How tall is Triple H - Page 8

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Average Guess (481 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.96in (187.9cm)
Current: 6ft 1.38in (186.4cm)
Vegas said on 1/Nov/11
saxton and barrett, not seeing 6+ inches there Click Here

shad is 6'5 at most, shaq dwarfed him and jbl in cowboy boots was clearly taller than him at a show i was at live couple of years back (not sure if that segment is on video), shad was in his timberlands

wwe don't have a 10-15lb limit, we have seen how much they overbill weightwise in last month, one week khali is billed 420lb and next week 347lb, big show gets 440lb one week and 397lb the next, christian 227lb one week and 199lb the next
Rikashiku said on 1/Nov/11
MAson Ryan doesn't look very big here. Picture taken, August 25, 2011
Click Here

This is a pic taken at the start of the year when he weighed 275lbs.
Click Here

Bautista looks pretty big here.
Click Here
-Actually, he does look Bigger than Ryan in this old pic.

In this pic, he still looks pretty big, he has to weigh atleast 320lbs here.
Click Here

Smaller here, looks more toned but still carrying mass. Billed at 318lbs. Since Ryan is being billed at 313lbs(once I heard 290lbs) then we can assume WWE is giving Batista the same 10-15lbs treatment as the did Masters who weighed 265 but was billed at 275 on his debut.
Click Here

Speaking of Masters, here he is in 2005 billed at 6'4" 275lbs but was legitimately 6'3" and 265lbs. I remember because in an old interview I saw years ago, he stated that he was really 265lbs and that WWE likes to add 10-15lbs to make them sound bigger.
Click Here

Much smaller than before, I think he could be 235lbs or so.
Click Here

One more look at 265lbs or more Chris Masters.
Click Here
Rikashiku said on 31/Oct/11
a few mm?!?! Tman, do you know how small a mm is?

Mason Ryan has 4 inches over 6'0" Byron Saxton and is just over 1 inch on 6'2.5" or more Sheamus. He's even slightly shorter than 6'4.5" Drew McIntyre.
Click Here

Click Here
Sheamus and Mason Ryan both wearing no soles in their footwear so the face to face is an accurate measurement for the two. Mason Ryan is no more than 193cm and now a days he is 295lbs which is a LOT bigger than he used to be in Gladiators and FCW.

Yep, it does look like Vegas is trying to make his man sound bigger than Bautista.

Swagger 196-197cm
Ryan 193cm
McIntyre 194cm
Sheamus 189-191cm
Bautista 189-190cm
Barrett 198-199cm
Shad Gaspard 200-201cm
Vegas said on 31/Oct/11
Clay says on 29/Oct/11
Cant help but notice you're obsessed with pimping your countryman Vegas. ;)

ryans welsh, i am irish :D and ryans bigger as of now than lesnar was in wwe

this debate is going around in circles, batistas claim is good enough for me
Tman said on 30/Oct/11
Rikashu I agree that Ryan is not quite 6'5,but watch him next to CM Punk(1,82m) you will notice that Punk looks to be a few mm below eye level of Ryan(thats about 5 inch-12,5cm) so Ryan is just about 1,94m at push 1,95m(6'4.5-6'4.75)
Clay said on 30/Oct/11
You wont get anywhere matching two pics next to each other like that. You need a genuine faceoff of the two dudes standing next to eachother to judge.

Disagree with Vegas about Ryan being larger than Lesnar was in WWE...
Clay said on 29/Oct/11
Cant help but notice you're obsessed with pimping your countryman Vegas. ;)
Rikashiku said on 28/Oct/11
Umm Vegas, why did you cut the image so that we can't see Bautistas legs? Click Here

Bautistas legs are bigger than Ryans, and in the pic, Ryan is closer to the Camera because its a professional shoot in a studio.

Batista wants to push him for the company.

@Tman, I wouldn't put Mason Ryan at 6'5". More like 193cm because he is shorter than Swagger, an inch taller than Sheamus, and Swagger is shorter than Wade Barrett.
Alex said on 28/Oct/11
Mason Ryan's traps are insane. His physique is insane in general but his traps are rediculous!
Tman said on 28/Oct/11
Dave Botchtista 1,90m (290 max at peak)very broad but very slim from profile(side) view. good as a heel but annoying as hell as a face,Botches like crazy,average mike skills,good movement around the ring.

Mason Ryan 1,95m (265 FCW,285 In WWE currently) not broad framed but has muscles that are very swollen and stick out as a result he looks broader,very thick from the profile view.Potential to botch every wrestling maneuver he does,very likeable as a face.terrible mike skills,looks a bit uncoordinated when moving around the ring.
Alex said on 27/Oct/11
HHH is still a big guy no doubt but doesn't have that size he had in the early 2000s. Hes bigger now than he was in the later 90s though
Rikashiku said on 26/Oct/11
Yes I know he started to shrink in mas over the years. He was the same size when he debut in 2002 because the pic taken was taken in 2001-2002.

In 2006 he said that he weighed 280lbs and getting smaller because he didn't have the time to work out in the gym and had more time working on his athletic strengths and fitness.
Vegas said on 26/Oct/11
Rikashiku says on 24/Oct/11
@Vegas. Mason Ryan is big, but look at Bautista here. Click Here He's got mass all over him. His legs are biger, his upper body might be bigger.

i don't see it, ryans arms are much bigger than batistas and i don't see his legs being bigger, ryans also taller than batista so in order to be 50-60lb heavier he would have to dwarf ryan in size Click Here ryans also gained size since his returning from his injury this summer, looks 10-15lb heavier now than when those photos were taken, compare this from feb Click Here to his return in late september Click Here

again batista himself claimed ryan is bigger than he ever was, why would he say that?? there is the show he said it on Click Here
Alex said on 25/Oct/11
Rikashiku, Batista when he first came in 2002 looked very close to that picture you posted from OVW. As years went on he slowly decreased in size. But still a huge guy even in 06.
Rikashiku said on 21/Oct/11
Actually I stuffed up A-Train's weight. I was meant to have him at 300lbs and 370lbs MAX.

Yes, I do think Ezekial is heavier than Mason Ryan despite the fact that he is 2 inches shorter. It is possible for shorter athletes to be heavier than taller athletes who compete in similar careers. Ezekial has a larger muscle mass but Mason looks more ripped, not as bulky as Ezekial Jackson.

Sheamus' Max is meant to be 270lbs not 280lbs, because WWE gave him the 20+lbs treatment and billed him at 293lbs. He is still a deceivingly big guy and he has a similar build as Hooks do in Rugby.
Wade Barrett has always looked big, but he looked especially big when he was Tag Teamed with Drew McIntyre. He looked like he was carrying a lot more weight on him back then than he is now.

Having more toned muscles doesn't always mean you weigh more than people who carry more mass and bulk.

Vegas, if I drop one inch on Cena, then he will be exactly the same height as the Hardy's. Doesn't Cena have an inch on these two?

If I drop HHH by an Inch then he will be the same height as John Cena.

@Tman, you made MAson Ryan taller than Drew Mcintyre? Didn't you see their match? McIntyre is atleast the same height as Mason Ryan. 180cm is 5'11" 190cm is closer to 6'3" than 6'2.75"

A-Train is almost the same height as 6'4-6'5" Bob Sapp so he isn't 6'7".
Alex said on 21/Oct/11
A-Train is more than 300lbs I can bet on. Lesnar was 290-295lbs in WWE and A-Train def had a good 20-30lbs on him I'd say. He wasn't muscle like Brock but he had more girth
Tman said on 20/Oct/11
The most accurate height poll of them all
Triple h 1,88m(6'2)250lbs
Edge 1,905m (dead on 6'3)218 lbs
Randy Orton 1,93m (6ft 4)225 lbs
Sheamus 1,90m (6'2.75)255 lbs
Batista 1,90m(6'2.75)285 lbs (peak)
alberto del rio 1,90m(6'2.75)240'ish
Mark Henry 1,87(6'1.5)
Booker T 1,86m (6'1)245 lbs
Bobby Lashley 1,84(6.05)255lbs
Dol Ziggler 1,82m (5'11.5) why does everyone see this guy at only 5'10 ?
Drew McIntyre 1,93m 234 lbs
Mason Ryan 1,95m (6'4.75 he aint 6'5) 275 lbs
trent tucker said on 20/Oct/11

hhh 188cm..190cm(1999)
del riyo 190cm
edge 192cm..193cm peak
orton 194cm...
cena 184cm
sheamus 190cm
jack swagger 197cm
barret 198cm-199cm
drew galloway 195cm
mason ryan 194cm..
batista 190cm
cody 182cm..
ted 188cm
khali 216cm..
christian 184cm
john morrison 182cm
mizz 185cm
cm punk 184cm
truth 181cm..
dolph 181cm..
kofi 179cm..

abyss 196cm
sting 189cm
angle 178cm..180cm peak
morgan 203cm..
jeff hardy 183cm..
rvd 182cm..
mr kennedy 182cm..
hernandez 185cm
jarret 183cm
flair 179cm...183cm peak..
Vegas said on 20/Oct/11
rika when were sheamus and barrett as big as ryan is as of now??

you really think zeke despite being at least 3 inches shorter is 30lb heavier than ryan, if the hardys are 5'11 then you will have to drop an inch off your estimates for guys like cena, triple h

a-train max 300lb...... watch this clip Click Here
Rikashiku said on 16/Oct/11
The downgraded Sheamus to 6'4"!!! but Alberto is still 6'5".
leo jack said on 13/Oct/11
i think wade barret is taller than abyss and jack swagger..
Alex said on 13/Oct/11
I've seen Kane and Big Show look as much as 5 inches apart too. If you go back to 99 Big Show only appeared to have between 2 and 3 inches on Kane, but thats when Kane wore his big lifts
Rikashiku said on 13/Oct/11
Errrm guys, everyone knows that Abyss is 6'5", not 6'7"... hell he's shorter than 6'7" Lance Hoyt/ Vance Archer who got the 6'9" treatment.
Rikashiku said on 12/Oct/11
@Turk, you think Kame is 6 inches shorter than BigShow?! Dude, there's like 4 inches between these men.

I was watching Smackdown last week and Wade Barrett and Jack Swagger were both together. Barrett looked half an inch taller than Swagger. Swagger can look taller because of his hair and very long arms, but if you look at the top of their heads, Barrett is actually taller than 6'5.5" Swagger.
Fred said on 11/Oct/11
@azamat Edge is 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) more than makes Sheamus ~ 190.5 cm. So I see Edge not above 192 cm. By cons, Batista is 0.5 inches shorter than Sheamus. So Batista is a good 189 cm
turk said on 11/Oct/11
kane 208cm big show 213cm undertaker 205cm sheamus 198 cm randy orton 194 cm john cena 188 cm mark henry 190 cm the great khali 220 cm edge 195 cm jack swagger 200 cm rock 193 cm batista 193 cm drew 198 cm wade barret 198 cm ve murat bosporus 170 cm ı turkısh
azamat said on 11/Oct/11
hhh 188cm
edge 193cm
orton 194
jack swagger 197cm
wade barret 197cm
sheamus 190cm
drew 195cm
rock 192cm
batista 191cm
mark henry 186cm
undertaker 203cm
john cena 185cm 186cm
john morrissson 181cm

jeff hardy 184cm
abyss 199cm
sting 188cm(191cm peak)
rob terry 191cm
morgan 204cm
mr andersson 182cm(=rvd)
aj 179cm
kurt 179cm
bully ray 189cm
d-von 185cm
hernandez 185cm
hogan 190cm(199cm peak)
ric flair 179cm(peak 184cm)
Fred said on 10/Oct/11
@Rampage(-_-_-)Clover I think you said to see HHH 189 cm. It is possible, but it would Sheamus to almost 192 cm. Because of this video Click Here that we know already, there is a stack 1 inch (2.54 cm) the two men. It is possible to be worse than Sheamus at 6'3.25 (191 cm) and HHH at 6'2.25 (188.5 cm). But I think I think that HHH is rather located 6'2 (188 cm) and Sheamus at 6'3 (190.5 cm) ... Below me seem exaggerated to 190.5 Sheamus, right?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover, your opinion interests me also Sheamus. How high do you see exactly?
Alex said on 10/Oct/11
Then maybe both are 6'0?
Enigma said on 10/Oct/11
here it is : Click Here
Enigma said on 10/Oct/11
I think Matt and Jeff are both in the 5'11 range. I remember Jeff had a match with Cena back in 08 and he looked an inch shorter.
Vegas said on 10/Oct/11
i don't think jeff is taller than matt Click Here
Alex said on 10/Oct/11
Vegas, if Matt is 6'0 then wouldn't Jeff by closer to 6'1. At least 6'0 1/2? He was a slightly taller than Matt I think?
Vegas said on 10/Oct/11
Alex says on 9/Oct/11
Jeff Hardy looks 6'0 range while Matt may be more 5'11 1/2

matts 6ft, met and talked with him 2 years ago, taller than the likes of bret hart, rvd in person
Alex said on 9/Oct/11
Jeff Hardy looks 6'0 range while Matt may be more 5'11 1/2. They're pretty close in height
Enigma said on 8/Oct/11
I used to think Jeff Hardy was 6',but he looks more 5'11 flat to me the more I see of him.
Rikashiku said on 8/Oct/11
hhh = 188cm, 190cm peak??? he did look taller than he is before.
edge = 191cm
orton = 194cm (Whole inch over Edge, i think?)
jack swagger = 197cm
drew = 194cm
wade barret = 198cm
John Morrison = 180cm
Del Rio = 190cm
sheamus = 190cm
Mason Ryan = 194cm
Ezekial Jackson = 188cm
Titus O'Neil = 193cm
Percy Watson = 188cm
Mark Henry = 185cm

jeff hardy = 182cm
abyss =195cm
Matt Morgan = 204cm
Anderson = 180cm
sting =186cm
Kurt Angle = 180cm peak, 178cm now
Hogan = 190cm, 197cm peak
Bully Ray = 190cm
Samoa Joe = 183cm
Clay said on 7/Oct/11
Alex says on 4/Oct/11
Alex 2, Batista was an inch or so taller than HHH so if you have HHH at 6'2.25 then Batista is an inch taller


Alex2 is one of the most sensible, reasonable posters here but he got that one wrong (maybe it was a typo, I'll give him the benefit).
James said on 7/Oct/11
hhh- 188cm
edge-192cm peak
jack swagger 196cm
wade barrett 196cm
sheamus 190cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Oct/11
I'd accept most of those, but I think Sting is more 189cm than 187cm.
Always had at least 4in over 5"10 Kurt Angle
Alex2 said on 7/Oct/11
Sorry that was a mistake Batista I meant to put 6'3
kian said on 6/Oct/11
hhh = 188cm
edge = 192cm
orton = 193cm
jack swagger = 197cm
drew = 194cm
wade barret = 197cm
john morisson = 182cm
del riyo = 190cm
sheamus = 191cm

jeff hardy = 183cm
abyss =199cm
matt morgan = 206cm
andersson = 183cm
sting =187cm
bobby roode = 181cm
hernandez = 184cm
aj = 179cm
kazarian = 182cm
king said on 5/Oct/11
theawesome1 says on 5/Oct/11
Paul Levesque is no way 6'0.5
maybe when the guy turns 200 years old and on a bad day 2
people who r trying to make that gut seem shorter
don't bother it was obvious that he was about Dwayne Johnson height
in there segment before the royal rumble 2002 Paul was about the same height and maybe a bit taller, he also looked taller than Ashton Kutcher
he looks shorter than randy Orton but again he in no way 6.05
on the other hand he is shorter than randy Orton but Orton should look taller cuz his built and short hair 2.
Paul looked taller than 6'1 Steve Austin (as listed on this sign) with at least an inch or 2
i met him before, the guy is huge maybe bigger than Dwayne, his arms, back and chest are huge and he is really tall
Rikashiku said on 5/Oct/11
I'd put Rhodes closer to 5'11.5" and I was looking at some pics and videos of HHH and Rhodes together and HHH occasionally has 1-2 inches over Rhodes even though Rhodes is wearing boots in a lot of these pics.
Fred said on 5/Oct/11
Thank you to you for all the details :)
It is clear that with the hair of Sheamus there are all that bad. We even imagine the feeling of his head a little higher, then no. I also say to Sheamus 6'3 or maybe 6'3.25.
Alongside Batista is a shame that there are no really sharp images, but Batista is actually 0.5 "shorter than Sheamus. I think Batista is about to 6'2 .5
Ryan Mason's hard too. I always thought 6'3.5 for him, but 6'4 or 6'4.25 is not impossible either. So if you say it is a "more than Sheamus, then Mason as well 6'4-6'4.25
Mark Henry, I think exactly like you. It is a good 6'1, maybe 6'1.25, and Sheamus is 2 "higher than him. What is strange is that Mark Henry often seems Backstage 6'2-6'2.5
Goldust might be 1.5 "longer than Sheamus, right?
Mcintyre I see also 6'4.5, and seems Sheamus 1.25 "less. In the worst case 1.5" less.

What I would say for now:

Sheamus 6'3
Batista 6'2.5
Ryan Mason 6'4?
Mark Henry 6'1.25
Triple H 6'2
Randy Orton 6'4
Goldust I do not know, but I would say 6'4 .5
Mcintyre 6'4.5 (6'4 ability .75)
John Cena 6'0.75
theawesome1 said on 5/Oct/11
HHH is not that tall
next to rhodes on sd he was shorter
rhodes is about 6'1" so triple h is about 6'0.5"
Rikashiku said on 5/Oct/11
@Ras, in which part of the video am i supposed to be looking at? REmember, Snitsky is wearing boots. In a picture, Snitsky is barely 2 inches taller than 6'2.75 Bautista and is atleast 3 inches shorter than 6'7.5 Kane. In a picture with JBL, Snitsky is an inch or so shorter than 6'5" JBL.

@Alex2, why do you have HHH being taller than Bautista? Because Im pretty sure Bautista had an inch on HHH lmfao.

@Fred, I think Sheamus could be 6'3" flat. I've seen him with Bautista and Sheamus is slightly taller. His hair makes him look taller though but Bautista still looked atleat .5"-1" shorter.
Sheamus and 6'4" Mason Ryan have been seen together wearing flats and Mason Ryan is a whole inch taller than Sheamus. Sheamus is also an inch shorter than 6'4" Goldust and looks 2 inches taller than 6'1" mark henry. He is also an inch shorter than 6'4.5" Drew McIntyre.
Alex said on 4/Oct/11
Alex 2, Batista was an inch or so taller than HHH so if you have HHH at 6'2.25 then Batista is an inch taller
sergio said on 4/Oct/11
Triple h is a very tall man
Fred said on 2/Oct/11
I also live up to Sheamus very intriguing. I always thought 6'3.25" for him. Let no less than 6'3" and no more than 6'3.5" It seems 2 inch over Mark Henry to do a good 6'1" Then next Christian who is about 6'0.75" Sheamus dominates 2 inch as well.
Triple H is 1.5 inch below Sheamus.

What do you think ?

sorry for my spelling :/
tony t. said on 2/Oct/11
Legend you might be right actually. I can't understand why cm punk looks so short in this video Click Here
especially around the 26-30 sec. mark.
Clay said on 30/Sep/11
Actually Snitsky was 6'5-6'5.5 as well.
Alex2 said on 30/Sep/11
Cena - 6'0.75
Triple H - 6'2.25
Batista - 6'2
Orton - 6'4.25
Kane - 6'8.25
Undertaker - 6'8.25 peak and 6'8 now (has looked way too tall against guys liek Swagger, JBL and Khali to be below that IMO).
Nash - 6'10 peak 6'9 now
JBL - 6'5.5 (yes come at me)
Punk - 5'11.75
Swagger - 6'5.25
Big Show - 6'11.5 now 7'0.5 peak
Khali - 7'1 maybe a hair under.
James said on 30/Sep/11
CM Punk 6'0 (183cm)
JBL 6'5 (196cm)


CM Punk 5'11.75 (182cm)
JBL 6'4.75 (195cm)
Ras said on 29/Sep/11
I always thought Snitsky was slightly taller than JBL, I'd give JBL 6'5.5" and Snitsky 6'6".
Click Here
In that video Snitsky seems to have about 4 inches on Umaga (who I think was 6'2.5"), I know Umaga is barefoot so Snitsky must be at least JBL's height, if not taller.
Anthony said on 29/Sep/11
I would say both batista and sheamus are 6'3, in this pick sheamus's boots seem to have beigger lifts in them but i could be wrong: Click Here
here: they seem about the same height but its not fair to jugde from the distance the picture was tooken!
Click Here
Rikashiku said on 29/Sep/11
JBL is slightly more than 6'5". He's a whole inch or so taller than Randy Orton and is slightly taller than Snitsky who are both around 6'4" and JBL easily towers over 6'2"-ish HHH.
Clay said on 28/Sep/11
JBL is 6'5''.
Vegas said on 28/Sep/11
Enigma says on 28/Sep/11
JBL is like 6'4 right?

layfield was listed 6'5 in pro football and 6'6 in college football, he is wearing ~2 inch cowboy boots in that clip, in that same footwear he was close to undertakers height Click Here
Enigma said on 28/Sep/11
JBL is like 6'4 right? He towers Punk throughout this vid Click Here
Legend said on 28/Sep/11
Punk looks like a run of the mill 5'10 guy in wrestling boots.
hs2011 said on 27/Sep/11
Punk was no shorter than Jeff Hardy in 2009 and claimed 6'0" during his ROH career which I think he looks (or near enough).

In the ring he wears flat sneakers covered with kickpads instead of wrestling boots/chunky sneakers (e.g. Cena), so can look shorter next to guys in the ring than he really is.
Enigma said on 26/Sep/11
Punk must of had a late growth spurt then because here he is in his late teens with 6'1 Stone Cold : Click Here

I know he's closer 2 the camera but I'd still say he's about 5'8 there. I personally think he's around 5'10-5'11 now.
James said on 26/Sep/11
Punk could be 6'0. he defenintly looks taller than a flat 5'11 next too triple h.
Viper said on 25/Sep/11
Punk isnt taller than 5-11. I just dont see it.
Tman said on 25/Sep/11
Sheamus is dead on 1,90m 6'2.75 and should get his own page here I feel
James said on 23/Sep/11
Vegas what about 6'3 (191cm) for Sheamus?
Rikashiku said on 23/Sep/11
Lakegary, you sure about that? because you forgot to add the fact that the wrestlers are standing on a 1 inch thick padded mat and you're not. HHH should still have an inch over you. you said you were both the same height so that would mean HHH is 6'0" without that push if he stood next to you in the same shoes.

Punk is def around 5'11"-6'0", he is shorter than Cena.

@Tman, Backstage segments are no good for comparing heights.

Sheamus is 6'3" at most, 6'2.5" min and looks a good 260lbs. He's taller than Batista and shorter than Orton.
tony t. said on 22/Sep/11
5'11.75 fits punk best I think.
lakegary said on 22/Sep/11
I had a isle seat at a wwe event couple of years ago. Im 6'2" in my nikes, and
after the match Triple H came and gave me a hi five he was standing straight and was the same hight as me, remember thats in wrestling boots which have at least 1" heels maybe more. I say 6'0.5" - 6'1" barefoot now, 6'2" in his prime.
Alex said on 21/Sep/11
Punk is 6'0 at most
Vegas said on 21/Sep/11
James says on 21/Sep/11
Sheamus 6'2.5 (189cm) same height as mark henry

taller than henry, sheamus was also taller next to conan o brien than henry was, 1min 40secs Click Here
James said on 21/Sep/11
CM Punk 6'0 (183cm)
Edge 6'3 (191cm) maybe 6'3.5 (192cm) peak?
Sheamus 6'2.5 (189cm) same height as mark henry
Viper said on 20/Sep/11
Punk is 5-11.

And Jackman looking the same height as a 6-1 man? Not surprised, always thought Jackman was 6-1.
Tman said on 20/Sep/11
For all those that say Sheamus is 6'2 this is how he could appear next to 6'3 egde sometimes Click Here
James said on 20/Sep/11
Matt Morgan is 6'9 i think? Although if Masters is 6'4 then Matt looks 6'8.

Swaggger i'd estiamte would be 3 inches taller than hugh jackman
Vegas said on 20/Sep/11
ryder when he was with edge looked about 2 inches shorter, i wanted to see swagger next to jackman last night, that would have been interesting as swagger has 6 inches on ziggler
Rikashiku said on 20/Sep/11
Zach Ryder is listed at 6'1" and even looks that height.

@miko, in that pic, Morgan isn't standing straight. Masters is 6'3" legit.

HHH looks to have 2 inches on Punk when standing proper, but then again, in one of Vegas' pics, HHH looks like he's stretching himself and he's raised his chin up.
Vegas said on 19/Sep/11
hugh jackman was 2 inches taller than dolph ziggler tonight on raw and same height as zach ryder
miko said on 19/Sep/11
I dunno what page to put this on, but here is a pic of 6'4 billed Chris Masters with 7'0 billed Matt Morgan for you all:

Click Here
James said on 19/Sep/11
Isn't CM punk 6ft or very close too it? Next too Triple H punk can look 183cm although 182cm isn't impossible either.
Danimal said on 19/Sep/11
Alex says on 17/Sep/11
Yea 240-245 for Cena looks very accurate but his body fat is def under 10% too. around 8% is my guess and thats huge at 240

I'd say Cena was 230 at his lowest and 250 at his highest, but probably averaged 240 pounds pretty consistently for a 6'0"-6'1" guy.
DMan said on 18/Sep/11
Triple h looks nothing more than 6'0.5 on Raw these days, Barely taller than 5'11 Punk and same height as 6'0.5 Cena, whilst in regular dress shoes. Proves what wrestling boots can do.

And i'll just like to throw in, Michael Cole slipped up and near enough confirmed Sheamus's real height as 6'2 on the Night of Chamnpions PPV.
chris zaun said on 18/Sep/11
hhh is 6 foot 2 atleast
Tman said on 18/Sep/11
When Mike Knox tagged with 1,96m Test he was a bit shorter and ECW commentators consistently called him 6 foot 4 week in week out...1,94-5 is Knox
Legend said on 17/Sep/11
Ziggler is 5'10
Rikashiku said on 17/Sep/11
Knox looked shorter than 6'5" when they were tag team.

I was watching a Snitsky match against Orton, Snitsky didn't look that much taller than him and it was mostly because of Camera tricks. He looks bigger but when they stand toe to toe they virtually look similar in height.

I haven't seen the staredown with Edge, but I imagine Snitsky wore thick boots.

Click Here
-With Batista, not that god of a shot but Snitsky still looks 2 inches taller than 6'3" ish Batista.

Then again, BAtista could have been wearing lifts because here with one of the wild Samoans.
Click Here
Snitsky towers both of them. He has 5 inches over Batista, but then againt hat would mean he is taller than Kane even though Snitsky has been seen as 3 inches shorter than Kane.
Click Here
-Same Samoan(?) with 6'0.5" Cena.

Click Here
-The best picture to compare Snitskys height. Snitsky in the back with JBL(6'5-6'6") They both look similar in height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Sep/11
Cena is 6"0.5(184cm), maybe even 6"0.75?
James said on 17/Sep/11
Yeah Knox could have been 6'6
Alex said on 17/Sep/11
Yea 240-245 for Cena looks very accurate but his body fat is def under 10% too. around 8% is my guess and thats huge at 240
Clay said on 16/Sep/11
Knox is way taller than 6'3''. I though he looked 6'5-6'6.
Clay said on 16/Sep/11
240-245 max for Cena Id say Alex.
Vegas said on 15/Sep/11
snitsky was taller than orton in a staredown and 2 inches taller than edge

i dunno knox looks taller than 6'3 in multiple fans photos i have seen i remember that ~6'5 german chap with loads of photos with all the wrestlers and knox was taller than him in a shot, i usually turned off the show if when he appeared though :D
tony t. said on 15/Sep/11
Brodus clay is 6'6 easily
Dolph Ziggler is 5'11
Cody Rhodes is 6'0 - 6'25
Ted Dibiase Jr. is 6'1 - 6'1.25
Cena 6.0'75
Miz is 6'0.25
gordon said on 15/Sep/11
my guess
John cena - 6'0.5
Randy orton-6'4
CM Punk-6'0
Christian -6'0
Mr Ziggles-5'11
The miz-6'0.25
johnny curtis-6'1
Kane said on 14/Sep/11
mike says on 4/Sep/11
triple h 6ft 1
orton 6ft 2
vince 5ft 11
cm punk 5ft 11
cena 6ft
wade barrett 6ft 3
kane 6ft 6
jack swagger 6ft 3
drew mcintyre 6ft 3
undertaker 6ft 4/5
batista 6ft 2?
Triple H 6'2
Orton 6'4
Vince 5'11
Cm Punk 5'11.5
Cena 6'0.5
Wade Barrett 6'5
Kane 6'9
Jack Swagger 6'4
Drew Mcintyre 6'5
Undertaker 6'8
Batista 6'3
Vegas said on 14/Sep/11
george who?? rvds forehead is roughly same length as mine (4.6 inches) in my photo with him, why would orton not have an average forehead??

rika some of those guys like johnny curtis, novak, cannon etc i have not paid too much attention to as i didn't really watch nxt outside season 1 and then i only watched to see bryan danielson, having met drew a few times i dont think he is over 6'4, i would add half an inch to both ziggler and o brien personally, ziggler looked taller than flat 5'10 in person couple of times i met him
Alex said on 14/Sep/11
Rikashiku, think Cena could be 255lbs at 6'0-6'0.5? My guess was def 240-245lbs
Rikashiku said on 14/Sep/11
Why does everyone keep saying Orton is 6'3"? Up til now, he was the only wrestler in the world he was his actual billed height. Heck he was even under billed in 2003 as being 6'3" tall.

Orton is every bit of 6'4".

Hey Vegas, what do you think about this list of assumed legit heights?

Orton 6'4" 250lbs
McIntyre 6'4.5" 230lbs
Sheamus 6'3" 260lbs
Wade Barrett 6'6" 255lbs
Ezekial Jackson 6'2" 310lbs
Titus O'Neil 6'4" 275lbs
Mason Ryan 6'4.5" 280lbs (I Lol'd when i heard his 314lbs announcement)
Percy Watson 6'2" 265lbs
Lucky Cannon 6'4.5" 240lbs
Billy Gunn 6'3.5"-6'4" 245lbs
Alex Riley 6'2" 255lbs
Dolph Ziggler 5'10" 220lbs
Jack Swagger 6'5" 260lbs
Ron Killings 5'11" 225lbs
Skip Sheffield 6'2" 280bs
Michael Tarver 6'3" 250lbs
Zack Ryder 6'0" 210lbs
Brodus Clay 6'5" 340lbs
Cody Rhodes 6'0" 190lbs
Heath Slater 6'0" 215lbs
Johnny Curtis 6'2" 235lbs
Jacob Novak 6'6" 245lbs
Undertaker 6'7.5" 250lbs
Luke Gallows 6'6" 280lbs
Vladimir Kozlov 6'3" 260lbs
The Rock 6'3" 230lbs
John Cena 6'0.5" 255lbs
Conan O'Brian 6'3.5" 240lbs
Alberto Del Rio 6'3"? 250lbs
Legend said on 14/Sep/11

Well George seems to differ on RVD's height. I think he's 5'11. Now who says we are dealing with normal eye lines in the standoff anyway?
James said on 13/Sep/11
Vegas Orton looks 194cm next too rvd.

Do you think orton could be that tall?
Vegas said on 13/Sep/11
Legend says on 12/Sep/11
Orton is 6'3

both myself and mamun have photos with rvd and rob met him too, 3mins 25secs onward in this clip, orton when he stretches his neck certainly appears taller and remember its ~4.5 inches from a normal mans eyeline to top of head Click Here
Legend said on 12/Sep/11
Orton is 6'3, 6'3.5 is a little high too in my opinion.
James said on 12/Sep/11
6'2 for orton is ridicolous he's only a whisker away from 6'4.

Wade Barrett is 6'5-6'6
big mike said on 12/Sep/11
6ft 4 for randy orton is a load of crap. more like 6ft 2. 6ft 5 for wade barrett is even more funnier. 6ft 3 tops. drew mcintyre 6ft 3. sheamus 6 ft2. jack swagger 6ft 3.
James said on 12/Sep/11
Randy Orton 6'3.75
Drew Mcyntire 6'4
Wade Barrett 6'5.5
Jack Swagger 6'5
tony t. said on 12/Sep/11
Randy Orton 6'4
Drew Mcyntire 6'4.5
Wade Barrett 6'5 - 6'5.5
Jack Swagger 6'6
seems pretty obvious to me.
MS2000 said on 11/Sep/11
also a stare down between orton and Barrett some ware on youtube I saw a while ago if anyone can find it please post it up asap thanx.
MS2000 said on 11/Sep/11
sorry meant,
Triple H - now 6'1.5 / peak 6'1.75 - 6'2
Sheamus - now 6'2
Edge - now 6'2.25 - 6'2.5
Randy Orton - now 6'3.25 - 6'3.5
John Cena - now 6'0.25
Wade Barrett - now 6'4 - 6'4.25
Jack Swagger - now 6'4.5 - 6'4.75
Drew Mcintyre - now 6'3.5 - 6'3.75
Kane - now 6'7.25 / peak 6'7.5
Undertaker - now 6'6.25 / peak 6'7
Kevin Nash - now 6'8.5 - 6'8.75 / peak 6'9 - 6'9.25
Scott Hall - now 6'3.25 / peak 6'4.25
Hulk Hogan - now 6'2.25 - 6'2.75 / peak 6'5
Andre - was 6ft 10.25
Big Show - now 6ft 11.25 / peak 6'11.5
Great Khali - now 7'0.75 - 7'1

Other thought's, I personaly think most regular shoes give 0.5 inches were most wrestlers boots give an inch over that so have always thought they give 1.5 inches too ones height thats possibly why they can appear even bigger. although this is only my personal opinion but can vary and is still debatable for others too speak their minds. :)
James said on 10/Sep/11
Alex says on 9/Sep/11
James, I agree. Swagger def looks 6'5. Barrett looks between 6'5 and 6'6

I don't find it easy too tell who is taller barret or swagger? Possibly Swaggers hairstlye might give off a 6'6 illusion at times.

Overall though jack is 2.5 inches shorter than kane so 6'5 is fine for him.
Alex said on 9/Sep/11
James, I agree. Swagger def looks 6'5. Barrett looks between 6'5 and 6'6
James said on 8/Sep/11
Actually maybe Jack Swagger is closer too 6'5 (196cm). Wade Barrett could be 197cm though??????
James said on 8/Sep/11
Yep as Danimal said 6'3 in shoes.

Probably only about 1cm shorter than sheamus as well.

By the way both Jack Swagger and Wader Barrett are between 6'5-6'6. Alberto Del Rio looks 6'3 (191cm) next too Barrett.
Dan90 said on 8/Sep/11
This is too low imo. 6'2.75" seems like a more accurate guess, if HBK is really 5'11.5" like this site claims.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/11
6'3" in shoes
Rikashiku said on 6/Sep/11
Ok, i can accept a 5'11" Kofi, but for Christian i can only go as far as saying 5'11.5" for him. Sorry but he is an inch shorter than 6'0.5" Cena. Also, for all we know, Kurts injury has made him lose height.

About that vid with Barrett and Del Rio, It looks like there's 3 inches between them. The guy with the Dreadlocks was billed at 6'3" though and he is shorter than Del Rio. For Hawkens I wouldn't put him over 6'1".

Barrett could be standing on a Box for all we know. He doesn't move from that spot til the very end where the camera's zoom is right in their faces.
Vegas said on 6/Sep/11
been alot of talk of wade barrett on this page, backstage with del rio last night, both men are billed same height by wwe, at the start thats curt hawkins in the middle, now jason claimed hawkins looked 6'2 range to him in person, these types of videos are not the best it must be said Click Here
Big Show said on 6/Sep/11
Vegas says on 5/Sep/11
found it interesting that hhh is taller than michael rapaport whom robs got at 6'3 in his new movies, at least the trailers anyway there is a still from one scene Click Here

Rapaport was visibly taller than Schwarzenegger in The 6th Day. Triple H didn't look more than an inch taller than Schwarzenegger some 5-6 years ago at the Mr. Olympia.
sonia said on 6/Sep/11
i met him last year. i think he is 6 feet 3 inches.
Rikashiku said on 6/Sep/11
@Vegas Kingston is a little shorter than Cody Rhodes who would be 5'11" or 6'0"? I never really learned his height but i always saw a 5'11.5" guy in Rhodes.
What do you think about this pic?
Click Here

Isn't Angle like 5'9"? If so then that fits in perfect for Christian being between 5'11" and 6'0". He is an inch shorter than Cena.
Vegas said on 5/Sep/11
found it interesting that hhh is taller than michael rapaport whom robs got at 6'3 in his new movies, at least the trailers anyway there is a still from one scene Click Here
James said on 5/Sep/11
Swagger is more 6'5 1/2 than 6'6 probably.

Cannot decide if Jack is 197 or 196cm?

Orton is a weak 6'4 like 6'3 3/4.
Kane said on 5/Sep/11
@MS2000 No
Triple H 6'2
Sheamus 6'4
Randy Orton 6'3.5
John Cena 6'0
Wade Barrett 6'5
Kane 6'9 6'10 peak
Jack Swagger 6'5
Drew Mcintyre 6'4
Undertaker 6'9 6'10 peak
Kevin Nash 6'9
Scott Hall 6'4
Hulk Hogan 6'3 peak 6'6
Great Khali 7'1
Vegas said on 5/Sep/11
Rampage; drew and swagger are not the same height, have met both, swagger is taller than drew in person and bigger mass wise as well, and swaggers listed 6'6 by the wwe btw

rika, kofi was at least 5'11 in person and you have christian a little too short, closer to 6ft than 5'11 out of gear, he was taller than bret hart last week on smackdown and had 2 inches easy on kurt angle couple of years ago in tna
MS2000 said on 5/Sep/11
Triple H 6'1.5 - Cm Punk wares bigger boots then him now as he is "GM" ;) dress shoes can make even the best look less taller when others ware boots.
Sheamus 6'2.25 - Not sure maybe 6'2 even with the hair and all lol
Randy Orton 6'3.25 - definetly 3 inches even over Cena
John Cena 6'0.25 - Judging by him, Brock Lesnar & 5ft 10.75 Shawn Micheals
Wade Barrett 6'4 - has almost 4 inches on cena & 0.75 over Orton
Kane 6'7 now 6ft 7.5 peak, kane tries too hard now days those boots dont lie.
Jack Swagger 6'4.5 - with Randy Orton and oher occasions with Drew mcintyre
Drew Mcintrye 6'3.5 - judging with sheamus & matt hardy
Undertaker now 6'6.25 peak 6'7.25
Kevin Nash now 6'8.5 peak 6'9
Scott Hall - 6ft 3.25 now 6ft 4.25 peak - judging with nash
Hulk Hogan 6ft 2.75 now 6ft 4.5 peak - judging with Sting & Andre
Great Khali 7'0.75 juding by pic's of big show & a 7'0.5 shaquille o'neil
Big Show 6ft 11.25 hasnt really lost much height since wCw maybe millimetres
Rikashiku said on 4/Sep/11
lmfao Mike hell no! A 6'2" Orton and a 6'3" Barrett? I hope you're joking man, i really do because there are very few stupid people i have seen make comments and if you truly believe your listings then my list would be bumped up to alot of stupid people.

Its more like.

HHH 6'2"
Orton 6'4"
McMahon 5'11"
CM Punk 5'11.75"
Cena 6'0.5"
Barrett 6'5"-6'6"
Kane 6'7.75"
Swagger 6'5"
McIntyre 6'4.25"
Undertaker 6'7.75"
Bautista 6'2.5"


Mahal 6'4"
Sheamus 6'3"
DDP 6'4"
Khali 7'0"
Bigshow 6'11"
Evan Bourne 5'5"?
Kofi Kingston 5'10"
Daniel Bryan 5'7"
Heath Slater 6'0"
Justin Gabriel 5'11"
David Otunga 5'10"
Michael Mgil- something 6'1"
Brodus Clay 6'6"
Alberto 6'3"
Kozlov 6'3"
Laurinitas 6'3"
Scott Hall 6'5"?
Nash 6'9"?
Edge 6'3"?
Christian 5'11.25"
Ezekial Jackson 6'2"
Mason Ryan 6'4.5"
Alex said on 4/Sep/11
Undertaker 6'4-6'5? Thats almost as bad as that 6'2 estimate for UT a while back. Orton is clearly taller than just 6'2. Kane is closer to 6'8 than 6'6.
James said on 4/Sep/11
Triple H 6'2 (188cm)
Sheamus 6'2.5 (189cm)
Orton 6'3.75 (192cm)
cm punk 5'11.25 (181cm)
Cena 6'0.5 (184cm)
Wade Barrett 6'5.5 (197cm)
Kane 6'7.5 (202cm)
Jack Swagger 6'5.5 (197cm)
Drew Mcintrye 6'4 (193cm)
Undertaker 6'7 (201cm)
Batista 6'2.75 (190cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/11
Mike, a lot of those estimates are well off the mark. Wade Barrett is a very solid 6"5 guy if not 0.5in over that, he towers a lot of the wrestlers. Orton is 6"4 range, he usually has close to 2in on Triple H. Vince McMahon is at least 6"1, even today. Jack Swagger is a little under his billed 6"5, probably 194cm.

The Undertaker at 6"4-6"5 is laughable. He's easily one of the tallest wrestlers in WWE today. No less than 6"7 for him. Kane is 1in taller than Taker so 6"8 for him. Drew McIntyre is slightly taller than Randy Orton so
6"4.5(194cm) is probably his height. CM Punk is at least 6"0. He claims to be 6"3, but probably wears heeled wrestling boots that bring him close to that.
mike said on 4/Sep/11
triple h 6ft 1
orton 6ft 2
vince 5ft 11
cm punk 5ft 11
cena 6ft
wade barrett 6ft 3
kane 6ft 6
jack swagger 6ft 3
drew mcintyre 6ft 3
undertaker 6ft 4/5
batista 6ft 2

Rikashiku said on 4/Sep/11
@Elbarto. Its because they're still making their superstars stand on boxes while in backstage interviews. If you watch the Andre documentary, you'll learn that they made Andre stand on a box to make him look far taller than McMahon.
Alex said on 3/Sep/11
Someone who is say 6'1.25 at their lowest. Thats a STRONG 6'1. Now 6'1.75 at their lowest would be a strong 6'1.5/weak 6'2. Thats my opinion.
Elbarto said on 3/Sep/11
I might be off topic here but, backstage interviews are not to be trusted, I've noticed that Matt Striker looks 1 inch shorter than Kofi Kingston but then all of a sudden Striker looks 5 inches shorter than Christian when he's interviewing him, anyone mind explaining what's up with that? xD
Legend said on 30/Aug/11
@Big Show

I guess it depends on one's definition? To me a weak something would be .25 and a strong is .75...
sonia said on 30/Aug/11
triple h is exactly 6 feet 2 inches.
Alex said on 30/Aug/11
Big Show, I totally agree with that. That goes for every height though a "full" may mean the same as "strong" to some people.
mike said on 29/Aug/11
6ft 1 for triple h.
GM said on 29/Aug/11
In this video Mason Ryan and Sheamus are face to face and they are about the same height.
Big Show said on 29/Aug/11
Legend says on 28/Aug/11
6'1.25 is a weak 6'1 in and of itself.

6'1.25" is a 1/4 of an inch over 6'1" and you call that a weak 6'1"? What do you call a strong 6'1"? Someone who's 6'2" perhaps?
To me a weak 6'1" means that you're not quite a full 6'1" (so less than 6'1" and more than 6'0.5"). When you're 6'1" on the dot, I call that a full 6'1", and when you're over 6'1" but less than 6'1.5" I call that a strong 6'1".
tony t. said on 29/Aug/11
Del Rio, sheamus, edge and john laurinaitis are all around the same height at 6'3.25
Legend said on 28/Aug/11
Alex says on 27/Aug/11
6'1.25 midday-evening height would mean you're a STRONG 6'1 actually
It depends. 6'1.25 is a weak 6'1 in and of itself. Morning doesn't count in my opinion so to me it's a weak 6'1.
James said on 27/Aug/11
If Triple H is 6'2 then that means Alberto Del Rio is 6'3 1/2?
Alex said on 27/Aug/11
6'1.25 midday-evening height would mean you're a STRONG 6'1 actually
Rikashiku said on 26/Aug/11
John Laurinitus is def a legit 6'3". He has a billing of 6'5" though. He towers over McMahon more so than HHH does. HHH looks roughly 6'2" maybe less.
Legend said on 25/Aug/11

It's a range. Has nothing to do with predictability. When I put .25 I just mean he's a weak 6'1...
tell-em said on 25/Aug/11
triple h isn't under 6'2". look at him w/ 5'11" shawn michaels back in 1997. thats atleast 3 inches. although he doesn't look 6'2" next to john laurinitus, whos been listed at 6'3". maybe john isn't 6'3"?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Aug/11
In wrestling boots he can look 6"4.
James said on 25/Aug/11
6'4 is absurd for Triple H
Danimal said on 24/Aug/11
Legend says on 23/Aug/11
He's 6'1.25

Again, with the lowest possible height and add .25"... You're very predictable legend.
Kane said on 24/Aug/11
He mentioned in his book that he had developed into a 'six-foot-four, two-hundred-ten-pound high schooler'. However, he just looked a small bit taller than 6'0 R-Truth, so I'd say he's about 187cm.
James said on 24/Aug/11
he's still 6'2
Legend said on 23/Aug/11
He's 6'1.25
James said on 22/Aug/11
well i defenintly woulden't put him over 6'2 nowadays.
Alex said on 22/Aug/11
Lutz looked 6'0-6'0.5 with Cena. HHH looks 6'2 there.
Clay said on 21/Aug/11
LoL James HHH is standing behind Lutz there, thats why he looks 3 inches shorter. You should know about angles and what not by now.

HHH doesn't ever go under 6'2'' IMO.
James said on 21/Aug/11
i must say that triple h looks very wide and somewhat compressed in appearence these days. maybe thats why he can look under 6'2?

Lutz could be 184cm so......

Triple H 6'2 (188cm)
Lutz 6'0.5 (184cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Aug/11
Lol 5ft11.
James, how tall do you think Kellan Lutz is?
tony t. said on 21/Aug/11
Look at 5:20-5:21 of this vid with conan and sheamus, and then at 6:45 to the end. Taking into account sheamus' footwear advantage i'd say he's 6'3-6'3.25
Click Here
Rikashiku said on 21/Aug/11
Thats a bad pic Tony LOL! Here are better ones provided before.
Click Here
Click Here

HHH looks 6'2" with Lutz.

When i saw Kozlov on the show, he always got 6'6" billing by the commentators. 6'6" is just over kill i mean he's just the same height as legit 6'3" Connor O'Brian and Connor was roughly the same height as Del Rio.
James said on 20/Aug/11
i have seen more pics off him and kellen on google and i think triple looks 6'1-6'2 range next too him.
James said on 20/Aug/11
Triple H is probably 6'1.5 or 6'1.75 these days.

WOW with Kellen Lutz triple h looks 5'11 range
tony t. said on 19/Aug/11
We've seen the pic with Cena and Kellen Lutz..there's also one with triple h and lutz Click Here
Vegas said on 18/Aug/11
koslov was listed 6'8 on nearly his whole stint in the company
James said on 18/Aug/11
I used too think he was 6'3 1/2 but he dosen't look at all with Conan O'Brien and Randy Orton
Rikashiku said on 18/Aug/11
I give Sheamus a weak 6'3" also. He is shorter than 6'4.5"-6'5" McIntyre and 6'6" Wade Barrett. I always used to think Booker T was atleast 6'1" since he got a 6'3" billings but for some reason I keep thinking he's atleast 6'0". Whoa wait a minute, when did Kozlov get the 6'8" billing? I thought he always got 6'6". I still laugh when they billed him at 302lbs. He looks no more than 270. He's big but not that big.Ezekial Jackson is what 300+lbs would look like.
Clay said on 17/Aug/11
Weak 6'3'' for Sheamus.
James said on 17/Aug/11
I think Sheamus is 6'3 tops because even with his hairstlye he still looked shorter than randy orton. in that pic with conan defenintly looks under 6'3
Vegas said on 17/Aug/11
alex you were asking about chris masters a while back, personally i thought he was ~6'3 the couple of times i met him, here is a video of him out of gear last weekend in la with numerous wrestling fans Click Here
Josh said on 17/Aug/11
Sheamus actually looked taller than Conan. IMO
The Ben said on 16/Aug/11
How much do you think CM punk weighs?
hs2011 said on 16/Aug/11
Triple H with 6'1" (per Rob) Kellan Lutz: Click Here
Click Here
Vegas said on 16/Aug/11
Hansen says on 16/Aug/11
i believe HHH,Stone Cold,Booker T all in 6ft1 range. Bill Goldberg a little higher than 3 of them at 6ft1.75

well triple h was taller than booker t and austin in staredowns and not shorter than goldberg, booker and hhh 10secs onward Click Here hhh and goldberg 3mins 30secs on Click Here 30secs onward Click Here
Vegas said on 16/Aug/11
if you are going to bil kane at 7ft, koslov at 6'8, sheamus at 6'6, taker at 6'10, claiming khali is 7'4 all the time on tv (as josh matthews does) then they really should bill cena at 6'3, at least then wwe would be a little more consistent, dolph ziggler is billed 6'1 and when cena and ziggler were in the ring together cena was noticeably taller
hs2011 said on 16/Aug/11
Sheamus looks ~1 shorter than Conan. He's defnintely not over 6'3" which makes his 6'6" billing ridiculous! He's noticably shorter than guys billed shorter than him like Wade Barrett, who's much more likely to be legit 6'6" or thereabouts.
Hansen said on 16/Aug/11
i believe HHH,Stone Cold,Booker T all in 6ft1 range. Bill Goldberg a little higher than 3 of them at 6ft1.75
James said on 15/Aug/11
John Cena at 6'3 is crazy.
Rikashiku said on 15/Aug/11
Daniel Bryan actually looked around the same height as Lowki. I've always had Bryan at 5'7" myself.

Click Here
This video loads faster. At 0:30 Sheamus and Conan hug. Sheamus actually looks the same height as Conan but i could be fooled by Sheamus' hair and his bigger build.
At 5:20 you can see Sheamus' shoes have thicker soles in them.

6:48 they're side by side. Conan looks slightly taller but not much.

@James, it looked like wasn't standing straight. This was also the same time where they had John Cena listed at 6'3"
James said on 13/Aug/11
Sheamus at 6'6 is INSANE as well. he's more like 6'2.5 (189cm) cause he always look shorter than 192cm Randy Orton and only had 1 inch on 187cm Vinnie Jones.

As for Test here with John Cena oddly looks not over 193cm.
Click Here

Maybe he's not standing at his best?
The Ben said on 12/Aug/11
Test always looked a strong 6'5 to me, He looked taller than other "apparently" 6'5 guys.

I think Bryan stood tall is 5'8ish

Punk 5'11
GM said on 12/Aug/11
I know this isn't the Sheamus page as there isn't one but Sheamus is listed at 6'6" and he was on Conan last night who is 6'4" and Sheamus had some big boots on and Conan still looked taller.
Click Here
James said on 12/Aug/11
LMAO 7'0 for Test is out of this world crazy ha ha ha ha ha.

I would say Test would have measured in at 195-196cm. Very BIG.
Alex said on 11/Aug/11
Test was billed at 7'0 in a wrestling video game. Never on TV that I know of. He looks 6'5 I'd say.

Chris Masters think is a legit 6'3 as well.
tell-em said on 11/Aug/11
lol daniel bryan is like max 5'7". hes shorter than 5'8" michael cole and 5'11" miz towered him by several inches.
James said on 11/Aug/11
Well Danimal i am just saying that judging by the fact he looks 2-3cm shorter than cena would imply he's 181-182cm range.
Vegas said on 11/Aug/11
bryans not 5'10, the miz had many inches on him, i would go ~5'7 range for bryan Click Here
Danimal said on 11/Aug/11
James says on 6/Aug/11
i think a solid 5'11.25 (181cm) for CM Punk. Heck I woulden't rule out 182cm. I think 183cm is a little extreme though.

Click Here

James says on 9/Aug/11
184cm would be closer too the truth than 6'3 lol.

You see why you can't be taken seriously. Within 3 days you've gone from 182... 183 MAX (saying it was extreme) to then going up to 184 3 days later. KID, stop flip flopping.
Rikashiku said on 10/Aug/11
If Chris Masters is the same height as Sheamus then that means that Sheamus is in fact 6'3" because Masters is a legit 6'3" man. So if there is 2 inches between them then that'd make Test around 6'5". LMFAO at the 7'0" billing.

I've seen Mike Knox with Randy Orton and Knox looked 6'3" next to 6'4" Orton.
Rick said on 10/Aug/11
I'm 5'10 and when I met Daniel Bryan (aka Bryan Danielson) he was the same height as me. If you watch his matches with CM Punk in the independent scene then you can notice a one to two inch height difference between the two. I'd say CM Punk is about 5'11.5
elbarto said on 10/Aug/11
Yeah i'd put down cm punk at 5'11 imo, back on Ecw he looked the same size as John Morrison, and Morrison doesn't seem to wear thick soles or lifts on his footwear.Thank you all for giving thoughts on Punk's height, you're all awesome, My first time I used celebheights to coment.
Enigma said on 10/Aug/11
HHH has been looking 6'1 max on Raw these days.

CM Punk is 5'11. I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic when he said 6'3
Vegas said on 10/Aug/11
mike knox certainly photographs extremely tall having seen him in about a dozen shots with fans

in one video game in the 1990s i believe test was listed 7ft, in person test looked about 2 inches taller than chris masters, i saw the two of them standing side by side for quite some time and then walking back to the lockerroom, i saw sheamus standing next to masters talking last year and those two were roughly same height, there was a fan in the bar next to them with many inches on both easily 6'8 and north of 300lb, i was hoping big show would walk into the bar and stand next to him but he never did :(
hs2011 said on 10/Aug/11
Punk was only kidding with that 6'3" ish comment. He's claimed 6'0" in many interviews I've read before which looks pretty legit. Don't forget that he's at a footwear disadvantage compared to Cena, so he's going to look shorter than he actually is next to John.
James said on 9/Aug/11
184cm would be closer too the truth than 6'3 lol.
Rikashiku said on 9/Aug/11
Well elbarto, Benoit is around 5'9". One news cast had him at 5'8". Jericho is 5'10"-5'9" i think. I always saw 5'10" myself. JTG looks about 5'11" but he looks shorter because he's always with tall wrestlers.
Otunga is 5'10"
Cena is 6'0.5" so seeing 1, nearly 2 inches between Cena and Punk shouldn't be to hard to believe that Punk is 5'11"

In TNA they had Test at 6'9"!!! He was a tall dude though. EAsily 6'5" could have been a legit 6'6". I remember reading he weighed 320lbs in his ecw days but im not sure how accurate that is. But i know that Mike Knox was WAAY shorter than him AND Randy Orton.

Smaller Wrestling shows often put on 4 inches to their athletes. Human Tornado who is 5'11" was listed at 6'3".
miko said on 9/Aug/11
CM Punk isn't even 6 foot. He's a good inch shorter than 6'0.5 Cena.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Aug/11
CM Punk is listed on some old wrestling site before he got into the WWE as 6ft0.25(184cm)
Clay said on 8/Aug/11
Otunga is more 5'11-5'11.5..
James said on 8/Aug/11
WHAT? LMAO 6'3 for CM punk is INSANE too the highest degree. He would have had far more credibilty if he wrote down 6'1.

CM punk gives 6'3 guys a very bad name since he is barely in the 'tall' height range.

they had the late wrestler Test billed at '6'8' which is ok because Test is already a legit very tall man at 195cm range. but CM punk is not really a legit tall guy which is why 6'3 is bizzare.
Hullywood said on 7/Aug/11
Rob, is it possible the WWE says to his Wrestlers, what heigh they should claim?
6foot3 for CM Punk ist crazy... but why he lie? He is a nice guy, but why lieng?
Editor Rob
I don't know, maybe somebody just asks real height and they go from there, add on some height if they want.
elbarto said on 7/Aug/11
vegas says on 6/aug/11
punk wears kickpads over his boots, go to any indie wrestling show and 95% of the talent wear kickpads, they wont make you any taller thats for sure Click Here

Thanks for pointing the kickpad things out, but still I doubt Cm punk' height, back in 07 on Ecw he looked comparable to Benoit, and he still looks comparable to Jericho, Jtg, Otunga, point is that he really doesnt tower any of these legit 5'9 - 5'10 guys and Cena usually has 1-2 inches on him.
Vegas said on 7/Aug/11
punk wrote down 6'3ish for his height on that wwe kids site, i guess he is watching too much wwf stuff from the 80s, incredible talent though both in-ring and on the mic, even if he doesn't know his own height Click Here
James said on 6/Aug/11
i think a solid 5'11.25 (181cm) for CM Punk. Heck I woulden't rule out 182cm. I think 183cm is a little extreme though.

Click Here
Vegas said on 6/Aug/11
elbarto says on 5/Aug/11
He wears the Jericho lifts

punk wears kickpads over his boots, go to any indie wrestling show and 95% of the talent wear kickpads, they wont make you any taller thats for sure Click Here
Rikashiku said on 6/Aug/11
CM Punk is def 5'11" and i also saw only 3" between them. With Cena, CM Punk looks atleast an inch shorter and HHH looks around an inch taller than 6'0.5" Cena.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Aug/11
CM Punk is 6ft(183cm) at least if not a little more.
youaretheone said on 6/Aug/11
Guys,kane is about 6 ft 9.Undertaker in real life 6 ft 8,and i am sure about it.
elbarto said on 5/Aug/11
How tall is cm punk? My guess will be 5'10 - 5'10.5 since he always looks about an inch (or maybe 2 inches) shorter to Cena, He wears the Jericho lifts
James said on 5/Aug/11
looked anything from 6'1 too 6'2 next too John Cena on Raw recently.
tell-em said on 3/Aug/11
danimal for some pathetic reason loves to downgrade wrestlers. maybe because hes only 5'9". triple h is a strong 6'2". and cm punk is a minimum 5'11.5" and possibly 6'0".
Jackie Knife said on 2/Aug/11
this week on raw hunter looked 3 and sometimes 3,5" taller than (at least) 5'11" cm punk. punk can even be 5'11,5" or 6' tall, because there's a tiny difference between him and cena. something like 2 cm
James said on 2/Aug/11
Danimal says on 31/Jul/11
He's never seen 6'2" in his life.

Danimal said on 31/Jul/11
He's never seen 6'2" in his life.
James said on 31/Jul/11
Vader is 6'2.5.

I'd estimate Jack Swagger too have a good 3 inches on triple h today and Wade Barrett might be as much as 3.5 or even 4 inches taller than Triple H in 2011.
Vegas said on 29/Jul/11
mike says on 28/Jul/11
edge is about 6ft 1 or 2 inches tall

where did you see barrett and edge together that you could get a good reference, jack swagger was noticably taller (2 inches at least) than edge in the segments they stood beside each other and edge looked very close in height next to 6'3 1/8 barefoot measured nfl star clay matthews on smackdown, he certainly wasnt anything close to 2 inches shorter anyway
Rikashiku said on 29/Jul/11
How tall is Vader anyway? He looked shorter than 6'2" to me next to Coachman. Austin is 6'1 so if thats the case then HHH would be around 6'2.5" or so at his peak. He did look quite tall back then than he does now.
mike said on 28/Jul/11
edge is about 6ft 1 or 2 inches tall and barrett only looks slightly taller at 6ft 3. randy orton and drew mcintyre where face to face on a live raw show and it drew looked slightly taller than orton who i estimate at 6ft 2. randy orton is definately not 6ft 4. its quite rare actually for a man to be 6ft 4 or over. Mark jindrak and luther reigns both look a good 6ft 4 or 5. jindrak looks slightly taller than reigns. You would see a difference in size if orton was 6ft 4.
James said on 26/Jul/11
Well last night on RAW he certainly did not look 6'3. LOL at the 6'4 estimates for Triple H.
Vegas said on 26/Jul/11
hhh might have given off a 6'3 impression in wcw but he wasnt that tall, there is a clip of him standing next to austin and vader in wcw in 1994 where he looks same height as vader and about 1.5 inches or so taller than austin, he was also slightly shorter than ~6'3 sgt slaughter in the mid 1990s
Rikashiku said on 26/Jul/11
I'd peg HHH when he first started at around a legit 6'3". He was billed at 6'5" and 240lbs.
Now a days, he looks ALOT shorter than that. John Laurinaitis is listed at 6'3" and he looks about that height. He's got major height over McMAhon who's been looking 5'11" for a few years. He's got more height over him that HHH does. HHH could be closer to 6'1 now.

Orton has alot more height over HHH than the Rock does.
bill said on 25/Jul/11
I always questioned HHH's 6'4" height. The rock's said he's 6'4" rather than 6'5" which I buy. I've seen Orton and rock stand face to face and they're about the same height, both are taller than HHH. HHH is an inch taller than Austin or so. I'd say HHH is 6'2.75"-6'3"
Alex said on 24/Jul/11
Danimal, yea he claims 260lbs but could be more like 250lbs. He looked 270lbs before he had left and looks a good noticeably amount lighter now.
really? said on 24/Jul/11
Really? 6'2? really?
Danimal said on 22/Jul/11
Batista is looking to be 240-250 pounds MAX these days.
Vegas said on 22/Jul/11
the video i posted a week or two ago of batista opening the mma dojo is taken same day as the photo with bret harts sister diana, i agree he doesn't look 260 these days but he isn't 180 either, probably somewhere in between would be my guess
Rikashiku said on 22/Jul/11
In the two new pics of his he certanly gives off the impression that he is below 260. Any other new pics of him in a full pic and not just his head?
gary said on 21/Jul/11
I dont understand, why people here are talking about Wade Barrett and Sheamus....doesn't make any sense...this is Triple H's page. Aren't you gonna do anything about it, ROB?
Vegas said on 21/Jul/11
two reasons, he didn't like the pg direction (or so he claims) and he wants to get into mma before he get too old, at 42 i see little chance of him achieving that aim
James said on 21/Jul/11
Why did batista leave the WWE?
Vegas said on 21/Jul/11
batista said he was 180 on twitter recently but that was a sarcastic response to a number of people who tweeted him to say he looked skinny and sick

his exact response was "yes...I am down to a puny 180 lbs. Thats why my head looks so large"

later he tweeted; "look sick??? wow! i better post up some recent pics before bad rumors get started. not sick dude. 260 lbs and traing EVERY day"
Clay said on 20/Jul/11
Roflmao, Batista 180 pounds? Riiiiight.
Alex said on 20/Jul/11
Comments like that with Big Show 6'8-6'9 and Khali 6'10 shouldn't even be paid attention too LOL
Rikashiku said on 20/Jul/11
Don't forget to tell them Vegas, that Mad man Mason and Pierre Marceau are both 6'2".
In that pic along with a whole lot of others, McIntyre has an inch over Sheamus, sometimes slightly more.

I'd really like to see those two next to legit 6'4" Bati- whoops i mean Mason Ryan.
I still cant get over Batista weighing 180lbs! he lost 80lbs in a year thats amazing.
James said on 20/Jul/11
maybe just 6'5 for Barrett?
Vegas said on 20/Jul/11
Enigma says on 19/Jul/11
Sheamus' hair fools alot of people. imagine what he would look like next 2 the 6'4 & 6'5 guys with a shaved head

you dont have to imagine any more Click Here
Terryman said on 19/Jul/11
vegas posted pics of himself and mcintyre and mcintyre did not look over 1,93m and we know he about an inch shorter than barret from their FCW videos together,so 197cm+ for wade barret is craziness of the highest level
James said on 19/Jul/11
yeah 6'5.5 for Barrett
Clay said on 18/Jul/11
Barret is 6'5'' minimum. Mike either needs to get glasses ir just stop trolling. Also has Big Show at ''6'8-6'9 '' and Khali at 6'10. Hogwash.
Alex said on 18/Jul/11
197cm for Barrett I think is very possible. Looks 6'5 and change
James said on 18/Jul/11
I can't belive some think Barrett is 6'3? A 6'3 guy would be someone like Edge and Barrett looks taller for sure.
James said on 18/Jul/11
Orton i think 6'3.5-6'4 like maybe 6'3.75.

Mike if you bill all those guys that low then that means John Cena is under 6'0 which is rubbish.

Barrett is well over 6'3 LOL.
mike said on 17/Jul/11
oh c'mon, the wwe heights of the wrestlers are aload of rubbish. drew mcintyre 6ft 5, haha. more like 6ft 3 and for wade barrett who's about 6ft 3. all this 6ft 5/6 crap has got to stop for these guys. This is an accurate measurment, am talking real life here. My estimates are randy orton 6ft 2, david otunga 5ft 10, heath slater 5ft 11, justin gabriel 5ft 11, skip sheffield 6ft. DDP 6ft 2/3. booker t, 6ft 1. sheamus is about 6ft 2. trust me these heights are spot on.
James said on 17/Jul/11
McIntyre looked just a fraction shorter than DDP recently in 2011 but maybe that was becuase he was not standing as well since DDP does yoga.

I am still not completely convinced Barrett is 6'6 because i don't think he looks 3 inches taller than a 6'3 guy like Edge?

I can't make my mind up if Barret is 197cm or 198cm? I think its possible that Wade is taller than 196cm. Very big guy.
Rikashiku said on 17/Jul/11
W I K I also has that height as BILLED as in, the height WWE listed him. Before he appeared on NXT his height was listed at 6'6" and billed at 6'7".
Alex said on 16/Jul/11
GM, yea thats an example of how WWE can have weird billings.
Alex said on 16/Jul/11
W i k i p e d i a s heights change back and forth too LOL
Rikashiku said on 16/Jul/11
McIntyre IS actually close to 6'5", more like 6'4.5" he is about an inch shorter than barrett and he is taller than both Randy Ortan and DDP who are both around 6'4". DDP is a legit 193cm. McIntyre is also 2 inches taller than Sheamus who'd be around 6'3" since he is also taller than Batista.

Barretts height in his career as a wrestler has always varied between 6'5", 6'6" and 6'7". At one point he looked 4 inches taller than McIntyre.
GM said on 15/Jul/11
This is Wade Barrett and Sheamus: Click Here
Sheamus is listed at 6'6" but he isn't Wade Barrett is listed at 6'5"
James said on 15/Jul/11
don't agree with all of michaels estimates.

I am still unsure about 6'6 for Barrett. Does he really look 2 or 3 inches taller than Randy Orton???

W I K I P E D I A has Barrett down at 6'5 (196cm). Suprised i thought they would list him at 6'9 LOL.
Terryman said on 14/Jul/11
if wade barret is 1,98 meters(6'6) then drew mcntyre is 6'5(1,96 m) and thats a bad joke!
Alex said on 13/Jul/11
Ben, yea he could be 6'6. I wonder if he got measured barefoot for that listing?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.