How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 2

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
Ellis said on 9/Jul/21
@Rob Paul: Hey Rob, I found a book titled: Tributes II: Remembering More of the World's Greatest Professional Wrestlers by Dave Meltzer. It states on page 68, "The last time he was measured in France, at the age of 24, he was 6'9 3/4." This was of course in connotation to Andre the Giant.
Editor Rob
yeah that figure has been brought up before. The majority don't believe he was every that short in his prime, neither do I.
Undertaker Frank said on 7/Jul/21
Taker would have been alittle Taller than Big John Studd i believe
Halb said on 6/Jul/21
André didn't look to have lost any height in his 30's, up to the time of his back surgery at least, which was 1987, when André was 41.
Although, even then, the staredown 'twixt Studd and André from Wm1 and Wm5, doesn't show any difference.
miko said on 5/Jul/21
Yeah its not a real pic but that is probably how they would've actually lined up. Andre wouldn't have had much height on Taker at that point in his life. 2 inches at very best if Taker was 6'7/6'7.25.
62B said on 5/Jul/21
Alex 6'0 said on 4/Jul/21
1991-1992 with undertaker

Click Here

Not a real picture
Alex 6'0 said on 4/Jul/21
1991-1992 with undertaker

Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 4/Jul/21
@Alex I heard he was measured 6’9.75 post mortem but post mortem measurements are about as accurate as a blind man trying to urinate in a thimble from 20 yards away
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Jul/21
The 7'0 peak i can agree on. By wrestlemania 3 vs Hogan he looked 6'10 range this is going by a 6'5.5 Hogan. By time he died prob 6'9?
Michael Gardner said on 3/Jul/21
I think he would say it's lying. He even calls his profession lying. Half an inch is fairly irrelevant though.
Big ed said on 3/Jul/21
Yea i agree i think andre looked about 5" taller than hogan at wrestlemania 3 so possibly still close to 6'11 at this time still believe the 214cm in 1971 so just over 7ft tall prime then over next 22 years of change lost probably 2 inches weight gain of 150 to 200 pounds metabolism alcohol abuse massive back issues slightly buckled knees all contributing factors
Canson said on 3/Jul/21
@Chaos: definitely. That’s fair to round up
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 3/Jul/21
Michael Gardner said on 2/Jul/21
Penn says he's 6'7", so that's what he is. He's not the sort of guy to lie about it.

It’s not really lying to round up a .5”
Michael Gardner said on 2/Jul/21
Penn says he's 6'7", so that's what he is. He's not the sort of guy to lie about it.
Halb said on 1/Jul/21
Nice comparison catching the trainers and cowboy boots.
Canson said on 30/Jun/21
I’d give a peak Penn Jillette 6’6.5. He’s about an inch shorter today
JT said on 27/Jun/21
Here’s Andre (1984), Richard Kiel (1985), and Howard Stern (1984) standing near Letterman’s desk and with their footwear. Click Here Stern looked pretty tall back then - maybe around 6’5” so a little under 6’7” in cowboy boots since his head is tilted back. Click Here Andre and Kiel have similar hunched over postures.
Michael Gardner said on 27/Jun/21
Sorry, was wrong about Penn. He is 6'7". Regardless, I've stood right next to Penn. Andre in his prime was not just a couple inches taller Penn. Literally impossible and pure silliness. Arguing if he was 6'11' or 7'0" is some sort of weird tribal argument. An inch is indeterminate on someone's height who is always photographed in shoes. Based on photos with "real" persons such as Wilt and Kiel makes him 7.0+ in my mind, but ultimately unknowable.
Halb said on 26/Jun/21
Even small heels on a shoe that André wore would be more than one inch. André's largest heels were monstrous, maybe put him close to Kiel.
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Jun/21
Viper yea even as kids we knew it couldn't been 8 inches apart!!
viper said on 22/Jun/21
I only remember his 7-4 listing as a little kid.

And yet, even then I thought it looked a little odd how close Hogan and Andre were in height, even believing Hogan's 6-8 listing.
Hotspots said on 22/Jun/21
Him 7-5 and hogan 6-8 lol. I remember the statistics on that night they fought. Hogan says Scott hall was 6-8 also in a recent interview. Terry and measurements have never been his strong point haha.
Canson said on 21/Jun/21
@Chaos Control: right. I can buy him measuring near or at 214 early in the morning. 6’11 evening
Big ed said on 21/Jun/21
I think the 2.14 is accurate 1971 he would have been measured then by a doctor so would have been barefoot think by 1983 he was 2.12 after back surgery 1987 2.10 then 1993 2.08 or 2.09 so 5cm loss over a period of 22 years is well believable especially considering his 200 pound weight gain his bad back and jus the lifestyle of a 80s wrestler would take its toll
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 19/Jun/21
@RONSTER why has he been billed 6’11 in England and 2.11m in France?
RONSTER said on 18/Jun/21
I watched (unbiased) the video's of both Andre and Richard Kiel on the David Letterman show set. If you freeze when each one is walking from behind around the exit sign and post Andre is slightly taller, and again when they walk to Letterman to shake hand and then walk in front of the chairs Andre was taller. Now keep in mind that Kiel was wearing sneakers and Andre Boots (low profile cowboy boots not with a big heel), so Andre at most had an inch advantage. This was not quite peak height for either man but close, so most agree Kiel was 7'2" barefoot without question, so Andre had to be over 7 feet, and given he was taller here, but probably the same when we remove his boots they are each in the 7'1"-2" barefoot range. There is by this clear evidence no way on earth that Andre is below 7 feet tall, unless Kiel is now sub 7 feet which is not the case.
Chaos 6'2 1/2 said on 17/Jun/21
I heard he was measured 6’9.75 post mortem but given how inaccurate those after death stats can be, that probably means he was really around 6’1 at the time
166.4cm kid said on 13/Jun/21
@Jessica I agree with you, I take back my comment. I believe at death Andre was under 6'10".
Canson said on 13/Jun/21
Penn is not 6’8 or 6’9. He was a peak 6’6 range guy
Alex 6'0 said on 10/Jun/21
Peak was at least 6'11. By wrestlemania 3 he looked 6'10 with Hogan who wasn't over 6'5.5. I remember wrestlemania 7 in 1991 him looking few inches taller than the big boss man
Michael Gardner said on 7/Jun/21
He's 7 foot - 7 foot 1. 6'9", 6'8", is rubbish. Like that's Penn Jillettes height. Cmon.
Joestar said on 7/Jun/21
He always had a built of a 7 footer tho
Chaos 6'2.5 said on 6/Jun/21
7’0 flat is a reasonable listing, but only if you change all the others to morning heights too
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jun/21
Out of bed in wrestling boots peak would have been 7ft3+
JT said on 28/May/21
Here’s Andre in cowboy boots with Dynamite Kid from probably the late 1970s Click Here As Dynamite Kid is listed pretty much everywhere as 5’8” and even admitted that was his height, it’s pretty hard to imagine Andre (~early 30s) hitting even close to 7’0” barefoot. Here, he might hit 7’0” but in his cowboy boots.
Canson said on 26/May/21
@Chaos Control: that Mark I can see. I’m not so sure about 7’0 tho. Even times when I can see weak 6’11 for him. But who knows. Someone his size could have lost quite a bit in a day
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 25/May/21
I can understand arguments for people guessing 7’0 but Sex Lies and Headlocks has him at 6’11 and it’s accurate with heights “André was six-foot-eleven, although advertised as high as seven-five” it says
viper said on 25/May/21
I'm open to him being possibly 7-0 peak If he measured 7-0.5

But was that barefoot or shoes is the question
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 24/May/21
@Viper those two post mortem stats are preposterous but Andre’s I can actually see being truthful, especially as it was far lower than any of his claims or billings
viper said on 23/May/21
Paul Walker was measured 5-11 at death

Tupac at 6-0

Think we can take that with a grain of salt
viper said on 23/May/21
I agree he was at least 6-11 peak

Could have been as low as 6-9 at death
Riccardo89 said on 23/May/21
Click Here

Andre vs Hogan (1980).
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 22/May/21
I think he was measured 6’9.75 post mortem. 6’11 peak
Jesica said on 20/May/21
Spooner said on 26/Jan/21
7 ft ¾ peak
6'11 at death

Spooner said on 26/Jan/21
7 ft ¾ peak
6'11 at death

Your peak height guess is close but your at death height is too much. I read an article where Andre’s best friend, Frenchy Bernard, said Andre was measured 7’0.5 at his the age of 22...and about 6’9.5 at his death.
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 17/May/21
It’s crazy to think that the tallest wrestler in history had their last match over a century ago
Kunoichi said on 17/May/21
Giant Baba teamed up with Ernie Ladd when he was young, Baba said that Ladd's line of sight was higher than Baba's line of sight.When Ernie Ladd came to AJPW, he was asked by the company to bend down and fight.
UndertakerFrank said on 14/May/21
Hogan in that Picture with Trump is wearing White Cowboy Boots with a Big Heel Thats when they did a Contract signing in the ring
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 14/May/21
Click Here Doesn’t look much over 6’11 if at all here, compared to solid 6’5 Hogan and weak 6’2 Trump
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 10/May/21
@JT Kowalski looked like he was sneaking tiptoes there, plus Beaupre’s neck and spine probably deteriorated post mortem
JT said on 9/May/21
Click Here The other guy was a Canadian wrestling promotor and IMO was probably in the 5’9” range.


ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 5/May/21
GST said on 2/May/21
Edouardo Beaupre’s corpse was used by circuses and ended up in a college until his family won the rights via legal action in 1989. Pictured with his corpse is 6’7 Killer Kowalski. I’m not certain Kowalski was quite 6’7 but the corpse looks every bit of 8 foot tall even if Kowalski was only 6’5 or so. I would venture to guess he was every bit as tall as he was billed, and at least 1 foot taller than Andre, Khali, Big Shiw, etc.

Have you got the pic? It’s possible Beaupre at his height and weight would lose a lot of height throughout the day


Click Here Even factoring in the camera angle, Beaupre does not look quite 8 foot but probably still as tall or taller than Giant Gonzalez. The floor of the display may be elevated though.

There used to be a few videos of Kowalski being interviewed by Vince in the 1970s WWWF and he looked no more than 6’4”ish.
Big ed said on 7/May/21
I think 1 of the reasons andre wanted cremation was the fact didn't want to be touched or unearthed possibly because of height clarification
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 5/May/21
GST said on 2/May/21
Edouardo Beaupre’s corpse was used by circuses and ended up in a college until his family won the rights via legal action in 1989. Pictured with his corpse is 6’7 Killer Kowalski. I’m not certain Kowalski was quite 6’7 but the corpse looks every bit of 8 foot tall even if Kowalski was only 6’5 or so. I would venture to guess he was every bit as tall as he was billed, and at least 1 foot taller than Andre, Khali, Big Shiw, etc.

Have you got the pic? It’s possible Beaupre at his height and weight would lose a lot of height throughout the day
GST said on 2/May/21
Edouardo Beaupre’s corpse was used by circuses and ended up in a college until his family won the rights via legal action in 1989. Pictured with his corpse is 6’7 Killer Kowalski. I’m not certain Kowalski was quite 6’7 but the corpse looks every bit of 8 foot tall even if Kowalski was only 6’5 or so. I would venture to guess he was every bit as tall as he was billed, and at least 1 foot taller than Andre, Khali, Big Shiw, etc.

ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 1/May/21
If Andre was still alive today I assume he’d be down to about 6’5.5 given that he was 6’11 peak but 6’9.75 at his death
Duhon said on 18/Apr/21
Interesting article about how Vince might have bought John Harris contract to simply keep him on the shelf so other promotions couldn't claim to have a giant bigger than Andre Click Here
Halb said on 16/Apr/21
Édouard Beaupré was the tallest wrestler, or the The Childe of Hale if you believe his billed height.
RP said on 16/Apr/21
@ JT, I stand corrected. My memory had failed me. I was thinking John Harris had been proven to be like 7’0.5” once. But, after doing a little was indeed 7’3.5” that he was confirmed to have been in 1985. And as Silo Sam was once billed @ 7’8” !! Good catch, Brother!
JT said on 14/Apr/21
RP said on 11/Apr/21
@ A. Lawrence, not true ...The Giant Jorge Gonzales was a Legit barefoot 7’6”. Then it’s a very close run off between Andre, The Big Show & Big John Harris. All three men’s peak heights were somewhere between 6’10.75” & 7’0.25”. There have also been a handful of scrubs who never panned out more than a couple of years in the business, who were between 6’11” & 7’2”.


Not true. Harris was probably at or close to 7’3”, or roughly 3-5 inches taller than Big Show and Andre. Click Here Not sure if Andre ever stood next to Lance Russell but we know how Andre measured up to Elmer and Hogan. Harris was a scrub who barely wrestled and never panned out.
Dred_ said on 12/Apr/21
Rob do you have any idea how is the difference between eyelevel and eye-chin for andre ?
Click Here

If seems over an inch easily considering even that andre has a thick hairstyle. It seems near 2
Editor Rob
Andre could have had a bit more than 1 inch extra eye-chin than eye-top of head.
Vegas CH said on 12/Apr/21
A.Lawrence said on 8/Apr/21
Tallest man in Wrestling history.

Andre wouldn't be top 5 tallest wrestlers

This guy would tower over Andre Click Here
viper said on 11/Apr/21
I think 6-11 peak and 6-9 in the end
Spooner said on 11/Apr/21
Peak: 213.5 cm
Death: 206 cm
RP said on 11/Apr/21
@ A. Lawrence, not true ...The Giant Jorge Gonzales was a Legit barefoot 7’6”. Then it’s a very close run off between Andre, The Big Show & Big John Harris. All three men’s peak heights were somewhere between 6’10.75” & 7’0.25” . There have also been a handful of scrubs who never panned out more than a couple of years in the business, who were between 6’11” & 7’2”.
Canson said on 11/Apr/21
@A Lawrence: not sure if Show doesn’t have him beat
A.Lawrence said on 8/Apr/21
Tallest man in Wrestling history.
Duhon said on 8/Apr/21
@Halb the question is though when was that point? Andre most certainly had gigantism and acromegaly. There are average height people who have acromegaly and it just affects their facial features and hands like Maurice Tillet. Both Andres parents were average height so even if he was "only" 6'10"-6'11" that wasn't his natural genetic height.

I think trying to figure out when Andre stopped growing is as interesting as when he started losing height.
Halb said on 8/Apr/21
the medical condition André had makes people grow out, not up, after a certain point.
RoelC said on 7/Apr/21
Canson said on 5/Apr/21
I could even see 6’10” being he received it at the Olympics but it’s unclear as to when he began losing height
Canson said on 5/Apr/21
@184guy: he was likely around that in his prime. Maybe he pushed 6’11” and could hold it or near it but I don’t see 7’0”. I could even see 6’10” being he received it at the Olympics but it’s unclear as to when he began losing height
184guy2 said on 4/Apr/21
Andre looking a legit 8'' on Jim Duggan
6'10-6'10.5 at that very moment AT LEAST
Ben Bell said on 4/Apr/21
I had a long drive from the top of Scotland down through England and I listened to the audio book biography on Andre. It was truly fantastic.
I’d go 7ft peak, being slightly optimistic there. Perhaps an inch under.
At the time of his death I’d go 6’9.
It’s crazy how much height these super tall guys, mainly wrestlers lose. The injuries destroy posture and height. It seems like you’re lucky if you get away 1-2 inches.
Duhon said on 1/Apr/21
If Andre was being listed at 6'11" assuming that was accurate at 23, is it possible he grew another inch later? For most men growing an inch after 23 would be extremely unlikely but I wonder if his medical condition kept him growing past the age when most normal men would have stopped?
Halb said on 29/Mar/21
I was listening to a video this week and it was mentioned André had his back surgery in 1987, post Wrestlemania three, which makes sense.
Vegas CH said on 25/Mar/21
Duhon looks to be pretty straight there and it's 88-89 Click Here

Elmer was on Andy Kaufman show and looked ~8 inches taller than 6 foot Kaufman
JT said on 25/Mar/21
Here’s a screencap of Stan Frazier/Uncle Elmer with ~5’10” Lance Russell Click Here I can’t recall if Frazier was wearing cowboy boots. If he was, he’s looking ~6’7” here; if not, around 6'8".

A few pics/articles of Andre that I have not seen before
Age 19 Click Here
~ Age 23 Click Here
~ Age 24 Click Here
With Kerry Von Erich Click Here
With Bruiser Brody Click Here
With Victor Rivera Click Here
Not sure who these guys are:
Click Here
Click Here
Kunoichi said on 24/Mar/21
Billed Height in Japan for wrestlers over 2 meters tall

Tex McKenzie was very tall.

Click Here
Duhon said on 23/Mar/21
@184guy in that clip you can see Andre has a pronounced curve in his spine almost a hump even. Andre's body definitely broke down quite a bit between the early to mid 80s. Just a few years earlier he could at least stand quite upright next to a guy like Wilt Chamberlain.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 22/Mar/21
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was losing height by the time he joined WWF. Definitely 6’11 peak, 6’9.75 when he passed away
Tall In The Saddle said on 22/Mar/21
Just came off watching the 2018 doco on Andre.

I’m not a wrestling fan but still knew the wrestlers featured. Excellent treatment. Highly recommended. Hogan among others recollected Andre’s farts which were described to be as monumental as the man himself. Getting caught with a loaded Andre in confined, inescapable spaces was a serious issue. During light air craft trips Hogan described even the pilot having to wipe his eyes when the big fella cut the cheese which was as audible as it was odorous.

Vince McMahon said he couldn’t say if Andre was 4” above 7 feet. IMO, McMahon was simply being diplomatic in the face of Andre’s billed height in an industry in which McMahon is clearly invested.

McMahon did say however that he believed Andre stood some measure above 7 feet. IMO, Andre’s max. height was more like 6’10” to 6’11”. The acromegaly also made Andre look that much bigger again. Robin Wright recollected that during filming of the Princess Bride, Andre placed his hand on her head to keep her warm. Suffice to say her whole head was covered and his hand provided sufficient warmth.

Andre had such a compelling personality that somehow managed to transcend his gob smacking size.
184guy2 said on 21/Mar/21
Uncle Elmer , Hogan and Andre
Click Here
Andre looks no less than 3'' taller
miko said on 21/Mar/21
Elmer was 6'8 and Andre 6'10 range.

The only way you'll get a 7 foot Andre is if Hogan was over 6'7 and Elmer 6'10.
UndertakerFrank said on 20/Mar/21
Bundy was atleast 2 inches taller than 6ft 1 Ed Oneil on Marrried with Children 6ft 2 for Bundy seems alittle low unless Bundy wore lifts
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 20/Mar/21
Elmer wasn’t the full 6’8 I wouldn’t have thought
Vegas CH said on 18/Mar/21
201cm Stan Frazier aka Uncle Elmer would put Andre at max 6'9 and Hogan at no more than 6'4 in mid 80s.

Even with footwear advantage he is more than 5 inches taller than 6'2 Bundy Click Here
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 17/Mar/21
Yeah look at Andres shoulders and chest. All muscle whereas Elmer had little mass there. I do think Andre could be slouching a little and Elmer has a bit of camera advantage so he could look 6’8 but I’d think 201-202cm is better than 202-203
Duhon said on 16/Mar/21
In that pic with Elmer you can see how Andre despite being overweight himself held his weight much sturdier than Elmer who just looks like a tall fat guy and not massive like Andre.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 15/Mar/21
Ok I underestimated Elmer, I’ll give him 202cm but no more
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 14/Mar/21
@Big Ed I’ve said before I can understand why people may guess his height as 7’+ but I have read that he was 6’11. No real idea on Elmer, I’ve barely seen him, I just went in the Google list of wrestlers by height
Vegas CH said on 14/Mar/21
Elmer was ~6'8

Click Here
Big ed said on 14/Mar/21
Think Elmer was taller than 1.99 but others seem close enough I genuinely think andre at his tallest was a legit 2.14 down to around 2.09 2.10 neighbourhood
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 14/Mar/21
Click Here

Yoko with 6’6 Mabel. Notice anything? Yoko was barefoot while Mabel had boots on. I’d be very surprised if Yokozuna was anything under 6’2
Halb said on 12/Mar/21
Yoko seemed even with Bret.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 11/Mar/21
@184guy2 I got billed heights from Google.
At first I thought Yokozuna was 6’2, but he wrestled barefoot while most opponents had shoes on. Big Show is currently billed at 7 foot. Flair I think was about that height at his peak and he’s barely 5’8 today. Baba is really hard to tell because like Andre he slouched a lot and there weren’t many good comparisons so he could have been over 6’7. I am strongly convinced Drew is more likely to be 6’4.5-6’4.75 than 6’4.25-6’4.5
184guy2 said on 9/Mar/21
A few of yours are wrong
Yokozuna wasn't 6'3 and Flair wasn't 5'10 range
Big Show was billed 7'4 in WCW later 7'2 in WWF and '' over 7 feet '' in WWE
Giant Baba was nearer 6'8
Drew 194cm
Ek said on 7/Mar/21
@slim 6'1

Andre mentioned in this interview that his father was 6'2" and his mother was 5'2". He probably would have been about the same height as his father had it not been for his gigantism.

Click Here
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 7/Mar/21
WWE billed vs real heights (all are listed at my guess of their peaks)
Giant Gonzales billed 2.45m legit 2.31m
Andre the Giant billed 2.24m legit 2.11m
Ron Reis billed 2.18m legit 2.15m
Giant Silva billed 2.18m legit 2.14m
Great Khali billed 2.16m legit 2.14m
Big Show billed 2.13m legit 2.13m
Big Cass billed 2.13m legit 2.03m
Kane billed 2.13m legit 2.02m
Nathan Jones billed 2.11m legit 2.07m
Robert Maillet billed 2.11m legit 2.06m
Kevin Nash billed 2.08m legit 2.07m
Undertaker billed 2.08m legit 2.01m
Giant Baba billed 2.08m legit 2.01m
Uncle Elmer billed 2.08m legit 1.99m
John Studd billed 2.08m legit 1.99m
One Man Gang billed 2.06m legit 1.97m
Braun Strowman billed 2.03m legit 1.99m
Hulk Hogan billed 2.01m legit 1.96m
Dave Bautista billed 1.98m legit 1.90m
Drew McIntyre billed 1.96m legit 1.95m
Randy Orton billed 1.96m legit 1.93m
Jinder Mahal billed 1.96m legit 1.92m
Edge billed 1.96m legit 1.91m
Dwayne Johnson billed 1.96m legit 1.90m
Big Van Vader billed 1.96m legit 1.90m
Yokozuna billed 1.93m legit 1.90m
Bill Goldberg billed 1.93m legit 1.89m
Triple H billed 1.93m legit 1.88m
Mark Henry billed 1.93m legit 1.88m
Roman Reigns billed 1.91m legit 1.89m
Brock Lesnar billed 1.91m legit 1.88m
Bill Eadie billed 1.90m legit 1.88m
Vince McMahon billed 1.88m legit 1.87m
Steve Austin billed 1.88m legit 1.86m
Booker T billed 1.88m legit 1.85m
John Cena billed 1.86m legit 1.84m
The Miz billed 1.85m legit 1.82m
Shawn Michaels billed 1.85m legit 1.81m
Ric Flair billed 1.85m legit 1.79m
Bret Hart billed 1.83m legit 1.82m
Kurt Angle billed 1.83m legit 1.78m
Chris Jericho billed 1.83m legit 1.77m
Big E billed height 1.80m legit 1.77m
AJ Styles billed 1.80m legit 1.74m
Charlotte Flair billed 1.78m legit 1.74m
Daniel Bryan billed 1.78m legit 1.71m
Rey Mysterio billed 1.68m legit 1.58m
These are just the ones I could find on Google’s list of wrestlers by height
Ian C. said on 5/Mar/21
I'm not sure that Andre could have been said to have "suffered" from acromegalia. He must have been strong and able-bodied in youth, or he couldn't have been a successful athlete. He monetized his size. He appeared on Letterman, and seemed normal and socially at ease, as well as fluent in English.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 2/Mar/21
@Dan Trojan they did bill Gonzales at 8’0 though
Dan Trojan said on 28/Feb/21
I think it would've been interesting to see a staredown between Andre and giant Gonzalez he would've definitely put Andre's billed height of 7'4" to rest being a legitimate 7'6" I think Gonzalez would've towered him
Eric Veach said on 26/Feb/21
I met Andre in the early 1980s. Biggest human I'd ever seen. Years later, I worked with a man who was a solid 7'2" tall and over 400 lbs and André was easily as big or bigger.
Nippu said on 24/Feb/21
Andre was small compare to R E A L giants as Wadlow, Myllyrinne,Stadnyk (even he was ”only” around 7`7. Andres problem eas that he was to heavy even to catch turtle. Big show has real power he is not ill like Andre was.
Halb said on 22/Feb/21
André had hands in proportion for a 7 foot proportionally sized person. Most 7 footers are sticks; humans that have been given smallish bodies, daddy long legs and spider arms. André was a person who was in proportion like most people, he also happened to be tall, that's what made him a giant, as opposed to a very tall person/basketball player..
Sixseven said on 20/Feb/21
He wore cowboy boots all the time.Why?
Vincent Caleb said on 19/Feb/21
He had giant hands even for his height. Freakish size. Definitely not in proportion to a 6’10-7’0” guy.
Kunoichi said on 18/Feb/21
He was a Raja Lion who played against Giant Baba and was about 220 cm tall.

Click Here
Duhon said on 16/Feb/21
Whether he was actually 7' or not, were Andre's hands proportional to someone who was well over 7' tall? One of the effects of acromegaly is enlarged hands. I don't know if these hands would be out of place on someone well above 7'? Click Here Click Here
caio said on 14/Feb/21
in my italian album of wrestling (1993) I read 2,20.
Halb said on 10/Feb/21
Comparing Studd with Fralic, Studd looked to be 6'5"-6'6" to me.
berta said on 10/Feb/21
i just didnt think he looked more than 6´10-6´11 ever. maybe he was 7 foot but i would personaly think 6´11 on a good day.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 9/Feb/21
I can understand the 7’ guesses but I read he was 6’11
Helen Bennett said on 7/Feb/21
7ft barefoot peak in picture with studd who was around 6ft6.5 to 6ft7 peak bare foot in his early 20s when andre was on his toes it only added one 1inch and Andre was already skrinking as early as 1976 if andre was stood normal he would still be 5.5inchs taller that make him 7ft in the picture so in 1972 he could of been a shade over 7ft like 7ft.025 or 7ft.05 when stood completely straight with back to the wall measurement
Ian C. said on 7/Feb/21
You can see a clip of Andre with David Letterman on YouTube and he was socially normal. He seemed to be a man of proper wit and good temper, relaxed and friendly, and he spoke fluent English. You would think that being monstrous (as that is the word) would have seriously damaged his ability to relate to people, but it didn't.
slim 6'1 said on 30/Jan/21
I wonder if he didn’t have acromegaly how tall he would’ve ended up at
Still a big dude, fu*king Godzilla we got here...
Big ed said on 27/Jan/21
Still don't understand the 6'7 at 17 when was this ever said remember lord alfred Hayes saying 6'10 at 16 he did exaggerate alot in fairness but never heard anyone say 6'7 at 17 just wondering cause heard over 6ft at 12 alright
Matt 1990 said on 25/Jan/21
He was 7ft.05 bare foot peak in 1972
Kunoichi said on 25/Jan/21
It's not related to height, but Killer Khan says he injured Andre's Uncle during the match. The common wisdom is that Andre himself was injured in bed.

Click Here
miko said on 24/Jan/21
Hogan and Andre stacked up the same between 1977/79 and 1987 so there was no height loss for Andre in that period, and Hogan was in his 20's and early 30's so none for him either.

He did start to look shorter when he body started to fail in 1988/1989 onwards though.
Halb said on 23/Jan/21
It's possible that André lost height in 1986 when he had the surgery. But when André and Studd square up at the two Wrestlemanias that they do, there's no difference in my opinion.
Big ed said on 22/Jan/21
Halb andre would have lost height after his back surgery he looked 7 foot in 1985 behind the curtain at wm1 he looks huge coming past doors with decent stature at wm5 he was probably 6'11
JayHay said on 20/Jan/21
I think in his youth he may have been 7’0 1/4 at a low, and may have lost 1/4 of an inch by his death.
Halb said on 19/Jan/21
The height difference between Studd and André didn't change between Wrestlemania 1 and 5.
Big ed said on 17/Jan/21
A few wrestlers and a close friend of John studd said he was 6'7 so he would of been in and around that height he wore thicker boots than andre and even at wm5 1989 andre appeared around 5" taller he would of lost height by then too even if studd was 6'6 andre would be around 6'11 so I'd say in the 70s he was a 7'0.5"
G money said on 16/Jan/21
He was right at 7ft he was standing near Wilt Chamberlain in a picture in 1972 and he is 7"1 so Andrea was right at 7ft
slim 6'1 said on 16/Jan/21
214cm what a beast!
Kunoichi said on 11/Jan/21
According to a conversation between Bill Eadie and Mr. Takahashi in Japan, Andre told Eadie the year before he died that he is now 215 cm tall.
David Banner said on 11/Jan/21
Peak barefoot 6’9.75”
ended up around 6’8”
Lins 5'11.25 said on 9/Jan/21

1976: 7ft
1986: 6ft 11 1/4
1992: 6ft 10 3/8
184guy2 said on 8/Jan/21
Looked a solid 2in taller than Mane in later 1992 . 6'10range about death , certainly taller when younger
Duhon said on 5/Jan/21
It seems like the true exact height of Andre the Giant is one of those mystery's that may never be solved. Was he ever drafted and sent for a government physical?
Kunoichi said on 5/Jan/21
According to Japanese referee Mr. Takahashi, Andre's height continued to grow and he hit his head against a chandelier about 240 cm high.😂😂
Hill 1968 said on 4/Jan/21
7ft flat peak in 1972 think he started to shirking in 1976 onwards he started to get a hunched back slowly over time and buy the mid 80s lost over 1.5 inches and around 2 buy time of death
Mma Eric said on 4/Jan/21
He definitely lost a lot of height as he aged. I read he wa drown to 6’9 3/4 at death.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 3/Jan/21
I’ve seen an interview clip where Vince McMahon says “(Andre) wasn’t seven feet four. I know he was over seven but I don’t know how many of inches”. It was on a video of someone ranking the tallest wrestlers. It also had a clip where Andre claimed (in French) “I’m roughly 7 foot 1 and 356 pounds”. Strange cause Sex, Lies and Headlocks calls him 6’11
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Jan/21
Andre does have a rather large head even for his height. At first I thought solid 11.5 inches, but maybe 12 inches like Rob said is correct.
GST said on 29/Dec/20
Video of Andre & Haystacks in a Japanese airport in 1979, brieg clip:

Click Here
JT said on 27/Dec/20
Andre on the set of Zorro in 1990. Click Here The pic at least gives a good idea of the size of Andre’s hands although the other guy is really small.
JT said on 22/Dec/20
New pic of Andre Click Here That’s a Pontiac StratoChief, so I assume this is in the U.S. or Canada and probably the early 1970s.

Andre on his toes with Frank Valois Click Here

Regarding John Studd, here’s a good screen cap with Scott Irwin Click Here who was listed as 6’2” in college football. Click Here Studd looks at most 4 inches taller.

Re: Bill Walton, he wasn’t 6’11” peak. I met him when he was around 60 and after almost 40 surgeries on his legs and back and he looked roughly 6’11” Click Here He measured up well with Kareem and Ralph Sampson (both down to ~ 7’1”) Click Here and Magic Johnson Click Here around that same time period

At peak he was easily over 7 feet. Click Here LaRue Martin (#35) in the top pic was listed at 6’11” and Mo Lucas (#20) in the bottom pic 6’9” and they looked around that height.

Walton was taller than Robert Parish (listed at “7 ft ½ inch”) when they played together in the mid-80s and still taller in the early 2000s. Click Here

This SI article from the 1970s explains why Walton wanted to be listed at 6’11” Click Here When I met him, he adopted impeccable posture when posing for pictures so he seems to be no longer uncomfortable with his height.
NCL said on 22/Dec/20
Hey, Rob. Question for you regarding the screenshot that you have for your Andre the Giant Video. Would that be what a 7-footer would look like next to you?
Editor Rob
think I put myself closer to the 6ft 10 range Andre rather than the full 7 footer there 😉
Canson said on 20/Dec/20
@RP: I’m not even so sure he downplayed it more so than others thinking he was taller than he was. I actually could buy a hair over 6’11 for a leak Walton but not as high as Rob lists him. People think he downplays it because you get guys like Dan Patrick trying to convince himself, Walton, and others than Walton was 7’2”
RP said on 19/Dec/20
@ Duhon, a peak Bill Walton was indeed 6’11”. Bill once claimed to have measured exactly 7’0” in his sneakers his rookie season with Portland, if mid to late 1970’s Converse? That put’s him spot on 6’11” barefoot. Bill also had great posture. McHale has/had horrible posture. Bill would down play his height a lot. Not sure why?
Canson said on 17/Dec/20
@RP: I would give McHale a weak 6’10 too
Canson said on 17/Dec/20
Walton may have been 6’11:5” peak
Duhon said on 16/Dec/20
I think Kevin is around 6'10" but Bill Walton (#5) looks over 7' next to him in this picture. Click Here
RP said on 16/Dec/20
McHale looks 6’9.75” with Larry Bird when both men were in their primes...IMO.
JT said on 15/Dec/20
Here’s Kevin McHale and Ted Danson, who looked a solid 6’2” IMO
Click Here

RP said on 12/Dec/20
@ JT
Great find!
Studd looks a good 6’6.5” there with 6’4.75” Charles & legit 6’10” Kevin.

Since we can’t see the stances, floor, or footwear, the photo has little value for estimating anyone’s heights. Also, Studd looks a tad closer to the camera than Barkley and McHale is obviously farthest from the camera.

As Vegas said, Barkley was taller next to Mean Gene than 6'5" Bill Fralic was. Click Here Barkley was also taller next to Gene than Hogan and Jake Roberts were and arguably looked taller next to Gene than Studd did.
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 14/Dec/20
@RP: I’m undecided on McHale’s height. But he looks near 6’10 if he’s not the full amount
Vegas' said on 13/Dec/20
Impossible to tell anything from that photo. Barkley was taller next to Gene than Bill Fralic was
Pdoggy said on 13/Dec/20
There is a lot going on there in the Studd photo. A cool find for who is in the pic. Angles, who is closer. McHale is obviously farthest away. Studd is closest of people of interest. Probably in boots. Not sure what Barkley is doing if his knees are bent at all as he is goofing in the pic.

Cool pic though.
RP said on 12/Dec/20
@ JT
Great find!
Studd looks a good 6’6.5” there with 6’4.75” Charles & legit 6’10” Kevin.
Canson said on 12/Dec/20
@JT: Lol Barkley was 6’4 5/8 peak
JT said on 11/Dec/20
Interesting photo of John Studd, Charles Barkley and Kevin McHale from the late 1980s. Click Here McHale was at or pretty close to 6’10” as he was a little taller than Larry Bird in their playing days. Barkley was around 6'6". I’m guessing Studd has cowboy boots on unless there's something funny going on with the stances or the level of the floor.
Richard Vickers said on 5/Dec/20
Forget the height debate for a second, Andre's enormous head should be another topic and I will segue into that for an open discourse.
Andre's head, from my expert estimation is 14" from chin to crest of the cranium and 29 inches in circumference. Andre's head was at least as large as Maurice Tillet's, I think even larger.
His head alone must have weighed 30 lbs!
I remember the Bushwhackers put their cap on Andre and it looked more like a Yakima on the ponderous mass of coiled hair and jutting forehead.
Vincent Caleb said on 30/Nov/20
If he lost height at age 30 maybe 6’11” flat is too low for him. Taking that into account it’s possible he may have been 6’11.5” before he started shrinking, and 6’9.5” before passing.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/20
Rob, could we add Ravishing Rick Rude?

Billed both 6ft3 and 6ft4, somewhere between those looked probable. Claimed 6ft4 in this interview with Regis and Kathie Lee in 1986 (3:46 mark) Click Here
Click Here Holding up well next to Andre (a mighty feat) and edging DiBiase (solid 6ft3er himself)
Click Here w/h Vince and HBK
Duhon said on 24/Nov/20
Do we know if people who suffer from Acromegaly lose height in a typical way? We know they certainly don't grow typically. I wonder if they are medically prone to suffer height loss at an accelerated rate? That would potentially explain things for Andre. He had the health problems of an elderly man in his early 40s.
Pdoggy said on 23/Nov/20
In the corrected picture where a black and white picture is overlaid on top of the color picture. The top of Andres hair and the top of wilt's wig are pretty much identical. To the TOP of Andre's head not hair is 7'1.5 to 7'2" in his cowboy boots. Without the boots he is 6'11.5 to 7' in this corrected version.

Debate away, as if I needed to say that.
Halb said on 21/Nov/20
Well we know that Wilt was measured twice, once at 7'1" and once near filming at 7'½". Wilt was 47 at time of filming.
Canson said on 21/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: that’s odd. But then again Wilt may have too in his 30s
Editor Rob
Andre had been doing a lot of wrestling through his 20's.
Canson said on 19/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: when would you say he begin losing height?
Editor Rob
I would not be surprised by age 30 he'd lost a little.
Halb said on 18/Nov/20
An inch minimum by 37 seems excessive when we know his early listings were 6'10"/6'11".
RoelC said on 18/Nov/20
Editor Rob said on 16/Nov/20
Click Here. That is the original version.
Cool, never new Gettyimages had the original pics in their stock.

If you place the original pics next to the one from Moviestilldb, you can see how tilted that pic was.
Click Here

The 1st pic looks to have the correct angle. Everything looks to be level there.
In the 2nd pic everything looks to be leaning to the left a little bit. In the 3rd pic that's of course even more exagerrated.
Editor Rob
yeah there is a tilt favouring Andre.
62B said on 17/Nov/20
What do you guess Andre's height at in the Wilt Picture Rob?
Editor Rob
given his footwear, hard to see andre near 7ft, I mean he had lost an inch at least by then I'm sure
62B said on 17/Nov/20
JT said on 17/Nov/20
Early 70s
Click Here
Click Here

62B said on 15/Nov/20
….This first pic of Wilt and Andre is an altered version as an attempt to correct the camera angle. There is no way to determine if it is an accurate depiction or not. The real unedited picture has Andre looking taller than Wilt even in the wig.


There is no point in posting pics out there like this Click Here or even this Click Here where there’s an obvious camera tilt in favor of Andre.

Everything including the ground look level here Click Here and Wilt still comes out taller.

I am not trying to say Andre was ever taller than Wilt. But I would rather look at an unaltered picture than an altered one. I know its your hobby, but even if you come up with something that may have actually been close, there is now way of saying without a doubt its accurate.
JT said on 17/Nov/20
Early 70s
Click Here
Click Here

62B said on 15/Nov/20
….This first pic of Wilt and Andre is an altered version as an attempt to correct the camera angle. There is no way to determine if it is an accurate depiction or not. The real unedited picture has Andre looking taller than Wilt even in the wig.


There is no point in posting pics out there like this Click Here or even this Click Here where there’s an obvious camera tilt in favor of Andre.

Everything including the ground look level here Click Here and Wilt still comes out taller.
RoelC said on 16/Nov/20
62B said on 15/Nov/20
This first pic of Wilt and Andre is an altered version as an attempt to correct the camera angle. There is no way to determine if it is an accurate depiction or not. The real unedited picture has Andre looking taller than Wilt even in the wig.

Pdoggy said on 15/Nov/20
The original pic of Andre and Wilt without people trying to TILT the pic shows Andre as taller because of his footwear.
The ‘real unedited’ pic had a clear camera tilt in Andre’s favour!
Click Here
It was posted on a website called Moviestilldb, which is nothing more than a sharing platform for moviestills. Who’s to say the pic hasn’t been tampered with before it was uploaded? I can tell you with 100% certainty though that this was not the original pic. It’s been edited as well.

Here’s a different version of the same pic. Less tilted, different colors, less detail in the top of the pic, but more detail in the bottom, confirming that the pic from Moviestillsdb isn’t the original pic. The pic is still slightly tilted in Andre’s favor, but not nearly as much as the other pic.

The pic Meltzer posted in his newsletter, did not have that camera tilt. Whether or not he got the pic directly from the photographer himself, is unsure He doesn’t give credit to the original copyright holders, so my guess is he didn’t.
He did crop the pic to a size, so only Andre, Wilt & Arnold were seen. But did he tilt is aswell?

That seems highly unlikely, as a different pic (the one were Andre had his head down) showed up in a movie magazine, and that pic had the same camera angle as Meltzer’s pic. You can see that pic on my post from November 10 (1st pic). Seeing as the official copyright holders (Universal Studios & photographer Rolf Konow) are credited, it’s safe to assume they got their pic directly from the source. The camera angle is exactly the same as Meltzer’s pic. If you blend the two pics together, you’ll see that Arnold & Wilt stay the same height and Andre gains a little bit of height, because he raises his head. Click Here

The floor line in front of them is a good indicator of how the camera angle should be, as it needs to be nearly level.
Editor Rob
Click Here. That is the original version.
J2Frenzy said on 16/Nov/20
@Vincent I don’t think he lost 2 full inches at his age, but O think he lost more than 1. So 6’9.5 is a compromise
Vincent Caleb said on 16/Nov/20
Agreed, Andre was 6’11”. Not sure on his height before he passed though. Sometimes it looked as low as 6’9” flat.
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
RoelC said on 13/Nov/20
Canson said on 12/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: I wonder when the 7’0.5 took place. Peak could be 7’1 as I’d still not rule it out. Maybe 7’0.75
Don't know about his 7'1 1/16" measurement, but the 7'0 ½" was done at the end of a 1-hour media session, which was held in the afternoon. Click Here

Canson said on 15/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: that looks good. Im thinking that it was more along the lines of 6’11 in his early 20s perhaps or maybe just under. I’m not seeing just a solid 6’10 like some say (which I considered at one point too) but don’t see 7’0” either
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
What people have to remember is height loss at this size is very real once you age. As J2Frenzy said, Wilt Chamberlain could’ve been a candidate for mid 40s height loss and there are others such as Big Show who could be the same. I don’t necessarily rule out some height loss for Andre at an even earlier age and he had a rare medical condition
Halb said on 15/Nov/20
JT said on 14/Nov/20
Wilt obviously has a wig on with Andre but the top of his head is higher than it would appear Click Here
Even without the correction the floor, on cane see Wilt edges out André, even with those cowboy boots, the only question is by how much, and then how much more to take off for the boots. This is also a healthy André who has had no surgery. There's a great match between André and Stan Hansen from 1983 which shows how nimble André was in '83, there's no reason to think he had lost anything by the age of 37.
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
Andre’s peak was 6’11, down to 6’9.5 when he died
Pdoggy said on 15/Nov/20
The original pic of Andre and Wilt without people trying to TILT the pic shows Andre as taller because of his footwear.

Roel is correct. These pics are old and a lot of variations have flooded the web.

I would say that in the original pic all things considered Andre was between 6 11.5 and 7' barefoot in that pic. Wilt edging him by a half inch. They both dwarf Arnold. This is not Andre's peak. I believe he peaked at just over 7'.
62B said on 15/Nov/20
JT said on 14/Nov/20
Wilt obviously has a wig on with Andre but the top of his head is higher than it would appear Click Here

This first pic of Wilt and Andre is an altered version as an attempt to correct the camera angle. There is no way to determine if it is an accurate depiction or not. The real unedited picture has Andre looking taller than Wilt even in the wig.
JT said on 14/Nov/20
Wilt obviously has a wig on with Andre but the top of his head is higher than it would appear Click Here

Stan Frazier next to probably strong 6’0” Roddy Piper and Andre next to Piper from the same year Click Here
Here’s a pretty good shot of Frazier and Hillbilly Jim in the ring
Click Here
Frazier in cowboy boots next to Andy Kaufman (6’0” per Rob) from 1983
Click Here
RoelC said on 13/Nov/20
Canson said on 12/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: I wonder when the 7’0.5 took place. Peak could be 7’1 as I’d still not rule it out. Maybe 7’0.75
Don't know about his 7'1 1/16" measurement, but the 7'0 ½" was done at the end of a 1-hour media session, which was held in the afternoon. Click Here
Canson said on 12/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: I wonder when the 7’0.5 took place. Peak could be 7’1 as I’d still not rule it out. Maybe 7’0.75
Undertaker Frank said on 11/Nov/20
I dont Believe was 6ft 11 Barefoot in the picture with Wilt He had the Heel Advantage & still shorter than Wilt Andre i would say 6ft 10 Barefoot would be more likely
Halb said on 11/Nov/20
There is a picture of André's cowboy boots, they make regular cowboy boots look tiny. What boost do regular boots give? 1'½"-2"?
FriedChicken said on 10/Nov/20
So i looked it up and apparently wilt was in his late 40s at the time. And in his mid 40s he measured 7'0 1/2. So 6'11" for Andre there.
FriedChicken said on 10/Nov/20
How old was Wilt during that pic? In his 40s he shrunk to 7'0.5
Vincent Caleb said on 8/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: What do you think his head size was? An easy 11 inches?
Editor Rob
when looking at some photos with other folk, actually nearer a foot isn't impossible.
J2Frenzy said on 8/Nov/20
Andre is a little further back in that picture, look at their feet. Just a thing I noticed
Canson said on 6/Nov/20
@Roel C and Fried Chicken: where Wilt is in a favorable place with camera. Agreed. If you placed Magic there and Bird in the spot where Andre is, that would make him look the same (shorter) than Magic. While I don’t necessarily believe Andre was ever 7’0”, that pic is hardly the way to prove.
recapa said on 5/Nov/20
i feel like andre was just under 7ft at his peak
FriedChicken said on 5/Nov/20
Andre is obviously further from the camera. Look at their shoes.
Halb said on 5/Nov/20
André looks at least 2 inches under Wilt there. With any footwear taken into consideration. 7'½" and 6'10½"?
J2Frenzy said on 5/Nov/20
The only difference between 7’1 Wilt and Andre looks to be hair based. Dre looks 6’11 there
RoelC said on 4/Nov/20
There was a slight tilt in the pic with Andre & Frazier, which I've corrected here.
Click Here

Andre isn't much taller here, but he's standing further behind and has a slight footwear disadvantage. My guess is, he would be around 2-3 inches taller than Frazier.

Frazier stood right next to Hogan at a 1985 WWE SNME Halloween special. He looked no more than 2 inches taller than Hogan.
Click Here

Looked no more than 2-3 inches taller than Hillbilly Jim either.
Click Here

My guess is Elmer was 6'7-6'8" at the most. 6'10" is way too high for him.
Andre definately looked taller next to Hogan & Hillbilly Jim than Elmer did.
Guy B said on 2/Nov/20
Looking at pictures of him next to Wilt chamberlain, it doesn’t show that much of a height difference between the two. I would say that at his absolute peak and healthiest, maybe a shade over 7 feet tall. By the late 80s and early 90s, you can tell his condition was really taking a toll and was compressing the hell out of his spine.

I think a lot of people go against the 7 foot tall guess because so many didn’t follow his career until the mid-80s, and that’s when his condition started to decline. I did have the privilege of meeting him at an event not long before his death. Couldn’t really guess a height then, because I was seven and anyone over 6 feet tall was gonna look like a giant, LOL, but truly truly nice man. A gentle giant.
JT said on 1/Nov/20
Stan Frazier’s website also says he was 6’10” and the same height as Andre but he looked maybe 6’8” peak
With Andre Click Here Jerry Lawler’s around 5’10” and Frazier does not look a full head size taller
With Vince Click Here

Frazier and King Kong Bundy (~ 6’3”) in flip flops stood on the same scale for a "weigh-in" for a mid-1980s Saturday Night Main Event
Click Here
Halb said on 1/Nov/20
Looking at this pic,, the camera angle favours André, but I don't see 2". Not seen this picture before either of Wilt and André, even with his cowboy boots André has to look up some.
UndertakerFrank said on 1/Nov/20
Halb Andre was clearly taller than Stan Frazier So i doubt Stan was a Legit 6ft 10 Andre probably was 6ft 10 There are pictures on both of them together & Andre was atleast 2 inches taller
Vegas' said on 1/Nov/20
Why would Pierres opinion mean anything? The guy knows nothing about pro wrestling as he demonstrated on Kanes page and just randomly posts photos where people look shorter. I mean is Big Show 6'4 based on this? Click Here

Shaq would be ~7'2 in those big sneakers Click Here even an older Big Show there looks taller than 6'9 (6'10.5 in gear). Footwear soles looks similar.
Halb said on 1/Nov/20
If you listen to the 'Jim Cornette's Drive Thru - Episode 161: Andre The Giant vs. Stan Hansen Watch-Along.' Jim mentions the real height of Stan Frazier which he then states is the same height as André the Giant, 6'10".
RoelC said on 29/Oct/20
Vegas' said on 28/Oct/20
You are confusing being "billed" by a pro wrestling promotion. Yes he was "billed" at 7'2 for a few years (Roel would know better than me when WWE stopped billing him 7'2 but I would assume 2004-05?). Prior to that WCW billed him 7'4.
WWE started re-billing Big Show at 7ft in November 2004.
His billing in October 2004: Click Here
His billing in November 2004: Click Here

When he arrived in the WWE in February 1999 he was also billed at 7ft. They didn't start billing him at 7ft2 until May 1999.
Vincent Caleb said on 29/Oct/20
Andre is a definitely over listed. Peak was max 6-11.25 possibly a flat 6-11.
Vegas' said on 29/Oct/20
Inflation happens in college basketball but a 6'9 range guy getting 7'1 listings is next to impossible. More than 2 inch inflation is extremely rare and I have researched the barefoot heights and college listings of over 150 players from last 5 years measured 6'5 barefoot or over.

You are also ignoring if Wight was 6'9 peak then next tallest guy on a division 1 NCAA team was struggling with 6'5, again impossible Click Here High school teams would be taller.. #32 went on to play in NBA I believe and was listed 6'8!

Shaq and Big show meeting in 2009 Big Show is not in wrestling boots.. Click Here

Also Andre never looked that tall next to Savage or Hogan Click Here
Canson said on 29/Oct/20
@Vegas: Yea Shaq definitely edged him But I also wonder how much height he had lost by that time. Maybe Show wasn’t 7’0” in his prime but I’d easily say he was 6’11” range
Vegas' said on 28/Oct/20
You said and I quote "Big Show claimed 7-2 until he got stared down by Shaq". To my knowledge and I have been watching pro wrestling 40 odd years Paul "Big Show" Wight never claimed 7'2 out of kayfabe. During non WWE interviews for Mayweather match in early 2008 he was claiming 7 foot.

You are confusing being "billed" by a pro wrestling promotion. Yes he was "billed" at 7'2 for a few years (Roel would know better than me when WWE stopped billing him 7'2 but I would assume 2004-05?). Prior to that WCW billed him 7'4.

As for height I met Wight a number of times between 2001-10, 100% he was taller than 6'9 out of gear then and taller than 6'10.

Your video you can't see if ground is a level or footwear, stance nothing. First time he stared down Shaq was 2009, looks taller than 6'9-10 there Click Here

Also you think Lebron in white and Big Show in black are both 6'9? Click Here

Remember even with Shaq in 2009 that's an older obese Wight not peak Wight who was listed 7'1 at division 1 level college basketball Click Here Click Here
Halb said on 27/Oct/20
I think in their peak heights, Big Show would edge out André slightly.
Canson said on 27/Oct/20
@Roel C: no different than Jimmy Butler “measuring 6’7” and Jae Crowder measuring 6’6”. Both are 1” shorter just out of bed
RoelC said on 26/Oct/20
JT said on 22/Oct/20
RoelC, the new NBA rules should have ended the height debate but it didn’t. There’s no way Lebron is within 1.25” of Anthony Davis Click Here who’s ~ 6’10” . 6’8.5” should be around Lebron’s height in shoes. Ben Simmons was “measured” at 6’9.5” and Joel Embiid 6’11.75” Click Here when there’s about a 4 inch difference.
Fair enough. Indeed Lebron's re-measurement seem to have raised more questions than it answered.

I've seen the pics of Lebron James & Anthony Davis and Lebron doesn't look 6'8.5" in any of them. But I still think it's weird that the L.A. Lakers would 'fake' Lebron's measurement. If they didn't want to send in accurate figures, why give a figure that has him come out taller barefoot than his 2003 measurement in shoes!
Julian Cross 188.5cm said on 24/Oct/20
How would Andre and Big Show compared in their peaks? My guess is Show would be about 1” taller
Vegas' said on 23/Oct/20
Big Show did not claim 7'2 until Shaq staredown. He was billed 7 foot flat in 2004-08 including his match with Mayweather in 2008 over a year prior to first meeting with Shaq

Wight was definitely taller than 6'10 peak though.
FriedChicken said on 22/Oct/20
I know some older kid who's like 6'5" got billed by 6'7" by his school basketball team. Teams inflating their player heights isn't unknown.
Canson said on 22/Oct/20
@JT: I agree with everything you said. And you also met Lonzo Ball and said he was only 6’4.That’s actually how tall he looks to me with Ingram and Kuzma coincidentally. I’d have a hard time seeing Lonzo any taller than me and I’m 6’4.25”. As for Melo, I’ve met him and he’s about what Rob lists him and what he measured. 6’6” range definitely. And I heard Simmons measured 6’8.25 when drafted but possible he was measured earlier in the day and that Embiid is an afternoon height. I have Simmons at 6’8”.

Go to Sunday July 29, 2018 at 404 pm. The link there is to the pic of all of the rookie all stars. Now I see why Ingram was downgraded because he is shorter than Kuzma. He looks a solid 6’7” (although I swore he was 6’8 when he played for the lakers and maybe 6’7 plus but now I don’t see it). I have Kuzma as a weak 6’8 (6’7.5 or 6’7.75)
Being he got 6’8” in the morning most likely. Lonzo looks 6’4 with them and with Josh Hart (measured 6’3.75” likely a bit earlier). I’d go 6’3.5 for him and 6’4 or maybe a hair over for Zo

Click Here
JT said on 22/Oct/20
RoelC, the new NBA rules should have ended the height debate but it didn’t. There’s no way Lebron is within 1.25” of Anthony Davis Click Here who’s ~ 6’10” . 6’8.5” should be around Lebron’s height in shoes. Ben Simmons was “measured” at 6’9.5” and Joel Embiid 6’11.75” Click Here when there’s about a 4 inch difference.

James Harden and Chris Paul are over-listed by about an inch at 6’5” and 6’1” respectively. I’ve met Paul and he was a little shorter than my 6’0” brother. NBA even over-lists marginal player Lonzo Ball by at least an inch at 6’6”. NBA also lists Carmelo Anthony at 6’8” when he’s about 2 inches shorter than that (although he may not have been signed with any team when these supposed measurements took place so they kept the old listing).

Major League Baseball probably exaggerates heights more than the NBA but not quite like pro wrestling.
Canson said on 21/Oct/20
@RoelC: Lebron wasn’t the only player. Danny Green measured 6’4.5” and is listed at 6’6” still. A lot of players remained the same height after this “supposed” measurement
Canson said on 21/Oct/20
@RoelC: pics aren’t deceiving. He’s not 6’8.5”. He isn’t 1.25” shorter than Davis. I can point to any pic with Carmelo or Wade etc. that may not have been Lebron’s doing either. The teams were forced to measure barefoot. Like Shane Gray said, I doubt many of them complied. Lebron is shorter than Kuzma
RoelC said on 21/Oct/20
Canson said on 19/Oct/20
Lol. You’re right he didn’t grow at all. He would’ve been 6’8.5 in basketball sneakers when drafted being they give 1.25” to his 6’7.25” barefoot measurement
Lebron James was measured 6'7 ¼" at a pre-draft physical in June 2003. He was 6'8" in shoes.
Click Here
So apparently his shoes only give him a ¾" boost.

Lebron was only 18 years old when he got drafted, so it's possible he was still growing at the time.

Last year the NBA ordered all teams to certify the player's age & height. Players had to be measured barefoot by a team physician. Lebron came in at 6'8 ½". Are you claiming the L.A. Lakers faked his measurement? The whole idea was to have more accurate data for players. Faking Lebron's height already goes up entirely against this idea. The credibility of L.A. Lakers team physician would be up for grabs if this measurement proved to be false.

James was the only player from the L.A. lakers whose listed height went up. All the other player's heights went down. I can find no reason for Lebron wanting to be listed taller. Especially considering he played point guard during last season.

Anthony Davis measured 6'9 ¼" at the pre-draft in 2012 (6'10 ½" in shoes, which led to his 6'11" NBA listing). Davis re-measured 6'9 ¾" in 2019. He's now listed 6'10" by the NBA.

I agree that Lebron doesn't look his measured height, but pictures can be deceiving. There's really no debate about an official measurement, unless you wanna argue that said measurement never took place. But if that's the case than we can better stop using NBA measured heights altogether.
Canson said on 21/Oct/20
@Fried Chicken: his Peak height is a mystery
FriedChicken said on 19/Oct/20
Legit 7'0"when he was younger and thinner and ultimately reached 6'11" at the end of his life due to spinal problems. Anyone else agree?
Canson said on 18/Oct/20
Well people who watch basketball and have been around the guys peg Lebron at what Rob lists him max. And I agree with Julian he didn’t grow in his 30s
Halb said on 18/Oct/20
The youtube video titled, 'Jim Cornette Talks About Andre The Giant with Bertrand Hebert' has a title card with two pics of André, one had his real sub-7feet height and one at the kafaybe height.
Canson said on 14/Oct/20
@Return of G: 6’5.5 is very realistic for Hogan in his prime. He would’ve at least managed that at some point in the day (besides out of bed). 6’6” peak is more realistic than 6’3” lol
6'3 Julian said on 14/Oct/20
I agree on Yao Ming being under 7’6, maybe it’s his morning height, and Hogan as 6’5.5 is fine. Andre didn’t pass 7’0 though I don’t think
ReturnofG said on 14/Oct/20
Sorry Yao is shorter than 7'6 Shawn Bradley and Bradley is Shorter than Muerson. A peak Hulk Hogan was no less than 6'5.5 more than likely 6'6 with Andre peak being over 7'0.5, maybe even 7'1.5. When Andre hit over 400 pounds than his height seemed to shrink.
Canson said on 13/Oct/20
A 6’3 Peak Hogan? Here we go again.

Hulk Hogan was at least 6’5” peak. Here is Hogan with Andre the Giant who you said is 6’10” peak. I personally believe he was 6’10-6’11 range. Hogan is not 6’3” with him. He looks 6’5-6’6” range but depending on what Andre was at that stage. I’ve always had Hogan at 6’5.25” (6’6 out of bed) but he obviously isn’t just 6’3”.

Click Here

As for the picture with Peyton Manning, once again you use something to fit your narrative. Manning is much younger than Hogan. So since you believe Hogan to be 6’1”, do you believe Peyton Manning to only be 6’3” then? No manning has always been 6’5”. And Manning isn’t 4” taller than Hulk. If you say that he is, it means you’re lying like you do any other height difference
UndertakerFrank said on 9/Oct/20
Wilt was clearly taller than Andre Like i said years ago i seen a picture in a Magazine of both of them in Street Clothes Wilt had about 2 inches on Andre & im sure Andre had the heel advantage I wish i knew what magazine it was in a guy showed me many years ago
Halb said on 7/Oct/20
Correct the angle on the Wilt/André pic and take account of the heel advantage. The Wilt/André pic matches up to 7'½"-6'10ish
RP said on 7/Oct/20
Andre’s custom made cowboy boots were HUGE they had a 2.3” heel on them, when measured at the peak end of the heel. Meaning they would boost Andre’s height exactly 2” from bare feet. Not 1.25”.
Heck, most modern day sneakers now boost your height 1.25” from barefoot.
Andre peak:
Barefoot: 6’11.5”
Cowboy Boots: 7’1.5”
“This is why he only looked 1” shorter than Wilt in the corrected angled pic from the set of Conan The Destroyer” Andre was in black cowboy boots and had a solid 1” to 1.25” footwear advantage on Wilt that day.
Peak years In his wrestling boots: 7’0.25” (Andre wore a very, very thin soled wrestling boots up until 1987. When he switched to a more thicker soled black wresting boot. Andre’s wrestling boot height boost in the 70’s & most of the 80’s was only 0.75”...1987 and onward it was 1.25” like most of your standard issue wrestling boots. WrestleMania 3 in 1987 he was 6’10.5” ...IMO.

By 1991 Andre was down to 6’9.75”

His height loss was pretty much identical to The Big Show’s.
Both men’s peak height was 6’11” & change. And both men ended 6’9.75” by their mid 40’s (44-45 for Andre) Big Show hit 6’9.75” around age 46-47. I think Big Show dropping his body weight to under 400 lbs will slow his height loss from here on out. Unless his health gets bad again. If he stays under 400 lbs & stays healthy. Big Show should still be a Flat 6’9” to 6’9.25” at age 60...IMO.
Canson said on 4/Oct/20
6'3 Julian said on 4/Oct/20
6’11 peak, easily
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say his height, weight and job shrunk him to 6’10 by the Hogan match
6’9 on his deathbed

Agreed. Maybe 6’10 and change with Hogan being he also had a good chance at 6’5 and some change himself peak
6'3 Julian said on 4/Oct/20
6’11 peak, easily
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say his height, weight and job shrunk him to 6’10 by the Hogan match
6’9 on his deathbed
62B said on 4/Oct/20
Guanzo said on 4/Oct/20
6'9.75" peak
6'11" in cowbow boots

6'9.5" in 1985
6'9" in end of his life.

Click Here


Sure, but then you also have pics of Andre and Wilt likes this.

Click Here
Guanzo said on 4/Oct/20
6'9.75" peak
6'11" in cowbow boots

6'9.5" in 1985
6'9" in end of his life.

Click Here
6'3 Julian said on 3/Oct/20
@Canson yeah he’s got problems. If, as he says, Hulk Hogan was 6’3 at his peak, that makes Andre 6’8? That’s not right
6'3 Julian said on 30/Sep/20
@MGardner while I agree Andre was over 6’9 it’s highly likely Piper had lost height since he fought Andre
MGardner said on 29/Sep/20
Just watched a match with Roddy and the Big Show and another with Roddy and Andre. Andre is as tall as Big Show or taller. 6'9" for Andre in his prime is silliness.
Canson said on 28/Sep/20
Bird looks to have about 1.25-1.5” on Magic
Canson said on 22/Sep/20
@RP: I would go with 6’7.25-.5 for Magic. Maybe he was just under .5” in the afternoon and Bird 6’8.75”. I give Bird a bit under only because McHale was listed 6’10” and Bird Was clearly shorter and Bird was a lot shorter than Parrish who was only about 7’

Click Here
Canson said on 22/Sep/20
As always, RP is the sensible one here! Thank you. I’ve been saying that all along about Pat Riley having said Magic was 6’7” range barefoot and of course Bird was taller than him back then
RP said on 21/Sep/20
@ YAO... did you just say that Larry bird was approximately 6’7” and change barefoot, just like Magic Johnson ?? LOL!!! Larry bird in his prom was a legit 6’9” barefoot! 6’8.75” at the lowest! Magic you have correct. But, Larry had magic by 1.5”....or 1.25” ?? Magic in his prime was 6’7.5” barefoot. And 6’8.5” with his Converse sneakers on. Pat Riley actually admitted this himself during an interview back in the 1980s when discussing how tall Magic was as a point guard, and that he was actually able to play center for them in one game versus Philadelphia in the finals. Pat Riley said “Well, we measured Earvin @ 6’8-1/2” with his sneakers on. And and that’s enormous for point guard, not so much for a center.
Canson said on 21/Sep/20
@Danimal: I used to also believe 6’11” but I could settle for 6’10.5 peak height. Maybe his loss began earlier than others
Canson said on 20/Sep/20
Danimal 176.7cm said on 18/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 4/Aug/20
6'3 peak is too short for peak Hogan.

Rob has Richard Belzer at 6'1 (I think maybe closer to 6 feet) but regardless Hogan has significant height on Belzer there in in flat Bike training shoes Click Here

The minimum that could be argued for Hogan in the 70s to mid 80s is 6'4 1/2 barefoot.

No, the minimum that could be argued for a peak Hogan is over 6'5.5". He was taller than Hillbilly Jim and Jake the Snake Robert, who were both legit 6'5" men. And don't try and downplay Richard Belzer's height by 1" just to justify why you're lowering Hogan's height.

Vegas isn’t downplaying his height. Yao 7-8 is. Vegas just gave the lowest possible within realm. You feel 6’5.5 is but it’s not. Most people think 6’5.5” is the highest he could’ve been which I actually believe too. My belief is he was 6’5.25” peak afternoon
Danimal 176.7cm said on 18/Sep/20
JT, there was a time in the past where you were open to Andre's peak height being 6'11". Do you remember? This goes back over 15 years, when Jason used to be on the site (late 2004/early 2005). I see that over 15 years later you're still fighting for your cause (6'10" for his peak). What drives you to still come on this site on a daily basis after a decade and a half? Doesn't it drain you? I can only muster up enough energy to post some pics/videos once a year or even less often than that.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 18/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 4/Aug/20
6'3 peak is too short for peak Hogan.

Rob has Richard Belzer at 6'1 (I think maybe closer to 6 feet) but regardless Hogan has significant height on Belzer there in in flat Bike training shoes Click Here

The minimum that could be argued for Hogan in the 70s to mid 80s is 6'4 1/2 barefoot.

No, the minimum that could be argued for a peak Hogan is over 6'5.5". He was taller than Hillbilly Jim and Jake the Snake Robert, who were both legit 6'5" men. And don't try and downplay Richard Belzer's height by 1" just to justify why you're lowering Hogan's height.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 18/Sep/20
One of Andre's very last matches from March 1992. He could not stand up and his chin was literally touching his chest (that's how curved his neck/spine had become). Also, his legs could no longer support his 530-550 pounds body at the end. It's a sad match to watch, but for evaluating his height and how his body had completely transformed by the end, it's more evidence. There are even shots of him next to Giant Baba. Click Here
6'3 Julian said on 14/Sep/20
@Canson sick burn!
JT said on 13/Sep/20
Another pic of Andre by a door and cinder block wall.
Click Here
Click Here
The door frame behind Andre comes out around 6’9”.
Canson said on 13/Sep/20
Thinking Yao Ming is 7’7” or 7’8” is indicative of a mind made of cinder blocks
Pdoggy said on 11/Sep/20
JT pic of Lebron shows he is easily 6'8 barfoot over 6'9 in shoes. Remember Magic is taller than Lebron. Oops not an Andre comment.
Canson said on 11/Sep/20
@Julian: meant to say height when he passed. My bad
6'3 Julian said on 10/Sep/20
@Pdoggy he wouldn’t easily be 7 feet. If he stretched up as much as possible he might scrape 7 feet, if in the early morning
6'3 Julian said on 10/Sep/20
@Canson “his current height” you do know Andre died about 27 years ago right
Canson said on 9/Sep/20
@Roel C: Rob did that once and posted results
Pdoggy said on 9/Sep/20
JT Said
Different sized cinder blocks. Click Here The cinder block wall in the photo with Andre in front of the door is like the wall here Click Here

Exactly he looks over 72 inches at the lower neck line just as he does in the tailor photo.
If he stood straight he would easily be 7 feet.

Something is drastically wrong with the barefoot photo.
Canson said on 9/Sep/20
RoelC said on 8/Sep/20
Canson said on 6/Sep/20
Julian is right but the reason for the under 7’ is that more voters believe he is under 7 than right at or over
Not necessarily. There could be 589 people who voted him at 7ft and 27 people at 6ft10 and the average guess would be 6'11.91".

An average guess doesn't mean that most people believe he was around that height. If 10 people voted him 7ft and 10 people voted him 6ft10, than the average guess would be 7ft. Yet none of the voters would actually agree to that height.

It would be nice if you could click on the average guess to see what people have voted.

Correct. You could get the very low guess of 6’9” or 6’10 (his current height) on occasion
JT said on 9/Sep/20
Editor Rob:
With brick/cinder walls, they do come in set sizes, but don't they have a half inch layer of cement to account for? The door frame may well be 7ft and he looks under it.

Editor Rob, the standard cinder block here in the U.S measures 7 5/8” high, with the cement (mortar joint) between each block calculated to measure 3/8” so the block + mortar comes out to ~ 8.0 inches. You’ll see those sized blocks used almost universally in any arena or stadium hallway, locker room, garage, stairwell, etc.

These arena door frames are 7’0” like the pic of the early 70s Andre Click Here Click Here Click Here

Some arena door frames are close to 8’0” Click Here Click Here Here’s Undertaker and Big Show walking under such a door frame Click Here

Absent an extreme angle or use of a fish eye camera lens, a photo with a cinder block wall can also be a pretty accurate way to estimate one’s height:
Shaq Click Here
Kobe Click Here
Lebron (slightly in front of the wall) Click Here
Blake Griffin Click Here
Zion Williamson Click Here
Stephanie McMahon Click Here
Kyrie Irving Click Here
Damian Lillard Click Here

and Andre….
Click Here
Click Here

There is a cinder block wall in a stairwell in my old office building that matched up really close with the wall in a pic with Andre and Bob Backlund Click Here The mortar line at the middle of my forehead measured 77” so the lower camera angle and my standing in front of the wall adds close to 3 inches.
JT said on 9/Sep/20
Pdoggy said on 7/Sep/20
@JT or Editor Rob
How tall is Andre in front of the Cinder Block wall with Brad Armstrong??

He seems to be approximately the same distance from the wall in both pics yet he comes out so much taller in the Armstrong pic.

Different sized cinder blocks. Click Here The cinder block wall in the photo with Andre in front of the door is like the wall here Click Here
Pdoggy said on 8/Sep/20

Then something must be off with the pic where he is barefoot or the door is taller. Because he is closer to the camera he would be coming out drastically shorter if the door way is 7 feet.

In most other pics where he is in front of a cinder block wall he is at the 7 foot mark.

Just seems odd.

Nice finds JT as I do not believe they have been posted before.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.