Rosie Potter said on 6/Aug/22
I met him in London .I am 6 feet (183cm) and he was considerably shorter than me.I would say he is 5 feet 9 in real life.
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 17/May/22
Rob, he doesn't really look more than 4.5 inches shorter than Michael Shannon...
Upgrade to 5ft 10¾? He appears near enough 5-11.

Editor Rob
I can see the argument for 10.75 more than say a full 5ft 11.
alen said on 15/May/22
Aar?n R said on 29/Oct/19
I've seen his photos with Ewan, my dad is 178.5 and I'm around ewans height 176 at night. Do you think Alex might be 510? I like his acting .

Editor Rob
Compared to ewan I can't see Alex less than 179 range.
Littlelee5ft6(167cm) said on 4/Sep/19
He does look at least 5ft 11 look how much he towers over vanessa hudgens even in her sizable heels
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 20/Jan/19
I think he might be just shy of 5-11/scraping 180. He gets 181 listing as well. To me he has the look of a 180 or so chap. Rob, might you bump him up to 5ft 10.75? I think he's one for that club perhaps, there aren't too many.

Editor Rob
10.75 is an arguable figure.
James G. said on 2/Jan/19
180.5cm tall, basically 5’11” and a hair.
TheJudge said on 22/Mar/18
He looked about 3-4 inches taller than Dianna Agron and about 3-4 inches shorter than Timothy Olyphant in "I am number 4"..
that would put him somewhere in the 5'8"-5'9" range of course that all depends on the other 2 actors real heights.
Agreco4l said on 5/Nov/17
5’10” and change.
Michael said on 10/Aug/17
Alex Pettyfer looks short in Magic Mike. He is at least an inch shorter than Matt Bomer and 3 to 4 inches shorter than the man, Channing Tatum. Alex looks about 178, 178.5 max.
Michael said on 2/Aug/17
I would say 178.
178.5 when his out of bed.
Slim 181 cm said on 12/Jul/17
Marc, channing is standing closer to the camera though.
Marc said on 18/Apr/17
I took a screenshot from Magic Mike. Tatum is listed at 6'0 to 6'1 - Pettyfer is clearly AT LEAST 4 inches shorter than him here, and that is with Pettyfer standing farther back than Tatum, which would make him look even bigger than he really is. Back to back, it's probably a solid 5 inch difference. I don't know what shoes Tatum is wearing, but if they are anywhere close to the same as what Pettyfer is wearing, then Pettyfer is definitely in the 5'8 - 5'9 range.
Click Here
Mark(5'9.25") said on 17/Feb/17
His frame almost fooled me into thinking a weak 6 footer. However, seeing him with Tom Hopper, the 6'1" claim is ridiculous.
BT said on 14/Feb/17
5'10.5 is alright for him, doubt he's 5'11.
Just said on 2/Jan/17
He was pretty much the same height as Gabrielle Wilde in Endless Love. She even wore flats at her party.
Truth said on 21/May/15
Looked at least 2 inches shorter than Timothy Olyphant in "I am number 4"
MD said on 26/Mar/15
No he is not. His max is at what he's currently listed.
trav said on 24/Mar/15
He 182-183 max
Hypado said on 10/Feb/15
Alex Pettyfer's height is 5ft 10.5in (179 cm)
Looks this.
THEguy said on 5/Feb/15
5'10.5, same exact height as Matt. Channing is an inch or so taller which is negligible.
Elias said on 16/Dec/14
He is very very close (quite the same height) to Matt Bomer and Matthew Mcconaughey so this listing is correct.
Jed said on 4/Sep/14
He's got a good few inches on Marloes Horst (his gf) who's listed at 5'9/5'10. Also looks taller than David Copperfield.
Amaze said on 30/May/14
@BigT ok this is may be a bit late lol but that comment is ridcoulous. my friend was 170cm at 15 and now at 17 he is 183. another friend was 165 at 15 when I was 167. guess what? while im 173 that guy is 180 now. so yeah.. these growth spurts happen. if it was 17 or 18 and he was 5 7, then I could understand but at 15 you are far from your adult height( for most)
watched endless love. looked 179 for sure.
Dinosaurman said on 31/Mar/14
@ (S)aint 185
I saw the movie yesterday (terrible), and it looks like Alex is either her height or she's his. During the ENTIRE movie Alex was wearing sneakers, Nike's or Adidas, and she was wearing very thing sandals. He was only an inch (tops) taller than she was when wearing those shoes. She looked 5'10'' in the movie as she is very thin and has long legs.
FM said on 1/Feb/14
In the Endless Love trailer, they show a mug shot pic of him. It's really quick, but I paused it. Assuming the line up behind him was accurate and he was barefoot, he looks between 5'10 and 5'11.
cole said on 10/Jan/14
WOW, he gets 5ft 11.25in (181 cm) on both g.o.o.g.l.e and i.m.d.b now... That's just sad. He's never that tall. He looked at least 3 cm shorter than 180-181 cm Matt Bomer in Magic Mike, and countless other times he's appeared closer to a flat/weak 5'10 rather than a weak 5'11. 5'10.5 is generous enough - 5'9.75 - 5'10.25 is what he can look. He just can't have grown a whole inch since last year.
(S)aint 185 said on 31/Dec/13
In the commercial for "Endless Love" (which I doubt I will be seeing, looks boring lol) he has some inches on Gabriella Wilde. She is listed at 5'9" everywhere and could be 5'8" (she is a model) but I seriously doubt less than that. Alex looked 5'11"-6' range.
Spotgaai said on 30/Dec/13
He's 181cm I think (5'11" i believe)
MD said on 14/Oct/13
He's really a solid 5'10" and nothing more than that.
Viper said on 13/Oct/13
This guy looks closer to 5'9 than 5'10
joewhite31 said on 2/Oct/13
Looks 5'11" next to 6'0" Tatum.
vj said on 12/Sep/13
he is flat 5'10
cole said on 1/Sep/13
I wouldn't argue anything over 178 cm for him. 5'10 flat or 5'10.25.
Trace said on 20/Jun/13
Alex Pettyfer looks a lot shorter than Ian Somerhaulder in this image.
Click Here
Average weight said on 13/May/13
Looks 5'9. Got the body type of a guy that tall.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Apr/13
Looks the same height as Matthew McConaughey, seems about right.
Double E said on 10/Apr/13
That was unexpected ... Saw him at this movie "In Time" and he seemed like 6'1 there ! but then I saw him at "Magic Mike" , lol and he clearly 5'10 there
Xior said on 7/Apr/13
5ft10.5 for 2013 ? Should be his final height then.
Trey said on 7/Jan/13
5'10 is max I think.
Charlie said on 1/Jan/13
How can one seriouslt rhink this guy is 5.9?!
He is at the ame height of the rest of the 5.11 guys
Click Here
Elsa Madrid said on 29/Dec/12
5"10 most like likely he looks a couple of inches shorter than Channing 6"0 (according to Celeb heights CT is about 6"0 or 6"1/2 no taller than 6"1)in Magic Mike. Also Cody Horn his sister in the movie is said to be 5"10 looked about the same in the movie.
MaskDeMasque said on 17/Nov/12
Watched In time yesterday, he looked a strong 5'9 in it i thought.
Hew said on 6/Nov/12
With 6´1 Beau Mirchoff he looked nothing more than 5´9.5, the same can be said about how he looked with Neil Patrick Harris, Channing Tatum and Matty McConaughey (and the others from Magic Mike). 176-177 cm is as safe a bet as any.
John said on 13/Aug/12
Appears a few inches shorter than Tatum in Magic Mike.
BigT said on 24/Jul/12
If he really was 165-170 cm around 15-16 years of age, he´s no more than 175-177 cm range today.
5'11.5 guy said on 23/Jul/12
Looks 5'10 at the very most
5'11.5 guy said on 23/Jul/12
This seems reasonable, especially in I am number 4.
Silent d said on 6/Feb/12
He does not have stumpy legs. He looked tall when he went on ellen. He had dress shoes i think. He looked 5 foot 10 on the show. Dianna agron has her own page so you can discuss her height. She never looked 5 foot 4. That photo she was looking down and she had small heels. He is still 21. Might still be growing. He doesn't look as short as 5 foot 9. 177cm.
Byron T. said on 14/Jan/12
Looks 5'10'' at the most.
JohnnyRB said on 8/Jan/12
and yes, to not forget the height diffrence between Alex and Timothy Olyphant who is 6ft. Alex looks like 3 or 4 inches shorter. I think this guy needs a fast downgrade.
JohnnyRB said on 8/Jan/12
Rob, try to watch I Am Number Four and you will see how Alex looks beside 185cm Jake Abel. He is surrely 10cm shorter.
5'8.78133457345 said on 31/Dec/11
I think he's closer to 5'9 than closer to 5'11, Rob. The guy was 5'5 or 5'6 in Stormbreaker at 16, I can barely buy 5'10 nowadays.
Davie said on 30/Nov/11
Angel, MD has never seen a dwarf so s/he doesn't know what stumpy looks like. But seriously, Alex looks great. He may not have the ideal leg proportion for the prototypical basketball player but he would for any gymnast who wants to be able to clear bars and handles with grace. I think that to any fair-minded person basketball players AND gymnasts both represent perfectly good athletic forms. BTW, I'm guessing Alex is 5 ft 10.5 in in the morning but probably only 5' 10" or a little less in the evening.
angel said on 3/Nov/11
MD you sound like the sensitive one. Not good at understanding distinctions either. Alex has nice legs and and an even nicer torso. As to a disproportionate ratio, to some degree, relatively speaking, yes. But the opinions that count--like Hollywood producers & casting directors--obviously aren't thinking "stumpy," a word that implies grotesque proportions. Maybe English isn't your native language?
MD said on 1/Nov/11
How is it "ignorant" to say that he has stumpy legs? Perhaps, you meant to use another word. Regardless, if it offends your tender sensibilites, that's not our problem, it's yours. He has stumpy/disportionally short legs for his height. That's not "ignorant", that's a fact. If you find these kind of legs aesthetically pleasing, that's your opinion. Other people have different opinions.
HULK said on 31/Oct/11
Kla said on 29/Oct/11
I am actually surprised at his height as a model despite knowing that he is one
Kla said on 29/Oct/11
not an issue even if he is just 5foot 9 inches... he looks mature for his age but I think Hollywood lacks this kind of charm
sean73 said on 19/Oct/11
In I am #4 looked 5-10 next to 6-0 olyphant.But could have grown a .05 since.
Vin said on 3/Oct/11
It's pretty ignorant the way people describe Alex Pettyfer as having stumpy legs since they are rather lean, muscular, proportional and, quite frankly, eye-pleasing. A more appropriate description is to say that he has a long torso relative to leg length (which, BTW, is true of almost all competitive gymnasts). I think he is probably 5 ft. 10.5 in. but counting 1 inch heels.
Martin said on 29/Sep/11
He´s actually 5´9", does not have the body-type to pull off looking 5´11". Short stumpy legs, this proves my theroy NPH is not taller than 5´10" - 5´11".
lorraine said on 21/Sep/11
i thought he was 5'11
Bradley said on 16/Aug/11
5´10, don´t know where you get that .5 from Rob...
Maximus Meridius said on 1/Aug/11
Rob is there a chance he is in the 5ft 11in range now it's uncommon for guys to grow in their 20s he must have grown taller when he was 20.
Anthony6ft said on 12/Jul/11
I am about the same age as Alex, and I met him after stormbreaker came out, he looked about 5´9" at the time, which was my height at the time also. I stayed around 5´9.5" - 5´11" from age 16-18, and grew to 6ft from age 18-20. He might be around the 5´10" mark, but not any taller. 178 cm, I would say is max. He can still grow though, but that depends on the height of his parents, and what his potential is. My potential was 179.5 cm, and with my 178 cm tall father, and 167 cm tall mother, it was unlikely I was going to be any taller than 179 cm, but somehow, I still managed to grow to 183 cm, without even caring abuout my eating or sleeping patterns, I drink a lot of milk though.
Sydney said on 2/Jul/11
i learned that many people get tall from drinking milk alot and getting enough sleep without any distractions. which is mainly why i am tall 5'7" at age 14 so he being that tall at his age is pretty normal which means he gets enough rest and enough milk which is healthy for anyones diet.
John said on 6/Jun/11
I think he is not too tall because I see him in the movie sometimes tall , sometimes short. Is that depends on the camera ? But I suppose he should do some exercises to get a n enough height.
KING10 said on 17/May/11
179 for that guy is a joke, that can't be right at all
if Timothy Olyphant is 182-183 then there is no way in hell he is only 3 or 4 cm taller
he looks way taller than him an easy 2-3 inches taller
Katrina said on 11/May/11
I agree with Cranberries, he never seemed much taller than Diana Agron in the movie and just looks like a 5'8 or 9 type of guy, something about his built...
Cranberries said on 9/May/11
He looked really short in I Am Number Four. His legs looked really stumpy and his fingers looked quite short. I guessed 5'9" from that movie; surprised he's even an average height. 5'10" at the most IMO, since he looked maybe 4 inches taller than Diana Agron at best (sexual dimorphism creates an average disparity of 5 or more inches, meaning he's a little short even for her).
kevin said on 5/May/11
looked solid 2 inches smaller than olyphant in i am nuber 4, so 178cm is more accurate. but he could grew a bit since then.
Anna said on 28/Apr/11
She is 5'3" according to an episode of Drake & Josh on Nick.
Noam said on 25/Apr/11
Dianna Agron is 5'4 at most, here a picture with 5'2 Lea Michele . Dianna is wearing heels, Lea is not.
Click Here
Shawn said on 8/Apr/11
In the Beastly trailer, which I saw at the cinema, he is walking around in his apartment next to Neil Patrick Harris (6'0") and he looks a solid 2 inches shorter and the camera is panned out enough - and they are close enough - that it's clear there is a strong differnce. I think 5'10 flat is more realistic. He certainly can appear tall so I'd say no less than 5'10 but he'd seem taller if he were 5'10.5" and he's fully grown now. I believe having a smallish head and very proportional face coupled with a good frame and tone make someone look taller too.
Skip to 1:17:
Click Here
And here's a photo from the promotion of the film:
Click Here
Marco said on 5/Apr/11
I've met him, and he was shorter than I expected. He has very stumpy legs and is about 5'8 - 5'9 MAX.
Angelo said on 31/Mar/11
Saw him in I am number four. Didn't look that much taller than me. Maybe only about an inch or so and I am 5'9. 5'10 seems to be correct.
diana said on 25/Feb/11
i think he's truly 5'10. his hair makes him look more. that's why i was so shocked when i such how close in height dianna agron was to him in "i am number four" I think he's 5'10. Let's leave it at that, no more, no less.
Felicity said on 25/Feb/11
5'10-5'11, either way- he's hot with his height!
Bob said on 21/Feb/11
5foot11 I think
joewhite31 said on 17/Feb/11
5'10" is a good estimate.
Anto said on 11/Jan/09
5"10 is about right but stupid because in book Alex Rider is 5"4
Rikashiku said on 18/Jul/08
He wont be growing much now. since it says "5'7 to 5'10" that might be his last growth spurt. or last big one.
he doesnt give off teh tall and lean look. more like the small skinny look.
i know people in the Northern Hemashpere(Spelling) can go Cookoo over anyone over 5'6. but it just doesnt seem that great to me.
alicia said on 15/Jul/08
i bet he's still growing. he looks tall! to tell you the truth...i love him :)
rebecca said on 10/Nov/07
MD, Ewan McGregor id 5'10 1/2, Alex is like 1/2 inch-2 inches shorter than him, and still growing. We need to remember this guy's still growing!
a said on 5/Nov/07
met him at a party, probably about 5foot 10.. no more than that.
Mr. R said on 17/Jul/07
Liam, how tall are you? When did your "little brother" grow taller than you? How did it affect your relationship? Did he boss you around?
Liam said on 17/Jul/07
Not true Kevin, my mum grew well into her 20's and I'm 19 and have just had another growth spurt. Still envious of my 'little' brother though, 6'4" at 16 the lucky git.
Kevin said on 4/Jul/07
he's 17 at the moment, so think about it, theres no way he can reach 6'1, if he's lucky he could be 6', good height though
Kourt said on 18/Jan/07
cool im 5'6" too and i luv tall hot guys just like him!!!! he's on the track to being really tall and more good looking!!!! I LUV YOU ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex is hot!! said on 1/Jan/07
Alex is 5'10 and still growing!! Alex lives in windsor and so do i, i have seen him a few times in windsor and whilst he has been shopping in reading. He is about 4-5 inches taller then me and i am 5'6.
Kourt said on 18/Nov/06
he does look like he's 5'10.5". He is so dang HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!
Cassie said on 25/Oct/06
Well he said to me that he used to be 5'10. He told me himself. Hehehe
Serene said on 28/Sep/06
Yeah.. Alex is HOT!!
But i don't think so he look more over than 5'10.5"..
What Rob stated his height looks perfectly on him..
I luv alex! said on 8/Aug/06
not just everyone gets to meet alex, but this was amazing, he was staying at mount murray hotel in the Isle Of Man when filming Stormbreaker. He was about 5ft10-5ft11. I just wish he would visit again in the near future! xxx
I love alex! said on 21/Jul/06
I met alex at the stormbreaker premiere (he is amazing by the way) and I am 5ft 10.5 and he was just taller than me so I think he must be 5ft11
bplz234 said on 18/Jul/06
I met alex before jus before he shaved off his hair, im 6'0'' and he was a tad off my height, he is 5'11'' or 5'11.5''
xaoxio said on 18/Jul/06
nope JK. Nothing above 5'11" for now(IMHO). I've seen photos with Alex and Ewan on
Click Here in full size where two actors are shown in full height and you may be surprised but Alex has looked only a little bit taller than Ewan. In fact, I'm giving Alex "a positive error" by telling that he is 5'11" (IMHO) cause I can't say exactly how their postures and shoes affect on the height difference between Alex and Ewan.

Editor Rob
in some pics he's got the 's***, I'm a big movie star now' posture going on, mcgregor not standing as tall
JK said on 17/Jul/06
I actually think he is 6ft or maybe a bit over that, what do you lot think, i think he is like 184cm
xaoxio said on 17/Jul/06
I guess he's 5'11" now(
Click Here). Pay attention to shoes and postures. What do you think, Rob?
STFU said on 12/Apr/06
he looks 5'9'' at the moment but i think his final height will be 6'1''.
digeer said on 10/Apr/06
Do teens aged 15 like pettyfer stop growing tall at 15 or carry on to growing until they are about 18 years old??

Editor Rob
it will be interesting to see when his film comes out how tall he is in 2006, he might have grown more
PettyferPagesPerson said on 20/Nov/05
Aye, that he is, please visit for all that jazz on AP. Wicked Height website, it's helped me a lot..
olgice said on 10/Nov/05
alex pettyfer is dead sxc oooh baby!! and i think hes hibernating but wen he stops he will be dam hot!!!
xox tils xox said on 6/Nov/05
well they ve been sayin it since they first started shootin stormbreaker so lik 3 of july or somethin!! p.s alex is hot to trot!! luv xox tils xox