Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Aug/23
5ft10½ I can accept for Graeme as well...him and Trevor seem to edge each other in photos. Full 5ft11 I'm not as sure on. I think today he's struggling with 5ft10.
I didn't realize you'd met Trevor....truly top drawer talent and the most down to earth of men who didn't put his station above anyone. His passing deeply saddened me. He still looked this height to be honest.

Editor Rob
From interviews, he did seem a pleasant chap and will be missed. One of the rarer photos he looks a bit taller than he really was in person.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Aug/23
Rob, could Graeme Sounness get a page?
Listed 5ft11 in places but I think 5ft10 range peak
Here he is with Trevor back in the day
Click Here
Click Here
Edged by Keane last year at the World Cup
Click Here
Looking 5ft9 zone today...

Editor Rob
Souness was another player who I think had put down 5ft 10.5 at one stage, but also claimed 5ft 11.
Abdul(177cm) said on 10/Apr/23
Looks 180cm with Rob.
5'10-Abdul. said on 4/Mar/23
5’10 3/4.
IceCold said on 2/Apr/22
He is an honest. That's a good 6 cm difference. This is how a 5'10.5 listed guy should look next to a solid 5'8 guy.
movieguy12 said on 27/May/20
This guy looks like he had a medical got measured properly and then gave the height he was given. Many people if they have a medical will find out they are slightly shorter than they believed themselves to be I suspect.
Intevel said on 27/Jun/18
Rob. The pic with you and Jenny looks even greater in difference than with you and Trevor. I’m confused right now. Sometimes a 4 inch difference doesn’t seem that much. But this picture makes me think you’re even more than 2.5 inches taller then Jenny. She looks very small next to too.

Editor Rob
That block is an exact 2 inch and photo was at lunchtime. Jenny would have been at least 5ft 7 7/8th as I know 5 hours later, after we had nieces Big dawn and Rose visit, we were checking their heights (Big Dawn 5ft 1 age 12, Big Rose 4ft 9 turning 10), Jenny got 5ft 7.75.
Intevel said on 27/Jun/18
Rob, I'm surprised he's only 2.5 inches taller than you. I'm the same height as him and when I stand next to people who are 5 ft 8, the difference seems a little less than this.

Editor Rob
Well he's not quite 5ft 10.5 today about 5ft 10.25 in person.
Sometimes a person can look taller or shorter because of factors like camera height/position, lens distortion.
Here is a quick photo I took with the camera further away than it was with Trevor.
I'm on 2 inch block, so (since I'm taller than Jenny) this photo is more like 5ft 10.5 vs 5ft 8:
Click Here.
Andrea said on 24/Jun/18
I accuse you of clutching at straws because that's exactly what you're doing now, and what you always do when you get properly called out on something.
As I said, it is quite clear what you tried to do here, no matter how many excuses you make. The funny thing is that not only you failed at that (like you always do, whenever you try to attack me), but you also embarrassed yourself. Again. Now, I understand that you can't accept it (even if you should be used to it now), but, believe me, sometimes it is better to just keep silent, instead of coming out with new BS. 😉
Canson said on 24/Jun/18
He’s got good posture for someone his age. I’ve seen other pics of him where he walks full
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Jun/18
Because you can't come back with legit arguments, you're just gonna accuse me of clutching at straws and that's it? Explain to me, what have I said about you in my last comment that was factually wrong?
Nik said on 22/Jun/18
It's great that Trevor Francis has got a page, he's such a big name in the world of football! - And it's good to find out his height!
Hijoputamus said on 22/Jun/18
Rob, this is how Gwyneth would look beside Brad....
Andrea said on 20/Jun/18
There you go again, Christian. Clutching at straws, and making a lot of fuc*ed up assumptions. You're just a lost cause, LMFAO.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Jun/18
Lol, I wasn't trying to attack or discredit you here, chill out. I was just being a bit tounge-in-cheek with my comment, but it wasn't ill-willed.
And cut the crap. Even if my comment was simply just "Trevor's noticeably standing a bit further away from the camera than Rob. If anything, it's more on Rob's side.", your response would be no different. That's just your personality and I don't think you can help it at this point. You act like an entitled know-it-all jack*ss, and anyone who disagrees with your point of view is "clueless about height differences and camera angles" no matter what. But it's funny how you never call Rob that. Only reason you "respect" him is because he's the admin and therefore has power. If he was a regular poster like me and you, the "respect" would be out the window and you would be calling him the same names you've been calling me and others.
Andrea said on 18/Jun/18
LOL, it makes no sense, Christian, but again, it's not surprising. The only reason why you brought it up was because you were hoping to discredit me with my own words, but all you got was just another embarrassment. See, the problem with you is that not only you're ignorant as f*ck, but you also arrogantly attack anyone who disagrees with your ignorance, like you did here. If you just offered your (wrong) opinion, instead of personally (and wrongfully) addressing and attacking me, AGAIN, the discussion wouldn't have taken this turn, and maybe you could have spared your own blushes this time...
And you're right. I don't always agree with Rob (or every other poster that I truly esteem), but that doesn't mean that I have to attack him, like you often do when people disagree with you. Not because he'd ban me (LOL at that), but because not only I have a lot of respect for him, but he's always respectful in the first place (even towards those that don't deserve it). I certainly can't say the same for you, or certain other posters, with whom I just act accordingly, especially when they specifically call me out.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Jun/18
I brought it up to show your arrogance and lack of respect for other people's opinions. You've disagreed wih Rob's assessments in the past yourself, but you never acted the same way towards him compare to posters like me, Canson, Rampage, Viper and others. I wonder why.... Oh that's right, Rob's the admin so you're afraid that you think that Rob might ban you if you cross him, even though I'm sure he won't because he's not vindictive and spiteful unlike you.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 13/Jun/18
I've been on your site long enough, you know I'm sincere and I don't
troll people. I know that crowns are further back than brows, but Trevor's crown honestly looks a bit further away than yours. And I'm not saying you're 4 inches in front of him. I'm saying only a bit, based on the photo. But you're right that judging depth can be quite difficult in photos at times. You have more knowledge about Trevor's height than me or Andrea, since you met him in person while neither of us did.
Andrea said on 13/Jun/18
You are the one who brought them (camera angles and positions) up, Christian. And it's not my fault if you keep proving that you have no clue about them, like "an old broken record". 😊

Editor Rob
Well I wouldn't say no clue, because photos can certainly be interpreted differently and visually, head sizes could effect perception. If that's what Christian sees, fair enough...I was just a bit confused because if I had any camera advantage Trevor should have looked shorter, yet it turned out the opposite.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Jun/18
I guarantee you that most people would see Rob as having the advantage when they see this pic. And I'm not embarrassed at all. It's not like my assessment was bad or anything. Like I said, Rob was standing a bit closer to the camera so it's expected to believe that Rob has the advantage. And once again, your favorite line of "no clue about height differences/camera angles" comes up. You sound like an old broken record. Do you have anything new and worthwhile to say?

Editor Rob
To gain advantage, the top of my head needs to be closer to the camera. Crowns are set further back than forehead/brow areas of our skulls.
You are essentially saying I am 4 inches in front of Trevor, that's the only way I can gain any sort of advantage. But the fact he looks taller than he is shows he is gaining advantage.
This has to be a
troll attempt Christian 😉
It is difficult at times to judge depth perception in 2d photos. Some of that is tied to illusion of head sizes.
Andrea said on 11/Jun/18
LOL, I love how every single attempt of yours to attack and discredit me promptly turns against you, and always ends up with you embarrassing yourself again and again, Christian! 😂😂😂
And yeah, I confirm what I have already said about you. You have no clue about camera angles and positions. Clearly. (Not that I had any doubt before) 😊
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 9/Jun/18
Trevor's noticeably standing a bit further away from the camera than Rob. If anything, it's more on Rob's side. Being that you're such an expert at telling others that they can't gauge camera angles and positions, I honestly didn't expect you to say that Trevor has the camera advantage, when the pic shows the complete opposite.

Editor Rob
The camera lady's lens is more on Trevor's side and the top of my head is further away than his forehead.
That's one reason somebody can end up looking taller. Another could be posture difference, but in this case since Trevor wasn't much over 5ft 10, the camera position helped his side.
Compare to Alexis Denisof - the cameraman's lens is more on my side...Alexis is 2 inches taller than Francis in person.
World Citizen said on 8/Jun/18
Great listing.
Nik said on 7/Jun/18
I doubt that he is less than his listing and it must be said that it is refreshing to see that he has always been height honest!
Rory said on 7/Jun/18
He looks 5ft10.5 solid here with Rob and at age 64 youd expect him to have lost half an inch at least making him 5ft11 peak, but his 5ft10.5 claim undermines that theory so maybe he's a guy whose just held his height extremely well.
Andrea said on 7/Jun/18
He "surprisingly" looks no less than his listing, and actually taller than that, like no less than 5'11 here. But again, the camera looks more on his side, so that could explain that...

Editor Rob
It's good to let somebody look a fraction taller now and again, keeps things interesting 😸