Jawilder said on 7/Feb/23
Wonder how tall his son Brandon is. I searched up and saw 5’11 but can’t really tell.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Feb/23
I think he’s still 6ft2 range
Jawilder said on 4/Feb/23
6’2 for this legend, nothing over
berta said on 2/Feb/23
Click Here how tall is the black guy that interview him? He makes tomm ylook like a 5´10 guy. I just cant see this dude taller than 6´2. He may have lost 1 cm by now loking at his neck and back.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 31/Jan/23
A real 6ft2in tall guy. This is true celebrity to imagine how does it looks to be 6'2"!
V for 1984 said on 16/Jan/22
Looks 6-2 or a bit a of change over.
Westbound on Olympic said on 6/Oct/21
Next to people who claim 6-2 he always looks a strong 6-2. Possible a bit over.
Dr. Length said on 4/Jul/21
I saw an interview with HoneyDew on YouTube and he said he was 6'2". I met him in 2011 and we were the same height and I'm 6'2".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/May/21
He really can pass for 6ft3. Not under 6ft2, still could argue a little over
viper said on 20/Feb/21
He can certainly give off a 6-3 impression at times
Christopher Mooney said on 19/Feb/21
Tommy Lee is 6’2 minimum. Every picture I see of him, he’s gigantic. I’d say he’s more like 6’3
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Oct/20
He may only claim 6'2" for all we know.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Oct/20
Probably claims 6ft3...and would get away with it 95% of the time.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/20
🎁🍻🎈🎂 Happy Birthday Tommy 🎂🎈🍻🎁
Wishing Tommy Lee a Very Happy 58th Birthday today! Always looked tall and gangly in his Motley Crew peak....
6ft2 😁🎶🎊
QM6'1QM said on 28/Aug/20
He's lanky 6'2"!
FaceBleed said on 16/Jun/20
Tommy is at least 6’ 2”. 6’ 2.5” maybe. You could even sell me on a 6’ 3” for him. Gives off a very tall impression. Nikki is the definition of a flat 6 foot, and Vince is the shortest. I know everything lists him at 5’ 9” but look at pictures of him and the rest of the band. He is a full head shorter than Tommy and Nikki in the vast majority of photos. In the early days of Motley Crue like 1981-83, pictures of Vince and Mick in the same shoes show Mick was taller, (before his spine problem got really bad). Mick’s peak on this site is 5’ 8.75” which seems very accurate. Nowadays of course Mick is smaller than Vince, but I’m certain there is no way vince was ever 5’ 9”. His body and height look more like that of a 5’ 7” guy and if you don’t believe me just google pictures of the band and you’ll see how tiny Vince really is. I would link some good ones here but I don’t know how. When you see them, it really puts into perspective how short Vince is compared to the 6 footers. A 5’ 9” guy standing next to Nikki would be about as tall as his eyes. In nearly every picture Vince is as tall as Nikki’s mouth.
Oz said on 5/Jan/20
He is a drummer not singer
Arch Stanton said on 7/Dec/19
He's really a drummer...
Arch Stanton said on 7/Dec/19
The Crue guys are around or just under 60 now, hard to think! Somebody said he measured 6'2 on a mugshot but if it was recent uquite possible he'd lost a bit from peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Feb/19
187cm is a joke
berta said on 15/May/18
goooood nice downgrade. 188 is what he can look most of the time. the 189 listing was to mutch.
Shaq said on 23/Mar/18
this figure looks wildly inaccurate with 6'0.5 post malone.
Click Here
I would guess him to be 5'10.5 from this picture alone
star69 said on 7/Mar/18
Jim Hopper said on 28/Aug/17
6-2 min
6'2 tops
Joe said on 21/Jun/17
Definitely a very strong 6'2". With 5'8" Ludacris he's looking really close to the 6'2.5" listing.
Click Here
berta said on 18/May/17
yeah i think this one could be all the way up tp 1 inch wrong listing. 187 cm guy seems closer almsot 188
FLU said on 1/May/17
I'm 6'3" and and when I met him, he was a little over an inch shorter. I'd say 6'1.5"
James Dingle said on 26/Mar/17
Looks 186cm anything else is exaggerated beyond belief.
berta said on 6/Feb/17
doesnt look over 188 kid rock is just little shorter
hijopotamus said on 15/Nov/16
Hard to measure from distance because he looks taller than he really is. Skinny very thin waist long torso type. I dont think he has a height complex so probably he was 6'3 when he said it and probably measured with the big hair they all wore back in the days.
Harry said on 16/May/14
6'1.5 flat, he's barely taller than Ludacris and way shorter 6'7 magic johnson.
Mark M. said on 29/Jul/11
Actually no, he said about 6'3, but I figured about maybe a little shorter!
Mark M. said on 25/Jul/11
It was weird asking him how tall he was but I swear he straight up said he's about 6'2 1/2
Wesley said on 15/Jul/11
Tommy Lee isn't 6'3 or 6'4, he's only 6'2 1/2 from what Nikki told me. Nikki wore these big boots made him look a little taller than Tommy but Nikki's only 6'1 1/2
Shaun said on 1/Jul/11
Kate says on 4/Apr/11
I have a magazine from 1983 and there's an interview with Tommy in it. One of the question was about being a drummer and how physically demanding it is and having a naturally fast metabolism like him, he says he is 6'3 and 155 pounds. In 1983 he was 20 years old, and he still looks just as skinny today as a 48 year old man.
There you go. Proof that I am exceptionally good at estimating heights/weights.
Shaun said on 1/Jul/11
Yeah he's shockingly skinny Mark M, I agree I also estimate him at 6'3" range and 150 pounds from pictures/videos I've seen of him.
Mark M. said on 13/Jun/11
I guess I can ask him when I meet him again in Buffalo on Motley Crue's tour with Poison. I thought he was 6'3ish when I met him at CrueFest 2. He's like only 150 lbs though. Mad skinny!
Babalou said on 12/Apr/11
6'2.5 really? I never payed much attention to his height but he never struck me as being tall. I assumed he was a 5'11 guy.
Jake F said on 11/Apr/11
He does appear to be 6'3 in most of his photos.
Kate said on 4/Apr/11
I have a magazine from 1983 and there's an interview with Tommy in it. One of the question was about being a drummer and how physically demanding it is and having a naturally fast metabolism like him, he says he is 6'3 and 155 pounds. In 1983 he was 20 years old, and he still looks just as skinny today as a 48 year old man.
Shaun said on 11/Feb/11
Click Here
In flip flops here, does look a lanky 6'3"...
Shaun said on 11/Feb/11
He does look a legit 6'3" though at times, does look lanky because of his rake thin build. I reckon this guy must weigh 150 pounds..
Shaun said on 7/Feb/11
6'2.5" without a single ounce of fat on him. His torso is like a heavily tattoed pancake
joshua t said on 28/Jan/11
Ashton Kutcher is 6'3 flat out. Tommy is 6'2 1/2 feet tall. I met Tommy back in 1989 and again 2008 and I'm 6'1 1/2 (same height as Mark Tremonti) and Tommy was like an inch taller!
MWalker said on 6/Jan/11
Hey guys, you have Tommy Lee and Ashton Kutcher at the same height. If you watch the punk'd that had Tommy Lee on it, Ashton is easily 3 inches taller and both were wearing similar shoes.
Seeing that (punk'd) is what brought me here to see how tall each guys are.
If Ashton's height is correct at 6'2.5", then Tommy Lee is 6' tops.
Fen said on 11/Jun/09
John, I've met Josh from Buckcherry, and I'd say he's 6'2"...tall guy and looks even taller cos he's so wirey and skinny
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
vince claims 5-9.and was that in his prime.he is closer to 5-8ish now.
Doug said on 11/Apr/09
I'd go with a flat 6'2" and Vince at 5'7" or 5'8?
Doug said on 11/Apr/09
This guy has the leanest and longest torso I've ever seen thats why he is pushing 6'3". Basically the man could eat anything he wants, he could eat a horse and it wouldn't show he'd still disappear if you look at him from the side. Just as well he is hung like one then huh? LOL. He looks like his frame has been stretched.
CrueObserver said on 16/Feb/09
Tommy is 6'3 at least, I've met him and Im 6'2 he was definitely taller than me
Cruefan0593 said on 1/Jan/09
Tommy's 6'4" from what I've read up about him... It was because of his height and his thin frame that Nikki Sixx calls him "T-Bone"
glenn said on 1/Dec/08
if josh was the guy that walked past me this summer,he is a giant.6-2 at least.there are pics where i think josh is 5-10,5-11 and pics were he looks taller.claims from friends of my friends are even more perplexing.tall and short are the comments i hear.
John said on 1/Dec/08
Does anybody know how tall Josh Todd is from Buckcherry? cause i saw a picture of Tommy and Josh Todd together. and im just wondering if we find out how tall Josh is than we can copare it to Tommys height than maybie we would know for sure how tall he is.
Big T said on 28/Oct/08
Despite all the crazy claims I think Rob is once again close to the truth
Here is Tommy with Aja Rock (ex-hooker, Z-grade New Zealand celebrity, daughter of legendary music producer Bob Rock who produced Motley Crue albums)
Click HereApologies about the gross-out implant pics, lol, but the link is good for context
Aja is a self-described 5'10"- "This 5' 10" blue-eyed beauty"- same height listed on her myspace and official site
Click HereHOWEVER, I met her today (why else would I be searching for her online, lol) and, although my first impression was that she was very tall, when I got talking to her face to face I realised she was probably 5'9" (I'm 5'10 1/2", hence my confidence that she wasn't really 5'10").
If Aja is 5'9", Tommy certainly looks all of 6 2 1/2" in that pic
Jim said on 23/Oct/08
Mike Waa Waa
The link dose not work to the video you posted....I would like to see it can you repost it?
johnny said on 21/Aug/08
Click Heretommy can't be 189 cm tall.
Sean said on 18/Jul/08
Check this out guys, 3:00 mins in
Click Here
Alex said on 8/Jul/08
I'd have to say at least 6'2-6'2 1/2 minimum.
GirlyGirl said on 9/May/08
I and a girlfriend were trying for an outdoor table at a trendy joint on sunset. Tommy Lee walked right in and he did not appear to be 6'2"... he appeared shorter, I was surprised. I believe it was him because of those very recognizable tatoos. He was closer to 6'.
phil said on 2/May/08
he's between 6'2 and 6'4.
you people are making way to big of a deal out of 2 inchs!!!
6'2 - 6'3 - or 6'4 he's still a tall guy.
anthony said on 29/Apr/08
my first imppresion was 6ft 3
Berkeley student said on 19/Apr/08
Tommy Lee was at UC Berkeley yesterday filming Battleground Earth for the Discovery channel. I took a picture with him. I'm about 5'5" and he was probably 6'3"/6'4". He's about my boyfriend's height. He is slightly taller than 6'2".
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/08
always gave me a 6'3 impression on his reality tv show. 6'2.5 could work also. my gosh, he's gorgeous
Midnite said on 3/Apr/08
He DJ'd at a club I got to meet him, and he doesn't look this height on this website. I stand at 6'1.5 barefoot and he stood pretty much my height, both in sneakers.
mel said on 24/Oct/07
he's 6'3 ft.
i met him this summer and he was just as tall as me and i'm 6'3 ft
Randy Lee Stone said on 3/Sep/07
Definitely 6'4" or so close as to not make a difference. Not that I measured him, you know: but my dad is 6 foot, Tiny Tim was 6'2" and Tommy Lee is taller than both of them, noticeably, and yet not as tall as Tall Jeff who is 6'8"
Jason said on 24/Jun/07
Ok, maybe Tommy Lee is the full 6'2'', but 6'3'' is too much.
Viper said on 24/Jun/07
Tommy Lee at 6-4 is really hard to beleive.
Mike said on 23/Jun/07
oh btw, Brad what is your email address?? I would like to talk to you over email!
Anonymous said on 23/Jun/07
Tommy Lee is 6'4 (I'm 6'4 and he was as tall as me - both in converse sneakers when I met him a few years ago). Very tall guy.
Mike said on 23/Jun/07
hey brad, whats the deal with this whole lawsuit thing?? tommy aint leavin the crue again is he?
Michael said on 18/Jun/07
id say he is 6:3-4 how tall is nikki sixx?? he looks to be about around tommys height. anyone know if these guys are gonna do a new Motley Crue cd?
Vegas said on 6/Jun/07
as in much shorter in pics next to rodman
Click Here than Hulk Hogan currently looks next to rodman
Click Here and hogan is supposed to be 6'3 too with people claiming as low as 5'11-6ft for hogan on his page here based on current sightings. Dennis Rodman is supposedly only 6'6 tall btw although he did say twice on british tv last year he was 6'7.
I know pics are not great for estimating height but those are strange and Lee doesn't look 6'3 there with Rodman for whatever reason.
Leung said on 5/Jun/07
shorter than Rodman, yes as a 6'2"-6'3" person should be
Vegas said on 5/Jun/07
looks short in pictures with Dennis Rodman
Brad said on 5/Jun/07
Legit 6' 3". Don't believe the press, he's a real nice guy.
mischa said on 18/May/07
no...he has to be 6'3". i saw him at the mickey avalon concert, and he was TALL. no way he could be 6'1"
Alexi said on 14/May/07
I didn't know Mick was THAT short, he always looked taller on tv.... thanks Glenn!
glenn said on 14/May/07
mick claims he was 5-9 once.he always appeared 5-5, 5-6.even 22 years ago.this is due to his spine problems.
Alexi said on 13/May/07
How tall is Mick Mars???
Drew said on 11/May/07
The guy is slouching and he still looks a good 5 inches taller than Glenn. If he stood up straight he'd have a good seven inches. Strong 6'3" guy for me.
Coffin_Fodder said on 9/May/07
6-3, not more, not less. :)
Pop said on 20/Mar/07
Lee is tall guy. At this picture he looks 6'2''.
Dano said on 21/Feb/07
I stood next to Tommy and im 6'4 and when you are similar heights you can distinguish quite easy, and he was just below my height, i would have to say 6'3 or mayb even scrape just under that
oki84 said on 14/Feb/07
he's 6'1 barefoot
goldfinger said on 13/Jan/07
RKOchick. That's nonsense. Healthy diet and sports promote growing but eating tons of protein food and drinking 3 litres of milk a day doesn't suddenly make you taller.
(RKOchick) 5'7 and Still Growing said on 7/Jan/07
L.G. You gotta eat proteins and drink milk. If that doesn't work there's always Elevator Shoes
Danny said on 5/Jan/07
Nikki Sixx appears close to Tommy's height because he wears boots with higher heels most of the time..Sixx is 6-1 tops
L.G. said on 3/Jan/07
Hey, is there any way to increase height at least a little bit?
S.J said on 2/Jan/07
but that would make Nikki Sixx also 6.3 cuz he looks about the same height as him
Glenn said on 22/Dec/06
He is slouching big time.
Viper said on 22/Dec/06
He doesnt look 6-4 or 6-5 there. His eyes are only 2 inches above Glenn's head.
Glenn said on 22/Dec/06
His official height is 6-3.but I agree,he can look taller.
REds said on 3/Dec/06
Look the pictures with Pamela Anderson , He don't look so tall, 6 feet at least ! I've seen that recently on mtv no way he's under 6-1
Glenn said on 1/Dec/06
The man is a legit 6-3.hunched and slouched here.
Glenn said on 16/Oct/06
Tommy is 6-3.no smaller.
Stephen said on 6/Oct/06
I think he's no taller than 6-2 barefoot. I seen him up close and i could see over his head. I'm 6-4.
Brad said on 3/Oct/06
I hear the contracts with Aerosmith are a mile long. Everybody is afraid Vince is going to do what he did in his club tour this past Summer: just stagger around lost.
Anthony said on 28/Sep/06
Tommy Lee always seemd 6'3 to me. He's got a good slouch going on with Glenn, though.
martin said on 9/Aug/06
He's 6'4. Tommy is a head taller than 5'9 guy Vince Neil.
Danimal said on 8/Aug/06
He had 2 inches on 6'1" Norm MacDonald on SNL in a skit where Norm pretended he was Tommy Lee and started kissing the real Pamela Lee.
Brad said on 8/Aug/06
Legit 6' 3", had him beat by 2". Same sneakers. Really nice guy.
J-Dog said on 1/May/06
Yeah he seems to need a rounding up I really thought he was 6'3", maybe we need to present some evidence of such, photograph based.
loui said on 28/Apr/06
he might not be a full 6'3 like rob said but he seems to be a bit over 6'2,6'2.5 will be more accurate for him..
jackson said on 17/Apr/06
to be honest rob,he looks more like 6'3,what do you think?

Editor Rob
189cm maybe, I'm not sure a full 6ft 3 for him...
mick said on 24/Mar/06
wow this is one tall dude i met him years ago during motley and he looked over 6'2..
johnson said on 23/Mar/06
he looks more like 189-90,for sure,i think you need to change this rob..
Glenn said on 4/Mar/06
he is 6-3!
heavy said on 24/Feb/06
well i met him in l.a. years ago,he was in a hotel and he was the tallest guy in the room.i'm 5'10 and he was about 10 ft away from me so i looked him really close and he was taller than the 6'2 listed here..
Viper652 said on 13/Feb/06
99 percent of the time its the lowest height that is the correct height. Not always, but most of the time.
Jason said on 12/Feb/06
If he's listed heights range from 6'1''-6'3'' and he's undoubtedly quite tall, he's most likely 6'1 1/2''.
ds said on 11/Feb/06
He was marked as 6'1" in all the places i saw, but I always thought he was really tall before reading his height. So I agree with the 6'2". Maybe more...
Ricardo said on 6/Feb/06
He is definitely around 6'3, or at least very close to that, no way is he just 6'2!
kike said on 31/Jan/06
i met him few years ago after crue concert,and he really looks about 6'2.5-6'3,i'm a legit 6'0 and he was deffinitly more than 2 inches taller than me.
Kelly. said on 29/Jan/06
He's 6'2. It says so in "The Dirt".
P.s. Awesome Picture Tommy's Unbelievably HOTT!
mark said on 28/Jan/06
i agree with all those guys,he looks more like 6'3..
Mr_Tea said on 26/Jan/06
He has always been a 6foot3er in my eyes.
Glenn said on 23/Jan/06
I say 6-3!
jack said on 22/Jan/06
i would say 6'2.5,cuz he really looks sometimes 6'3,and others 6'2,but one thing is for sure he aint under 6'2.
J-Dog said on 19/Jan/06
He has always appeared 6'3" to me also.
Glenn said on 18/Jan/06
he always looks 6-3 to me.
316 said on 18/Jan/06
I will put him at 6'2, judging from the pic.
Danimal said on 18/Jan/06
He was slightly taller than the 6'1" Norm MacDonald. I say at least 6'2".