
saw her tonight with brad.hard to gauge.not as tall as i expected.rob might be onto something.couldve sworn she was 5-8, 4 years ago.she still might be close to that.
Realme said on 13/Jun/07
Actually that's a constant misconception Annonymous, men are actually the leggier gender. Women tend to have longer torsos. It actually makes sense the average height for a male is 5'9" (long legs), and the average height for a female is 5'4"(Short legs).
Annonymous said on 11/Jun/07
Women almost always have longer legs than men; that's our anatomy. If you run into a short-legged girl, it is easy to notice ;)
Alex said on 10/Jun/07
Anonymous, you're 5'5 with a 32 inch inseam for a girl, WOW thats a lot for that height. Most guys who are 5'10-6'0 wear that inseam.
Annonymous said on 10/Jun/07
My inseam is 32". I need to get "long" inseam pants if I want to wear them with heals. So I do have long legs and with being 115 pounds (I run a marathon or two a year) it makes me look taller than I am. We all come in different heights, colors and shapes, that is what makes the world interesting. I have seen short ( I guess that is 5.2" for a woman on this site) hot women/men and tall but not very attractive looking people. This is why I will never understand one's insecurity with one's height, perhaps in teenage years, but later? We cannot change how tall we are, well perhaps in the future some plastic surgery ;) But it amuses me that some people who post comments on this site get very adamant about how tall so and so is. Regarding Angelina, she seems to be very confortable with her height, I see pictures of her in flats all the time and really no matter how tall she is, she looks great every time I see her pictures in magazines or on the internet.
Tybor said on 8/Jun/07
Long legs at 5'5? What are your inseams anonymous?
cluedin said on 8/Jun/07
according to this site Brad is 5'10/5'11 barefoot, 6/6'1 in shoes with lifts
Annonymous said on 7/Jun/07
Please look at the pictures of her with Brad from recent appearances. She is wearing her black Christian Louboutin's peep toes and there is 4 inches difference between them. Now there are a lot of arguments on the website whether Brad is 5.10 or 5.11 in either case Angelina is at most 5.6. Also one has to realize that if you add 4 inches to 5.6 then 5.10 is TALL for a woman. So she looks tall so what as if 5.6 is short. When my twin sister (we are both 5.5) wear heals with our long legs people think we are close to 5.11 which is of course just an appearance
Tony said on 6/Jun/07
she's 5'5 1/2...i met her once. she's so skinny, it makes her appear taller. plus she has big hair. 5'5 1/2 is not short by any means. she also has long arms and legs, which elongate her, but her torso is average size.
jojo said on 6/Jun/07
National Enquirer says 5'7" for Jolie
Alex said on 5/Jun/07
I actually think she could be 5'6 1/2.
Nat said on 4/Jun/07
Celebheights says Teri Hatcher is 5'6" (she has confirmed this, wow a celebrity who is actually honest about their height what a rarity). If Teri is 5'6" so is Angelina. They both have that long slender frame that makes them appear taller(long legs and all) I was sure Teri was 5'8". They both wear heels a lot too which makes it confusing. I would bet serious coin that if Hatcher and Jolie stood barefoot together they's be the same height!
bb said on 28/May/07
That's right, Princeton. 5'5.5" isn't as short as it sounds (for females). Nicole Scherzinger looks 5'8/5'9, but she admits to being 5'5.5"
timber said on 26/May/07
Princeton is correct. Jolie is wearing 3 inch heels, which give nearly 2.5 inches of added height, and she still appears over an inch shorter than Futterman. She isnt over 5-5 1/2.
Alex said on 25/May/07
Banzai, I agree with you 100%. The lowest Jolie could be is 5'6.
Banzai said on 24/May/07
PRINCETON, Futterman shoes look like they have an inch themselves. Angie's don't look more then 2 inches and even if they were 3 inches unless they have a front platform, the shoes wont give her the full 3 inches of height... I seriously doubt she's under 5'6.
IamGointToPrinceton!!! said on 23/May/07
Kiefer, how can that be if she's about an inch shorter than Futterman when she's wearing 3 inch heals?
Alex said on 23/May/07
I did look at those pictures. But IMO looking at her standing alone in a full shot picture she's bare minimum 5'6.
kiefer Sutherland said on 23/May/07
Her exact is 5ft 6.75 just touching 5foot 7. Its been said to be her proper height without hells.
IamGointToPrinceton!!! said on 22/May/07
Alex, I strongly encourage you to take a look at the pictures I posted in my previous link. It takes away all doubt. 5'5 - 5'6 somewhere is the final verdict... that is if Dan Futterman really is 5'8.5, which I really think he is.
Alex said on 22/May/07
Glenn has seen Jolie in peson more than one time I beleive he said and she lookd 5'7-5'8 to him. The 5'8 is a bit too much though as in the past she said her height was 5'7 so she isn't any taller than that. At the very lowest I could possibly see Jolie is 5'6 but she's gotta be taller than that though.
Andre said on 22/May/07
Mrs Jolie-Pitt as she calls herself now is just shy of 5ft 6in. She is the same height as Whoopi Goldberg in the film Girl, Interrupted if you subtract the black boots she wore and Whoopi's afro.
Goldenchild said on 22/May/07
yup i was 5-9 at the time i saw her. i had easily 3 inches on her. flat shoes.billy bob looked 5-11. taller than me. time to downgrade her.
Elizabeth said on 22/May/07
I'd say she is between 5'5" and 5'6"...Being thin, its appears taller...She looks way shorter then Brad at 5'101/2"...Angelina has many facets to her personality and loves the chameleon side of her Gemini sign...The 2 different sides, But Gemini's play act all the time, they love acting even in real life, its a theater to them...She loves fooling the public in the past that she was a rebel chic with a death wish or suicidal tendencies, but she loves life too much to really do it...Her spirit is more child-like in person and prefers the rather silly side of life to the more serious side...But she buckle up her belt to do what is important, like work or helping children, etc. When she has a mission,its accomplished...She will do what it takes to get there...and she will use her beauty or celebrity to gain that power for doing good...Thats awesome, cause there are those that use their power for bad, like idiots, like Osama. Worthless people on the planet...We could all laugh and have a good time if others didn't rain on ones parade...At least Angi is one who creates a party when it rains! 1,000 cheers to you Angi!!! and we are the same height! So I guess that means we see eye to eye and we had the same bf, I will not say who, but I had him first and you had sloppy seconds, ha! but thats no biggey to me, but it would be fun to dish that one together sometime, we'll see...I meet everyone in due time anyway, so hopefully someone you know reads this and you have a laugh and then sometime a laugh in person...What a thrill that would be! <3
IamGointToPrinceton!!! said on 21/May/07
Hello people. I am giddy as a child (quite ok since I kind of am a child!) because now I have unequivocal proof of Angelina's height being far below 5'7. This picture of her next to Dan Futterman who is 5 ft 8.5 CLEARLY shows that even in her high heals she's at least one inch shorter than him.
Click Here
And if you wonder about her the height of heals, here you go:
Click Here
The heals are at least 3 inches. These pictures show that she is in the range of 5'5 to 5'6. It simply cannot be refuted now. I rest my case ;)
Yay! I'm as tall as the most beautiful woman in the world!
Alex said on 20/May/07
She isn't as low as 5'5-5'6. 5'6 and change at the very least.
raleyi said on 19/May/07
Heyyy I'm 5'10 also represent for the tall girls.
UK said on 19/May/07
Aj is indeed 32 and finally more and more people are realizing that she is lucky to be 5'6. Like sooooooo many of us have said before she is tops 5'5 1/2.
Goldenchild said on 18/May/07
i saw her in person in was for beyond borders. i saw a black suv. and a ton of people . so i went to look it was this small skiiny woman... didnt reconize her but she was signing atutos. then i saw a guy that looked like billy bob thorton. she was 5-5 5-6 tops. small girl always though that she was 5-9. but so skinny in real life.
Viper said on 18/May/07
Jolie is only 31. Unless, shes lying big time about her age?
glenn said on 18/May/07
the shortest i ever saw pitt was 6ft.tallest 6-1.
Alex said on 17/May/07
Wait, Jolie isn't nearing 40 at all. Really Milano is the oldest of the 4 at 34 years of age but she still looks under 30 years old because she's petite and her face looks young. Jolie is 32 while Biel is 25 and Alba 26. Milano is better than Jolie, with or without make up, thats my opinion. If you look at Milano she wears makeup but not a ton like Eva Longoria wears, now thats a lot of makeup.
Cocobutter said on 17/May/07
I read most of these comments. The fact is Jolie, Alba, Milano, & Biel are all attractive women. But you have to think Angelina is nearing 40yrs old. Alba, Milano, and Biel aren't even 30 yet, ok maybe Milano is. If you put Jolie and Milano side by side without any make-up on Jolie would be way more beautiful. I can guarantee that. Will they really look as good as Angelina in 10+ years? Honestly I doubt it. Salma Hayek would be a HOT woman to add to the list. She has an amazing body. Wonder how tall she is..........LOL Anglina definetely isn't over 5'7''
Alex said on 16/May/07
Whats the height difference between Jolie and Pitt? 4 inches?
Jolie could be as low as 5'6-5'6.5 but she really looks more 5'7 to me.
Pitt is 5'10.5, 5'11 at most.
dmeyer said on 16/May/07
hey glenn wath is the shortest you saw pitt
dmeyer said on 16/May/07
she is no morethan 5'6.5 maybe 5'6.25 pitt looks a genuine 5'11 near her
MoonRiver said on 13/May/07
Ok, so it's a pretty known fact that Ryan Seacrest is max. 5'7, right? Well take a look at this clip featuring him and Jolie. Her posture indicates that she is wearing at least 2.5- 3 inch heals
Click Here
Based on this and the Ellen clip my extimation of her height would be in the range 5'5.5 to 5'6.
Tiffany said on 13/May/07
What makes you think Angelina thinks she is too good? Perhaps she just IS too good/hot/attractive and thats why you percieve her as untouchable and stuck up. Look at her resume...nobodys got **** on her, she has them all beat, Alyssa, Biel and Alba. You can think whatever you want, but facts are facts she is "in" why shouldn't she be proud of it?
glenn said on 11/May/07
thats tough the early 90s it was shannon doherty and winona ryder.given,not the hottest,but my its claire danes,who i see everyday,jennifer connely,avril lavigne,ashlee simpson,lindsay lohan,who i also see everyday.i know its not all actresses.but my type of girls.back in the day it was also alyssa milano,dana delany,drew barrymore,fairuza balk.
Alex said on 10/May/07
Viper, Alba looks better as a blonde to me but Milano and Biel are still better than her IMO. Thats just me.
Brad, Jolie has said she was 5'7 and 5'8 on different occasions. The 5'7 seems most accurate. She physically looks like a girl over 5'6.
Brad said on 10/May/07
Close to 5' 8". Recent photos with Pitt in flat shoes convinced me.
Viper said on 10/May/07
Alba has gotten so much hotter since Dark Angel. I didnt even like her much then.
Alex said on 10/May/07
Glenn, who is your number 1 favorite actress?
Rob of course we wouldn't turn that chance down! LOL
glenn said on 10/May/07
im with alex on jolie.but id take biel over milano.but its almost equal.true that on her brother
Viper said on 9/May/07
Im not a big fan of Biel, but Milano is pretty awesome. Shes up there with Jessica Alba.
Alex said on 9/May/07
Viper I agree 100% with you on that. Angelina is hot yea but I think she's overrated a bit at least, plus she thinks she is hotter than she really is. Alyssa Milano is better than her for sure. Jessica Biel is right behind her on my list. About her height. 5'6.5 maybe but I'm sticking to a full 5'7 though.
bb said on 8/May/07
I am a 5'5.5 girl(exactly barefoot),I have a slim body and I'm in proportion, and people always guess I'm 5'7. Maybe it's the same with her.
Viper said on 8/May/07
"How can u compare angelina jolie with alyssa milano or... she is more beautiful and much more famous than her.and about her height she is 5-6 to 5-7 probably"
Allysa Milano blows the doors off Angelina. Just my opinion.
Viper said on 8/May/07
5-6 1/2 I can certaintly beleive.
Jessi said on 8/May/07
I stood next to her in an elevator, at the Mandalay Bay. I'm 5'6.5" tall and we were spot on. Later, I heard someone claimed she was 5'8" and new it was a lie.
Banzai said on 7/May/07
Seeing the new pictures of her and Brad in Prague I have to admit she does look small in flats, about 4 1/2 inches shorter then 5'11 Pitt. 5'6 1/2 sound right to me.
Anonymous said on 7/May/07
look at this pic. if jolie is 5'7 then her head should reach his eyes, but she's like two inches shy of that. so 5'5 is about right.
Click Here
Alireza said on 7/May/07
How can u compare angelina jolie with alyssa milano or... she is more beautiful and much more famous than her.and about her height she is 5-6 to 5-7 probably.
Alex said on 30/Apr/07
Glenn, I see. Sucks for that one guy. So if you're a fan you can just go get a picture and autograph with them? Thats good then. I'm not into Jolie all that much anyway, she think's nice looking but overrated I think. She think she's too hot and good. I wouldn't go out of my way to meet her anyway. Now if Alyssa Milano or Jessica Biel were in NYC I'd def go if I knew ahead of time. Those are my 2 favorite actresses.
glenn said on 29/Apr/07
20 papparazi with 6 cars chasing her.that question is pretty obvious.not being snotty there.most famous woman in the world for now.she left after 24 guy i know who i was supposed to go with got the photo with.but he had to take it with his own hand and jolie wasnt into it.photogs screaming at him.i probably wouldve got left out.he was determined and not from he got time around ill try.pitt will be here in august for awhile.
Alex said on 29/Apr/07
Glenn, why won't you bother?
glenn said on 28/Apr/07
she is in town not bothering.i dont think.
the shredder said on 28/Apr/07
I was watching Hackers today ... 5'6 to 5'7 is my guess .
Alex said on 27/Apr/07
My post didn't show up I think but I was saying that I don't think Angelina is as low as 5'5. She phyically appears taller than that. I agree with Glenn's sigthing of her at 5'7. Lowest she could be I say is 5'6 and change.
lala said on 26/Apr/07
angelina is a definite 5'5/5'6. she cant be 5'7 or 5'8 because she would meet Brad eye to eye in heels.
Alex said on 26/Apr/07
People just so you know the poster Alex just below wasn't me. You can clearly tell how he was writing as I don't write like that. But anyway, I remember Jolie was listed at 5'7 so Rob has taken a bit of height off her again. I think she looks a legit 5'7. She has the frame of a girl that tall or maybe I'm being fooled by her lean body to make her seem a bit taller. But on tv, movies, magazines she looks 5'7 to me.
glenn said on 22/Apr/07
sam-sorry if you thought it was entirely directed towards wasnt.maybe i felt something coming out of you,but its been a bad week with attacks towards me,and i cant decipher your tone .i appreciate your words greatly and appreciate your opinions.maybe im wrong on angelina,but i think i have a better chance at being right.thats all.if people talked to me like you did now,there wouldnt be any problems.many thanks.please do carry on with your opinions.i wont interfere with you.if i have something valid and new to say,ill say it.
Sam said on 21/Apr/07
Glenn! There NEVER was ANY disrespect directed at you!!At least not on my part. Like I said before, this is very trivial..celebrities are there for us entertain us..just like this me disagreeing is not meant to be rude.If anything Glenn I think you do a superb job getting all these pics but I still together with MANY others believe she is 5'5 1/2 since the evidence is just UNBELIEVABLY STRONG in this direction. Peace Glenn and do keep up the very good job but also try and not take comments perosnally!
glenn said on 21/Apr/07
you would be pompous too if you were in my shoes mimi attacked on this site everday.i dont pay attention nor can tell womens height well and ive stated that many times.but with someone like angelina of ****ing course im going to examine.arguably the worlds most famous woman.if a women is tall,i notice.and angelina was ****ing tall.when a women is short or average i get blurred with the heels and i pay attention more than height with a woman,what guy doesnt.even brad,who i fight with alot agrees she is tall(he is also the one of 3 or so people here that meets celebs).and furthermore,i dont find womens height interesting at all.its acceptable and very common if a women is short.not for a man.ignore my tone mimi,its not directed at you.yet im surprised you dont see the burden i have on this very disrespected here.yet the amazing thing is 98 percent of you,never met any of these celebs.i get attacked for my height,weight,and my judgement.been called dillusional as to take my place? anyone? better have the photo proof i have to back it up.that everyone still ignores in place of there fantasies.who are the real pompous ones now?
ice said on 21/Apr/07
Wow, it's amazing how worked up people get about height! I personally think 5'6, but I'm not going to come on here and say I'm 100% sure, because I'm not. Glenn says 5'7-5'8. But Angelina herself said 5'7. That is why I ruled out the 5'8 comment. Maybe she is 5'7. I just never really see it.
Sam said on 21/Apr/07
Ed Rob! Please post this!! This is the quote that was made by Glenn on the Suzanne Sarandon site and where he admits that he does not pay attention....Glenn says on 4/Sep/06
I thought she was tall.seemed 5-5 tops,maybe smaller.met her 13 and 16 years ago as well.obviously I dont pay attention to womens height much.
Sam said on 21/Apr/07
Very funny Nate! Unless you think 28 at 200 pounds (6'3)is kid, that is fine by me. NOW!! I know it is not that a matter of fact it is trivial ...but that is the whole point of the site is it not???? TO CONTRADICT especially since there is plenty of evidence. Ed Rob..feel free to correct me here
Sam said on 21/Apr/07
Ed Rob your picture shows her an inch shorter than Sutherland, so let's say putting her at 5'5 1/2. My question is, as usual, why people like Glenn keep saying 5'8 when clearly over and over we see that she does not even come to be 5'8 with VERY HIGH HEELS. Also, I find it iteresting that my comment about Glenn admitting to not being the best of judge of women's height was not posted??? Glenn you did make that comment on the Susan Surandon you remember?? If not it is still again do not try and get yourself out of this one with excuses...she is 5'5 1/2.

Editor Rob
it wasn't posted, but now glenn will see you are calling his judgement....
~Nate~ said on 20/Apr/07
Sam you need to calm your ass down it's not that serious and Glenn is taking his time to come and comment and give his observations over meeting many diff celebs just because one of your little canadian friends said that AJ is 5'5-5'6 max doesnt make it correct believe who you want to believe but have a little respect kid.
ice said on 20/Apr/07
Hey Rob, I'm not certain on Gene Rowlands footwear, but we do know that Angelina is in 3 inchers. I really don't think Gene is in anything taller, because this pic was taken in 2004, meaning Gene was 74 years old. She's listed at 5'6 (Prime height, or now height?), and judging by this pic, there is nothing between them.
Click Here
Mimi said on 20/Apr/07
I really appreciate Glenn's input as to all the celebrities' height that he personally meets; however, since when did Glenn get such an attitude? Glenn, lately you've been coming off a bit pompous. You, believe it or not, can also be mistaken about somebody's height. There seems to be a majority of sighthings that put AJ at about 5'6", so even though "people are wrong all the time but not me [Glenn] on the subject of height"....I'm leaning towards 5'6". By the way, that quote made me laugh...
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/07
look at her with a 5'8.5
Kiefer Sutherland. they look about the same height and she's wearing 3 inch heels.
Click Here
pic of her shoes
Click Here
so 5’5 is about right for her.

Editor Rob
there was another shot worth showing of those 2 together:
Here. But remember sometimes he also wears footwear maybe 1/2 inch more than a dress shoe. If he's got 1.5, she 2.85 it doesn't put her near 5ft 5
cute said on 20/Apr/07
i believe shes 5'6 or something... like 170..
in many pictures of her and brad pitt... she looks about 4 inches/ 10 cm's lower than him... and brad is 180 cm... so that would make her.. 5'6.5..
somethimes she seems samller.. 5'6 seems rigt..
Alex said on 20/Apr/07
Now Glenn, how are u going to argue with pictures that show AJ EASY 31'2 inches shorter than Paltrow, or pictures that show her at the same shoulder level as Aniston (5'41/2) when comparing pictures with them and Brad. And she is wearing BIG heels in all these pictures. What excuse is there...oh let me guess... picture angles, slouching etc etc...when in the end all these excuses end up to be a big cover up for a woman who is NOT EVEN 5'6.
Sam said on 20/Apr/07
Glenn..I know people as well...lots of them ...who have worked with BP on the Canadian movie set last year and they say 5'5-5'6 for AJ since she was on the set with the children. Now how are u going to argue with that Glenn??? It is my word against yours but at the end of the day even though I am a US citizen I am also man enough to admit that Canadians are honest and are not the big BS we are known for!!! So when they say 5'5-5'6 MAX tha I will take their word over yours or your contacts!!!!
timber said on 19/Apr/07
Jolie in heels next to Brad is 3-4 inches shorter:
Click Here
5'4.75 Jennifer Aniston in heels next to Brad also appears about 3-4 inches shorter:
Click Here
I think Jolie is 5'5 max.
Anonymous said on 19/Apr/07
AJ 5'8? look at pic with a 5'9 Gwyneth Paltrow. There is about a 3 inch difference, and Paltrow is sluching. 5'6 flat is about right.
glenn said on 19/Apr/07
cause i know people that know her and they say 5-8,and i saw her at she has to be 5-7 to 5-8.never mind they say 5-8 they say near 6ft in the right heels.i dont judge by photos.i judge by in person encounters.thats better to gauge thank tall do you think colin farrel is alireza? he is close to 5-11 despite popular belief.he has horrible posture.i thought he was 5-9 too.
Alireza said on 19/Apr/07
she looks 5-6 to 5-7.she never looks 5-5 or 5-8.I myself thought that she is 5-7 to 5-8 but now I dont think so.
Click Here
David said on 18/Apr/07
GlennBrad! ...AJ is lucky to be 5'6 ...actually she is more like 5'5 1/2. You said yourself Glenn that you were a) behind her b) a few feet away from her c)standing on uneven ground...that is NOT A GOOD WAY TO ESTIMATE!!!!. Now Glenn you take good photos but in this case I, and it seems that many others, choose to examine actual pictures and footage which VERY STRONGLY PROVES 5'5 1/2 . Why are u so desprate to say 5'7-5'8 Glenn? Her being shorter does not make her less of a person you know!
glenn said on 17/Apr/07
brad doesnt need proof.he met countless celebs like i did and he is right.angelina is 5-7 or 5-8.
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/07
I posted this before, there is no way she is 5'8" when in Mr. & Mrs. Smith it states her height as 5'7" (and Brad's as 6'1" eh em don't think that's true, maybe in his lifts). Clearly she is not taller than 5'7". I posted the Ellen vid and also the one of 5'5 Evangeline in which they look a similar height. I go with 5'6" maybe slightly over and she rounds way up.
ice said on 17/Apr/07
I agree with amanda on the 168 cm, which is 5'6". She looks short on a few occasions, but she looks tall more often. 5'6 is a decent height to get this from. This is the height I've gotten when analyzing the Ellen video, watching Gia, seeing many photos of her and Brad Pitt, watching Girl Interrupted, and so forth. At the moment, Editor Rob has her listed at, 5'6.75". However, Editor Rob is conservative when it comes to downgrading. He always seem to list celebs at the tallest they can possibly be with respect to what they claimed. To me the most accurate would be 5'6" flat.
Celeb Fan said on 17/Apr/07
Brad! unless you show these pics, there is NO validity to your argument. Plenty of evidence shows that she is indeed 5'5 1/2 so don't tell us this "looks 5'8" Bull ****. SHE IS 5'5 SHORT...period. Nice try Brad!!!!!!!!
Brad said on 16/Apr/07
She looks 5' 8" in flat footwear next to Pitt in sneakers photographed after a meeting with a Paramount chief last weekend. 5' 5.5" is ridiculous.
Mimi said on 15/Apr/07
Haha...good one Amanda. But just why go by the Collin pictures. What is your conclusion to the Ellen video and pictures with her and Leno, and above all thi snewly surfaced Halle Berry pic? 168=5'5 right?
amanda said on 14/Apr/07
okay! time to try giving some "expert advice" of my own.. haha. i looked at the picture of jolie with colin farrell and i assume she is more or less 168, since after taking away colin's shoes and jolie's high heels (in my head) i imagine she's about half a head shorter than he is. and since he's 178 (and glenn said probably taller right?), she's probably around 168. (i don't remember what i read on your site but most human heads are about 20 cm. yup.)
Scarlet said on 12/Apr/07
Alireza is a madly devoted fan who cant see it
phil said on 12/Apr/07
I met a guy who gave her a tatoo in Montreal. Said she is 5'6" at the most and very pleasant to be around.
Sam said on 12/Apr/07
Alireza I suggest next time u take criticism MORE MATURELY for unlike u I do not...repeat...DO NOT go around calling people "children". OPEN YOUR EYES to MUCH evidence that AJ is 5'5. GROW UP or DO NOT BOTHER contributing at all for you are just being offensive and I DO NOT APPRECITE YOUR RUDENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scarlet said on 12/Apr/07
Angie is 5'7 in her dreams. Brad Pitt is almost 5'11. Angie in her highest heels is almost 5'8 1/2.
Alireza said on 11/Apr/07
to sam:what do u mean by"it seems you already got TORN to PIECES by some of the other readers for your comments"we arent here to fight with each other.we are here to give our opinion and my opinion is AJ is 170.I saw many pics she never seems seems u are a child with this ridiculous comment about me.I suggest u ==>u can find ur self better in this sites.
Scarlet said on 11/Apr/07
Jolie is 5'5.5 max. Watch her in Girl Interupted next to Winona Ryder. There is very little difference between them.
Celeb FAn said on 11/Apr/07
Franco what makes u so sure she is 5'6-5'7? sound desparated when you say that!! Not based on these pics with Halle she is not...or the Ellen video... she is not even 5'5 1/2. And Halle based on this site is definately NO taller than 5'5. Now Milo pointed out that the heels are also slightly taller on AJ, which might explain the 1/2 extra height on Halle...and AJ does indeed seem to have a good posture it is Halle that leans in a bit. Wake up Franco to hard proof that she is as short as 5'5!!
Franco said on 11/Apr/07
Angelina is absolutely no shorter than 169cm and no taller than 171cm that's a fact, her legs and her body can make her look very tall.
i bet she is 170cm flat
average 170cm
Milo said on 10/Apr/07
Click Here
I think Angelina is on higher heels.
Celeb Fan said on 10/Apr/07
Well, well we have more evidence of Angelina BS her height. The Halle picture shows them at same height, though Halle is smewjat leaning in. I checked Halle's height on this site and seems she is 5'5 thus AJ is the same...maybe 1/2 taller to be generous.
Mimi said on 10/Apr/07
Ed Rob thank you for posting this picture. Now, let's face it this picture Angelina looks more dressed up so FOR SURE she IS WEARING HEELS, one has to be stupid to deny that a woman will go out in a formal wear in flats.!!! If anything Halle looks like she might or might not be wearing flats...but let's say they are both wearing heels. Also to this girl Alireza!!!! IT IS HALLE THAT IS NOT STANDING STRAIGHT she is leaning into Angelina..thus completely making your argument invalid about AJ not having a good posture. Whoever you are: GET SOME GLASSES ALIREZA. SO WHY, WHY, WHY are we still letting her get away with 5'6??? On a grand scale of things it does not matter...but there is good/strong evidence proving she is 5'5 1/2.
coco said on 8/Apr/07
to Alirez: In your pix, Jolie is at least 2-3 inches shorter than Farrell and she's wearing very high heels (at least 4 inches). No way she's over 5'7.
Alireza said on 7/Apr/07
to Jo:I the pic that u showed, jolie is 1 inch taller than berry and also jolie is not standing straight and this can add 1 inch to her height so this puts her 2 inches taller than berry.(focus on pictures)
Alireza said on 7/Apr/07
I think this pic can help u alot.she is standing next to colin farrell who is about 5'11(180cm).this pic proves that she is never 5'5 or less.I think she is in 5-7to5-9 range.this is her pic
Click Here
Scarlet said on 6/Apr/07
Jolie is between 5'5 to 5'6. She was very short without her usual very high heels in Girl interrupted.
Viper said on 6/Apr/07
Jolie doesnt look 5-3 or 5-4 with Fraser. She looks about 5-6 If hes 6-3.
Ray said on 6/Apr/07
Hey Rob, Re: photos of Fraser and Boxleitner with Jolie. I don't think Fraser is 6'3". He had an 2 inches on Zach Braff in Scrubs ( who I believe is no more than 5' 11"). Boxleitner and Fraser are about 6'1" barefoot. In the pics with Jolie (she has on 3 inch heels with Fraser, can't see with Boxleitner) I see an 8.5" difference with Boxleitner + 1.5 inches for heels. That's 10" diff. So 5'3" or 5'4" is not out of the question. She may be wearing lower heels with Boxleitner but with Fraser there seems to be a 9" diff, factoring in the heels. That puts Jolie at 5'4".
ShiaLaBeoufGurl said on 5/Apr/07
she looks very tall (i think because she's very skinny now!)
Jo said on 5/Apr/07
Right Sam, the photo appears then disappears at times. Very strange. Easiest to search angelina jolie+halle berry on google images then go to page 3.
Sam said on 4/Apr/07
Jo! I could not open your pictures (the one of Aj and H Berry)...can you please send them again. Now, to all who think she is 5'7 listen up!!!if indeed these pictures do show AJ the same height as HB than it will indeed prove that AJ is 5'5 max 5'6 cause HB is FOR SURE 5'5. I MET H Berry on a Canadian movie I can easily confirm AJ height once I see the pictures, and then settle this phony height of 5'7!!!!! Ed Rob can you post this mystery picture??
Viper said on 4/Apr/07
This is getting insane. Can anybody show any evidence where she looks 5-2-5-4? How about even 5-5?
Sabrina M said on 4/Apr/07
I was an extra in A Mighty Heart and stood 3 feet from her... I am 5'5" but 5'9" in my heels. Angelina appeared barely 5'2". I was towering over her.
Candice said on 4/Apr/07
These comments look ridiculous for me, sorry ;) because she doesn't look even like 5'7"! I could say she's at least 5'8", because she really is tall. Just look at her in Tomb Raider, where she's standing next to Daniel Craig. She looks like only 3 or 4 cms shorter than him. SO: if Daniel is 178cms, then Angelina should be at least 174cms tall. So it looks funny how you can say that she's 5'5" (165) :D
Jo said on 4/Apr/07
Angelina and Halle Berry seem to be the same height.
Click Here
What do you think about it?
Sam said on 3/Apr/07
Ed Rod those pictures you posted of Jolie next to Fraser is a very good example that she is not even 5'6 1/2. I am standing at 6'2 1/2 to be exact...based on my last physical...and I can tell you that my girlfriend who is 5'5 1/2 is standing next to the same level that Angelina.does to Fraser My sister who is indeed 5'6 1/2 ...though she likes to say 5'7...stands taller. Also, i myself had the chance to dig out this Ellen vid on Youtube...and man oh man were people right....she is not taller than 5'6. But that is good cause shorter woman are still more my opinion.
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
she was 6ft in front of me giving me the illusion of 5-10.same with gwen stafani who is 5-6.but stefani had massive heels.jolie appeared not too.thats why i thought 5-8 max.not too far from your 5-7 max.
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
i appreciate your words alex,but she had on doc martins when i saw her at 5-10.sure,maybe the boots had bigger heels than usual thats 5-7 minimum to me.
timber said on 2/Apr/07
Sighting from another website:"Angelina appeared at a screening for Peace One Day that I attended about a year and a half ago. I am 5?10? and the friend I was with is 5?11? (and we’re girls, so those aren’t men’s rounded numbers). She was tiny when she walked past us. All three of us were in flats. She stood right next to my friend, and there’s no possible way she’s more than 5?6 1/2?. Even in person, she projects as much taller, but her head was at my friend’s neck."
Click Here
Alex said on 2/Apr/07
Glenn again, with all due respect, she is lucky to be 5'6. I know you met her, but even you have admitted on this particular site than when it comes to women you are not the best judge due to you not taking into consideration their high heels. Now I am sorry but this woman is no where close to 5'7. I still however think Glenn that your contribution to this site is amazing and I really do believe your pictures add tremendous substance to it!!!
glenn said on 2/Apr/07
she is 5-7 to 5-8
Anonymous said on 2/Apr/07
*Ice Here!*
Okay, when she was photographed with David Spade, she was barefoot. David Spade is 5’5 (5’6 in shoes). This would suggest 5’6-5’6.5 for Jolie. As for Ellen, I saw 2 inches (Angie was not standing completely straight). Ellen in shoes is 5’7. This gives Angelina 5’9. 4 inch heels do not give you a true four inches of height, because your foot is sloped. At most, you get 3 inches. So, 5’9-3 is 5’6. Therefore, I say 5’6.
Mika said on 2/Apr/07
Viper...than how do you explain the Ellen come AJ was not towering over her considering she had easy 41/2 inches on her???? Or how do you explain so many other pictures from the David Spade ones to Jay Leno ones???. I thought the same as you Viper and others, as in that she is 5'6 1/2, untill this video surfaced and then the pictures....and then i was forced to realize that it is not what we want het to be at is what she truly is at based on evidence. Evidence over rules anything else!!
Viper said on 2/Apr/07
I remember Glenn said she appeared 5-10 to him once in boots. Even If shes only 5-5 1/2, thats pretty farfetched. I think shes 5-6 1/2 bare minimum.
Mika said on 1/Apr/07
Not 5'4...that is too short I agree. But I also very strongly believe that 5'5 1/2 is her exact height...definately not 5'6 either. There is plenty of evidence: the Ellen show, the pictures that Jay posted (VERY GOOD ones of AJ in New Orleans), and the mother of all the one where is has the interview with that Asian reporter in Africa. Just do your rsearch people
Viper said on 1/Apr/07
No way is Jolie as short as 5-4. If she is then shes the tallest 5-4 woman Ive ever seen.
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/07
The best way find out AJ height is to compare her to someone who is 5’7, like Ellen. For those people who saw the video and still say that AJ is 5’5-5’6 are completely incorrect. How is it possible for AJ to be 5’5-5’6 wearing 4 inch heels and a little platform as well and only be 1 inch taller than Ellen. AJ is around 5’4.
Alex said on 31/Mar/07
What are u talking about Anonymous? You just indirectly admitted that AJ is actually is 5'5 1/2 since Ellen (according to your sources) is not taller than 5'6 1/2. You just agreed with what some of us have strongly believed all along...that 5'5 1/2 is VERY LIKELY to be her real height!!!!
Mika said on 31/Mar/07 are contradicting yourself BIG TIME. If you hear that Ellen is 5'6.5 top, than AJ would indeed be 5'5 since she barely had any height on Ellen on that show...and remember AJ was wearing 4 inches on her. Don't believe me...pause the video when she is sitting down...those are HUGE heels. So based on what you said about Ellen you just reinforced that AJ is 5'5!!!! Based on the error you made I can easily advise you not to ever become a detective!!!LOL
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/07
Hmmm, I see a lot of people are starting to question her 5'7 claim. I don't know if I buy the 5'4-5'5 estimates, but I do think 5'6 is good. At most I see 5'6.5. Also, many people doubt Ellen's 5'7-5'7.5" claim. Even her co-star says 5'6. She's another I can see 5'6.5 at most.
glenn said on 30/Mar/07
i think i saw those pics.i dont know what to think.why did she look 5-10 to me in doc martens?she is another enigma it seems.brad can look 6-1 alot.
Alireza said on 29/Mar/07 of my friend met friend is 5-7.5 and he was wearing shoes with 0.5 inch heel and AJ was wearing sandals.My friend firmly believes that she was as tall as him.this means AJ is almost 5-7.5.This is my friends yahoo ID==>(marlboro_dunhil).if u want more info ask him.
Alex said on 29/Mar/07
Jay those are very good pics you posted. I wonder how come no one is comenting on them?? More proof of AJ being in 5'51/2 barely 5'6. I am curious to read what Glenn has to say related to these pics? Either way I dont think just beacause a girl is shorter is bad...AJ looks cute either way.
leonari said on 29/Mar/07
sorry cluedin: you have amazing humor... yeah right! duh! your joke cracked everybody up...except for me.
Mimi said on 29/Mar/07
Ed Rob what do you mean she has her legs spread a bit? And if so, how much of a diff. would that make??...Even then Ed. Rob it does not add up to 5'6. Lets say that if her legs would have been together, and since she had 1 inch on Ellen she theoretically would be at 5'9..I guess this is what you're saying!?!. BUT those heels were VERY EASILY 4 inches AND 1/2 platform!!!. I OWN shoes like that and are called Chrisitan Laboutin. Ask any woman they all know that these shoes give you mega height. And those shoes would have given her 3 1/2 boost EASY...thus putting her real height at 5'5 1/2 =5'9 height that you I assume are indicating at.

Editor Rob
I'm saying after hugging her legs looked a bit spread, but it isn't a great comparison anyway, although you could use the clip to argue 5ft 6-6.5 easier than either 5ft 5.5 or 5ft 7 for instance.
Alireza said on 28/Mar/07
She acted in GIA with elizabeth mitchell who is 175cm.angelina seems to be 2or3cm shorter than her so she couldnt be 5-6 or sth like this.I found some pics that may help u judge better.
Jay said on 28/Mar/07
Look at first picture, if she is 5’7 and wearing 3 inch heels she should be the same height as a 5’10 Jay leno but she is actually 3 inches short than him. So that would put her at 5’7 with heels and without she would be around 5’4. Also look at her with a 5’6.5 Jon Stewart, there is also a picture of her footwear.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob said on 28/Mar/07
She was at least 1 inch, maybe slightly more taller than Ellen, but she had her legs spread a bit...there was a lot of crap on this thread, note to multiple name person, stick with 1 name please.
cluedin said on 28/Mar/07
I was joking, because Jennifer Garner looks so small or "Lo" to the ground in that picture. Try being less literal Leonari, it might make you laugh occasionally.
leonari said on 28/Mar/07
Cluedin: are you on crack or what?? This Jennifer Garner with their baby!!! J. Lo has no baby!!! Especially not with
Ben Affleck! Check your facts before posting idiotic things.
Mimi said on 28/Mar/07
That is a good point Cluedin,,,we have our bad days and so do celebrities. But again I ask how can anyone ignore the Ellen video, if that is not proof I do not know what is? I mean on what uneven ground were they standing on?? She is indeed lucky to be even 5'6. And I also would like to say that whoever Ricardo is he was right in saying she is skeletal...Read the headlines even her brother is agreeing that she is NOT eating and has lost a lot of weight.
cluedin said on 27/Mar/07
Camera angles can also do weird things. Is that Jen G or Jen Lo!
Click Here
cluedin said on 27/Mar/07
Glenn, maybe you were having a Alicia Silverstone moment. Just joking. She's one of the few I've seen up close so I couldn't resist : ) I don't think the pics with Spade tell anything, he could be standing on higher ground, or she could be leaning and slouching. I think she's 5'6, maybe 5'6.5 on a good day, which isnt a helluva lot different than 5'7. But I'd like to see her in person one day. I'll bet she's just as gorgeous in person. As for "beauties" not looking good in person, it really depends on when you catch them and how much airbrushing they need. I've seen Alexandra Ambrosia, Karolina Kurkova, Selita Ebanks, and Adriana Lima (all Vicky's Secret girls). Though I always thought the last one would be the most amazing in person, it was not the case on the night I saw her anyway. The first 3 looked exactly the same as in the pics, but Adriana looked less striking/noticeable. It was shocking, even the guys I was with agreed. But maybe she was having a bad night, we all do, and also she had all her clothes on : )
Alex said on 27/Mar/07
Glenn not to be rude but it is difficult to believe that she stands at 5'7 when next to 5'5 Spade she is his height, or the obvious fact that she was the same height as Ellen even though she had some very very hight heels on? Are you sure she did not wear high heel shoes when she met you?
glenn said on 26/Mar/07
well i met her,and she is at least 5-7,if not 5-8.
Freya said on 26/Mar/07
Click Here shes shoeless people!
Freya said on 26/Mar/07
Hello, I've always believed Angie was one of the tall girls - but in viewing the evidence (Angelina with Ellen) it seems she is alot shorter. However at the Alexander premier, with her against 5ft10 Colin Farrell. She is possibly wearing 3 inch heals - and thus would make her 5ft7 ish! I'm confused with this one! Please help me someone! xx
Alex said on 26/Mar/07
To Alireza Hashemi..if you are so sure she is 5'7 than why do pictures of AJ next to Spade indicate otherwise. Are you even aware that he is barely 5'6 and she got heels on since it seems to be a formal event...thus highly question if this woman is even 5'6...more and more evidence point to a solid 5'5. With the standard Hollywood boost of 2 inches it makes sense why her PR list her at 5'7.
Jay said on 25/Mar/07
Looking at the picture of her and Spade definitely puts her at around 167cm.
UK said on 25/Mar/07
What are talking about Alireza!?!?!?...HAve yo actually met her? If not than where do you come off claiming she has got to be 5'7?? AJ is nowhere 5'7...the more I and others look at the evidence the more we think she is lucky if she is 5'6. And since you got us started on the "she is the most beautiful" road...there are girls walkig down a street who could run cirlces around her in the so called beauty department!!! She is lucky to be called pretty never mind beautiful. I do not intend to be rude Ed. Rob but when there is clear evidence pointing to the shorter end of a height it is annoying to read people say "she got to be at least" 5'7. Got to has nothing to do with has all to do with how tall they actually are.
Alireza Hashemi said on 25/Mar/07
There is no doubt that she is above 170cm and I think she is something about 172cm and you can see the movie she acted GIA to believe me.she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I really love her.
UK said on 20/Mar/07
Mystery girl... I have read the same about her and other "beauties" as well and it makes sense. She has lost a trmendous amount of weight and although that looks fine in pictures since your features are that much more chiseled, in real life it looks quite bad and unhealthy. Living in London (Chelsea) I have seen Claudia S. and Elle (both of them live in Lonon) for example and they do look much more emaciated in real life, and not half as attractive. Also, there is a confirmaton of AJ's height of 5'5 1/2 max.!!!, this from a Parisian ex classmate of mine who lived (still lives) in the same "cartier" (area) as Brangelina did while she was pregnant, and saw her shopping in a health food store once.
mysterygirl said on 19/Mar/07
i read that people who have seen her in real life saying that she is not so beautiful in person as on photo and that true? i think she is 5'5 tops.
MoonRiver said on 18/Mar/07
Jo, your picture convinced me that she's not 5'7. But still... 5'5 sounds a little too low. I'd say 5'6 or 5'6.5. Notice that her boots have a little platform too.
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/07
tell me why Evangeline Lily is 5'5" but Angelina is 5'7"? Watching them both on Ellen, they have to be in the same height range. Ellen Degeneres (who I am pretty sure is only 5'6") is wearing her typical sneakers. Lily and Jolie both are wearing comparable heeled shoes in the 3.5-4" range and neither with platforms.
Click Here
Click Here
After Evangeline hugs Degeneres she is about an inch taller and Jolie is also about an inch taller. The camera angles don't seem to be too drastic to make Angelina 2" shorter than she should be.
dmeyer said on 18/Mar/07
she makes brad look 185 cm she might be 168 169
tank said on 16/Mar/07
peace to you too alex, but i'll make as many "i think" comments on here as the editor will let me. to me she looks about 5'7". she might be shorter than that. i don't know, i've never met her. i just gave my opinion, what "i think".
UK said on 15/Mar/07
Good job Jo!!!! To those who still think AJ is 5'6 or above, please look at the pics under Jo's name. Now I am sorry but we have to be pretty dumb to say she is taller than 5'5 when we can clearly see she is at Pitt's shoulders with easy 3-4 inches on. And we all know he is NO MORE that 5'11. If she would have been taller she would have been closer to his height...and these pictures prove she is very very far from it. So why is she listed as 5'6-5'7?????????
Jo said on 13/Mar/07
I can't believe she's more than 5'5". Just take a look at her heels!!!!!
Click Here
tank said on 11/Mar/07
na i think she's 5'7". she can look statuesque a lot of times. need some pics of her on here, lol. alba too, lol.
Brad said on 10/Mar/07
5' 6" and wears heels 24/7 with Brad. Didn't look tall with BBT.
Scarlet said on 9/Mar/07
Frankly I can't believe she is higher than 5'5 because in heels she is much shorter than Brad Pitt
elina said on 8/Mar/07
About Angelina Jolie's height: According to
Click Here (swedish site) 5 ft 7 in is not 170 cm it's 173 cm. 5 ft 6 is closer. But to me it seems like inches is quite a ruff instrument.. ??

Editor Rob
.7 of a foot is not 7 inches. The calculator is correct, this conversion problem is why I don't bother with taking quotes from euro/aus magazines which convert any mention by a star of their height in feet, because half the people mistakingly convert wrong...
heyman said on 27/Feb/07
of course Jolie is tall, there is no way she would be 5'4" at the most r u kidding me?? if she was that short how come she was cast in GIA to play a model???and her mother was a model; she must have been tall... come on now......and she is flawless no matter how tall she is, besides she is rich so I bet she doesn't even care aboout how tall she really is either....
~peace out lovelies
droppydropp said on 25/Feb/07
i am 157 cm&16 but i always tell people that i am 162 and everybody believes..:S cuz i am thin and i have a good body to make me look taller
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/07