Sinclair said on 20/Aug/22
Hardly anything over 6'1". 6'1.25" is my guess; Cassel was not much taller than 5'10.25" Gaspard Ulliel in photos.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jul/22
Vincent was so funny in the movie ‘Elizabeth’, when he gets caught by Cate Blanchett’s Queen wearing a DRESS! I haven’t heard giggling like that since the young men from ‘Ghost Story’ - extremely intoxicated! - were hanging about outside Alice Kruge’s residence in order to try and woo her. They didn’t stand a chance like THAT! 😂😂😂
Vincent towered over the ballerinas in ‘Black Swan’, and I can’t see him being below 6ft1.5. Actually, the sort of 5 or
so inches that might have been pleasantly acceptable for
Cate Blanchett’s Elizabeth the First…. 👑
QM6'1.5"QM said on 4/May/22
Let's say Cassel is 186 strong, Reno is 187 strong!
Rapha said on 31/Jan/22
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Nov/21
Reno I think had a better shot at hitting 6ft2 in his prime than this guy...
@ Rampage. I agree, I can not see him being taller than Reno and I would bet that Reno is taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Nov/21
Reno I think had a better shot at hitting 6ft2 in his prime than this guy...
Rapha said on 17/Aug/21
Rapha said on 12/Aug/21
Hi Rob
Who do you think was taller at his peak : Vincent Cassel or Jean Reno ?
Editor Rob
Used to think maybe Cassel, but now I'm not as sure
Hi Rob . Thanks for your answer . My opinion is that Reno was slightly taller but not by much maybe 1 cm.
Rapha said on 12/Aug/21
Hi Rob
Who do you think was taller at his peak : Vincent Cassel or Jean Reno ?

Editor Rob
Used to think maybe Cassel, but now I'm not as sure
FE said on 10/Apr/21
@Editor Rob,
Please kindly add him to “Martial Artists” Category?
Click Here
BTW I wouldn’t have suggest u this if I didn’t do the research ;-)
Dmeyer said on 24/Nov/20
Reno was the same height both 187
Arch Stanton said on 11/Aug/20
I thought he was Italian, looks very much like a guy you'd see in northern Italy.
Almost 180cm guy said on 9/Aug/20
I think 6ft 1.5 is ok for Cassel. But I wonder if Reno was actually taller than him! Here are some of their photos together from 2000:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
At the time, Reno was 52 years old so he could still be close to his peak height. Rob, do you believe that Reno was really taller than Cassel?

Editor Rob
Reno might have been the bigger 187 guy, Vincent is a more slouchy kind of guy compared to jean.
zaccahari said on 19/Jun/20
check the link below.
Click Here
michael fassbender is 180 and with slipper. there is no way vincent is 187 with those sneakers.
QM6'1QM said on 21/Apr/20
If Jim Carrey stand next to him back to back then literally will not be any difference.
187 cm!
OriginalAnon said on 6/Apr/20
He could be over the listed height. He is certainly not under it. It would depend when the measurement was taken.
JesusIsKing4444 said on 18/Dec/19
Vincent looks pretty tall in Irreversible. Would have guessed him to be a bit above 6ft1 1/2 in there.
rob,how tall would his head be?
Joel Masterman said on 23/Jul/19
Rob I know this might sound a stupid question but what does it mean to Officially claim something?

Editor Rob
From their own mouth, or their own website/resume etc.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Nov/17
Personally I think Carrey might get first place then Brosnan....then it could be coin toss between the other two
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Nov/17
Rob who do you think was tallest at peak out of Cassel, Brosnan, Firth and Carrey?

Editor Rob
they all could be argued a bit over 6ft 1 to 1.5. I used to think brosnan could have been the tallest, but the more I saw of him, the more I thought 186....I suppose the other 3 also I've thought 186 at times too!
Junior said on 7/Nov/17
6'1.75" Clive Owen had like half inch on Vincent.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Oct/17
This works...
Realist said on 2/Feb/17
This is bs he looked 6'2 or 6'3 compared to
Matt Damon whose supposed to be near 5'10.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jan/17
I saw 'Black Swan' last night, and I can definitely believe that Vincent just tops 6ft1. I know he is obviously going to tower over those ballerinas in their ballet pumps, but as I am their sort of height myself, I know where I come up to on blokes of his size. I agree with 6ft1.25! 🐀🐘🐁
Vincent is also in David Kronenberg's 'A Dangerous Method', which is worth checking out!
Josh Jeffords said on 17/Nov/16
Dunno he looked old and not real tall in bourne.
Could be his peak but looks more 6 ft now.
Seen him in several french films smaller than reno.
Good actor really likes weird creepy bad guy roles.
Does have loose posture so I digress.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Aug/16
6ft1¼-6ft1½ range is fair. Can look 6ft2 at times
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/16
Rob, was he originally 6ft2 on here?

Editor Rob
he could have been.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Mar/16
Rob, would measure taller Cassel or Brosnan?

Editor Rob
hard to pick, at times I think Vincent is a guy who has a kind of loose posture and so can look less than he really is, more often than Pierce who doesn't look like a guy who slouches much.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Mar/16
@Rob, Can you add a photo? In Eastern Promises I thought he looked closer to 6 ft with Viggo but I suspect Viggo was wearing lifts. As Sam says in the film he only looked about 1-1.5 taller but the difference offscreen looks much greater and he looks no less than this..
Alexandre Picot said on 16/Feb/16
I was acting in Mesrine part 1: Killer Instict. close to him, I'm 6'3,5 (192), While I have by arms, they gave me his shirts. He's at least 186/187 for sure.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jun/14
Rob can you add Black Swan and Eastern Promises? He looks 6'-6'1" in Black Swan. Perfect casting as the perverted bully teacher.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Nov/13
A solid 6ft1.5in is closer. Similiar to Clive Owen (who I still think is around 6ft2in) in Derailed. Watching La Haine, he reminded me a lot of Jean Reno in that he's that one French actor that looks huge compared to everyone else.
Sam said on 12/Jul/13
In Eastern Promises, he looks barely six feet, not really taller than Viggo Mortensen. However, in off-screen photos, he can look easily as much as 3 inches taller.
Click Here
gian92 said on 10/Jul/13
183 or 184 cm maximum !
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/12
188cm out of bed, Rob?
Gia said on 15/Dec/11
Can't be, Jean Reno is 6ft 2in = 1.88
But Cassel looks a shorter beside him in that one movie, which name I have forgotten darn it, at least 1.25 inches smaller.
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 30/Nov/11
He's near 6' 2".
dmeyer said on 20/Nov/11
if either 186-187cm then list him 6 ft 1.5
sanosuke said on 1/Nov/11
Vincent Cassel is 185-186cm. Same range as Hugh Jackman
Heyba said on 21/Mar/11
Tall guy. Towers over most average sized actors, and holds his height strongly against other tall guys, id say 187. is good
jtm said on 7/Mar/11
i think clive owen is closer to 6'1 so this listing is correct.
thebad7 said on 6/Mar/11
Hugh 190-192cm says on 14/Jun/10
I saw Derailed the other night. He might actually be 6ft2in. He looks easily the same height as Clive Owen. He's definately not under 6ft1.5in
I agree with poster Hugh: I saw DERAILED when it premiered, and he looked to be at least the same height as Clive Owen, if not a hair taller. 6'1 1/2" for sure, but 6'2" is reasonable for him as well.
Hansklabam said on 3/Mar/11
Seemed to be quite tall in Black Swan. But then again, Natalie Portman is quite short. I believe 187 cm is spot on.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jan/11
186-187cm range is spot on
Sam said on 29/Apr/09
The average Frenchmen is 175.5 cm or 5'9.3" and the average Frenchwoman is 163.2 cm or 5'4.5". The average American man is 176.3 cm or 5'9.7" and the average American woman is 162.2 cm or 5'4.1". So, the difference is small. Because there's more people and more genetic & ethnic diversity in America, there are probably many more instances of height extremes in America. In the film The Sorrow and the Pity, members of a French village refer to a 6'1" person as a "giant".
bam said on 23/Dec/08
6'1.5, or even a hair over. He had around 2.5 inches on viggo, who is a legit 5'11.
BelgiumToot said on 3/Dec/08
Europeans in general r talls except south countries. Frenchs r almost talls
little one said on 22/Oct/08
Maybe it was because I was staying in the Latin Quarter. I hear that Latinos are pretty short.
dimitri said on 21/Oct/08
i'm french at 6'2.lot of french people are tall.average height in france is around 177cm. have a qood day ;)
Hugh said on 5/Oct/08
In La Haine he towered over everyone but then again most French people are not tall. No offense. The only execeptions are this guy and Jean Reno.
little one said on 2/Oct/08
i was in paris a couple of weeks ago. i have to say at 5'11 i felt pretty tall out there!
movie nerd said on 30/Sep/08
most guys tower over him in irreversible. the average french guy is like 5'9. hard to buy the 6'1.25.
little one said on 12/Sep/08
if you google images vincent cassel and viggo mortenson you should come across pictures for the eastern promises premier stuff. cassel stands no higher than an inch or so than viggo.
little one said on 3/Sep/08
I was an extra on Eastern Promises. Vincent wasn't more than an inch or two taller than Viggo Mortenson who was about an inch shorter than me. I am 5'11.
DJ E said on 15/Feb/08
i've met this man,and he's definitely 6'3. not extremely well known, even then he doesnt like his picture taken.not your typical nice guy.
but he's definitely more than 6'2. i'm 6'1 myself and I know when I see a 6'2 or a 6'3.
dmeyer said on 14/Nov/07
i think he is more 188 cm
James said on 19/Sep/07
This makes sense becuse he did not really look 6ft2 in la haine
Len said on 6/Aug/07
Just saw Derailed. He looked shorter than Clive Owen, though not by much. 6'1" - 6'1.25" sounds right.
Dunken said on 2/Apr/07
just a small correction, 154lbs = around 70kgs.
77kgs = around 170lbs.
Fabrice said on 1/Apr/07
He said in the press in France that he's 187cm for 77kgs (154lbs)
dmeyer said on 6/Mar/07
all the people i know that met him tell me he is closer to 190 cm
The Horse of FUNK said on 5/Mar/07
Ed, that's because he's 6'3" and I haven't a clue where this 6'1 stuff came from.
dmeyer said on 3/Aug/06
in the movie derailed he did look a hair taller than owen and a friend of mine describe him as 190 no less 188 cm
anonymous said on 4/Jun/06
I just watched Derailed and he was definitely shorter than Owen by about 2 inches. He has a very long and thin face with a long neck so his shoulders were even lower compared to Owen's shoulders.
sam said on 19/Apr/06
He did look almost as tall as Owen, maybe barely shorter but not by that much.
styleforlife said on 3/Apr/06
No this is not true. In Derailed owen is taller. I say Cassel is 6ft1in
Ed said on 25/Mar/06
Just watched Derailed the other night, and vincent is easily 6ft2. He stands toe to toe with Clive Owen in the film who is a reported 6ft2.5 that I've never doubted, he looks tall in all his films. In fact in some moments in the film he seems to have an edge on Clive, by a 1/2 inch or so. Could possibly just be tricky camera angles, regardless he's tall.
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/06
I would have to doubt 6-2 based upon this with 6-2.5 Clive Owen:
Bakane said on 20/Jan/06
I met him in a disco a couple of year, I was really surprise how tall he is.
He is cleary 6'2. Lot of my friend are 6' and 6'1. He was bigger than them.
Miki said on 10/Jan/06
I think this guy is wright. Cassel is 6'0 at best.
You should see some of his french movies. For instance,
in movie called Les Riviers Purpures = Purple Rivers, he
looks 2inches shorter than Jean Reno.
Michael Kovax said on 2/Dec/05
No way Vincent is 6'2. In Ocean's Twelve he appears to be a little bit taller
than Clooney. Besides, the scenes where he does that "crouching" through the
lasers. Come on, a 6'2 couldn't possibly do that kind of "dance".