MrFish said on 20/May/15
Rob, how do you regard the 175 cm record from Hitler's imprisonment?

Editor Rob
could it have been in prison footwear?
MrFish said on 1/May/15
Rob, is your estimate of his height solely based on written records (the mentioned physical), or is 173 supported, in your opinion, by photographic evidence?

Editor Rob
from considering all the evidence available.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Feb/15
Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. should have pages too. I think a page for Hitler is fine. I don't think any of us like him or what he did Sam but let's please try to leave those issues out of this site. Looked about 5 ft 8 in the Olympics film.
Vlad said on 11/Feb/15
Seems like a lot of people here bash Hitler and say that he wasn't even human, just shows that nowadays nobody looks into things and just accepts whatever the TV tells them.

Editor Rob
this is really just to talk about height, was he barely 5ft 8, really 5ft 8.5?
I mean there are many many other forums to talk about war, historical accuracy and objectivity, news and media bias etc.
Tunman said on 29/Jan/15
Funny to see how the high ranking nazis were so far from the nordic ideal they spoke about:tall,athletic,blond,fast.Some like Goebbels,Bormann to cite only few are even the total opposite of that ideal.Even more funny is that some jewish were in fact tall blond guys,much closer to Nordic type
Not only was the ideology stupid but even those who did promote it were really hypocritical,maybe they should have started by exterminating themselves,lol.
TRex said on 26/Jan/15
How about you go deal with your problem elsewhere Sam. I'm Jewish also, with family that emigrated from Poland in 1933, and I was curious about that ******* height. ... And BTW Hitler is historically more important that Ghandi and MLK in the grander scheme of things, in a terrible way, but that is how human kind learns not to let these things happen again
Sam said on 23/Dec/14
Rob, would you consider removing this page and relocating Hitler to Historic Heights?...doesn't help that I'm Jewish, but it seems rather wrong that Hitler get his own page, while folks like Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. do not. I would admit Hitler's height might be of historic interest but, like Tunman says, where do you draw the line with murderous human monsters like this?

Editor Rob
as the most infamous dictator in modern history, there is still considerable interest in his height. For me, it's enough to warrant a separate page to discuss his stature.
176,2Tunman said on 13/Dec/14
I'm not sure monsters deserve to be in this site,Rob certainly dislikes the idea of adding hateful persons such as Oussama Ben Laden or Ted Bundy or else.
He rather focuses on actors and singers which is quite understandable
drammensveien1 said on 12/Dec/14
173 cm is certainly not low when you're born in 1889. Why do people say that he was short. is it because he was a monster ?. Here in Norway we had a sadistic torturer name Henry Rinnan which was probably more hated than Quisling and Hitler added together he was real short 159 cm. guess who's Rinnan
Click Here
Mr. Rob have you considered having more "monsters" here, I would say that Charles Manson is a celebrity when the whole world knows who he is, but I can not find Charles Manson on CelebHeights and he has an interesting height
Hitler said on 16/Nov/14
Hitler was 174 cm.
Amaze said on 17/Oct/14
Thanks tunman
155 so 11 stone/69kg
Average indeed
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Sep/14
5'8 was average for his generation but today I believe Germany is a bit taller on average than the US Rob?

Editor Rob
more 5ft 10-10.5 range
176,2Tunman said on 4/Sep/14
I read that in an SS division named Totenkopf the required height was 174+ but after 1938 Himmler asked doctors to soften the admission criterions.
Himmler was allegedly 174 according to the autopsy and some sites list him at that mark.
In his early career Hitler looked virtually the same,when both in boots. I can buy 5'8.25 but in the last years he could look a good 0.75-1" shorter than Himmler due to Parkinson and the subsequent poor posture.
Possibly 155 in the early 1930's rather 160-165 for most of his tenure,very average weight.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Aug/14
Although 5 ft 8 for his generation would have been easily average.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Aug/14
Got a good look at him in Triumph of the Will. Yeah I think he looked about 5 ft 8. Didn't look clear short like 5 ft 6 or 5 ft 7 but looked lower average. He had one of the harshest voices I've ever heard, reminded me of a vicious Rottweiler or something. A perfect reflection of his personality and ideology!
Amaze said on 29/Jul/14
I can believe this. Obviously we all hate him but this does not change his height. Hes no more than 5'8 or lower than it. Wonder how much he weighed.
176,2Tunman said on 1/Jul/14
Are you sure Heydrich is 6'3?To me he doesn't look that tall.He generally looks 4" taller than Himmler but rather 5" when standing tall in some reliable pics.I doubt he's over 6'2,does any reliable source gives his height papers,SS personal card or else?
Anyways it's true that Hitler was not a dwarf,somewhere between 5'8 and 5'9.Many people want to see him as a dwarf because of his evil deeds,but that's a clear lack of objectivity.
Ian C. said on 19/Jun/14
I think you may have missed my point, Falcon, which was that Adolph Hitler is an odd and slightly jarring entry here, because most of the other entries are concerned with people in show business. You can't discuss anything about Adolph Hitler with the same cast of mind that you might adopt to discuss Marlon Brando or Dean Martin, because Hitler is inextricably linked and can arguably be said to be the central figure in one of the greatest infamies in history: the rise of the Third Reich, and then World War II. Hitler is like Stalin or Mao. When we think of Hitler we do not think of political acumen or brilliant oratory. We think of mass murder and wholesale human evil as a political protocol. So who cares how tall he was? The most important thing about him right now is that he's dead.
dyll131198 said on 16/Jun/14
He actually looks a lot shorter, about 5'7'' or 170 cm.
176,2Tunman said on 10/Feb/14
Looks generally 3-4cm shorter than 178-78.5Ribbentrop, about 11 shorter than 185 Keitel(maybe 186peak)and generally the same than 174-5 Himmler especially in the first years (30's).In all honesty he could very well have been 174-5 which he even looked with 183-4 Speer and 183 Karl Wolff, still I can go with 173(since some of you pointed to footwear advantage) but nothing less really.
Somebody mentioned here that lowest height to belong to the SS was 175, this is wrong or at least was never really respected.Here is a list of some SS officers heights from their papers to prove this.
Mengele174, Eicke173, Rauff 168, Sepp Dietrich 170 (probably only 167), Gebhardt 169.Others in concentration camps staff were also way shorter than 175 (Hoess, Aumeier, Hoessler,Fritzsch,Clauberg,Moll,etc)
Some SS were tall but no way Himmler was the shortest maybe the average in the SS was 175 (against 172-3)for Young Germans at that time. Compare some pics of guys like Anton Thumann (very certainly 175), Globocnik (176), Pohl (176) Hocker (175) and you will see they aren't short but average. Hope this will clear it all.
5'9 3/8 Tunman said on 29/Jan/14
Well after seeing most pics with Himmler,ribbentrop and some others he's at least 5'8 and in fact there's a good chance for 5'9 although some camera angles may be deceiving
Ian C. said on 26/Jan/14
Hitler was so wicked that it pains many of us to assign to him any physical measurement at all, including height, because this means that he was human. Also, since most of the people considered in this site are in show business, it seem to trivialize Hitler's wickedness to speak of him in the same way we're arguing about Clint Eastwood or Elvis Presley. Nevertheless he is a fascinating addition to the collection here at Celebrity Heights, so I admire you for including him.
Bran said on 19/Jan/14
How talls Goebbels ?
Click Here
truth said on 28/Dec/13
But yeah it is a myth that Hitler was a short guy. In his time, the average white European was 5ft8-5ft10, so Hitlers height was pretty decent. Now the average is 5ft10-6ft0.
truth said on 28/Dec/13
yep about 5ft8, 5ft9 is almost the same so he could have looked 5ft9.
Tom T. said on 17/Dec/13
What's the diff? He was 5' 9: ot there about! Hitler himself would not have got as worked up & angry about his height as you are! WOW, Let it go
subway said on 5/Dec/13
he was 1,72cm 1,73 no more!
MD said on 1/Dec/13
A lot of people want him to be tall, too, seeing some of the posts on this page. And the fact was that even for the time, he wasn't.
drengler said on 28/Nov/13
A lot of people WANT Hitler to be a dwarf but looking at several photos should make them realize that he wasn't really a short guy among his contemporaries (Churchill, Stalin or Mussolini were shorter than him but were not called "short"). He kinda looks short next to men like Heydrich (6'3") or younger Germans who were mostly over 5'8".
MD said on 12/Nov/13
But, he wasn't 5'9".
Go Balls said on 10/Nov/13
Just saw a documentary about Martin Borman. In several film clips of the two together Hitler was taller than Borman by about two/three inches. Borman's skeleton was measured at 5'7" - which corresponded with records used to identify his remains. Winston Churchill described Hitler as "that despicable little man" so I was surprised that Hitler was 5ft 9 or so.
Mecir said on 21/Oct/13
Hitler was 5 feet 8 inches tall - he was measured during his physical for the German army in 1914. Average height for a German when he was born (1889) was 5 feet 7, so Hitler was a taller man than the average.
John said on 21/Oct/13
Hitler was 5'8", slightly above average height at the time he was born.
general sherman said on 29/Sep/13
When my history teacher saw his uniform on display she was surprised that she wouldnt be able to fit in it. She was exactly 5 feet tall on a good day, but she said the shoulders of his uniform were so thin her shoulders could never fit. Based on his uniform size she estimated he was about 5 feet 2 inches. He had a really good propaganda crew with him rivaling that of the film makers in the Lord of the Rings movies that make him appear taller than he actually was. Most shots of him are from a low angle with the sun behind his head making him appear super tall and christ-like (halo effect), but in reality Hitler was very short. There is now way Hitler was 5' 8'' if my super tiny history teacher couldn't fit in his pants and shirt. Plus any documentation of his height should be subject to question as his propaganda seeped into every aspect of his life. But a man's clothes don't lie. Hitler was a lil dude.
Mike said on 16/Sep/13
Hitler was 5'8" and hardly the archetype of Aryan Supremacy, the new Hitler, who is a true Bavarian is a little over 6 feet tall and looks like the model Aryan, he also has a more steady temper.
donkeykong said on 16/Sep/13
he was 5 foot 8" and 1centimetre egsactly
moerlitz said on 28/Aug/13
He was not "tall" but he wasn't short either. One can't define his height judging by photos of his late days because it's well known that he was by then a sickish hunched shadow of the man he used to be.
Will said on 10/Aug/13
I am dead serious that Hitler was about 5'6", not 5'8". Adolf Hitler was not a tall person to me at all.
cyninbend said on 25/Jun/13
watching a doc on assassination attempt of Hitler--he was a foot shorter than all the military leaders walking with him. His big hat went only to their mouths...and that's his hat not his head. He was a little dumpy guy.
cd said on 17/May/13
172 cm is my guess.
truth177cm said on 1/May/13
172.5-173cm at low and 175cm first hour in the morning. He was not short then but average or even a hair above, today he would be a short man.
ghp95134 said on 20/Mar/13
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's height was 170cm -- I saw his Soldbuch (ID book)which registered his height:
Click Here
According to his son, Manfred Rommel, Hitler liked his father because he was a bit taller and could comfortably look Rommel in the eye. I've also checked the height of General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel -- he was 5'2".
So, you have Rommel's son's statement (albeit I cannot remember when I read that) -- let's just call it "hearsay" -- that Hitler could comfortably look into Erwin Rommel's eye; a link to Rommel's soldbuch showing his height at 170cm, and a physician's report saying Hitler was 175cm. Why the doubt about Hitler's height?
JonSnow said on 15/Mar/13
Napeleon wasnt short and Napaleon wasnt tall, Napaleon height was 168cm - 5,6 stop posting nonsense he wasnt 5,7 or 5,8
Allstar said on 14/Feb/13
Actually, Napoleon wasn't short. There was a mis-translation (by a professor Brown I believe) who translated the documentation from Fench to English, and got it wrong. Napoleon's body was exhumed at one point, and the skeleton was measured and his height was found to be approximately 5'7". The average Frenchman at the time was 5'4". Napoleon was tall for his time. Please correct this persistent fallacy. Courtesy of Furman Univ. History Dept.
Vuks said on 10/Feb/13
@S(aint) are wrong im austrian so i know that
American people have always been smaller than middle european ones
average austrian height is 1.81 m US height height 1.77m the only ones who are taller than we are dutch, with am average height of 1.84 m
Ayush singh said on 6/Feb/13
in hitler movies it shows 5.5'inchs
marla singer said on 31/Jan/13
In my history book, it says he had a complex about his appearence because he was "short" (reportedly 1.70 m in the text), with black hair, slightly tanned skin... completely the opposite of the arian man he wanted to be (tall, slim, fair skin and blonde hair). The book also says he wanted SS volounteers bodyguards to be much bigger than him (5'11 at least) so maybe 5 ft 8 is a stretch.
me said on 29/Jan/13
Hitler was about 5'8.
Imparcial said on 28/Jan/13
I´m sorry Will but everything indicates he was 5'8. All historical documents at the time (even from non-nazi sourcers) indicates he was that height, and there is even some sources that stated he was 5'9. I know he was a bad person but still lying about his height is pretty childish Will.
Will said on 27/Jan/13
Hitler had to be shorter than 5ft 8. He is more like 5'5" in reality.
Will said on 8/Jan/13
No, Hitler was never 5ft 8in tall. He still rather is quite short standing mainly below average height. A small man that he knowingly is. I think Hitler was just only 5ft 6in tall.
(S)ain't said on 2/Jan/13
Hitler was listed as 5'8" by his doctor. Definitely not short for that time. On average German soldiers were 2 inches shorter then American soldiers. I read an article about Hitler and discovered his height. And the German soldier heights I found on a video about America no longer being one of the tallest countries.
MrX said on 1/Jan/13
Solid Tall for a man born in 1889
truth said on 22/Dec/12
ok a weak 5ft8 or 173cm is a good listing.
truth said on 2/Oct/12
I think he was 170cm, below average/short today, then an inch below average. He didnt look "short" but quite average and his build was kind of stocky so he appeared even shorter. Oh and Stalin was 5tf6, Lenin 5ft5, Goebells 5ft4, mussolini 5ft5, they were all short guys. Change it to 170cm Rob.
Dr. Frankus said on 1/Oct/12
Numerous historical documents and books say he was about 173 cm or 5'8". Eva Braun was about 5'3" so compare when they're standing together. Of course she usually is wearing heels of 1-2" but I haven't read about Hitler's shoes. The Russian autopsy reports say shorter, but that was a difficult measurement on a burned corpse.
moerlitz said on 27/Sep/12
Everyone always mentions that Adolf Hitler was a small man but if you study historical videos and pictures of him being surrounded by other people you will realize he wasn't THAT small at all. I remember a photo taken during the first world war showing him with two of his brothers in arms and he was the tallest.
I believe he was at least 174 cm (a solid height for a man born in the 1880's) and when he reached his mid50's he got sick his posture got worse and he starded giving people the impression of a dwarf.
Orlando said on 16/Aug/12
The book "Hitlers Jugend" (Hitler's Youth) by Franz Jetzinger (who managed to get hold of Hitler's Austrian Army file) states: "On 5th February 1914 Hitler duly appeared before the Standing Military Commission in Salzburg. His height is given in the list of conscripts as 5 ft 9 in." It matches the prison file of 1924: 1.75 m tall.
Orlando said on 16/Aug/12
A document found in 2010 concerning 1924 Hitler's imprisonment lists him at 1.75 m height and 77 kg weight. It does not state if he was barefoot or not. Footage of Hitler shows that he wore high-heeled shoes most of the time. Check at:
Click Here
Steve said on 1/Aug/12
Himmler was certainly 175 cm. I know it because he made the shortest limit for entering the SS 175 cm, and he was 175 cm. Hitler is shorter than him an all the pictures about 1 or 2 cm, I cannot be sure. It seems to me he was 173, maybe
173.5 , but my history teacher told that he was 174 cm and that it is taken as a historical fact.
Ronald said on 12/Feb/12
Bob, "Napoleon Bonaparte who really was short". He wasn't check the internet he was an inch shorter than Hitler.
Bob said on 31/Jan/12
He was average height of the time (178cm +- 2cm).
He has been "made short" by western media, to try and make him a more goofy/stupid person, comparable to Napoleon Bonaparte who really was short.
Tom said on 26/Jan/12
german history shows that - germans are average height is 5'9" for males. and on old discovery, history channel videos shows he was tall guy. his mother was austrian and father was german - his height must be between 5'11" - 6'2" definetely.
Isabella said on 14/Dec/11
@logan noll 1996: He's either 6 feet or 5'9"?! You do realize that one foot is not 10 inches, right?
logan noll 1996 said on 18/Nov/11
hitler was about 6 foot tall, maybe 5 foot 9. In documentaries, he's usually an inch or two taller than the people he's with. My pappy said Hitler was 6 foot tall.
Steve said on 25/Sep/11
Appeared to be of average height for Germans of that time. My guess is 68"-69".
Saloon Singer said on 14/Sep/11
William L. Shirer said Hitler was 5'9 and he saw him lots of times.
Tom said on 17/Aug/11
Maybe he should have been Adolf Frankenberger. Relatives DNA showed a Y chromosome rare to Western European and common in Ashkenazi's. Still mostly Aryan for sure and a white man in anyone's mind.
Matt said on 3/Aug/11
@ras, i think Hitler and the Nazi's viewed 178 cm and up as good because requirements for the SS were 178 cm. Could be wrong, but Himmler was 5'9 and they decided you had to be 5'10 to get in. Not to mention proving German ancestry back to 1750.
Matt said on 21/Jul/11
@advocate, are you suggesting that you're an advocate of Hitler or Nazi's in general. I certainly understand the points you made, and Hitler was a brilliant speaker and all. That said, if you like Hitler you're a **** of epic proportions. Sorry.
c-mo said on 20/Jul/11
@Ras ...he said 5'11 not 6'2
Ras said on 20/Jul/11
I DO think he's short because according to his own standards, nordic men were supposed to be at least 6'2" and well built, he was neither of those though.
gary said on 12/Jun/11
Okay, "somegirl" - but that simply adds to the argument of planned, or at least thinking parenthood!
z89 said on 17/May/11
he always seems average height in the footage I've seen of him, he's not tall but he's not short either, probably 5'8 or so.
Marcio said on 16/May/11
I think people think he's short because they associate him with napoleon bonaparte
Daniel said on 14/May/11
What history wronte on 14/Mar/11 makes the most sense. People confuse their hate for Hitler with an objective assesement about his height. He never ever looked short compared with the men of his time, so his height being 5'8'' is not only reasonable but also logical when you compare him with those around him.
random said on 9/May/11
he was a tiny madman who probaly felt insecucre about his height
Phil said on 2/May/11
You can't be serious, Rob. Hitler was measured 3 times. 5 foot 6.75. (169 cm) 5 foot 7.25 (171 cm) and 5 foot 7.75 (172 cm)
His height was measured by his personal doctor (private physician)
BTW I'm German and Hitler was Austrian;) I despise Nazis.
Marinewannab said on 22/Apr/11
um the shrinker not to be mean but 6'8 is infact an extremely rare height to reach. The average human being is about 5'9 for a man and 5'4 for a woman (the average taken in 2005. Inless you are using something other than ft and inches.
some girl said on 11/Apr/11
dont hate hitler he had a hard life and needed alot of help
erk said on 10/Apr/11 is touching the bottom of the basketball net even relevant to "powerful" of course he was powerful only a idiot would deny it. evil but powerful. a madman too. but saying "couldn't even touch the basket ball net" is hypocritical to Hitler's ignorance in judging people on their physique or genetic characteristics. plus plenty of these basketball players and "tall" sports figures are dumb as a doornail.
jason young said on 24/Mar/11
he was a very short man and very ignorant he thought he was powerful and he couldnt even touch the net on the basket ball court
history said on 14/Mar/11
I watched the film Goebbels Experiment which has lots of footage of Hitler and Goebbels, especially from the early years when the each were more freely interacting with crowds. Hitler was definitely above average height for regular status men of his time but not by a lot. Hitler was 5'8"-5'9" but the average German man about 5'7", across all ages, but with younger men likely 5'8".
Another observation is just how few men really were distinctly taller than Hitler- rarely over 6'. I think the perception of Hitler being merely average height for his time are that there are more seen images of him surrounded by military officers, who overwhelmingly came from aristocratic families, back when better nutrition and health care made a material difference in height among classes.
Goebbels was around 5'4"-5'5" and short but surprisingly often not nearly shortest man in public crowds of the time.
D said on 12/Mar/11
Raleigh the pictures and videos of Hitler have been edited many times to make him look silly, it't called propaganda. Hitler was around 5'9 slightly taller then Himmler. Plus Hitler didn't claim tall blond Aryans were the ideal race, he said the Nordic race play a great role in a civilization, and the whole Nordic thing was nothing new that came with Hitler, it was already largely discussed in the Western world.
Raleigh said on 25/Feb/11
The first image I saw of Adolf Hitler was in a historical reel during a trip to Disneyland, he looked rather silly looking for history's most vicious dictator, and his stature looked that of a small man. I saw an image of Charlie Chaplin and remarked that Hitler looked like Chaplin. I think even 5'8" is a stretch, he probably was more like 5'6" to 5'7" tall. Ironic how such a silly looking man claimed tall blond Aryans were the ideal race, also ironic that he became all powerful in a nation of tall blondes.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/11
Why the hell is this website receiving, I mean about Hitler´s opinions, more comments referred to Hitler´s being "good or bad", than related to his suposed height?? My own opinion and the others´ opinions about Hitler´s behaviour doesn´t care a damm !! Why don´t you all use your brains, and stop judging this person here !! This is a site to make a comment about people´s height. And, for the good or the worse, Hitler is one of the most famous people in the human history. The latter explains why he´s here. Coming to the point, I always thought he was around 5´7.5/5´8", in his barefeet.
z89 said on 23/Jan/11
Adolf Hitler was around 5'9, average height at the time, nowadays though he would be short.
MD said on 14/Jan/11
I'd hope you'd be among those who'd admit that Hitler was not just a net negative to the people he led when all is said in done, but a net negative to humanity. Let's not get into this silly game of moral equivalency, here. He wasn't just a bad guy for the world, on net, but he still ranks among the most detrimental to humanity to ever be born on this earth.
advocate said on 12/Jan/11
Wise guy is not entirely off the mark here, you cannot truly be analytical about history while also making judgment statements. So to label Hitler as the devil incarnate is just as detrimental to the facts as saying we as God incarnate. At the end of the day one has to realize he got Germany out of the Depression before any other nation, built the Autobahn, and kept Germany's citizens from receiving rations for an unjustifiably long time (1944, is when that finally happened, before that they could buy whatever they wanted).
ONE ALSO MUST REALIZE that the year Adolf Hitler ascended to power, state fairs in America had Most Genetically Pure competitions.
Historian said on 7/Jan/11
Help ! I am looking desperately for Neville Chamberlain's height. In a picture he looked 1 inche taller than Hitler, does that make him 5'9 ? I thought he was taller than this.
Vikas Malik Lenin said on 26/Dec/10
i m not believe that Hitler's height is 5 ft 8 in [173cm]
TruebloodFan said on 21/Dec/10
he didn't seem short. but why is he on celebheights? is he a celebrity?

Editor Rob
this page gets about 80 visitors a day, there's probably quite a few infamous leaders, bad or good which generate an interest in their height.
Dave said on 20/Dec/10
Hitler's height does matter a little bit because he would be an anomaly according to the Napoleon Syndrome.
Hooks wan said on 6/Dec/10
Hitler got so many innocent people killed, NOT EVEN FUNNY TO JOKE ABOUT!
Klaus said on 20/Nov/10
The movies always show Hitler as a man of small stature, but this is not true because in all the pictures in which he is accompanied by several men, he has the same size as the others, and since everyone is wearing the same boots. In the pictures only a few guys are high.
So I think Hitler should have a height of around 1.75m, maybe a little more.
Ler foneticamente
Anonymous said on 17/Nov/10
Why does it say "Met Adolf Hitler?"?

Editor Rob
it's just a generic bit of text that is there on every page
Suvarna Rao ( Pandu ) said on 5/Nov/10
I never thought that Hitler was 5.8". My understanding all these while was that He is below 5.5". Any way it is not very important now.
TROLLED! said on 28/Oct/10
lol this such an epic
Lord Chief Justice Victor said on 27/Oct/10
at least 5'7, at most 5'8....hes considered average during his time
KroatZG said on 7/Jul/09
I guess in your head everything is possible. He probably killed Ernst Rohm too because he was taller than him.
Instead of making up information, you should go and google some pictures of Hitler.
Average height in 19th century europe was around 165cm. So he was certainly above the average.
Hitler being short is just a myth created by Allies, deal with it. And you know what is the funniest thing? That those allied leaders were significantly shorter than "short Hitler who had complexes about his height".
tubbs said on 13/Jun/09
What was Churchill?
Daniel said on 29/May/09
Good photographs rabid. As I've stated before, Hitler has never ever looked short, so he was at least 1.73m, which was quite average in Germany at that time. To me he even looked slightly above average when comparing to other men around him.
Rusty said on 28/May/09
This is what i found of the Rammstein heights:
Lindemann-6'3" or 191cm
Kruspe-5'10 3/4" or 180cm
Schneider-6'4 3/4" or 195cm
Landers-5'9 1/4" or 176cm
Lorenz-6'6" or 198cm
Riedel-6'7" or 201cm
I also saw a 6'9 1/2" listing for Riedel or 207cm.
rabid said on 23/May/09
Click Hereshows hitler with most of the nazi brass. take into account he is slightly closer to the camera, so i'd guess he was as tall as most in the picture.
and here too.
Click Here
Big King said on 3/May/09
The stadiometer measurements are not accurate enough and even the time when he got measured plays a role. Hitler was a very strong 5'8" guy. He could even reach 5'9" or 5'8.5" minimum.
Bouncer said on 21/Apr/09
Well, Michael, that's the question what you want to express.
Surround a dictator with taller people and you'll think he's short (negative) or has power over tall people (positive) or surround him with shorter people and think he's tall (positive) or has "only" power over short people (negative).
That's the question what you want to express.
Hitler was described in his passport as being "mittel" (engl.: "medium"), i don't think he was very short but i neither believe he was tall or above average because then he obviously wouldn't described as being mittel.
And as shown in older posts, there also exist different measures, the shortest is 5'6.5 and the tallest is 5'8.5 so actually you can't know for sure what's true or not.
Dan said on 15/Apr/09
I was always led to believe Hitler was short, but in reality, he seemed to be average for his day — about 5'8" or 5'9" I believe Allied propaganda worked to portray him as short, so as to diminish him and paint him as having a Napoleanic complex.
Shock of Electric said on 22/Mar/09
I'm 5'8" even, 5'8.25" when I wake up, 5'7.75" when I go to bed.
Bouncer said on 21/Mar/09
So, how tall are you, Shock of Electric?
It may help to know how tall Ludendorff was, but i don't know.
Anyway, here are very good pictures for heightjudging with Hitler and Ludendorff:
Click Here
Shock of Electric said on 21/Mar/09
Good or bad, Hitler was one of the most influential and talked about leaders of all time. If they were to remove his page, they might as well remove a lot of other people on here who don't add up to even 1 billionth of his importance in history. Hitler and I, coincidentally, the exact same height.
Danimal said on 20/Mar/09
Why is Hitler even on here? He doesn't deserve this much conversation, unless to discuss how he wasn't taller than 2cm's.
strauss said on 20/Mar/09
There was a wealthy woman who recently died in Palm Beach who dated Hitler in the 1920s. She published 3 or 4 photos of a young Hitler in civilian garb looking fit and relaxed in her dormitory waiting room. She said 5'8" all day long
Bouncer said on 18/Mar/09
Google "Hitler passport" and look at it.
It describes Hitler as being "mittel" (engl.: "medium") and with a height from 5'8 or more you wouldn't get classified as being "mittel" at this time.
KroatZG said on 18/Mar/09
He was above the average height of his time thats for sure. There is a picture of him when he was a kid, and he was clearly taller than other kids around him. Also in other pictures he never appeared short. And he wasnt wearing lifts, just ordinary military boots like everyone around him.
That statements that he was being on purpose surrounded by short people to appear taller, I wont even comment that. It reveals us more about your pathetic personalities, than others.
Daniel said on 16/Mar/09
I've never seen Hitler look short, but average or even a little above average in every photograph or film in which he appears, so 1.73m - 1.75m is absolutely reasonable for him.
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/09
Bouncer - why do we need to think? He looked about 5'8 so for goodness sake leave the guys height be.
leonari said on 7/Mar/09
Bouncer: I can believe that. he could have been a weak 5'7" guy.
Bouncer said on 7/Mar/09
I speak german fluently and saw many german and austrian movies (the named one included of course) and that's what he said in the movie. Watch it for yourself, i thing "Der Herr Karl" is still on you-tube.
That's possible, but i'm not sure about that though. But here's a very good pic from Hitler and perhaps around 5'5 mussolini and there is barely a difference:
Click HereAnd like i said it's very likely that the physical was afraid from Hitler, too.
Actually there were one more measurement from Hitler's personal physical, which says that Hitler was only 169 cm (5'6.5) tall, but was canceled quickly from the doctor, now guess why. Maybe because 5'6.5 isn't really "aryan"...
No offence, but did your great grandmother SEE the "average SS-Soldier" with her own eyes or just HEARD this information from some propaganda for example? And then, how tall was she, and how good in height-guessing?
And i REALLY doubt that a legit 5'7 - 5'8 person would be called as "nicht gro
Anonymous said on 25/Feb/09
Bouncer: I don't know much about Hitler's height, but as a response to "(even for the early 20th century)", I do know that Germans around this time were actually not short. My late great-grandmother, who was around for the war claimed that the average SS-soldier was 185 centimeters tall (6'1). I don't give her credit to be a reliable and precise source, but "nicht gro
Willem-NL said on 23/Feb/09
Adolf Hitler was only 165 cm, because Joseph Goebbels was only 155 cm small !
PeterPan said on 19/Feb/09
Bouncer, are you sure about that? You
Bouncer said on 5/Feb/09
Because we hopefully aren't fools who believe anything without thinking, Daii.
Daii said on 30/Jan/09
No-one here on this page knew Hitler in person, so why dont we all just believe that he really was 5'8 when he was measured for a physical?
Bouncer said on 9/Jan/09
In the (famous) austrian movie "Der Herr Karl" from 1961 Herr Karl (played by Helmut Qualtinger, austrian actor, born 1928) told that he stood in front of Hitler and claimed Hitler as being "Nicht gro
Lisa said on 19/Nov/08
@ Dutch dude
I used to live in the Netherlands, and not everyone is that tall, most women I hung out with were about 5"7
Orlando said on 19/Nov/08
Hugh Thomas in his book "The Strange Death of Heinrich Himmler" quotes Himmler's autopsy for his height as being 5 ft 8-1/2 in (1.74 m). As corpses tend to shrink a bit it's possible he was 5 ft 9 in alive. He seemed to be 1 or 2 cm taller than Hitler, so Hitler must have been in the 1.72-1.74 m range.
adam said on 18/Nov/08
A great man! And a solid 5-8, perharps a quater of an inch more!!! Not quite sure because he told me that he was 5-9 but when we went back to back I would say he didn`t exactly give the impression of being 5-9! He was a great friend of mine and we shared the same pleasures. There surely aren`t people like Adolf anymore and that is a shame!
^ Just kidding.
ghp95134 said on 21/Sep/08
I recall reading an article by Manfred Rommel (son of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel) that Hitler liked his father (who stood 5'6") because Hitler was a bit taller and could look him comfortably in the eye, unlike many of the other generals.
Height requirements were not established for the SS until 1938, and that specified 6' for the Leibstandart Adolf Hitler (1st SS Regiment; it later became a well-known tank regiment). For what it's worth, Sepp Dietrich, Commander 1st Leibstandart "Adolf Hitler", was 5'7" (170 cm) according to his Personalakten (military record). He once remarked, "If the recruiting standards were applied to me, even I couldn't join the SS!" There were different height requirements for the Waffen-SS, depending on the year and the type of regiment. The 1938 requirement of 6' was relaxed to 5'9" in 1940. Even then, smaller SS-Men could join the Pioniers (combat engineers) if they were 168 cm or taller. I have a book at home (_Wenn Alle Brueder Schweigen_)that contains a recruitment poster citing the various heights allowed in the Waffen-SS (Bodyguard, armored, signals, engineer).
Big King said on 11/Sep/08
That's your opinion, David. Hitler may be 5'9" or 5'8 1/2" during the day and they measured him 5'8". I know that he's slightly over 5'8" because most stadiometers measure wrong and unexactly. It is clear enough that Hitler was 5'9" in the morning. I'm not providing the morning height, but the forenoon height.
Anthony David said on 10/Sep/08
Real height is what u get during 99% of day, morning height doesnt even last an hour, so Hitler was probably 5'8", but ive heard he actually was 5'7", although
he looked short because their soldiers were 5'10" on average.
For Rob: Ill stick to "Anthony David" since a user David already exists.
David said on 10/Sep/08
Real height is what u get during 99% of day, morning height doesnt even last an hour, so Hitler was probably 5'8", but ive heard he actually was 5'7", although
he looked short because their soldiers were 5'10" on average.
Big King said on 7/Sep/08
The fact that Hitler was above 5'8" is clear enough. If he already got measured as 173cm during the day, then he is above 5'8" because a human looses height during the day and I'm sure that Hitler got measured very unexactly but Hitler looked rather short, somehow.
Alfred said on 3/Sep/08
yeah people from holland are taller than german. people think we are all giants but that's because we are the best and great people are often seen as tall when they are not. anyway, we are among the tallest of europe and according to a study done by Richard Lynn germany is the land of the most intelligent people of europe (netherlands is second so they also rule even though Germany is better.)
Dutch dude said on 13/Aug/08
@ Austrian
Well, I live in the Northern part of Holland, and I can tell you, people are extremely tall here. I've got a couple of mates, one is 2 meters tall, another 1.9 meter tall, and most are around 1.85 m tall. Now, most women I see here are 175 cm tall. If people in the Dinaric alps are taller, then the difference is very small. Men who are 1.9 meter here are considered normal. And I live here so I know what I'm talking about. Germans are lots smaller
the truth said on 13/Aug/08
the fact is like napoleon leaders meant to be quite above average if not giants and that hapend usually due to the good nutrition etc.if one leader was at an average height the ppl rumored him as short.thats why hitler and napoleon are rumored to be short while they were average
Anonymous said on 5/Aug/08
haha some one said aussies are tall. when u actually come down under were actually quite short and yes i always thought germans in general to be tall. i have known a couple of german boys all over 5"11 but i knew a german girl who was 5"2 so they can't be to tall as a race (in general
Austrian said on 27/Jul/08
"actually the dinaric alps is the tallest region on earth"
funny how many people keep saying the dutch are the tallest so the cheese heads are beginning to believe it themselves by now
#1 Yugoslavia (especially Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro)
#2 Holland, but not far away from other western/northern european countries
Daniel said on 8/May/08
And what about the Dinka people from Sudan? It's been said that they are very very tall and not seldom can reach exceptional height, although I haven't found any reliable statistics about it. Surely Hitler did't hear anything about them, otherwise he would have thought different about that "superior race" matter, ha ha ha.
Euan said on 5/May/08
actually the dinaric alps is the tallest region on earth
Steve012 said on 3/May/08
I don't think he was more than 5ft 7 - 5'8 max. He had a incredible propaganda system so it couldn't be a big deal to mystify his height. Remember the man barely give the people some private over him to know what could damage his propaganda idealism.
And if there were some negative things he wouldn't liked he always denied them or blame the jews for. And i do not except that he even made the doctors lie for his height or everything else.
Shikoku said on 10/Apr/08
@leonari; actually in northern parts of the netherlands and southern parts of croatia aerages amongst young women 18-20 year olds these days are around 5'9.5-5'10.5 and that are only areas in countrys they highest aerage for young women 18-20 years old in a country is in the netherlands with those women averaging 174.6 so there is no way the australian women tower over us dutch the tallest country in the world australian aerage height for young women 18-20 years old (the tallest generaton till now) doesnt peak over 5'6-7 max
Short guy said on 5/Apr/08
He was certainly not short, watch this photo of the Munich agreement.
Significantlly taller than Daladier, taller than Mussolini, about the same height as Ciano and only Chamberlain is slightly taller.
Click HereHe was taller than Goering and much taller than G
andy said on 5/Apr/08
hitler i think was 5'9 or so and till lindemann is 6'4 from what ive heard but he doesnt look that big when playing live
paolo said on 4/Feb/08
I've seen on rai 3 italy when the russian army go to the bunker in berlin , 1 may 1945, hitler was 1.65 , 5.5 ft , but the fuhrer was 56 years old and without shoes. At 20 years old , in shoes may be 1.73 , 5.8 ft.
leonari said on 11/Jan/08
karla: 5'10" is average for females in Australia? Who tha f**** do you try to fool here?? There isn't a continent NOR country where women are 5'10 " AVERAGE. Do you understand the word even?? I sometimes have the feeling that there are so many fools here...incredible...
leonari said on 11/Jan/08
If Goering was indeed 5'6" ,Adolf wasn't much taller...I can't seea 2 inch difference and Hitlers shoes do not look like the flatest shoes either...5'7" TOPS for Hitler if you ask me.
Mike said on 11/Jan/08
Full length shot of Hitler standing next to 5'6 Goering who is wearing boots.
Click Here
karla said on 2/Jan/08
All I have to say is that, they are all so short. I am a female and I am 5ft 10. And that is pretty average height. My ancestry is German but then again, in Australia we grow them pretty tall. Maybe, Hitler should have invaded Australia as Australians were known back then to be tall and rangy.
luca italy said on 20/Dec/07
mussolini was 1,69
john said on 28/Nov/07
how tall was bennito mussolini?
Qranku said on 5/Nov/07
Well, if Hitler's height was 5'8" in the physical examination, then his real height is easily 5'9" because I'm 6'6" myself and I was measured as 6'5" in the physical examination.
tubbs said on 30/Oct/07
Should I say, nobody barring Rob has mentioned Hitler was Austrian, don't want to come across as a total numbnuts. By the way, any idea on Churchills height? Looked like he was at tops 5'8", possibly shorter.
tubbs said on 30/Oct/07
Nobody has seemed to mention that Hitler was Austrian on here. Is there, or was there a difference between the average height for German men, and Austrians. He may be above average for Austrians at 5'8" and below average for Germans in the 30's and 40's, or vice versa. I think most people here agree that he could look above 5'8, purely by surrounding himself with shorter people.
Big-T said on 22/Oct/07
what was the average height for a man back then? 5'6" or something?
Marc said on 17/Oct/07
okay .. in this forum "searchgirl" claims to know that the personal doctor of AH once wrote down that he was 1,69m .. but changed it to 1,72m later! (scared of the F
Dennis said on 13/Oct/07
'funny how he wanted an army of all 6.0, blonde perfect human beings, and he is completely differnt from this'
Urban legend, this is not true.
Daniel said on 26/Sep/07
Thank you, Anonymous!
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/07
the average german man is 5´11 . i am german by myself and i can tell you the average is true. i am 5´10 and smaller than most other guyn in my age. hitler was 5´8 , that is what everybody belives in germany. and i think it is true
Daniel said on 23/Sep/07
I guess Hitler was 5'8'' minimum, 5'9'' maximum, because he was close to average for his times, as we can see in the movies (nazi propaganda) and innumerable photographs. By the way, Anonymous, what do you think is the average height of german men at present time?
Ed said on 8/Sep/07
These posts reminded me that there is a group portrait photo of Hitler as a teenager with his class in school. Unfortunately I don't have it at hand. However it clearly shows Hitler in very middle of the very back row of several rows of students, with the top of his head clearly higher by several inches above all the other students. I forgot what book or where I had seen it, but the author *specifically* pointed this unusual, visually striking aspect out about the photo, remarking on the later "Deutschland uber alles" (Germany above all) german national socialist era anthem.
Heinrich said on 24/Aug/07
Hitler wasn't tall but he certainly wasn't short, he was taller than other Axis leaders. (Mussolini and Tojo)
If you want to see a distorted portrayal of Hitler, watch the movie "Downfall" in that movie he is much shorter than his last-minute wife Evan Braun when in reality Hitler was MUCH taller than her.
clint said on 19/Aug/07
There was one photo i saw of rommel who stood a good few inches taller than hitler. He was never over 5foot 8.
Simon said on 5/Aug/07
Having stood next to Till Lindemann I can say he is not over 6 foot... in fact he's only a little taller than me and I'm "Hitler Sized" apparently!
Ato said on 2/Aug/07
173? just like me, :(
What about the band Rammstein? (the singer Till Lindeman is realy 190 (6´3))?
(They are not Nazis, but they are germans also)
(sory for my english, im from argentina)
Glenn said on 29/Jul/07
He always looked 5-8 to me.
Anonymous said on 29/Jul/07
i am german myself. am here in germany he is always stated as short, so no more than 5ft 8 so about 173 cm. in this time it wasn´t very short because the average man was 5ft9 in this time. and the minimum height to become a part of the s was really 175 cm. and at the beginning of the war very small man so under 170cm weren´t allowed to become a soldier, tey were brought into arm-factories or smoething like that.
Jason said on 26/Jul/07
Haha. You left out the ''Heil Hitler'' on the end of your post, mate.
MD said on 25/Jul/07
Richard, that is ridiculous.
glenn said on 25/Jul/07
wow.was he really that tall?
Richard said on 25/Jul/07
Certainly above 5'9, probably about 5'10 or 5'11. Himmler was 5'11 and Hitler was virtually the same height as him. You only have to look over numerous pictures, of Hitler with soldiers and Hitler with other commanders, to see that Hitler is taller than most people. Only rarely will you see someone taller than him. Also preferably look at a picture showing the whole body; to confirm that his boots were the same as everybody's. I've heard people say that Hitler was short. I have no idea where they get this from; it's a modern myth because no-one at the time thought Hitler was short, even in the Allied countries. Hitler, Hess and Himmler were all tall men, above 5'10. Goebbels was short.
Nick said on 20/Jul/07
he was 5'8- 5'9, i study history and a newspaper article, at around the time of the anshluss with austria, stated 5'85
anonymous said on 26/May/07
is schiller a stoner? what the hell are you talking about. good one rob by the way "who was selling the newspaper? Elvis?"
i am not being sarcastic in anyway i swear it.
Andre said on 20/May/07
the minimum height to enter the SS was 5.9 because Heinrich Himmler was 5.9.
Pipziglicadeth said on 14/May/07
funny how he wanted an army of all 6.0, blonde perfect human beings, and he is completely differnt from this
Height Detective said on 11/Apr/07
Here is hitler with mussolini same posture same boots.
Click Here
Austrian said on 22/Mar/07
...oh well :)
Closet Historian said on 2/Mar/07
I read a bio of Hitler recently. One of the WW1 photos show him posing with his comrads- he is the same height or taller. Since everyone is wearing the same boots (no lifts, of course) it shows that he was about average- whatever he was.
Nick the Great said on 13/Dec/06
The problem with the Fuhrer's height is that in most of his pictures, he is often wearing military boots, which probably elevate his height by about 1.5 inches. Mussolini I believe was about 5ft 7in tall
D. Ray Morton said on 12/Nov/06
"I'm surprised Frank2 never said that he met him whilst working on a show."
I think Frank might've met him while working on "Triumph Of The Will."
Glenn said on 12/Nov/06
I almost forgot that was classic.
sf said on 11/Nov/06
That made me laugh out loud.
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/06
This is the best post on here though.
"I stood next to Hitler when he was out to buy a coke and a newspaper once. It was in the morning and he was in front of me in the line and I swear he is kind of 5' 6'' or 5'5'' I know what I saw"
sf said on 10/Nov/06
It's known fact that Hitler used to wear lifts to appear more intimidating. Anybody remember the movie, Das Lifts?
Glenn said on 10/Nov/06
tubbs said on 9/Nov/06
I'm surprised Frank2 never said that he met him whilst working on a show.
Gotxo said on 8/Nov/06
Yeah, hitler was slightly of the national average of Germany in 1930's
He was also a brave man on warfare action, but unlike Franco he wasn't a career
militar but delirious man. That's what i mean, i do not deny his braveness, plus some sexual trends arent opposed to it, but he wasn't really aware of what war was due to his idealization of it.
He was never really accepted on militar enviroments as he wasn't a true one.
He was so obedient that his comrades hated him, and he was so notorioulsy crazy that his superiors never promoted him over the corporal range.
That's what i mean, Franco was a killer, but a professional and became youngest brigade general of Europe in 1925 due to his militar successes on Morocco, hitler used the "glory" related to militars to aid his personal promotion.
Steven said on 7/Nov/06
"*Franco was measuerd @ the army since he was a real militar not has hitler
who wore uniforms to cause liked leather, boots thight know what.
Also some biographies cite that fact."
Adolf Hitler fought in WW1 on the fronts. He received the Iron Cross, Second Class in December 1914 and the Iron Cross, First Class in August 1918, an honour rarely given to a Gefreiter.
Not glorifying him whatsoever but just correcting this false statement.
Middle-sized Cat said on 5/Oct/06
Always thought Hitler was way shorter than 5'8". Don't forget, that was actually quite tall then - 5'7" was average for a man in the early 20th Century. Stalin was very short too.
H said on 8/Sep/06
5'8" only? Wasn't that "untermensch" according to himself? Wasn't 5'9" or even 5'10" the least you had to be if you should be counted as an "aryan" and "real german"?
6\'5 project dude said on 11/Aug/06
My grandfather has a picture of Hitler and my great grandfather. They were standing both abreast. My great grandfather was 5'6-5'7, and i would say hitler was around 5'8 more or a little bit less.
trueheight said on 24/Jul/06
don't forget Mao was 80. In books, he is lifted as 180cm or almost 6foot. Nixon looked 5'10 square until old age
Frank2 said on 2/Jun/06
Yeah, but he was 5'10" all the same. I know since I met him back in the 1960's. My dad knew him and my dad was 5'9.5". Nixon was hardly any taller.
sam said on 2/Jun/06
Frank, wasn't Nixon listed as 5'11.5"?
Gotxo said on 31/May/06
I've read 174cm too for him, this sound reasonable. If i'm not wrong that was about the mean height in '40s for Germany (English one was near that too, both very tall for their time at europe).
Yeah i think that it was a guess not a medical measurement so in the 5'8" range is a darn accurate way to describe it.
The spanish dictator was 162cm tall (the mean for the spaniard was 162cm-164cm depending on the region of Spain). In the photos with Hitler the later looks 172cm or so but never in hell 176cm.
Click HereClick HereClick Here*Franco was measuerd @ the army since he was a real militar not has hitler
who wore uniforms to cause liked leather, boots thight know what.
Also some biographies cite that fact.
Rob can inaugurate a new sectin called little big ****s with this materials,
i suggetst blood stain pop-ups made with flas when you open one of this pages.
Frank2 said on 30/May/06
I agree when it comes to the study of his madness and evil doings. But discussing his height on a website designed just for fun? Give me a friggin's break!
MD said on 30/May/06
He's history. You don't ignore or try and suppress of hide history, period, whether it be Mother Teresa of Saddam Hussein.
Frank2 said on 30/May/06
"I can't believe there's an article about his height! I mean, this man is a horrible man, and you're ((and I'm too)) going on about his height!"
British Guy said on 29/May/06
This guy was torn out of reality
Still a very interesting height, genuinly thought he was taller!!
Have checked many photographs, they can be decieving he does appear larger!!??
weekly said on 26/Feb/06
In Madame Tussaud's in London his wax figure is 6", but from the photos 5'8" could be. Bruno Ganz - actor who played him in "Der Untergang" is 5'6", due slouching looks in the movie smaller.
Paco said on 9/Feb/06
i read some of the closest hitler's men barely pass the 1.50 1.60 Joseph Goebbels, Martin Bormann, Himler itself was named small in some description, no one was Blond...
Orlando said on 11/Jan/06
The German version of Dr Morell diaries states on page 37, presumably describing the doctor's first impression of his patient: "Er wog ungefähr 70 kg und war 1,76 Meter groß" (He weighted about 70 kg and was 1.76 m tall). However on page 165 it reads "Hitler war etwa 174 cm groß, wog wahrscheinlich 72 bis 74 Kilogramm" (Hitler was about 174 cm tall, weighted probably between 72 and 74 kg). All of this sounds pretty speculative. I doubt if ever Dr Morell measured up Hitler's shoeless height with a rod. I don't know, but I have the gut feeling Hitler was no more than 1.72 m and the extra cm a bonus from the heels of his shoes (one can see that in some footage of him).
JDrozen said on 10/Jan/06
Hitler's height is easy to calculate, he was 5,8. Compare him to Himmler who was one inch taller then Adolf. One of the condition to be a member of the SS is the minimum required height of 5,9 which was the body height of Heinrich Himmler.
175cm16andgrowing said on 7/Jan/06
I always though he was 5'6'' or below that mark...
CelebHeights Editor said on 7/Jan/06
Someone pointed out to me that in Irvings "
Secret Diaries of Hitler's Physician" it mentions the Doctor Morell stating heights. I couldn't find the instance of where its supposed to state 176 (or 1.76) but did find the mention of 174,
"Hitler war etwa 174cm groB, wog wahrscheinlich 72 bis 74 Kilogramm.". The English version I think translates this wrongly and mentions 'five foot seven'.
Tubbs said on 19/Dec/05
I studied history at college, and even went to Berlin on a trip and visited the area where Hitlers bunker was, anyway we were told that Hitler was only 5'6", but always came across as a bigger guy on film and in photos because he purposely surrounded himself with short guys in order to make himself feel like he was 6'or something. If you look at various photos of himhe does look atleast 5'8/9, but his was just because he was surrounded by short people - The biggest, and worst case of little man syndrowne known to man!
British Guy said on 14/Dec/05
I Guess Hitler Was Wearing Blue Suede Shoes Schiller?
Sorry But JUST CAN'T Believe You On That One Hitler Was Around 5ft 7in/5ft 8in
Schiller said on 11/Dec/05
I stood next to Hitler when he was out to buy a coke and a newspaper once. It was in the morning and he was in front of me in the line and I swear he is kind of 5' 6'' or 5'5'' I know what I saw

Editor Rob
who was selling the Newspaper? Elvis?
Lobo said on 1/Nov/05
That's above average for an Austrian/German of the time.
But he was often lampooned for being short? And said to where lifts? Maybe he was just short compared to American politicians, or the Prussian aristocracy type ppl?
Gotxo said on 8/Oct/05
I've read in various history books that Hilter and various Nazi were shamed when they visited Spain Rebel/LateDictator Franco. @ 164 cm he couldn't be a hero!!.
It's a thing to note that the average spaniard back in 1930's was 163-164cm,
the smallest spaniards (gallegos) about 162 and the biggest (as ever, still they are) the aragonese (ma