mande2013 said on 2/Mar/17
Chairman Mao was also on the tall side.
mande2013 said on 2/Mar/17
@James It seems most "Napoleonic" personalities tend to either be short or are ironically enough, well above average height: Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Erdogan, Trump, all quite tall.
James said on 16/Feb/17
Why are most unelected dictators so short?
Ice said on 14/Feb/17
169 cm now ? Rob , thats pretty brave of you 😂
Sharona said on 9/Feb/17
trump thinks he is the "biggest" "smartest" man in the room. I use a small "t" when referring to him because us is little.. little man. As far as being "smartest" - must be a low bar he uses.........
Vladimir said on 2/Feb/17
Someone I know who is 5'5" met him in person. He said Putin was about an inch taller in similar footwear. I'd say 5'6"-5'6.25".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Jan/17
Rob, how likely is 5ft5 range?

Editor Rob
Rampage, it just seems highly unlikely.
Importer said on 23/Jan/17
Dafuq, Rob can speak Russian? 😲

Editor Rob
I am a Scot by Day, and Russian agent by night 🤔 😼 🤝 💼
Headman said on 12/Jan/17
What size would his head be, Rob?

Editor Rob
not that big, maybe roughly 9 inch
Bou said on 1/Jan/17
I dunno. He looks quite short in every picture from every angle. A true 5'6" with strong footwear.
Curious said on 30/Dec/16
Rob, how tall is the Turkish president Erdogan? Here's a picture of him and Putin
Click Here

Editor Rob
Erdogan can look a comfortable six footer.
andre said on 29/Dec/16
5ft5.5 looks legit barefoot at night
Lina said on 18/Dec/16
Rob what do you think of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte? He's near at President Vladimir Putin height. Thanks

Editor Rob
big Rodrigo looks around 5ft 6...but he's older than Putin and looks like a man who was taller 20 years ago.
James said on 17/Dec/16
Putin is 5'6". Like most unelected dictators he is a short man.
DJT said on 16/Dec/16
5'10.5". Maybe a bit more out of bed. Good, solid height.

Editor Rob
Операция РЕАЛ ВЫСОТА начнется 1-го января 2017 года. 🕵
Раскрытие реальной и истинной высоты товарища Путина будет шокировать его ненавистников, которые усыпили в ложное чувство важности 💪
barry said on 13/Dec/16
Dictators tend to be little people, if not always physically, at least mentally. Just ask "rediculous" Trump, who by the way wears shoe lifts.

Editor Rob
Trump is actually a bit of a heightist.
Loves to call people little as an insult.
So for me, he gives a short impression, about five foot in my mind.
Puma said on 29/Nov/16
What do you think of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan?I think, Mr. Erdogan is near 6 feet 1, Rob?

Editor Rob
Puma, I'm not so familiar with him, but he could be near 6ft 1 yes.
qbert said on 24/Nov/16
so is he 5'6.25 now?
RON NELSON said on 18/Nov/16
5'6 more like 10 feet tall credit to Putin annexing the USA into Russian union with election d. trump
Finn said on 17/Nov/16
Rob how tall is the president of Finland Sauli Niinist� He's listed at 177 cm on Google. How accurate is that? Here's him with Putin
Click Here Click Here

Editor Rob
Finn, it seems reasonable to say he is over 5ft 9, near 10.
Powerhouse said on 17/Nov/16
I agree with this downgrade, i've been saying he was a 5'6.5 guy for a long time.
SammySmith said on 16/Nov/16
He's that short??? I never knew.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Nov/16
Seems a good shout.
Peter175 said on 15/Nov/16
I was quite certain Putin never saw 5ft7 in his life except in the morning but 5ft6.5 is absolutely correct. Oddly enough though, Google Putin young and you'll see plenty of black and white photos where he looks completely of medium-average height. Which I suspect could be attributed to younger people being taller (so he appears shorter relative to the gen population) or he shrunk from his earlier days. either way, putin is a 5ft6-7 guy, not a 5ft7-8 guy
Pitch_Fork said on 14/Nov/16
Hell yeah, downgrade!
slothee said on 13/Nov/16
He definitely needs a downgrade! The consensus is he's about 5'6.2"...I'd downgrade him to 5'6.5" really.

Editor Rob
5ft 6.5 is probably a quite realistic figure for him, although whether he has lost half inch or not is debatable.
I'd think a fit and robust guy like Putin wouldn't have shrunk much at all.
John Dafoe said on 12/Nov/16
Putin is 5'6'". I am 5'5" and was stood right next to him. He was an inch taller than me. I had normal formal footwear on, and his looked normal too.
VeryShortRussianDude said on 12/Nov/16
I'm not going as low as some are going, but I have no doubt Putin is shorter 5'7 today, and maybe even at peak could have been.
he can look anywhere from 5'6 - 5'6.5 at absolute most.
I would say 5'6.25 is the fairest estimate today, 5'6.5 could be argued but it's the most I would argue today.
heelshealheight said on 2/Nov/16
Putin is noticeably shorter than Tsipras (Alexis Tsipras is 5ft6max-shoes included) and also a bit shorter than Merkel (claimed to be 5ft4-5ft5). I agree with the above-mentioned 5ft2 newspaper claim, though.. (ok, I'll be 'charitable' and add an inch or two..;-)))
Peter175 said on 24/Oct/16
I'd say 169 is perfect for putin
Flyin said on 22/Oct/16
With a little more weight on now could he have dropped half an inch?. Looks slightly less rangey now.
Ellie said on 22/Oct/16
I'm only 5'3, so most men are taller than me and I don't see why it's such an issue for so many people. Putin seems incredibly intelligent and runs a nation. Who cares how talk he is?
Damian said on 11/Oct/16
Don't be ridiculous, people. 170 cm is not THAT bad.
mr march said on 1/Oct/16
real height i think or less..
Max said on 30/Sep/16
Yep, short man
Chuck said on 31/Jul/16
That explains a lot!
Jason said on 28/Jul/16
Go to Russian high school and see yourself. I have no obligation to explain it. The average of Russians are 177, this is for whole country. But many schools/colleges have higher standard,
andre said on 8/Jun/16
5ft5.5 is his height rob
truth said on 3/Jun/16
@Jason Highly doubt that bro, average for Russia was measured 177 cm or about 5'10 for young white Russians just recently a few years back. This kind of height
trolling really does piss me off.
Finn said on 22/Mar/16
Seems to be 5'5" even with shortish finnish President Niinistö witch is 5'7 - 5'8. You can see when he uses lifts and is almost as tall as Niinistö. Last time now he was noticeable shorter again.
Jug said on 12/Mar/16
I think closer to 5'4, maybe 5'5. No way 5'7, come on.
5ft 9.25 said on 9/Mar/16
5ft 5 and a "big" elevator fan. That sentence made me smile :)
1.90 cm guyyy said on 27/Feb/16
How tall is Turkish president erdoğan
Click Here

Editor Rob
could look 5ft 11 there.
Jason said on 6/Feb/16
@CoCo If you are only 5'11.5, and the average young Russian male is 5'10. I don't think you are" pretty much much above the average"
Jason said on 6/Feb/16
@hamsgawd You should know that most younger generation tend to be taller than old ones in most countries all of the world, not only Russia and China.
Jason said on 6/Feb/16
@CoCo, Depend on different group. I have a Russian friend graduated high school last year, He is 182 cm without shoes, but he was the third shortest guy in his class at school. There were 25 male students in it.
grizz said on 1/Feb/16
Why people have a disfigured perception of tall and short men?
For tall men, like The Rock, people constantly put his at 6'4 or 6'5 mark, even though he's nothing more than a solid 6'2 guy.
For short men, like Putin or Cruise, they constantly put them at 5'4 or 5'5, even though they are 5'7-5'8.
CoCo said on 12/Jan/16
Well, I`m 5`11.5 17 years old Russian guy and feel pretty much much above the average, which is like 5`10 among the youngsters here, and about 5`9 for older generation. Also, you`re right, there are many people above 6`3 here as I see them on a daily basis, but 6`7? It`s not that uncommon, but still, you can meet random man with this height in the street as well. Overall, I don`t think about my country as tall, but very average, like many other european countries
MD said on 12/Jan/16
That's why we do things by averages. The averages don't show Russia to be a particularly tall country.
centerguy said on 9/Jan/16
Like someone mentioned in the post, Russia is huge country, which has many tall people and short people. As far as I know, Russians are tall people, there are many guys are over 190 cm+, 2 meter is not uncommon height there. Of course, there are also many short people around 160 cm live in the country.
Lmeister said on 7/Dec/15
Putin is a weird one. He has a built of a 5ft7-5ft8 man and Dmitry Medvedev has a built of a 5ft4-5ft5 man. While in training gear they look similar in height. We know that both are using lifts/thick shoes in formal events. I doubt that Vladimir is taller than 5ft5-5ft6. He could have been 5ft6-5ft7 in his youth.
In this training pic Dmitry looks taller than Vladimir, but he is wearing Nike Airmax and has a better posture.
Click Here
Tunman said on 4/Dec/15
Rob,how tall is the Egyptian president Al-sissi?I thought a solid 5'8 maybe 5'8.5?

Editor Rob
I doubt he's as tall as 5ft 8
Jame said on 30/Nov/15
Assas's height is 6 ft 2.5 inc
Rozhan said on 29/Nov/15
Why are ppl saying that he is SOOO SHORT... He isn't that short omg chill
ShortRussianDude said on 24/Nov/15
I can't See 5'5 myself he looks pretty much the exact same height as the Indian PM Their would be a fraction in it at most the Indian PM Looked 1 inch shorter than mark zuckerberg meaning that Vladimir is still a legit 5'6 - 5'6.5.
Rob could you really see Vlad being under 5'6 in your opinion ?
heelshealheight said on 24/Nov/15
Both are very short men with an extremely 'tall' Net Worth each. Needless to say about their power and influence..
Powerhouse said on 24/Nov/15
The most powerful leader in the world right now in my opinion and one of the richest men in the world, he has a presence of a big man. Even when next to world leaders 6'1+ he is clearly getting towered but he still has much more presence by the way he carries himself.
Finn said on 24/Nov/15
Rifle I would say Indian PM is a hair taller. Putin strong 5'5".
Rifle said on 16/Nov/15
Who is taller, Putin or the Indian PM in this pic?
Click Here
Andred said on 21/Oct/15
Beside Obama, he looks exactly as my 5'6 girlfriend beside me (I'm 6'2.25). 5'5.
george ward said on 20/Oct/15
Putin and Medvedev are both around 5'3" tall. When both of them are not wearing shoe or heel lifts, Medvedev is slightly taller.
Rifle said on 9/Oct/15
How tall do you think Assad of Syria is in this pic with Putin (Photo from 2009)
Click Here

Editor Rob
he could look 6ft 2-3 range
MD said on 29/Sep/15
Obama could nearly rest his chin on the top of Putin's head:
Click Here
Click Here
Obama's even leaning and has an angle disadvantage in these shots. This is not the difference between 6'1" and 5'7".

Editor Rob
he can look at most 5ft 6.5 today, at 60 it's possible he's lost a fraction.
Elevator shoes said on 4/Sep/15
Putin was just excersise with Medvedev both using jogging shoes ( most likely without elevation). Putin looked shorter on pics than medvedev. So he is max 165cm, even 162cm is possible.
ShortRussianDude said on 30/Aug/15
Click Here
Vladimir is looking shorter than medvedev here I am still not going inside the realms of craziness with 5 ft 3 but don't you think somewhere around 5 ft 6 might be possible rob ? maybe 5 ft 7 peak possibly ?
Also vlad does a bit of Judo could being thrown on your back make you lose a bit of height or would is it inconsequential

Editor Rob
he can look about 5ft 6.5 range now, it is possible at 62 to have dropped a fraction.
ShortRussianDude said on 18/Aug/15
LOL Come on Artur estimations and opinions are fine but 5 ft 2 - 5 ft 3 is just Laughable ! his on the short side yes but not even remotely THAT Short.
5 ft 6 - 5 ft 7 168cm - 170cm
could be anywhere in that range IMO
Artur said on 15/Aug/15
Back in 1999 when he was Prime Minister for the first time, I stood very close to him. I'm 5 foot 9 and I looked down at the top of his head without difficulty. He's no more than 5 foot 3, and more like my sister's height, about 5 foot 2. Since he became president (again, the first time) his image has been built up by the Russian press, which is why so many Russians here can't believe he's less than about 9 feet tall. But he is a shorty.
M said on 12/Aug/15
The same height like Sarkozy 1.65m :)
MD said on 28/Jul/15
Wow, those are some ridiculous shoes. lol
JohnnySmall said on 25/Jul/15
Click Here
Medvedev and his elevators. Sly is jealous.
Finn said on 2/Jul/15
Putin looked like 5'5" and a half (166cm) with president Sauli Niinistö.
mande2013 you shoould come to finland and say 5'7 is pushing average in here, well no way :)
mande2013 said on 1/Jul/15
Well let's settle it:
Putin-5'6 (don't think he's 5'7 but 5'5 may be too low)
mande2013 said on 29/Jun/15
Why is 5'7 considered a 'short' height if so many legit 5'7-ers have a knack for giving the impression of pushing average rather than being 'short dudes'?
spainmen191cm said on 3/Jun/15
Rob, how tall is Sarkozy? He is the more insecure guy with his height I have ever seen!
Click Here
Click Here
MD said on 1/Jun/15
Were he as tall as Putin, you sure as heck better believe he'd have been listed taller than he is, even in friendly local press.
FlameBoy said on 27/May/15
5 ft 3 is Absurd he is 5 ft 6 - 5ft 7 anything below or above that i think is Highly Unlikely.
also question rob looking at pictures with medvedev putin looks around the same height in almost all of them so i am taking the 5 ft 4 listing is not accurate ? more around 5 ft 6 for medvedev maybe ?

Editor Rob
you only have to look at putin with guys like obama/cameron. I think some media would like him to be 5ft 5-6 range. I'm sure medvedev is a bit taller than guys like berlusconi and sarkozy
MD said on 26/May/15
How in the world is he still listed at a barefoot 5'7"?! At this height, he could pull off looking average or just below in the right footwear. This guy ALWAYS looks easily below average.
M said on 25/May/15
A. Merkel is taller then Putin and Sarkozy :), I would say Putin is strong 5'5" and Merkel is 5'6".
diavolo said on 10/May/15
He looked 5'5" next to 5'7" Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister. Orbán is often ridiculed because of his height, and yet he was taller than Putin.
Jim said on 10/May/15
Forget his height...what's his shoe size? That's more likely the root of his insecurity.
Ramzan K said on 30/Apr/15
Putin is about 5 foot 3. I have stood near him. I'm 5 foot 9 and I looked down at the top of his head without difficulty. Anyone who claims he is 5 foot 7 is either really bad at judging height or (more likely) a Kremlin shill trying to make up for VVP's deficient height.
diavolo said on 28/Apr/15
Putin is 5'6" maximum. Possibly a tad shorter. He looks this height next to everyone he ever posed with.
Viktor said on 16/Mar/15
Brad: I suspect he wear lifts sometimes.
Brad said on 1/Mar/15
I'd put him at 5' 8" after this week.
just because said on 22/Feb/15
valuv and putin
Click Here
Steve said on 11/Feb/15
Putin was a good five inches shorter than George W. Bush. If Bush is truly 5'11" then Putin is 5'6".
Finn said on 16/Dec/14
I think he can use some lifts sometimes?
Lizardman said on 17/Oct/14
170 is a joke guys. Putin is max 165 as you can see when you compare him to short Medvedev who's like 162. Putin wears lifts and with those he barely reaches his 170.
Lebensdorf said on 15/Oct/14
About 5'6 I think at the most. Not 5'7 standing next to Obama.
Tim 181 said on 1/Oct/14
I think he is a weak 5'7
Micke said on 19/Aug/14
Rob is there a chance he might be more 5'6.5"? I mean he's known to wear lifts and he's 61 years old
avi said on 18/Aug/14
Guys he's not a legit 5'7 . 5'6 flat is better
Look at him next to Bush solid 5 inches and Bush is possibly 5'10.5
Billy said on 9/Aug/14
168-169 cm
John86 said on 2/Aug/14
Looks my height, (5'7.25" evening height) and it's nice to see someone of our size making it to the top, regardless of his character.
fsd said on 28/Jul/14
hes 5'5 ft 5'7 is a joke
Growtallerguru said on 27/Jul/14
Definitely 5'6" to 5'7" maybe wears thick shoes. Fact: he hand picked short workers to stand behind him onstage at a speech to make himself look taller
afkam99 said on 3/Jul/14
he is quite short. he might be 5'6 but he is really very charismatic leader
Iron255 said on 2/Jul/14
@Adianio Obviously someone's going to round a bit when comparing human height to whale length ...
Yeah said on 7/Jun/14
This is a little bit confusing: Putin looks 5'5" to 5'6" with 6'1" Barack Obama. Then He looks about same height as Medvedev who can't be as short as 5'4". Putin also looks same height with Francois Hollande who is listed 5'7". Hollande still looks a bit shorter than 5'7".
Makes me wonder is Obama full 6'1"? Maybe a hair shorter? Or then he's not always standing straight..
Adianio said on 4/Jun/14
Iron255,they did mention about adult male height in the USA claiming 6'0 comparing to an adult 80 foot whale.I mean't for the younger age people from 20-35 because people shrink in the 40's.
Naima said on 23/May/14
He 5'7 maybe 5'7.5!!!It many times compared with Russian celebrities at various Russian sites and that is exactly) I'm sorry for the mistakes)Medvedev- 168 cm not 163 it's lie
milo said on 22/May/14
5'5" the most
Vitaly said on 22/May/14
Ok, Dmitry Medvedev is definitely 5 ft 5 MAX but nothing over that. I'm sure of this.
Putin looks two inches taller which would make him as listed here (5ft 7)
Arch Stanton said on 22/May/14
@rob, I'm not sure. In some photos Medvedev can look a few inches taller than at other times, I think he might be a lift wearer. In some photos he looks as tall if not a bit taller than Putin but in others he looks noticeably shorter. Still I think 5 ft 4 is exaggerated, but 5 ft 5 range is possible if he wears lifts.
Ulysses 5'9 said on 21/May/14
Putin is a classic case of little man syndrome.
MD said on 29/Apr/14
I can't be 100% sure, but I don't think it was just unfriendly media that had him (Medvedev) listed as being 5'4", I think it was also some domestic media. I guess I'd have to see him lined up with other worlds leaders, but I do not think he is 5'6".

Editor Rob
I think once a height is out there in some outlets, it can just get copied. He is taller than someone like berlusconi, who of course exaggarated a bit his own height.
MD said on 28/Apr/14
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was routinely listed as being 5'4" by both domestic and international media upon his initiatial rise to power. Do you think Putin is really 3" taller than Medvedev? I see a significantly smaller difference; in fact, I think they look about the same. And I think Putin's height is considerably boosted (and in a way Medvedev's never never was, oddly enough).

Editor Rob
absolutely no way is Dmitry that short.
who is putting out that propaganda :) Send em to Siberia!
iron255 said on 25/Apr/14
@Adiaino A biology class wouldn't tell you anything on this subject, but a statistics class would. In my statistics course, we've probably analyzed height distributions at least a dozen times now, and the data always pointed to 5'10" as being average male height in america.
RAwr said on 24/Apr/14
Lol the average height won't be 6'0 if you include people of all age ranges since the majority of people aged 65+ are significantly below 6'0. When you talk about 6'0 being the average height you're probably talking about younger generations since the majority of people aged 20-35 probably are around that height
176,2Tunman said on 16/Mar/14
Adiaino,just consider this:In US you have about 66%whites,13%blacks,15%hispanics and around 6%for the rest (Asians,Indians,Arabs...)
Average for Young whites:178,9*66=11807,4 blacks 178*13=2314 Hispanics 170,6*15=2559 and let's suppose 173,5*6=1041 for the rest since they enjoy good life standards.Add the totals and you will have 17721,4/100=177,214 so about 5'9.75.This obviously is an approximation on which I applied mathematics,LOL.You may still argue whether it could be closer to 5'9.5 or 5'10 but 6' is definitely excluded.
Adiaino said on 8/Mar/14
Issuetall,the average height of a male in USA is 6'0,not 5'9.Although you missed by 3 inches so no big deal.
176,2Tunman said on 2/Mar/14
Actually Hollande looks more 5'6 with 6'1 Obama but sometimes he seems dropping a little height,btw he was listed up to 174 on some sites,lol.
Putin looked even shorter than 5'6 with 5'9.5 Depardieu.5'5-6 is more plausible than 5'7 still he can manage to look close to some average persons with good shoes.5'5.5 is perhaps bang on.For sure he's small but I wouldn't call him very small.
Maoe said on 2/Mar/14
He don't seem to tower Medvedev at all who is 5'3 or 5'4. He looks less than 5'7. Maybe Putin was 5'7 in younger days.
Md said on 21/Feb/14
There is no way Hollande is 5'7".
176,2Tunman said on 18/Feb/14
He looked about the same than 5'7 Hollande but had very probably lifts.Hollande is a legit 5'7 since he was a little taller than 164-5 Sarkozy who is known for wearing heels.Question is how much lift advantage Putin had when he met Hollande.5'6 is more likely than 5'7
JAJ said on 12/Feb/14
I give Putin 5'5" to 5'5,5". I've heard that Medvedev would be only 5'4". It also stand in finnish newspapers.
MD said on 4/Feb/14
Upon his ascent to the presidency, Medvedev was routinely called 5'4" in the media, which is the top of the scale for him. Not sure if his height got boosted later, but I distinctly remember in media his height being made known as 5'4".
Alex said on 2/Feb/14
Not even buying 5'6. Check out his pics when standing next to Medvedev who himself is also fairly short. I will give a 5'5 to Putin. Medvedev no taller than 5'6.
PootyPoot said on 22/Jan/14
Before Putin became President, I stood right behind him in a crowd and I easily looked down on the top of his head. I'm 5 foot 8. There is NO way this guy is 5ft 7 - more like 5ft 3, max 5ft 4.
Aja said on 16/Jan/14
Looks a legit 5'7, he always looks taller than the 5'5 - 5'6 guys and when he sits down and his pants raise up his ankle it is always very close to the floor so no lifts. Rob you really should ban the female posters on here who try to gauge others height while wearing heels.
adrian said on 6/Jan/14
If he's saying he's 5'7 then he's very likely 5'5. A 5'9 240lb muscular/cardio guy versus a 6' 170lb fit guy, there's no comparison in likely fighting ability.
Sammie said on 23/Nov/13
met Putin in London, I am 5'7 & had on heels...he was much shorter.. I would say he is maybe 5'6..not taller than that..he is pretty hot though..
Sammie said on 23/Nov/13
Met him at dinner in London no way he is 5'7..more like 5'5.
I am 5'7 & wore heels..I was way taller..he is.kind of hot though..
simon said on 19/Sep/13
rob dont downgrade him or he will kill you lol

Editor Rob
I think that would be a bit extreme!
but, best be safe than sorry!
Chris said on 17/Sep/13
Lol @ Rob: Everyone on this site has a height complex. That's why we're here.
Size Matters said on 13/Sep/13
Size matters.
Speak softly and carry a BIG stick.
Shaw said on 4/Sep/13
Hey my husband was 5'6 and people knew better than mess with him. He was In our Army at 17. At 19 he was airborne with the 82nd . he went into special forces when he was in his thirties. He became a special forces trainer. He could beat Anyones booty, out fight, out run, he could do anything he took his guns apart cleaned them blindfolded himself and put the gun or guns back together. Height doesn't matter attitude and willpower and knowing what you want to do is what matters. Trust me don't duck with him or his for real. He was 5'6 but watch out I miss him he died at 66 on march 12, 2010 if you never met him you miss someone special.
biologist said on 2/Jul/13
Height as an adult is strongly correlated to nutrition as a child; yes, of course genetics has a significant role. On the other hand, growing bones need nutrition. If you get it before the growth plates fuse, then you have the opportunity to be taller.
TruthTeller said on 5/Jun/13
Actually the old Russian generation is not that tall, however the new one is extremely tall, for instance I know plenty of 6.9 to 7.4 guys. I myself am 6.7.
hamsgawd said on 8/Apr/13
I think Russians are usually regarded as tall because of the stereotype and the fad of all the Russian models in the fashion industry. I'm sure they have a wide range in height because of the large geography they inhabit. Like someone mentioned China has a wide range of heights too usually with the northern people taller than the southerners. But like Russia the younger generations in China tend to be taller, I think mainly because the generations that came up during the Communist era didn't get that much nutrition or a good standard of living. I don't think America should be a good example to compare with because countries like Russia or China are much more homogenous in ethnic and genetic variety. America is a hodgepodge of different ethnicities. Unless you mean to compare an Asian American's height with an African American or Puerto Rican. Or if you were just being ignorant and considering only 'white Americans' as Americans.
max said on 24/Mar/13
5'6'' is my guess, especially when you look at the pictures with gerhard schröder, former chancellor of germany, who is 5'8''. and putin doesnt seem much taller than medevdev, who is about 5'3 or 4.
issuetall said on 8/Jan/13
@the guy: Like I said, the standard of tall depends on everyone's personal experience. 5'9 is average height of USA, however, you cannot expect each cities and towns are 5'9 height. I have two American friends, one lives in California, the other lives Wisconsin, the former is 181cm, and he told me he is tall in high school, most of his classmates are shorter than him, but the later guy lives Wisconsin is 185cm, he told me that he is only average height when he was in high school, there are many guys are much taller than him, 6 of men in his Class is over 200cm! the tallest man in the school is over 220cm. You see, they are both American, but their experiences are not the same. So one thinks 181cm can be considered tall, the other feel 200cm is tall at least. Lilke I said, tall is different that depends on different person's experience.
issuetall said on 8/Jan/13
@Daniil, I can't agree anymore. The average height of all Russian men is not 6'1, but in some Russian high school, it is highly possible that the Russian youngest are almost over 185cm.
issuetall said on 8/Jan/13
@Cal. I agree with you. Russia is the biggest country in the world. West Russian are taller east Russian, and consider the young Russian men, they are much taller than their parents. Of course, all the Russian men are not 185cm of average height , but Russian male students from many high schools are mostly over 185cm, it's not exaggeration.
issuetall said on 8/Jan/13
@Random: northern Chinese youthes are taller than sounthern Chinese them, northern chinese youngest can't be consider short, but they are still not tall. Russian younger generation are taller than northern and southern chinese both.
issuetall said on 8/Jan/13
@the guy : Hey, man. Both USA and Russia are big countries. So there are so different average height among the differnet region. The average height is 5'9 in USA, that's right, however, that means all male. In some American high school, it is highly possible that the average height of American boys can reach 6'1. Yet, that depends on regions. As far as I know, for instance, Iowa and Mennisota are far too taller than California and New york ,etc.
Bolton said on 6/Jan/13
Looks more like 5ft 6 to 5ft 6 1/2 in pictures circulating today of him embracing Gerard Depardieu. Depardieu who is not an especially tall man and has bad posture towers over him
Ayzzz said on 23/Oct/12
He actually looks shorter than 5'7.. Don't mess with Putin
Cal said on 9/Oct/12
Younger Russians are much taller than the older generation. 18 year old women probably average about 168 - 172 cm and 18 year old men 180 - 183 cm. I have met Putin ina judo match in person (barefoot). Politics aside, I hate to dissapoint, but he is 170 cm. Medvedev is very short and wear 3 inch heels. He is about 162-163 cm.
Anshelm said on 27/Sep/12
With Sauli Niinistö (177 cm), President of Finland
Click Here
With Paavo Lipponen (194 cm), former Prime Minister of Finland
Click Here
Heights of both Finnish politicians self-reported to Helsingin Sanomat newspaper during the 2012 presidential campaign, figures consistent with previous reports.
valleyboy said on 19/Aug/12
I visited St Petersburg in March and I was astounded at how tall the women are.
Maria Sharpova, the tennis player, is 6ft even, but she would not be especially tall for a woman in St Petersburg. I think height in Russia is very regional. Recall that Peter the Great was 6'8"/203cm. When he visited Europe, he would pretend to be a corporal in the honor guard. I thought he be so obvious, but maybe not.
Regarding Putin, I met in St Petersburg a woman would had worked with Putin many times. She said she would tower over him if she wore tall heels. She was 4'11". So, if Putin were actually 5'7" then she wore 8 inch heels (or more).
Which is doubtful.
She estimated his height at 5'2-5'3".
Which as we all know has no real bearing on his skills, leadership, or qualifications any more than color of eyes or hair. I'm 6'1"(185cm) so this is
not some short guy defending other short guys. I've met idiots and geniuses of
all heights.
The discussion has been very interesting regarding the height of Russians. I have no opinion, just interested in the discussion. Thanks for all who contributed.
Ras said on 16/Aug/12
If Putin is 5'7 there's no way Felipe is over 6'4
Click Here
Andrey said on 5/Aug/12
2 Arkadiy. You just want to present Russian higher than they are because of ur own inferiority complex. And in fact, the average growth of men in Russia is equal to 173-175 cm. I'd rather not say anything about " many russian girls 180-185 cm without heel" cause this is just a complete lie.165-168 for girls
UkrainaLove98 said on 31/Jul/12
Putin is a dwarf because he is a merciless thug who rose to the top of Russia. He allowed two Russian women demanding women's rights in Moscow to be imprisoned for 7 years.
truth said on 6/Jun/12
In what world is 6'1 the average for a Russian man?
Arkadiy said on 6/Jun/12
Andrey, you should stop judging about height from your height and height of your friends...In Russia average men's height(include old men) is 183-185cm...Average height of russian yongsters is 187-190.
Andrey said on 31/Dec/11
Daniil ****in lies about "many russian girls 180-185 cm without heels". Typical russian man is 1773-75 cm height, girl 165-168.
avi said on 19/Dec/11
he is 5'5 probably
Maverick said on 19/Dec/11
kim jongs elevstors shoes seemed to be huge .. i wudnt be surprised if his shoes are more than 4 inches
jason said on 24/Oct/11
Does anyone know how tall Assad is? He is listed at 6ft2.5 (1m89) but judging by these photos next to Putin he looks taller than that.
Click HereClick Here
the guy said on 19/Oct/11
@Daniil. Do not exaggerate dude. How can be Russian young average height 6'3? 5'9 is the US average height where people get to eat more and have a better health system.
Max said on 11/Oct/11
Daniil, all you ****ing wrote it wrong.And yes, I'm from Russia too.
Alex said on 2/Oct/11
1961 I went to the RCAF, at 5'10(178 cm) I felt on the small side. Years later, I had chinese neighbor family. The father could not have been over 5 3(163 cm), the mother maybe 4 10(147 cm). The 2 sons, my hieght, 178 cm, the other, 175 cm.
Daniil said on 26/Sep/11
I am from Russia,Ufa and I am 26 years old. My height is 5,11 and I think I am short. The average height of middle-aged russian men is 6,1. The average height of russian young guys is 6,3. Putin is a very little man i think.
Kostas said on 27/Aug/11
@Issuetall: I am almost certain that you think you are 2-3 inches taller that you actually are...That's almost always the case with people who exaggerate when it comes to other people's heights...
@DG: Oh, is your IQ really 170? How did you figure it out? Did you score that high on some online IQ test? Way to go, dude. Maybe you should spend less time on here and more of it taking inaccurate IQ tests...
Jordan 1,78m said on 25/Aug/11
Not all Russians are tall due the country's ethnic diversity, but many Russian citizens, middle-aged and older have a high stature. It is remarkable that blond blue-eyed russians in general are the highest (except for Vladimir Putin), or the russians with light eyes and black hair. While the russians from other ethnic groups have a shorter stature (like the President Dmitri Medvedev).
Jordan 1,78m said on 25/Aug/11
The russian president Boris Yeltsin was a tall man.
In this video, at 26 seconds, the other men with Boris has the same height as him or are larger
Click Here
issuetall said on 8/Aug/11
Dmitry says on 4/Jul/11
Cheng, if Putin was 5'7 he wouldn't be (that) short. He's not. He's maybe 5'3, on a good day. Anywhere on this planet, 5'3 is short for a human male.
In my point of view, anyone is short when he was lower than 180cm.
issuetall said on 8/Aug/11
smg says on 16/May/11
russians are short, I'm from Poland and I'm only 185cm (6'1) tall and it's like the average height in Poland. I've been to Russia a few times and I was the tallest almost all the time.
btw. Click Here
Polish prime minister is 172cm tall, do you really think that Putin can be 170cm? there's just NO WAY.
En,the middle-age and old Russian people are quite short,that's right. But the youthes are so tall. I suggest that you can go into some high schools, there are lots of young guys are over 6'3 in there.
issuetall said on 8/Aug/11
Russian says on 2/Apr/11
I don't know where these discussions about "tall Russians" come from, I'm a Russian from Smolensk and the average height for males is about 165cm-170cm around here. Putin is about 155cm though.
That's a joke. Yeah, maybe one centain group russian is only 165cm-170cm, but they must be the Primary Students.The new generations are far taller in Russia.Like Truthman said, 20% young men are over 188cm in there.Do not discredit Russia.
andyes said on 2/Aug/11
well if smaller people have a height complex, it s probably because tall people like to brag about their height...on the other hand, that could be the reason many leaders are small...big guys are too occupied to contempt themselves
SOMEONE said on 2/Aug/11
Aleks Roma says on 16/Jun/11
If Putin is 5'7, which seems accurate, then he really is not that short. Maybe when you compare him to Westerners he is, but the average global height for a male is 5'5. By that standard I would consider 5'4 to 5'6 to be of 'normal' height. 5'7 to 5'9 is above average. And 5'10 and over is tall. Westerners have a distorted view of height. To them, 5'8 is short. To most other societies a person who is 5'8 is taller than most.
This is accurate. As an American and being short yet pull my weight in everything, not even taking breaks doing rigorous physically demanding work, and I see other humans fail, not because of height but from not having toughness, and this is no Napoleon garbage. Heightism is too real yet there really is nothing substantive in it and besides it's nothing that can be helped like obesity yet 2/3 of Americans are obese and they are allowed a pass in not even looking like humans. That's a travesty. Women take height as too big of a factor here and they hurt themselves and enable tallest men of being cheaters - for they haven't figured out their obsession of 2:1 ratio of what they think is worthy on, again, nothing substantive.
Phil said on 21/Jul/11
Dmitry Medvedev, the current President of the Russian Federation, is 5 foot 2.
truth said on 20/Jul/11
wtf...this guy is TINY...maybe 5ft4 I dunno....definately NOT 5ft7 NO WAY!
Dmitry said on 4/Jul/11
Cheng, if Putin was 5'7 he wouldn't be (that) short. He's not. He's maybe 5'3, on a good day. Anywhere on this planet, 5'3 is short for a human male.
Bob said on 29/Jun/11
I am an American who has travelled in many countries of Europe. The shortest people, on average, that I have encountered were in Portugal. I am about 5' 7" to 5' 8" and estimate myself to be slightly shorter than the American male average, slightly taller than most American women. When I was in Portugal almost everybody seemed to be shorter. It was unusual in that in a group of a couple dozen people I would be the tallest guy around, because that would never happen here in America.
Chris said on 16/Jun/11
Vladimir is of average height. The average Russian male is 5'7. Average height is 5'9 for a US male, 5'9.5 for UK male. And world average is 5'6. 5'11 in some places isn't tall. The Danaric Alps has an average height of 6'1 I believe and 5'11 is average in sweden.
Aleks Roma said on 16/Jun/11
If Putin is 5'7, which seems accurate, then he really is not that short. Maybe when you compare him to Westerners he is, but the average global height for a male is 5'5. By that standard I would consider 5'4 to 5'6 to be of 'normal' height. 5'7 to 5'9 is above average. And 5'10 and over is tall. Westerners have a distorted view of height. To them, 5'8 is short. To most other societies a person who is 5'8 is taller than most.
Rishabh Singh said on 14/Jun/11
Well for me 5'11" person is tall.Between 5'8" and 5'10",a person is of mediate height.As far as Putin is concerned,he is certainly short at 5'7".
Truthman said on 27/May/11
Average height at 5'8 is just LOL.
Leo said on 26/May/11
@ Truthman
Russians are not taller than Americans. The average American height is around 5'10. Russians stand at around 5'8 on average. Although, Americans are getting shorter because the traditionally tall white population is declining as a percentage of the country and the traditionally tall blacks are remaining quite stagnant. Meanwhile, the traditionally short Asians and Mestizo Hispanics are on the rise due to birth rates and immigration.
The tallest people in the world are Germanics (Dutch, Germans, Scandinavians), people of the Dinaric Alps, and the Masaii tribesmen of Kenya. All tend to be around 6 feet or taller.
Putin I would say is around 5'7. He looked about 3 inches shorter than Bush last I recall, who is about 5'10.
Vika said on 24/May/11
Average height for Russians is distorted by the fact that the people who grew up during the war and right after (like Putin actually) are short due to lack of nutrition in their childhoods. My husband's parents are 150 cm and 156 cm respectively, while my husband and his brother are 189 cm and 188 cm.
Klaus said on 20/May/11
Simple, just go to Russia and see with own eyes.
incognito said on 19/May/11
well im sorry i didnt mean to hurt your feelings but theres no need to call me a lier..why would i lie ? i just told what ive seen.. tell me .. which city are you from ? and what is 'tall' for you ? statistics say that average height of a russian man is 176 cm, a girl and im 172 so 176 is not much..
Klaus said on 18/May/11
Yeah, smg is a
troll. Russians are tall, except the asian descendants like the actual president.
Truthman said on 17/May/11
No way incognit. You're probably a lier, russian people especially a youngs guys a very tall.
smg says on 16/May/11
troll is fat, 6'1 is nowhere near short and i'm sure than you're never been in Russia.
smg said on 16/May/11
russians are short, I'm from Poland and I'm only 185cm (6'1) tall and it's like the average height in Poland. I've been to Russia a few times and I was the tallest almost all the time.
Click Here
Polish prime minister is 172cm tall, do you really think that Putin can be 170cm? there's just NO WAY.
incognito said on 15/May/11
well i dont know if anyone visits this page lately, but anyway... thruthman, are you serious? well i am from slovenia but i had been to russia and i imagine a russian man being quite small, well exept the soldiers ...
IvanD said on 3/Apr/11
It seems you kinda viking-phile LOL. Mate, they were 1000 years ago. Yes they were strong, terrifying and powerful. But since that time biggest success of "viking nations" was Kalmar Union and Karl XII, compare it with two biggest empires ever existed: British Empire and Russian Empire, not vikings by population. In my previous post i wrote about ethnic russians origins, they had some russified varangian rulers but that's not whole nation. Vikings of Volga river sounds weird to me LOL. Illmen russians IMO more correct. Btw southern Slavs (Dinaric) described like a tall people too, sometime much taller than scandinavians.
Russian said on 2/Apr/11
I don't know where these discussions about "tall Russians" come from, I'm a Russian from Smolensk and the average height for males is about 165cm-170cm around here. Putin is about 155cm though.
Klaus said on 31/Mar/11
But the Vikings are always described like a tall people, and the original russians were vikings of Volga River.
ROFL said on 25/Mar/11
people are getting taller. young people in general i mean. it's not just russia that has 6'7 people. i'm a college student in the US and there are several people that height. my parents were only like 5'4 (at max) and i am even 5'9" i even had bad sleeping habbits and such so i would imagine it's not uncommon to see 6'7+ in the world. the youth is getting taller.
IvanD said on 25/Mar/11
You guys made a big mess with term Russians, height ties to asians, term slavic and etc. First, there is difference between use term russians in the world and in Russia. USSR was formed from 15 countries. Each country logically have own name to their people (Russians, Ukranians, Georgeans, Armenians, Kazakhs and etc), however world still call all people from northern eurasia and eastern europe - russians. For example in USA about 3,5 million russians. Majority of them russian jews, next largest group - Ukrainians (about one million), and less than 800,000 out of them - russians themselves (ethnic russians). Ethnic russians make up about 80% (including three presidents Eltsin, Putin, Medvedev) out of modern Russia population. It was formed in early medieval. Group of Slavs moved since the 6th century from region Pomerania to the northeast of the Baltic Sea. where they established Novgorod, with the Finno-Ugric and Balts substratum they formed Kriviches and Ilmen Slavs - future ethnic russians. Genetical researches not found asian genes in russians. So mongols and other asian could not made russian height lower. However Russia have more than 100 other nationalities, many of them asian or have asian physical traits, and their height in general lower. Besides genetic, factors such poverty, prolonged warfare, environmental factors affect height. In medieval time height was lower than in ancient. Height of european troops born in the mid-19th century was: Russians 5'5'', germans 5'4'', Dutch 5'4'', English 5'5 1⁄4'', Sweden 5'6''. It's interesting how Dutch became tallest in europe. Their quality of life by the way one of the highest too. Men with height 5'6'' - 5'8'' could be found in ethnic russians a lot. Remember communist rule was really tough, plus world war II. Almost all russian students which i know by 2-3 inches taller their parents. It's also true that guys with height 6'3'' and higher became more usual. However i'd say currently average height for ethnic russians 5'9''-5'10''.
JD89 said on 21/Mar/11
"more 170cm when i went" according to a 2006 statistic among italians from 18-40 the average height is 176cm for men , 165 for women . the shortest are in Sardinia (172cm) the tallest in Friuli,Veneto ,Trentino( 180cm) ; the average height in Milano is 178cm and in Napoli is 173cm. I'm 22 and i am exactly 182.5 barefoot ( although i was measured a full 184cm barefoot in a gym ) and my cousin is 198cm, we are both 100% italians .
Berlusconi is only 165cm ( we call him in Italy the PSYCHO-DWARF) and he claim proudly on tv to be 171(LOL)
Truthman said on 21/Mar/11
He doesn't wear lifts. He was seen barefoot A LOT of times, because he is a big fan of Karate. And his shoes always looks normal
Shaun said on 19/Mar/11
Does look 5'6" or 5'7" although he could be a lift wearer and actually only be 5'5"! Its it me or does he look like that SPECTRE chess player Kronstein or something in the second James Bond film From Russia with Love.
Shaun said on 19/Mar/11
"the average height in south Italy is only 173/174cm " More 170cm when I went....
Shaun said on 19/Mar/11
Yeltsin was supposed to be 6'3" I think.
Klaus said on 18/Mar/11
Putin with Boris Yeltsin:
Click Here
Maybe Yeltsin was 1,89 or 1,90 when young.
Alexander said on 16/Mar/11
Lived in Russia five years. Yes, there are lots of tall Russians, but also lots of short ones. Balkans Slavs are much taller on average.
And Putin is about 5'3 (160 cm) on a good day. Tiny, tiny man. Sorry, Putinophiles, but it's true.
JD89 said on 13/Mar/11
about Berlusconi he claim to be 171cm many times , my father met him some years ago and he said he's at best 165cm ,the average height in Italy is 176cm , btw many people think we are all shorts because the italians who live outside Italy are almost all from south Italy (Napoli, Sicily etc.), the average height in south Italy is only 173/174cm but i'm from Milano and here the average is 178cm.
JD89 said on 13/Mar/11
i'm italian and i am 182.5cm ( 186 with shoes on), i travelled in Moscow 3 years ago( i was 181cm then )and the people there is tall , definetely the tallest i ever saw ( i travelled a lot in europe and asia) , it's funny because their presidents are almost all really short ( Putin ,Medvedev ,Stalin,Khrushchev), even the girls are unbelievable tall sometimes ( 180cm or more)
issuetall said on 12/Mar/11
@Truthman:I had been to Russia and visited 4 main cities. I saw about 12 young guys are 6'7(but it's just my own eye measure, maybe that's the visual errors). Since you are Russian, you are more objective to the Russian's height than me. I'm just a foreigner who can only depend on my own experiences.
Chris said on 12/Mar/11
5'7? Really? Jackie Chan was listed at about 5'11 then :P well, not much of a shocker, I was thinking closer to 5'6, but that would make me 4 inches taller, 5'10? (sorry, typing what I think).
Well anyway, he is quite a short lil man :)
Truthman said on 12/Mar/11
In Russia, many immigrants from Asia and the former Soviet republics, they are in every city, especially in large ones. Basically, they are much shorter than the average resident of Russia with Slavic roots.
And yes, if Russia had consisted only of indigenous peoples, perhaps we would have been one of the tallest countries in the world.
Klaus said on 11/Mar/11
Really? So in the future, Russia is able to reach an average height of the Netherlands. In fact, I believe that the average height of Russia is not only among the largest in the world due to the large number of citizens of asian ethnic groups (like the president) because if it were composed only of slavs (or other descendants of vikings) would a huge country inhabited by huge people :D
By the way, since you know the country, it is very easy meet people from ethnic groups of Central Asia in the big cities, or they are more seen on the inside?
Truthman said on 11/Mar/11
And about "even some young people are over 2 meter" - yes, we are tall, but not so tall, it sounds like bullsh*t, i know only 2 legimate 2 meters tall guys and they HUGE
Truthman said on 11/Mar/11
issuetall says on 10/Mar/11
Now, just kids now growing faster :) My dad was 5'9 and i'm just under 6'5 (tallest guy almost everywhere, on the crowd of old people or womans i feel youself like a Yao Ming) and my step-brother is like 6'2.
By the way, are you from Russia?
issuetall said on 10/Mar/11
@Truthman: Another interesting is that the old negeratioins are not tall in Russia(most of them are around 5'9), however, the height of the youths are very tall, even Russian kids are obviously tower than their parents. I saw 4 kids(12-14 year old) had been already over 6'2+ at least. I guess that the Russian will become taller and taller.
Truthman said on 10/Mar/11
I'm from Russia. I was once in America. And i can say that Russian people taller, way taller. Especially young people. There a lot of 6'2-6'3 guys in my college, like 20% over 6'2. Look at picture Putin near crowd of young soldiers
Click Here
They all like at least 5 inches taller. But only Slavic (blonde hair, blue eyes...) people tall! Asians like Tatars or Lezgins much shorter
issuetall said on 10/Mar/11
@Klaus:Sure. I have been to Russia and saw a lot of tall men(especially youths). There are many people are 190CM or taller, even some young people are over 2 meter. Interesting thing is the leader are short in there.
Klaus said on 10/Mar/11
But still, Russia is a country of tall people in general. If you notice, the russian citizens of lesser stature usually have physical traits of the peoples of Central Asia. And who is tall, most of the population, are generally white, pale eyes. Vladimir Putin is an exception because he is blond with blue eyes but small. However, the late president Boris Yeltsin was also blond, blue eyes and a tall man(1.87 m).
The current president Medevev does not even seem russian, is more like the inhabitants of neighboring countries (Georgia, Azerbaijan, etc.)
Andrei said on 9/Mar/11
Generally Russian men were tall many years ago(before 1000 A. C.) as other Slavic people in the West such as Czech and Serbian(where I also include Croatian, Slovenians, Montenegro, Bosnian, Macedonians). But since that time Eastern Slavic people had been fighting against Turkic tribes(Khazars, Avars, Pechenegs and others) in the steppes of modern south Ukraine and it wasn't always successful. After Mongols conquered Eastern Slavic States for two centuries and lands were ravaged severely. The huge loss of Russian Gene Pool was after the Communists' coup d'etat which followed by the dissolution of Russian Empire and a civil war. During the civil war Russia's best people nobilities, army officers, intelligentsia, scientists left for Western Europe, the USA and South America. Most of those who dared to stay in the country were executed(all members Tzar's family including his beautiful daughters and ailing son(
Click Here)) by Bolsheviks. Then millions of Slavic people died in Stalin's concentration camps and during Holodomor(Huge famine). For those who don't know Joseph Stalin(original family name was Dzhugashvili) was Georgian from Caucasus. But the most disastrous what happened to Eastern Slavic Gene pool was World War II when 20 million Eastern Slavic people were killed. Almost the whole generation(up to 90%) of the bravest, the strongest and the most ambitious young men(before 21) who volunteered against Hitler in the early beginning of the Great Patriotic War were killed in action or in camps. Considering all this we can see the difference between the relatively clean Gene Pool of Western Slavic people and relatively mixed Gene Pool of Eastern Slavic people with Turkiс and Finn-Ugrik ethnicities.
Klaus said on 8/Mar/11
Russia is a land of tall people. But ironically their leaders are always small or average height. Putin must have 1.70 or 1.72. And Medevev is less than 1.70.
Here is a picture of Putin visiting the Russian army:
Click Here
rafa said on 7/Mar/11
People exaggerate, Serbia average is not "super tall", but people living in the Dinaric Alps have a high average
Dmitry K. said on 2/Mar/11
I'm studying at the Moscow State University. Members of the Russian government often come to us. And Putin, too= ). My height is 183 centimeters. I saw Putin, and he was wearing shoes on a thin sole. I think his height is 170-172 cm, as my friend Mike from the university newspaper (he interviewed Putin).
issuetall said on 27/Feb/11
I can't visit every cities or every high school to measure height of all of students, I think it's the same as you did. Most of us just judge the tall or short by observing our surroundings. So I trust "relja202cm" and "monologue" what they said, since I depend on my personal experiences. Maybe you don't believe them, that's fine, but doesn't mean they lied.
DG said on 20/Feb/11
I am 6'3" (~190) tall, my older son (who is fourteen years old) is 6'1-1/2" (~187) while my younger boy at his twelve years is 5' 4-1/2" (~164) tall.
Among the men of my age my height falls in the middle, myself being 57 years old, plus I can boast an IQ of 170 for which I agree that it does not follow one's height.
Buzz said on 12/Feb/11
Where are you from bargoth125? In most countries 6' would not be considered short but even in the UK it's still barely above average. For the younger generations here it is probably exactly average.
bargoth125 said on 7/Feb/11
Eh? I'm 6' 1" and I generally tower over most people I see around me... There is absolutely no way 6' can be considered short.
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/11
In my school average height is about 7'5.
Do you still think 200cm is tall?
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/11
Menace, you're an absolute joke. 5'11 is above average height for men in the world's tallest regions (Nordic Countries, Central Europe and the States). There's no way a 5'11 guy would stand out of the crowd when walking down a street for being "short". Statistics indicate that 5'9 is average height, and in today's society anything under that is often deemed as short for males. I also have a hard time believing that 6 feet would be considered short anywhere around the world and most of the high school students in a country like Serbia would be over 200cm. But I guess that nowadays when people are so
Obsessed With Height, being super tall makes all the difference in the world.
Sorkin said on 5/Jan/11
Sorry, having a hard time stopping laughing at the idea that Putin is 5ft 7 let alone 5'9". If he appears anything over 5'3" (160 cm) it is because he is wearing lifts. I once stood very close to him and at 5'9" I was towering over the guy. This was before he became president at the end of '99. Since then he has spent a decade at the heart of a huge PR machine that has convinced many Russians that their leader is a titan, both figuratively and literally. His image has been stage-managed with a rare intensity to reinforce the impression that he is the ultimate macho man.
the normal one said on 4/Jan/11
Menace, no offence please, but what you're saying is absolute BS :-)
The simple statistical truth is that men around western world average somewhere between 175cm to 180cm, with some exceptions like Northern Europe, Former Yugoslavia and such. In a crowd, tall people draw more attention, now add some psychological effects from childhood plus the fact that people tend to see themselves at the height of their eyes, and you'll get the complete illusion of "everybody is tall". When you see them one by one, get the measures and calculate the average, you will get the real data, which in most cases will indeed range between 175-180 cm.
Menace 195cm said on 2/Jan/11
actually if u r under 5'11", u are considered short in anywhere in the world, unless ur in vietnam.
monologue said on 30/Dec/10
relja202cm says on 2/Dec/10
In my school in Serbia,6 feet is considered short,altho i am 202 cm barefoot tall,i am still third tallest in my class.Finns are Nordic,but they are not germanic like norway or sweden,
That's right. The boys from some high schools are incredible tall in Serbia and Montenegro, even my friend is 190CM, he just feels regular size among youthes in high schools. You can see many guys above 2 meter anywhere in those places.
SATAN said on 16/Dec/10
The average height in the Netherlands is not 185cm, likely not even close. One study claims 183cm, another 179cm. Both of which were self-reported, and we all know that people do have a tendency of "rounding up" their height "” usually by an inch or two!
Truthman said on 6/Dec/10
In fact, you're right. In some places in Russia people are very tall! I live in a city where the average height of men about 182-184 centimeters. But I have been in Moscow, people there are much shorter (175-176), also there are many foreigners from neighboring countries, which are very short (165-170 in average). So that the height of the people here depend on the location of the city.
relja202cm said on 2/Dec/10
In my school in Serbia,6 feet is considered short,altho i am 202 cm barefoot tall,i am still third tallest in my class.Finns are Nordic,but they are not germanic like norway or sweden,
MD said on 26/Nov/10
The average height in France for the entire adult population is 5'8.5" and 5'9.5". Not sure where you're getting the 5'7" number from.
lolo said on 25/Nov/10
i live in France and the average height here is around 5'7 for a man and 5'2 for a girl. i'm 5'8 and i'm often the tallest one in a group enven among young people. we tend to pay attention to the taller people so thats why we have impression the average is higher.
- said on 22/Nov/10
Munto, you must have in mind that there is a large migration to northwestern Europe. I think that is the explenation why the average hight hasn't gone up in later years.
I guess that 185-188 cm could be about the average hight for a younger native Dutchman, but not the average hight for the Dutchman in general.
Then there is a big difference in hight between (native) northern Europeans and (native) southern Europeans.
Nik said on 20/Nov/10
@ Munto
That is a lie, I live in the Netherlands and the average height is 185cm (6'1) at least. The average height for girls; 171cm (5'7). And some girls are even 6'0 or taller when they turn sixteen, insane but true lol.
Taro said on 12/Nov/10
Putin did not rise to the top because he is a great leader. He rose to the top because he is a merciless thug who participated in a Soviet system that oppressed people and rewarded merciless KGB thugs. He continues to be the enemy of Russians for individual freedom and democracy long after the corrupt communist system has collapsed. What some of you admire about him is the same thing that had Hitler's admirers fawning over Der Fueher. Some people are attracted to power whether that power is for good or for evil. That is a rather disgusting characteristic and is usually based in insecurity. Quit being insecure. Nobody cares if you are short. I have plenty of very short friends. I rarely think about their height, but the ones with great character are giants in my eyes and the eyes of others. Putin is a dwarf.
Buzz said on 9/Nov/10
5'7 seems just right, I've seen listings of 5'5 but he definitely looks taller than that.
re: Claudio - It's about the same in the UK, average height for the younger generations is definitely about 184cm. Even the asians are about 178cm average. Older generations are shorter, maybe 175cm average but 184 is definitely not tall any more.
Dima said on 7/Jul/09
Dimitry Medvedev is look like 160cm as body, but he seems same with turkish president (Abdullah Gul) who is 173. Anyone here can explain this ?
MoronHunter said on 19/Jun/09
Listen you height obsessed idiots, as I stated, I have met Putin at a judo tournanment where he was barefoot - he is 170/171 cm on the nose. Medvedev is appreciably shorter than Putin,butPutin wears flat shoes and Medvedev wears special lifts.
Anonymous said on 12/Jun/09
Putin is 5'5 and medvedev 5'3.5 ,Yelcin was tall around 6'2
Doug said on 6/Apr/09
Wow just seen a pic of Putin and big Helmut Kohl. He dwarfs Putin. If Kohl is 189cm now then it would seem he is nearer 5'6". I seem to remember Cordeleeza being noticeably taller than him too although she was in smallish heels.
Anonymous said on 2/Apr/09
Here he is with Hillary Clinton and a Mrs Windsor of London:
Click Here
Daniel said on 2/Apr/09
It seems that Putin is around 1.68m - 1.70m, supposing he doesn't use height-enhancing shoes
sodapop said on 27/Mar/09
LOL Martin youre right, Putin is 5'7" with lifts. He's gotta be around 5'5" barefoot. There's no way hes 5'7" barefoot!!
Martin said on 15/Jan/09
Putin is the shortest 5'7 footer i have ever seen.
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/09
Click HereNext to 5'4" Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he's a solid 5'7" I think...
Doc said on 20/Nov/08
how tall was peter the great 6'7 or 6'8
Moronhunter said on 6/Nov/08
Since I am probably the only person here who has actually met Putin, let me clear it up for you. He is 170 cm tall - 5'7". He "looks" the same height as Medvedev and Sarkozy because they wear special shoes with lifts, Putin does not. You can see him in multiple videos barefoot performing judo - no change in height. You will never see Sarkozy or Medvedev barefoot in public.
janice said on 13/Oct/08
He looks very similar in height with 5'4 Medvedev, there can't be any difference more than one inch! So putin sure is 5'5 max, not 5'7!
John M. said on 10/Oct/08
Putin is no more than 5'5.5 at the very most.
Anonymous said on 6/Oct/08
Why Russia had so many short leaders???Nikita was 5'3"...Stalin, 5'4"...Putin and Medvedev, arount 5'6" and 5'7"...plenty of short leaders for a country with a fairly tall people!
pte said on 18/Sep/08
i think it depend on your attitude to be a leader of people not height at all.
emremr said on 6/Sep/08
I want that special heels too ... Mr.Medvedev look like so tiny but his height is 170cm with shoes . it is weird :)
MD said on 17/Aug/08
Here are Dmitry Medvedev and Nicolas Sarkozy, together. One is often listed at 5'4" and the other 5'5":
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereIt actually appears that Sarkozy is probably also 5'4".
Sarkozy with Putin:
Click HereClick HereClick HereThe whole point of this is to show that given that Medvedev is only an inch or so shorter than Putin, there is absolutely no way Putin could be 5'7" or even 5'6", barefoot. Why you keep him so high is beyond me. This shouldn't be political. It is quite clear, simply, that Putin is noticably below average height, and almost identical in height to both 5'4" Sarkozy and Medvedev. What more proof do you possibly need?
Jan said on 15/Aug/08
How cool it would be to take Putin in some kinky games! I'm taller than him though, so I'd probably be all lovey on him like he was a little puppy! Oh well, I'm sure he'd start playing right if I was holding the whip!
Dutchy said on 31/Jul/08
Putin is just as short as Sarkozy and Berlusconi, they are all just about 5foot7 = 170cm. On worldscale that is average, but i am average with 6foot1 = 185 cm in Holland so for me Bush is also short.
Vasya said on 16/Jul/08
I'm from Russia and i would like to say that Putin rather tall than 165 cm as you say, he is exactly 171 cm tall. What about russian's men height: in common it's about 175-180 cm, but there are lot tall people 190+
Broken said on 9/Jul/08
Bush is 5'11. If you look at photos of them online you will clearly see Putin is a little guy. I would say 5'5 at the most.
emre said on 12/Jun/08
Rob, please correct it. and I will feel better then .I am 167cm .hehe
MD said on 6/Jun/08
I think Rob's afraid of him/them...
Crush said on 5/Jun/08
Yea, he looks VERY similar in height with 5'4 Medvedev so there's NO WAY he is taller than 5'5 or 5'5.5 at the absolute max. !
wjf said on 3/Jun/08
For me he is no more than 5'5". There is not even an inch difference between Putin and Medvedev.