Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 31/Jul/22
@Christian there are probably about as many 5'2" guys as guys your height
Toby Barrett said on 13/Nov/21
@nik i live in uk and i have seen ao many 5 foot 2 men
Vova said on 21/Apr/21
Peak: 157 cm
Current: 153 cm
Nik said on 14/Feb/19
A lot of people would be surprised to know how many men are 5'2" in the UK.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Feb/19
So have I, which makes sense because 5'2" is only 7 inches below average for US and UK, while 6'8" is 11 inches above.
Sulu2019plus said on 12/Feb/19
Is 5 feet 2 inches as common as 6 feet 8 inches for American adult males?

Editor Rob
I can't speak for America, but in the UK, I believe I have seen far more 5ft 2 men than 6ft 7 or 8 in public.
ToB said on 2/Apr/18
Just met him out and about, and he's tiny. I had to lean during our photo, and that's why I googled his height. But the 5'2" listed here is ridiculous. He might have been 5'2" or 5'3" while hunched over, but when he straightened up for the photo, he was certainly above my chin & I'm 5'11" in the shoes I was wearing, so he has to be a legit 5'4" or maybe even 5'5". He was wearing very ordinary, flat shoes.
You can also see this in a photo on google where he's way too tall against Eathan Hawke to be 5'2"
P.S. this is anonymous, so I have no reason to lie about my own height here
Morris said on 5/Aug/17
150-155cm barefoot
Mike said on 30/May/17
He seems so tiny, he's in the same boat as Danny Devito is. Jeez!
Marc said on 23/Feb/17
5 foot 2? Inconceivable!
Sam said on 30/Dec/14
Looked at least three inches shorter than Woody Allen in Manhattan, I'd say this is roughly accurate.
Richard III Crouchback said on 15/Mar/14
Looked taller, at least 160-165, in My Dinner With Andre.
Parker said on 12/Dec/10
Tony Greene says on 11/Dec/10
Then why does he say he's 5-5 in a 1964 newspaper article?
Don't know - What I do know is he was shorter than Dudley Moore in the film 'Lovesick'
jf said on 28/May/09
wow, is wallace shawn really this tiny? I would credit him with 5'4" but really when you are that short, what's the difference? It's like going from 2nd percentile to 3rd.
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
I love this guy he is so funny! I always thought he was 5'4" or so .I guess it's because you don't see many guys that short. Good actor though.