Dandaman said on 25/Mar/22
Rob, google lists him as 6’1 which is strange because he doesn’t even claim to be that tall.

Editor Rob
Maybe just a mistake, but I've no idea when Tyler removed his twitter, at least back when I saw him claiming 5ft 9 years ago I archived the quote...
ChristianPerkins said on 15/Mar/22
Jeez, you're right.
Click Here
Damian pasquill said on 15/Mar/22
I thought he looked a lot shorter than Eugene porter in the walking dead, But haven't seen any of his other works But. Google's listing of 185 cm seems a bit of a reach
Mandem99 said on 15/Mar/22
He is listed as 6ft 1 at google💀💀
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 12/Dec/21
He’s taller than Rob, just from judging by their hairlines. I think this listing is perfect for him.
Kreezy Shade said on 15/Feb/21
5’8 1/2 sounds right
Kreezy Shade said on 7/Feb/21
He’s 5’8 and from everybody hates Chris
Nik said on 27/Apr/20
Rob must be losing height!
Brandon 6'0" | 182.88 cm said on 19/Aug/19
Looks taller on screen at times, interesting, woulda thought 5'10" or so. I guess I'll trust the 5'8.5".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Jul/19
If I was average heighted, I would've never come across this site. Height would've been one of the last things to come across my mind in day to day life. I only became interested in height because I kept getting remarks on how tall I am.
JD 5'9" said on 28/Feb/19
He's the same height as Rob. He has a footwear advantage and Rob is slouching more than him in this pic.
Canson said on 29/Jul/18
@TheBoyyy: I apologize. I thought you said you were right around 6’0”. So you’re still a hair taller than me. I’m 6’5-6’5 1/8 out of bed and 6’4 1/4-3/8 at a low (precisely an inch shorter than Christian). I hit 1/4” often tho so I just claim 6’4”.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Jul/18
Yeah I don't think you're intent was to make Rob seem unintelligent or anything like that. I don't think you're a bad person at all. Glad that we finally came to an understanding though.
Theboyyy2 said on 24/Jul/18
Ok, you guys proved yourselves right, except the fact that the stadiometer adds 3 mm, when he wrote on the video description and as a response to few comments on his listing page thwt those are 2 mm extra, rounded down 1/8 i think. That means 5'8.25" isn't a unrealistic listing for him in the afternoon. I agree about him 173 at events and i never wanted to make him look unintelligent
Btw @Canson, i'm 6'5.25" in the morning and 6'4.5 in the afternoon at 6 p.m so i'm not in denial about my height. Sure i'm smaller than Christian, but it's ok to be that tall, since many taller guys cope with back hurts, scoliosis and discs injuries. I guess you missed my psychological profile this time ahahah
Nik said on 24/Jul/18
He is at least his listed height!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Jul/18
But you forgot what Rob wrote in the description in that video though. It said "Remember this stadiometer adds 1/8th inch (2mm), my low this day was really 5ft 8.25! :) I was well hydrated so didn't reach my usual lowest which is 5ft 8.25 on stadiometer (so about 5ft 8 1/8th in reality)." His old stadiometer added 1/8" and on top of that he was well hydrated that day. His typical afternoon height is no taller than 5'8.25", not 173.5-.6 like you're saying.
Agreed 100%
Canson said on 23/Jul/18
@TheBoyy: youre making excuses. Rob said below to “Think of him as 173cm”. He said he measures 5’8 1/8 several times so that’s what he is. Like Christian said, how are you going to tell Rob what he measures day in and day out? You make it sound as if Rob is clueless about height or unintelligent when you try to tell him that he’s a height other than what he’s measured and claimed. It would be different if it is someone who doesn’t know what he does but Rob has scientifically proven how tall he is on close to 1000 occasions I’m sure
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Jul/18
But you forgot what Rob wrote in the description in that video though. It said "Remember this stadiometer adds 1/8th inch (2mm), my low this day was really 5ft 8.25! :) I was well hydrated so didn't reach my usual lowest which is 5ft 8.25 on stadiometer (so about 5ft 8 1/8th in reality)." His old stadiometer added 1/8" and on top of that he was well hydrated that day. His typical afternoon height is no taller than 5'8.25", not 173.5-.6 like you're saying.
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Christian: I do agree with your statement. Rob also pointed this out in his comment back to you that the old stadio added 1/8” so at 173.6 he’d really be 173.3. Others such as Johnson made the same excuse about the stadio being 173.6. But of course, you really can’t take a poster like Johnson seriously when every celeb he comments on he upgrades and he bases off soccer players where he “claims” to get information from clubs (likely morning measurements or shoe heights”. Then even says “I assess at 2 hours out of bed” and makes it fact. But same deal it’s an excuse.
And if Rob claimed 5’8.5 I would respect it since he does measure that in the AM. Fact is, however, Rob claims 5’8” so that’s what he is albeit 1/8” over 5’8”. TheBoyyy may be in denial about the fact that he dips below 6’0” mark so he’s adding fractions to Rob to justify himself being 6’0” flat. Fact he is does go below, so if someone wants to call himself 6’0”, that’s fine but just because that person doesn’t claim a normal afternoon low doesn’t mean everyone else has to adjust as a result. And Even at 5’11.89 I’d still call someone solid 6’0” but maybe People have different height loss patterns throughout the day depending on activity levels like you very well said!
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Christian: I think on a day when I’ve been out and on my feet, I could only still measure 6’4.5 if I have laid around some at home before measuring. Maybe 6’4 3/8 I can swing some days but that’s less than average activity on my feet
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Christian: that’s perfectly said on your part! And what you said about sitting around is exactly why when I first started here on CH I did that and measured around 6’4 1/2-5/8 on a day where I didn’t leave the house (was sick that day) as opposed to 6’4.25
Theboyyy2 said on 20/Jul/18
Watch another video dude
Click Here
He's been working on computer, walking/doing groceries and when he measured himself at 17:30 he still mantained himself over 5'8.25", about 173,5-173,6. This is pretty much his routine, since he stated that if he had a "standing job" he would have shrinked much faster, due to gravitational pressure on the spine, obviously. This proves that he can still be a bit over 5'8.25" in the afternoon, if he doesn't engage on exhausting psysical activities. The only mistake i made in this thread was to assume that you would understand my point, because i never meant that Rob could stand so tall even after intense excercise. Yeah, 5'8 1/8 is the listing he uses when meeting celebs and i think it's ok for him to consider this low point, since in those comicon days he keeps standing and walking waaay more.
See, i gave you actual evidence. I'm not in denial. Not as much as you at least
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Jul/18
Did you not pay attention to my earlier comments? That video where he measured 173.6 after being awake for 10 hours, we don't know how active or sedentary he was that day. Even being awake for 10+ hours, I can measure as tall as 6'5 5/8" on days where I'm sitting all day without going out. And a person don't lose any more height after being awake for 10 hours. You hit your low at 8 hours max. Rob's not 173.6 by afternoon on typical days where he's moving and out the house. He already pretty much hits his low by afternoon. That 173.6 measurement was just an isolated incident where there was no mention of his physical activity. A few days I've measured 6'5.5" at night even when I went outside and was on my feet. Anyone can at times measure taller than their typical measurements, based on various factors like not only physical activity, but the hours spent on sleeping that day, sleep position and hydration. By the time Rob goes to conventions and meet celebs, he reaches his typical low of 5'8 1/8", so 5'8 1/8" is his official height since he lists celebs that took photos with him based on that height, so it's no coincidence that 173cm is the height he lists himself on his page, not 173.6 or 173.8. You're the one that's being in denial, dude. All I'm doing is stating facts that come straight from the horse's mouth.
I agree. It's silly to inflate Rob to something like 5'8 3/8" or 1/2" knowing that he acknowledges he's 5'8 1/8" and that he's close to 5'8.25" by lunchtime. Some visitors do that to either inflate celebs that are beside Rob in pics or to pay homage to Rob as you said. I'm not accusing Theboyyy of doing either of those things, but he certainly seems to misunderstand Rob's real height.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Jul/18
Did you not pay attention to my earlier comments? That video where he measured 173.6 after being awake for 10 hours, we don't know how active or sedentary he was that day. Even being awake for 10+ hours, I can measure as tall as 6'5 5/8" on days where I'm sitting all day without going out. And a person don't lose any more height after being awake for 10 hours. You hit your low at 8 hours max. Rob's not 173.6 by afternoon on typical days where he's moving and out the house. He already pretty much hits his low by afternoon. That 173.6 measurement was just an isolated incident where there was no mention of his physical activity. A few days I've measured 6'5.5" at night even when I went outside and was on my feet. Anyone can at times measure taller than their typical measurements, based on various factors like not only physical activity, but the hours spent on sleeping that day, sleep position and hydration. By the time Rob goes to conventions and meet celebs, he reaches his typical low of 5'8 1/8", so 5'8 1/8" is his official height since he lists celebs that took photos with him based on that height, so it's no coincidence that 173cm is the height he lists himself on his page, not 173.6 or 173.8. You're the one that's being in denial, dude. All I'm doing is stating facts that come straight from the horse's mouth.
Canson said on 16/Jul/18
@Christian and TheBoyyy: if Rob is anything over 5’8 1/8” when meeting a celeb he would be 5’8.25 maybe. And that’s something he alluded to. If he wakes up 5’8.75-.8 after about 3-4 hours tops he would be 5’8.25. He wouldn’t just lose 3/8 (1cm) in height between out of bed and early afternoon when everyone else is losing 1 cm in an hour.
Canson said on 16/Jul/18
@Theboyyy2: rob clearly states above that he’s 5’8.25 at lunchtime. So unfortunately that’s not 5’8 3/8. You’re wrong
Canson said on 16/Jul/18
@Theboyyy2; not sure if you caught what Rob captioned below to Christian’s response. “Think of me as 173cm”. That means he’s Closer to 173. If Rob has claimed to be measured 5’8 1/8 this often it means he isn’t more than that. It’s a bit silly (and sad) for us to sit here and tell Rob he’s taller than he measures
@Christian: I agree with what you said. I believe others do it because they feel that they are paying “homage” to Rob when they inflate him which is ridiculous. I have no problem if Rob claimed an out of bed height honestly but he doesn’t and he knows it’s not an accurate reflections of one’s true height.
@Rob: I don’t know about that. 5’7.75 you definitely never look unless a height chart is off
Theboyyy2 said on 15/Jul/18
Christian, since you're so naive and convinced of what you're saying, i'll give you the short definition of afternoon.
"Afternoon:the time of the day between noon and evening."
Rob proved to be that height at 3 p.m, after waking up at 5 a.m; if he woke up at 6 or 7 a.m, like pretty much the general population, he would have maintaned that height until 4-5 p.m, and uhhhhhhhhhh i think this is what humans call afternoon.
About the events: Rob says he generally attends them and meets the celebs during the evening, and i think it's ok for him to shrink that much, since he probably tends to wake up really early and the cons can go on until midnight.
Punchline: Rob shrinks under 5'8.34" after 3 p.m because he probably tends to wake up really early, but he still manages to still be that height even after 10 h and, if you, as an human being, are awake for such an amount of time and still manage to be that height, leaving aside the daytime, you can comfortably say you're that height; he simply shrinks that much till evening because he's been awake for over 16 hours or so. There's even a video to back this up. Stop being in denial
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 14/Jul/18
Rob never said he was 173.6 at afternoon, he only said he was close to 173.3 at lunchtime, and lunchtime comes even before afternoon for most people. Afternoon and night heights are barely different, it's at most a 1/8" difference. And cmillzz is wrong too, the only time Rob's ever 5'8 3/8" is when he's reclined at home or it's a late morning measurement. He's not 5'8 3/8" by lunchtime let alone afternoon.
So true. I've even seen some people suggest that Rob's 5'8.5". The reason why I believe some do it is because they want the celebs that stood next to Rob to be taller than they are.

Editor Rob
In some cases the last part may be true in a small number of cases, but I'm sure there are also a few who would want me to be 5ft 7.75 to make them shorter.
The fact is simply to think of me as an honest 173cm at events.
Theboyyy2 said on 14/Jul/18
@Canson: no lol even Rob admitted to be 173.6 in "good days" during the afternoon and i was the first one to inform the other user about the stadiometer error. I personally am not making Rob taller at all, and the 5'8 3/8" is the highest point you could ever assume for him, optimistically.
Canson said on 12/Jul/18
@Christian: lol people love making Rob taller!
Theboyyy2 said on 12/Jul/18
Sorry i meant 5'8 1/2"* about Tyler's afternoon listing
Theboyyy2 said on 12/Jul/18
Yeah Christian, everybody knows his low is 5'8 1/8", because it's written on his listing page. That has never been the point. The point is: he uses the afternoon listing for the celebs and he tries to assume the height shrinkage and regain during the day, since we as humans share a similar height shrinking, especially when we compare two insividuals with a very similar height. An example:
Rob with Tyler during the evening:
Rob's 5'8 1/8" (lowest point) compared with a 5'8 1/4-3/8 Tyler.
In a hypothetical scenario where they both meet in the afternoon:
Rob's 5'8 3/8" in a good shape with a 5'8 1/4" Tyler.
That's how his listing works for the most cases.
P.S i'm gonna say this again, so we're sure there are no more misunserstandings: the 173.6 is his afternoon listing, not his LOW one.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Jul/18
I've already seen that video before. Just because Rob measured 173.6 after 10 hours of being awake, doesn't mean he's 173.6 at his low. I'm sure he was reclined for the most part that day. He never mentioned anything about being active in the video. Like I said, he knows his own height better than any of us. If he was really 5'8 3/8", he would've changed his listing to that by now.
I agree that Rob's a bit more than a classic 5'8", but he's not 173.8 at his low.
Theboyyy2 said on 9/Jul/18
cmilzz yeah true, but i remember he said something about curtailing 1-2 mm from the stadiometer measurement. I'm not really sure actually.Even if that was the case, i'm pretty confident he can mantain a s 5'8 3/8" listing during the afternoon, if he's not engaged in sports that can lower him faster by the end of the day. Btw thanks for pointing out that

Editor Rob
The old blue stadiometer adds very close to 1/8th to any measurement.
cmillzz said on 9/Jul/18
@Theboyyy2 Actually gets a legit measurement of 173.8 after hours of being awake and upright. That’s definitely over 5’8.25”
cmillzz said on 9/Jul/18
Rob is taller than classic 5’8 guys, I thought this was common knowledge.
Theboyyy2 said on 8/Jul/18
Click Here
Christian, if you watch this video you'll get your facts straight and you'll understand why Rob is a comfortable 5'8.25". If stayin awake 10 hours and still being 173.6, even after intense excercise, is still not enough, then sorry but you're trying so hard to be right. You can't deny objectivity or tell me that a night listing is the right one, when he said it's specifically made because the meet&greet plus photos are at night
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Jul/18
Afternoon and night heights are barely any different. If you go to Rob's page, it says he measures CLOSE to 5'8.25" at LUNCHTIME (not afternoon). So he's not even a full 5'8.25" by lunchtime. Plus he wakes up at 5'8.75". Rob knows his own height better than anyone else, and if he lists himself as 5'8 1/8", then that's what he is.
Canson said on 1/Jul/18
@Rob: maybe not much but still enough to make a difference since you two are so close in height. It’s at least 1/4” more footwear
Canson said on 30/Jun/18
@TheBoyyy and Christian: that’s about right you will gain a couple mm just from hydration. I have days when I don’t go to the gym and am well hydrated where I can maintain 193.9cm afternoon vs the normal 193.7 I am at a low
He has a footwear advantage on Rob as well

Editor Rob
I wouldn't say his boot was much different than the 1-inch sneaker.
Theboyyy said on 30/Jun/18
Yeah, but your actual height is in the afternoon, not at night. If i'm 183 in the afternoon and 182.6 at night, i'm gonna say that i'm a 6 footer, not 5'11 7/8, and Rob perfectly agrees with that. Rob tells you his night listing because that's when he often gets the photo op with the con-star, but he's eventually gonna give you the afternoon listing. You can ask him and he'll tell you the same exact thing
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Jun/18
Rob still lists himself at 5'8 1/8" and not 5'8.25", so it goes to show you that he bases his height at night. Assuming there's a 1/4" difference (even though I see 1/8" difference), then Tyler should be 5'8 3/8" instead of 5'8.5" going by Rob's own standards.
Theboyyy said on 27/Jun/18
Christian, the 5'8 1/8 listing is at night (he wrote it on his listing on celebheights). The gain in mm you're talking about is just due to a better diet and hydration, as he already said, but he will always be around that listing during the night. About the leaning, Tyler looks a bit straighter, yes, but his neck is a little tilted upward, while rob's is tilted a bit downward. I think there's the 1/4 inch difference and i agree with Rob's listing.

Editor Rob
In person 5ft 9 seemed too high, 5ft 8 too low, I felt he was at least my height with a good chance of a fraction taller hence 5ft 8.5 looked a reasonable guess.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Jun/18
Tyler does look 1/4" taller than Rob, but don't forget the fact that Rob's leaning in a little, while Tyler's posture's a bit straighter. And this is an old pic, so this was before Rob "gained" a few mm's. Back then he was 5'8 1/8" (it said 5'8.25" because of his old stadio's error) but in 2018 he's about 5'8.25" for real. You can go ask Rob yourself if you think I'm making it up.
Theboyyy said on 24/Jun/18
Christian, i know Rob is 173.5 because he showed on youtube (he has a youtube channel) measuring himself multiple times, in different moments of the day, using a stadiometer. In the late afternoon he misures 173,5 (173.7 with the stadiometer, but you have to subtract the 2 mm of error). Furthermore, if you go to measure the tip of Tyler's head in the photo, you can see it's over Rob's head by somewhere between a 1/4 inch - 1 cm. The 5'8.5" listing is pretty much on point
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Jun/18
I don't what pic you guys are seeing. Tyler looks the same height as Rob (who's says he's 173, not 173.5). The most Tyler is is 5'8.25"
Theboyyy said on 22/Jun/18
@Zampo, consider that Rob itself is like 173.5-173.6 in the late afternoon; this means Tyler can be easily over 174 by a few millimeters by the same moment of the day (maybe even 5'8 3/4")
Zampo said on 13/May/18
I think he is most likely taller than Rob but not by 1/2 a inch. 1 cm tops. He will probably measure 174 cm at some point in the day but think he would measure 5'8 3/8 (173.7 cm) in the afternoon or so. It's a decent listing.
Jake94 (5'9 said on 12/Jan/18
Rob is definitely leaning in more. I think he's at a footwear disadvantage to.
SD-5'8(172CM) said on 26/Nov/17
He was 5'6 or 5'7 in Everybody Hates Chris(during the last episodes of the last season)
Click Here
He didn't grow much taller...
Click Here I thought he would have hit at least 6'0
Edimar1.84 said on 29/Oct/17
5ft8.75 is better than 5ft9 flat and 5ft8.5
Bobby said on 5/Oct/17
He looks more 5'9 than 5'8.5, maybe 5'8.75 is a better listing.
Shredder said on 6/Jul/17
Rob height chart please.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 6/Jul/17
The same height as you Rob. 5'8 1/8" likely.
Sammy Derrick said on 11/May/17
Click Here = 7:38
In the last episode of Everybody Hates Chris...his character is asked, 'How tall are you?'
He says 'I'm 5'7'but this episode aired in mid 2009.An inch or even two inches in grow is quite possible.Cause he was 17 at the time.
Shredder said on 16/Apr/17
This guy is shorter than Steven Yeun.
Ian said on 7/Apr/17
I think Rob's taller than him. Seems like he's also at a footwear disadvantage, and is definitely leaning more in this photo.
Shredder said on 25/Mar/17
This guy is taller than Rob
Cameron said on 24/Mar/17
Yeah 5'8.5" Seems about right. I do get the impression that Rob guy just edges him out though. Look at the shoulder height, also he's leaning in. Also I don't think his hair adds much, it's pretty short.
184guy said on 7/Jan/17
He is clearly taller.Remember that Rob's hair adds 0,3in
Shredder said on 21/Nov/16
Rob , do you still think he would edge you out if you stood better? Also Yeun isn't shorter than him in a few pics.

Editor Rob
Shredder, very hard to tell, I thought he was within the 173-4 range, but more chance nearer 174 than 3 I thought.
Shredder said on 17/Nov/16
You can still tell he's be no less than Rob , strong 5'8 for this guy.
tyler said on 28/Jun/16
What do you think his head size is, Rob? 9.75?

Editor Rob
I would say it was very similar to mine, somewhere in 9.5 inch range
Barry said on 5/Nov/15
How tall is Vincent Martella ?
is really 5' 5" 1.65 cm ?
Brad said on 3/Apr/15
I like his cap.
The shredder said on 1/Apr/15
I am not saying Steven Yeun is 5 ft 9 , but that is what he looked with ease , He was very similar to Reedus and taller than Rooker who is at least 5 ft 8 himself. Note , I did not see his footwear or past his waist , but he was standing.
Sammy Derrick said on 31/Mar/15
Finally...He was listed as 5'6 during his days on Everybody Hates Chris..
I'm also a strong 5'8 black male...late teens.
Sam said on 30/Mar/15
Not shorter than Rob based on the photo, also seems similar range to Yeun as well.
Swain said on 29/Mar/15
he is shorter than you rob!
The Exorcist said on 29/Mar/15
@the shredder:
Yeun looks 5'9" range with (6'3" listed) Hogan here:
Click Here
But that's only if Hogan is 6'3".
There isn't many good photos of Steve with Tyler-James.
Here looking similar:
Click Here
Here looking less:
Click Here
Steve with 5'9.75" Norman Reedus:
Click Here
Just my opinion, but I would completely rule out 5'9" for Yeun.
Sean5 said on 28/Mar/15
Nice photo Rob, do all cons now do pictures with your whole body,legs and feet or do you get to decide which type?
SHORTY said on 27/Mar/15
His shoes look large on him.
Byron T. said on 27/Mar/15
I'd say he's a little under 5'8.5,'' but no shorter than 5'8.''
the shredder said on 27/Mar/15
He for sure is 5 ft 8 range , and this is proof that Steven yeun can look 5 ft 9 .
MD said on 27/Mar/15
I honestly don't see how anyone is justifying this listing with "He's not standing straight" when Rob is so obviously more bent than Tyler.
Andrea said on 26/Mar/15
Well, i wouldn't say Rob looks taller in this picture but they do look very similar for sure and yeah it is true that he doesn't stand at his tallest in most of the pictures for some reason, even with the very tall ones...
lelman said on 26/Mar/15
Very similar height to you, also has a similar foreheard / hairline. I would say 5ft 8.25, look noticeably shorter than Lincoln in TWD (although he was probably wearing his trademark cowboy heels).
Lorne??? said on 26/Mar/15
Hey it's lil Chris! Good photo Rob, but it's too close to call. 174 is believable, he looks marginally taller, but you look like your losing more. You look the same to me, your strong 5'8, so 5ft8.25-5 is right.

Editor Rob
I won't be over 5ft 8 1/8th for sure for any photo this day, I was knackered that day. Yeah I realised I was standing just slightly further so leaned forward a bit to have my head as close to his, but 5ft 8-8.5 range, anywhere in that I think he could be.
I know on WD he can at times look 172-3 zone.
Gaz said on 26/Mar/15
These pictures are better when we can see the whole body and footwear
MD said on 26/Mar/15
Again, you are bent more than he is and still look taller. This guy is 5'8" flat.
the shredder said on 26/Mar/15
I will repeat and stand by what I saw , Steven Yeun in person really does LOOK 5'9 .
shawn said on 26/Mar/15
rob he looks your height! might be exact 173cm, or even 172 considering his shoes look like he give more height than yours

Editor Rob
this is near enough identical footwear.
The Exorcist said on 25/Mar/15
He looks shorter than you, Rob.

Editor Rob
the closer in height, sometimes it can be harder to actually tell...this chap doesn't walk about with military posture or anything.
120 said on 25/Mar/15
5'8".5 is spot on
chrisi said on 25/Mar/15
Rob do you have a shoe advantage in this pic?

Editor Rob
his boots looked 1-1.1 range, similar to these sneakers.
the shredder said on 25/Mar/15
Rob has more footwear , I thought this guy was taller
Bishop said on 25/Mar/15
Looks 5'8" tops.
184.9 on a bad day said on 25/Mar/15
I thought he was the same height as Andrew Lincoln.
Hypado said on 25/Mar/15
Tyler James Williams's height is 5ft 8.5in (174 cm)
Cool photo, full body.
Josh said on 25/Mar/15
He is edged out by Steven Yeun on The Walking Dead by a bit. So if he's this then Steven's got to be 5'8.75
Chris said on 25/Mar/15
His feet look giant. Like probably a 43 in EU size. I'm 3 inches taller than him and wear a 41 EU shoe size.
Connor6'0 said on 25/Mar/15
This must be the first ever full body shot pic you had with a celeb Rob, but yeah Tyler does look 5'8.5".
Brandon said on 25/Mar/15
5 ft 8 FLAT
MD said on 25/Mar/15
You are obviously being kind. You're losing more height than him and with a footwear disadvantage. I'd be surprised if he was even a full 5'8".