Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 12/Mar/21
Gives off strong 5’3 impression
6'3 Julian said on 3/Sep/20
This gal’s arms are pretty big, if she was taller she’d look like an absolute unit! Even at 5’3 she looks strong
Gobgghbfffcnkj said on 25/Jul/20
Rob you better watch out, looks like she’s gonna murder you
Lazar99 said on 19/Sep/19
Sexy lady 🔥🔥
Nik said on 25/Jan/19
@ Christian 6'5 3/8" - I can see exactly where you are coming from!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Jan/19
Looks taller than 5'3"
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Oct/18
She looks rather like a geezer! Only her height belies that fact. The long hair does not. I'm quite used to long hair on guys, and I don't find it even remotely effeminate! I think it's Samson-like!
Her collection of tattoos are the sort that any tattoo-loving man would be proud of!
Jayofficial said on 2/Jul/18
Can you also add german wrestler jazzy gabert. She’s listed as 6’1 but looks mostly 5’11- 5’10ish.
Jayofficial said on 2/Jul/18
Rob can you add lei d tapa on here? She’s listed as 5’11 but looks like a good 5’10.
even said on 29/Mar/18
1,600 millimeters , 60 kg
Nik said on 14/Dec/17
She has an eye catching name! She looks slightly taller!
Sepanta said on 18/Jul/17
She was billed by Impact Wrestling 5'6.
even said on 17/Jul/17
exactly 5 foot 3 inches tall . she looks 130 pounds
That guy over there said on 18/Jun/14
Did she attend this event in character? Or maybe the on screen character is much like how she is in real life.

Editor Rob
maybe just for photos acts a bit like her character
Sam said on 9/Jun/14
Rob, did you sample whatever was in her flask?

Editor Rob
if it was Irn Bru I'd have drank it!
Gaz said on 8/Jun/14
@sam i thought the same as well lol
john said on 2/Jun/14
yeah me 2 lool @sam
linke said on 2/Jun/14
Rob did you get a chance to meet Eric Young(her onscreen Boyfriend, current TNA world champion)?

Editor Rob
nah never seen him
Sam said on 2/Jun/14
I thought Rob finally added the Ol Dirty **** page!

Editor Rob
the old dirty bas***d page was retired I think
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jun/14
Classy name :-) Difficult to tell her height from this photo!