Tim lanahan said on 28/Nov/24
This guy was not even 6 foot tall! Watch his shoes in every show he was on! He was on the Rockford and his lifts were so easy to see! There are several scenes where he was walking and has at least 3 inch lifts! Even with 3 inch lifts he wasnt as tall as James Garner!
William Smith came along at the time of lifts and lies! Remember Clint Eastwood is not 6-4” but about 6-1” Smiith is at least two inches shorter barefoot!
mark thompson said on 11/Jan/22
funny how both william smith and will smith are listed the same height now
berta said on 17/Nov/21
i agrre with this. I remember that he was listed 188 cm before but that sounded a little to hihg. He could look it with Clint Eastwood but with oters i think maybe 186,5 was closer.
Ian C. said on 24/Aug/21
I'll take a guess and say that Smith died of cancer. When extremely strong people who have maintained their levels of fitness as they age die, cancer is almost always the cause. They tend to have healthy hearts.
Another common cause of death in strong people is Alzheimer's Their brains wear out before their bodies.
Ian C. said on 29/Jul/21
William Smith has just died (July 5, 2021) at the age of 88. No cause of death has been made public, which is a lack. I want to know what could have killed a man so strong, and who maintained his strength well into late middle age.
Clint Eastwood, who is two years older than Smith, is still directing movies. Good movies intended for grown-ups.
Ian C. said on 11/May/21
Yous said it, Rampage. According to his Wiki page, Smith won the United States Air Force weightlifting championship, and was world champion of arm wrestling in his weight call numerous times. Just a very gifted guy.
Uh, about Joe Namath: Super Bowl III was fixed. Earl Morrall of the Colts (clearly superior to Namath in ability and record) and probably a few other guys on defense took pay-offs to throw the game. Joe Namath is the second most overrated human being of the Twentieth Century. (Bob Dylan is the first.)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Mar/21
Ian C., you can pretty much tell Eastwood wasn't a fighter...his punches are so lame in most movies. Carradine boxed a bit and probably knew some martial arts, Nolte and Taylor were just a mean drunks, Namath was an athlete but again not a trained fighter...so yeah in reality Smith would've mopped the floor with all those guys...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Mar/21
I still think 6ft2 was ok, 6ft1¾ at worst.
Ian C. said on 5/Mar/21
Must have spent most of his career an actor losing movie fights to actors he could have annihilated in real life. Nick Nolte, Clint Eastwood, David Carradine, Joe Namath and Rod Taylor all got to beat him up in the movies, and none of those quite strong guys came close to him in muscularity and personal menace.
He was like Woody Strode: clearly physically superior to just about everybody else, but prone to being beaten up by people higher in the cast list.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jan/21
Rob, what made you downgrade him?
Always thought he was a decent 6ft2

Editor Rob
Seen a bit more of him in 70's and early 80's, and generally thought he wasn't a big 6ft 2 guy
no1 said on 27/Jul/20
I saw an episode of Death Valley Days where William Smith is Standing next to Don Megowan (6'6") and Will Smith looks a full 6" shorter than Don. I'd say he was no more than 6' even in his prime, maybe 6'1".
THE Motorcycle Boy said on 10/Sep/19
Looked around the same height as Matt Dillon and Micky Rourke in Rumble Fish
Mon said on 7/Aug/19
To be clear, I don't think Smith could have been wearing any kind of boosting footwear for the quick turn and one armed push that sent a pal of Nathath flying backwards in the confrontation scene of CC and Company, because such a feat of balance and strength would require good shoes. That would put Smith at a little below Namath and slightly over six one.
Mon said on 7/Aug/19
You can see that Smith is definitely wearing huge footwear as Carrot against Yul Brynner's Carson in the Ultimate Warrior. It was the Seventies though. With Namath in CC and Company (Smith's one arm push of a football player playing a bit part shows real power) he looks as if he is smaller but they are trying to present them as equal. Athletes almost always look bigger than actors of supposedly the same height.
Mon said on 6/Aug/19
Does not look like he has anything like four inches on Rod Taylor in Darker than Amber and Smith was surely not made to look smaller than he was in that famous fight scene (supposedly reshot after it got real) because he was playing a giant muscle psycho that Taylor's hero character ends up getting almost beaten to death by and staggering away from covered in blood. Maybe his upper body development created something of an optical illusion, but Smith often looked like he had a rather small head for a man two inches over six foot. In cheapo Invasion of the Bee Girls he is the lead and he does not look as big as one would expect beside actors of that era, and beside Humphry Osmond he was towered. I think camerawork and lifts because of type of parts he played. He was a reliable actor that never let the film down and had serious muscles so they could boost him a little for effect. He was clearly being made to look taller than he was in Every Which Way as a opponent for Clint Eastwood who was comparable to Osmond. Certainly over six foot, but unlikely to have been a strong six two.

Editor Rob
I saw one article describe William as being 6ft 2.5, very unlikely though.
larry donaldson said on 19/Jul/19
I remember over 30 years ago Tom Selleck saying that he wasn't actually 6ft 4 but was 6 ft 3 I think that was a TV guide interview? Also I remember, big William Smith, was in the pilot episode of The Rockford files. in that famous scene with James Garner in the bathroom when he tripped up William Smith,and knocked him out with a roll quarters he took his ID out of his wallet and William Smith's height was listed at 6 ft 1 and 210 lb look it up.p.s. that bathroom scene it's still one of the funniest moments I've ever seen on television.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jan/18
Mosley may well have been 6ft1 range but 6ft2? Not sure there was only 2in between him and Selleck on Magnum. 6ft2 is fine for Smith though. He wasn't much shorter than Clint in Any Which Way You Can (still over 6ft3 at that point)...
Jason said on 23/Nov/17
Supposedly he beat Arnold Schwarzenneger in arm wrestling on the set of Conan the Barbarian. He kept his physique and his physical prowess well into middle age. He was in an A-Team episode in 1983 where he fought Mr. T in a prison yard fight. And he still had his physique at that time (and he was 50 at the time). His height is sort of hard to pin down though. In some roles, he looked shorter than other 6'2" listed actors; but in some roles, he looked 6'2". In a 1970s blaxploitation film with Roger E. Mosley (TC from Magnum PI), Smith and Mosley are standing face to face, and they looked about equal in height. And Mosley is listed as being 6'2" (although he may have been 6'1"). I think William Smith was more a weak 6'2" guy or a strong 6'1" guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Aug/17
He looked a bit like
Ben Affleck when he was younger. Similar range aswell
Jason said on 28/Oct/16
Michael: Interesting read about Bill's workout routine. I have tried to use many of Vince Gironda's exercises in my own workout routine. Do you remember how often Smith used to do his workout routine, how many times per week? I have been doing full-body workouts three times per week, 6 sets for every exercise. Leroy Colbert, an old-school bodybuilder, said that he never trained effectively any other way -- full-body workouts. Regarding Smith -- he had a great physique. In the pilot episode of Rockford Files, there is a scene in which Smith is shirtless, and man did he have a built physique. He was 40/41 at the time, and he looked as built as he ever did.
Regarding Smith's height -- I still say that he was 6'1" tops.
Anonymous1 said on 18/Oct/16
...that's interesting, Michael. Thanks for the info. Close grip benching explains, in part, his super developed triceps. Just watch Any Which Way again, today, and I have to go with my old thoughts; that Eastwood was more like 6'3-ish (6'4 out of bed, maybe), and Smith was 6'1...maybe 6'2 out of bed. Not a guy I'd want to face in a dark alley...or even a bright one. I'd love to know how he and Eastwood "really" would have matched up in a fight, in 1980.
Michael said on 17/Oct/16
To answer the question about "Big Bill" Smith's workout routine. I remember this distinctly from a muscle magazine issue in the early 1970's. Everything 6 sets x 6 reps..
Close grip bench press 6x6
Front squats 6x6
Seated behind-the-neck barbell shoulder press 6x6
V-bar chins(close grip pullups) 6x6
Scott barbell curls 6x6
Seated barbell overhead french press (triceps exercise) 6x6
Crunches for the waist
That was the entire routine. The same article also had a picture of him standing in front of a nice house in L.A., with his young son. At one point Bill Smith trained in Vince Gironda's gym.
Jason said on 18/Aug/16
Smith was shorter than 6'2" Peter Haskell in Rich Man/Poor Man. He also looked the exact same height as 6'1" Larry Hagman in an episode of 'I Dream of Jeanie'.
Jason said on 26/Mar/16
I never knew this guy had a son. His son was on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew (the son lived a very colorful life -- often on the wrong side of the law)! But William Smith Sr. was/is and awesome actor. Always had a very rugged, tough look to him, and from everything that I have read, was a legitimate tough guy. He was probably between 6'1" and 6'2", a legitimately tall guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Feb/16
For a split second I thought this was Will Smith's page, lol
grizz said on 31/Jan/16
Of all things, he's not a great character actor. He plays the SAME guy in every single movie. Something like Denzel, but worse.
On Graham Norton show he looked around the same height as legit 6'2 Ryan Reynolds.
I see nothing below 6'1.5'' for Will.
Jason said on 26/Jan/16
Whether he was 6'1 or 6'2, the guy was an awesome character actor. And he kept his muscled physique well into middle age. He still had his big guns in 1983, when he played a convict who fought Mr.T in a prison fight in an episode of the A-Team.
Anonymous1 said on 17/Jan/16
...if you needed a tough looking guy on a TV show in the 70's, Smith was "the" guy. Maybe 6'2 out of bed, but more a 6'1 guy. Tough as nails.
Jason said on 16/Jan/16
Shadow2: Watch Smith in the Knight Rider episode where he plays a bad guy. A few shots of him and Hasselhoff standing face to face. Smith looked more than 2 inches shorter than the 6'4" Hasselhoff (and I think Smith was wearing cowboy boots as well in that episode). In the 'Hunter' episodes, he was several inches shorter than the 6'6" Fred Dryer, at least 4-5 inches shorter. In the Rockford Files 'Backlash of the Hunter,' Smith's character (Jerry Grimes) is listed as being 6'1" 210 pounds on his drivers license.
Jason said on 6/Dec/15
This guy's height is hard to pin down. He was at least 6'1", but he might have been a full 6'2". He always had a long, lanky appearance (yet muscular). When he shot the pilot episode for Rockford Files with James Garner, you never got to see him and Garner standing next to each other, so it was hard to tell if they were the same height or not. Smith always looked pretty tall though. Smith was at least 2" inches shorter than Eastwood in Any Which Way You Can, and he was several inches shorter than David Hasselhoff and Fred Dryer in Knight Rider and Hunter, respectively. In other series, he looked the exact same height as guys listed as being 6'1": Larry Hagman (in I Dream of Jeannie), and another guy in the Rich Man Poor Man Series (Mr. Downey). So, I suspect that Smith might not have been a full 6'2", but he was definitely a taller guy though.
thebad7 said on 19/Jun/14
@Jason: I'm simply saying that the man stacks up too well against taller actors (6'2" - 6'3") to be a flat 6'1". I don't buy it. Respectfully disagree.
As for Eastwood, the man was 6'4" in his prime--he always stacks up evenly against guys like Gregory Walcott, George Kennedy, Dan Vadis (Biker from THE GAUNTLET) all of whom were legitimate 6'4" men in their prime. As for Smith: I own C.C.--have for years--and Smith and Namath look the same height. Level ground, similar footwear. If he was 6'1" in his prime, and obviously you believe this, then so be it, but he never looked a flat 6'1" EVER in his prime--he had close to an inch on a strong 6'1" Jeff Bridges in 1973's THE LAST AMERICAN HERO. Again, respectfully disagree.
Jason said on 19/Jun/14
Thebad7: I did watch CC & Company, and in all the scenes showing Namath and Smith together, Namath looks taller. And in Anywhich way you can, Smith looked a few inches shorter than Eastwood. And we don't know if Eastwood was really 6'4" or not. When making all these comparisons, you have to know the exact heights of everybody used in the comparisons -- and that's tricky.
And what if he were 6'1" in his prime? Is 6'1" short or something? That's still pretty tall.
thebad7 said on 28/May/14
Smith was shorter than the 6'2" listed Joe Namath in CC& Comapny. Also, in the Rockford Files pilot episode, in which Smith plays a thug chasing Rockford, Smith's character's drivers license lists him as being 6'1", 210 pounds.
I think 6'1" sounds right for Smith. He was considerably shorter than David Hasselhoff (6'4") and Fred Dryer (6'6") in the Knight Rider and Hunter television show episodes. He didn't appear to be a 6'2" guy
You might consider watching 1970's C.C. & COMPANY again--right before the brawl along the riverbank between Moon (Smith) and C.C. (Namath) when they're standing nose-to-nose, they are identical--as in zero difference. The man wasn't 6'1" in his prime--he always stacks up evenly against legit 6'2" actors and he holds his own against 6'3" - 6'4" actors--far more prominently than what a 6'1" man would. Smith was around 36 or 37 years old when C.C. was shot--there's no way he lost height at that point.
I disagree even more when you watch Smith in 1976's HOLLYWOOD MAN. Standing nose-to-nose with strong 6'4" Carmine Caridi, Smith is about 1.5" - 2" shorter. There is no massive difference--and frankly, I was surprised at how well Smith stacked up against THE GODFATHER II & III alumnus Caridi--a very imposing man himself.
Speaking of 6'4" actors: Smith co-starred in a little Eastwood film from 1980 titled ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN. Although it was cited earlier: Smith stood nose-to-nose and alongside Eastwood in enough instances where decent comparisons could be made--specifically, the Palomino bar fight when Jack Wilson and Philo Beddoe clean house. Same as Caridi: two inch difference between Eastwood and Smith--and I believe that Eastwood was 6'4" in his prime and was still at this height until the late 80s/early 90s.
Today is a different story. Webmaster Rob used to have a photo of Smith with a fan that was taken within the last few years at a convention--when he would have been in his late seventies. As I recall, the fan was about 5'8", and Smith didn't tower him the way a 6'2" man would. Today, I'd guess Smith to be a weak 6'1"/strong 6'0" based off that photo. Motorcycle accidents and knee injuries from martial arts took their toll on him. Respectfully disagree with you.
Jason said on 28/Jan/14
Smith was shorter than the 6'2" listed Joe Namath in CC& Comapny. Also, in the Rockford Files pilot episode, in which Smith plays a thug chasing Rockford, Smith's character's drivers license lists him as being 6'1", 210 pounds.
I think 6'1" sounds right for Smith. He was considerably shorter than David Hasselhoff (6'4") and Fred Dryer (6'6") in the Knight Rider and Hunter television show episodes. He didn't appear to be a 6'2" guy.
thebad7 said on 9/Oct/13
An actor who should have been a superstar on the level of Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson. Big Bill was always a tall, muscular guy, and in his prime, he was an easy 6'2". In 1980's ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN, Eastwood has 1.5" - 2" on Smith. Likewise, in 1973's THE LAST ACTION HERO and 1976's HOLLYWOOD MAN, Smith has a hair on strong 6'1"/weak 6'2" actors Jeff Bridges and Don Stroud, respectively. In his peak, the man was never shorter than 6'2".
thebad7 said on 18/Nov/11
@Mamum: No worries. I just picked up a copy of this trashy grindhouse piece--also from '75--titled DR. MINX. You'd love the opening scene: Big Bill has a nice, intimate moment with '60s sex siren Edy Williams, and then they get into this nasty argument. Ms. Williams is thoroughly menaced by Big Bill! :)
Mamun said on 10/Nov/11
Sorry for my late response thebad7 ! I didn't see any of his movies recently but I love every single movie or show that he was on ! It's hard for me to chose a favourite one ?
thebad7 said on 5/Nov/11
@Mamum: Hey! Have you watched any of his films lately?
Mamun said on 2/Nov/11
I couldn't agree with you more thebad7 !
thebad7 said on 1/Nov/11
@Rampage: I agree with you recent comments. Big Bill isn't standing with the best posture; he's leaning to his right a bit in the photo with Mamum. Nevertheless, if he was standing up with good posture, he looks close to his peak 6'2". 6'1 1/2" today at age 78 for Big Bill sounds right.
Just watched Big Bill in a sleazy 1975 grindhouse/exploitation flick titled THE SWINGING BARMAIDS. The dialogue is atrocious, and the plot is ridiculous, but Big Bill is one of a few actors capable of making the worst pictures worth watching and ultimately, enjoyable endeavors. He runs around in a trench coat as a harried LAPD Lieutenant. Big Bill should have been a mainstream star, but he's done well for himself as a King of B Movies!
jake said on 23/Jul/11
Could still be 6ft1
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Jun/11
Looks 182cm
thebad7 said on 4/Jun/11
@Mark: Funny occurrence happened to me: recently somebody uploaded the pilot episode of THE ROCKFORD FILES at YouTube, and naturally, I watched it because it's one of Big Bill's best guest spots on a television series. Anyway, in the scene that occurs in the mens' room when James Garner goads Big Bill into a fight and knocks him out with a roll of quarters, he ties Big Bill up and starts questioning him. Interestingly, he takes Big Bill's wallet and they have his character (Jerry something-or-other) listed on his driver's license at 6'1" and 210 lbs. While I think he's probably at that height today, that's just a bit too short for his younger days--height-wise, he stacked up well against legit 6'3"-6'4" actors. He only looked about an inch shorter than a then 6'4" Clint Eastwood in ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN. And of course, there was no more fearsome physical presence than Big Bill.
Mamun said on 13/May/11
I agree with all that you havesaid PatB !
PatB said on 12/May/11
The funny thing is that Smith who played beasts and bullies was in real life an intellectual. As I remember he has a doctorate and speaks four or five languages. Falconetti was probably the scariest guy ever seen on TV. He was also great in Darker than Amber.
Like Schwarzenegger he too was a body builder and they were both about the same size. So it is conceivable that he beat Arnold in arm wrestling. Arnold was truly strong when younger. He won the "Strongest Man in Europe" title at one point. But Smith was also famous for his extraodinary strenth.
I'm happy to see that he's still around. Cool dude.
thebad7 said on 18/Mar/11
@ Mamum: You bet!
Mamun said on 13/Mar/11
Make sure you post the picture here thebad7 !
thebad7 said on 12/Mar/11
@ Mamum: I appreciate that! He does still hit the circuits quite a bit, so hopefully soon I can report on meeting Big Bill!
Mamun said on 10/Mar/11
Thank you for your kind remarks my friend ! I pray that you do get to meet this legend and get a photo too !
thebad7 said on 10/Mar/11
@ Mamun: I envy you, Friend! You not only got to meet him, but you got a photo with him. I'm hoping he hits the East Coast for book signing/Western conventions this spring.
Mamun said on 9/Mar/11
I agree 100% thebad7 !
thebad7 said on 9/Mar/11
@Shadow2: I'd love to get his poetry book. He is a bona fide Renaissance Man. Yes, I heard about KUNG FU--there used to be pics of him available online looking Asian; he was fitted with prosthetic pieces to make him look that way during pre-production. He did also have a juicy guest spot in an episode of that show as a sadistic soldier. I know he's a master of villains, but Big Bill's also played his fair share of heroes and even sympathetic parts. If you can find it, I highly recommend you see 1971's RUNAWAY, RUNAWAY. It's Big Bill's most sympathetic role.
It's nice to see other people out there who are huge fans of this underappreciated American Jewel.
Shadow2 said on 8/Mar/11
I'd recommend any of Big Bill's fans have a look at his personal website. He talks about his life and career, and speaks well of his co-stars throughout the years. thebad7, I totally agree with you that Bill, as Falconetti, stole "Rich Man, Poor Man" (Books 1 and 11) from Peter Strauss and Nick Nolte, themselves both great actors. In 1972, apparently Bill nearly got the starring role in TV's "Kung Fu", but was considered too muscular.
Mark said on 2/Mar/11
...Catch him in the pilot episode of The Rockford Files. As was stated, anytime he was in something, he had a major presence. Even on The Dukes of Hazzard. Amazing triceps. I tried getting a letter to him, via the Hollowood Collector's Show people (where he appeared, to sign autographs), but, apparently, it never went through. I'd love to know specifics of his workout routine (or his routine of 30 years ago), and how he thinks Eastwood stacks up as a fighter. Nevertheless, I put him at 6'1.
CaptainSpaulding said on 2/Mar/11
He looks 5'11". probably was 6'0" peak. Definatly not near 6'2".
thebad7 said on 27/Feb/11
@Shadow2: I read an article some time back in which Big Bill discussed his experiences with Arnold Schwartzenegger and filming CONAN THE BARBARIAN back in late 1981. Apparently, Big Bill--a former arm-wrestling champion, 31-1 amateur boxer, among other athletic accomplishments--destroyed the then hot off his 1980 Mr. Olympia win Schwartzenegger in a friendly arm-wrestling competition, and Arnold did not take well to the loss. The most amazing fact about it is that Big Bill was then 48 years old. He's an Inspiration--and one of the main reasons I started lifting weights myself--and he really is One Of A Kind.
thebad7 said on 27/Feb/11
He is "King of the B Movies," and his presence onscreen is unmatched. Just watched him in 1971's CHROME & HOT LEATHER where he plays the tough leader of the Wizards Motorcycle Club. He utters what is probably the best line in any film when, during the interrogation of his nemesis, he pauses to get the attention of a pinball-playing biker: "Gabriel, can't you see we're menacing someone?" Classic Big Bill!
Looking carefully at the picture again, I'd say 6'1" today--he's leaning a bit in this photo.
@Frank Manheim: He stole RICH MAN, POOR MAN with his portrayal of Anthony Falconetti. I watched both Book I & Book II around Christmas. In Book I when he throws down with Nick Nolte, he has at least 2" on Nolte. When he was younger at his peak, 6'2"+ for Big Bill.
Mathew said on 27/Feb/11
I'll go with 6'2" peak, 6'0" today.
Mamun said on 27/Feb/11
" INSPIRATION " !!!! This word is truely an understement to describe this legend ! I have just read about him and I can't believe his accomplishments!I regret not telling him that the " SUPERMAN " logo should really be on his chest and not on some idiot such as me ! But I can't help it I was born on Krypton . Please read about him is what I say !
Frank Manheim said on 27/Feb/11
I've seen Bill Smith in a lot of movies and productions since he started "Rich Man, poor man" more than 30 years ago and I've found him really inspiring, Superbe athlete, intense actor, fluent in several languages and all in all a great guy! He claimed to be 6'2 and he didn't look any shorter.
Thank you for the inspiration, Mr Smith.
Shadow2 said on 27/Feb/11
Along with everyone else, I would like to welcome Big Bill to the site. Those of you that only know him from the Eastwood movie should have a look at his life (not just acting career) biography, it's amazing! There's no surprise that he's still a big guy in his senior years.
Mamun said on 25/Feb/11
Yes he was leaning towards me in this picture and I would say no less than 6' today !
yoyo said on 24/Feb/11
No more than 6 foot today
Mathew said on 24/Feb/11
He's probably shrunk to a little less than 6'2".
James said on 24/Feb/11
6' with bad posture next to mamun. 6'1 straightend up
Larc 6 ft 1.5 in said on 24/Feb/11
He's clearly leaning a bit or his posture isn't that great today, but despite this, he still looks big at this age. Impressive.
jtm said on 24/Feb/11
i see no more than 3 inches.
thebad7 said on 24/Feb/11
Hi Rob--
Glad to see this familiar face up on CH. Big Bill is one that should have been a bigger star than what he is--so often over the years he would steal an entire film with just an appearance in one or two scenes. He has such a commanding screen presence. When he was younger, he was definitely a strong 6'2". There are scenes of him in 1980's ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN where he is standing face-to-face with Clint Eastwood--whom I believe to be about 6'4" tall at that time--and Big Bill looks about 1"-1.5" shorter than Clint. This picture is tricky--perhaps he has lost some height, and I know he's had his share of motorcycle accidents and knee injuries from martial arts training over the years. In any event, I would think he's no less than 6'1" today at age 77.
P.S.--Big Bill is one of the greatest fight scenes ever captured on celluloid; a great fistfight between him & Rod Taylor in 1970's DARKER THAN AMBER.
jake said on 24/Feb/11
Surely 6' today Rob?