How tall is Kane - Page 9

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Average Guess (670 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.86in (202.9cm)
Current: 6ft 6.91in (200.4cm)
Lyle said on 21/Mar/19
@rawdshaq it was revealed Taker wore lifts to but inside his boots rather than outside like Kane
rawdshaq said on 20/Mar/19
I think Undertaker was 1/2 taller than Kane at their peaks. Kane had huge lifts, Undertaker didn't, and still held up with him very easily.

Watch this video

Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Mar/19
Ric Flair and 5'8" Ludacris... Click Here

Flair and Kane... Click Here , Click Here

Flair and 6'7.5" (listed 6'8") Calais Campbell (2019)... Click Here I'm supposed to believe Kane is 0.5" shorter than Campbell? NO THANK YOU. Kane is NOWHERE near his height.

Flair and legit 6'7" Magic, leaning forward, as usual (2019)... Click Here

Younger Flair and 6'4.5" Charles Barkley... Click Here
Flair (maybe barefoot, looks very short) and Barkley... Click Here

Flair and 6'3.5" Snoop Dogg (2017)... Click Here

@John Albertson So, buddy, was what I posted "sloppy" enough for you...? All I get is weak comments from ppl that offer nothing.

@Jake Warren Was that "outside the box" enough for you, Your Highness...? Milord...? Is everything to your liking...? Are you not entertained?

This is the face Flair and I make when we have to deal w/ silly ppl... Click Here Right, John? Right, Jake?
John Albertson said on 20/Mar/19
Posting a picture of a man that is close to 7ft and someone who is well under 6ft to make a judgement for the taller man, is so inconclusive @Sotiris. your examples and point of view Is very sloppy
edwards said on 19/Mar/19
undertaker was never taller than kane,at times both seems equal or eithers seems to edge the other but i say taker was never taller than kane,watch those staredown between kane as isaac yanken and undertaker in 1996 ,noth were at peak and kane was half inch have listed taker as taller than kane at peak height.i say no chance taker is taller than kane.
ced said on 19/Mar/19
Im not saying Sotiris is not correct for the NBA guys. This is Kane’s page.. im soecifically wondering wbout Kane.

Kevin Nash is being a peak height of 6’9.5yet im every staredown, (like i posted below - Kane is closer to Show’s height than is Nash)... yet somehow Kane’s peak height is lower than Nash’s..

In both pictures, scenarios I posted below, Nash and Kane look the same height and Kane slightly taller in the staredown with Big Show.. if he’s no more than 6’7 peak or 6’6.5 (as Sotiris states), if you put 2 inch lifts on Kane, he would be at 6’8.5 in them or 6’9. That still doesn’t add up. Kevin Nash was 6’9.5 in 98, and measured to Show’s eyebrow, but Kane measures up to halfway of Show’s forehead..
Canson said on 19/Mar/19
@Sotiris: Lebron May be taller than Bell by a touch. Bell I could believe 6’6.5 Lebron 6’7” or 6’6.75-6’7”. Funny thing Bell said he towered over draymond green when Green is supposedly 6’5”ish.
rawdshaq said on 19/Mar/19
@Christian I do that for any celebrity that isn't a wrestler, because most of the time they are pretty accurate.
edwards said on 18/Mar/19
@Ced sotiris is correct dude,love is 6'7
Heisenberg89 said on 18/Mar/19

Sorry man, but those are peak height barefoot or w/ shoes on?
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Mar/19
@ced Dude, these guys wore HUGE boots... Click Here and internal lifts were also used when the situation presented itself...

Here's notorious lift-wearer, Matt Bloom , aka A-Train, around 6'5" (billed 6'7") w/ Taker:
Click Here

Bloom and Matt Morgan... Click Here

Bloom and Big Show... Click Here

This is Blooms's real height next to max 5'9" Finn Balor (2013)... Click Here

Keep in mind, this was Big Show's real height next to Shaq, both men in dress shoes: Click Here , Click Here , Click Here Show looks around 3" shorter than a legit 7-footer when he's deprived of footwear enhancement.

I recently posted this again on Show's page... Show and 5'11 Jarvis Landry:
Click Here I'm around Kevin Love's height of 6'7" and a height of 5'11" reaches my lip area, meaning Show is not as tall as ppl think.
Here's a slouching maybe 5'11.5" (not 6'0.5") The Miz w/ Love... Click Here

Now, look at what fellow poster JT recently submitted on Show's page... Show and Dion Dawkins, who has a listing of 6'4" and 6'5"... Click Here Show is now wearing elevator shoes or lifts out in public to compensate for his height loss.

Even slouching Shaq seems to have lost height. Here he is w/ 5'9.5" Adam Sandler (2019):
Click Here

Slouching Stephen Merchant (6'7" peak height) (2009) and Sandler... Click Here

Height-loss Kareem w/ height-loss Shaq (2019)... Click Here

One last thing, LOL... Here's Lebron (listed 6'7.25" w/o shoes morning height/6'8" w/ shoes, LISTED 6'8") next to Jordan Bell (6'7" w/o shoes/6'8.5" w/ shoes, LISTED 6'9"):
Click Here Jordan Bell is basically 6'6.5", and he and LeBron look the same height.

Kevin Love's morning height is only 0.5" more than LeBron, yet he's listed 2 WHOLE INCHES MORE than LeBron. NBA heights are fake... The same goes for WWE heights.
ced said on 18/Mar/19
Click Here

Nash and Hogan 2002 ^^

Click Here

Kane and Hogan 2002 ^^
ced said on 18/Mar/19
@Sotiris.. Here, Kane and Big Show '99 (Both at their peaks)

Click Here

Here's Nash and Big Show in '98, (peak heights):

Click Here

Now, if Kane wasn't at least 6'8 at his peak, please explain to me how could he have looked closer to Show's height than Kevin Nash?

The top of Kane's head comes up halfway to Show's forehead.. The Top of Nash's head comes to the top of Nash's head comes to Show's eyebrow..
Jake Warren said on 18/Mar/19
@Sotiris my friend you are unable to read nor see outside the box. Your pictures are awful examples to judge height from. Kane is 6’7
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 18/Mar/19
You're really using Google of all websites to find out the heights of celebrities? Lol, you're clearly a rookie.
Editor Rob
Unfortunately the huge majority of people who search for a celebrities height, actually never venture beyond the infobox, so they are reading whatever is displayed in it by Google. It's quite natural for Google to want to keep searchers on their property and not venture away onto other sites. That's why they introduced them many years ago, to the detriment of websites really.

Say someone like Tom Cruise, every month on google he might get around 150,000 people asking about his height.

The massive majority are simply not going beyond the infobox. My estimate (based on data for my site from google itself) is that 90% or more get their answer from google for heights and never bother to venture any further.

The remaining 10% might actually click through to one of the many sites that competes for the term (not all people get shown the same sites in the same order, so one person might see my site at position 1, another at position 4 etc), or onto youtube, because they also cross promote videos a lot more - it makes sense, they own youtube and want to keep people on their properties for as long as possible.

Their tactics work, because just look at Google's quarterly revenue reports Click Here 😲
ced said on 17/Mar/19
@Sotiris.. i get what you’re saying.. but, if Kane was only 6’7 peak, how could have he been even remotely close to Big Show’s peak height in all their staredowns? King of the Ring 1999, just look at their staredown, and then Royal Rumble 2002, they were very close in height, more than a peak Kevin Nash ever was with Show. (Of which you think Nash was 6’9.25.

Let’s say Kane was 6’7 in 1999, with his 1.5 inch lifts, he would have been 6’8.5 in them.. now take a peak Show, which i believe was 6’11, add another inch if boots on him, he is 7 foot in his boots.. Kane only looked 2.25 inches smaller than Show then.. (In both staredowns).
Canson said on 17/Mar/19
@Ced: Sotiris is correct. Love is 6’7”. He only measured 6’7.75 at the combine and that was likely equivalent to a morning measurement as people who have seen him such as Dan Majerle even say he’s 6’7”. Love isn’t much taller than Lebron if even
Sotiris Gravas said on 17/Mar/19
@DFens Your pic proves the exact opposite. Kane looks nowhere near 6'7". I already posted a pic of Kane and Donovan Smith... Here's Kane w/ Lee Smith, listed 6'6" , which is a morning height, so, let's say 6'5.5"... Click Here Does Kane look anywhere near the 6'7" that you think you proved...? Let me answer that for you... No.

All your pic proves is that Big Show is not as tall as ppl think... Click Here

Have a nice day.
Lyle said on 17/Mar/19
@DFens what's the guys name? I'm curious to see his fb page with the picture of him and Kane
rawdshaq said on 17/Mar/19
Ok, all peak heights from me @Sotiris

Undertaker: 6'8 1/2"
Kane: 6'8"
Big Show: 7'
Kevin Nash: 6'9 1/2"
Andre the Giant: 7'
Dan Trojan said on 16/Mar/19
Ced kevin love isn't 6'10" he was measured at 6'9.5" with his shoes on and 6'7.75" barefoot and also there isn't 3 inches between him and taker it lools to be about 2 but undertaker's posture isn't very good so i'd say about an inch in a half so taker is at about 6'6" basketball players get overlisted too
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Mar/19
@Vegas I'm surprised you think politicians don't always tell the truth; JK :)

As for Big Cass being measured at 6'8" in college, they're notorious for inflating heights. I would take that w/ a grain of salt, as well. I give Cass 6'7.5".

I used to believe the hype that Aaron Judge was 6'7"... I now understand that he's 6'6" and that Giancarlo Stanton (listed 6'6") is only 6'4"... Click Here , Click Here
Stanton and 6'4" Michael Strahan... Click Here

Here Cass looks 6'8" w/ 6'6" Judge... Click Here
Here, more 6'7.5"... Click Here , Click Here

Judge and Blake Griffin (slouching)... Click Here
Griffin and 6'4.75" Kobe... Click Here
6'7" Magic and Kobe... Click Here

Kobe and 6'9.25" Kevin Durant... Click Here Cass is definitely not 6'9".

Funny how Cass looks taller than Big Show... Click Here
viper said on 16/Mar/19
Lol Kevin Love is only 6-10 in women's high heels.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Mar/19
@ced I don't want to offend you, but you just don't know what you're talking about w/ regard to NBA-listed heights... Kevin love was measured at 6'7.75" w/o shoes (morning height) at the combine, 6'9.5" w/ shoes, rounded up to 6'10". His "real" height is around 6'7". He's at the most 6'7.25". Personally, I think Love was 2.5" taller than Taker, not the 3" that you saw. That being said, Taker is not as tall as you think, dude, and neither is Kane for that matter. What I just explained to you (and others, obviously) is not my humble opinion, it's indisputable fact. Ppl want to argue something that cannot be argued.

This was Taker w/ Love... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

This is Love w/ 6'9.25" (not 6'9.5") Kevin Durant... Click Here Love looks all of 6'7", max.

I can understand how you might believe Taker is 6'6.5", given how that's the height Rob the editor lists him at. No offense to either of you, but both you and Rob are wrong.

The most I'd give Kane is 6'5.5". Kane was never more than 6'7" peak height... he's certainly not that now. The pics I've already posted 100% proves this. Taker looks 6'5" now.

This is Stephen Merchant (6'7" peak height) w/ 6'2" (not 6'2.5") John Krasinski (2019):
Click Here
Compare that w/ Taker and 5'11" Jimmy Fallon... Click Here Taker is NOWHERE near Merchant's height.

Kane and Taker are NOWHERE near as tall as ppl/fans think. We've all been PUNK'D:
Click Here Sorry, not that guy... THIS guy... Click Here

Please respond... I really wanna hear what you have to say.
Philip McMullin said on 16/Mar/19
@Sotiris Gravas You really have lost it if you think kane and taker were 6ft6.5 peak!! Kane 6ft8 minimum peak and taker about a quarter to a half inch less peak.
DFens said on 15/Mar/19
I can say this is a rare pic of Kane standing STRAIGHT proving he still 6'7".

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Have a nice day.
Heisenberg89 said on 15/Mar/19
Kane is never been taller than 6'7", otherwise as yankem he would have been downgraded and it's not possible.

Now he is 6'6" max and around 1.5 inches taller than 6'4.75 Vaughn.

Undertaker is 6'5.75 6'6 now, not shorter than Kane.

Kane, at his peak plus boots, was even 6'9" reason why he was so close to big show in one staredown.
Bruce Pichard can say what he wants, Kane always had more advantage from shoes than Taker not the opposite.
Chris n said on 15/Mar/19
Well @sotoris being human we all are emotional. But this is just height dude, just correcting your view what you are seeing
ced said on 15/Mar/19
@Sotiris, if you google Kevin Love's Height, it states 6'10. This is NBA, not WWE.. They might bump him up 1 inch or round to the nearest inch, but, he is 6'10.

With that said, Tkaer looks about 3 inches under him, making him around 6'6.5-6'7.
Philip McMullin said on 15/Mar/19

Kane peak - 6ft8.5
Taker peak - 6ft7.75
Big Show peak - 7ft0.5
Nash peak - 6ft9
Andre peak - 7ft1.5

are my guesses
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Mar/19
@rawdshaq I think Kane and Taker were around 6'6.5" peak, but maybe I'm wrong and they were around 6'7"... maybe 6'10.5" peak for Big Show, not more than 6'11"... 6'9" peak for Nash, but maybe he was 6'9.5".... 6'10" for Andre in the '80s, but maybe he was 6'11" in the early '70s. Where do you have them, my good man...?
Vegas' said on 15/Mar/19
Kane is a politician and it's best to take what they say with grain of salt lol.

As for Cass he was listed 6'8 in college so unlikely as tall as 6'9 though he does look 6 inches taller than Joey. Cass looked ~3 inches shorter than Big Show in-ring in 2017 Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 15/Mar/19
rawdshaq my eyes may be deceiving me but sotiris's group pic inc; kane & cass etc...Kane seems quite behind cass...i reckon if he stepped forward and ditched his pathetic ''rested'' stance...wish he stood up and let everyone in the room know ''hes there'' hahahah he'd be as tall as cass
rawdshaq said on 14/Mar/19
@Sotiris May I ask, how tall do you think Kane, Undertaker, Big Show, Kevin Nash, and Andre the Giant were at their peak heights? You don't have to post pics or give description if you choose not to, but can you make a list?
Philip McMullin said on 14/Mar/19
@rawdshaq IKR...Kane just wouldn't lie about anything..hes too much of a good and upstanding man to lie.
Philip McMullin said on 14/Mar/19
@Sotiris Gravas we're not frantic over people's height...we just have to correct people when they're wrong from time to time.
rawdshaq said on 14/Mar/19
Also forget to mention Big Cass is actually about 6'9".
rawdshaq said on 14/Mar/19
@Sotiris Okay first off, you pick the worse pictures to compare Undertakers height. There is another video of Undertaker having about 3/4 of a head on Jimmy Fallon (or maybe even more) which means he is 8 inches taller than him making him still around 6'7" or a little under, 6'6 1/2".

How about we settle on 6'6"?
Vegas' said on 14/Mar/19
Cass looks 6 inches taller than Joey there given he could easily stand straighter.
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Mar/19
There are ppl here that persist in mentioning Vince Vaughn w/ Kane... Guys, the pics I posted of 6'3.5" Troy Aikman and 6'7" Kevin Love vs. 6'5" Taker and Kevin Love proves I'm right. Taker and Kane are around the same height. You have no leg to stand on in your argument (pardon the pun). I recently posted a pic of Stephen Merchant (legit 6'7" peak height) w/ 5'11" Jimmy Fallon vs. Taker and Fallon on Taker's page... Taker is NOWHERE near his height. Seriously, some of you here are way too emotionally invested in these guys. Being frantic over someone's height, anybody, to the point where you're about to have a stroke is not normal behavior, at least not for adults.
Canson said on 13/Mar/19
@Philip: how does Sotiris’s pics of Kane have anything to do with him having a problem with Kane? How does Sotiris not thinking he’s as tall as he’s listed translate to him having a problem with him? They’re two completely independent things. I surely don’t agree he’s only 6’5” but Sotiris saying that he is does not mean he doesn’t like him. Height has nothing to do with someone liking or disliking someone
rawdshaq said on 13/Mar/19
@Sotiris You post pictures to make Kane look as short as possible. Do you know what kind of human Kane is? He's a mayor, why would a mayor need to lie about his height? He said he is 6'8" which is probably him in his dress shoes which is okay. If you ask Kane "how tall are you actually, without shoes?" he would probably give you an honest response.
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Mar/19
@Ced The heads of Titus and Kane in the pic I posted were cropped by my Image Downloader app, which happens sometimes, almost as weird as this... Click Here I checked online and this is what I should have posted... Click Here

Here's 6'3" Titus getting towered by 6'4" Jameis Winston... Click Here
Towered by 6'5" Vince Carter... Click Here
Towered by 6'6" Alex Zverev... Click Here
Towered by Aaron Judge (listed 6'7", but I now realize is 6'6")... Click Here (Giancarlo Stanton is listed at 6'6", but he's only 6'4".)

Also, here's Jimmy Fallon w/ Stephen Merchant (6'7" peak height) TOWERING over Fallon:
Click Here

Taker and Fallon... Click Here

Kane and Taker are nowhere near 6'7". Whenever I post pics of Taker or Kane looking short, I immediately hear trite remarks like, "Oh, poor posture is to blame... bad angles..." Yet, these are the same ppl that will post their pic where their beloved wrestler is favored -- or not post anything at all -- and proceed to swear up and down that said wrestler is, in fact, as tall as they had imagined, if not taller, i.e., way too tall. That gets real old, real fast.

This is a group shot of Titus (poor posture) next to Kane... Notice how Kane and 6'7.5" (not 6'8") Big Cass are not close in height... Click Here

Cass and 6'2.25" Joeyb33... Click Here
Chris n said on 12/Mar/19
@Sotiris. Dude seriously, can you NOT SEE that Vince Vaughn is on his toes in that pic? Seriously?

If that pic Is legit, then Kane is 6’5- but that is truly False. And it is ridiculously obvious too.

Kane is 6’7
Philip McMullin said on 12/Mar/19
@Sotiris Gravas you clearly have a problem with Kane...Your pic of Kane and have no idea on what Vaugn's stance is..whether he is on his tip toes or standing on a small box etc...the ground they're standing on may be higher on Vaugn's side of the pic ... you are a height pest who clearly has an issue with literally downgrade the crap out of him! Kane aint gonna lie about his height...hes not the lying type to be honest
Qadaruddin said on 12/Mar/19
How do i upload pics..plz help..i got lot of evidence
Editor Rob
no actual uploads are allowed, but you can just link to other sites (use to create short links)
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/Mar/19
@Pauli No, what you have to stop doing is assuming you have any authority to dictate anything whatsoever, to anyone. Ever. Donovan Smith's 6'5 5/8" is a morning height. The man is not more than 6'5". The photos I posted proves this unequivocally. I post pics of different wrestlers so as to gauge height; the same goes for celebrities. Perhaps you'd prefer only pics of wrestlers staring at their own height in a mirror... Click Here

This is 6'3.25" (not 6'3.75") Jon Jones (poor posture) next to a max 6'9" Big Show... Show is in socks and Jones is barefoot... Click Here

6'3.5" Troy Aikman and 6'7" Kevin Love (2014)... Click Here
6'5" Undertaker and Love (2016)... Click Here

This is 6'3.5" Jinder Mahal w/ 6'3.5" Snoop Dogg... Click Here
Jinder and max 6'10" Khali, not in big wrestling boots... Click Here
Khali and 7'0" Satnam Singh... Click Here
7'0" Satnam and now 6'7" A.C. Green... Click Here
Green w/ height-loss Kareem (poor posture)... Click Here

So, no, Big Show is not 6'11", Taker is not 6'6.5", and Khali is not 7 feet tall, "all within very precise levels," LOL. I offer photographic evidence as substantive proof; you offer nothing.

@rawdshaq No, Kane is not 6'7".

Kane and Vince Vaughn... Click Here

Vaughn and 6'4", max Michael Strahan... Click Here

Vaughn and 6'6" Gronk... Click Here

Vaughn and 6'5" J.J. Watt... Click Here , Click Here

J.J. Watt and 6'7.25" (listed 6'8") Calais Campbell... Click Here

Calais Campbell and 6'4.5" Charles Barkley... Click Here

The next time you change your mind every 3 seconds regarding Kane's height, hopefully, it will be more congruent w/ reality and not a kayfabe lovefest.
ced said on 12/Mar/19
Here are some worthy comparisons.. I believe this guy was definitely a 6'8.25 peak, and currently still 6'7.

Recent photo of Kane and his wife: Click Here

Kane in 2002: (Look at the door frame to his left, door frames are 6'8) Click Here

Now, take a look how much taller he is next to his wife back in his peak days:

Click Here

Click Here
ced said on 12/Mar/19
@Sotiris, the 2nd picture you provide with Snoop and Titus, Titus looks .25 inches taller than Snoop there.. Unless you and I see something different.

I am a very weak 6'4, on the dot means that I'm not 6'4.25, but exactly 6'4.. Maybe I drop down to 6'3.75 during the day, I don't know, but, I know that Titus is semi-strong 6'3. Let's meet somewhere in the middle with him, and say he's 6'3.25

Here's the unedited photo of Kane and Titus.. Click Here

Kane looking 4 inches taller than Titus there.
Keaner Cometson said on 12/Mar/19
If you label kane at 6’5 tops. Then @Sotiris would be your friend
Pauli said on 12/Mar/19
Sotiris Gravas you need to stop spamming these pages with photos of wrestlers and celebrities. Only photos of Kane in this page, Undertaker on his page and so on

The only relevant photo you posted there was this one of Donavon Smith and Kane Click Here

Smith is a confirmed measured 6ft 5 and 5/8ths barefoot so Kane looks 6ft 7 there or 6ft 6 1/2 at the worst. Both are side by side too so excellent comparison.

If we know Kane is within that height range we can guess Big Show (6'10 1/2-6ft 11), Undertaker (6ft 6-6ft 6 1/2), Dalip Singh (6'11 1/2-7 foot) all within very precise levels.
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Mar/19
@ced 6'3" Titus, 6'2" Tim Tebow, and 6'3.5" Snoop Dogg... Click Here
6'3" Titus and 6'2.75" Wiz Khalifa (2014)... Click Here , Click Here
6'3" Titus and 6'3.5" Snoop... Click Here

6'3.5" Snoop and 6'6" Gronk... Click Here

To reiterate, Titus O'Neil is not more than 6'3"... he most certainly is not 6'3.75"... which leads me to believe you are not the height you claim... the same can be said of rawdshaq, it would seem.

@Philip McMullin Stop wasting everyone's time.
rawdshaq said on 11/Mar/19
@Sotiris Dude Kane looks taller than Vince Carter by about 2 inches he is still close to 6'7" maybe exactly but he definitely isn't as low as 6'5". I used to think he is and I know why you see him as 6'5", but pay attention to how he stands next to people, he usually tilts in his head and stands with loose posture and loses like 2 inches. Trust me, he is still about 6'7".
ced said on 11/Mar/19
@Sotiris, Titus is not 6'3. He is 6'3.75.. I know this for a fact as I am 6'4 on the dot, and have met Titus on numerous occasions.. I always only had about .25 inches on Titus.
Philip McMullin said on 10/Mar/19
@Sotiris Gravas What the hell is your problem with Kane? He is still every bit of 6ft7 maybe plus
Qadaruddin said on 10/Mar/19
Peak kane should have been around 6'8 without a doubt i believe.
rawdshaq said on 9/Mar/19
I think Kane was peak 6'8" Christian. I never said he was the same height as Kevin Nash but he was similar in height to him, like he was about an inch shorter
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Mar/19
So you're saying that Kane was peak 6'9"? Because you said he was the same height as Nash and Nash's peak was 6'9" range.
edwards said on 8/Mar/19
taker is much closer to camera dude.
Canson said on 8/Mar/19
@Rawdshaq: just like others here use pics when a celeb looks taller than they are. It’s no different
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Mar/19
@rawdshaq Here's 6'3" Titus and Kane (2018)... Click Here

Titus and 6'5" Vince Carter... Click Here
Titus and 6'5" Jadeveon Clowney... Click Here
Titus, 6'4 Jameis Winston, and 6'5" (not 6'6") Donovan Smith... Click Here , Click Here

Kane (closer to camera) and 6'5" (not 6'6") Donovan Smith... Click Here
6'5" Vince Carter and Donovan Smith... Click Here
Donovan Smith and 6'5" Devon Still... Click Here

Titus and 6'9" Dwight Howard... Click Here , Click Here
Titus and Big Show... Click Here , Click Here Show looking VERY short here.
Here Show looking taller (closer to camera) w/ Titus, 6'4" Jameis Winston and 6'5" Donovan Smith (2016)... Click Here , Click Here I think Big Show wears orthotics in his shoes which makes him look taller (same w/ Charles Barkley). When he's not wearing wrestling boots or orthotics, his true height is exposed.

Titus and 6'7.5" Hafthor... Click Here
T and now 6'8" Ed "Too Tall" Jones... Click Here
T and 6'9" Etan Thomas... Click Here
T and Tyson Chandler (listed 6'11.5" w/o shoes)... Click Here

So, is Kane 6'7" like Rob the editor has him...? Absolutely not.
rawdshaq said on 8/Mar/19
Kane always had a full head on 5'10" Paul Bearer (9-10 inches)

Kane had a full head on 5'11" Jim Ross as Fake Diesel (9-10 inches)

Kane has always been 2-3 (maybe 4 at his peak) inches taller than 6'4 1/2" Randy Orton

Kane has always been similar in height to the Undertaker who I believe was 6'8" at his peak

Kane had an inch on 6'7" peak Psycho Sid

Kane has always been billed at 7 feet tall by EVERY org he has worked in (except one time as that dentist dude he was billed at 6'9")

@Sotiris I respect that you have lots of evidence to back up your claims but out of respect you post pictures that make Kane look as short as possible, if you had a photo gallery I could go through photos when you look like you're 6'5" and only post those. Kane was always billed very tall, if he was really 6'5" he will be billed at 6'6" - 6'7" like most guys that range were billed. Titus may have been described as 7 feet but he was always a 6'3" range guy billed at 6'6". Kane was similar in height to Kevin Nash in one of his matches with him as another character, and he towered over EVERYBODY.

Now that Kane is in his early - mid 50s, sure he might have lost some height. I doubt he went from 6'8" to 6'5" though, 6'7" today seems legit.
Heisenberg89 said on 8/Mar/19
Click Here
edwards said on 8/Mar/19
i personally dont get why people are assuming taker and kane to be same height atleast at peak,i can clearly see kane being taller than taker ,kane as isaac yankem was clearly taller than taker as both were at peak and kane didnt have lifts. personally i am sure that kane was clearly taller than taker at peak and is clearly taller than taker today.either times both of em seems to have edge due to camera angle or lifts but personally i think no chance of taker and kane being same and thats me personally.
Ned Dukes said on 7/Mar/19
Some of you post the worst pictures to judge height from. Kane is still min 6’7. Anything under is truly silly
Heisenberg89 said on 6/Mar/19
What about 6'7" peak 6'6" today?
JoshL said on 5/Mar/19
Kane was actually several inches talker than Fake Razor when standing straight Click Here
ced said on 5/Mar/19
@Sotiris.. Man, come on.. those are some horrible angles and fake Razor is on top of a podium..

Here you can see the real difference between them.. (and what Kane looked like behind the mask during '97)

Click Here
Timothy Al-Akeem Soubal said on 5/Mar/19
6’7 is quite accurate for Kane. I see some people think he is under 6’6.5 which is comical really. 6’7 and 6’6.75 min when he takes photos with his head slouched over. I wish there was a modern pic of him standard straight and tall again, I bet he would look close to the 6’8 mark.
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Mar/19
6'3.5" (not 6'4.5") Jinder Mahal and 6'3.5" Snoop Dogg... Click Here

Jinder and 6'2.75" Wiz Khalifa... Click Here

Jinder and around 6'5.5" Rick Bognar (fake Razor Ramon)... Click Here

Fake Razor and Kane (fake Diesel) were very close in height... Click Here ,
Click Here (Kane is the dude in black.)
James Brett 172cm said on 3/Mar/19
rawdshaq said on 1/Mar/19
@James Where is this? I can only find him being listed as 6'6" in the WWE.

Some old wwe article
Jim Mohammad Kabul said on 1/Mar/19
This human being is min 6’7. Even at his age, still solid at that height. Just remember that he still trains and still looks great, apart from the slightly bowing legs. This questions me of his height loss, in which I imagine is only half an inch or so. So Rob’s estimate is spot on
rawdshaq said on 1/Mar/19
@edwards I think the lowest Kane would be is 6'6 1/2".
rawdshaq said on 1/Mar/19
@James Where is this? I can only find him being listed as 6'6" in the WWE.
Dan Trojan said on 1/Mar/19
Sorry i meant to say that to rawdshaq
Dan Trojan said on 1/Mar/19
James brett that's not necessarily true andre the giant was billed at 7'4" but i honestly think he was no more than 6'11" also giant gonzalez was billed at 8'0" but he was actually 7'6" even the big show at one time was billed at 7'4" but he admitted he was never over 7'0" so the wwe does inflate heights more than 2 inches sometimes
James Brett 172cm said on 28/Feb/19
rawdshaq said on 27/Feb/19
@edwards I shouldn't have said 100%, I personally don't think he's less than 6'7". He sure in hell isn't no 6'5" guy, if he was then everybody on the site would have to be downgraded. He still claims 6'8" which might be a shoe height. I have him at exactly 6'8 1/5" at his peak and at 51 he could have lost an inch or so 6'7" seems on the mark for me.

A lot of people don't realize it but Kane doesn't stand the tallest either. He has a weird stance and leans down when he talks to people. And let's use logic here, if he was REALLY always 6'5" would he be billed at 7 feet tall? No, obviously not.

Well Titus O’Neil has been described as 7ft before
edwards said on 28/Feb/19
@rawdshaq yes i agree dude but i doubt he is strong 6'7.he maybe weak 6'7 .he seems an inch taller than taker who i think is 6'6 or atleast a weakone.same goes to kane,he maybe weak 6'7
Chris R said on 28/Feb/19
Anyone can lose 1-2 inches with their head tilted. Which is what kane does a lot in his pictures
rawdshaq said on 27/Feb/19
@edwards I shouldn't have said 100%, I personally don't think he's less than 6'7". He sure in hell isn't no 6'5" guy, if he was then everybody on the site would have to be downgraded. He still claims 6'8" which might be a shoe height. I have him at exactly 6'8 1/5" at his peak and at 51 he could have lost an inch or so 6'7" seems on the mark for me.

A lot of people don't realize it but Kane doesn't stand the tallest either. He has a weird stance and leans down when he talks to people. And let's use logic here, if he was REALLY always 6'5" would he be billed at 7 feet tall? No, obviously not.
edwards said on 27/Feb/19
@ rawdshaq dude maybe,it seems likely that kane maybe under 6'7 currently .
Hasan said on 26/Feb/19
Mr Jacobs is 6’7. Yes there are pictures of him with around 6’6 men, appearing to be the same height. It all depends on camera angles, ground level etc, creates illusions. I’m 6’2 and I look 6’ next to 6’ men many times. Then other pictures I can see the clear 2 inch, even more.
Philip McMullin said on 26/Feb/19
ced doesnt matter. found it...that pif of kane and those women in a line...kane is so much taller than them all!!
DaveBern said on 26/Feb/19
IMO, peak heights:

Nash = Sid = Kane Taker (but Taker only under by a hair)
rawdshaq said on 25/Feb/19
@edwards I understand man but Kane has a very fluctuating height and I thought Paul Bearer was 5'10" but remembered he was actually around 6 feet or 5'11", which still puts a 6'8" peak Kane legit.

Today Kane is 100% nothing under 6'7".
ced said on 25/Feb/19
@ Martin 6'2.. There is a still of Kane next to a door frame.. if you go to youtube and type in "Kane with long hair no mask".. There's a video of what he looked like behind the mask during 2000 I believe, and he's holding a puppy in the video.. The door frame is a little away, but he definitely looks a tad taller than the door frame.
Martin 6'2" said on 24/Feb/19
I think k the best thing to do, is see if there's any footage of Kane next to doorframes, weather in or out of character, as I know most doorframes in the US are apparently 6'8"
edwards said on 24/Feb/19
i am not pointing any one but here are posters who changes his/her mind whenever he/she sees new photos.just stick to one.changing mind so manytimes when ever they see new photos being posted .
JoshL said on 23/Feb/19
Kane looks several inches taller than Viscera in the pictures Sotiris posted Click Here
Canson said on 23/Feb/19
@Rawdshaq: easy 6’7” peak
Canson said on 23/Feb/19
@Sotiris: I’m not sure how I would class Ben. He can look 195cm at times but If that’s an early morning measurement I would say 6’4.5 is the lowest I could see. He really does look weak 6’5”
rawdshaq said on 22/Feb/19
I am so sorry, I forgot that Paul Bearer was 6 feet, lol. Kane does look 6'8" there. My guesses are still the same
Sotiris Gravas said on 22/Feb/19
@rawdshaq Kane (w/ better posture) and same guy (leaning in for the pic)... Click Here

@ced Sid and Kane w/ another guy comparison... Click Here

Sid and Hillbilly w/ the same dude... Click Here JT found these great pics.
Sotiris Gravas said on 22/Feb/19
@rawdshaq Snitsky isn't even 6'5", he's max 6'4.5". Look at him w/ Ben Roethlisberger who's only 6'5" closer to a morning height.
Sotiris Gravas said on 22/Feb/19
@rawdshaq Here's Kane and some guy... Click Here

Same guy w/ around 6'4" John Tenta... Click Here

Same guy w/ 6'5" Tarik Glenn... Click Here

W/ 6'5" (NOT 6'6") Gene Snitsky... Click Here

W/ 6'6" Viscera... Click Here

So... how tall is Kane now...?
ced said on 22/Feb/19
@TravonLays.. Kane was indeed taller than BOTH Sid and Undertaker in their prime. Just take a look at their SMW staredown, Kane always had half inch to .75 of an inch on Taker. ALWAYS. Forget the attitude era lifts as Kane, Bruce Prichard even confirmed this. Bruce also confirmed that they both wore lifts. Undertaker's was internal.

Look at the staredown between Undertaker and Isaac Yankem.. You can see Taker staring up at Kane. Same thing with their SMW staredown. Both pre-lifts Kane.
rawdshaq said on 22/Feb/19
OH MY, I've given up. I don't even have an exact guess anymore. He doesn't look any more than a weak 6'5" here (AND THIS IS HIS PEAK!)

Click Here
tree said on 22/Feb/19
he is the Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee
TravonLays said on 21/Feb/19
Peak Kane wasn't Taller than Undertaker.
Sid was 6'6.5, 6'6.75 MAX
Taker was 6'7.25 to 6'7.5
Kane Was 6'7.25 to 6'7.5 MAX
Nash was 6'9 or even 6'9.25 on Good day.
ced said on 21/Feb/19
@Hasan.. it sure is. If you looked at the photo i posted below with Nash and Kane, you can see that Nash’s eye level is just slightly above Kane’s. Meaning if Nash’s peak height was 6’9, then Kane was 6’8.5. Today Kane is 6’7, when slouching, about 6’6.75.
Martin 6'2" said on 20/Feb/19
Hey guys, it's been a while.
I've just read a very interesting comment on a YouTube video, and I quote... "Glenn Jacobs stated in a British magazine called Powerslam, that he was actually 6'5" and his wrestling boots plus the lifts inside boosted him another 3 inches."
So perhaps when Kane said he was 6'8" he was talking about in his ring gear.
Hasan Alkayoubh said on 20/Feb/19
It is ridiculous to label Mr Jacobs anything under 6’7. Yeah sure on a lazy slouchy day he may be slightly under, like we all are, but that is it.
edwards said on 19/Feb/19
@ Mohammad El Jalal Thompson lol,what are you saying dude?Glen Jacobs is around 6’4.8 to 6’5. Undertaker is around 6’8-6’ who is an inch taller than mark calaway is 6'4.8 to 6'5.Undertaker is around 6’8-6’8.5. seriously what a joke.
rawdshaq said on 19/Feb/19
@Sotiris Well, do you have any idea how much Kanes height fluctuates? I can't think he's 6'5" when he looks 6'10" sometimes or think he's 6'8" when he looks 6'5" sometimes. That's why I redid my height with Kane starting from the bottom and I think I nailed it.

@Mohammad Anything under 6'5" for Kane is an absolute joke. Even anything under 6'6"
rawdshaq said on 18/Feb/19
At the 1:16 mark of this video they described Kane as 6'9" Click Here

Kane looks really similar in height to Kevin Nash there
Mohammad El Jalal Thompson said on 18/Feb/19
Glen Jacobs is around 6’4.8 to 6’5. Undertaker is around 6’8-6’8.5.
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Feb/19
Something tells me rawdshaq will change hid mind another 5 times by week's end... And ppl say I post pics w/ bad angles. LOL
ced said on 18/Feb/19
@Phillip McMullin.. I've always wondered that too.. The perfect opportunity would have on SmackDown just before the first initial draft where it was nWo Vs Rock Hogan and Kane.

I don't know why they never did a staredown. I think they were promoting Kane as 7 Feet (with the occasional reference to him being 6'10-6'11) and they were promoting Nash as 6'11.

I believe that without the lifts (as proven in the picture I posted), Nash had only 1/2 inch on Kane at their peak. With the lifts that Kane wore, he could have been an inch taller than Nash. (Which explains Kane stacking up closer to Big Show's height than Nash in staredowns).

Sid, Kane, Nash, and Taker I'd put in the same category:
Peak Heights:
Nash: 6'9
Kane: 6'8.25-6'8.5
Undertaker: 6'7.5
Sid: 6'7.5-6'7.75 (Sid was indeed taller than The Undertaker)
Lyle said on 17/Feb/19
@rawdshaq in boots YES barefoot definitely NOT
Jim brice said on 17/Feb/19
Ok kane I’d actually 6’5.8 today and 6’6.9 in 3 weeks time. Why? And how? Because the the undertakers cornflakes Mohammad’s big showd their peak heights to 6’’8
rawdshaq said on 16/Feb/19
Call me Nemo because I'm lost. I know I said Kane was 6'5", I said Kane was 6'8", but I honestly don't even know at this point. I'm going to completely ERASE all my previous guessing. Starting from his peak

Kane w/ 6'2" Vader Click Here

Kane w/ 6'7" Undertaker Click Here

So let's get some things out of the way. Yes, Kane looks taller than Undertaker, but look at these MONSTER lifts in his boots Click Here. That looks like it makes him 3 inches taller! God knows what is going on inside the boot. Kane has always wore enhanced boots.

In the picture with Vader (both wearing enhanced boots) and he looks like 4-5 inches taller. So 6'6"-6'7". Kane is probably the same height if not even slightly shorter than the Undertaker.

Kane w/ 6'4" Billy Gunn (both wearing boots) Click Here Both are slouched a little, but Kane is obviously 3-4 inches taller. 6'7" or 6'8" in that picture

Kane w/ 6'3" Rock (wearing boots) Click Here Kane looks 6 inches taller lol, so he looks unusually 6'9"

Kane w/ 7 feet Big Show Click Here Again, I don't know. He looks 6'10" there. We know he's not that tall.

Kane w/ 5'11" Chris Beniot Click Here I know nothing about head size, but lets just say 10 or 11 inches for Kane, then Kane looks 9 or 10 inches taller. 6'8"

Now I have several pictures of peak Kane next to people and we need to remember his enhanced boots. We got:

6'6 1/2", 6'7 1/2", 6'9", 6'10", and 6'8".

The mean is 6'8 1/5".

So right now, Kanes peak height is 6'8 1/5" from me.

Now finding Kanes current height shouldn't be too difficult. Just heres one picture of him with 6'5" Vince Vaughn Click Here

Vince has camera advantage, posture advantage, and is even younger. I will say Kane looks 2-3 inches taller than him based off other pictures of them standing next to the same people. Kane is currently 6'7".

Peak: 6'8 1/5"
Current: 6'7"
rawdshaq said on 16/Feb/19
I know I'm starting to get ridiculous but is THERE ANY CHANCE AT ALL that Kane had a 6'9" peak? I'm not gonna go much further than that but if he was only 1/2 inch shorter than Nash...
Philip McMullin said on 16/Feb/19
ced Wonder why WWF kept them away from each other competitively? Would've loved a kane/nash staredown
ced said on 15/Feb/19
Nash had maybe 1/2 inch on Kane in their only WWF singles match (both at peak height here)..

Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 15/Feb/19
rawdshaq IDK man, i always thought and STILL think that there's no one on the main roster PRESENT who stacks up to the big show as well as kane does...hes the only guy big show doesnt look down to
rawdshaq said on 15/Feb/19
Great Khaki at 7' 3/4" seems legit
rawdshaq said on 14/Feb/19
I have Kane at 6'8" at peak now and 6'6 3/4" currently (same height as Braun Strowman). Kane probably claims peak height, like most people do.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 14/Feb/19
The guy said khali is 7ft0.75 big show 6ft11 kevin nash 6ft8.75 kane 6ft7 taker 6ft6 1/2 barefoot.
Philip McMullin said on 13/Feb/19
rawdshaq I dont know man, Kane (glenn) doesnt seem like the lying type tbh
rawdshaq said on 12/Feb/19
Kane actually pulled off looking 6'10" with Peak 7 feet Big Show Click Here
rawdshaq said on 11/Feb/19
I think Kane claims shoe height. He said he was 6'8" on Stone Colds podcast so maybe 6'7" but 6'7 1/2" with shoes then rounds up to 6'8".
Lyle said on 11/Feb/19
Jim Brice - I agree, Taker has never looked taller than Kane, maybe more or less level but he's definitely not taller
Jim brice said on 10/Feb/19
undertaker has always been and always will be .5 of an inch shorter than the big red mayor
Public Enemy said on 10/Feb/19
Peak 203 cm
Current 200 cm
rawdshaq said on 9/Feb/19
The Great Khali said that Kane was 1/2 inch taller than Undertaker according to some dude who met him.
rawdshaq said on 9/Feb/19
@Ashley He did, my bad, but I have a hard time believing Kane is anything under 6'7" after recent pictures
Ashley123 said on 9/Feb/19
He said that Undertaker was inch taller than Kane, not Kane taller than Taker.
rawdshaq said on 9/Feb/19
A dude on Undertakers page has met Undertaker and even got a picture with him. Undertaker is easily 6'6" today if not higher. He said that Kane was an inch taller than the Undertaker. So 6'7"-6'8" is right on the money.
The Name said on 8/Feb/19
He looked about half an inch taller than Taker as Unabomb in 95. He stopped wearing the lifts in 2001 (noticeable when he enters the ring, the top rope use to come to his waist with the lifts, without them they come up to his stomach) I believe he’s a legit 6’8 and taker about 6’7.5 peak.
Beedle said on 6/Feb/19
He said he's 6'8 so he's 6'8. Glenn Jacobs as a person is never full of himself. If any, he's probably stated his lowest estimation of his own height.

Click Here

Clearly more than 1 inch taller than Mark Calaway in real life without wrestling boots.
rawdshaq said on 6/Feb/19
@Qadaruddin Probably 2-3 inches
Ozzy said on 6/Feb/19
I cant say 100% but there was a caption to Kane and Vaughn, where it said Vince was on his toes for that picture.
But also lets not forget its an outside pic, the ground could be uneven?

In 1997 there was a ALMANIC wrestling book I bought with wrestler bios. It has Glen Jacobs at 6'7" 300lbs. He was billed around 6'10" by WWE.

I think an honest 6'6" guy barefoot...
edwards said on 5/Feb/19
Treee said on 4/Feb/19
dude taker was never taller than time either seems to have an edge or either seems to appear taller than other but taker was never taller than kane.look those guys staredown at 1996 ,kane as isaac yanken faced taker and kane wasnt on height and was clearly taller than taker by half inch if not more.
Qadaruddin said on 5/Feb/19
I wonder how much differnce between kane and nash currently..
rawdshaq said on 4/Feb/19
Some of you guys are right. I'm reconsidering Kanes height, too. After looking through more pictures he does look closer to 6'7", he might still be 6'7" today. He doesn't look like a guy who has lost much height and I don't even think he has a peak or current now. He may have lost like a quarter of an inch due to old age but other than that he looks the same height from his early wrestling days to his mayor days. He said he is 6'8" which is him probably rounding up from 6'7". I thought he was 6'5" because of how looked next to Bryan Josser but he was standing weird and it wasnt a good camera angle anyway. I think he has always been a 6'7" guy and still maintains it. Maybe he is unsure of his height which is why he says "I'm about 6'8"". I always say I'm 5'10" but really I'm not sure I could be 5'9 1/2" or even over 5'10".
Treee said on 4/Feb/19
6ft 7 1/2 at peak. Based on my research taker was taller of the two at peak height barefoot. Kane wore really big lifts while taker have always used a flat shoe. Today i would say a solid 6ft 6 1/2
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 4/Feb/19
Kane 6ft6 taker 6ft5 1/2 today peak both 6ft6 3/4 6ft7. Barefoot.
rawdshaq said on 4/Feb/19
Kane is definitely not 6'6" barefoot. He is barely taller than the Undertaker with 2" - 3" lifts. Who knows honestly, he has 6'5" from me with a 6'7" peak.
Jim brice said on 4/Feb/19
@Sotiris Gravas Vince’s posture doesn’t appear to be all that bad there. Even if he stood straight, he wouldn’t gain much more, if anything more really. Kane’s posture wasn’t also the best there either. I can clearly see that 3” difference in those pics, and even at almost 52, he is still a strong 6’7 in my opinion.
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Feb/19
@jim brice Vaughn has very poor posture w/ Rand Paul. On the other hand, look at how Vaughn towers over Ron Paul. Maybe I'm wrong and Kane is actually still 6'6"... but there's now way, at least IMHO, that the man is 6'7". (Those pics were taken in 2013; it's now 2019. He's 51 years of age and will soon be 52 this April. Not exactly in the "bloom of youth," to borrow a phrase from the Bible, in keeping w/ his moniker.)
Canson said on 3/Feb/19
@Burn: I think rounding half inch is ok but only because everyone does it. I wish half were more properly used. I think half should be its own entity and be used by someone falling maybe to 1/3-2/3” or 3/8-5/8” instead of rounding up. That distinguishes the half from a full inch
Canson said on 3/Feb/19
@Phenom89: I’ve always had Love as a strong 6’7 to weak 6’8. Now I would just say strong 6’7 knowing what I do
Jim brice said on 2/Feb/19
@Sotiris Gravas regarding those pics you posted below. Look at the pic of Vince V and Rand Paul. Vince’s nose is at around the top of Rand’s head. Then look at the pic of Kane and Rand Paul. Kane’s nose is around 3 inches from Rand’s head, which ONCE AGAIN PUTS KANE AT A SOLID 6’7 IF NOT MORE.
Jim brice said on 2/Feb/19
6’5.5? That’s a joke mate. I saw this man Glen Jacobs 3 years ago, me being height obsessed like all of you are, I had to find out for myself, so I walked up close to him without it being obvious wanting to compare heights of course. He is a human being not a zoo animal afferall. Im just over 6’2 and I was sure he was bare minimum 6’7.
Vegas' said on 2/Feb/19
I was at the Raw post Wrestlemania 30 (April 2014) and Cesaro and Hulk Hogan looked close in height.

I was in WWE hotel before the talent went to houseshow in Dublin in April 2013 and Cesaro and Kane were standing up talking to each other, Cesaro in dress-shoes, Kane in sneakers..looked around 3.5-4 inch difference
edwards said on 2/Feb/19
@phenom89 dude yes a weak 6'6 for taker today is real possibility but for kane my personal guess is 6'6.5 .personally i dont go as low as flat 6'5 or so on.
edwards said on 1/Feb/19
@ BURN IT DOWWWWWN! man 6'5 or 6'5.5 claim is just so ridiculous,every other superstar mainly kane and taker are usually slouching in every photos which helps them in appearing canson said the lowest possible height kane can be 6'6.5
edwards said on 1/Feb/19
@ canson maybe dude,but all those 6'5 flat or 6'5.5 claim are just ridiculous.
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Feb/19
Here's 6'4" Vince Vaughn and 5'6" Rand Paul (and Ron Paul)... Those look to be cowboy boots (trying to hide the heel)... Click Here

Again, Kane and 5'6" Rand Paul... Click Here

Kane and 5'11" Ron Paul... Click Here

Vaughn and 5'11" Ron Paul... Click Here , Click Here

Rand Paul and Ron Paul... Click Here

And, of course, the pic that NO ONE has ever seen before... Click Here Psych.

JUST A REMINDER: 6'5" J.J. Watt (maybe in cowboy boots) and Vaughn... Click Here

6'7.25" (not 6'8" morning height) Calais Campbell and Watt... Click Here

@JoshL Here's 6'3" Titus and 6'4.5" Wade Barrett... Click Here Barrett w/ 6'4" Jack Swagger... Click Here

At most, Kane is 6'5.5" now, and there is ZERO chance he's 6'7". Zero. At least, IMHO :)
Phenom89 said on 1/Feb/19
Look i tell you what i really thought, for me Love is 6'8 even taller. He looks really tall until you dont compare him with tallest guy( he does not look 6'8 with Bosh, sure not) and he is a bit taller than LeBron.
So my 6'8 guess was wrong back at that picture, most of all because we know the footwear of the 2 guys that day...and was Taker the man with footwear advantage if im not wrong.

So i would say 6'5.5 for Taker, but if i say this...i cant put Kane 1.5 inch taller, because it is pure fantasy. Kane has taker by 1.5" only with those ridicolous boots. So for the b.o.d. i arrive to 6'6 maxxx @edwards.


Nice how Kane towers over everyone when he is in the backstage, i remember when he looked 7' near goldust and booker t. Weeks after he looked 6'7.
Who know why eh?

Btw is a real possibility that guys like cesaro or others are less tall than you think.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 1/Feb/19
@JoshL Exactly people who say he's that low are going by poor pictures. Even in a suit with dress shoes he still has around 4" on 6'3" guys like Titus and Cesaro.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 1/Feb/19
@Canson Probably not but I mean let's say he was 6'7.5" as listed on here then him saying he's about 6'8" isn't dishonest but more just a round up. Saying 6'9" on the other hand would be and most wrestlers in his position would probably claim that assuming they put aside their billed height.
Canson said on 1/Feb/19
@Edwards: I would say Kane May only be 6’6 range perhaps 6’6.5 today while Vaughn may be 6’4 today down from weak 6’5 peak. Peak Vaughn was like a peak Tim Robbins or Michael Jordan a 6’4.5 guy at a low. Best case today 193-194 like I am
JoshL said on 31/Jan/19
If Kane's 6'5....

Then Cesaro is 6'1 Click Here

Titus O'Niel is 6'1-6'1.5 Click Here

RVD is 5'8 Click Here

Miz is 5'10 Click Here

And Steve Austin is around 5'10 Click Here
edwards said on 31/Jan/19
@ Phenom89 vaughn can look anywhere from 6'4 to weak 6'5 and in the pic ,we cant see the footwear.and kane is clearly slouching.still i can see 2 inch difference clearly,if he stood straightly there is still 3 inch difference.kane is still 6'7 if not strong 6'7.all the 6'5 and 6'5.5 are ridiculous.
Canson said on 31/Jan/19
@Phenom89: good point. Taker isn’t 6’6.5 next to him unless Love had a significant footwear advantage that we can’t see coupled with bad posture. I buy Love as anywhere from 6’7-6’7.5 barefoot at a low. Taker is probably close to 1.5” shorter if he stood straight. So no worse than a weak 6’6 6’5.5-6’6 range
Phenom89 said on 30/Jan/19
Yeah probably i would see the real difference that there is between 194-195 guy and a 197-198 guy. Not more.
But if we want belive that there are almost 3" difference ok.

We saw here a picture of kane with a 6'1 guy,Rossers. Add 3,5" inch at thst guy and you will probably have the same result of Vaughn pic😉

If Kane is 6'7, Vaughn is 6'6 and Rossers is 6'2.5-6'3.
If Undertaker is 6'6.5 Love sure is not only a weak 6'7.
If Big show is 6'11 as i read LeBron cant be less than 6'9.

Canson said on 30/Jan/19
@Jim Brice: I tend to agree with Jdubbz. I have a coworker who is otherwise honest until he brought up height. I’ve worked with him for a few years now and he one day was talking about his weight loss And how he was over 220. He said he’s lost a lot. I told him 220 isn’t extremely fat and he said for him it is. I said well at your height maybe it’s a bit overweight but not extremely obese. I’ve always guessed him max 6’2 but likely 6’1.5-.75. He asks how tall I am and I said 6’4”. I’m 6’4.25. He said oh I’m almost 6’3” and hesitated. I literally had a blank stare and one of my other colleagues was standing there and he even looked at me when he said that knowing obviously he’s not 6’3”. I didn’t wanna embarrass him but I said oh I figured about 6’2”. He didn’t respond back. He’s the smallest 6’3” guy I’ve ever seen especially because he wears flats all the time so he really looks 6’1” to the person not paying attention to footwear
Jim brice said on 30/Jan/19
Vince Vaughn was on his toes in that pic with kane. Look at his shoulders, that’s what one does when they’re on their toes. Vince Vaughn is 6’4, kane is 6’7
rawdshaq said on 29/Jan/19
Click Here

If you go to 7:10 you can see that Kane is about an inch taller than the Undertaker. That is in boots, so maybe he is the same height as Undertaker. 6'5 1/2"
Dan Trojan said on 29/Jan/19
Phenom i never said i thought kane was 6'7" scroll down a bit you'll see i said i thought he was no more than 6'6" same as the undertaker and vince i think at least in my opinion is more closer to 6'5" than 6'4" so a little over an inch taller isn't being unreasonable also you mention nathan jones i saw that picture and it looks no more than 2 inches and i truly believe jones is 6'9" so say what you want
edwards said on 28/Jan/19
phenom89 i understand you man,but vince is quite closer to camera than kane is.if both stood side by side,you would see the real difference.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 28/Jan/19
@Dan Trojan Yeah there was definitely something in Vaughn's favour because there's no way Kane is 6'5" or under. The tip toeing, camera advantage or even footwear are all factors which could have played into it.
Phenom89 said on 28/Jan/19
Dan Trojan

Come on, if that man on the left was not Kane but someone would say max 2 cm difference.
Vince, that i always thought was 200cm in tv, is 6 feet 4/ 6 feet 4.5. That means 6'7 not possible for Kane, not even possible to dream Kane at 6'7 barefoot.

But i tell you what. I give always some possibilities that i dont understand a about the heights of those guys, to many factors influence my perception.
But i, as all of you,have fun guessing cm more cm less.
So i say that he is not 200cm now.

But if i meet him in the street of course he would look as a mountain.

If you think he is 6'7 now, compare him with Nathan Jones
Phenom89 said on 27/Jan/19

Click Here

Cant find the pic of Kane shoes, it was one with Ron Paul.
But sure Vince's shoes dont seem big, i would say normal shoes for him.
Phenom89 said on 27/Jan/19
@ edwards

I dont remember, but i think that in a picture i saw that kane had flat shoes that day with Vince.
But does not change a lot, show me where are almost 3" between Kane and Vaughn...

Btw i ask "sorry" bacause im italian and i use cm and not inches for heights and sometimes maybe i go to low.
What i want to say is that seems believable that Taker and Kane are both 197cm now and 200 cm in their 30s. Barefoot.

Click Here
I dont understand if this is a real picture, if it is real...well would put many doubts away.

There is also an other, with Nash measured 205 cm.
Dan Trojan said on 27/Jan/19
I see some people talking about the vince vaughn photo i've looked very close at it and i've concluded that it's clear vince is closer to the camera and probably is on his tippy toes i believe 100% kane is taller they're not the same height
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 27/Jan/19
@Jim brice Yeah he definitely is and he is being honest with his claim.

@Jdubbz He means generally speaking and in Kane's case it applies. At his peak he's not far off 6'8" therefore him saying he's about 6'8" is fair and honest.
Jdubbz said on 26/Jan/19
@Jim brice: You'd be surprised. Even very tall men lie about their height all the time. I know a strong 6'7 dude who claims 6'9, and no one except me has ever challenged him on it.
edwards said on 26/Jan/19
@phenom189 dude kane was over 6'6.5 in peak for sure,no doubt there,he was 6'7.75 in peak i guess and is weak 6'7 currently.what he measures in tough guess but i am sure he is not low like 6'5.5 or 6'6 or what other assumed him to vince vaughn we dont see foot wear.peak kane was almost 6'8 or a hair over it with boots.
Jim brice said on 25/Jan/19
When a man says he is about 6’8 that means he isn’t that far off. And Glen being the type of man he is, he is very genuine and honest, I mean, he is also a mayor. I’m 6’2.25 and sometimes I say I’m 6’3 sometimes I say I’m 6’2. So 6’7 for this man is pretty much bang on the mark.
edwards said on 25/Jan/19
taker was never taller than kane,at times both appear similar but taker never was taller than kane.we know kane wears lifts but lets look back to 1996 when taker faced kane as isaac yankem,kane was without lifts and was easily half inch taller than taker.
Lyle said on 24/Jan/19
That pic proves that Kane is taller than strowman, he's further away from the camera and it looks like braun maybe tip toeing slightly if you look at his weird stance
Phenom89 said on 24/Jan/19
I wont sound bad, but i think that some heights peak here are more near to be heights with shoes on, that barefoot heights.
Phenom89 said on 24/Jan/19
6'5 maybe is low but everything over 6'6 start to be fantasy. Compare him with vince Vaughn that i think is more 6'4,5 than 6'5. There Kane is 197 cm for me.

His peak for me was 6'6.5 - 6'6 3/4 barefoot.
He had ones of the biggest boots ever weared in wwe history in wich he probably, for some years, was 6'8 3/4 even. This is my opinion
rawdshaq said on 23/Jan/19
Can we all just take a look at Kane for a second? Even if he is as low as 6'4" or as high as 6'9", look how BIG he is. Most 6' 7" guys don't look even close to the size of Kane, he is a really strong guy for sure and before anybody thinks I hate Kane trying to downgrade him to 6'5", he is easily the one of the strongest guys to step in the squared circle and definitely one of the most athletic. Although I never believed he was as tall as anybody said he was, (I think he was 6'7" or 6'6 1/2" at peak and 6'5" today) he could have easily been over 300 pounds, maybe not 30 pounds over, but easily over 300.

Even when Undertaker was in Kanes costume, you can noticeably see how small "Kane" looked. I think Kane is shorter than Undertaker, but he is MUCH stronger for sure. Even when he was in his late 40s and early 50s (almost 52 now) he is still massive, if you've seen him as a mayor in pictures next to people, he doesn't always tower everyone, but he always much bigger. Kane said on Stone Colds podcast that he weighs 290 right now but when he was younger he was 320 pounds.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 23/Jan/19
@Ozzy That's the one. There's no way he's under 6'6" when standing well. 6'6.5" would be the lowest for me.
Philip McMullin said on 23/Jan/19
Dude, rawdshaq honestly, its pretty impossible to tell with the footage you saw. That footage is so bad shaky and incredibly poorly angled.
Ozzy said on 23/Jan/19
Heres the pic ... scroll down
Braun, Big Show & Kane

Click Here
edwards said on 23/Jan/19
kane being 6'5 is absolutely joke.personally i wouldnt buy that low
edwards said on 22/Jan/19
i personally think that kane is weak 6'7 and taker is weak 6'6.we know that kane wears lifts and can appear really taller.if both stand side by side,i can see max 1 inch difference between kane and taker.both can appear similar out of gear since its only a 1 inch difference and most couldnt spot the difference on such a tall guys.
Ozzy said on 22/Jan/19
Dan Trojan, I cant reference where, but I remember there was a shoot interview way back with Paul Bearer. When asked whos the bigger man, He said that out of wrestling Taker was actually taller than Jacobs ... Ive seen a few times Taker looking as tall in the ring when he hasnt "sold" height to Kane.
David Kinsella said on 22/Jan/19
I seem to remember that when Kane started he was about an inch taller than Taker.

Click Here
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 21/Jan/19
Undertaker was almost the same height as kane at crown jewel standing side by side. said on 21/Jan/19
@BURN IT DOWWWWWN! yes man i agree
DFens said on 20/Jan/19
Kane 6'5... what a joke, that makes Strowman 6'5 too and Big Show 6'7...
Dan Trojan said on 20/Jan/19
I really feel it's hard to guage his height in wrestling gear he looks really tall but out of gear he doesn't to me the undertaker looked taller than him out of gear but i do feel that taker was closer to the camera so i'm guessing they're probably around the same height so i'd say 6'6" just like taker you simply can't go by in ring because it's clear he wears lifts
rawdshaq said on 19/Jan/19
Actually, looking over the footage again, Kane actually does look closer to 6' 6" if Seth Rollins is 6' 1". Btw Kane is my favorite wrestler, too, but he definitely isn't 6' 7". He is 6' 5" - 6' 6".
Click Here

At his peak he could have been 6' 7" though
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 18/Jan/19
@rawdshaq I don't know where you're getting that from. There was a picture not long ago of Kane with Braun Strowman and Big Show out of ring gear and he only looked about 3 inches shorter than Big Show who's around 6'10" today.
JoshL said on 18/Jan/19
Kane at 6'4? U guys can't be serious hahaha that would put Cesaro at 6'0 range. Kane is also 1000% taller than the Undertaker when standing straight
rawdshaq said on 17/Jan/19
Kane is shorter than the Undertaker. He barely holds up with him in those lifts nowadays. Kane is 6' 5", Undertaker 6' 5 1/2"
Phenom89 said on 17/Jan/19
Kane 6'7 barefoot? Vince vaughn is 6'6 than? Because i dont see 3 inches between them.
Kane is not even taller than Taker , out of wrestling gear.

rawdshaq said on 16/Jan/19
If you guys saw Kanes return a few days ago at the live event in Knoxville he honestly only looks 6' 4" - 6' 5" max next to Seth Rollins. I'm noticing a pattern that these guys are much shorter than we think. Kane can't be 6' 7", I'll buy 6' 6" at the most but no more than that.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 15/Jan/19
@edwards Yeah he doesn't stand at his best either. Seems to slouch down as he appears to be in the picture. I can see him being a weak 6'7" today.
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Jan/19
@rawdshaq Nice pic w/ Rosser. If he's 6'1", then Kane definitely isn't more than 6'5". Also, the heels Kane's wearing are quite big.
edwards said on 14/Jan/19
there is 0 to no chance of kane being low as 6'5.he is still 6'7 maybe not strong 6'7 but weak.
rawdshaq said on 13/Jan/19
Here he is with 6' 1" Bryan Rosser Click Here

Only looks 6' 5" max there
childson said on 3/Jan/19
i think when he was young he was 6. 9 and now thats hes older he is 6. 8
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jan/19
6'4" Ben Roethlisberger and 6'5" Carson Wentz... Click Here , Click Here

Ben and Flair in 2009... Click Here
Ben and Flair in 2014... Click Here

Kane and Flair... Click Here

Just for fun, Kane and Flair... Click Here

Again, Kane and 5'6" Rand Paul... Click Here
6'6" Baron Corbin and 5'6, maybe 5'6.5" Tom Savini... Click Here
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 31/Dec/18
Big show 7ft0 213cm kevin nash 6ft9.5 207cm taker 1.5inches shorter 6ft7.75 203 kane 6ft7.75 203cm big boots. Barefoot peak.
shuvayu chakraborty said on 31/Dec/18
Click Here read this
rawdshaq said on 28/Dec/18
Yeah Ced is right, it's at the 14:30 mark. He says, "I'm 6'8", and right now I'm about.... 290, 295 and my heaviest I've ever weighed was about 320." He also revealed his deadlift was 550, squat was 600, and his bench was 525. If you know Kane he is one of the most honest people so I'm not sure if he really thinks he is 6' 8" or knows he is shorter but just claims boot height.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Dec/18

Watt could be 6'5" flat at a low but no less than that.
Canson-6'4 3/8 said on 27/Dec/18
Watt is 6’6” with shoes. 6’5 barefoot
ced said on 26/Dec/18
Guys, take a listen to the latest Stone Cold Podcast.. Austin asks Kane "what is your shoot height and weight".. Kane answers "I'm 6'8, and 295 pounds"..
rawdshaq said on 25/Dec/18
@sotiris JJ Watt is taller than 6' 5", he is 6' 6.5" with shoes. That means Kane can be 6' 7" or 6'6"
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 23/Dec/18
Taker bruan the same height 6ft6 3/4 200cm kane looked 1cm taller in flatfootwear 6ft7.25 201cm.
ced said on 21/Dec/18
Hmm.. I don't know.. Sotiris could be right, but I know that Kane in his prime was VERY close to Nash in height.. Prime Nash was 6'9.5.. Prime Taker 6'7.. Now I want to say Prime Kane was 6'8, but I really don't see almost a 2 inch difference between him and Nash..
samson said on 21/Dec/18
Heres a video of kane looking noticely taller then bruan strowman Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Dec/18
Here's Calais Campbell (might be as low as 6'7.25" according to Canson) w/ 6'5" J.J. Watt... Click Here , which means that Kane is not 6'7", at least IMHO.
Canson said on 17/Dec/18
@Sotiris: Watt is favored in one pic but that’s about right. Then again Vaughn had Brady by a little. I’ve always had Vaughn peak 6’4.5 or 5/8 and today 193-194. Watt probably is 6’5” at a low given he measured where he did. Although I must say that if I didn’t know better about combine times, Watt could easily look 6’5.25
Canson said on 17/Dec/18
@Sotiris: Watt is favored in one pic but that’s about right. Then again Vaughn had Brady by a little. I’ve always had Vaughn peak 6’4.5 or 5/8 and today 193-194. Watt probably is 6’5”
michael loughrie said on 17/Dec/18
@Vegas Undertaker was towered by Kevin Love who was measured 6' 9" in shoes and 6' 7" barefoot. Undertaker wore some boots the day he met Kevin Love. Look up the pictures, Undertaker actually looks as low as 6' 4.5" there. He does have awful posture, so I'd say 6' 5.5 or just flat 6' 5". Still very tall! I also believe you might be right about Big Show but keep in mind for most of his life he has been well over 400 pounds and those guys do lose a lot of height. Judging by his pictures with Shaq and Dirk I would say he is still 6' 10" - 6' 11" range so you are correct.

As for Dolph Ziggler he wears some BIG boots, making him 5' 11" - 6' 0". I have him at 5' 10" max.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 17/Dec/18
@Michael Allen I think it was said Kane was standing on lower ground in that pic. Kane at 6'5" would put Undertaker at 6'4" which isn't possible. The lowest I would put him at is 6'6.5" today. There were pics of him with Big Show and Braun Strowman in dress shoes where he definitely looked near 6'7"
edwards said on 17/Dec/18
@ sotiris gravas dude,i fully agree with you,most people express their opinion by seeing their wrestling matches,outside wrestling,they really need to look how short they can look out of character.
michael loughrie said on 17/Dec/18
His last few matches he looks a solid 6' 7". Medical report from Tennessee claims he is 6 foot 8 inches tall. I would say still a solid 6' 7" or barefoot maybe a little under like 6' 6" or 6' 6.5".
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Dec/18
Here's Goldust w/ Kane... Click Here , Click Here

Goldust and Nash... Click Here

Goldust and 6'7" Hafthor... Click Here
Hafthor and 5'5" Manny Pacquiao... Click Here
Karl Malone and Manny... Click Here

Goldust w/ Piper... Click Here
Now 6'1" Jim Duggan and Piper... Click Here
Matt Morgan and Piper (2014)... Click Here

For comparison: 6'6" Gronk and Vince Vaughn... Click Here (Maybe J.J. Watt was in cowboy boots to go w/ the hat in that pic w/ Vaughn...)
Philip McMullin said on 16/Dec/18
Sotiris Gravas You do know that pic of kane and Vaugn has been tossed around a load and every one of them is not proof that kane is as tall as vaugn, reason being WE CANT SEE IF VAUGN IS ON HIS TIP TOES, which i think he is!
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Dec/18
Just a reminder: here's 6'5" J.J. Watt w/ Vince Vaughn... Click Here ,
Click Here He TOWERS over Vaughn.

Kane and Vince... Click Here

The likelihood of Kane being 6'7"... ZERO percent.

Keep that in mind when looking at the pic of Kane and Nathan Jones.

Kane is NOT that tall, and neither is Jones.
Michael Allen said on 15/Dec/18
6'5" currently. He looks about the same height as Vince Vaughan in a pic of the two of them.

Peak was probably 6'7" barefoot (could have been 6'10" with lift-enhanced wrestling boots.)
Riccardo89 said on 14/Dec/18
6,7 w/o shoes is impossible for Kane
ced said on 14/Dec/18

Ok, I can see that being the case. We don't know their footwear as well, but let's say Jones is 6'9, would that put Kane still at 6'7?
A Man said on 14/Dec/18
Yeah I see two inches between Kane and Jones in that pic if they both stood up straight. 6,9" vs 6,7" is what you're seeing there.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Dec/18

It's more than a 1.5" difference. Easily 2". Keep in mind that Kane and Jones' heads are bigger than the average guy. Click Here
edwards said on 13/Dec/18
@ michael loughrie yes dude it isnt exact impossible,it can be possible
Vegas' said on 13/Dec/18
@michael loughrie

Pretty confident Taker is taller than 6'5 flat even today
Big Show taller than 6'9 range
Cass was more than an inch shorter (more than 2 inches actually) than Big Show last year
Shane is taller than 6 foot in person
R-truth is shorter than 6 foot in person as is Kofi.
Ziggler was taller than 5'9 range
Rob's 5'9 friend was shorter than Flair recently
Nash is probably 6'8 range these days
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 12/Dec/18
@ced But we can't see their footwear either. Kane looks around 6'7" today with the possibility of being a tad under it aswell.
Vegas' said on 12/Dec/18
Jones isn't 6'10 because he was listed 6'9 in mma in 1997.

He also looks similar height out of gear to Matt Morgan (who Rob has listed 6'8 range)

Click Here Click Here
michael loughrie said on 11/Dec/18
Okay, I came up with a list of all current heights

Undertaker: 6' 5"
Kane: 6' 6"
Shawn Michaels: 5' 10"
Triple H: 6' 0.5"
Big Show: 6' 9.5"
Great Khali: 7' 0"
Andre The Giant: 6' 10.5" (dead in 1993)
Stone Cold: 6' 0.5"
The Rock: 6' 2.5"
John Cena: 6' 0"
CM Punk: 5' 11"
The Miz: 5' 11"
AJ Styles: 5' 8"
Daniel Bryan: 5' 6.5"
Big Cass: 6' 8.5" (fired)
Rey Mysterio: 5' 1"
Sin Cara: 5' 5"
Hulk Hogan: 6' 3"
Mick Foley: 6' 3"
Finn Balor: 5' 10"
Kevin Owens: 5' 11"
Braun Strowman: 6' 6.5"
Vince McMahon: 5' 10"
Shane McMahon: 6' 0"
R - Truth: 6' 0"
Big E: 5' 9"
Kofi Kingston: 6' 0.5"
Xavier Woods: 5' 9"
Sheamus: 6' 3"
Cesaro: 6' 3"
Kurt Angle: 5' 9"
Dolph Ziggler: 5' 9.5"
Randy Orton: 6' 4"
Batista: 6' 2.5"
Ric Flair: 5' 8.5"
Kevin Nash: 6' 9"

What you guys think?
ced said on 11/Dec/18
If Jones is 6'9.5, then Kane is still around 6'8. Keep in mind, Jones has his arm around Kane, and Kane is not standing straight up.. I don't see 3 inches between them. About 1.5 to be exact.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 11/Dec/18
Nathan jones 6ft10 kane taker 3inches shorter both 6ft7 barefoot.
Xpac99 said on 11/Dec/18
Based in this pic 7,5 cm of difference is impossible. Even kane is in a bad posture... 4-5 cm no more.
See the difference between kanter and taker, is more than jones with kane
Click Here
And kanter is about 6ft 9
Philip McMullin said on 11/Dec/18
We dont know if Kane was completely straight here...tbh...its not a good pic..
JamesB172cm said on 11/Dec/18
Unless Jones has lost height
miko said on 11/Dec/18
Kane is stacking up rather well to Jones to be fair. I've always had Jones at 6'9/6'9.5 range rather than a full 6'10 as Big Show was at least 2 inches taller than him.
Chris thomoson said on 11/Dec/18
Not impossible. If jones was standing straight he would have around 3inchs on Jacobs there
Xpac99 said on 11/Dec/18
Based on that pic.. jones 6 ft 10 is complitly impossible
Philip McMullin said on 10/Dec/18
Here is a very interesting link Click Here ...... Discuss
DFens said on 9/Dec/18
Here's Kane with Nathan Jones.

Click Here
michael loughrie said on 6/Dec/18
I believe that since Undertaker was billed at almost 6' 11" or 6' 10.5"... it would have only made since for them to list Kane at 7' 0". Undertaker in the AE was probably 6' 6" or 6' 7", Kane was around the same height as Taker but had huge boots which gave him 3 inches.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 21/Nov/18 listed both undertaker and kane at 6ft8.5 204cm big show 7ft0 213cm khali 7ft1.5 217cm barefoot.
Xpac99 said on 15/Nov/18
@ced i think were very close in height. I'd be curious to hear what Rob thinks... in my opinion kane maybe 1/4 an inch taller
ced said on 14/Nov/18
@XPac99, Kane most definitely looks taller in that video as Isaac Yankem, and his boots were probably flatter than Taker's..
Xpac99 said on 14/Nov/18
Yes the people said kane because the most of the Times used big sole.. but for you is possible to see kane slightly taller ??
Click Here
Minute 1:03 staredown with about the same boot sole
Canson said on 13/Nov/18
@Christian: yep weak 6’7 is how he looks to me too
Canson said on 13/Nov/18
No way. Taker hasn’t been 6’4” since his teenage years probably. He’s still very close to if not a full 6’6”
Xpac99 said on 12/Nov/18
Rob in 2000s Who can slightly taller kane or taker ?? I know they were about the same height, but you never thought that one of them was slightly taller
Editor Rob
Well at times either could seem an edge, but I can see why more would say Kane could have the taller look at times.
michael loughrie said on 11/Nov/18
Kane is 6' 7", Undetaker is as low as 6' 4" now.
Mr. Man said on 11/Nov/18
Kane is 6’ 8” and Undertaker is 6’ 9” without boots which add an extra 4 inches to both of them.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 10/Nov/18
I don't think he's much under 6'7 if at all. Probably 1/4" at most. With that being said he looks quite noticeably taller than Undertaker who could even be under 6'6 today.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.