Nik Ashton said on 5/Oct/19
He’s the tallest Tommy on celebheights!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jun/19
Haha he does look like Jeff Goldblum actually...I reckon he’d easily still have over 1in on him today
Canson said on 4/Aug/18
I think the 6’6.5 was a morning height of some sort, meaning a few hours after waking up. Maybe he was not a flat 6’6” at a low in his prime but maybe he’s 6’6-6’6.25 at a low
James B 170.8cm said on 14/Mar/18
Looks like jeff goldblum in the PR photo
movieguy said on 19/Apr/17
Someone posted a photo on this site years ago of this guy towering Jeff Goldblum. A really tall man. I'm from the UK where he's not really known guess he's pretty famous in the US.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Dec/16
Rob, maybe he got measured early at that height?

Editor Rob
yes Rampage, an earlier measurement and good posture might have gotten him a taller measurement.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Aug/15
Rob can you add a photo and films like Hello, Dolly! and The Boy Friend and TV series Arrested Development? Described by Walter Matthau as a 7 ft tall freak in Hello Dolly. He did look easily 4 inches taller than Matthau who isn't exactly on the small side himself!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/May/15
Might still be 6ft6. He has great posture for his height and not skinny by any means. Very broad in the shoulders.
Probably gets mistaken for 6ft7 or more.
Shadow2 said on 20/Apr/15
I saw him in his Vegas show once, he told the audience "I'm five feet eighteen and a half". Funny line.
Mathew said on 30/Jan/15
6'6" peak height. The 6'6.5" was probably just a small measuring error if he went his whole life thinking 6'6". Small measuring errors do happen from time to time.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Aug/12
Maybe all that dancing added 0.5in
LAN Jiao said on 21/Oct/11
he is 6'6.5 morning. 6'6 then. 6'5.5 nowadays would be a clear sight!
Brad said on 9/Sep/11
6' 7" easy back in '73 when I stood by him. Dude could dance like Gene Kelly on a glide.
lan jiao said on 7/Sep/11
when standing tall he can loook 6ft7 w skinny frame, but barely 6ft6 is spot on. 6ft6.5 morning and 6ft5.5 accurate for today.
Shaun said on 14/Jan/11
Bet this guy wears 38 inch inseams.
stephan said on 13/Jun/09
haha i know tommy personaly, he lives in an apartmnet in new york, its right nexts to my aunts place.
hes pretty tall im guessing 195 cuz my dads 1m 80 and he must have been just about 20cm taller. he was wearing like sandals with a high heel so i guess im close. ugh i hate my height im fkn 15 and like 1m70
Mr. R said on 27/May/09
Tommy always claimed 6-6 and always wore cowboy boots, supposedly to celebrate his Texas roots. By the way, I have met Rip Torn AND Rip Taylor! They are both in the 5-8 to 5-9 range.
Brad said on 17/May/09
Taylor is the craziest I've met. 1973 on The Tonight Show to now, same guy. He's hilarious. Put him and Joan Rivers in a house together for a reality show. Glenn got X'd from Tommy Tune, lotta X's on his photos.
glenn said on 16/May/09
torn i think lives here.taylor i would hire if i was mega rich along with some other weird celebs i cant think of now,just for commentary when we are it mcdonalds or a event.
James said on 15/May/09
Brad says on 10/May/09
Tall not huge. As listed above.
Very tall guy never the less.
Brad said on 10/May/09
Tall not huge. As listed above.
Venus said on 9/May/09
Tommy is HUGE! He's 6.6.2, I will give him that!
Brad said on 9/May/09
Torn no, Taylor yes, he'd make Charles Nelson Reilly blush. Sitting down, no idea on height. He & Joan Rivers ought to do a reality show together. Taylor goin "Ohhhh shuddup" and Joan laughing with nothing coming out of her mouth.
glenn said on 7/May/09
rip taylor and rip torn.both i always wanted to meet.have you brad? and their height?
Brad said on 7/May/09
He's as listed. Rip Taylor attire, dig it.
James said on 7/May/09
I'd say he's about 10 inches taller than Glenn, to be honest. Let's say Glenn is wearing 1.5 inch shoes, this guy supposedly has heels on which indicates a 1.5-2 inch boost (men don't normally wear above 3.5 inch heels). So on that basis, remove 1.5-2 inches off Tommy's height, it puts him at about 6'5.5/6'6, as it's evident that he's 11-12 inches taller in this picture. 6'7-6'8 - 1.5/2 = 6'5.5-6'6. I can't get a precise height without being in person and measuring both of them with a some kind of measuring instrument, but I can confidently say that without heels, Tommy is about 10 inches taller than Glenn, putting him at 6'6, which is his widely known height. Hope this helps, thanks.
glenn said on 6/May/09
he certainly doesnt need it.but he wore it.and i wouldnt lie on something like that cause im sure theres pics somewhere.i tried snapping a pic of the boots.too many people in my way.
Brad said on 5/May/09
I've met him numerous times. He doesn't need that boot jive. I saw him standing by Anne Bancroft and he made her look like a child.
glenn said on 5/May/09
yeah.if i remember,im gonna google that event for pics.thankfully,it seems you believe me brad that he had huge cowboy boots on.i know it makes no sense due to his already immense height and outfit.and it isnt an excuse to my 5-7 at night frame.
Brad said on 4/May/09
I could hit 6' 9" in cowboy boots n effect but that is just ridiculous. Tune must have a height fetish.
yoyo said on 4/May/09
no wander it looks strange that his abit under 6ft6. i bet him 6ft6 in e morning. i know his cowboy boots was given 2 to 2.25inch. added up his frame was like 6ft9.. wow huge guy..
Akirum said on 28/Apr/09
Who's the pretty girl in the background?
Brad said on 28/Apr/09
He's 70 years old.
Brad said on 28/Apr/09
He's as listed above. I was taller than him in worn out Chuck Taylors by under an inch.
glenn said on 26/Apr/09
taken about 7 or 8pm.
yoyo said on 25/Apr/09
glenn, is photo taken in morning,noon or evening? i cant believe his lower 6ft6 now..
bigd said on 24/Apr/09
its so funny. on here if someone is listed as 6'1" there's always somebody that contradicts it by saying they're an inch shorter. He's 6'6"
Big King said on 24/Apr/09
Well 6'5.5" is a bit downgraded for him. He really looks 6'7".
Josh said on 22/Apr/09
he looks about 6'5
glenn said on 22/Apr/09
he is wearing heels here.
ikbtops said on 21/Apr/09
Unless Tommy is wearing heels here- 6'6" at the very least.
flash_of_eden said on 20/Apr/09
I would say so, yes. Probably closer to 6'6".
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
i think he looks 6-5 here at least,either
flash_of_eden said on 20/Apr/09
No, to be perfectly honest, I don't know what I'm saying :P Maybe I'm just taller than I think I am, or a bad judge of height difference in photos.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
no worries flash of your saying i look too small? i wasnt sure what you meant in your post anyway.the way i worded my post can be taken a different way too.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
most would get insulted by that haze,but i dont.its true.
flash_of_eden said on 19/Apr/09
I don't think you're lying, apologies if you took my post negatively at all. I think I'm only about 6'2", but apparently I might want to think again. I dunno. Either way, I know your height is legit.
Haze said on 19/Apr/09
looks like quite a character as well. glenn looks so incredibly little despite tune being skinny. like a small child haha.
Haze said on 19/Apr/09
i see around 12 inches between him and glenn. so pretty close to 6'6 seems right. glenns closer but tune is wearing boots so mybe it evens it out.
glenn said on 18/Apr/09
i dont get it either flash of tall are you? read the posts.he had big boots on despite the images of hair play opening to see im not lying.he was stated as 6-7 in the newspapers in the early 90s.he claims 6-6.5 above at one point.and yet some here think im 5-6.5.
flash_of_eden said on 18/Apr/09
I don't get it. He has about as much height on glenn as I've had on 5'7"/5'8" people, but I know I'm definitely not 6'5". Someone wanna tell me what's going on? Rob?
glenn said on 17/Apr/09
Brad said on 17/Apr/09
Froman scared people just standing there blinking like an airport signal.
glenn said on 17/Apr/09
i lost my photo with manilow.common in nyc.yet i always miss him.ill never forget the time froman knocked some old womans(a regular) teeth out for getting in his way for eric clapton.and how he screamed out "oh my god,its bob dylan,bob,bob,bob,bob,bob,bob" when he saw dylan and spooked bob to run in his hotel.didnt witness.but sure did hear about from others.those were probably the 2 best he was known for.
Brad said on 17/Apr/09
Stills is probably 5' 8". Nash appeared 5' 9". Froman was a chubby constant blinking 5' 9". NBC wack pack '83. Yes Tommy spent many a moon on Fire Island with Barry Manilow and his mates. Manilow lives up the road against the mountains from me with his manager. Whatta couple.
Rusty said on 16/Apr/09
He is way taller than Glenn.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
well,im obviously wrong,but 6-6.5 is close to 6-7.his big boots here make him more 6-5ish possibly.
miko said on 16/Apr/09
The only way he could be 6"7 is if he had a 12" long head.
And he doesn't even have a full head on Glenn.
20 years ago he said he's 6"6.5 measured so he isn't any taller, out of bed he may have been 6"7. Today Rob has him about right, he must have lost a little height.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
thanks for backing me big king.i believe so too.i read 6-7 in the newspapers before.and while they maybe wrong,i believe it possible.

Editor Rob
he says he was measured 6ft 6.5 at 50. By 70 if he's still that height I'd be surprised, very.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
d-ray-do email me if you need to talk.even if its to bullsht,or if you need an ear.or were there for me via email in the past.i didnt forget.i hope you get through this.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
you know,im a dummy.stills is indeed 5-7.i just confused him with nash.who is around 5-8,5-9.i think.
D. Ray Morton said on 15/Apr/09
glenn - thanks for asking. I appreciate it. It's been really tough. I would love to be able to find my way out of whatever's going on - and the sooner, the better - because it's been a real showstopper.
TT's great. Met him a couple of years ago at Don't Tell Mama (he was in the audience). I needed opera glasses just to make eye contact.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that Crosby is a dick. The jolly walrus exterior belies the creep which lurks beneath.
Big King said on 15/Apr/09
Yes, he's a legit 6'7" guy. And mentioned briefly, is Tommy a homosexual?
glenn said on 15/Apr/09
i need nash for myself.never got the photo,or graph for myself.i dont think i have the photo.if i did,it was near 20 years ago.lost it.
thekiddd said on 14/Apr/09
Lied about his height? That sounds a bit harsh of him to say. Maybe just shaved 1/2". Well anyway, it was funny in "Hello Dolly!" When 6'2.5" Walter Matthau said he was 7ft. Lol.
Brad said on 14/Apr/09
Crosby is a jerk. He wouldn't sign for somebody I know one on one nobody around. Nash is the best. Froman-Cromag n I got lots signed after Letterman in '83 by him.
glenn said on 14/Apr/09
yeah,big sure there pics on the dont know.i thought 5-8,5-9.but i never paid attention to him.his height i mean.maybe he is 5-7 and wears boots.or maybe i was afraid of crosby barking at me while steven was signing for me.
Brad said on 13/Apr/09
He's 70 years old and hasn't lost any height.
Metric said on 13/Apr/09
GREAT picture, Glenn!!! You always look like a million dollars when you're with giants! Lol.
Brad said on 13/Apr/09
In his prime? Geez, I met him in '74. Not much taller than his current height. He wears big boots? Man that's sick. He must want to be Tommy Too Tall. He's the tallest Broadway guy I've met. Hoffman was the shortest. That was in '70. Guaging can only be 100% accurate knowing what's on people's feet. I met Steven Stills last night and he was impossible to pin down. He looked 5' 7" on the street but easy 5' 9" onstage.
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
d-ray-more importantly,how have you been? anyway,that wasnt a dumb was the opening of the play hair.
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
so brad,how tall was he in his prime? keep in mind he honestly had big boots here which i know doesnt make sense due to his outfit.i trust your opinion and gauging.i tried to take a picture of his boots.maybe on the internet there is a picture.this is the opening of the hair play.
Alex said on 12/Apr/09
Looks 6'6ish.
glenn said on 12/Apr/09
thanks big king.i agree.though it seemed tune has a height fetish,as his heels were i guess thats why the downgrade.he always looked near 6-7 if not that,to me in the street.
glenn said on 12/Apr/09
calm it down miko.i get your point.dont need to start calling me 5-7 that quick.your posts can be irritating not 5-7 flat.that would make me 5-6 at night.
glenn said on 12/Apr/09
i read 6-7 for him.he had big cowboy boots on.
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/09
Looks impressively tall.
Brad said on 12/Apr/09
He's under 6' 6" now. I'm not 6' 7", I might be with a massive "effect". I can stand in bare feet and place my hands flat on an 8 foot cieling. I win bets like this each week. Dude could/can still dance like Astaire.
Big King said on 12/Apr/09
6'5.5" is a downgraded joke for Tommy. He looks clearly 6'7" beside Glenn as mentioned. But if he admitted his height as 6'6.5" and 6'6" in his earlier days then the result is that he hits 6'6.5" in the morning and 6'6" later.
leonari said on 12/Apr/09
Looks like on old Jeff Goldblum. he is a giant. Man this guy is tall. If I would be that tall I would have pursued my dream to become an NBA player...
Big King said on 12/Apr/09
He looks 6'7" beside Glenn on this photo!
miko said on 12/Apr/09
Looks around 6"5 next to 5"7 Glenn.
Brad said on 12/Apr/09
Met him lots of times due to my father in the NY Broadway biz. I was always about the same height and maybe a bit taller a few years back by a 1/2". Now I know exactly how I'd stand next to Glenn. He's as listed.
D. Ray Morton said on 12/Apr/09
Oh... duh... Martin Beck. Hand me that Dunce cap over there...
D. Ray Morton said on 12/Apr/09
Great shot!! Glad you got him. Where was this taken?