How tall was Verne Troyer

Verne Troyer's Height

2ft 8 (81.3 cm)

American actor, best remembered for playing Mini Me in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. On his twitter he once mentioned his height, saying he stood "2 foot 8" inches tall.

How tall is Verne Troyer
Photo by PR Photos

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Add a Comment61 comments

Average Guess (24 Votes)
2ft 7.99in (81.3cm)
Comentarista said on 18/Apr/23
Seems 82cm to me.
Toby Barrett said on 25/Feb/22
peter adamson from the UK so he the smallest person from the uk
Toby Barrett said on 17/Feb/22
@dayofcringeothon peter would go to warwicks elbow i bet
Toby Barrett said on 17/Feb/22
dangi is not smallest man ever
Toby Barrett said on 17/Feb/22
List Of Smallest People Ever

Master Nau (Nepal) 40cm 1ft4

Caroline Crachami (Italy?) (Her Height At Her Death Aged 9) 50cm 1ft7.5

Lucia Zarate (Mexico) 50.8cm 1ft8

Peter Adamson (???) 50.8cm 1ft8

Francis Joseph Flynn (USA) (Height At 16) 53cm 1ft9

Chandra Bahadur Dangi (Nepal) 54.6cm 1ft9.5

Note: Peter Adamson Is Obscure So He Doesnt Show Up On Google But He Does Exist.

Source:Click Here
Daycringeothon said on 3/Feb/22
Verne Troyer would have towered over little person actor Peter Risch at a reported 2’2” ish. He played in Ghoulies as Grizzel. He died at 40. He would have been max chest high to Warwick Davies. Guinness book never included him as the shortest actor ever.
5'10 1/4 Asian guy said on 27/Jan/22
The interesting thinkmg is, very short people mostly claiming their true height than normal or tall people,because they feel blessed and proud for the god's gift,respect!
Toby Barrett said on 12/Jan/22
@Chaoscontrol 6'2.75/190cm watch robs video on what a 10 inch height difference looks like it looks like that and warwick is slouching
Jayk said on 23/Dec/21
2ft8 for the 5ft 2 guys who wanna feel better about there, even...if verne was 5ft4 W Davis would look around 7ft flat. Must be sad though (
Duhon said on 23/Dec/21
Warwick might be wearing lifts in that photo.
Chaoscontrol 6'2.75/190cm said on 23/Dec/21
Toby Barrett said on 23/Dec/21
Click Here looks 10 inches shorter than 3 foot 6 warwick davis

I’ve never seen Warwick Davis look towering before but I guess a 10 inch difference would be huge at that height
Toby Barrett said on 23/Dec/21
@Mr height unrealistic he looked 2 foot 8
Toby Barrett said on 23/Dec/21
Click Here looks 10 inches shorter than 3 foot 6 warwick davis
Ian C. said on 25/Aug/21
One of the reasons dwarfs kill themselves is that they often suffer from severe joint pain. I think, though, that being extremely short would be something they would used to all their lives, so I can't see someone actually suffering emotionally from being that short. It would probably be worse to be a normal man who was very short (say five foot two, like Mickey Rooney or Paul Simon), because people might be inclined to be mean to you in a way that very few would be to a dwarf.

On the other hand, you might feel terribly vulnerable. Twelve year-olds can beat you up.

Dwarfs also seem to be normally sexed. Troyer had a girlfriend. If you are a dwarf who is successful in show business, you know that your girlfriend wouldn't have moved in with you if you'd been a librarian or an electrician. There would be a certain depressing leaven of charity in her affections for you, and that might be a strain.
6'3 Julian said on 13/Oct/20
He’s probably one of the shortest verifiable men ever!
Mr height said on 8/Sep/20
Rest in peace

3FT is my guess
Oz said on 1/Jan/20
Sookie is measuring back to back with Verne in the other world, she can there stand with the tail and in two feet, she is taller than him of course.
In two foot is taller than the shortest men ever easily.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/19
RIP Verne XXX 🕯️
Nik said on 3/Nov/19
R.I.P Verne Troyer.
Milton19292 said on 7/May/18
RIP great shortest man...
sulu2018 said on 28/Apr/18
RIP Mini-Me
Geoff said on 10/Dec/17
I agree with Leonardo. Robert Wadlow has a page so it seems only fair for Chandra Bahadur Dangi to get one.
Bobby said on 24/Nov/17
Rob, is this the shortest guy on CelebHeights?
Editor Rob
I believe he is!
Height Sky said on 28/Sep/17

What do you think of 5'1 or under for the tag? That height is the male version of Snooki or Simone Bells lol
Editor Rob
5ft - 5ft 1 would only include another couple of people I suppose. 5ft 2 would add 12 more...

5ft 2 and under certainly won't make more than say 2 pages for 'shortest men' category.
Height Sky said on 27/Sep/17
@Big Rob

I would have put to 5'1.25 guys or under in the tag and 4'8.25 for women, but thank you for the tag
Editor Rob
there's not a great deal of females under 4ft 8, I intend to add a few though.
Blake said on 17/Sep/17
Wow didn't know you would actually implement one of my ideas!
Editor Rob
it was on the list to do and I decided 5ft and under is best for the shortest men tag.
Blake said on 10/Sep/17
I guess it is subjective as for tallest men the shortest is 6 ft 11 but for women 5 ft 11 range women are the shortest when a 5 inch difference is common between men and women. However I understand that others factors come in to play. Maybe start the shortest category for men at 4 ft 11?
Blake said on 9/Sep/17
Rob, why don't you add a tag for the shortest men and women? You have a tag for the tallest men and women or is it considered negative to you
Editor Rob
it's on a list of many little tasks, I think the cut-off point I wasn't sure of, how much under 5ft would be classed for shortest men....
Tyson said on 23/Jul/17
Is possible 8'8 Rob?
Editor Rob
yes, on the top of a six foot ladder.
even said on 7/Jul/17
hes an 800 millimeter man
Ultimate said on 20/Feb/17
Verne Troyer with Warwick Davis

Click Here
Leonardo said on 22/Jul/16
Rob, Can you make a page of Chandra Bahadur Dangi? The shortest human in the history!
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jun/16
Rob can you add a photo of minime?

michael said on 3/Jan/11
looks a about 2'7.86" to me maybe 2'7.87"

Ian C. said on 25/Jun/16
I'll bet he wears lifts.
Norma26 said on 22/Sep/14
He is the shortest person I have ever seem.
SRG said on 28/Aug/12
michael how can you honestly see a difference between 2'8 and 2'7.86. I have trouble noticing an inch and a half difference.
tall person said on 23/Nov/11
Wow, I am 2'1" taller than him!
Legend said on 11/Sep/11
No way. This guy is 2'6 at the most next to barely 5'7 Mike Myers.
Clay said on 21/Aug/11
2'7.5 MAX.
voiceless dental fricative said on 13/May/11
He's clearly between 80.449 and 80.586cm.

81cm is vulgar diatribe.
michael said on 3/Jan/11
looks a about 2'7.86" to me maybe 2'7.87"
leonari said on 10/Apr/09
Myers is MAX 5'7"
ACG said on 24/Feb/09
No way is he only 2'8, because onscreen he can easily give a 2'9 impression. That's why I say 2'9 min. for Verne.

OK, I'm kidding, but seriously, I heard he was one of the shortest men in the world.

In the movie The Love Guru, I found it funny how 5'8ish Mike Myers was so nasty to Verne's character about his height.
Hugh said on 4/Feb/09
No arguing with this height. I really despise the way people slag Vern because of his height.
Doug said on 24/Jan/09
Verne came 4th in BB UK. He lost to Ulrika Johnsson
Ian said on 4/Jan/09
They said he was 2ft on entertainment news. He's is in BB in the UK. He's favourite to win. Good luck to him.He hasn't let is lack of height stand in the way of his success.
Glenn said on 14/Jan/07
Thank you Anthony and Sam.your words mean alot to intentions wernt to get to personal and get sympathy,but to show that that some things such as height,and loads of other blemishes in life can be petty.not that I find celebrities heights petty.I find it fascinating.I was never hospitalised and know of people that have it WAY worse than life is Disneyland compared to others.the power and will of the mind with the right girl and friends is my faith and sucsess to survival.that touched me Sam and Anthony.thanks again :-)
Anthony said on 12/Jan/07
Sorry to hear that Glenn, but at least you have a positive attitude.

And it's also true that you can't go by parents. In somewhat of an alternative situation to Verne, Nick Cassavetes is 6'6, but his parents were 5'7 and 5'6. Verne looks to be 2'8, though when you're that short, does precision really matter?
Glenn said on 12/Jan/07
I had 2 nervous breakdowns Sam and was traumatized by my parents deaths.things couldve been worse.they died kinda naturally.though I was 15,for my I said,not complaining.they wernt murdered or in a car goes is good. :-)
Glenn said on 14/Dec/06
Wow.thats weird about his Father was 5-8,and never lost Mother was 5-5.gave a taller impression too.
Jake said on 14/Dec/06
I heard verne troyer had average size parents, it's hard to tell from parents all the time though. Just curious glenn do you know your mom or dad's height?
Glenn said on 19/Oct/06
True to a point.Id rather be me.but I wouldnt be surprised if he was happier.and Im happy with myself,but I went through hell first.
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/06
Come on, Glenn! You know you'd take being a 5'8" inch, decent looking guy over being a 2-foot tall dwarf anyday! Seriously, anytime I start feeling bad for myself cause I'm short, I think about people in other situations, like Verne, etc. and I'm happy to be just over 5'6", decent looking, in good shape, etc. There's a lot worse!
Glenn said on 28/Jul/06
Heard he was a dick.
Steven said on 27/Jul/06
I thought of him to being smaller, more like 60cm, I mean if you see him it wouldnt look like you could stack three of him to make 240cm :S.
david said on 8/May/06
I'm confused about who ever came up with 6'2 for his former wife height. Because i check her official website and it listed Genevieve Gallen as 5'6 not 6'2 as previously reported by someone or some reporters when they first got married.
TNTinCA said on 16/Feb/06
Doesn't he hold the record for the shortest actor? I think I read that somewhere. Not sure if it meant the shortest of all time or the shortest currently living.
trueheight said on 12/Feb/06
Its a dubious honor to be 2ft shorter than Gary Coleman
Becky said on 14/Jan/06
I think i'm 5'5" but others think i am shorter than that! Do u think i'm 5'5"?
mjd said on 27/Aug/05
i actually seen this guy a while 5'9-5'10 ish...and he was a good 3 feet shorter...It was odd walking by such a short man
Bob A said on 20/Mar/05
I met him and I swear he was 2'9 - 2'10. I stood a few feet taller than him, which made me feel like I was a golden god.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.