Neil: Tallest to Shortest

Average Neil: 5ft 11.41in (181.4cm)
Height of Neil Fingleton
Neil Fingleton
7ft 7 ½ (232 cm)
Avg Guess (64 Votes)
7ft 7in
Height of Neil Flynn
Neil Flynn
6ft 5 (196 cm)
Avg Guess (45 Votes)
6ft 5.22in
Height of Neil Morrissey
Neil Morrissey
6ft 2 (188 cm)
Avg Guess (16 Votes)
6ft 2.5in
Height of Neil Ruddock
Neil Ruddock
6ft 2 (188 cm)
Avg Guess (25 Votes)
6ft 2.11in
Height of Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson
6ft 2 (188 cm)
Avg Guess (33 Votes)
Pk: 6ft 1.96in, Cr: 6ft 0.77in
Height of Neil Hopkins
Neil Hopkins
6ft 1 (185 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
6ft 1in
Height of Neil Jackson
Neil Jackson
6ft ¾ in (185 cm)
Avg Guess (31 Votes)
6ft 0.48in
Height of Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson
6ft ½ in (184 cm)
Avg Guess (38 Votes)
6ft 0.63in
Height of Neil Diamond
Neil Diamond
6ft 0 (183 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 11.68in
Height of Neil McCarthy
Neil McCarthy
6ft 0 (183 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
6ft 0.63in
Height of Neil Young
Neil Young
6ft 0 (183 cm)
Avg Guess (16 Votes)
Pk: 6ft 0.14in, Cr: 5ft 10.67in
Height of Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
5ft 11 ½ (182 cm)
Avg Guess (87 Votes)
5ft 11.4in
Height of Neil Tennant
Neil Tennant
5ft 10 ½ (179 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 10.45in
Height of Neil Dudgeon
Neil Dudgeon
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
5ft 9.9in
Height of Neil Roberts
Neil Roberts
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 10.08in
Height of Neil Sandilands
Neil Sandilands
5ft 9 ½ (177 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 9.45in
Height of Neil Maskell
Neil Maskell
5ft 8 (173 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 8.33in
Height of Neil Hannon
Neil Hannon
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 7.13in
Height of Neil Stuke
Neil Stuke
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (3 Votes)
5ft 6.67in
Height of Neil Grayston
Neil Grayston
5ft 6 ¾ (170 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 7.63in
Height of Neil Casey
Neil Casey
5ft 6 ½ (169 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 6.07in
Height of Neil Brown Jr.
Neil Brown Jr.
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (26 Votes)
5ft 5.66in
Height of Neil Sedaka
Neil Sedaka
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 5.58in

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.