Taha said on 16/Apr/08
my height is 169 cm....i have calculated my height in feets by dividing it with 30.48. it gives 5ft 5.7 inch.is it correct?
my age is 17 years and i am from karachi pakistan.is my height short comparing with boys and girls of same age around the world?? please reply
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/08
We should all write our own height before commenting, so that it is easy to compare the heights of celebs with the height of average indian people.
tall dude said on 15/Apr/08
sme tall indian ladies...towering over ash...took long bak,10 yrs ago
Click Here
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/08
have seen the pics sid is talking about. Stepanova @ 6'8" & 90 kgs really looks huge even next to the 6'2" sharapova. The so called tall heroines will look like kids next to stepanova, so imagine how a 5 foot nothing rani wud look
dada said on 14/Apr/08
there is one more pic of aish and lara.may be it has been posted earlier.still worth watching.
whatsoever be the heels aish looks taller and if we minus them still she will be comfortably standing with lara who herself is 5'8.5.so in toto aish atleast 5,7 may be 5'8
Click Here
shilps said on 14/Apr/08
Sid can u post those pictures of Sharapova with maria stepanova.I am eager to see those.And u r right about the height difference,that will bw huge.
kiddo said on 14/Apr/08
saw hamara dila aapke paas hai sonali was taller than aish easily
kiddo said on 14/Apr/08
i believe there r some really tall actresses in the television industry that will dwarf these film stars. Smriti irani, rakshanda khan, gauri pradhan, shweta tiwari, jasveer kaur, nausheen ali etc r atleast 2 inches taller than aishwarya
sid said on 14/Apr/08
sid says on 14/Apr/08
saw some pics of russian basketball player maria stepanova at 6'8"&90kg. she makes maria sharapova look tiny.Imagine her in high heels making her about 7'3"
stnding next to barefeet rani mukerji.rani will reach upto her waist and stepanova can literally lift her like a basketball.thats a real height difeerence.plz post your comments on the above statement
talldude said on 12/Apr/08
sridevi with lara and shilps with sush...not sure abt fotwear
Click HereClick Here
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/08
hahaha,this guy has increased height of ladies by 2-3 inches and decreased the same amount from their counterparts
BollyFan said on 10/Apr/08
"Anonymous" are all these heights for actress with EXTRAORDINARY heels on??
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/08
yukhta 6'2.5
hrithik 5'8.5
priyanka 5'9
sunny 5'9
esha deol 5'8
aishwarya 5'8.5
amrita rao 5'7
deepika 5'11.5
sonam 5'11.75
karishma tanna 6'0
pooja batra 6'0.5
sushmita sen 6'1
shilpa 5'11
katrina 5'11.25
malllika sherawat 5'10
salman 5'6
saif 5'8
srk 5'7
akshaye kumar 5'10.5
aarti chhhabbria 5'8.5
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/08
saw some pics of the Miss India 2008 pagaent in today's Times. one pic in particular has the winner parvathi Omanakuttan with Tabu. Both are in similar heels and appear the same height. Since Parvati is 5'8.5" we can safely assume that even Tabu is exactly 5'8.5". Guess this brings to rest all the discussion on Tabu's height
Engineer said on 9/Apr/08
@Taha I agree 5'7" tall by any standard. Even 5'6" is tall by Indian woman average height. In the last decade there is rise in urban Indian woman's height and that is the reason one finds more and more tall women. whereas as among men at least commonly seen in Indian Cinema they arn't very tall. All Khans excepting few. On the contrary in the past heros like Sanjay Khan, even Randhir kapoor, Shot gun, Vinod Khanna, Shashi Kapoor were tall( 5'11' to 6').
Taha said on 9/Apr/08
I am 169 cm or 5 ft 57 inch tall......and 17 years old......
So, is my height short related to a tall girl of same age???
I want u people to discuss the height of salman khan...and show his photos to disscuss his height???
Which bollywood ladies are taller than me?????????????answer plz
shilps said on 9/Apr/08
look at this picture of Yukta mookhey with Rimi sen and Namrata shriodkar, she really looks giant.Click on Read more to see larger image.
Click Here
Ash said on 8/Apr/08
I still insist, 5'6" is substantially above average for an Indian girl. Whoever wants to oppose should leave put in his height and gender with his comment.
Anonymous said on 8/Apr/08
Hard to judge karina's height from all those pics, cos the 3 miss india's of 2007 were all in heels and so was diya mirza. Usually for occasions like this the reigning miss india's would wera atleat 4" heels and diya mite have been wearing 2" heels. So going by all this Kareen ais easily 5'6". One thing u cant miss from the pics with the Miss India's is how thin kareena has become. Read somewhere that she tips the scales at 48 kgs now. She looks very small next to the girl nearest her Pooja Chitgopekar who is 5'9" and must be abt 65 Kgs
Dost said on 7/Apr/08
Did you guys see Zeenat Aman with Sameera Reddy? Zeenat looked to be just as tall as her!
I think Sameera and Zeenat are about 5-8 and Katrina must be about 5-9. She was shorter than the contestants who were 5-10/5-11 but they were in heels and Katrina was in flats so the difference looked like more than it should have been.
Anonymous said on 7/Apr/08
Click Herejust dee the pic
Anonymous said on 7/Apr/08
shilps, thats a great picture and it shows that diya mirza is tall and eventhough kareena is 5'7/8, this shows the turth that diya is 5'10.
friend said on 7/Apr/08
I agree with babloo that katrina was dwarfd by the tall contestantand look at tabu she was not isn very high heels nad just looked inch shorter that those tall contestants so tabu has to be taller than katrna and babloo i didnt new mauli dave was very tall pl hindly post some photos
babloo said on 7/Apr/08
If any one saw the Miss India pagent, katrina who had come to give away prizes was much shorter , the contestant height was registered to be 5-10/11 and katrina lokked atleast 3-4 inches shorter, guess katrina height
Engineer said on 6/Apr/08
@Ships Did you see 2008 Miss Femina India contest an dyou should have seen Karina who was in flats standing next to all those tall contestents. She looked half their size. Also did you see Rock n Roll family Mouli Dave looks simply towerng must be touching 6'. she looks much taller than Ajay Devgan and tower all perticipents. I know you are good at getting photographs.
shilps said on 6/Apr/08
just saw one two three movie, and i was amazed to see the huge height difference between Sameera and Tanisha.In most of the scenes tanisha is standing on platform and still looks almost the same height of Sameera. And in the scene at the end of the movie when she finally stands on the same level with Sameera she looks very tine, almost like a kid.She not even reaches Sameera's chin.Can somebody post those photos.I tried to find them on net but was not able to find them.
Engineer said on 6/Apr/08
Agreed in the new world average height of people are on the rise. Itis true more in urban society due to nutrition. On average the change in Indians height is not significant in comparision to other countries lie China and even Japan. Having said that, in the urban society it is on the rise. somehow I think women's height in India is growing more than man's height. So, this could be the reason one sees more taller women than men. Look at new 2008 Pantaloon Femina Miss India contestents. All the heights range from 5'6" to 5'11" and many of them hovering around 5'8". This is my observation.
shilps said on 6/Apr/08
How tall is Diya Mirza? in this picture she looks at least 2-3 inches taller than Kareena.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/08
Ash, understand one thing, 5'6" is tall from the perspective of someone born during the 40's & 50's but amongst our generation it just doesnt qualify as tall. It is good height as just in time says. Tall even in India begins at 5'8"
Ash said on 2/Apr/08
mr./ms. anony'moose', tall does not start at 5'9" for a girl in India. Here 5'9" is super-tall. What country are you from?
Ash said on 1/Apr/08
Here, there are so many people talking about how tall Deepika and Sonam are but actually Kareena is also very tall. Very few people in India are 5'5" or more and if you see in relative terms, a woman who is average in US is tall in India. I am a 5'6" Bengali and most of the women (actually all except me and my sister) are 5'2" or less. So, everyone says that I have he perfect height- tall but not overly so.
Anonymous said on 1/Apr/08
tall&slender, which part of the world do u live in?? Cos if u live in the scandinavian countries (norway, sweden,finland) u will be more at ease with ur height, so also in countries like russia, croatia, serbia. The US isnt very kind on very tall people though. BTW how tall r u??
tall&slender said on 30/Mar/08
anonymous-- I know exactly how your cousin feels as every time I go to India, all people do is comment about my height. Family, friends, on the streets. etc. etc. It's like they see nothing else, and they keep commenting till the point where it is uncomfortable and rude. Sometimes I just feel like snapping back 'Yeah...and you're really short!' but I always control myself thankfully.
But paradoxically all these heroines try to look taller so I guess people do want to look tall!!
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/08
Just in time, U r exactly right that Akshay uses lifts.But in this occasion he is not using any lifts and this not any film.But he seemed to be half or 1 inch smaller than waseem Akram ,who is exactly at 6'2. However in this site(Popular Articles) a very intresting topic is there in which they tell how in Film industry,with the help of camera,the height of persons can be changed.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/08
Meena, thank ur stars u live in NYC, where u atlest get to meet guys taller than u. If u were in India, u wud have been looking down at 70% of the men around u. My cousin has married a 6'3" girl from Norway and she always says she feels like a giant in the land of lilliputs when she is in India.
Meena said on 28/Mar/08
I have no idea about the girl Karishma Tanna, but I think Sonam is about 5'9". Deepika is about 5'8". Sonam never appears in heels where as Deepika is always in heels. She doesnot seem that tall though. My money is on 5'8".
I am 5'9.5" myself and people around me were always awed by my height and thought I am at least 5'11"(even though I live in NYC and people here are used to really tall models,still they think I am really tall). People have a way of over estimating height,particularly if its a woman.
Priyanka seems about 5'6", Shilpa 5'7",Kareena 5'5",Sush 5'8.5"
Bipasha definitely is not the 5'8" she claims to be,5'7" max.I think Aish is about 5'6",not more than that.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/08
In this forum guys r saying that Aksay Kumar is at 5'11..But truth is that they are wrong.Coz when he was standing with wasim Akram in the sport Occasion,Akshay was only inch smaller than Wasim Akram who is exactly at 6'2.
So i will definately say that Akshay Kumar is at 6'0.5 or 6
Picture of Akshay and wasim
Click Here
Engineer said on 28/Mar/08
You may all like this video on Karishma Tanna. Ain't she tall though she wears 2 to 3" heels.
K for Kishore Feb 08 - 02 - VIP - Comedy Round
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/08
I am 5'6" and have seen deepika up close and she was atleast 3" taller than me, which will make her 5'9". This was about 3 years ago and she was not very well known then. Also back then she looked much better built then now when she is just skin & bone.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/08
how tall do u think sonali bendre is? If I remeber rite she was listed at 5'7" and 48 kgs during her acting days. One of the first few leggy, slim actresses to make their appearance. Now after getting married and becoming a other she has become more beautiful, gone is the skinny look which is replaced by a more curvaceous figure.
- said on 26/Mar/08
Sonam Kapoor and Deepika Padukone are the same height. (5'9")
Raj said on 26/Mar/08
Thanx, Just in time- From the photos it seems to be in this order in terms of height: 1. Sushmita, 2. Deepika, 3. Shilpa.
THEGAME said on 25/Mar/08
Click Herecheck this link...
Here aish measures only to the chin of her brother adithya.... If she is 5'7"...
as a normal head measures around 9" he must be around 6'4".....
He is tall but that may be too much...
If he is considered around 6'2" . aish will be around 5'4"...
What do you say.....?
THEGAME said on 25/Mar/08
she looks very petite to me, honestly max 165.but it doesn't matter, she is beautiful and those 3, 4 cm are not important.but i will stick to 165.
This comment seems to be very much ok
THEGAME said on 25/Mar/08
I read some comment on this page saying that minimum height requirement for a miss world competitor was 5'6"... But truth is there is no height limit and what matters is the body proportionality
Click Herecheck this link the participant was only 5'3"..... So I think aish would be around 5'4" to 5'5" not more than that at any cost
Dost said on 24/Mar/08
Shila with some guy -
Click HereSushmita with same guy -
Click HereDeepika with same guy -
Click HereThey all look very close in height to me. Discuss!
Dost said on 24/Mar/08
Here is Sameera Reddy with Katrina Kaif. Sameera has high heels and Katrina is in flats or near flats:
Click Here
Dost said on 24/Mar/08
Katrina appeared with Bipasha in 'Humko Deewana Kar Gaye' and the two were in only one scene together but Katrina, in bare feet, was just as tall (if not taller) than Bipasha in heels. Also Katrina appeared with Shilpa Shetty in 'Apne' and was about 1-2 inches taller than her. And in 'Welcome', she was about 2 inches taller than Mallika Sherawat and in 'Partner', she was taller than Lara Dutta.
Click Here - Katrina is kneeling more than Bipasha but is still noticeably taller.
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/08
Babloo, do u have pics of the fashion show where Karishma Tanna & Yukta are seen together. Must be a rare sight, 2 towering Indian girls together. Everyone thinks Yukta is the tallest, this pic will prove a lot of us wrong. Guess karishma looks shorter cos she is very thin, maybe abt 60 Kgs to yukta's 85 kgs
Dost said on 23/Mar/08
Karishma Tanna is tall, but she isn't as tall as Yukta Mookhey. Yukta is probably over 6+, whereas Karishma probably is in the 5-10 to 5-11 range, probably right with Pooja Batra.
Raj said on 23/Mar/08
I have watched Race and Katrina is at least a couple of inches taller than Bipasha.
babloo said on 23/Mar/08
There is one more lady as tall as Yukta and that is Karishma tanna and the way she dwarfs people around her , i read somwhere that she looked taller than yukta in afashon show and both the ladies were in flats
babloo said on 22/Mar/08
I read somewhere that Deepika Padukone is5-8 tall if itis true than sonam has to be taller than her would like to compare this new ladies and are they taller than katrina, suhsmita tabu , shilpa etc
Vic said on 21/Mar/08
I would love to take a look at 'Race'. There are 3 tall beauties in the movie. My guess is still: 1. Katrina, 2. Sameera, 3. Bipasha in terms of height. Has anyone seen the movie yet to give us the true picture?
ppkk said on 20/Mar/08
can anyone tell me how to post a photo?
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/08
Agree with Engineer about Yukta being a towering personality. Nowadays Yukta doesnt look as huge as earlier, she seems to have lost a lotof weight. Earlier she was as broad as she was tall and made other actresses looklike small kids next to her
Engineer said on 19/Mar/08
Yukta Mookhey makes everyone look so short, unbelievable. She overwhelms everybody around. She is truly a "Towering personality"
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/08
yukta at her movie launch
Click Here
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/08
here is a photo of yukta towering over some men
Click Here
kilkar khanna said on 18/Mar/08
Amitabh Bachchan- 6'0
Abhishekh Bachchan- 6'0.5
Anil Kapoor- 5'9.75
Arjun Rampal- 5'11.5
Aamir Khan- 5'5
Ajay Devgan- 5'8.5
Akshaye Khanna- 5'7.5
Akshay Kumar 5'11.25
Dino Morea- 5'10
Emraan Hashmi-5'7.5
Govinda- 5'7
Hrithik Roshan- 5'9
John Abraham- 5'11.5
Ritesh Deshmukh- 5'9.5
Sunil Shetty- 5'8.5
Shahrukh Khan- 5'7
Salman Khan- 5'6.5
Saif Ali Khan- 5'6.5
Sunjay Dutt- 5'10.5
Shahid Kapoor-5'6.5
Tushaar Kapoor- 5'7.5
Uday Chopra-5'7.5
Zayed Khan- 5'11
Aishwarya Rai-5'6
Amrita Arora-5'4
Amrita Rao-5'4
Aarti Chabbria-5'6.5
Ayesha Takia-5'5.5
Amisha Patel-5'3.5
Bipasha Basu-5'8
Celina Jaitely-5'6
Deepika Padukone-5'9.5
Diya Mirza-5'5.5
Deepal Shaw-5'9
Esha Deol-5'5.5
Esha Koppikar-5'7
Hri****aa Bhatt-5'7
Karishma Tanna-5'9.5
Karishma Kapoor-5'4
Kareena Kapoor-5'6.5
Koena Mitra-5'7.5
Katrina Kaif-5'9
Lara Dutta-5'7
Malika Sherawat-5'8.5
Mallaika Arora Khan-5'5
Neha Dhupia-5'7
Priyanka Chopra-5'6
Pooja Batra-5'10
Rimii Sen-5'5
Riya Sen-5'2
Shamita Shetty-5'5.5
Shilpa Shetty-5'9
Sushmita Sen-5'10
Sophiya Chaudory-5'6
Sameera Reddy-5'9
Sonam Kapoor-5'10
Tanushree Dutta-5'6
Udita Goswami- 5'7
Yukhta Mookhey-5'11.5
Engineer said on 18/Mar/08
Malika@ are these with 2" heels. Have you ever seen any of them. For eg if Tabu is 5'10" in stockings Irfan Khan should be 6'2" (check out Namesake stills, they are together standing Tabu is 3" shorter). Similarly Katrina in not more than 5'7". Ash is between 5'5" and 6". check various movie stills particulaly Jodha Akbar with Hrithik. If Deepika is 5'10.5" in stockings so should be SRK which he is not (5'8").
probably you would love these actors being that tall. Remember you rarely see them in public in flats. The only height you are close is Sushmita Sen.
kk said on 18/Mar/08
priyanka can't be shorter than 5-7. see this pic she is same as shilpa.
malaika said on 15/Mar/08
Sonam is 5 - 8.5
Katrina 5-9
Deepika Padukone 5 - 10.5
Sameera 5 - 10.5
Aishwarya 5 - 7.5
Tabu 5 - 10
Sushmita 5 - 9
Dost said on 14/Mar/08
Sameera may be taller than Katrina, but I wouldn't say towering. If you look at some of the other pics from that set, Katrina is almost in flats and Sameera is in heels. Also Sameera is closer to the camera in every pic.
sa said on 13/Mar/08
Click Heresameera reddy towering kat akshaye and saif
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/08
Shilps, in the pic uve put up, Deepika is standing way in front of Kareena and thats why she appears taller then karrena than she actually is. In reality Deepika is just 5'9" and Kareena is 5'6", so the difference is only 3" and not as huge as it appears in the pic. The other thing u notice about Deepika is how toned her body is, not an ounce of fat there. Just check out her arms, not muscular but very toned. Infact there are 3 types of heroines in bollywood. 1. The well built tyes like Shridevi, Tabu, Yukta, Katrina. 2. The very fit types like Priyanka, Lara Dutta, Bipasha, Sushmita and now Kareena & 3. The ultra thin types like Deepika, Sonam Kapoor, Kangana Ranaut.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/08
in this photo deepik is lightly towering over shilps i guess
Click Here
shilps said on 12/Mar/08
Another photo of Deepika towering over Kareena.She makes Kareena look like a kid.I wonder what would have happened if Rani were standing there inplace of Kareena!!
Click Here
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/08
the other girl sambhavna seth lokks pretty tall too. atleast she is not short like some of the men Yukta poses with. The men hardly reach her broad shoulders.
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/08
a height comparison photo with yukta and another girl
Click Here
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/08
Yukta mookhey at a film launch in march
Click Here
True Height Explorer ShahNawaz said on 8/Mar/08
Agreed, SRK has a small body frame....compared to Akshay... Sanjay dutt.
Plz look clearly in the scene in K3G movie, in last 20 min....
SRK and Hritik are in their home temple, both are bare foot on socks.
U all can see, difference between their heights is 2 inch max.
then Hritik is 5ft 9in.
see, Koffee with karan, when SRk and Hritik come with wives.
OMG Hritik surely wears heels. check it out on
Click HereAshwarya is 4 inch shorter than hritik....in Dhoom-2
Aishwarya is definitely 5ft 5in and not more than that :)
Dost said on 7/Mar/08
Kunika Lal is about 5-8. She is around the same height as Shilpa Shetty, Tabu, etc. but shorter than Pooja Batra.
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/08
Karishma Tanna is defnitely the tallest amongst those 3 at 6ft plus. Smriti Irani must be 5'8", but looks taller because sheis very big made with massive shoulders and hips. Dont know abt Kunika Lal though
Engineer said on 6/Mar/08
@jack Smruti is between 5'5" and 5'6".
jack said on 6/Mar/08
can someone get me know with picture that who is taller among these three : kunika lal, karishma tanna and smruti irani, i think smruti (tulsi) is taller than both of above.
babloo said on 5/Mar/08
Kareena wears ver highheels shoes so the difference has to be much more than 3*4 inches and kareena is close to 5-5 and karishmatanna taller than 5.10
Dost said on 1/Mar/08
Here is Karishma with Kareena Kapoor in Dosti. Looks to be about 3-4 inches taller.
Click Here
babloo said on 1/Mar/08
In the show shabash india which showed tallest couple from pune, the host when asked there daughter her height and invited her to stand next to him she told that she was 5-11 tall and looked inch taller than hussain in shoes
annd in the show nach baile karishma tanna was taller than hussain in bare feet too so is karishma tanna 5-11+
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/08
Deepika is a head taller than Kareena. Now Kareena is 5'6" and she too is wearing heels, maybe abt 2" heels, so that would make kareena 5'8". So Deepika is easily abt 6'4" in that pic, but since Deepika is only 5'9", do u think she is wearing 7" heels
Engineer said on 29/Feb/08
Another of "Well(high) heeled" towering performance from Deepika literaaly looking down on Kareena. You can imagine how tall Deepika looked that day as in all other photographs Kareen Saif and SRK looked similar height.
Click Here
Shilps said on 27/Feb/08
Click Herelook how tall Deepika is,Shahrukh looks almost 3-4 inches shorter than her
babu said on 26/Feb/08
Hi Guys Post some recent Ash photos where she has been dwarfed by some real tall gals like yuktha, Pooja batra etc.,
pooja said on 26/Feb/08
hey guys i like the work n quite impressed....but i would be pleased to have some pics of sharapova towering other small girls if some one could do it.....
Engineer said on 24/Feb/08
@Richie. Look at Jodha Akbar. Hrithik and Ash both walk next to each other with no heels and my guess is she is not more than 5'6" maybe tad less! Hrithik in my opinion is 5'11" maybe slightly less. I can say that as i have met him once F2F.
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/08
Thanks,tallhero for a wonderful video.If u look at that vid carefully, i think the lady on the left of Yukta Mukhi seems to be Nagma,and she reaches only upto Yukta's chin.Also other women,especially that on the right side of yukta looks so small that she looks like Yukta's 10 year old daughter.
Richie said on 20/Feb/08
hmm! 169 is fine i guess!
Does look 170!
Near enough i guess!
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/08
another photo of yukta c how tall she is here with average height girl
Click Here
smart said on 20/Feb/08
If bollywood actors are a little shady on their height.. try comparing them to american actors.. or models... especially if they have pics together. Back to Aishwarya. When she was on Oprah.. standing next to her.. she was an inch shorter.. and wearing heals.. and so was oprah. if oprah is 5'6 and1/2" then aishwarya is about 5'6" to 5'5 and 1/2"
Babu said on 19/Feb/08
Thanks Reha.guys here is pics Sammera reddy with katrina and she looks taller then Katrina.can some body tell me what is height of sameera??
Click HereClick Here
tallhero said on 18/Feb/08
c this video...yukta is really tallllllllllll
Click Here
Shilps said on 18/Feb/08
look at Vidya Balan in this picture with these models. she looks like a tiny little doll with them,especially with the one on right.
Click Here
rhea said on 18/Feb/08
paste the html in the comment section,and ya done
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/08
Thanks for the pics anonymous, Yukta is truly one gorgeous amazon. Just look how big she is compared to the girl in the first pic, yukta's shoulders look huge. There was a pic of Yukta in a green saree towering over Anup Jalota and some other guy. Do u by any chance have that pic. This pic was taken during Anup Jalota's b'day celebrations.
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/08
another photo showing yukta towering over others
Click Here
Babu said on 16/Feb/08
Reha pls clear me where is add bar.There is only to colums 1 is ur name and other is ADD comment.I have to post pics about Sammera Reddy who slightlty over tower to Katrina kaif.I was shocked because I thought Katrina is a taller acctress.
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/08
Anonymous who posted on 14/Feb, can u tell us how tall Yukta is and how much she weighs, cos she claims to be only 5'11" and 67 Kgs but looks much taller and bigger (atleast 6'1" & 85 Kgs). Also was kelkar College a girls only college ??
rhea said on 15/Feb/08
in order to post pictures,u just have to copy the adress and then paste it in the adress bar...simple naah
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/08
ihave been friends with Yukta mukhi at Kelkar college.She used to tower over me at 4'10"and i would just reach her breasts.She would always seem like giant with almost everyone.Not only was she tall but she was also strong.Most of the girls were of 5 ft 2 inch height and would look like kid infront of her.There was also a girl of 4'7" and when she stood with yukta on one occassion she looked as if she was yukta's young daughter and Yukta could play with like like a small toy and would carry her in her arms easily,Same is also true with Yukta and rani mukherjee,Yukta can literally lift her like small baby and even overpower her and Rani would reach only till Yukta's shoulder.
Babu said on 14/Feb/08
Can anybody tell me how to post pics here.
Babu said on 10/Feb/08
I have seen "Wecome" and in this movie Malka sharawat seems as tall as Katrina
can any body tell me what is the actual height of Malka sherawat?Malka also towering Rekha in one movie.She is realy Tall.
Babu said on 8/Feb/08
Thanks Vic can u pls send me some pics of Sridevi with Kareena and one thing I am talking about old sridevi I mean Mrs.Bony Kapoor.I also req u all guys if some body have snaps Madhuri with Juhi Chawala who is taller ?
Vic said on 8/Feb/08
Babu- Sridevi is way taller than Kareena. I just watched Heer Ranjah and there are several scenes with Sridevi and Kunika and Sridevi is at least as tall if not taller. In fact it seems she is around half an inch taller than Kunika. I watched Talaash some time earlier and Kunika towered over Kareena. She was around 3 inches taller than Kareena.
sid said on 7/Feb/08
Sid says on 8/Feb/08
kareena is just 2 inches taller than amrita arora making her about 5'4.I request AM to send a few snaps of the actresses he has mentioned with kareena.
also TG send me your photos along with kareena because it is hard to believe you
Babu said on 6/Feb/08
Hi guys I want 2 mention one thing to you that I personaly see some actress to very near and I can say that
Tabu is 5'8.
Shilpa shetty 5'8
Sushmita sen is 5"9I just want one thing what is the height Sridevi and who is taller ?
Sridevi or Kareena Kapoor?
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/08
Namitha isnt 6ft tall, she is only 5'8", but she is huge (about 80kgs) with massive shoulders and hips and so looks very big. Yukta, Shonal and Karishma Tanna are all easily 6'1", but Yukta at almost 85 kgs looks bigger cos she is much heavier tahn Shonal and Karishma who wouldnt weigh more than 65 kgs
Engineer said on 31/Jan/08
We should have categories like ET(Extremely tall 5'10" and above)where YM,Shonal,Pooja Batra,maybe Karishma (i am not sure), followed by VT (very Tall 5'8"+ to 5'10")and T(tall 5'6" to 5'8"). The reason is it is very difficult to really make a descending order list. We can classify them in bands.
SA said on 31/Jan/08
The very tall actreess are yukta, shonal, namitha ( south actress), karishma tanna , by the way i read that namitha & karishma tanna are near 6 feet but are quoted at5-9/5.10 does any one know
Komal said on 30/Jan/08
Kareena,Diya Mirza,Priyanka are 5.5 in height as I have seen them closer and my height is 5.8. All these actresses reach to near my eyes when they are without heels
Engineer said on 30/Jan/08
As an expression it is perfect. For any woman in the world she is tall. Somewhere i did read she is 5'11 3/4" which is like 6'. I would say that. When all other actresses whom we discuss when they are in socks would not look that threatengly tall. It looks shonal pips Yukta Mookhey! and takes first spot.
Engineer said on 29/Jan/08
@anonymose If she is 5'11" and looks so tall, What are the real heights of Katrina, shilpa, sushmita, Tabu who many believe are tall
Shilps said on 28/Jan/08
I agree to u Engineer, Shonal Rawat is very tall,in that episode so made everybody look like kid in front of her.Here r some of the pics of that show and see how Shonal towers over that short little girl.She looks as is she is standing on stool. She looks very odd with common people, but alone she looks very nice.
Click Here
Engineer said on 27/Jan/08
Hi Guys, Look at Chaalbaaz 1 and look at shonal Rawat. She is really tall, as observed by some in this discussions, and simply towers over every one. Admitted she is wearing maybe between 1" and 2" but she must be with heels 6'+
Babu said on 25/Jan/08
I think guys Kareena is not a short actress specially in east.If she is 5"6 its good height in fact more then average in Asia,In India normal height for women is 5 ft to 5"2, the other girl which AM mention basically they are extra ordinary tall. What do u say guys?..
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/08
ya,kareena is short , but in most of the pics with shahid kapur,she looks taller , It appears to her being 5'6 and shahid 5'5. but,maybe she wears big heels ,do you guys have an idea
Babu said on 24/Jan/08
Hi TJ , I would be very thankfull to you if u send us ur & ur cousion's pics with other tall indian actress specially with Katrina ,Kareena & Shilpa Shetty.I always search the shilpa's pics with other girl who is taller then her but till not successed..except "pirthivi"
AM said on 24/Jan/08
Kareena is really short. How can anyone here claim she could be 5'6? Watch her with Mallika Sherawat in 'Jeena sirf mere liye'. Mallika towers over her. By the way, she's has been seen opposite some tall actresses and been dwarfed regularly. Pooja Batra was way taller than her in Talaash, Kunika and Upaasna Singh were much taller than her in the same film. Karishma Tanna really towered over her in 'Dosti', where Lara Dutta was quite taller than her as well. She was seen opposite Sushmita Sen in 'Bewafaa' and she was completely dwarfed by Ruby Bhatia in 'Main Prem Ki Diwaani Houn' as well.
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/08
Hey guys, I wanted to know if Kareena Kapoor is taller than shahid kapoor,do you guys have a pic tht shows
ANNU said on 23/Jan/08
Can any of do have a picture of actress or ladies taller than Dia Mirza, who I think is only 5.4 because she reaches near to my ears and my height is 5.6
AM said on 23/Jan/08
Check this out- Preity Zinta (dressed in yellow) looks really tiny, doesn't she?
Click Here
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/08
TG I think uve got Rani's and Katrina's height right but Kareena must be atleast 5'6" cos she is easily 3" taller thanKarishma who is 5'3". As far as u and ur cousin go, u girls must feel like twin towers, specially u being 6 ft tall, that too in India. The only celebrity I can think of who is taller than u is Yukta Mookhey
A S said on 20/Jan/08
TG can i see a pic of u, dosnt have to be u with any actors or anything. coz i hav never seen a 14 yr old who is 6 ft. iam 14 almost 15 and i am 5ft 10. i agree with u bout heights
Shilps said on 19/Jan/08
Ppl what do u think of Esha Koppikar's height? In this photo she looks as tall as Deepika.
Click HereBut in this photo, u can see she is wearing heels, mostly 3 inches, she she must be 3 inches shorter than Deepika.
Click Here
TG said on 19/Jan/08
i am 14 years girl from Mumbai. I have seen Kareena and Rani and Katrina kaif and stood with them, and most of them were shorter than me. I am 6'0" tall and Kareena just about manage to reach my chin and rani was just upto my shoulder,as far as Katrina is concerned she looked 3 inches shorter than me and was upto my eyebrows.So according to me Kareena is 5'4" and Rani just about 5'and Katrina must be 5"9.I was amazed to see Rani so short, even my cousin who is 10 years old was 3 inches taller than her.And she was almost as tall as Kareena.Even Kareena was amazed to see my cousin so tall for her age.i think she will be easily over six feet.
SS said on 17/Jan/08
There was another tall actress of yester years who practically towered ver everyone including Zeenat Aman (Hiralal Paalal). Her name is Lalita Kumari.
She is not coming in any films an more. But she was real tall!! Any one knows about her ??
sanita said on 16/Jan/08
sanita say that ash and abshi look ugly 2geter and what did ash wear n her wedding day she looked horrible
Dost said on 15/Jan/08
AM - That's a very accurate list in my opinion. Though I think some of these ladies are probably the same height. For example - Katrina, Sush and Deepika could all be 5'9 and Tabu and Shilpa could be 5'8. I have no idea about Sonam Kapoor.
AM said on 13/Jan/08
So, here are (in descending order), the tallest actresses in Bollywood: Yukta Mookey, Pooja Batra, Katrina Kaif, Sushmita Sen, Deepika, Sonam Kapoor, Tabu, Shilpa Shetty.
Anonymous said on 11/Jan/08
In an interview in Filmfare Deepika padukone says she is 5'8" and she has no problems as most of the male actors including Shah Rukh Khan are taller than her. This is a sure shot case of underquoting her height out of fear of not getting work.
shilps said on 10/Jan/08
look at katrina with ordinary people especially girls, she looks gaint!!!
Click Here
ANNU said on 9/Jan/08
My height is 5.6 without heels. I have seen Kareena,Diya Mirza, Tanushree Datta. All these actresses are 2 inches shorter that me without heels. I think all these actresses should be 5.4 or 5.5. Can I get photos of other actresses or any woman personality who is taller than these mentioned actresses & what is the height of Vidya Balan ?
Dost said on 9/Jan/08
I just saw 'Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya' with Tabu and Pooja Batra and I must say that Pooja is extremely tall - wow! She only shares a couple of scenes with Tabu and towers over her! Probably close to touching 6-0. The actress Kunika is also in the movie and Pooja also towers over her.
akshaye said on 9/Jan/08
deepika is being towered
Click Here
Dost said on 6/Jan/08
I know. I have seen the movie and I would guess they are approximately the same height, but Sush is definitely NOT taller. If anyone is slightly taller, it appears to be Katrina though if I had to make a determination I would say they are of equal height.
I peg Sushmita and Katrina at about 5-9, one inch taller than the likes of Shilpa Shetty and Tabu.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/08
on fearfactor rohit roy and karishma tanna were standing together (both bare feet) and karishma tanna was easily around an inch shorter than rohit....does any one know rohit's height?
friend said on 6/Jan/08
Dost katrina & sushmita are of the same height if you see the movie and sush may be slightly taller but deffinately not katrina and that too by this margin
Dost said on 5/Jan/08
Here is a pic from Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya of Katrina Kaif towering over Sushmita Sen:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/08
Tanushree Dutta is 5'6" and both Koena Mitra and Bipasha basu are 5'8". Yukta looked atleast 6" taller than Koena and Bipasha which would make her 6'2" Assuming that these 3 were in flats and yukta was in 2" heels, that would put Yukta's height at abt 6 ft even. The fact that she is so big and broad makes her look even taller.
Dost said on 4/Jan/08
In the pic below of Shilpa Shetty and Deepika Padukone standing with that man. For comparison, here's another pic of Sushmita Sen with the same guy at the same event.
Click Here
shilps said on 3/Jan/08
one more picture of that new year event:
Click Here
shilps said on 3/Jan/08
look at Deepika in this photo with Shahrukh, she looks way taller than him!!
Click Here
compare said on 3/Jan/08
Yesterday i was just going through ur posts and links, and i just thought that may be if it becomes possible to see any Bollywood celebrity standing next to Maria Sharapova, Imagine how would it looke like.Imagine Rani mukherjee standing with Maria, who is wearing 4 inches heels and rani almost in flats.Imagine how it would look, when we have someone like Yukta Mukhi,who is hardly 6 ft tall and still makes bollywood celebrity look very tiny, what maria would do with them in 4 inches heel. I think most of them would actually just manage to reach her shoulder, and some like rani and priety would just reach her breast.Now thats what is called huge height difference!!!
tallover said on 3/Jan/08
Thanks Dost for posting such a wonderful photo of Kareena looking tiny with Deepika. I had been waiting for this(KAreena looking tiny next to big tall woman).I just like to see a girl very tall,taller than Deepika, making Kareena look baby next to her. If anyone has any such picture please post it.I had always believed that Kareena is a shortie but somehow it was not visible in the photos.May be she wears huge heels.
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/08
shilps do you have more photos of Yukta from new year celebrations. any idea whether she was wearing heels
friend said on 3/Jan/08
Yukta is so tall that she dwarfs all the others and mind you the other ladies are not that short and may be 5-6 to 5-7 range so good pic shilps and any pic with aish vs yukta
Dost said on 2/Jan/08
RE: the pic with Jackie - wow, Yukta is huge! She must be around 6-0 tall.
Engineer said on 2/Jan/08
@shilps i have not seen the New year celebrations on TV, but i can only guess. When you dance on these floors (public) one does not normally wear any heels,which means Tanushree who is not more than 5'5" while talking to YM must be nearly bare fotted, whereas YM who is around 5'11" as compere in saree (i guess) must be wearing at least 2" heels taking her height to 6'1". Obviously with a combined differnce she would naturally tower over Tanushree (approx difference 8". I have seen in the past in some TV show which was hosted by Dipaninta sharma YM came as guest and all these men had to woo her and she would select the best suitor. In that Dipaninta sharma and YM looked nearly as tall as each other while all suitors were pretty short. dipaninta sharma is around 5'10"
talldude said on 2/Jan/08
Click Hereheres the pic....YM taller than jacki with nil heels
Dost said on 1/Jan/08
Here is the proof to all those people who disagreed with me about the heights of Shilpa Shetty and Deepika Padukone. Everyone here said that Deepika was much much taller than Shilpa whereas I argued that they were probably same height. The one pic circulating did not do justice to Shilpa as it was not taken head on and seemed tilted in Deepika's favor. Here is a better picture. What do you guys think now???
Click Here
Dost said on 1/Jan/08
Deepika Padukone towering over Kareena Kapoor!
Click Here
Dost said on 1/Jan/08
Shilpa Shetty with Sushmita Sen:
Click Here
shilps said on 1/Jan/08
in this photo Deepika just towers over Shahrukh khan, she looks easily the tallest in the photo.
Click HereClick Here
friend said on 1/Jan/08
Thereis no doubt about Yukta towering over many girls but there are a few who could stand taller than her and one is sania sheikh the model and second is karishma tanna who is also very talland may be close to yuktas height
Vic said on 1/Jan/08
Has anyone watched 'Welcome' yet? Does it offer any comparisons between Malika Sherawat and Katrina Kaif?
Dost said on 31/Dec/07
Thanks PB. I think we can safely say from the second pic that Priyanka has more generous heels on. Zeenat probably has half an inch on her if we consider them bare-foot.
shilps said on 31/Dec/07
just saw new year celebrations in mumbai on TV, where there were Yukta Mukhi, Tnushree dutta and Koena mitra present, and believe me Yukta looked so tall compared to all of them that they all looked like small kid infront of her. I remember when she had to talk to Tanushree Dutta, she had to bend so much to come to her height.Tanushree is one of the tallest in Bollywood and she was made to look shortie my Yukta.Yukta is really amazon!
PB said on 31/Dec/07
Here is another shot of Priyanka Chopra and Zeenat Aman, where the shoes can be seen.
Click Here
PB said on 31/Dec/07
In the picture posted by Dost, the camera angle seems to be favoring Priyanka in terms of getting some height advantage.
Dost said on 30/Dec/07
Here is Priyanka Chopra with Zeenat Aman. I think both these ladies are about 5-8 but Zeenat might actually be taller as it's very possible that Priyanka has high heels on Zeenat in small heels or flats (judging by their outfits).
Click Here
Dost said on 29/Dec/07
Apparently the forthcoming movie entitled 'Bollywood Blues' will feature Sonam Kapoor, Deepika Padukone and Sushmita Sen.
Hopefully they share some scenes.
Anonymous said on 26/Dec/07
Only proves that Yukta Mookhey is the only real 6 footer amongst the actresses in India. The fact that she is as broad as she is tall just makes her appear gigantic.
Anonymous said on 24/Dec/07
some photos of yukta mookhey towering priyanka and some other people
Click HereClick Here
Vic said on 24/Dec/07
MW- How come you have Shilpa at 5'10 and Katrina at 5'8.5 when in Apne it was obvious that Katrina was around a couple of inches taller than Shilpa?
MW said on 23/Dec/07
now these are the real heights of these actors:
amitabh; 6'2 now 6'1
abhishek; 6'2
shahrukh; 5'8
salman; 5'7
amir; 5'6
saif; 5'8
hrithik; 6'0
ajay; 5'11
akshay kumar; 5'11
shahid; 5'8
sushmeta; 5'9.5
shilpa; 5'10
aishwarya; 5'7
rani; 5'0
priety; 5'4
karishma; 5'4
kareena; 5'5
katrina; 5'8.5
cant say anything about the heights of sonam depika and ranbir they may be 5'9 5'10 and 6'0 respectively
sa said on 23/Dec/07
deepika father is 6.1 so she is close to tht range
Anonymous said on 9/Oct/06
nazreen said on 6/Oct/06
Sush is 5'11 and everyone know's that. Ok i believe that aish is beautiful and you know what? I have no doubt about it that she is pretty but also, I believe that even a donkey can look good withmake-up so she still have something good in her face but you know what. If you have ever seen her childhood pics then trust me she is not good tht much!
nazreen said on 6/Oct/06
People, aishwarya height is 5'6. I live in America and I have seen her in a function of 115august and even have a picture with her. My height is 5'6 and by wearing heels her height was same as me. I have seen her and I know what is her height is(according to my calculations. I just wanna to know that her eyes blue, green or grey? why don't these site's just tell us the truth, why these site's are for? Her height is 5'5 or 5'6 I don't know but no more then 5'6.
I just wanna to know that why was she wearing brown lenses while she have green, blue or maybe gray eyes? Solve mypoblem man!!!
nazreen said on 30/Sep/06
Well, I know and also believe that Aishwarya is 5'5 or 5'6 but is her eyes really green like, if she have green or very beautiful eyes then why do she wear brown, blueand other colors contacts sometime? Can anybody tell me please
Azharudin said on 23/Sep/06
Beyond doubt Ash is very beautiful, But she stands nowhere near Sush. Sush is ultimate Indian diva. She not only leaves Ash far behind as far as height(Tallest Indian Actress) is concerned, but she is far more superior to Ash considering overall personality. If v rate Sush as number 1, Ash can be rated something around 9 or 10.
Anonymous said on 15/Sep/06
Click HereClick HereClick Heresush looks to be atleast 7-8" taller than preity zinta and 4" taller than ash.
another proof that ash is shorter than 5.7".raveena was 5.7".ash clearly looks 2" shorter than her so it make ash 5.5".
Click Here
bobby said on 4/Sep/06
Well from that Andie mcdowell pic. you can say that she is 5.5
true height explorer said on 3/Sep/06
Aishwarya is no more than 5 5".she just looks tall bcos she is slim.see her in 'Josh'.she looks 3-4 inch shorter than 5 8" Shahrukh.
faiza said on 2/Aug/06
well obviously she would..i mean how many people downgrade their height? and being a model she's going to want to make herself taller
Supreet said on 31/Jul/06
AIshwarya has said hr self many times she is 5'7
Anonymous said on 23/Jul/06
one of the other site says aishwarya rai`s height is 5 geet 6 inch but here it says it is 7 inch.which one is right?
faiza said on 22/Jul/06
look at this pic, ninth picture from bottom or download the video, you can see that she comes at just 5'6" when she's probably 1-2 inch boots on. Doesn't this mean something?
Click Here
bobby said on 30/Jun/06
Must be kiddin if you say she is 5.7. I saw her live from not so far. She couldnt be more than 5.6" and i am 6.1" (185+ cm)
faiza said on 24/Jun/06
Rob, i think you should come to the conclusion that aishwarya rai is 5'5"
Anonymous said on 19/Jun/06
Click Herelook at this pic. how shilpa is towering over vidya balan.how tall is vidya balan.
arvind said on 9/Jun/06
Click Herehere in this pic theres no much diff between sush and ash.sush seems to be so tall bcos of her hairstyle.but c the diff between ash and yuktha.i have seen yuktha in streets of worli during election campaigna dn she is definitely abt 5'11.so ash is max 5'5
Bluewin said on 5/Jun/06
Wasn't she a miss World,so I think she should be a least 5'7??,but actually she looks shorter something like 5'5
guru said on 5/Jun/06
andie clearly towers over ash downgrade her plz
lambu said on 4/Jun/06
see with prity she is only 5'5"
Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Jun/06
Click Herethis image is heels less ash.see her diff with srk whos 5'8
Anonymous said on 3/Jun/06
Click Hereguys see the heel size of ash,its towering.shes hardly 5'5
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/06
Hi Rob,
It seems both aishwarya and Andie Mcdowell are wearing same size heels, if Andie Mcdowell is 5'8", Aishwarya is atleast 3" shorter than her.She must me 5'5" only
PKB said on 24/May/06
Here is Aishwarya next to 5'8" Andie Mcdowell.
Click Here
Editor Rob
faiza said on 24/May/06
5'7" or not she's 5'6" at the very least- you need to be that tall to become a model and to enter the Miss India beauty paegent.
shay said on 24/Apr/06
ive met her,nope,shes bout 5ft5, im 5ft8 and was a bit taller
arvind said on 20/Apr/06
is shee lukking tall in this pic
Click Here
Monu said on 19/Apr/06
malika is 5'5 she is the same height as jakie chan who is about 5'8 while wearing high heels that look atleast 3 inches and rekha is not 5'7 but 5'4 5'7 is her old actor height like how amitabh bachchan use to be credited as 6'3 but now 6feet. Ash is about 5'4. and that's final
lambu said on 17/Apr/06
anoy look all links below. compare with sush tabu even madhuri looks taller in one link. you find your proof
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/06
any proof to show aish is not more than 5'6".
lambu said on 16/Apr/06
anoy, mallika in heels but rekha's shoes are not normal. with jacky chain mallika look taller to jacky. she must be 5'8" or more. ash not more then 5'6".
Sarah said on 15/Apr/06
I think she is 5'7 alright. What really happens is that someone who is as short as 5'7 can look even shorter with a slight slouch. Also, people.. .when comparing heights consider other people have got shoes too.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/06
Mallika sherawat is only 5'61/2", she looked taller than rekha because she had heels where as rekha is wearing normal shoes. Aishwarya is not too short she should be minimun 5'7"
lambu said on 14/Apr/06
Aish is too short. I want to know about mallika's height, i think she is 5'81/2". compare with rekha, rekha is 5'7" in second image mallika looks very tall to rekha. link
Click Here
PB said on 12/Apr/06
Anonymous, the site added a picture which shifted the picture of Aishwarya and Lara by one. The new link is
Click Here
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/06
there is no lara in that picture.
PB said on 9/Apr/06
Aishwarya Rai looks taller than Lara Dutta in this picture:
Click Here
arvind said on 9/Apr/06
if ash is 5'7 then meg ryan shud be 5'11 acc ti this pic. and as per profile meg ryan is 5'8 max.so ash is either 5'4 or 5'5
Click Here and search for aishwarya rai
daniah said on 3/Apr/06
ash must be 5'7" because to enter the miss india paegent you have to be at least 5'6"
arvind said on 2/Apr/06
according to stats,yuktha mookey is 182 cms,sus is 177 cms but diana hayden is only 172 cms,but she seems to be abt 5 cms taller than ash.i think no one in flats here.so ash is 167-168 cms
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/06
Tabu is easily 5'10". She is very big built and weighs atleast 75kgs that is why she looks short. Aishwarya is 5'6" and she too has put on weight of recent,estimate her to be atleast 60kgs,so she toolooks shorter than she actually is.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/06
I agree tabu is atleast 3" taller than aishwarya rai, but i have seen tabu, she is atleast 3-4 inches taller than me and i'm 5'61/2". So Tabu should be around 5'10", so aishwarya should be around 5'7"
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/06
tabu is not only tall but she is big also.she have broad shoulders .ash is looking so small beside her.how can ash be 5.7 or5.7.5 while tabu only 5.8".tabu must be 3" taller than ash.
PKB said on 23/Mar/06
It is hilarious to see it is so difficult to know heights of stars. Google search on the heights of Ms. Rai and Hashmi (Tabu) yield 5'7'-5'7.5" and 5'6"-5'8" respectively. So, Tabu has been listed at as low as 5'6" and Aishwarya high as 5'7.5". In reality as pointed out by some of the posters here, Tabu is quite a bit taller of the two!
arvind said on 22/Mar/06
tabu and ash in temple(in temple no sandals allowed in shooting also)
Click HereClick Here
arvind said on 22/Mar/06
tabu and ash in temple(in temple no sandals allowed in shooting also)
Click Here
sush said on 22/Mar/06
well i dont think that aishwarya is 5.7 feet in height she must be 5.4 in height and rani mukherjee is 5.1 in height, i suppose.
well Natasha suri must be around 5.7 feet in height.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/06
Aishwarya is shorter than Kareena Kapoor who is 5'5 or 5'6". So Aishwarya must be 5'4" only
rr said on 19/Mar/06
More on heights of Miss indias. Yesterday, 3 new miss indias were crowned. Miss India Universe Neha is supposedly 5'9.5", Miss India world Natasha is supposedly 5'8.5" and Miss India Earth Amruta is 5'11". Just
check this photo.
Click HereThis is on the website feminamissindia.indiatimes.com
Amruta does look significantly taller than the other 2 but Natasha looks taller than Neha! Wonder if the contest actually measure the heights they give to an accuracy of .25".
dev said on 6/Mar/06
ppl who want to rani's height should watch this clip http://www.rani-mukerji.com/media/video/awardshows/acceptances/06screen_bestjodi.zip. rani is more than 1ft shorter than abhishek bachhan who is 6'2".
KIRSH said on 6/Mar/06
medico said on 6/Mar/06
don't lie monu
Monu said on 5/Mar/06
hey at that very occasion she seemed about 5'3ish maybe it was not her day who knows but i am positive she's not more than 5'4 to 5'5. 5'7 would be like saying pigs fly.
medico said on 4/Mar/06
hey, arvind, even if archana's short and is supporting the shorties, why do u care?
Janet said on 4/Mar/06
Ash is most certainly 5'6" at the VERY least. I know someone who was in the audience of the Oprah show when Ash appeared and she was similar in height to Oprah herself (taking into account heels of course). No way in the world is Ash less than 5'5". Monu, you are unbelievable to claim 5'2".
Anonymous said on 2/Mar/06
No way Aishwarya is 5'2". I have seen her personnally very very close to me. I'm 5'61/2"(1.69m) tall.She looked taller than me by atleast an inch.She was wearing normal footwear(may be 1 or 1.5" heel).
Monu said on 1/Mar/06
I'v seen ash with salman. i'm 5'10 exact and salman was about 5'7 and ash seemed about 5'2 - 5'3 exact height values. proof of this would be that most actors in bollywood are in the 5'7 to 5'8 range and ash is usually shorter by atleast 5 to 7' shorter than all of them she only seems about average height for a indian woman or slightly more, when seen in public scenes in movies. my causin who lives in India is about 5'6 real height, which is tall for an Indian woman, sticks out like a tall woman when seen in public places, not a giant but tall. unlike ash who seems around average. also she is not as beautiful as people think they are just fooled by her eyes. and she has a lot of body fat on her now. she is not very liked by the people in India and she's considard very stuck up.
arvind said on 1/Mar/06
archana i think ur short so ur supporting shorties!!!!!!!!
Archana said on 1/Mar/06
Flippig hell! what's the craze about heights huh?ash won the competition and rightly.Miss universe and Miss world has not height restrictions as they r not looking for a ramp model.They keep into consideration all races and countries and it does differ.
Ponds femina miss India is a disgrace when it comes to calling them representing women because they have put an height restriction on who can enter the contest when clearly they are not obliged to by rules.
and for those clever john and janes who r in england why don't u check the local search which is going on right now for miss England. There r absolutely no height restrictions. The compeition is to look for a complete women not a skinny tall aneroxic example.
Anonymous said on 27/Feb/06
she is anuska.she is over 5.10".here with shilpa.
dia is short.
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/06
who r the girls with katrina kaif.they r very tall.
much taller than yana gupta.
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/06
I have seen aishwarya closely she is wearing flat shoes(max 1.5" heels), she is atleast 4" taller than my 5'4" frame.so she must be 5'7" - 5'8"
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/06
amisha is sooooo short.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/06
i have seen aishwarya. she looked 6" taller than me with her 3-4" heels and i'm 5'5". so she must be min 5'7" may be more
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/06
Ya thats true, i have seen tabu very close to me. I'm 5'61/2"(1.69cm)Tabu was atleast 5 inches taller than me.she was not even wearing big heels,her heels is maximum 2".
Angel said on 8/Feb/06
Hey ya Tabu was really lookinh very tall in indian idol 2 n even in sare gama pa , she looked as tall as Shaan or may b even taller then him
5'7" said on 8/Feb/06
did anyone see Tabu on indian idol 2?Then maybe those people will understand why miss rai looks shorter than her.Check out this link-http://indianidol.sifymax.com/imagegallery/
aravind said on 7/Feb/06
hey guys check those pics, if even sush is towered by couple of chiks then wat abt ash.its funny.http://www.pageantopolis.com/international/Universe_1994.htm
aravind said on 7/Feb/06
i am amazed by the ht of yuktha mikhey . shes definitely abt 6 ft tall and more. c her pic http://www.bbc.co.uk/shropshire/films/bollywood/2004/06/images/pop_up_dobara_music_release_02.jpgwith shatrugan sinha who is 6'1 according to news.
abhinav said on 6/Feb/06
The photos may show aishwarya rai jumping to touch lara, but we don't have clear idea in the photo of the heels shoe of lara. All other photos with tabu, shilpa are not full, we don't know who was with bigger heals. Aishwaray is Sure 170 cm.
aravind said on 4/Feb/06
see tabu towering ash
see pooja batra towering ash
luks shorter than all gals
jump to touch the top head of laraduta
looks abt 3" shorter than SRK whos 5'8
aravind said on 4/Feb/06
shorter than amir khan in this pic,hehehehehttp://www.ashforever.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=329&pos=2
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/06
shorter than madhuri.
shorter than lara even in heels.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/06
Many Photos not give clear idea, we don't whether people are in same level, wear same heal, etc. I am sure aishwarya is 170 cms. I have not seen her. But I saw a photo of her with isha gopikar. Both wear 2" heals, isha is 1-2 cms taller than aishwarya. I have seen isha up very close to me waering flat shoes, she is atleast 2 inches taller than me(I'm 5'51/2"-166cm).If isha and aish are of nearly same height then aish is 170cm
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/06
look at them .ash is short.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/06
yukta mookhey is real giant.even if ash is 5.5" she is looking like hardly 5 feet tall beside yukta.she also taller than sush.
arvind said on 2/Feb/06
hey guys i met our late PM pv narasimha rao b4 8 yrs and got prize frm his hand.at tht time i was 15 yrs and 5'5 tall stil narasimha rao is 2-3 in ches shorter than me, same as ash with rao. so ash is 165 cms max.http://www.ashforever.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=48&pos=71