Majestic Butterfly said on 20/Sep/22
this listing is way too high for her, even in 5.5-6 inch chunky heels with a platform she only reaches to about 5'7 1/2.
flat 5'3 (160 cm)
dreus23 said on 15/Apr/22
Zara with Brian Whittaker (claims 6'1, quite the believable claim)
Click Here
Brian is probably 187 cm/6'1 ¾ in shoes. Zara looks 16 cm/6 inches shorter. She looks to be wearing 8 cm/3 inch heels in the pic. 187 cm-16=171 cm/5'7 ½. 171 cm-8 cm=163 cm/5'4.
Yup. Definitely 5'4 flat
Leesheff85 said on 10/Feb/22
How about grace chatto from clean bandit rob I've seen 5ft 6 listings and she does look taller than larsson but I'm not sure how much

Editor Rob
maybe a bit taller than Zara, 5ft 4.5 possible but I wouldn't have thought anywhere near 5ft 6.
zara lawa said on 14/Nov/21
@look at this dumb
No, its not. Average female height in Sweden is almost 5’6, or about that. Some sites say 166cm, some say 167cm.
liar said on 4/Jan/20
she looks wayyyy shorter if shes 5’4 then im 5’7.. im sure shes only 1.55 or around that lol celebs always lie about height nd weight
look at this damb said on 5/Nov/19
Nope it's average height in Sweden...
Lara said on 6/Mar/19
I think she is honest, I would say she is 1.63 m.
jonas said on 29/Sep/18
5"3 is Petite for a swedish girl, very cute
MAD SAM said on 9/Jun/18
She doesn’t look more than 160 cm when she isn’t on her massive heels
BilboBaggins said on 13/Apr/18
By the way, I would argue that she's best known for songs like 'Symphony' (with Clean Bandit) and 'Lush Life'.
BilboBaggins said on 13/Apr/18
****, I assumed she was about 5' 5". Fair enough though, she's obviously being honest. She has excellent proportions.
Slim 6' said on 24/Oct/17
Weak 5'4".
Jee said on 28/Aug/17
No way that she's taller, by 2 inches? They often add an inch, it's easy and really no one in real life is able to estimate (i'm guessing 5'3 here) but cut? Nope
Kelly said on 22/Jul/17
Dude 😟 She is taller than that I would actually consider her to be kinda tall like 5'6 1/2 I mean COME ON SHE IS

Editor Rob
she did say she was 163cm, so I'd be surprised if she made a mistake of 6cm.
angular said on 24/May/17
I have a friend who's worked with her before, don't know why this cropped up but she's 162cm.
truthseeker said on 15/Mar/17
nah she looks lil bit smaller than that, would say around 160cm
berta said on 7/Nov/16
mí¥ns said in a interview one time that he is 181 cm tall. i thought that sounded to mutch. a friend meet him once and said he was maybe 178-179 so i guess that about right a little under 180
mary said on 19/Oct/16
Rob, what do you think about Mans Zelmerlow? He is a swedish singer (winner of the Eurovision 2015 and host of the Eurovision 2016). You can see a lot of picture or videos with 5'9 Petra Mede or 5'4 Zara Larsson. He claims 182 cm but i don't think so! :) Thanks

Editor Rob
182 might be at least an inch too much.
berta said on 17/Oct/16
no way she looks shorter with other swedish celebrities i think she is around 160 maybe
truth said on 10/Jul/16
Very cute, 163 cm is about right.
viki said on 31/May/16
I think she is shorter.
Kellie Jean Cox said on 27/Mar/16
sooo pretty!!!!
Bia said on 14/Feb/16
Met her some weeks ago, pretty accurate. =)