Sleepy Hollow

Avg M: 5ft 11.5in (181.6cm), F: 5ft 4.9in (164.7cm)
Height of Peter Mensah
The Hidden One
Peter Mensah
6ft 3 (191 cm)
Avg Guess (20 Votes)
6ft 3.3in
Height of Tom Mison
Ichabod Crane
Tom Mison
6ft 1 (185 cm)
Avg Guess (35 Votes)
6ft 0.66in
Height of Matt Barr
Nick Hawley
Matt Barr
6ft ¾ in (185 cm)
Avg Guess (4 Votes)
6ft 0.63in
Height of Neil Jackson
Abraham Van Brunt
Neil Jackson
6ft ¾ in (185 cm)
Avg Guess (31 Votes)
6ft 0.48in
Height of Lance Gross
Daniel Reynolds
Lance Gross
5ft 11 ¾ (182 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 11.31in
Height of John Noble
Henry Parrish
John Noble
5ft 11 ½ (182 cm)
Avg Guess (41 Votes)
Pk: 5ft 11.71in, Cr: 5ft 11.08in
Height of Orlando Jones
Frank Irving
Orlando Jones
5ft 11 (180 cm)
Avg Guess (16 Votes)
5ft 11in
Height of John Cho
Andy Brooks
John Cho
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (51 Votes)
5ft 10in
Height of Zach Appelman
Joe Corbin
Zach Appelman
5ft 9 ¼ (176 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 9.5in
Height of Jeremy Davies
Malcolm Dreyfuss
Jeremy Davies
5ft 8 (173 cm)
Avg Guess (21 Votes)
5ft 8.49in
Height of Katia Winter
Katrina Crane
Katia Winter
5ft 7 ¾ (172 cm)
Avg Guess (20 Votes)
5ft 7.64in
Height of Shannyn Sossamon
Shannyn Sossamon
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 7.29in
Height of Janina Gavankar
Diana Thomas
Janina Gavankar
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 6.78in
Height of Jill Marie Jones
Cynthia Irving
Jill Marie Jones
5ft 5 ¾ (167 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 6in
Height of Lyndie Greenwood
Jenny Mills
Lyndie Greenwood
5ft 5 ¼ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 4.73in
Height of Rachel Melvin
Alex Norwood
Rachel Melvin
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 5in
Height of Nikki Reed
Betsy Ross
Nikki Reed
5ft 4 (163 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
5ft 4.13in
Height of Jessica Camacho
Sophie Foster
Jessica Camacho
5ft 2 (157 cm)
Avg Guess (13 Votes)
5ft 1.67in
Height of Nicole Beharie
Abbie Mills
Nicole Beharie
5ft 1 (155 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 1.42in

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.