Al said on 20/Jul/07
When he wore lifts in Trek it made him stand swaybacked and look S shaped in profile - so said Bob Justman, producer of Trek, in his book on the show
Brad said on 15/May/07
I love how he puffs out his chest for that extra inch in every episode of every show he's ever done.
Genny said on 14/May/07
Shatner was about 5'9''. Wasn't wearing lifts. I'm 5' 4 and a half..5'7 in heels. He was taller. Has no doubt shrunk a bit now, but 5' 6'' ? No.
Tom z said on 12/May/07
sf why you say WS is a bad actor he won two emmys for boston legal....that is proof he a good actor.
neil mcewan said on 10/May/07
shatner wears a rug o.k. you only have to look at his hair in the 60's star trek days and 20 years later his hair is much thicker in t.j. hooker days.
MHouillon said on 18/Apr/07
@ Marco "there is no way he is 5'9" today"...
That's why Rob has listed the 5'9 as "WAS". Today he IS 172cm (5'7.75-5'8)-type.
Brad said on 13/Apr/07
I bet Nimoy loves being taller than him. I should ask him next week at a convention. Harlan Ellison is the real dink. I saw him in '75 in NYC just go wild upon Paramount....a few decades later he was still short and a dink. He's got some good Shatner tales.
Marco said on 12/Apr/07
A friend of mine who is a legit 6'1" met Shatner in a convention, there is no way he is 5'9" today, my friend had a seven inch height advantage over him.
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
i told you on the phone? or on the site?
glenn said on 19/Mar/07
oh i always have fun with him.always a story with him.
ellen said on 18/Mar/07
Hate to burst Billy-Boy's bubble - but my dad worked with him several times. He is only 5'7" - he wears frankenstein looking shoes - and he is a jerk.
website fun to be had:
Click Here
sulldoggy said on 13/Mar/07
That comment about malnourishment effecting aging mens height? Bullsh-t! I eat like Shatner(unfortunately)and I've lost nearly an inch in height since my youth.
I'm 50 years old and 5'8", down from my football days of 5'9". Also, spine defects in men can affect height, shrinking discs, cartilage etc...
sf said on 5/Mar/07
Anybody seen the updated Star Trek's? That is, the old shows, digitally remastered? Special effects are good, but they can't seem to do anything about Shatner's bad acting or even worse toupee...
Brad said on 5/Mar/07
In the 60's the stealth heel was not around so Jim West & James Kirk wore big block heels. He pulled a Stallone height enhancer puffing out his chest and fillin' those lungs to get that extra inch.
Ade said on 13/Feb/07
In some scenes of Star Trek you can spot Bill wearing some HUGE heeled shoes (really funny sight by the way). He really was no taller than 5'9".
MHouillon said on 26/Dec/06
I think Shatner is a more a 171-172cm these days.
ShortNSweet said on 26/Dec/06
I thought we all realized that Bill was compact in stature. It's not about height, it's about how TALL you CARRY yourself; self confidence. In that regard, Bill is a 7 footer.
Brad said on 14/Dec/06
That's nice. Don't stand behind horses or in front of Romano.
William Shatner said on 9/Dec/06
Yes to all your questions. Regarding my age, I'm immortal.
Brad said on 9/Dec/06
Hey Bill? How old are you?
David said on 5/Dec/06
Shatner 173cm? in his dreams yes or with lifts yes!
Guys get serious,William is 5.7 tops!
Glenn said on 3/Dec/06
His music is so bad its actually good! entertaining for laughs.didnt know about the game show.
Anonymous said on 2/Dec/06
yea- more than dreadful. Embarrasing, but I'd guess that's William Shatner's middel name.
D. Ray Morton said on 2/Dec/06
"And, what's up with that new game show??"
Yeah, I often appreciate such displays of reckless excess (not to mention Bill Shatner's dancing), but that thing is just dreadful.
sf said on 1/Dec/06
Again - watch Boston Legal and he is clearly shorter than Spader by 2 inches. They don't even try to disguise it. He can't be over 5'8. And, what's up with that new game show??
Brad said on 1/Dec/06
Hi Bill. Did you and Heather ever do the cha-cha? Ever put on 3" cowboy boots and be 6' 1"? Ever go to Bob's Big Boy and have the vanilla shake? Have pizza with Gary Nardino? Get back the 10 million Paramount owes you for using you likeness '69-'79?
Glenn said on 2/Nov/06
Thats about right.he looked 5-10 to me 13 years 5-8ish.5-9 is possible.
Rackon said on 2/Nov/06
I've met Shatner many times over the past 20 years, stood next to him, talked with him while we were at horse shows and equine functions. We both raise and show American Saddlebred horses. (STOP right there - I know what yer thinkin! These are not western horses so Shatner isn't wearing cowboy boots anytime I'm around him - dress shoes or low heeled jod boots thank you very much.) He participates at an event I manage and he married an former neighbor of mine.
Bill's probably close to 5'9" in street shoes. I'm 5'11" and I don't especially look down on him. He may even have looked 5'10" in shoes back during his salad days. As many people do with age, he may be shrinking a bit. Last time I saw him was at the World Championship Horse show in Louisville KY the third week in August.
Unlike some celebs, Bill appears "life sized" to me in person, neither especially tall nor especially short. 5'8"+ so sounds about right to me.
Glenn said on 17/Oct/06
Hi did shrink a bit.with all due respect.
George H said on 16/Oct/06
Sure Bill, and I bet you weigh a lean 170 pounds, too! rofl
William Shatner said on 15/Oct/06
Hello, my name is William Shatner and I am 5 feet 10 inches tall.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
In the early 90s he appeared 5-10 to lifts I guess.2001 he was 5-8.
Linda said on 9/Sep/06
I love the 'net. A whole site devoted to the height of celebrities. We ALL need to step away from the keyboard! Saying that, there is a commercial here in the UK for cereal. Shatner is in a police line-up and the height indication lines have him at 6". Hmmm. I wonder who insisted on that. I saw him at a theatre party in Toronto once, the guy's, like, 5'7". I towered over him at 5'10"

Editor Rob
but if I step away from the keyboard my bank balance doesn't increase!
sf said on 15/Aug/06
Heck - I think he comes off as arrogant even today in most of his interviews. Just seems to be kind of full of himself. I've never read anything good about the guy, really. His old Star Trek castmates mostly hated him.
Brad said on 10/Aug/06
Kirk did him in after '69. Crucified his casting calls much like Adam West who is a fine actor too. He got madder each decade.
Brad said on 9/Aug/06
5' 8" when I met him. Not a nice guy. He lightens up if you say his work in T.J. Hooker was good and not mention Star Trek. Great sense of humour though. "Romano is chasing girls, he's not here, he's chasing girls"...then a raised eyebrows look with his pupils buried to the top his eyes. I almost died laughing.
dingdong said on 6/Aug/06
yea looking at him with micheal j. fox being 5'4 shatner really does look about 5'7
Rick Allen said on 27/Jul/06
5'6 to 5'7 (yeah, 5'9 to 5'10 with lifts)
Dave said on 19/Jul/06
I met Shatner on the graham Norton Show, he is 5'7' as im 6ft its easy to judge when you are chatting to him. Oh and hes as arrogant as everyone says, spoiled my hero image of him! I was with him before he went on and he was as nervous as hell.
Glenn said on 21/Jun/06
You know,I kind of remember that episode from 25 years ago.
Parker said on 21/Jun/06
THe Columbo episode appears to be on virtually every week in the UK. In my opinion, Shatner always appeared to have at least 2 inches on Falk with or without his 'lifts' as per storyline. Unlike Robert Conrad, who looked about the same height as Falk in the Columbo episode he appeared in. I'd say Falk was around 5'6, but has absolutely awful posture - may be 5'7 if he stood up straight.
Glenn said on 21/Jun/06
Plummer did a play here for a week.didnt have time to they share rugs too?
Frank2 said on 20/Jun/06
Plummer is about 5'8". He wore huge lifts in The Sound of Music as well as The Fall of the Roman Empire. He also wears a rug.
Glenn said on 20/Jun/06
How tall is Plummer? I wish I had that Columbo episode.wait,how tall is Falk?
guyfrommars said on 19/Jun/06
In the old episode of Columbo he plays a short actor wearing elevator shoes. When he takes the shoes off he looks not an inch taller than Peter Falk. On the other hand Christopher Plummer says in an interview on the Star Trek VI DVD that he and Shatner were almost the same size so Shatner could wear his clothes when he stood in for him once in Henry IV (or V?? i don't remember that... :-))
This man could be 5'6" as well as 5'9". In Star Trek he was between 5'11" and 6' wearing 3" lifts. My guess that he is most possibly 5'8".
deanna said on 18/Jun/06
Last year (Fall, 2005) my brother & I met Bill Shatner. I'm just under 5'7" & my brother is a tat under 5'9". Of all the things to talk about, my brother & Shatner got talking about shoes; they had on almost the same sneakers. At some point, both men took off their shoes to compare I don't know what, lol. Anyway, I'd say, from my vantage point of about 2-3 feet away that my brother & Shatner were the same height in their socks, so unless Shatner had on "magic" socks....
By the way, Mr. Shatner could not have been a nicer, down-to-earth person. He was polite, friendly & had a great sense of humor (qualities much more important than one's height I might add).
Glenn said on 15/May/06
Yeah,but he shot up to a possible 5-9 and shrunk down to 5-8 in the last 10 years.
albert said on 14/May/06
At a party over the weekend - I just met a woman who's mother went to school with Shatner in Canada when he was in school. She said everyone teased this short little kid because he wanted to be an actor. Kids 5'10" or 5'8" aren't teased. Kids 5'6" are. He was a short Jewish kid that wanted to be an actor. He did and made millions!
Glenn said on 4/May/06
Nimoy was mean to my friends for years.nothing to do with touching him.
TJ said on 3/May/06
I think Tony went nuts years ago Frank :-) Man, that's a terrible wig though. At least Shatner's recent wig on Boston Legal looks believable. Tony should take a leaf out of his book.
Frank2 said on 30/Apr/06
I understand Tony rents it out space under it to visiting black widow spiders. Remember the famous old tale that Truman Capote liked to tell Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show about a woman who never washed her hair, but instead kept it sprayed down on her head? It seems she kept getting sicker and sicker and finally doctors discovered she had a nest of black widows living in her hair that were occasionally biting her scalp! I never bought that tall tale, but Truman got a kick out of telling it.
If you think Tony's rug looks awful, you should see the tacky outfits he wears and especially the shoes. I sometimes wonder if celebs have a brain under their toupees.
sf said on 30/Apr/06
Just weighing in, but I gotta agree Tony Curtis' rug is pretty bad.
Frank2 said on 29/Apr/06
You mean this one?:
Click HereReminds me of this one:
Click HereOr another photo of the same dimwit former politician:
Click HereI understand the prison that Traficant is serving his time in doesn't allow dead animals to be worn as hairpieces.
Glenn said on 29/Apr/06
Well,who has the worst? I say that dead silver fox on Tony Curtis head that gives him 3 inches.
Mikex said on 29/Apr/06
With the Nimoy thing Glenn some people are uncomfortable with being touched so maybe he walked off because you put your arm around him. Doesn't necessarily mean he's unpleasant.
Elio said on 29/Apr/06
'Celebrugs' is a great idea.
Maybe instead of a height listing (and peak height) you could have a 'Norwood Scale' value for each celeb.

Editor Rob
what a bad wig = 10, good wig = 1 and people can vote etc on the scale of 'wigality'?
hmm, more likely to get some 'stick' on a site like that, and you'd need to arrange some deal with a few agencies to try to get use of pics on the cheap
Glenn said on 28/Apr/06
You forgot the silver fox! ready to start the celebrugs with me Frank!
Frank2 said on 28/Apr/06
Lets see.....along with Shatner we'd list Gary Cooper, Edward G. Robinson, Humphrey Bogart, George Raft, Preston Foster, Brian Donlevy, Paul Lukas, Charles Boyer, Burt Reynolds, Billy Zane,
Jude Law, Lorne Greene, Robert Montgomery, William Powell, Robert Douglas, Alec Guinness, Anthony Quinn, Robert Armstrong, John Astin, Alan Ladd, Robert Duvall, Lee J. Cobb, Basil Rathbone, José Ferrer, Warren Stevens, Donald Crisp, Barry Sullivan, Edward Arnold, Lionel Atwill, Akim Tamiroff, Dean Jagger, Stephen McNally, Ricardo Montalban, and on and on and on...
Oh, and as far as women go, Ida Lupino suffered from alopecia and had to wear full wigs as well as glued-on eyebrows and eyelashes. Most actresses wore wigs since it was easier for them to play a specific role calling for a certain length of hair, style and color. Hitchcock had most of his leading women wear wigs and blonde ones at that. Tippi Hedren told me she had to have this complete blonde wig attached for her roles in both Marnie and The Birds. Tippi has a nice full head of blonde hair of her own, but it didn't suit Hitch since he wanted her to have a much lower hairline. Hitch had a particular vision of how he wanted his leading ladies to look which many believe was to resemble Grace Kelly. But in films Grace did for Hitch she also wore wigs!
Danny said on 27/Apr/06
Are you counting the extra inches of his toupee as well?

Editor Rob, maybe I'll do an offshoot site...toupee or not toupee...frank2 would love such a site!
MHouillon said on 19/Apr/06
Current Height 172-173cm,
WAS 175cm in his heydays
Glenn said on 1/Apr/06
But you met alot of sweet ones too Frank? I always could tell Mcqueen was a gentleman.
Frank2 said on 1/Apr/06
Yes, Glenn, I've unfortunately know a lot of jerks in the biz. Many of today's so called stars are unpleasant, not particularly bright, clueless wastes of skin.
Glenn said on 1/Apr/06
Yes,he wears lifts.yes,he needs love my carpet cleaner on his rug,and yes I HAVE seen him look 5-10 as well ! and yes,5-8 in sneakers,shorts,sans lifts.5-6 to 5-10 is possible,but not easy.
Glenn said on 1/Apr/06
I said that cause he has been mean to me and my friends many times.what about you? any jerkoff encounters?
Frank2 said on 31/Mar/06
"Yeah,nimoy is a piece of garbage.I had my arms around nimoy and Deforest Kelly for a photo,and nimoys walks out the photo.thank god I have kelly."
Well, he wasn't exactly friendly when I met him, but he was polite. Your story reminds me of my former assistant at Fox who attended a screening of some film noir movie that starred Farley Granger. The actor turned up at the screening so my assistant took along a poster he had just purchased on ebay of a Granger film. When he appraoched Granger and inquired if he would sign his poster, Granger looked at him and said, "No, I don't think so." and walked away. Some actors are just plain jackasses.
RedBull said on 31/Mar/06
Hmm, everyone thinks 5ft8 eh?...
I remember a picture of him standing next to Candice Bergman and Sandra Bullock
They were wearing flats , If Sandra is 5ft7 then shatner seemed no taller, if not a half inch shorter than Sandra which would = Shatner 5'6.5"
The truth is all we can do is guess. the only way to REALLY know is to measure them yourself. Hmm... would Tom Cruise let me measure him? I doubt it,lol.
Drooperdoo said on 31/Mar/06
Glenn, re-read my comment below about Ben Stiller and Shatner in "Dodgeball". I said that Stiller--comfortable with himself--doesn't wear lifts. Everyone knows Shatner does. So if both men are 5'6'', Shatner--who wears lifts--appears 5'8'' in public. So I myself agree that he LOOKS 5'8''. But I--unlike you--think that the man lives in lifts. You're apparently under the delusion that he never wears them. (I have YET to see him in public without lifts or cowboy boots.) So that's just a difference of opinion: We BOTH agree he LOOKS 5'8''. You just give him more credit than I do. Perhaps you think his hair is real, too. Bwa-ha-ha-ha
Glenn said on 31/Mar/06
Yes,and then he sent the klingons after me!
sf said on 31/Mar/06
Glenn, did Nimoy give you the Vulcan Mind Meld?
Glenn said on 31/Mar/06
Really? I havnt seen an episode of Star Trek in 20 year.Im dying to see this now!
sf said on 30/Mar/06
Watch how Shatner always walks or runs in Star Trek, always kind of hunched over like he's trying not to fall over. Seriously.. I noticed before I ever knew he wore lifts.
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
Yeah,nimoy is a piece of garbage.I had my arms around nimoy and Deforest Kelly for a photo,and nimoys walks out the photo.thank god I have kelly.
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
We all agree shatner is 5-8.nimoy is close to 6-1 and mustve had superior footwear when I met him giving the illusion of the 6-3 I used to read.and Rob agrees at shatner looking close to 5-11 on STAR TREK.
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
Read what Rob says.I met nimoy,and to me he was at least 6-2.

Editor Rob
he still to me looked to have good posture in his later years...I was actually expecting him to have shrunk a bit. Shame he wasn't doing any photos though...
Drooperdoo said on 29/Mar/06
Glenn, on this site Leonard Nimoy is listed at 6'1'', not 6'3''. And, no, Shatner never looked 5'11''--not even on Star Trek. He looked like a stocky 5'9''. And guess what: The guy who made his lifts said he gave Shatner 3 extra inches. 9 minus 3 = 6. P.S.--I know you've met a lot of stars. But drop the 'tude. Just because you've met them doesn't mean you've seen them with their shoes off.

Editor Rob
I think Frank2 estimate Nimoy 183cm, I personally thought he still in 70's looked strong 6fter...
sf said on 29/Mar/06
Nimoy aint 6'3"!!!!!! But, I do believe Shatner's about 5'8"
Parker said on 29/Mar/06
I saw that Columbo episode and Shatner always looked taller than Falk to me with or without his lifts - 5'8 seems about right
Frank2 said on 29/Mar/06
By the way, Nimoy is not 6'3". Never was and never will be. He's a little over 6'. I met him back in 1991 and we spoke when he attended the music scoring session at Fox for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. He was only slightly taller than me. Shatner didn't show up, but I've seen him on other occasions and he's no more than 5'8". Now as old age sinks in along with packing on so many pounds I doubt he's now any more than 5'7". Watch the old 1961 film Judgement at Nuremberg. In it Shatner is shorter than 5'10" Richard Widmark and is about the same height as 5'8" Spencer Tracy. And back then Shatner didn't wear lifts.
Drooperdoo said on 28/Mar/06
Glenn, You've seen Shatner in bare feet? --Please tell us in what context. If you haven't seen him in actual bare-feet, how can you seriously claim that he's 5'8'' without his lifts? (P.S.--Shatner appeared in an old Colombo episode, and Peter Falk says that--without lifts--they're both 5'6''. With lifts, he's 2-3 inches taller than Falk.) I saw the episode, I saw both men. Falk is INDEED Shatner's height when Shatner's not wearing his built-up shoes. Is Falk 5'9'', too? Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
Shatner is 5-8 barefoot.Deforest in 1994 looked 5-10 to me in cowboy he shrunk.Rob-I never sent these pics?

Editor Rob
no, I'd never seen that one, got Shatner once?
Drooperdoo said on 28/Mar/06
TNTinCA, You said that Shatner was "clearly" taller than Ben Stiller in "Dodgeball". Of course, he was: Shatner wears lifts, Stiller doesn't. Without his lifts, he's 5'6''. With them, he's 5'8''-5'8''1/2.
TNTinCA said on 27/Mar/06
5'8" is accurate I think. He was clearly taller than Ben Stiller in Dodgeball.
ivan jones said on 2/Mar/06
they say deForest kelly was 5ft10 and on star trek william shatner was 5ft11 but on star trek deForest Kelly always looked taller than william shatner
BackStageJim said on 22/Feb/06
5'8 we were eye-to-eye talking backstage.
Anthony said on 15/Jan/06
I met William Shatner through a mutual friend. I stood directly in front of him and shook his hand. I am 5'8 almost bang on (a couple of hairs taller). I was wearing flats and Shatner was wearing runners. We were very close to the same height. I am a huge Shatner fan and paid extra close attention to this detail. Trust me, he is no more than 5'8 (in shoes)
deke said on 12/Jan/06
Check out the old "Columbo" episode and see Shatner next to Peter Falk, and tell me you still think he's as tall as 5'11". He's more like 5'8", since on that Columbo he was not significantly taller than Falk, which surprised the heck out of me.
Glenn said on 11/Jan/06
he's 5-8 in bare feet.
Jack said on 5/Jan/06
Shatner is 5'7". Just watch 3rd Rock from the Sun and he is dwarfed by the 6ft Kristen Johnson by at least 4 inches.
Shatner wears lifts on tv.
mstro said on 27/Nov/05
I am a Chiropractor, I saw Shatner at a chiropractic convention not more than a couple of feet away from me about 2 years ago. I am 5'7". He had on shoes that I can only describe as looking like bowling shoes, I found this in odd contrast to his suit. Of course, the bit he was shooting was done with him sitting down behind a desk so perhaps this was a comfort thing. I paid particular attention to his height and I'd say he was easily 5'9" and most likely 5'10". His shoes didn't appear to me like they would be supporting any lifts especially given the excess weight he was sporting, looked more like an orthopedic thing.
MHouillon said on 15/Oct/05
Okay, Mr. R : William Shatner is in fact not larger than 9 inches! He is just as big as a Yorkshire Terrier. But he makes us believe he is bigger than this.
Mr. R said on 13/Oct/05
I stand by my sighting. I saw him at the Osmosis Jones premiere, as he walked past me to his limo. I say he is between 5'6" and 5'7".
Viper652 said on 23/Sep/05
Mr R. says he is 5-6. I think he looks it now in pics and on TV.
Danjo said on 22/Sep/05
Say what you will, but unless he shrunk 3 inches in the past seventeen years, he's 5'9" tall. I didn't merelyt pass him in a hall somewhere, I worked with him for two weeks when he was wearing various shoes etc.
Parker said on 27/Aug/05
Just watched an episode of Columbo - not the older one, but 90's episode 'Butterfly in shades of Gray' Shatmer looks to have a min of 2 inches, max 3 inches on Peter Falk - his footwear 'looked' normal - I'd say 5'8 give or take a half inch
MHouillon said on 25/Jul/05
^Shatner wears lifts, ofcourse. But he's 5'8.5" though.
Mr. R said on 5/Jul/05
Shatner is about 5'6". I stood next to him at a premiere.
MHouillon said on 12/Jun/05
Bill Shatner is 5'8".
ducttape said on 20/May/05
I had lunch with him a couple weeks ago with a group of people who had nothing better to do but fly to LA to have lunch. I'm 5'4" and a half, and he's slightly taller than me, best guess 5'7". The hat didn't help. Nice guy.
Mr. R said on 3/May/05
Sorry Bob, I saw Mr. Shatner in the flesh, and I stand by my 5'6" report. I actually think that in his old age, he is not wearing the elevators anymore.
bob said on 2/May/05
shatner might have elevator shoes but he is taller than 5'6" or 5'7". He's about 5'10" with shoes, now of course.also remember that he's older and doesnt have the best posture.
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/05
Oh well, sue me Mr. Shatner! Oh, but wait. Is that the sound of the shortened height chart I hear? Oh, and could it be the return of the gigantic elevator shoes? Take that you height scoffers!
Mr. R said on 19/Mar/05
Okay, I've got to know - what is a crude height lister? I only give heights on people that I have met in the flesh. I am 5'11.5 on the button, and I estimate from a comparison to my height. I truly do not try to shrimp these folks for my own benefit. I have been sending my observations to the celebrity heights editor for awhile, and he often disputes my claims, based upon snapshots. However, on several occassions, he has come around to my observations. A good example is Shatner. I agree that onscreen he seems much taller. When I reported my observations to our editor last year, he seemed surprised when I reported Shatner as 5'6". But now that we have James Spader to compare him with, who we know to be about 5'9", and my estimate does not seem that far off.
Mysterio said on 19/Mar/05
He definately crosses me as the type of guy who would wear lifts...I think Bill's ego is definately much bigger than his 5'7" tops height. 5'6"-5'7", but no taller! I can definately believe Mr. R's (a VERY crude height lister) account that Shatner is no taller than 5'6", and given the fact that Shatner's ego is SO big I would agree that he should be listed at 5'6". Maybe at this peak he was 5'7", but now he is probably at 5'6".
Mr. R said on 19/Mar/05
Nope, Shatner is not above 5'6".
John said on 19/Mar/05
Shatner is about 5'8" tall. I stood next to him at a Star Trek Convention in Toronto.
Drooperdoo said on 12/Mar/05
Shatner is only about 5'6''. There is even an episode of "Columbo" where Shatner stars as a killer. The key to the case is the killer's height. To Shatner's credit, he allowed himself be portrayed as a short actor who wore lifts. As it turned out the angle of the gun-shot assigned the killer's height to about that of Columbo [5'6'']--and Shatner, without lifts, was indeed Columbo's height. [P.S., the Hollywood cliche is that actors "take two years off their age and add two inches to their height." --So even your report that Leonard Nemoy is 6'1'' is a publicist's fabrication. He's really about 5'11''.]
Mr R said on 14/Feb/05
He walked past me at the Osmosis Jones premiere, and he is not a shade over 5'6".