British actress best known for playing Molly Dobbs in ITV soap Coronation Street and Ollie Reynolds in Emmerdale. She said in FabulousMag:
"My school nickname was Mini Binns because I'm only 5ft. I did a lot of gymnastics until I was 14 but now I have back ache, so I do the Alexander Technique, which releases muscular tension and helps posture". On another occasion in The Mirror Newspaper, she said
"I’ll always be short – I’m five-foot-f***-all – so I can’t swamp myself in a maxi dress, for example. And I probably should wear heels more, but I think I’m getting a bit old and practical.".
Photo © / Keith Mayhew/Landmark Media
I'm a healthy size 0. Remember, I'm only 5ft 1in, so it's natural for me to be more petite.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Mar/23
Well done to Vicky for losing weight and KEEPING IT OFF!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Mar/22
Ummmmm! 🤯
How could Cain do that to the child of his lover? 🤷♂️
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Mar/22
Oh my - the two (Cain and Ollie) did do IT! How irresponsible of Cain, and now I’m beginning to see why Cain had such a filthy reputation. 😱
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Sep/21
A young Cain Dingle has made a beeline for Vicky's schoolgirl Classic Emmerdale
character. He might be young, but it's hardly age appropriate! 😲
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Aug/21
My word - in only six days' time, Vicky will be 39. 🤭
She looks like a kid on the old Emmerdale showings, and let's face it, she was. I've worked out that she'll have been either side of 16, depending on the year Classic Emmerdale has reached now, but when you're as short as Vicky is, you depend on make-up and high heels to slither your way into an 18-rated film, or a pub!
5ft. 😁🍪🚸👩🏫
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jul/21
On one of last night's repeats of 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?', on the TV Channel 'Great! TV', there was a question as to which 'Emmerdale' actress was once married to a particular rugby star. One of the four names was Vicky Binns. I thought, "No! Was she really in 'Emmerdale'?"
Having only ever seen Vicky in 'Coronation Street', this was news to me. I knew her to be a girl somewhat on the short side, who'd had an affair with Kevin Webster, bearing him a son, later to be killed off in a tragedy - a train derailment, I think.
Never did I recall her as an 'Emmerdale' actress though.
Amazingly, on this morning's classic version of 'Emmerdale', I just saw her! How ironic is that? It's a Christmassy episode from the late 90s, so that's me told!
She's getting the five foot nothing that I remember reading about after her slimming story was featured in a magazine. Now that ISN'T something I'd forgotten, but then I never actually watched 'Emmerdale' in the 90s, only getting into it for the first time in 2005, when I stayed with my Dad. It was his favourite of all the Soaps, and I really quite enjoyed it....
📺 👴👌👩👍
CD said on 29/Dec/19
Rob, not sure if you’re aware but the old comments on this page seem to be for somebody else, not this actress!

Editor Rob
when I recovered as many old comments as possible from 2 backups, a small proportion of pages ended up with deleted comments that had been moved/deleted, so there's still a few pages like that to fix. Thanks for pointing this one out!
Nik said on 1/Nov/19
It's interesting that she once said about being "five-foot-f***-all"!