Slim1.75m said on 16/Aug/22
I think this guy could have edge Stephen Amell 6'¾
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/May/20
He look 5'11 1/4 max with Robbie Amell.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/May/18
Arguably 6ft1 peak.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 6/Dec/17
Seems like an accurate listing. Was only a smidge taller than Seth MacFarlane in The Orville.
Daniel said on 3/Dec/17
I've seen him side by side with Brandon Routh 190cm and Franz Drameh 180cm, both of them look taller than him( Brandon is def. Taller than him by 8 to 10 cm), i'd guess 181 MAX.
Jamie said on 9/Mar/17
6' 0.5" - 6' 1" in his prime. Possibly still 6' 0" flat.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Dec/16
Weak 6ft1 peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Nov/16
Really this low Rob?
I'd have said 6ft on the dot today

Editor Rob
Rampage, I have watched flash and Legends and I think from all I've seen almost 6ft today...of course, he may still measure near enough 6ft.
S.J.H said on 10/Nov/16
Nice downgrade. He does look same height with grant gustin
Sarah said on 10/Nov/16
I saw that someone mentioned his husband- I recently walked by both of them at a Broadway concert, and his husband is definitely 6'2.5- 6'3 or above. Weak 6'0" for Victor too.
anonymous said on 29/Oct/16
Looks taller than Nick Zano who's listed as 6ft in LoT.
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Ray said on 16/Oct/16
ThANks for the change rob. Much better listing. Love legends of tomorrow!
Ray said on 15/Oct/16
Plz change this there is no way he is this on legends of tomorrow 5'11.5 is his height now

Editor Rob
well today he does look a weaker 6ft range, so losing a bit of height by his age is quite probable.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Aug/16
A full 6ft1 peak is fair
Dmeyer said on 14/Aug/16
to me he looks 184cm today so was 6 fr 1 peak
markb said on 31/Jul/16
Just watched the FRASIER episode 'Taking Liberties'. Victor Garber and Kelsey Grammar looked very close in height.
Sam said on 31/Jul/16
His husband definitely looks taller than 6' 2".
Hypado said on 22/Feb/16
''Sarah said
Now he is on a show called Legends of Tomorrow. He might be less than 6'0" now, right? ''
Yes Sarah, looks 181/182cm now.
Sarah said on 27/Jan/16
Now he is on a show called Legends of Tomorrow. He might be less than 6'0" now, right?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/15
He looks 184-185cm more than 183-184cm
hulala said on 25/Jun/15
@Editor Rob:how is that robbie amell is 180cm and he looks taller all the time? Did you seen these pic,what do you think?
cole said on 13/Mar/15
Actually seeing him now alongside guys like Bryan Cranston and Bradley Cooper I'd be surprised if he was over 6ft, he can look a little under the mark even. But maybe it's just poor posture and he could stretch taller for a measurement. 6'0.75 for his peak is fair.
Sam said on 12/Dec/14
Maybe it's worth updating his peak and current heights as cole mentioned, Rob? 6'1" peak, 6'0.25" or 6'0.5" today perhaps?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Oct/14
6ft1 peak is possible
cole said on 3/Jul/14
@Editor Rob: If you were to give him a "peak height", what would it be? A young Victor Garber struck me as more of a 6'1 guy to be honest. 6'0.25 or 6'0.5 seems likely as of 2014 though.

Editor Rob
it is possible 20 years ago he might have been near 6ft 1 yeah
Slim said on 23/Jun/14
He was on Sleepy Hollow. Close to 6'1" Tom Mison, maybe a bit under.
Dmeyer said on 27/May/14
6'1 peak 6'0.5 alias days 6'0-0.25 now is that possible rob
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Oct/13
"Victor Garber height: 6ft 0.75in (185cm)"
Sam said on 31/Jul/13
He was probably 6'1" prime, about 6 foot even now.
Sam said on 14/Feb/13
He did look near the same height on-screen in Argo as
Ben Affleck, bizzarely so. In photos, Affleck appears to have a couple of inches height advantage:
Click Here
good-looking said on 14/Jan/13
he looked in the 6'2-6'3 region next to ben affleck in Argo
Jess said on 23/Aug/12
I saw him in NYC (amazing singer, by the way), and he looked to be a little over 6 ft tall. This is a good estimate. Id say that he was probably over 6'1" in his prime. What do you think, Rob?
Sarah said on 1/Aug/12
I've seen most of Victor's movies, and I'd say that this listing is pretty accurate. He was about 6'1" to 6'1.5" and lanky in Godspell. Victor is probably a little over 6 feet tall now. In the Last Templar, he was a hair shorter than 6'1" Scott Foley.
hawkins said on 31/Dec/11
I met him in NYC some not long ago, stood right next to him at the crosswalk. I'm somewhere between 5'11"-6' without shoes and was at the same eye level. So, I don't think he is over 6', anymore...
dmeyer said on 24/Apr/11
easily taller than 5 ft 11 plus vartan about as tall as 6 ft 1 bradley cooper this guy is 184cm in his 50 and 60s defenetly 6 ft 1 peak
Anonymous said on 22/Feb/11
I'd go so much as to argue 6' 2", I met him at a fundraiser in the town he lives in and got my photo taken, I'm 5' 9" and he had me by a good couple inches.
dmeyer said on 25/Jan/11
in his 50s and 60s looks 184ish probably a strong 6 ft 1 peak
Midget said on 4/Jan/09
Looks a solid 6ft still in the Eli Stone program.
dmeyer said on 28/Aug/08
e is stel 6 ft 0.5 in possibly 6 ft 0.75 in
dmeyer said on 28/Aug/08
does look about 6 ft 1 on alias thank you for the upgrate he looks easily as tall as lumbly,he is steel over 6 ft
dmeyer said on 7/Jul/08
does look a lidl over 6 ft in alias the guy is 58 people loose 1 to 2 cm at nearly 60 averagloss is nearer 0.75 in so might hav bee 6 ft 1 to 6 ft 1.25^peak and 6 ft 0.5 in now
Anonymous said on 30/May/08
6 ft 0.5 in is closer might even be 6 ft 0.75 in he is an imposing guy and he does tower 5 ft 8 garner and could have been 1 to 2 cm taler when younger
BJ said on 5/May/08
I met him, and he is definately at least 6'01.
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/08
i think this height is right since a 5'10 friend of mine describe him as a tall men
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/07
6'0.25 in seems right for him he is an imposing guy
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/07
When Garber guest-starred on Will & Grace, he looked at least two inches taller than 5'11" Sean Hayes.
lara croft said on 8/Dec/06
i dont think Garber is that tall(he does look it however)becos look at him in his new show JUSTICE he i was watching scenes from him and kerr smith and he looks half an inch shorter im talking scenes where we can see their feet KERR SMITH IS LISTED 6 FT
i read smoke said that VG was taller than 6 ft vartan i dont thinks he is that tall look at him in: never been kissed next to drew barrimore (5'4'')not a 6 guy to, watch to wong foo kinda old but (the movie)next to wesley snipes hes in heels but if u take his heel i would say that they r the same height or so, not look at vartan in the cameo he did on friends no way hes 6 ft he look like a litte boy to me lol and in the scenes in alias w/ JGarner when shes in 2 or 3 inch heels he look just as tall as she is well im off topic my point is of course VG is going to be taller than vartan in conclusion i think VGarber next to kerr smith is 5'11'' 3/4 ALMOST 6 feet.

Editor Rob
this is ture, the logic of Lara Croft is well....wise in a way.
Eamon walker only claims 6ft 1 himself, so by logic, kerr/garber around 6ft markish. He's shorter than a shrinking alan alda and a few inches shorter than ben affleck...
G.I.JOE said on 10/Jun/06
in the titanic he looks short thay 5'11.5" leo
Aliaslover said on 30/May/06
Victor Garber is about 6'3" because in alias season 4 he dances with Lena Olin and she was in 4" heels and he was still taller then her and she is 5'11"
sam said on 26/Apr/06
Could be taller than 6'1". He's always seemed to be slightly taller than 6'1" Bradley Cooper.
Ichy said on 27/May/05
I'd say Garber slouches slightly, but then so does Grunberg. Grunberg does appear to be taller -
Whether he's 6'2 is debatable. Comparatively, he looks to be about the same height as Kelsey Grammer -
But look at him in '98 next to Sean Connery, Alfred Molina and Alan Alda -
An age thing perhaps.
sam said on 24/May/05
funny, Greg Grunberg, Garber's Alias co-star always used to get listed as 6'1" and Garber has always been listed 6'2", but on-screen they look like their exactly the reverse. Of course, Garber is a little older and doesn't always straighten up, so he might not be standing at full mast anymore.
J. said on 20/Mar/05
Mr. R., you're absolutely right. People would also question me when I would tell them that a lot of their favorite movie stars, sports players, or singers were far smaller than what they're thought to be. There's so many tricks of the trade and easily done manipulation that's done in Hollywood that us normal folks couldn't even possibly comprehend. And I mean, if normal people jack up their height, what makes you think shrimpy celebs with big egos wouldn't do it more?
Mr. R said on 19/Mar/05
Okay, the funny thing here is that Smoke and others are reacting to my eyewitness reports exactly like our celebheights editor did when I began reporting to him last year. I agree, that these folks appear taller on screen. But between special camera angles, trenches, lifts, high heels, and co-stars who lie, the truth is somewhat more complicated. For example Smoke, you draw conclusions about Garber, based upon Vartan's given height. But, Vartan may be a little shorter than he reports. Usually, if a star is really six feet tall, his given stats may move him to 6'2". If someone is naed as six feet, they are usually a little shorter. No, I do not wear lifts, and my shoes are all standard heel. One great example here is that I reported that
Kiefer Sutherland was 5'8" to our celebheights editor last fall. He questioned that, but recently admitted that pictures from The Cowboy Way with Woody Harrelson actually supported my claim. Trust me, I get no pleasure shrimping celebrities below what they are.
Smoke said on 19/Mar/05
Definately over 6'0", he looks easily an inch taller than Michael Vartan who's probably somewhere around 6'0" as well. From what I can see on Alias, Garber is about 1.5 inches taller than Vartan...making him around 6'1". Mr. R I was just wondering if you wear lifts at all? Could this possibly have an outcome in your opinions of people's heights? It's very well possible that if you do infact wear lifts or shoes with good heals, these people could be more than just a little taller than you without shoes. Unless you consistently wear shoes with a pretty flat heal, it could make taking accurate accounts all of the time pretty difficult. Also, while 5'11.5" is a pretty good height, by the sound of your accounts a good 85%-90% of Hollywood is shorter than this!
Mr. R said on 19/Mar/05
I saw him at the actor's fund benefit, and he was definitely taller than I expected. However, he was just a little taller than me. I put him at just a little over 6'.