How tall is Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler's Height

5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)

Infamous Austrian German leader. He was supposedly measured at 173cm for a physical by the Austrian Army, although In a book by David Irving "The War Path", he mentioned that "As seen by his doctors in 1939, Adolf Hitler stood 5 foot 9 inches in his socks and weighed about 155 pounds."

How tall is Adolf Hitler
German Federal Archive / [CC BY-SA 3.0 de], via Wiki Commons

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Add a Comment709 comments

Average Guess (231 Votes)
5ft 8.5in (174cm)
uddipta saikia said on 22/Apr/24
He Looks 175 cm Or Sometimes 174 cm
Aline A. said on 8/Sep/23
On April 1, 1924, when Hitler began his imprisonment in Landsberg, his height was measured as 175cm (5ft 9in). He was almost 35 years old then, so he was not growing anymore. But people can be 3cm taller in the morning than in the evening. The measurement in Landsberg took place after 5pm. So his height in the morning could have been 178cm (5ft 10in). This makes sense because he looks about as tall as GΓΆring (178cm) in photos.
James (179cm) Jones said on 7/May/23
Psychopathic monster. He can rot in hell.

174cm for him... πŸ’©πŸ‘ΉπŸ€¬
Nicolas said on 27/Mar/23
Hitler real height is 1m72 (5 feet 7.5)
Bwk said on 26/Mar/23
How tall do you think the average height back then in Germany was Rob? I think probably 175cm.
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Mar/23
Mein Kampf? Mein @rse at its most stinking! Pah! A question just popped up on The Chase about wrote this piece of πŸ’©. It’s even available in English! So he reckoned he had a struggle? Who hasn’t? Yet nobody else condemns loads of people to their deaths because they feel hard done by.

What a moron! I’d sooner pick someone else’s nose and eat it before reading that crap. Or perhaps fox plop, roasted slugs, snail shells, fly poop, flies….... ANYTHING!
πŸ¦ŠπŸ’©πŸ€ͺπŸ–• πŸ“–βŒ

Abdul.dk11 said on 6/Oct/22
173 cm
Thuan said on 1/Oct/22
@SannaMarinlove that makes no sense
Almost 180cm guy said on 29/Sep/22
Do you think Rob 5ft 8.75 is possible for a Third Reich Chief? I can believe Hitler had a 5ft 9.5 out of bed and could measure 5ft 10 in military boots.
Editor Rob
I do think he could have cleared 5ft 9 out of bed. In the War era, he certainly was of average height range in Germany.
SannaMarinlove said on 25/Sep/22
You have to be crazy believing Hitler was a true 5ft9
At that age a 5ft9 equals a 6ft3 today

Hitler was between 1,71-1,72 m or a very weak 5ft8
Mussolini was a super short dictator, 5ft4-5ft5. He was always wearing lifts and staying on platforms to look taller
Riedl181 said on 20/Sep/22
Would his height be equal to a 5'10 in todays Germany?
Editor Rob
Today, yes.
Mr. President said on 14/Sep/22
Online I've seen Adolph Hitler listed from 5'7-5'9"(174-180cm) yet in pictures of him aside Benito Mussolini at 5'7"(174cm) Hitler is clearly a good 3" (7.6cm) taller than Mussolini. It is possible due to his age & failing health at the end of WWII he could have shrank a bit.
I'm not sure where this site in particular gets it's data but President Trump is listed here as 6'1/2" (183cm) when he is known to be the same height as President Obama at 6'2" (188cm).
Johnny 181-182 cm said on 5/Jul/22
@Rob I think it is fair to give Hitler the "Politicians" tag.
Editor Rob
I will add him.
Parker said on 13/Jun/22
I can believe the 5'9 measurement

Click Here
Abdul177cm said on 9/Jun/22
Hitler was the worst, he was 5’7 3/4. 172 cm!.
Tunman said on 5/Jun/22
People like that are indeed cowards,what's more they don't have the courage to do these horrible acts themselves,if you read about about Himmler,you would think of a heartless person but in reality he didn't even support to watch the horrors that occured in the camps.The same goes for Goebbels who wasn't able to watch footage of the execution of the July 20th plotters.Ultimately they also committed suicide like their master.Saddest thing when you think about it is that these crimes were well known to the germans who didn't have the courage to oppose them neither.
However Hitler was more likely a solid 174 next to Himmler and Ribbentrop whose 174 and 178 are almost undisputable
Johnny 181-182 cm said on 26/May/22
@Rob wasn't he rejected by the Austrian army after that physical?
Editor Rob
He may have failed the exam, but I don't think anything to do with height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/May/22
β€œI don’t believe in Hitler…..” sang John Lennon.

It’s a shame that so many people didn’t have a choice. He messed them up regardless.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/22
If this coward, who committed suicide rather be man enough to face what he’d done, saw Saving Private Ryan, would his heart be bleeding, or would he be sitting there laughing, just like the actor who played him in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds did at the showing of the film within a film, β€˜Nation’s Pride’?

All the suffering he, and the handful like him, caused,is hard to swallow. When my Mum would see him as a small child - he was based next to her school - she instinctively hated him, and reported that he was a pathetic little man.

Never a truer word, Mum, has been spoken.

5ft8, albeit begrudgingly. πŸ˜πŸ–•
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/May/22
I’m watching an episode of South Park. Cartman has given Butters a πŸ’²hitler moustache, by sticking his finger up his @ss and painting a couple of brown lines under Butters’ nose so that it looks like the Fuhrer’s famous facial fungi. Butters thinks it’s awful stinky round the skiing resort!

5ft8. πŸ₯ΈπŸ’©πŸ˜·πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
Bobbyh3342 said on 3/Mar/22
classic 5.9.5 in shoes 5 10 in his army boots , 5'8 and change barefoot
BoobleGooble said on 23/Feb/22
I'm going with 5'8.25 for him since i think 173cm measurement was correct
Tunman said on 11/Jan/22
6'6 is a big joke for Hindenburg
Click Here
He looks about 180 in fact maybe even 179 if we assume that he's a little favored by the camera.Of course he must have lost easily a good 2" by that time.Maybe 6'1 (185) peak wasn't impossible but I really doubt he was seen as a giant.Much like Nelson Mandela who got a 6'4 listing when he clearly was nowhere near that,it must be that some random people throw a guess which ends up in many other sites as well
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jan/22
5ft8 for DamDamDamDamDamDam Hitler.
DanDanDanDanDanDan said on 6/Jan/22
Rob, have you ever looked into Paul von Hindenburg's height? He is always listed and described as 6ft6.

By the time he was photographed with Hitler, he must've lost plenty of height already.
Editor Rob
I doubt he was that tall, given how 'short' he looked with Adolf.
someguy who will measure his height tomo said on 24/Nov/21
Frey's account of his first meeting with Hitler in 1915: "A pale, tall man tumbled down into the cellar after the first shells of the daily evening attacks had begun to fall, fear and rage glowing in his eyes. At that time he looked tall because he was so thin. A full moustache, which had to be trimmed later because of the new gas masks, covered the ugly slit of his mouth."
nicahl said on 23/Nov/21
I for one beleive the Austrian army is the most credible source, 1.73. What Hitler's own doctors said in 1936 and later isn't really credible, is it? I think it was more like he could choose his own height. Furthermore, I've never seen a pic of Hitler where he looks taller than 1.74.
nicahl said on 23/Nov/21
I for one beleive the Austrian army is the most credible source, 1.73. What Hitler's own doctors said in 1936 and later isn't really credible, is it? I think it was more like he could choose his own height. Furthermore, I've never seen a pic of Hitler where he looks taller than 1.74.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Oct/21
Neither short nor tall for his generation. 5 ft 8 range seems about right.

There's BS online about Merkel being Hitler's daughter despite being born in 1954. Click Here That does look like her, but it's simply not possible that she's his daughter, he died in 1945!!
ChaosControl said on 27/Jul/21
@Nik guess I’ll have to change my username to say ChaosControl 6’7.50
Jordan87 said on 27/Jul/21
Its a height Debate and people are talking about an Evil German Dictator's flatulating issues from over 60 years ago. My Lord, help them.
Nik Ashton said on 27/Jul/21
@ Sandy Cowell - His wife must have suffered a lot! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@ ChaosControl 6’2.50 - You could certainly claim 6’7”!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jul/21
The car accident could easily have contributed to height loss if his back was injured badly. Then he had a fall in the early 40s, which, depending on his injuries, won't have helped maintain his height for what little time he had left.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jul/21
* I've done a bit of research into the FΓΌhrer's drug habits and one old guy, who was there at the time, answered that Hitler was 'most definitely' a drug addict. Morphine, which was banned in 1924, was widely available to the Third Reich.

Then I found the following, rather jolly little statement: 'At the start of the war, Hitler suffered from gas.'


'Soon, he was taking a cockπŸ“tail of morphine, crystal meth and laxatives...'

No wonder he had gas, and I'd say it was more likely those around him who underwent the suffering!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jul/21
Hitler was run over by a car, possibly in the year 1932. That same year, Winston Churchill was also hit by a car. Churchill was prescribed unlimited alcohol! I don't know what HITters was prescribed*, but imagine how many people would have lived full lives had he not survived? In fact, the whole of history would have been rewritten. I wouldn't have been born, as my Mum and Dad wouldn't have met, and who can honestly say that their parents would have met had the 2nd World War never taken place? Or The Great War, come to that....

Gosh! It really messes with my head sometimes. πŸ˜•πŸ’­

ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 18/Jul/21
@Nik shall I be going with 7’0 then?
Nik Ashton said on 16/Jul/21
@ Genau - That’s a mighty if!

@ slim 6'1 - You’re right there!

@ 6 foot - πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚! Maybe Rob and I should claim something similar!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jun/21
Apart from casting a vote for 5ft8.25, Jaffa the history-loving Bumble Bee would like to point out that there was a very productive Battle of Jaffa back in 1192, under the reign of Richard the First, also known as Richard the Lionheart. The Battle took a whole exhausting week, and resulted in a truce for King Richard's Crusaders and Sultan Saladin. This was during the Third Crusade, and had a very successful outcome, permitting the Christians to enter Jerusalem again and regain possession of a large strip of land from Beirut to the city of Jaffa. 🍊
Tunman said on 28/May/21
Rob,the 175 measurement already rules out anything like 5'10 let alone 6'.While there's a decent chance he was measured that tall barefeet in 1924,we can only speculate on that,I mean 5'9 in 0.5" shoes isn't impossible neither Click Here
How much do you see here between him and Ribbentrop?I would have thought a legit 4cm difference or 1.5" at least
Editor Rob
yeah maybe 4cm between them.
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 5/May/21
6 foot said on 20/Feb/21
The guy was at the very least 6 feet tall the rest is just propaganda.

You’re joking right?
Editor Rob

5ft 10 would be a pretty big hook, but 6ft was a colossal one thrown by that poster!
jdhdhd said on 2/May/21
he isn't 5'9
Almost 180cm guy said on 19/Mar/21
Hey Rob! I noticed that you have included excerpts from medical records in pages from some American Presidents (Richard Nixon, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson) and it just so happens that Hitler's medical report from 1936 is also available and we can download it on the Internet. According to this report, Hitler was 176 cm tall and weighed about 70 kg. Could you please post this excerpt medical report here?
Daniel Wells said on 21/Feb/21
The Mussolini 5'6.5 listing only gives credence to 5'9 if we assume he wasn't measured in footwear.

If he was, then he could have been 5'6.
6 foot said on 20/Feb/21
The guy was at the very least 6 feet tall the rest is just propaganda.
slim 6'1 said on 13/Feb/21
He was a solid 174cm
Evil 😈
Genau said on 3/Feb/21
Rob if he was 5ft9 in his socks wouldnt that put him around 5ft8 7/8 barefoot
Editor Rob
neglible amount for socks, sometimes half a mm even, other times (woven winter could be 2mm)
Maria Jansen said on 2/Feb/21
Hey Rob, searching in the Internet I have found many opinions about Hitler's height. I have read the declaration of his three doctors, one said he could not remember how tall Hitler was, one said he was about 175-176 and the other said he was about 175-177. They have visited Hitler in 1944 and so the height they remember comes from that period. Now I ask you, do you think it is possible that Hitler was really in that range of height and in the last year of his life he lost a few centimeters? One last thing, I have read some of the comments below because I am curious of what other people think but I have also seen many comments that have nothing to do with Hitler's height. I think this is a site for discussing about the height of famous people, it is not a political forum.
Have a good day!
Editor Rob
I can believe in shoes he measured in 5ft 9-9.5 range
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jan/21
The number of the beast - how very appropriate for Hitler, although now he'll have 667 comments all because I couldn't resist writing this!

Rising174cm said on 21/Jan/21
A 1985 Chicago Tribune article on his medical records even described him as 5'10" and 150, though I trust the 5'9" in socks and roughly 155 much more. Perhaps 5'10" in shoes.
rafael proulx said on 30/Dec/20
He was 5’9 peak 100%, maybe 5’8.5 when he died
Luis Pzn said on 30/Dec/20
1.71m for fΓΌhrer
Rising174cm said on 28/Dec/20
I've always seen no reason to doubt the 5'9" from his medical records at age 50, especially since it specified the measurement was in socks and adds up with the 5'6.5" for Mussolini. Given Hitler's rapid decline in health by the end of his life, he may have been closer to 5'8.5" at the time of his death.
Tunman said on 26/Nov/20
Well,I didn't know the 5'9 listing was Hess measured corpse,which,should it be a correct measurement,is quite remarkable in itself since he died at the age of 93.Anyways it was too obvious he was taller than Hitler by at least 0.75-1".Still the main mystery is:What figure can we rely on?I mean we had 3 listings for Hitler the supposed 173 measurement of the Austrian army,the 175 Landsberg measurement and many sources give 174 although can't say if they stem from an actual measurement.But certainly if Hess was in that 5'9.5-9.75 range then 5'8.5-9 for Hitler is definitely more likely than 173
Editor Rob
maybe with some corpses, there are measurement errors. Losing only 2cm at that age would have been incredibly little.
Tunman said on 25/Nov/20
Actually,The more I look at pics the more I'm convinced that the listings of the allies aren't serious well by no means measured barefeet anyways
Click Here
How can Goering be 178 when he looks the same as Himmler?Although he has probably slightly less footwear he's closer to the camera so he can't be much different really.Also when looking backwards Daluege(supposedly 189) looks only fractionally taller than Heydrich,and the latter obviously is no more than a solid 6'1 at best
Editor Rob
I do wonder if some measurements have been recorded in boots.
Tunman said on 25/Nov/20
Click Here
Since Hess is 5'9 I must admit we can't completely rule out 173 although he also managed to push 174-5 in too many occasions.I mean the fact that he looked virtually the same as 174 Himmler may suggest that anything between 173 and 175 is arguable.The thing is...we need to know at least someone whose height was undisputable,it seems many listings even those performed by the allies could have been in shoes
Editor Rob
Hess corpse was measured 5ft 9, but it's been mentioned in WW1 he was supposed to have been 177cm on his medical...which might match up with the 175cm Hitler had supposedly got too.
Daniel said on 16/Oct/20
All of those who say Hitler was "short" must be blind, ignorant, or worse, stupid, because everybody with some minimal culture knows there is a lot of photographic and filmographic evidence that he was quite average or even above average for an Austrian or German in his time. So, 1.73m is very possible as his minimal height. He could even have been very close to (if not) 1.75m.
Tunman said on 30/Sep/20
@Sofia Eva
Well,as history is written by winners,they wanted future generations to remember him in the most negative ways.That he ended described as short was something almost unavoidable since it's an aspect perceived negatively by most people.For Goering,many remembered him as obese,he rarely got described as tall
Sofia Eva said on 30/Sep/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell oh yes I know, I certainly wouldn't have liked to be the Führer's doctor but the doctors said that he was about this height after the war in an interrogation. Another thing that I have never understood is why Hitler is often described as short and Gâring as tall when they have a very similar height 🧐
Arch Stanton said on 29/Sep/20
"In" not "Un"appropriate. Christian, and clearly not intended to be offensive. There's some very sensitive people here, I pretty much got called ugly the other day for thinking Karen Black had funny eyes!!

In Hitler's head he was Gotz Otto's height and appearance!
Nik Ashton said on 28/Sep/20
The voice of the tinternet: πŸ—£β€173 cm”!
Sofia Eva said on 26/Sep/20
His doctors said he was about 176-177, and I think that's a reasonable height. Why should they lie?
Nik said on 20/Sep/20
On his medical file he is described as 5'10"!
Slim 6'1" said on 20/Sep/20
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/20
I was just listening to Pink Floyd's recording of When The Tigers Broke Free. Unsurprisingly, Roger Waters grew up a very angry young man, having lost his Dad in the War. I went cold all over. So, so sad.

**** Hitler.

MarathonMan said on 2/Sep/20
Walther, Hitler was in fact infamous. The murderer of millions of people and the main responsabile for the genocide of the jews. To call him infamous is no political propaganda. It is a statement of fact.
Slim 6'1" said on 5/Aug/20
174 to 174.5 today it’s below average but in his generation it was solid average
Drew Sutton said on 2/Aug/20
Well his physician claimed he had parkinson's disease in his later years, so this probably reduced his height.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jul/20
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jun/20
It is much to my amusement that the Hitler in 'Inglourious Basterds' is not very eloquent! I can imagine that the single-minded vegetarian war merchant didn't have a very elaborate vocabulary.

The guy who plays him looks taller than the height I imagine Hitler to have been.

Tarantino has a habit of belittling men he perceived as arrogant or powerful in his films, he did the same with Bruce Lee!
JustAComment said on 16/Jul/20
On Hitler's current wiki page there's a picture of him with Mussolini, and Hitler is clearly wearing odd boots - the right one looks to be a very ugly obviously lifted boot.
Alir?za said on 28/Jun/20
I thought of Hitler as brunette and very short person. However, I was pretty surprised when I found out that he was not actually short( probably his height is above avarege at 1930's) and had blue eyes.
Jam Cherry said on 14/Jun/20
Lol I’m not so sure why is Hitler imagined so short by people I think he stood easily within 174-174.5 cm range
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jun/20
It is much to my amusement that the Hitler in 'Inglourious Basterds' is not very eloquent! I can imagine that the single-minded vegetarian war merchant didn't have a very elaborate vocabulary.

The guy who plays him looks taller than the height I imagine Hitler to have been.

5ft8. πŸπŸ–•
Chimi said on 13/Jun/20
So many people thinks he's short like 5ft 3 or lesser. Gawd if they calling a 5ft 8in dude like him short I'm just a dwarf
Nik Ashton said on 8/May/20
Many people out there think he was short!
Nik Ashton said on 8/May/20
@ Blanc - I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G!

@ 6'4 and a half leperchaun - I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G!
6'4 and a half leperchaun said on 1/May/20
Mussolini was no taller than 5'6'' and shrunk an inch before his death, so Hitler might've been 5'7''.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 18/Mar/20
5'8 1/2" seems perfect to me.
Blanc said on 23/Jan/20
Rob, he looks over an inch smaller than supposedly 174 cm Indian leader Subhash Chandra Bose in this: Click Here
Editor Rob
I can see how he looks shorter there...although I would say Chandra has maybe a little camera advantage making him appear a bit taller beside Adolf than if they were side by side facing camera.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/20
🐝 I didn't introduce myself properly, so sorry about that everyone! I'm Jaffa the Bumblebee and I have an avid interested in 20th Century History. I live in the loft at Sandy Cowell's house, where I am left in peace to carry out my historical studies. I know what she doesn't know! She's interested in the Kings and Queens of England, especially those from the Tudor and Stuart eras and beyond. Yes, further to my comment from yesterday, I'd like to say that Hitler's daily low was 5ft8.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/20
🐝🍺 Howdy folks - I'm back! I've just been rudely interrupted from my evening's knitting, nightly half-pint and historical reading session to come out of my loft and fly downstairs to enlighten you as to my latest findings and thoughts about Hitler's superstructure. I came across some undisputable facts about his height. From the lazy estimates to the concrete evidence, I'd say that 5ft8 is probably right for the bean and sauerkraut-loving Austrian-born German leader. When he walked about during the day, propelled along by his inexhaustible supply of cabbage-scented bodily gases, he doubtless gave the impression of 5ft8.5, and maybe even more, quite a fair height for his era, but the rules on Celebheights are to take a person's very minimum day's height, and that is his or her night-time measurement, and I think that giving him 5ft8 is more than adequate. Did anyone ever measure him before bed? I hardly think that was on anyone's mind in those hectic and worrying times, so we can only make assumptions.
Watto said on 15/Dec/19
My great grandfather (who died before I was born) was part of the French delegation on the infamous railway car when the armistice was signed. He didn't sign anything as he wasn't a politician, but he worked as a policy adviser. My grandfather used to tell us stories about his dad. Apparently the most common question he got from people about meeting Hitler was in regards to his height. He said he was a strong five foot eight which is what this site more or less lists him at. What is more interesting is that what you didn't see in the train that day was apparently Hitler's irritable bowels were playing up. His stomach was churning a lot and he tried to hide it by coughing. It's funny though...we all have some insecurity that plagues us. For Hitler, it wasn't his height (average height in the 1940s) or his hair (full head) it was his noisy bowels. Just goes to show you, on one of the proudest moments of his life he had full control of France, but couldn't control his stomach.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/19
πŸ–• Correction Time! πŸ–•

That should have read 'SHE used to see him frequently....'

So ner! 😝
179cm Walther said on 11/Nov/19
Rob Paul Why did you use the word "infamous" in the description of this metric comparison? Is it political propaganda? If so, in which direction?
Editor Rob
I thought it was an apt description at the time.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/19
@ Vitto - Hitler did have blue eyes, yes, but they were not full of warmth. My Mum's school was situated next to where Hitler conducted his goings-on before the War, and used to see him frequently. Although still a fairly small child, she took an instant disliking to him.

When I first found out that she used to see him and expressed my amazement, she looked to the skies and said, "That's nothing to be proud of."

She refused to join the Hitler Youth and got beaten up for it.
Nik Ashton said on 9/Nov/19
@ Vitto - Thanks for that! He did have large eyes and they were bulging too, people said they were dominating. He probably was above average height for a German man!
Vitto said on 22/Oct/19
@Miss Sandy @Nik it seems like they took away his statue at Madame Tussauds in London, I am not sure because I haven't visited the museum for a long time. Nothing to do with height, but the statue had piercing blue eyes, anyone knows if he had them like that in real life?
Nik said on 19/Oct/19
@ Sandy Cowell - But I know we'd be in the know, you know! I'd rather give my money to such a charity too than a despicable person, no names mentioned!
Nik Ashton said on 17/Oct/19
@ Sandy Cowell - πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Oct/19
@ Nik - The nearest you'd get to an opportunity for that is at Madame Tussaud's. If they'd charge for it, I'd sooner give my money to a charity for the preservation of vermin! πŸ€
Nik Ashton said on 16/Oct/19
It would be interesting to see a photograph of him with me and Rob, no socks! 🌬🧦🌲🌳!
Nik Ashton said on 16/Oct/19
The average guess seems to be getting higher and higher! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Oct/19
On 'The Chase' just now, there was a question as to who painted a pictute entitled, 'Mother Mary With The Holy Child Jesus Christ'?

The three possibilities were:-

a) Franco
b) Mussolini or
c) Hitler?

I thought it HAD to be c) because that's exactly the sort of hypocritical thing he'd do. AND he was an oil painter, but definitely no oil painting!

What a crafty thing to do. πŸ˜πŸ–•

This time round - 5ft8.
Heightboss said on 26/Sep/19
@md no, the average height of young Germans 18-30 years is 181cm which is around 5'11 1/2. It is officially published by the German Institute of health. In bigger cities like Cologne, Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg the average is even higher at 6ft. Im 6'1 1/2 and feel quite average
Bernd said on 23/Jun/19
Hitler certainly did not have an inferiority complex about being too short. He was neither short nor of medium height. Gâring's stature ("Gestalt") was tall ("groß") according to this passport (Click Here).
Bernd said on 23/Jun/19
Hello Rob, please write into the description that Hitler was 175 cm tall in 1923 when he entered Landsberg prison (Click Here). Secondly, there is not a single document that proves that he was measured by the Austrian Army.
MD said on 26/Apr/19
That is a load of rubbish. When you take the most recent comprehensive study done of height in Germany, the average for all adult males is 5'9" literally the same as that for all adult males in the U.S., meaning if you just took the the younger generation you'd maybe get an 1-1.5 inches higher. It's nowhere near 6'0".
david hyatt said on 23/Apr/19
Hitler was slightly above average height for Germans in his time - but now the average height for young Germans is easily 6 foot....this astonishing increase in just a couple of generations is due to a ruthless Nazi-style selective breeding campaign by young German women who have been grimly determined to mate with the tallest male they can get their hands on
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/19
My Birthday guess for Hitters is 5ft8.25. 🐝

Well, it IS his Birthday! 🐝

⭐️ Today he would have been 130.
Mr. Newman said on 29/Mar/19
Does someone know the height of the terrace of the Palais de Chaillot in Paris? If so, we could calculate Hitler's height.

Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Mar/19
🐝 "Just after my honey sandwich and before my bathtime, I was watching 'The Chase' with my human companion/owner. There was a question asking, "Which German politician went to prison in 1924 for Treason?"

My dumb-assed owner, one Sandy Cowell, didn't know the answer! I, of course, did!

If you want a pretty little pet with a mighty sting in more ways than one, adopt a Bumble Bee!




Today, Hitler gets 5ft8.25. I, as in Sandy, saw a picture of him on the telly the other day and he was one of the shorter blokes featured. He didn't even look average, which, I must agree, is fairly unusual for him.
'Annonymous' said on 12/Mar/19
Hi Rob! I found something that could be useful, Hitler's medical report from 1936, in the second page of these documents Hitler was described in the "General" gap as 70 kg and 176 cm tall. Please look at: Click Here
Editor Rob
Yes it's been mentioned before that in medical files he was given 5ft 9 range for his height. Barefoot though? I am not sure about that...
Stephen Richards said on 10/Mar/19
Average height for this period of time
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jan/19
😀🐝 5ft8.5 in all seriousness.
Tunman said on 21/Jan/19
Actually I was speaking of the average in the 1910's back when Hitler was in his 20's.Anyways comfortably over average yet maybe not tall.I doubt any serious person here tries to convince us he was a giant.Just upper average like a solid 6'german youngster would look today,in other words very common but still with more people shorter than taller
Christian 6'5" 3/8" said on 18/Jan/19
If the average height in Germany during Hitler's era was 172-173, then he wasn't considered tall at 174. That's only 1-2cm above average. I don't get why people are making him out to be a giant.
Derek Haberer said on 18/Jan/19
5'8 1/2" seems right to me
HonestSlovene said on 15/Jan/19
Young man in Germany in 1930s was probably 172-173 cm and today 179-180 cm (substract 1 cm for the general average), the height hasn't changed that much since the industrial revolution. Hitler always seemed slightly taller than most of his peers, even today he would be shortish at best.
Tunman said on 11/Jan/19
Yeah,today german youngters might be 179-80 on average.6'2" is still a solid tall height.In Hitler time youngsters might have been 170 on average so he was 4-5cm taller.Probably like a 184 today.Rather tallish than tall but it's indeed ridiculous to say he was short.But there was an important point back then:Nobility(from which most generals came)had much higher living standards than the rest of society so Hitler looked very average among them
HonestSlovene said on 9/Jan/19
@Firelight That's a bit extreme, I'd say 5'9" was the same as 5'11" today in Germany: Solid/upper average, common height.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/19
Firstly, Hitters can have 5ft8.25.

Secondly, I'm here to report that I am watching an Australian edition of 'The Chase' and Anne Hegerty and the contestant she's taking on just had a question asking "Who was voted man of the year in Time magazine in 1938?"

Yes, you're right everyone! It was Hitler himself, and everyone got it right, including me! I must say, a certain bee (Jaffa, of course, the history-loving bee) is feeling rather nauseous!

Blaaa! Hughie! 🐝 "I'm off to bed!"
Tunman said on 14/Dec/18
5'8.5-9 is Ok for him.I think one could rule out heights over this since Irving himself described him 5'9
MrFish said on 5/Dec/18
Rob, do you think that if I met Hitler is his 20s or 30s, we would be almost indistinguishable in height? Or might I have had a slight edge?
Editor Rob
In photos you might look indistinguishable, I think in the morning 9-10am he would be over 5ft 8.5.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Nov/18
I see about 6.5" there as well. I do believe the 50 year old Hitler was a full 5'9", but he likely lost height in the last few years of his life and who knows just how much of a height loss would be possible in the final 6 years he lived considering the enormous stress, his odd and unhealthy sleep habits and rapidly deteriorating health. He may have been the full 5'9" peak, but closer to 5'8" when he died.
Tunman said on 24/Aug/18
Yeah,Kaltenbrunner was among the tallest,his papers gave his height as 192.
Click Here:
Skorzeny was also among the tallest though maybe a little smaller than Kaltenbrunner.In another similar pic the difference seemed no more than 5.5" but it seems more like 6.5" here.Assuming Hitler may have lost a fraction by late 1943 and headed towards 5'8-8.25" Skorzeny was likely 6'2.5" or even 6'2.75".Just strange how we always have fluctuation in the sources.He was described as 6'4,his papers gave 192 and Guido Knopp in his book about the SS described him as a 190cm Standartenfuhrer (most believable)
Mark Harrison said on 19/Aug/18
Kaltenbruner was the tallest at 6'4".
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Aug/18
@ Christian 5ft5 and 3/8ths - It is possible that your cousin genuinely overestimates his own height and therefore yours as well. I used to honestly think I was 5ft4, one-and-a-half inches more than my peak and I have never been anywhere near that. I thought I saw eye-to-eye with 5ft4 people until I saw the evidence in a window reflection. I'm lucky if I'm 5ft1 now!
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Aug/18
⭐️ Christian and Canson - I omitted to mention that my Mum had two German/Austrian half-brothers, much older than she was. Although I was only 7,8 and 9 when I met them, I remember them to be very kind - and very much below average height! I doubt they were even as tall as my Mum!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/18

It sure is kinda funny. He's the same guy who called me 6'7" when I met him a number of years ago. I've never had a chance to call him out on it, but I will when I see him again. I live on the west coast of the US and he lives across on the east coast so I rarely see him unless on family reunions.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/18
@ Canson - You're very tall as well, aren't you? Over 6ft4 if my memory serves me correctly! I've walked about in shoes with 7" heels before, and I can best liken it to it feeling a little akin to a fairground ride, coming right back down to Earth when I take them off again!

Yes, I think there's a distinct possibility that certain official measuring bodies don't insist on shoes being taken off. I have even experienced that myself at the doctor's AND at hospitals, so Christian's ultra tall cousin might easily have received an 'authentic' measurement of 6ft9.

Cheers Canson! πŸ˜‰
Canson said on 14/Aug/18
@Sandy Cowell: a lot of people claim their shoes. Christian’s cousin may be more like β€œnear” 6’9” in shoes in the AM or 6’8.5 and rounded up. But yea I don’t get it either because that’s too tall. Neither is desireable height but if I had to choose 6’7” over 6’9”
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Aug/18
@ Christian 6ft5 and 3/8 - At 6ft7 and a quarter, your cousin has no need to diddle his height by nearly 2 inches! I think it's quite funny really; there won't be many people tall enough to take a really good look at him, unless in pictures. He doesn't wear lifts surely... does he? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I'm not sure how many of my German relatives are still alive. Three of my German cousins, two especially, were old enough to be my father! The two eldest ones' father was only called Adolf - honest! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜―πŸ˜πŸ˜•πŸ˜­

My Mum pronounced it 'Ar-dolf'. He was supposed to be a lovely man, but I never met him!

Enjoy your week, Christian! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Aug/18

The tallest relative currently I'm aware of is a 6'7.25" cousin of mine, who claims 6'9" for some odd reason. I was told that I have a 6'6" granduncle but I've never met him and I'm not sure if he's still alive or not so I can't confirm it.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Aug/18
@ Christian 6ft5 3/8 - I had a tall English Uncle who was 6ft1 or 2, probably 6ft2. He was the tallest of the ones I'm aware of!

He was the tallest of my Dad's brothers.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Aug/18

Thank you! BTW, do you have any very tall relatives like 6'3" or taller?
Lapinux said on 10/Aug/18

180 cm I believe. It's 175-178 in rural areas though.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Aug/18
@ Christian 6ft5 and 3/8ths

That's a very interesting pointer! I have many male German relatives and they are of average or a tiddly bit over average height. My German Grandmother (1897-1970), however, was only about 5ft my Mum said, and her (Mum's, that is!) optimum height was 5ft4.5. Her brother was around 5ft8 and physically very fit. I guess that my below average height might have been inherited from my Grandmother; my Great Grandmother was even smaller but my Great Great Grandmother was positively tall!

One thing's for sure though - if I ever met you, I WOULD get neck strain!

Cheers Christian and have a great weekend! πŸ˜πŸ‘
cmillzz said on 10/Aug/18
What height is considered 50th percentile now in Germany?
Paul Wood said on 10/Aug/18
Heinrich Himmler is often listed as 5ft 8.5in (174cm) and Hitler often appears very slightly taller than him in photos so I'd day 5ft 8.9in (175cm) is correct for Hitler. Martin Bormann is usually listed as 5ft 7in, but to me he often looks shorter than that in photos. Josef Goebbels is listed as 5ft 5in in many places but I think he was 5ft 4in. Goering is usually listed as 5ft 10in but must have had very posture sometimes because he often looks two inches shorter than that. Reinhard Heydrich was over 6ft 3in (191cm).
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/18

Not in Germany but certainly about average in places like US and UK.
Nik said on 9/Aug/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I think you may be absolutely right, Rob is very accurate with his height listings but that is not always the case with everyone else! There is so much human bias in terms of height plus so many people are not that bothered about bang-on accuracy!

I am inclined to agree with Rob's listing, Hitler generally gives a 5'8" impression! Interestingly he is generally down as 5'9" online, but ... On one website he is down as being 5'7" (170 cm)!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Aug/18
A point might worth bearing in mind is that it only really became a stipulation that shoes be taken off when the Insurance Companies and the NHS were preparing height/weight charts. When they were measuring lads for the Army services in the late 19th century/early 20th century, won't they have all worn exactly the same shoes? Of course they will, and I can't imagine that they'll have deemed it necessary to fiddle around for bang-on accuracy. Some might have found it a bit prissy!

Just a thought...
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Aug/18
Well 5'9" was supposed to be in socks in 1939, but we don't know if that was closer to his high or low because Hitler kept unusual hours.
Nik said on 8/Aug/18
@ cmillzz - Yeah, he would be average range today!

@ Tunman - I agree with you too!
Tunman said on 6/Aug/18
Ultimately one may only wonder if the 175 (5'9)wasn't in a typical 0.5"prison shoes?I think 5'8.5"-9"is the arguable range.I swear he could often look close to Ribbentrop in pics but without any favoring angle or distance he's very likely 3 maybe 4cm smaller max.
Agree,likely upper average for his time.
cmillzz said on 6/Aug/18
@Rampage, it still is average range today.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Aug/18
This Sunday evening, I, Jaffa (🐝), the history-loving, humble Bumble Bee and his girlfriend Twitty (🐦), would like to give Hitters a realistic 5ft8.5.
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Aug/18
I can easily buy 5'9" in 1939 when he was in good health, but his health declined dramatically by '44-'45 and it's probable he lost height considering he may have not lived more than a few more years regardless.
tree said on 3/Aug/18
There is an angle tilt in hitlers favour,this is the real difference Click Here
Mark Harrison said on 12/Jul/18
He holds up well with 6'4" Otto Skorzeny: Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/18
Was average range for that time
Jake the Snake said on 1/Jul/18
Hey Rob would you say as a young man Hitler would have been prettty close to 5'9 ? For example in his 20s
Editor Rob
5ft 8.5 to 9 might be a range he could have measured. I think the more I've seen over the years, the 5ft 8 flat is too low, but above 5ft 9 too high.
Mark Harrison said on 19/Jun/18
Hitler's medical examination records in April 1924 described him as 5'9" and 169 lbs: Click Here

He reportedly gained weight during Operation Citadel in 1943.
Jaye said on 12/Jun/18
Barefoot 173cm with a possible 1-2cm increase in his boots.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jun/18
@ 6ftMedium - Hitler certainly came over that way to my Mum's eyes. She used to see him when she went to school as a very little girl before the war. She was only about seven, a time when adults all seem like giants to children, but she said there was something seedy about him - and I must emphasise that this was long before the war, probably about 1930, so nobody had realised his true evil yet.


She must have had a good instinct for what was bad, but I can't dock his height for it! Hitters gets 5ft8 from me today. πŸ’©πŸ–•πŸ˜πŸ¦‡
6ftMedium said on 4/Jun/18
Actually Hitler was relatively short.And like most dictators he had Napoleon complex.So he is 5'7" at most.
MrFish said on 18/May/18
Rob, what would you estimate for Hitler's weight as Fuhrer? 155-170?
Editor Rob
Maybe 165 pounds at times.
robson said on 30/Apr/18
Anyway he is taller than I thought he was. In history books is always said he was "rather short" or even "short" when 5'8-5'9 is not so short and within those times! It's alike for someone to be about 5'10 in nowdays or so. Is that short person? Maybe not tall but not short for sure.
Floky said on 10/Apr/18
Rob, my grandmother saw Hitler in her childhood and she said me that he was BIIIG! Is that possible that he appeared tall back in the day?
Editor Rob
Hitler may have had an intimidating presence to some people, one that left a greater impression of height on them.
Nik said on 6/Apr/18
@ Sandy Cowell

He was quite tall then for the 1940's!

Sandy Cowell said on 4/Apr/18
This time round, I'd 🐝 inclined to agree with the average and put 5ft8.5 as there is plenty of evidence to support this.
Tunman said on 2/Apr/18
Since he could look 2.5"taller than Mussolini,it's definitely possible he was 5'9 but anything over that is a joke.He was also listed at 175 in Landsberg prison records.So the question is whether Mussolini was indeed 5'6.5" and whether Hitler was measured barefeet in prison.Btw he looked anywhere from 174-5 with Ribbentrop anywhere from 173-5 with Himmler,anywhere from 174-5 with Goering (assuming the latter was much more like 5'9).I read many sources that gave 174 which could really be a possiblity but I just wonder from where the figure was taken.
MrFish said on 31/Mar/18
Rob, what's the tallest you could possibly believe that Hitler was?
Editor Rob
5ft 9 is always an arguable figure, given what he was supposed to have been measured at...
D-dragon said on 15/Mar/18
How tall was the average german in ww2 ?
MrFish said on 5/Mar/18
Rob, here's a photo of his prison record that lists him 175 cm and 73 kg. Do you think peak 173-4 range?

Click Here
Editor Rob
175cm is the kind of height I'd expect Hitler to have claimed himself. I still feel 174cm is possible, over 175 I can't believe.
MAD SAM said on 31/Jan/18
@ Tunman
WW1 did not benefit Russia because of the civil war within the country that led to collapse of the eastern front in 1917
MAD SAM said on 16/Jan/18
Look at his photos with Neville Chamberlain if Neville was 6’2” then Adolf Hitler is 5’11” or even close to 6’0”
Mark said on 14/Jan/18
I would be surprised if Hitler ever wore lifts, because it has never been mentioned by anyone who knew him.
Letorgi said on 5/Jan/18
173 cm for me
Tunman said on 29/Dec/17
Could have been a way to put Europe under full dictatorship,Richard but the question is whether Stalin would have accepted that most of eastern Europe be under Nazi control,not sure.We will never know,but the tense relations between germans and soviets after July 1940(i.e Annexation of Baltic States and Bessarabia by the soviets and German treaties with Romania and Finland)show that both countries were hardly accepting each other sphere of influence.Hmmm,I don't know if the apparent cold war that prevailed in 1940-41 between the reich and USSR would have lasted eternally.Also peace with Britain was impossible after Hitler invaded Northern and Western Europe,as too many interests and friendly nations have been affected.Ironically,every time someone brought war in Europe(cossacks,swedish,ottomans,french,germans),it turned to Russia's advantage since mid 17th Century onwards (except WW1).
Richard said on 27/Dec/17
5'8.5" may have bee his height in middle age, but he was probably 5'9" as a young man.

Hitler should have formed a full alliance with the Soviet Union after the British rejected his peace offers in July 1940.
MAD SAM said on 15/Dec/17
The leader of third reich was indeed 5’9” tall
marshall said on 12/Dec/17
i think he is 5ft 9in
James said on 7/Dec/17
He took German citizenship. He was 5'10", same height as Chamberlain.
Xavier said on 3/Dec/17
Lol his moustache.
He was Austrian. Born in Braunau am Inn.
5 foot 8.
James said on 28/Nov/17
What was Neville Chamberlain's real height?
Nik said on 18/Nov/17
@ Raj

Before I hit the sack I will answer your comment. Yes, 5'8" is a good height and even nowadays it is a solid average worldwide, and historically it has always been above average or tall. The facts you gave were fascinating!
Finally, you have 22 cm on me! Welcome to celebheights!
Rajz said on 18/Nov/17
Regarding Charles de Gaulle, I think the members here are right......he seems to be 192-193 likely.
James said on 18/Nov/17
The Vikings were before the Middle Ages.
Rajz said on 18/Nov/17

5'8" is indeed a decent height.

Most of the people in the world live in the Tropical locations, especially Asia,
here 5'8" is above average due to the conditions of heat and humidity.

Exceptions will always be present, like many tribes on the Afghanistan frontier are known for their towering traits.

5'8" may be called "short" in Scandinavian nations, New Zealand and like Nik mentioned in some Eastern European countries.

If you scour through the internet you will find that even the fearsome Vikings of the middle ages were 5'7" in their era.
James said on 17/Nov/17
De Gaulle did not look 6'5" during World War II.
Nik said on 17/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell @ Rajz

You came up with a great point Rajz in that neither Hitler nor Napoleon were short for their eras. I don't even think Hitler would be short nowadays! Not in height anyway! I have seen many sites on the Internet listing famous short men from the past and incredibly these sites typically list men who were 5'8", which was probably never short at any time in previous centuries throughout any country in the world. Even now 5'8" is only short in some Eastern European countries really. Listen to this, a few sites even classify famous men of 5'9" from previous centuries as short!

Have a great weekend both of you!
anon176 said on 17/Nov/17
In that pic Hitler appears 7cms taller (Mussolins Eyes at 88 mouth). I can buy the 192 figure for de Gaulle, 6ft 5 range is a myth.

I think you should keep silent about the history, neither we nor historians have a real plan.
Rajz said on 17/Nov/17
de Gaulle and Churchill,I think de Gaulle is wearing those army style boots....don't know about Churchill's footwear...

Click Here
James said on 17/Nov/17
Since Mussolini often appeared barefoot in public we can safely discount the possibility of him wearing lifts. If he had fought a limited war in the Mediterranean he might have succeeded. Instead of invading Greece he should have focused on taking Malta, as that would have dealt a crippling blow to the British Empire and encouraged Spain to officially join the conflict. Mussolini's main mistake was not joining the war when it began, because then the Germans would have been more willing to help him.
Rajz said on 17/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell

Hi, this page is the first one on which I made a comment, though I had visited this site before.

I am slightly below 193 cm, though I am excercising to close the gap :P
Tunman said on 17/Nov/17
De Gaulle was measured at 192 in Saint Cyr.He was also described in a documentary as the tallest person to have ruled in France along with King François 1er.Most french sources give him 193 though.
Rajz said on 16/Nov/17
Does anyone know the height of Lord Mountbatten?

You could compare all of South Asian leaders with its help :P
Rajz said on 16/Nov/17
Mussolini was very retro in his objectives, bringing the Roman salute, trying to redeem the Ethiopian defeat of 1890s and still looking for colonies as late as 1920s.

The Italians had not fielded a decent army in almost 1600 years, so getting into the modern Blitzkrieg war was never going to work.

Though Mussolini's manual of "Fasicm for Dummies" did serve as Hitler's guidebook in the early years.
Rajz said on 16/Nov/17

Thanks, yeah maximum 2.5" can be possible in the pic
James said on 16/Nov/17
Mussolini's official height of 5'6.5" sounds correct, especially if it was a police measurement. It is misleading to say Spain was neutral however - Franco sided with Germany for most of the war. Yes Mussolini entered the war in order to seize British and French colonies in Africa and the Mediterranean. He was more of an old-fashioned imperialist like Churchill. It was a good thing that Italy joined World War II as it immediately led to the North African Campaign, the Battle of the Mediterranean and the Siege of Malta. Without these campaigns the British Empire would have lasted for longer and Britain would have continued killing millions of people in India.
Nik said on 15/Nov/17
@ Rajz

No problem , it's a pleasure!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Nov/17
@ Nik - Oh, I see! I should have worked that one out for myself really! πŸ˜‚
I like 'Hitters' and the reason for that is that it just came out unrehearsed! It sounds like an irksome name, and one which would have driven him crazy if he'd been called that, even in a playful way! You know what I mean? πŸ‘†πŸ
The 'other' version, the one with the 's', is delightful too, of course! πŸ’©

@ Rajz - Hi! πŸ™‹ You are new here, aren't you? πŸ˜• It's good to have your company! How tall are you? πŸ’πŸ“
(Nik will probably ask you this soon, if he hasn't done already!)
Rajz said on 15/Nov/17
@ Nik

James said on 15/Nov/17
Did Mussolini ever wear lifts like Stalin?
Nik said on 14/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell

Have a great evening!

@ Rajz

You have put a lot of work into those comments!
Rajz said on 14/Nov/17
Hitler and Mussolini.....would have been more interesting if Mussolini had hairπŸ˜€

Click Here
Rajz said on 14/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell @Nik

Nik said on 14/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell

Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/17
@ Rajz - Interesting comments! πŸ‘
James said on 14/Nov/17
Hitler was 2-3 inches taller than Mussolini.
Nik said on 14/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell

S******* means *hitters! I can't write it out in full because Rob has a swear filter to edit out such words!

It looks like Rajz has provided yet more evidence that Hitler was a "flat as a pancake" 5'8", there was certainly no fizz with this guy!

Have a fab week Sandy!
Rajz said on 13/Nov/17
Neither Hitler nor Napoleon were "short" by any stretch of imagination. They were both average or possibly plus.

Its just that their personalities are shaped by historical perspective.

Take Bill Clinton, still quite popular. His was 6'2 at peak, which is indeed tall. But I was surprised at first that he was....only 6'2?.

That is the perception which people make.

Same with Michael Phelps, everyone quotes him as 6'4 regardless of facts.
Rajz said on 13/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell


Few historical perspectives,

Peter the Great - 6'6 to 6'8.....trouble with such personalities is that they are so above the mark for their time that they are open to exxageration

Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia - 6'4 to 6'6, again popular perspective tends to make a exact prediction difficult

We find a range rather than an exact number
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Nov/17
@ Nik - Twitty says thanks! 🐦
So does Jaffa because he cares a lot for his girlfriend!

Enjoy the coming week Nik! πŸ‘
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/17
@ Rajz - I think your suggestion of more historical figures going up on celebheights is a brilliant idea!

@ Nik - Yes, it was bound to happen again, wasn't it?
By the way, what does s******* mean? 🍺🐝
Doubtful said on 12/Nov/17
By the way, is there a photo of Hitler with a woman taller than him? I have only seen photos with taller men.
Nik said on 12/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell

Error report!

Sorry, I meant 5 of us!

@ Rajz

Well, that's all the proof we need!
Rajz said on 11/Nov/17
@Nik, @Sandy Cowell

Lets give credible Historic figures a place here,
de Gaulle 6'5,
Napolean 5'6(average for his time), Bismarck 6'3(high for his time),

As for Hitler 5'8.....based on Paul Hindenburg, he was 6'5 in his prime and easily trumped Hitler by 1/2 feet even in his 80s....lot of photographs of Hinderburg and Hitler together
Nik said on 11/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Fancy seeing you on this page! No I am not impressed with s******* this Saturday afternoon or at any time for that matter!

@ Rajz - That makes 4 of us!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Nov/17
@ Nik - I will also give hitters a flat and unfizzy 5ft8!

@ Rajz - I don't care for him much either! Nor does Jaffa 🐝
or his girlfriend Twitty! 🐦
I'm sure Nik is none too impressed with the H man either!
Rajz said on 10/Nov/17
Don't care much about Hitler,

but Mr.Editor.....Charles de Gaulle deserves a page on here....a strong 6'5"
James said on 10/Nov/17
Halifax was said to be 6'5".
Doubtful said on 10/Nov/17
@Will The minimum is 5'9". He had never been measured smaller.
Will said on 8/Nov/17
I am quite sure that Hitler was 5'8".
Doubtful said on 7/Nov/17
Look at this photo of Lord Halifax and Hitler: Click Here. Skorzeny looks as tall as Lord Halifax, who stood 6'4" (Click Here).
anon176 said on 6/Nov/17
Skorzeny can really measure up to 188.5 depending on his own eye-level.
anon176 said on 6/Nov/17
For me that's a 187 (Otto Skorzeny) if Hitler was 173 at that point. Hitlers eye-level is under his chin.
Tunman said on 6/Nov/17
It was perhaps a requirement but it was never really respected.Guido Knopp in his book about the SS mentions that the Totenkopf Division (formed by KZ guards)were required to be at least 174cm but their leader Theodor Eicke was only 173 according to one listing and actually looked clearly smaller than Himmler no way only 1cm difference,Knopp also mentions further in the book that from 1938 onwards the doctors were asked to soften their standards for recruitement(except concerning hereditary diseases or jewish ancestry)
Click Here tall do you think Otto Skorzeny measured?He's listed at 6'4 and also 192 but I find it a little unlikely,assuming that the pic was taken in 1943 at which time Hitler already developed Parkinson disease and was 5'8-8.25"at best.could he be a legit 189 and 192 in boots?In other pics with Hitler he looks no more than 185 but of course he's taller than thatClick Here
Doubtful said on 5/Nov/17

178 cm was a requirement since December 1936 (Click Here).

The Landsberg prison document is a good source. According to Click Here, Morell measured him in 1937 to be 175.26 cm. But what is confusing is that Morell mentioned 176 cm somewhere else.


Some people are convinced that he had a Napoleon complex.
Editor Rob
they couldn't have stored the data as 175.26 though, it must have been stored in 5 feet 9 inches and the person writing down that 175.26 has converted it.
Tunman said on 5/Nov/17
Click Here could look slightly shorter than 5'9 Hess,like 0.5"-0.75"max.Also,I saw that some sources gave him 5'8.5,which are more credible than 173 I think.To be that precise could mean it stemmed from a measurement?Here is a very good pic of Hitler with Ribbentrop that shows he's definitely shorter than him,if anything he's a genuine 174 and again a chance for 175 but no moreClick Here
Anonymous said on 4/Nov/17
I am not sure why some sources want to portray Hitler as a very short guy. He was not tall but he wasn't short either.
Tunman said on 4/Nov/17
Doubtful said on 2/Nov/17
Everybody in the Leibstandarte had to be at least 1.78 m tall so that they were able to protect Hitler from bullets
B*llsh*t!Even their leader general Sepp Dietrich was probably no more than 167 (and anyways listed 170 which is generous compared to Hitler and Himmler looks a good 7cm smaller).
Once and for all,it's a pure legend that the nazis were tall or even had organisations based on height,the only fact,which also applies to the Red Army is that generals,basically all born before 1900 enjoyed higher life standards and were already adults for most of them at the outbreak of WW1 in 1914 and the subsequent hardships (famine,disease...)
Yes Hitler certainly shrunk by 1944,I just saw a documentary about his health and at one moment they made a comparison between his posture in 1940 at the time of the Battle of France where his posture was still impeccable and 1944 where he clearly had a poor posture.How much actual loss though is the question.Anyways again the max arguable is 175cm since that's what he was measured in prisonClick Here always a possibility but anything more is a joke and he was definitely smaller than Ribbentrop.174 is still my opinion though.
Doubtful said on 2/Nov/17

Speer would have done so for sure.


Yes, he shrunk. Look at his posture in 1944 (Click Here). Traudl Junge, who had served him as secretary, recalled him saying (Click Here), "Eva always wants me to keep my back straight."
Doubtful said on 2/Nov/17
Everybody in the Leibstandarte had to be at least 1.78 m tall so that they were able to protect Hitler from bullets.
Nik said on 29/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

Voting time! I think I will stick with 5'8"!

James said on 29/Oct/17
Many other people said he was 5'9". His main mistake was not declaring war on the United States in September 1940 after the Destroyers for Bases Agreement.
MrFish said on 22/Oct/17
Rob, I think it's reasonable that, in his prime, Hitler would have been about 174 cm, and that he might have shrunk down to 173 cm by the 1940s. After all, many of the testimonials of people who met him say 5ft 8in, so I really don't think he was much taller than that. What do you think?
Editor Rob
somewhere in 174 range I think is probably reasonable based on all information at hand, but I can see how anywhere from 5ft 8 to 9 range could be argued.
Luke said on 10/Oct/17
Well,lost the bet , my friend was closer , than what I though! Thank-you & good nite.
Bobby said on 26/Sep/17
Google lists him at 175cm, I wonder if Hitler was 5'9 in his 20s or something and lost a fraction by his 50s, especially since he was riddled with problems, such as Parkinson's but I don't know if that can affect a person's height or not.
Nik said on 11/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hey!

Guess what I missed as well three days ago? Thankfully there are repeats of it like you said.
Yes, a girl couldn't ask for more than what Jaffa brings to the table, and I don't just mean his honey!
Who knows, we may even revise our estimates on Adolf's height after seeing the programmes!

You have a great week too Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Sep/17
@ Nik - Absolutely! The reason I suggested that the dudes who visit this page watch the 'Supernatural Nazi' series of programmes was because it would appeal to their historical interest. I do hope some visitors got something from the programme. What I saw was very informative and the footage of Hitler and others was amazing.
If I come across any more interesting programmes I will let the people who take an interest in this historical period know as soon as I find out about them. It might be worth mentioning that they show war programmes on the 'Yesterday' Channel ever so often. If we can't come to some reasonable conclusion as to Hitler's height soon, I'll be most surprised!
And no more messing about from me!
Apart from 🐝, and that's because he is a seriously nice fellow who loves history! πŸ“š
And takes canaries to bed!
Especially this one - 🐦(Twitty!)
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Sep/17
@ Nik - Hey! Guess what I missed yesterday?
Would you believe it? I had been waiting for it all week as well! Ah well, I can always catch it Wednesday night/Thursday morning when it is repeated. Until then, I'm sure Jaffa will fill me in! 🐝He's such a wonderful young bumble bee! I have yet to meet one with such impeccable manners πŸπŸ’¨ and so much joie de vivre in general! AND he is interested in history! What more can a girl ask for?
The only trouble is, the Police are beginning to suspect him of leading the local canaries 🐀πŸ₯🐦 astray! They knocked at my door last week, (NOT the canaries!) asking if I knew someone fitting his πŸπŸ‘”πŸ‘–πŸ’ΌπŸ’°description. Of course, I denied ever mixing with his kind!

Have a great week Nik!

James said on 10/Sep/17
Just to clarify, lack of oil was the main reason Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. Obviously he wanted to invade anyway for other reasons, but the oil crisis was why he launched Barbarossa while the war with the UK was still ongoing.
James said on 9/Sep/17
If Hitler had worn lifts someone like Speer would have mentioned it after the war.
Nik said on 9/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell

Yes,I will be watching out for people to compare him to and for images of him being stood up straight! Maybe the programme would be a good watch for all people who frequent this page, and for 🐝! amd 🐦! of course!
anon176 said on 9/Sep/17
Yeah it was oil hahaha
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Sep/17
@ Nik - I have to agree that a programme has to be paused at the relevent parts as and when necessary in order to take in someone's height as thoroughly as possible! πŸ‘Œ
Good luck with that!
James said on 7/Sep/17
War between Germany and the Soviet Union was clearly inevitable, and in any case Hitler needed more oil to continue the war against the British Empire. Delaying Barbarossa would have given Stalin more time to rearm and modernise the Red Army.

I do think there is probably a tendency to portray Hitler as short simply because he was an evil dictator.
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Sep/17
I'm inclined to agree with James/Richard. I don't see any proof or any real reason to believe Hitler wore lifts. 5'9" in socks at age 50 sounds plausible to me. I do believe the stories of Stalin wearing them, though because specifics are included and there are so many different reports of Stalin's insecurity about his height. I don't think Hitler was that bothered with his height or had much reason to be either. I think in the absence of some solid evidence of lifts, the 1939 measurement adds up quite well with most of the reference heights we know.

The truth about the Soviets was buried and obscured for so long. It took 3 decades for the general public to know The Allies made a deal to repatriate Soviet POWs. This is such a heinous crime because under decrees like Stalin's Order. 270, all captured Soviet soldiers were considered traitors and typically shot, or at best(or worst?), sent to the Gulag or Lubyanka to die a slower death. This was not unknown by the Allies either. I won't get into all of the enormous blunders(or treason in some cases considering the State Department in those years) such as not taking Berlin, but it's incredible how much even that Molotov-Ribbentrop pact even got overlooked. Many also don't seem aware that Stalin wasn't much more fond of Jews than Hitler was.
Nik said on 6/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell

I most certainly will watch it! I think the programme on Saturday will have to be recorded, and when I watch the recording you will not be surprised to know that the pause button will be pressed a lot in order to take in Hitler's height!

Sandy Cowell said on 5/Sep/17
I am with Nik, Grey and
🐝Jaffa🐝: Hitler was 5ft8 or thereabouts.

There is a very interesting programme called 'Supernatural Nazis' on Channel 5 on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. The third and final one will be this Saturday, but you can catch the repeat of the second one on Wednesday at 3.10 in the morning, inconvenient I know, but you can always set your recorders! There are many opportunities to see him on the programme, which contains a great deal of good quality footage! πŸ˜‰
Kev said on 3/Sep/17
Mussolini could have been wearing lifts in that photograph. Hitler was still easily 2.5 inches taller than his Italian ally.
Nik said on 3/Sep/17
I am with Grey. Hitler was 5'8" range!
Richard said on 2/Sep/17
Who do you think supplied the fuel used by the Germans in 1940-41?

Hitler was obviously 5'9".
Kev said on 1/Sep/17
Hitler and Stalin allied to invade Poland and other countries from September 1939. The Soviet Union supplied the fuel the Germans used in 1940-41.

Hitler was obviously taller than 5'8", but below 5'10".
MJKoP said on 1/Sep/17
"You may be interested: Donald Trump"

S*** just got real!
Grey said on 30/Aug/17
@ James You made me laugh :D
James said on 30/Aug/17
Hitler NEVER wore lifts. That was his ally Stalin.
Doubtful said on 29/Aug/17

Mussolini with Chamberlain: Click Here
Hitler with Chamberlain: Click Here
Grey said on 29/Aug/17
How do you know Hitler didn't wear lifts? I can see, he's wearing lifts for some events- Rob agreed with that. In the pic with Mussolini Hitler clearly doesn't look 8 cm taller!
James said on 28/Aug/17
Hitler didn't wear lifts, that was Stalin. He is clearly 3 inches taller than Mussolini. The West basically went to war to help Stalin overrun half of Europe, beginning with eastern Poland in September 1939.
Grey said on 28/Aug/17

Contrary to what you seem to be claiming, Hitler looks no more than 173-174 cm compared to 169 cm Mussolini.

Here's the pic: Click Here

Additionaly in the pic you can clearly see some bulgings in Hitler's boots, which can indicate possible lifts and Hitler even shorter.
Pictures comparing Hitler with 167-168 cm Rommel: Click Here

If you are objective about Hitler's height you can't state he's 5ft9 tall. That's, to put it mildly, irrational.
Doubtful said on 27/Aug/17

Please stop spreading this Austrian Army hoax. I have searched through English and German literature, but I found no such statement.
MJKoP said on 26/Aug/17
Grey said on 24/Aug/17
I don't know why people want to make Hitler taller than his most likely height 173-174.

In light of recent events, I kinda have a hunch.
James said on 25/Aug/17
The height difference between Hitler and Mussolini shows he was clearly taller than 5'8".
Nik said on 25/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell @ Grey

His proportions don't look like that if a 5'9" guy, he gave a 5'8" look and this is what the Austrian Army had him as.

Sandy Cowell said on 25/Aug/17
@ Grey - Well said!
MJKoP said on 24/Aug/17
Five nine? More like Five NEIN!!!!!!!!!! j/k
Grey said on 24/Aug/17
In my opinion Hitler used lifs for special events. Personally I don't see him as tall as legit 5ft9 in his prime. He never appeared as tall as legit 175 cm. His German peers were on average 167 cm tall. In that case Hitler would be 8 cm taller than the average height. That's like 188cm tall young bloke today in Germany- such a guy appear much taller among his peers than Hitler did among his peers.

As I said, it's very possible that Hitler's a lift wearer. He's very conscious about his presence. Another lifer was Himmler in my opinion. GΓΆring wasn't that type of a man, he didn't care about such a thing, and that's the only reason I can assume GΓΆring as 175-176 cm tall. To be honest, I think it wasn't an accident Hitler being measured at 173 cm by the Austrian Army.

I don't know why people want to make Hitler taller than his most likely height 173-174.
Nik said on 24/Aug/17
@ Grey


Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.