John said on 4/Oct/15
Batista Was wearing thicker shoes to add to his height.
joe @@ said on 1/Oct/15
Batista looked taller than he
Click Here
Ice said on 30/Sep/15
Always looked like a TALL guy in Smallville .
Andrea said on 20/Sep/15
To me he looks no less than 5 inches shorter plus the fact Tom is wearing low shoes he looks more 176-177, but i'm not gonna argue a cm :)
Also maybe the presenter isn't standing at his tallest there?
Here's with Pierce:
Click Here (who struggles to look even 6' with him)
Andrea said on 17/Sep/15
Rob, how tall do you think the guy on Tom's right is? Around 177?
Click Here

Editor Rob
177-8 range is possible.
Grant said on 11/Sep/15
Do u think he would edge Chris hemsworth?

Editor Rob
I think it would be hard to tell them apart standing together.
Sammy Derrick said on 22/Aug/15
On an Interview on Regis and Kelly,Kelly points out that he looks taller in person than on screen...he says that he is about 6'3
Many of his colleagues and his bios on websites all claim 6'3 plus he doesn't look like the insecure guy who would lie about his height...
Andrea said on 17/Jul/15
Rob, just out of curiosity, do you really think Sam Jones is just 5'7? At times, he doesn't look that short with Tom and the other castmates on the show but there are also pics (outside the set) where he really doesn't look over 5'7! He's a tricky guy, do you think they made him stand on appleboxes or something in some scenes? Here, for example, ok, he's slouching but still i doubt he would be much taller if stood straight:
Click Here
Here, something's going on since he looks maybe around 5 inches shorter than Tom:
Click Here

Editor Rob
been a while since I watched those early smallville's, but at times he seemed taller than 5ft 7, I'd put it down to possible small 3-4 inch crate, as he looks 5ft 7 in normal photos mostly.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/15
Because he's got good posture, he could easily be mistaken for 6ft3+(Technically he is that but much earlier in the day).
Andrea said on 27/Jun/15
If Tom came out with a very precise claim like "I'm 6'3 and a quarter" instead of "almost 6'3", Rob would have probably have given him that... Just see what happened with
Jake Gyllenhaal or Jim Beaver! ;)

Editor Rob
the Jake story isn't finished, the next chapter will be when he agrees to a measurement!
Josh said on 25/Jun/15
Johnny Depp is around 5'9 yet he is absolutely towered over by Tom here. Kirsten also looks a lot smaller next to Tom compared to her husband who you also have around the same height. He is 6'3.
Click Here
Mike said on 22/Jun/15
190-191 range. No less.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jun/15
Welling is 190-191cm range, no less. Pretty much 6ft3 bang on.
If Rob didn't see that quote, he'd list him at that.
joe 193cm night said on 16/Jun/15
Click Here Schneider seemed 6'2.75 (190cm) next to david hasselhoff
Andrea said on 30/Apr/15
Rob, you see what i am talking about? Why there are scenes like this? Tom and Michael walking on the street and they basically keep this perspective for all the time:
Click Here
I mean, as you say, Tom is Superman. Shouldn't he appear imposing? There are many scenes like this on Smallville...
Or scenes like this:
Click Here Here he's talking to a guy who is in fact way shorter than him but from this shot you wouldn't say that, right? I wonder why they use these tricks a lot on the show. Is that what you mean with "making him taller"?

Editor Rob
some directors might have just filmed with certain low angles for effect, but I did watch it and from what I recall I don't think overall they made him shorter, although you would find many instances of angles that did reduce heights.
Jay said on 28/Apr/15
@pablo, They probably had Jared wear boots in that scene
pablo77bar said on 25/Apr/15
Josh Pence is in the 6ft 2.5-6ft 2.75 range
so YES
Tom Welling is 6ft 3
But I dont know
He looks much smaller than Jared.At least in that famous picture
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/15
Rob, do do you think he'd edge Idris Elba, Dave Morrisey and Liev Schreiber?

Editor Rob
I think probably Schreiber could turn out to be weakest of those...a guy like Welling might pull off appearing taller than some because I believe he has worked on his posture and carries himself very near his measured height, while Elba doesn't and is more loose in posture at times.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Apr/15
There are plenty of guys on this site listed at 6ft3 that I'm certain Welling would edge out.
John said on 5/Apr/15
I've seen behind the scene footage and Tom almost always edges John out.
Andrea said on 4/Apr/15
Obviously? I could post a lot of pictures where Tom looks taller than him! Of course you can find some scenes where John edges (or at least seems) him out... And no, i don't think they do that much to make him appear taller but it's the opposite! If you really watched Smallville you can see that, in most of the scenes where Tom talks to the other actors/actresses, they use low camera angles which favourite the others and it's basically impossible to tell the real difference! I wonder why...
fish said on 4/Apr/15
cmon guys.. john schneider is obviously a little bit taller than welling in the first 2-3 seasons. it is like rob said, the producers wanna make tom appear more imposing looking as superman
Andrea said on 28/Mar/15
In fact I still doubt John would be taller than Tom! If I had to choose, I'd bet on Tom being taller than John, not the opposite for sure! I'd be very surprised if John was the taller one because, as you said, John wears boots in many scenes too! Maybe John is more 6'2.5 and Tom 6'2.75?
Lorne??? said on 26/Mar/15
I must say, I still can't really see John Shnieder as taller than Tom, generally they look the same, in an episode I watched last night though Tom looked taller, in multiple scenes, and both were wearing boots(at least in the one scene). Even if Tom's boots were a bit thicker(they likely were) that would mak him at worst the same height as John, which is what I personally always though, within a few mm of each other. I can believe Tom's almost 6ft3, so John should be that same height as well, especially since Rob has said he is "near" 6'3 after meeting him in person(as opposed I a solid)
Andrea said on 24/Mar/15
He's clearly taller than 6'2 guys like Alan Ritchson or Justin Hartley! Anything below this listing is quite hard to believe...
John said on 22/Mar/15
Viper among others have purported Tom is 6'1", I personally find that hard to believe. I doubt he would measure anything below 6'2" at his worst. Rob, do you think it's likely Tom could measure below 6'2"?

Editor Rob
the 6ft 2 listing was back in his modelling days, when a lot of agencies kind of capped guys who cleared 6ft 2 and put them as 6ft 2...the fact he came out with that specific 'almost 6ft 3' is to me a good indication he's been measured a small amount under 6ft 3.
Rusty 190cm said on 18/Mar/15
Rob, do you think he can be only 1/8 inch shy of the mark like me and just chooses to be modest? Or do you think he measures somewhere between 6'2.5-75"?

Editor Rob
I'm sure he's been measured somewhere around that 6ft 2.75 range. Most men would just say 6ft 3, but he did come out once with the almost, other time just the 6ft 3.
John said on 17/Mar/15
I think he can touch 6'3" fresh out of bed which makes him a weak 6'3". With that said he still edges many Hollywood claims such as
Ben Affleck for instance.
Bishop said on 15/Mar/15
This is weird because I always saw him as a strong 6'3" guy....
joe 193cm night said on 7/Mar/15
SJH,I know you see this scene I was 12 at the time
John said on 5/Mar/15
So Rob, in your opinion is Tom being truthful about his claim? I feel there's enough evidence to support that he's near 6'3.

Editor Rob
I think he is quite honest.
S.J.H said on 23/Feb/15
@joe 192cm says on 7/Feb/15
tom is 6´3 Click Here
Just a reminder this scene Kane was in a thick boots at about 2inch
Josh said on 8/Feb/15
He's going to be in a movie with Benjamin Walker who you have listed at 6'3 on here.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Feb/15
He has an easy 2in on Costner in Draft Day (a pretty decent movie BTW). But Costner being a little under 6ft1 today is possible after turning 60
John said on 2/Feb/15
I agree that Tom would edge out quite a few 6'3 claims on this site as actors have a tendency to inflate their height.
S.J.H said on 1/Feb/15
Rob, why don't you leave tom welling at 6'3? Since most actors were more commonly round up a 0.25-0.5" up. I him a good 6'3

Editor Rob
90% of men at 6ft 2.5-2.75 range might just have said 6ft 3, but this guy comes out and says he is almost 6ft 3...why wouldn't I list him at almost 6ft 3 then?
John said on 21/Jan/15
Strange, I can't see where Tom's on his tip toes necessarily, his feet are obscured in the pic I'm seeing. Why would a near 6'3 guy need to go up on his tip toes anyway?

Editor Rob
so more of himself can be seen in the photo.
Andrea said on 21/Jan/15
Based on what would you say that? To me, he's standing very straight, i mean, look at his legs!!!

Editor Rob
Tom is on his tip toes in the shot.
Andrea said on 20/Jan/15
Rob, here's Tom with Ashley Greene (in 4 inches heels, as you can see from the event) and Paul Khoury, that you guessed at "about 6'"...
Click Here
You think that's about 3 inches difference? :)

Editor Rob
it could be that. He's not exactly standing as tall as he can there.
Andrea said on 19/Jan/15
Well, i wouldn't rely on modeling agency cause Tom himself was listed at 6'2 flat when he was a model... Josh i think looks 6'3 if Arnie Hammer is really 6'4.5! I am not sure there is more than 1.5 inches between them, sometimes it can look more but Arnie is a guy who raises his eyes in many photos and he has impeccable posture! Of course, there's always a chance Arnie is no more than 6'4 flat, Josh is more 6'2.5 and Tom a bit taller near 6'3...
John said on 19/Jan/15
I looked it up and one of Pence's modeling agency had him listed at 6'2.5 which is consistent with Tom's near 6'3.
Josh said on 18/Jan/15
In that picture with Pence. If that guy is 6'3, Tom is definitely at least that. He actually looks a little taller than Pence.
joe 192cm said on 15/Jan/15
on the statement of Justin Hartley Tom should this about 190cm-191cm
John said on 10/Jan/15
I agree Andrea, John looks nearly 4 inches shorter there.
Andrea said on 9/Jan/15
Click Here
How much difference, Rob?

Editor Rob
in that still John can look barely even 5ft 11.
Andrea said on 4/Jan/15
What about the photo with John?
Andrea said on 2/Jan/15
Well, even considering some footwear disadvantage, you look taller next to 6'3 guys on this site and she's supposed to be an inch taller than you! And i wouldn't base Tom and Callum comparison on that photo since Callum is closer to the camera and still looks nearly 2 inches shorter! And what about the photo with John Glover? He looks what? 4 inches shorter?

Editor Rob
The cameraman is around the left hand side of that group, but not in front of Tom, so I would say their distance to the cameraman was actually very close.
Click Here.
Andrea said on 2/Jan/15
Yeah, sorry! Here's the photo:
Click Here
The comparison with John... I was talking about my previous post...

Editor Rob
I think in the group shot the height of blue and welling look what they claim to me, mack looks 5 inches shorter than cassidy, both in probably 0.4in footwear, the guys with maybe a fraction thicker but not much.
Andrea said on 1/Jan/15
How much difference you think there is there between John and Tom? Of course, Tom is wearing Timbs in that scene so let's give him 0.5 more in footwear...
And what about this? Btw, Cassidy Freeman doesn't look 5'9 for sure there!!!

Editor Rob
the link never appeared
Andrea said on 29/Dec/14
This is a perfect example of what i'm talking about:
Click Here
Low camera angle, Glover closer to the camera...
It's only a scene here, but i could find many ones like that! The question is, why they "reduce" Tom's height this way if he's Superman, Rob?
Of course, there are some scenes where you can see more clearly their height difference. Look at here:
Click Here
And i don't think John is much under his listing since he's taller than strong 5'11 range Michael Rosenbaum...

Editor Rob
just from watching the show I never thought they did much to reduce height differences except when doing the talking-head shots.
Andrea said on 28/Dec/14
Rampage, the fact he's listed shorter than 6'3 guys doesn't mean he's actually shorter than them! I mean, a listing on this site doesn't change celebrities' real heights! This is just a guess! I am sure that if Tom went out with 6'3, he'd be listed at a full 6'3 on here! This is an example of how celebrities' claims can affect Rob's listings... And Rob, I wouldn't say they make him taller than he is in Smallville because, as i already said, when he has scenes with guys like Michael Rosenbaum or John Glover (who themselves aren't short at all) they use low camera angles which favour them and make them look taller than they are next to Tom! I'm still wondering why... When they don't use these "tricks", you can see that he's no less than his listing!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Dec/14
Rob, are you still convinced that's a hair under 6ft3?
I have a hard time believing guys like
Chris Hemsworth and Brendan Fraser would edge him out

Editor Rob
I believe he is honest in his claim, at one point he measured a little under 6ft 3. With good posture and a boot of course on the show he could look domineering - he's playing Superman, the business is to not make him look small.
onthemoney said on 26/Nov/14
he's a tall man. could've claimed 6'3" and we would believe him. instead he said I'm almost 6'3" so 6'2.75" is a good listing.
Andrea said on 17/Nov/14
Well, since you always talk about his posture, he doesn't seem a guy who always try to stand at his tallest as you say, "stretching to the last mm"! If you wanna talk about guys who stand in a military pose most of the time, i think about a Stephen Amell, a Sly, a Henry Cavill or a
Vin Diesel! Those guys are guys who would like to be taller for sure... You say having a good posture means a person is very self-confident but i am not so sure... I've seen just a few pics of a guy like
Vin Diesel but he certainly doesnt strike me as a "self-confident" guy but more complexed and insecure about his height! Tom, yeah, he generally has a good posture but that's all... I doubt he'd like to be taller, especially after him saying he's "too tall" for his job!

Editor Rob
diesel seems a confident guy, he just wishes he was taller so accentuates his height ;)
For me, posture gives a a big matter the height of someone, standing tall and straight head is a visual sign of confidence and well being/positivity, while a slouched, scuffling demeanour gives off more negative vibes.
Andrea said on 17/Nov/14
Yeah, he seems a very private person, despite his job... He's not a guy who enjoys appearing on journals and television for sure! Maybe if he'll be in another tv series in the future, he'll do some cons but Rob is right, chances are quite low unless he goes chasing celebrities on the street (which, btw, is not the best way to guess heights...). But i'm curious Rob, if Tom was something like 190-190.2 at his low, would you honestly be able to say "Naa, this guy is not 6'3, he's a bit under it"... 3-5 mms are nothing, IMO, especially if someone is several inches taller than you!

Editor Rob
I'd expect him to look around a range. If he had impeccable posture he might even fool you into thinking he was in the 6ft 3-3.25 range!
joe said on 8/Nov/14
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Nov/14
Why would that be?
fisch said on 3/Nov/14
My guess would be nearly 192cm (6'3.5") in the morning and 189,5 cm at his very lowest.
So 190cm seems right on the money.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/14
Rob, what are the chances of you meeting Welling?

Editor Rob
mike said on 16/Oct/14
Tom Welling: 6ft 2.75-3in 190-191 cm
Kevin Costner peak: 6ft 1-1.25in 185-186 cm today: 6ft 0.75-1in 185 cm
Tuga said on 13/Oct/14
Been rewatching smallville, 1.90cms seems perfect, totally agree with Rob on this one.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Oct/14
Anything below a flat 190cm is bogus for Welling
PepsiCola said on 2/Oct/14
OMG that link is already posted lol sorry XD
PepsiCola said on 1/Oct/14
Tom Welling new interview 04/02/2014 claiming almost 6ft3 Link here
Click Here
Part of interview:
As a model who entered acting, is it an obstable because people see just a pretty face? I think the way I looked helped me with Smallville; being similar to what they thought Clark Kent looked like. My height has never helped. I'm almost 6-3. People say, 'Oh, you're too tall.' Maybe it's a nice way of saying I'm no good.
In Smallville, I was new to the industry but I was fortunate enough to be cast as a character who was new to himself. So I as I learned, he learned.
Date: 04/02/2014
184.3cm said on 28/Sep/14
190-191cm Tall guy. I didnt think John looked taller at all. And didnt he even say that Tom was taller than him?
Joe said on 26/Sep/14
190 cm is his height. He consistently looked 1-2 cm shorter than John Schneider in Smallville. John is listed at 6'3"(as that is evident from his pic with Rob).
He has himself claimed "almost 6'3" " which means he's a littler bit shorter than that.I can't really understand making a huge deal out of 0.5 cm. There isn't any visible difference between 190.5 cm and 191 cm.
Andrea said on 31/Aug/14
Well, you can see the same guy with:
- James Franco :
Click Here
- Benicio Del Toro (back in 2010):
Click Here
- Eva Riccobono (an italian model listed on her agency at 179):
Click Here
He still does look much shorter than Tom, though...
Andrea said on 31/Aug/14
I told you i meant the guy at 1:50 and not the tall one... I thought this guy was easily 5 inches shorter to be fair, but yeah a clip like that is not the ideal... You think he might be 5'10-5'10.5?

Editor Rob
5ft 10 flat is a possibility yes
Andrea said on 31/Aug/14
Sorry Rob, but if this is just a couple inches difference, i think i'll give up guessing heights because Tom does look a lot taller to me:
Click Here

Editor Rob
I was talking about the other guy, the black fella....ah, this guy, well he could appear between 4 and 5 inches smaller in that part of the clip.
Andrea said on 30/Aug/14
The guy at ~1:50 is 184-185? O.o Hell, he does look noticeably shorter than Tom! I dont mean the tall guy who actually looks taller than 184 next to the other celebrities...

Editor Rob
couple of inches shorter is what he looked.
Andrea said on 29/Aug/14
So, Rob? I ask you because i seen him with other italian celebrities and i wanna know what you think he looks with Tom...

Editor Rob
in the clip you showed before he can look a few inches smaller, maybe around 184-5 zone.
Andrea said on 28/Aug/14
Rob, how tall you think the guy he talks to (from about 1:47 on)?
Click Here
Robbin said on 28/Aug/14
He was just 2inch taller than 6'0.5 Kevin Costner , i would say Tom was a solid 6'2.5 and 6'2.75 on a good day.
Tommo said on 11/Aug/14
Man alive, can't believe the guy's 37 now. Judging by the few pictures and video of him and Padalecki together, I think a weak 6'3 is pretty bang on. Seems like a rare case of a guy being exactly what he claims.
John said on 10/Aug/14
Do you really think Tom shrinks an inch by the end of the day at 37? I think it's more likely he drops .25 of an inch and is 6'3 in the morning and at night is 6'2.75 to 6'2.5. I maintain that the bulk of the evidence that suggests he is beyond this height is most of Hollywood inflates their heights which makes a legit "almost 6'3" seem taller than it is.
Andrea said on 9/Aug/14
6'3 out of bed? Since he very likely is a guy who is a solid 190 at his worst, he probably isn't less than 6'4 out of bed!
John said on 8/Aug/14
Rob, do you think it's likely that Tom could be 6'3 fresh out of bed?

Editor Rob
I think he would probably be 6ft 3.5-3.75 out of bed, there is more chance shrinking near an inch at that height
Andrea said on 2/Aug/14
Yeah, you're right! But you gotta admit that the more you see of him the more he looks no less than the listinf, unlike many others on here. Just think about a
Ben Affleck or Will Smith, i could post several pics of them where they looks at least 0.5 inches shorter than their listing but i'm not doing it because i know you wouldn't change your mind! I named them but i could name many other celebrities!

Editor Rob
I think Welling can hold his listing fine, there is enough to say he is nearly 6ft 3.
Andrea said on 2/Aug/14
I perfectly know that but you can see say the same with the pics you post "as some kind of proof" plus the possible uneven ground!

Editor Rob
the ultimate proof would be a measurement, but treat what is posted as evidence.
Sometimes the more evidence that we see, the more chance our opinion of a height can change from the current opinion. Or it can even solidify or enforce our belief in the height we think someone is.
Andrea said on 1/Aug/14
Rob, isn't this guy the famous stuntman?
Click Here
In this photo they aren't outside and Tom is clearly taller xD

Editor Rob
it looks like him, although how much each might lose in leaning is harder to tell.
John said on 17/Jul/14
I've seen multiple behind the scenes specials and commentary that talk about cast members walking on ramps, standing on boxes and even digging ditches for Tom to stand and walk In. There is also commentary on the fact that if you can't see Tom's feet he's wearing sandals or even slippers not the big boots. All this was done for framing purposes, not to minimize his height. With all that said this does make it difficult at times to judge his height. There are scenes where the camera pulls back for a full body shot and I'm sometimes surprised to see the true height differences between Tom and the rest of the cast. I've even seen behind the scene photos and footage of Tom and John Scheinder and Tom more often than not edges john. The reason Tom edges out other Hollywood stars with similar height claims is their claims are inflated, his isn't.
Andrea said on 11/Jul/14
Vtec, too bad there's just that photo with Pence... Josh is closer to the camera but Tom still seems taller than him! And look at Josh with Armie Hammer, who is listed at 6'4.5, he really doesn't look more than an inch shorter than Hammer! So once again, just according to the other listings on here, Tom looks taller than an "almost 6'3"... Rob, i could post many scenes where Tom can look a bit taller than his costars. Rosenbaum himself said he used apple boxes with him because he's too tall... But it still doesn't make any sense since he's Superman and must look imposing!

Editor Rob
for close ups sometimes they will make it easier by using small ramps on set, it is understandable, but in a lot of wide shots I thought they certainly weren't trying to make Tom look anything but his height!
vtec said on 9/Jul/14
looks slightly taller than 6'3" Josh Pence.
Click Here
Andrea said on 9/Jul/14
Rob, why do you think they always try to reduce his height on Smallville? You can clearly see that when he has scenes with all the other actors, like Rosenbaum or Glover... They always use low camera angles which favour the others, there are a few scenes when you can see he's noticeably taller than all of them but in most of the scenes those actors can look just a bit shorter! I mean, he's superman, as you said, he should look imposing!

Editor Rob
I don't think they did much to reduce his height, maybe in some cases for framing any tall guy with a smaller guy they may have done a little, but from watching the show I don't remember him not looking tall or near 6ft 3.
It makes no sense to reduce Superman's height, if anything they'd be wanting to make him look at least the height he is.
Rey said on 1/Jul/14
He was also playing Clark Kent. Christopher Reeve said that he would compress his back when playing the Daily Planet Reporter. That is a fact.
Yaspaa said on 26/Jun/14
Yeah, Reeve was taller... and? He didn't slouch, he was playing Superman for God's sake.
Andrea said on 25/Jun/14
Rob, how tall you think Eric Johnson is? On Smallville, he can really look 6'2 with Kavan Smith, who's listed at 5'8 on here (a weak one, as you said):
Click Here
Click Here
I've seen him in other shows like Supernatural or Orphan Black and he looked near 6'2, even there...
But with Tom, he never looks this tall.
Click Here
I post this pic because Tom is wearing "normal" shoes there, so no Timbs advantage... He looks 6'1.25 at most if Welling is 6'2.75, there (and through all the series).

Editor Rob
he can look anywhere from 6ft 1 to 2 at times, been a long time since I watched those early smallvilles
Rey said on 24/Jun/14
To the previous comment: Christopher Reeve was a sloucher. Even in some of Superman's scene as Clark Kent he over did it. I believe Reeve had more height, but some how would diminish it --there is scene where he takes off his glasses and "grows" 3 inches as he almost tells Lois Lane his other identity. In every movie and in every appearance he starts to slouch. The best posture for Reeve was on the tonight show with Johnny Carson--that evening he looked 6'4" without a doubt. I would give him 6'3.5" at his lowest. I believe Chris to be taller and bigger than Welling and Routh. I see little difference between Tom and Brandon, but Christopher is still King. The photo of Williams and Reeve --is not a good reference. There are other photos where Reeve towers over Williams. Look at some of the old photos of Reeve and Annette O' Toole, not Welling or Schneider made her look so small.
Josh said on 24/Jun/14
Tom Welling: 6'3
Ben Affleck: 6'2.5
Brandon Routh: 6'3
Jared Padalecki: 6'4
They are tall guys and I think all of them except for Affleck are over 6'3
Andrea said on 24/Jun/14
As i already said, i dont think he would just "edge out" Affleck by a small fraction, he could even be a big inch taller... I dont buy affleck at 6'2.5, 6'2 flat is ok and i wouldnt be surprised if he was a bit under that mark! As for Routh, i'm the first saying he's no less than 6'2.5, but 6'3? Mm, i wouldnt him at that height, if there was even a small chance he was that tall, i think Rob would have given 6'3... I think Tom would edge him out, like 1 cm taller... It would be interesting to do a comparison between the two and maybe even Reeve, who i dont think was a full 6'4... Robin Williams held his own next to him... Just look at 5'7 guys with real 6'4 guys like Padalecki, they are completely dwarfed!
Rey said on 22/Jun/14
Tom Welling would edge out
Ben Affleck. I think it would be closer with Brandon Routh. I think Routh is close to 6'3",too.
Andrea said on 20/Jun/14
Rob, interesting pic with Michael Shanks, that you met:
Click Here
He has no Timbs or thick shoes in this pic for sure and Shanks probably has shoe advantage (just looking at the outfit)... How tall you think he looks?

Editor Rob
he doesn't look over 5ft 11 but his posture is more of a pose, in person he does look 6ft though.
Rey said on 17/Jun/14
Sometimes he and Chris Cuomo can pass for brothers. About the same height, too.
Andrea said on 28/May/14
And, just out of curiosity, how tall you think is the blond guy here?
Click Here

Editor Rob
he could look taller, possibly near 6ft 4
Andrea said on 26/May/14
Rob, how much difference you think there is here?
Click Here
The other guy is Shawn Ashmore, who generally looks around 180...

Editor Rob
it's not a long scene standing, he can look about 4 inches in a moment when side by side
Jay said on 19/May/14
KROC there's not much difference between 6'2.5 and 6'3.
KROC said on 12/May/14
I think 6'2.5 is perfect for him. He doesn't look as tall as a legit 6'3 guy like Kevin Sorbo for instance.
Andrea said on 7/May/14
Yeah, John. I never bought that listing too, around 6'2 would be ok but 6'2.5 is very very optimistic...
John said on 3/May/14
Affleck is listed at 6' 2.5" but I've always been incredulous of this listing. I also don't believe him to be over 6'2 but I wanted to know Rob's opinion on it.
Andrea said on 3/May/14
I'd like to see Ben claiming his absurd 6'3.5-6'4, in front of Tom Welling, who says almost 6'3... It'd be like G claiming 5'9 to Rob, a very funny scene!
Andrea said on 3/May/14
Edge out? He'd be at least an inch taller, also because Affleck is not over 6'2...
John said on 2/May/14
Rob, in your opinion do you think Welling would edge out
Ben Affleck?

Editor Rob
I think he would probably win a height battle with affleck.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Apr/14
LMAO haha. Rob you'd make a good actor, you looked genuinely distressed!! Still, you could have always measured 5'6.75"! :-)

Editor Rob
I may have done a Hulk and smashed up the stadiometer!!
Andrea said on 24/Apr/14
What if Tom measured almost 6'3 with that model, Rob? :)
I dont think his recent claim comes from a second measurement. As i said, he's not like many users on here who spend their days by measuring themselves. He probably has better things to do ;)

Editor Rob
I think his height fits with other people...if you are almost a mark, sometimes you check it or are curious to see if you can reach it. I would be surprised if he hasn't measured a few times in his 20's.
Lorne said on 23/Apr/14
Lol, I think a lot of people don't get Rob's sense of humor. :)

Editor Rob
don't laugh, I came in under 5ft 8 myself on the
SneakyG Model...but remember to only watch until about 40 seconds out of respect for the incredible shrinking rob, watching any further would only prolong my pain :(
DinDonDan (ex Balrog2) said on 18/Apr/14
Rob that's something, and now it makes sense.
Still, nevertheless, everybody here would like a picture with someone close his height with whom we could compare his heght.
Lorne said on 17/Apr/14
To be fair, he's still taller than a lot of guys on here listed 6'3. It's quite possible he is 190 at low. But yeah, he didn't measure wrong, and besides, with his posture a mismeasurement was unlikely to begin with.
Balrog said on 17/Apr/14
If he came up again with the almost 6'3" then there is really no chance he got measured wrong. I believe him now a legit 190cm, even though he can look the full 6'3" many times.
francois said on 16/Apr/14
@Rob he probably wasn't measured properly hence he was mislead to believing he's under 6'3". I doubt he measured himself several times to check. From all the evidence, a full 6'3" should be given to him here.
gb said on 15/Apr/14
The height listed at the top of the page is correct. Tom is 6ft2.75
the shredder said on 13/Apr/14
Rob , how tall is actor Peter Greene? He was taller than Denis Leary in Judgement Night .

Editor Rob
I have that sitting in a pile to rewatch, I mean he can look 6ft 2-3 range
John said on 12/Apr/14
Lol, good job Rob. Still believe in the pic with Chris Sayour that camera angle favors him slightly. It's also a rare occasion where Tom's posture isn't perfect. That and the fact we can't see their footwear make me incredulous that this pic discredits Tom's height claims.

Editor Rob
well almost 6ft 3 is still a decent shout for Welling. Tom in general seems to hold good posture.
Andrea said on 11/Apr/14
If you say so...
Andrea said on 11/Apr/14
What do you mean he's not 6'3 here? I dont know how tall was/is Denis Leary, i'm just saying he doesn't look 6'1.25 at all next to Tom... Kevin Costner too, he's not looking 6'1 and i have no doubts he was a solid 6'1 when younger... Still looks near it today!

Editor Rob
I think Tom has the best posture there, 6ft 1 leary and almost 6ft 3 tom still seems ok.
Andrea said on 11/Apr/14
Rob, new pic with Denis Leary and Kevin Costner:
Click Here
He's almost 6'3? That's ok but the other guys don't look their listed height ;)

Editor Rob
well he's not 6ft 3 here, I'm sure Leary was about 6ft 1-1.5 in 90's, like Demolition Man, I think he had a scene with Benjamin Bratt and was a little smaller.
Balrog said on 8/Apr/14
No CelebLifts. He's legit 190cm, not out bed. Accept it.
John said on 7/Apr/14
I fully accept Tom is slightly under 6'3, however I don't believe he's a flat 6'2 either.
CelebLifts said on 7/Apr/14
Even when Tom himself said he's not 6'3. He said "almost" in 2001 and said it again in 2014. He hasn't measured wrong. "Almost" is his best measurement, out of bed. Accept it.
John said on 6/Apr/14
My mistake on the stunt doubles. With that said I still don't think one pic is enough proof to disregard the preponderance of the evidence that supports a near 6'3 Welling.
Andrea said on 6/Apr/14
Same thing with Connor, then. If it was a couple of mm, he wouldn't bother saying he's a bit under 5'11 and even more with Gina, who does claim half an inch under 5'7. She really must have measured 5'6.5 or maybe a little above that, if she went out with that claim! Only a crazy woman would claim 5'6.5 if she actually is 5'7! Always a chance she didnt measure in the right way, but this happen for everyone... Especially those who are not
Obsessed With Height ;) Not the best photo, but i think the height chart could be realistic:
Click Here He does look well over 6'4 in whatever shoes, even if i'm conscious he could have some camera advantage...
Andrea said on 6/Apr/14
Yeah, Rob, he does look about an inch shorter than Jared, no more though. And Jared could be a bit over 6'4, i wouldn't be surprised! He also does look at least 3 inches taller than Jensen to me. So it's really hard to think he's much under 6'3. What G would guess him at? 6'5? And i still don't get why those people i nominated (and others) still get the "full" mark, despite their claim of being under it.

Editor Rob
Connor's hair under, well, I think it is about that - a few mm shy. Welling's almost I suppose you could argue isn't as specific and if it was a couple mm he is talking about, I doubt he really would bother saying almost.
As for Gina, I just felt she looked more 5ft 7 than 6.5, unless I underestimated her heels, but I don't think I did.
Balrog said on 5/Apr/14
Balrog2 can you choose another username?
CelebLifts said on 5/Apr/14
John, Look at your own post, no clue at all. The stunt double in the Kane picture is Chris Webb not Chris Sayour. Chris Sayour is a 6'2 guy. Fail
Andrea - Stop with the self righteous attitude. That picture with Lewis Hamilton, Lewis has bigger shoes than Tom Cruise. That explains why Lewis looks a tad taller.
Now the picture with Tom with Sayour, Tom and Sayour are both in the Smallville attire, both side by side, both wearing exact same item, both wearing exact same footwear, those big Timberland type boots that he wears with that attire, it's a on set picture the ground looks even no advantage either way. 2 pictures of Sayour and Tom not 1 and in both pictures Sayour is taller, only a tad but still he's taller. This is more proof than any nonsense you've gave, Andrea. This is a picture where they're BOTH wearing the exact same clothing and footwear. The pictures you keep posting are 2 people with completely different footwear.
Andrea said on 5/Apr/14
And yeah, John, i wouldn't be surprised if was wearing birkenstocks... I spot some scenes where he was wearing them on Smallville!
Look at these:
Click Here Click Here
He is not a guy who cares about height at all. Then you have some celebrities on here who claimed to be under a mark but still got the "full height". Connor Trinneer claimed to be a hair under 5'11 but still gets listed at 5'11! Again Gina Bellman did claim 5'6.5 but gets listed at 5'7! Rob said only a madman would claim "almost 6'3" when he's actually over it. I kinda agree with him but even those people would be madmen... Rob, how much shorter would you say Tom looks in this video against Jared Padalecki?
Click Here I'd say about an inch, no more. Considering Jared is a strong 6'4, i doubt Tom is any less than this listing.

Editor Rob
in the video the almost 6ft 3 looks sensible to me for his claim, I think you can safely rule out a 6ft 4 tom as he's visibly a good inch smaller than jared.
Andrea said on 5/Apr/14
1) The stunt double is reported at 6'2? Even Ryan Mcpartlin is listed at 6'3 and got described as a 6'2 guy on Chuck. So what? He's only 6'2-6'3? Nope. Rob met him and he said he's no less than 6'4!
2) How are those pictures supposed to be a proof? They are outside, we don't know footwear, etc. Don't get what i'm saying? Here you go:
Click Here I guess Gosling's gotta be 5'9 max, right? Or this:
Click Here Lewis Hamilton was measured 171, he does have shoe disadvantage and still looks taller than Tom Cruise. Judging from this pic and other pics you can find on the net, Tom Cruise would be 5'6 max. Is he really? I doubt :)
John said on 5/Apr/14
Look it up yourself, that is Chris Sayour in the pic with Tom and Kane. Once again your own post is your undoing.

Editor Rob
is it not chris webb?
John said on 5/Apr/14
You can't base your opinion on one single pic. You can't see their feet and Tom is notorious for wearing Birkinstocks behind the scenes. You have no proof the stuntman doesn't have the footwear advantage. In both pics the camera angle slightly favors the stuntman as well. Your proof is thin at best.

Editor Rob
Tom has camera advantage with that other stuntguy beside Kane, how much he gains is hard to tell, but his head is 5 inches further forward
CelebLifts said on 4/Apr/14
John, that picture you're talking about is a different stunt double. His face is completely different of the guy photo I posted. The stunt double in the photo I linked is a 6'2 stunt double.
John said on 4/Apr/14
Upon further review of your own post there is a pic with Kane in it where Tom is taller however the perspective is bit skewed but not enough to account for the disparity. Your own post compromises the validity of your argument.
Balrog2 said on 4/Apr/14
Sorry, didn't notice this name was already used.
John said on 4/Apr/14
I've see a photo with this same stunt double and
Kane from the episode Combat. Unlike this photo that's outside on possible uneven ground it's indoors and on likely even ground and Tom is clearly taller. One dubious photo does not make for a strong case.
Balrog said on 4/Apr/14
I'm the real Balrog and I always have stated that Welling could be a full 6'3"
Balrog said on 4/Apr/14
Rob, the last comment of "Balrog" wasn't me, someone is using my name.

Editor Rob
it changed to balrog2
Andrea said on 4/Apr/14
Didn't see those photos o.O They are shocking to me!!!
He really does look 6'1.5-6'1.75 tops with that guy! I'm starting to think he really might have claimed his height in shoes! Maybe he's almost 6'3, WITH shoes on? He could be a new member for the "G Club", together with
Ben Affleck, Will Smith, Sly, Cruise and many other celebrities! Rob, would you consider a downgrade to 6'2? He really doesnt look over that mark!
CelebLifts said on 4/Apr/14
Oh give it a rest
troll. You have no proof Tom is 6'2.75. Just cause Tom says he's almost 6'3, he could mean 6'2.5 by that statement or he could be lying full stop even being in 6'2 range. Stop being self righteous all the time. Take a look at this photo of Tom with his 6'2 flat double, His 6'2 flat double his taller than Tom in this photo:
Click Here
Do you see 0.75 on that 6'2 guy? I don't. I see Tom a tad shorter than his 6'2 flat double in every photo.
This proves that 6'1.75 is questionable for Tom. Celebs lie all the time, Tom's no different. Deal with it.
Andrea said on 4/Apr/14
Balrog, 6'2 is completely ruled out for him. He does look "noticeably" taller than legit 6'2 guys, he really could be a guy who measured solid 190 at his worst part of the day, after running around the world for 10 times with superspeed! Werent you the guy who thought he could be a full 6'3?
John said on 3/Apr/14
I doubt he is a flat 6'2, more likely near 6'3 hence the claim. I believe he once measured at that height and reports it honestly.
Balrog said on 3/Apr/14
I think that last interview sets definitely a conclusion to Welling's max height estimate.
Stll, I have doubts he is actually close to 6'3". I'd say more likely flat 6'2".
Andrea said on 3/Apr/14
You think that a
Vin Diesel or a Justin Timberlake would have gone with "almost 6'3", if they were his height? They probably would claim crazy heights like 6'5 at his height xD

Editor Rob
maybe they would have seen sense if they were taller, it is unlikely of course
Andrea said on 3/Apr/14
Me too, i dont think its too tall. Why should he say that then? Even his costars always mention it... Maybe, people dont realize how tall a real 6'3 is! I am sure that, if all measured, he would be taller than many actors who are listed on here at 6'3 or over! "Honesty" doesnt pay back because if he just went out with 6'3 or even 6'4, you would have given him no less than 6'3... No doubt! ;)
Andrea said on 2/Apr/14
Rob, here's a recent interview:
Click Here
He talks about being too tall for his job and he claims "almost 6'3" once again...

Editor Rob
it's good he still remembers to check his celebheight listing ;)
I don't think near enough 6ft 3 is too tall. Maybe it has lost him some roles, but think about the 5ft 6 man, he is likely to lose or not even be considered for a lot of roles.
Andrea said on 27/Mar/14
Rob, how much difference there is?
Go at about 4:30... I know that's not the best scene, we don't know footwear, etc... But i'm curious to see what you think.

Editor Rob
there appears about 2 inches
Andrea said on 25/Mar/14
Rob, just to give you an idea how girls are good on guessing heights... I asked a girl who met both Tom and The Rock who was taller... She said The Rock is taller at 6'5 and Tom a bit shorter at 6'3... xD
The funny thing is that Tom would probably be taller than The Rock!
Lorne said on 14/Mar/14
In Jared's case it is noticeable because he is always with Jared, who himself is near enough 6 feet. A lot of people would already consider Jensen tall, so the big 6'4 Jared comes off as huge. Levi wears converse a lot and is around tall people, and his posture isn't as immaculate as Tom's, but without a doubt, Tom gives a bigger impression.(And Smallvilles cast isn't tiny, I mean John is supposedly just a quarter inch under Zach Levi...)
Andrea said on 13/Mar/14
Yeah, on Supernatural he gets many "comments" on his height, he gets called Big Foot, Giraffe, Giant, huge guy,... Thats an example of a very solid 6'4 guy... And yeah, he would be noticeably taller than Segel, who's not 6'4!
Balrog said on 12/Mar/14
Padalecki also gets a lot of comments about his height in the show. Same thing with Jason Segel in How I Met Your Mother and I'm sure he is shorter than Jared.
Andrea said on 12/Mar/14
Yeah, Rob. Here Baldwin talks about that:
Andrea said on 11/Mar/14
It was just a curiosity... I asked it because Tom Welling is supposed to be under 6'3 and everybody, short or tall, always comments that he's very tall, huge, etc... And please don't say that's just because he's Superman. 6'3 is pretty tall but it's not that crazy height... Same thing with Jared... It's strange that Levi costars never mention it, maybe because they're tall too?

Editor Rob
at the 2 cons about chuck I went to there was talk about height by other cast, mentioning how tall the show was, the 2 girls being tall aswell as the 3 main guys.
Balrog said on 11/Mar/14
I've heard comments about Levi's height. Don't get the point tough, so if Levi doesn't get comments about his height he's shorter than Welling? That's no sense to me.

Editor Rob
if you are a fan of someone and read enough interviews and pay attention you would likely see much more talk about height.
Levi will still get a lot of talk, but he's surrounded by Baldwin and McPartlin, he isn't as standout, Padalecki has a good 4 inches on Jensen, he's a standout in the show, he might get more comments because he looks 6ft 4 in person aswell.
Andrea said on 10/Mar/14
Levi is the star of the show :)
Andrea said on 10/Mar/14
Rob, just a question: why people like Welling or Padalecki do get so many comments about their height and people like Levi or Mcpartlin, who are supposed to be even taller than them, dont?

Editor Rob
McPartlin does get comments in person about his height, but he's not really the star of a show like those 2...
Mr Bond said on 9/Mar/14
He's 6'2.5 inches.....
the shredder said on 9/Mar/14
Pam seemed 5'8.5 or maybe 5'9 to me , but her dress was too long to see if she had heels.
Andrea said on 8/Mar/14
Talking about Smallville, the strange thing is that they try everything to reduce Tom's height... I mean, he's Superman, shouldn't they "enhance" his height? If you notice, when he speaks to other costars they always use low angles which favour other people, there are just few shots where you can see how tall he really is. I remember some scenes with Rosenbaum, where he looks a just a bit taller than him, when he is noticeably taller in reality...
Andrea said on 8/Mar/14
Yeah, i saw that... I thought he could have been near 182, just because he looked a bit shorter than Matthew Fox on Lost, who's supposed to be 6'2... But i also said he did look more than 2 inches shorter than Holloway, who's no less than 6'1...
Lorne said on 8/Mar/14
And Lo, go check out Henry Ian Cusick, turns out he's barely 179cm!!!
Lorne said on 8/Mar/14
Nice find Rob! I've wondered what his double would be, never thought to look at stuntman. I think the listing looks pretty much spot on with him, but the pics are outside. I still say no less than 190(or 189.7 to be exact) but, do no nonetheless believe his claim.
Lo sgozzatore said on 8/Mar/14
To be fair, they're all outiside photos... I remember Hamilton looking taller than Cruise (who probably has more shoes) but still getting listed at 5'7.75... You say the ground could be not flat, here even more :) Anyway, he does look slighly taller than the stuntman in these pics, i agree.
Andrea said on 7/Mar/14
Btw, Tom and Pam on Smallville:
I doubt she's not wearing heels in this shot and she still looks noticeably shorter than Tom...

Editor Rob
shredder had met Pam,
Here although wasn't certain on ffootwear.
Andrea said on 7/Mar/14
Yeah, you have Pam Grier who claimed almost 5'7 but gets listed at 5'7.75... Maybe it was a mistake, in fact it's a written interview (no video)... Maybe he claimed almost 6'4? Not saying he is... He might be a fraction over 6'3 and not bother saying it, so he just goes with "about 6'3"? But, yeah, we should measure him to be sure. And noway he wears lifts, i noticed that in many scenes in high school he wears birkenstocks (can put the photos if you want), so he's not a guy who wants to appear as-tall-as-possible like RDJ, Sly or
Vin Diesel. He just doesn't care about it. Alaina Huffman told me on twitter that he looked 6'4 to her, even though it's just an opinion, i know...

Editor Rob
I think Pam claimed 5ft 8.5 aswell...her claims have varied, to be fair in the movie she did with seagal 5ft 8 is probably nearer than the almost 5ft 7
Balrog said on 25/Feb/14
Well, that's true but there a people listed here higher than their own claim. Still there is a chance he drops a full inch like you said.
Balrog said on 23/Feb/14
Rob sometimes there are confussion on the metrical system and 6'3'' is exactly 190.5, but you always see 6'3'' (191cm) because they round up. It's possible he got measured at 190 - 190.5 and thought he is almost 6'3'', because 6'3'' is 191cm. Well, still can't see him under this. He is a guy like Nicholas Hoult, they cannot be under 190cm.

Editor Rob
I think if you were getting measure in America, most would be calling or looking at the inches mark. Of course many would know about cm, but it's still pretty much feet/inches on stadiometers/tapes.
Balrog said on 22/Feb/14
Rob, you think Welling might have worn lifts in Smallville? And in real life? I think there is a chance he could be a full 6'3'' guy.

Editor Rob
I still believe he was measured almost 6ft 3, only a madman would come out with that saying if he was really measured 6ft 3. Maybe he drops a full inch and goes from 192 range to nearly 190 at worst?
Dietmar said on 16/Feb/14
"Lo sgozzatore says on 21/Nov/13
Btw, if you look a Zachary Levi next to Jared Padalecki, there's more difference than Tom next to the same Jared. And Zachary gets listed at a strong 6'3 on here..."
Difference between Zach and Jared aint so big. Keep in mind that Zach is in converse (as usual) in this shot, while Jared is wearing 1-1,5in shoes.
Click Here
What comes to that famous pic where Jared dwarfs Tom, did you know that Jared was standing on a box? The director has revealed it was Tom's idea. Jared is only about 1 inch taller than Tom in real life. That's why the box.
I still believe Zach is slightly taller than Tom. Maybe just few mm.
Josh said on 13/Feb/14
Definitely 6'3 and a huge dude. in almost everything ive seen him in he edges out legit 6'2 guys like Justin Hartley and Alan Ritchson by and inch or more. Obviously could look 6'4 with shoes on. but 6'3 is on the money, could be a little more but nothing less
IR said on 11/Feb/14
Clark 6' 3"
Lois 5' 7"
Chloe 5' 4"
CelebLifts said on 1/Feb/14
Rob by all means you can stop Lorne from arguing, I'm getting sick of it myself.
Lorne said on 1/Feb/14
Banned Andrea? Why? I thought he just left, he does that sometimes. If you did, please let him back:) Anyway, I'm sorry Rob, I'll just ignore him, he's talking nonsense anyway. I apologize for taking it this far, I doubt anyone anyone seriously thinks Lo and myself are the same anyway.
Lorne said on 31/Jan/14
Rob already told you I'm not Lo/Andrea. He is a long time poster from Italy, who hasn't posted in a while. And I never said he was 6'3, I said it is possible, which based on how he looks all the time, he is. If you are still having trouble comprehending that, I can't help you. @Avi: 189cm is too low, but I do believe he measured a small fraction under 6'3. The question is how much? 6ft2.75 is fair, it makes sense. Celeblifts and his posse are strangely aggressive, but if you scroll down, I never said he was 6'3, though he certainly looks it. And one last thing Celeblifts, I believe you are just
trolling, but if you really think I'm Andrea, ask Rob again, and he'll tell you AGAIN, I am not. But since Lo never said Tom was 6'5 it is just clear
trolling. Kind of surprised Rob keeps letting you post this nonsense. In fact, you have probably drove Lo Sg off with your nonsense, which sucks, because he is one of my favorite posters!!!

Editor Rob
yes Lorne is not Andrea
avi said on 30/Jan/14
He is probably almost 6'3 . Many 6'2.5 guys can look 6'3 . Some can even look 6'1! Depends..
CelebLifts said on 29/Jan/14
I know Ash, he's a sad
troll posting under different names.
Lorne - Tom has made no claim, he said almost which could mean any height under 6'3.
You say you give Tom his claim, but than you say you think he's 6'3 lol dumb.
I used my height as an example of I know what I'm talking about as you was saying Tom was as high as 6'5 lol. Why you feel the constant need keep telling everyone your American and from Atlanta , this is a topic about height not a dating site. Nobody cares.
You said you're done? Please don't hurry back ;)
Ash said on 28/Jan/14
CelebLifts, so true this guy Lo/Andrea/Lorne changes his name constantly and says actors listed here from 6'2-6'4 range are much shorter and Tom is much taller than all these guys. He says Hugh Jackman who's 6'2 is really 6'1 flat. He says Ashton who's 6'3 is below 6'2, and A legit 6'4 guy like Liam Neeson is much shorter.
Its funny that he says other people are changing his name when its just him.......
CelebLifts said on 28/Jan/14
It's not crap, Gambler. You eat poor you will not grow fully. Having proper meals is very important for growth during childhood and teenage years.
CelebLifts said on 28/Jan/14
Lorne? You female? 16? You're very rude telling me to chill out when you first accused me of having multiple names. I knew I was right tho, so obvious saying the same **** for 2 years. I owned you before. I knew no way Andrea would leave Tom alone, the kid is obsessed with Tom.
Anyway Lorne/lo/Andrea Tom isn't 6'3 so you might as well stop coming up with excuses and bringing up other actors claims is not proof of anything. Just accept your crush isn't 6'3.
Gambler said on 27/Jan/14
That's quite a load of crap, CelebLifts. Maybe 1% of your height potential is within your control, the rest of it, is genetic background and luck. Period.
Lorne said on 27/Jan/14
@Balrog: good point. That would be a plausible explanation. It could also be he was 190.1-2 or something. To me, if you clear the 190cm mark, at your lowest, then you are 6'3, and should be listed as such. 6ft3 is exactly 190.5cm; 190cm is around 6ft2.81. 190.2 is 6ft2 7/8ths, if that is your evening height, you should be listed 6ft3, because otherwise putting someone 190.2cm at 6ft2.75 would be putting them less than what they would ever measure. Get what I'm saying? I can believe his claim, but as Rob said, we could be talking a few mm. And not every guy is
Obsessed With Height; Look at Chris Pine, claiming 6ft when he could be 6ft0.75, and not less than 6ft0.5
Lorne said on 27/Jan/14
Thank you Rob. Yes, I am American. From Atlanta, if you must know :) Lo Sg/Andrea is very much a different poster, thought he doesn't use the names interchangeably, he changed from Andrea to Lo Sg long ago. Speaking of which, if you read this Lo, return!!! But seriously celeblifts, chill out. And I AGREE WITH THIS LISTING. Understand? I give Tom his own claim, "almost" 6'3, the same as Rob. But I wouldn't be shocked if he was the full 6ft3...
CelebLifts said on 26/Jan/14
Actually I did achieve my height from the genes of my parents and God also guided me by supplying me with proper meals. You are in control of reaching your max height, so yes it is an achievement I reached my height by eating right, working out keeping my posture great, I'm very proud of my achievement ;) It's only natural
for people who don't have that achievement to say it's not an achievement. People just don't like what they don't have. Sad truth :(
Balrog said on 25/Jan/14
Is just that 6'3" isn't 191cm is 190.5 exactly so maybe Welling got measured at 190.5 and said almost six three thinking that 6'3" is 191cm...
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jan/14
Speaking for myself I scratch my head not at somebody saying they're proud of being tall or whatever but more that they seem to think that being tall and 6'3" would suddenly make their lives perfect, regardless of many other attributes. I think there's something rather worrying about people who think that being tall is the only thing that matters or indeed that tall men have life easy simply because they're above average in height.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jan/14
[Editor Rob: that's one term I scratch my head at, the 'proud of xxx'
I believe we should be proud of achievements, not some uncontrollable elements that we are born with - genetic background, height, hair colour, eye colour or country of origin.]
Yeah that's what Stephen Merchant said, he said the way people talk about his height to him as if it's this huge achievement and "congratulations for getting up there" sort of thing and he finds it ridiculous that people talk about it like that. There is of course nothing wrong with being comfortable and happy in your own skin and liking what you're born with but I don't think many people really consider themselves perfect and make the best of what they've got and try to achieve something. The world will always be uneven and some people naturally are born with better attributes than others, but there's no use dwelling too much on it. I'm sure Welling has some things he'd like to change about himself too.
jordydecke said on 25/Jan/14
@Rob I agree with you on the 'proud of' term. It's not like you achieved your height. Sure it's fine to be content or pleased with your height, but proud is a funny expression indeed.

Editor Rob
yeah, having feelings about height is natural.
Unfortunately a lot of people have a mindset that includes heightist attitudes. We challenge attitudes towards sexism and racism, but heightism seems to be a subject which gets little attention.
jonas said on 25/Jan/14
Tom is slightly shorter than 191cm listed John Schneider so 190 seems fair.
Lorne said on 24/Jan/14
I'm sorry, but I think someone is using multiple names... And 190cm is "almost" 6'3, not everyone feels the need to boast about they're height. He has claimed 6'3 as well, so you could say he did measure that mark. I agree with this listing, but I wouldn't at all be surprised if he was nearer 191 on the stadiometer...
CelebLifts said on 24/Jan/14
Balrog - That's cause Rob just puts what he wants. If an actor says he's under 6'3 than he's being 100% honest. No 6'3 guy would downgrade themself to 6'2 cause when you're at that range in height it's a very good thing. I'm 6'3.25 and if I was going to lie about my height I would upgrade to 6'4 not downgrade myself. Why would Tom downgrade his height? He wouldn't lol. No guy when they are around that height lowers it, it's an ego thing and guys when they're tall are proud of their height. For a guy to be 6'2 or 6'3 you're blessed as it's the perfect height. Short guys like 5'8 or 5'9 don't care about the truth cause what's the difference? They're both short heights for a man they will never be big.

Editor Rob
that's one term I scratch my head at, the 'proud of xxx'
I believe we should be proud of achievements, not some uncontrollable elements that we are born with - genetic background, height, hair colour, eye colour or country of origin.
Ash said on 23/Jan/14
Why would a guy claim to be almost 6'3? If your 6'2.8-9 you would easily claim 6'3. A few millimeters is not even noticable. The people that I feel look more 6'3 in here are Kutcher, Routh, and Reddick. They all would be taller than Tom.
penguinboy25 said on 22/Jan/14
Agree with CelebLifts. I don't understand why there's a debate. HIS WORDS tell us he's under 6'3. Did you ever think the ones who claim 6'1 or 6'1.5 are actually only 6'0.5 and lying? To me he always looks about as listed on this website.
CelebLifts said on 22/Jan/14
He doesn't edge out Justin Hartley with ease, fact you need a very good trained eye to see a difference between them!
I think 6'2.75 is too high for Tom, 6'2.5 more realistic. You people on here are confused and going with what you see... Which is Tom in footwear. No doubt Tom is more than 6'3 with shoes on.
Tom looks about 6'4 in 1.5 inch Timberlands, so that puts him at 6'2.5 barefoot .He also looks a good 2 inches shorter than 6'4.5 Jared which also backs up what I'm saying.
Balrog said on 21/Jan/14
CelebLifts, there are some celeb on here that are listed higher than his own claim.
Eg: Lance Reddick, Geoff Stults, Paul Gaiscoigne, Chris Pine, etc.

Editor Rob
gazza opened a whosay page (well I say he, whoever with his authority did) and put down 5ft 8.
of course in person the guy is a strong 5ft 9.
D.Kelly182cm said on 21/Jan/14
If not 6'3 he's definitely not 6'2.75. He's 6'2.8-9 at least. Tom consistently edges out 6'1"/2" s with 'ease', which is hard to do when everyone don't wear same footwear. He needs an upgrade.
CelebLifts said on 17/Jan/14
Look, Tom himself said "I'm almost 6'3" so stop with the 6'3 or 6'3.25 crap, it really looks sad hyping up someone you don't know. He's not 6'3, words from him. Deal with it.
Lorne said on 16/Jan/14
100% with Rampage. With Welling's posture, he could(and would) be mistaken for 6ft4, even by people who don't suck with height. 192.5 morning is quite possible, and not less than 190cm evening. Perhaps he really was measured 20 years old at 189.5-190, and grew a few mm? Will likely never know, but always a chance Rob will meet him.(Maybe Shredd will see him in the phantom zone? Perhaps that's where Andrea has gone, in search of the truth!!!)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jan/14
Nah, 189cm is undercutting him. He edges out both Justin Hartley and Alan Ritchson who are at least 188cm. I agree w/h Lorne, 190cm is the absolute lowest for Welling and thats probably at the end of the day. He could easily be mistaken for 6ft4, which I'd say he's just within a few millimetres of when he wakes up.
The full 6ft3 is very possible, IMO.
D.Kelly182cm said on 13/Jan/14
He definitely looks taller but 6 ft 2.75 inches should be right on the money.
avi said on 3/Jan/14
penguinboy25 says on 10/Oct/13
Looks as listed with 6'1 Colin Hanks. Appears to have him by an inch and some change.
Click Here
Yeah Colins legs are apart so there would be maybe 1.5 tops difference.
Balrog said on 28/Dec/13
I still think he's the full 6'3"
Lenad said on 28/Dec/13
bare min 189cm
Yaspaa said on 14/Dec/13
Looked taller than everyone else in Parkland.
dmeyer said on 11/Dec/13
Rob the interviewer look similar to Affleck a hair taller than 6'1 brosnan and 1.25-1.5 under liev 6'1.5 is closer
Gambit said on 11/Dec/13
I'm with Rob on this one. I'll go even further: Welling has great posture in almost all pics (see for yourself). He looks absolutely tall but not 'huge'. Between 6ft2 and 6ft3 seems perfectly accurate.
Sam said on 11/Dec/13
I think the interviewer's 6'1" and Welling's obviously taller than the other interview subjects photographed...Schreiber's the next tallest, might be a half inch shorter than Welling, Affleck a full inch, and so on.
Lo sgozzatore said on 10/Dec/13
I was actually saying the opposite, Rob... That Welling could be underestimated or he looks taller than this just because other people are overestimated! I don't know, maybe he's just an honest guy who seems taller amongst liars... But then again, you met guys like James Marsters and you said he's no less than 175, when in reality he looks 174 tops next to a 190 Welling... Yeah, he himself claimed this "almost 6'3", which make you think "Why should he say almost 6'3? He's gotta have been measured that"... I think, yeah, he very likely measured a bit under the 6'3 but we don't know how that measurement was taken. Maybe he measured that at 17 and then grew a bit more? Maybe he just got measured wrong? Or maybe he really is this height! Who knows? One thing is sure: he clearly looks taller than strong 6'2 guys like Aubry or Hartley and doesn't look shorter than a John Schneider, who still gets listed at 6'3. About his claim, i remember that girl you met, Gina Bellman, who claimed to be 5'6.5 (i'd say a very precise height, like Tom's claim) but you listed her at 5'7 anyway! So you are sure she's taller than her claim. So, why should she claim to be 5'6.5 when she's taller? I am sure that claim comes from a measurement. You could think the same way with Tom... Whether he is under 6'3 or not, his claim is not a "limit", if you know what i mean...

Editor Rob
I'm sure at some point he did measure shy of 6ft 3, but a genuine 6ft 3 in Hollywood is stand out, and a guy like Welling I don't see him slouching much, he seems to be able to maintain a strong stance.
Lo sgozzatore said on 9/Dec/13
And to continue...
Ben Affleck:
Click Here
Click Here
With Liev Schreiber:
Click Here
With Brosnan:
Click Here
Still think he's just 184? Two cases: or all these guys are overestimated on here or Welling is taller than this

Editor Rob
I don't think Welling is overlisted, he's listed close enough to what he claimed himself.
The interviewer can look 6ft 1 range in those photos
Lo sgozzatore said on 8/Dec/13
Well, his 187 listing makes sense if you look at him with Colin Firth, who still gets listed listed at 187 on here:
Click Here
He actually looks a bit taller there...
He also looks taller than Jason Lewis, who's 184 on here:
Click Here
He also looks easily 5 inches taller than Jackson Rathbone, who's wearing cowboy boots:
Click Here
Btw, he kinda reminds me of Obama, they probably are pretty close even in height...
Lo sgozzatore said on 8/Dec/13
Rob, how tall is the guy who interviews him in this video?
Click Here
He gets listed at 187 on the net, dont think he's that tall but after having a look at some pics, i'd say he does look a tall guy, maybe between 6'0 and 6'1...
Here's the same guy with
Zac Efron:
Click Here
I think i can safely say Tom is at least 2.5 inches taller than him...

Editor Rob
he might be 184 range, but 187 I think is a bit optimistic.
Ash said on 4/Dec/13
Lo sgozzatore yeah you believe Tom Welling is 6'5...... You think Hugh Jackman is 6'1 when he's 6'2. You also believe Ashton is below 6'2 when he's 6'3. All your evidence is opinionated. Don't know your deal you don't base your claims on facts but just bias on wheter you like the celebrity.
Linebacker28 said on 1/Dec/13
This newer listing sounds right, but 6'2.5" wasn't too shabby either. Throughout Smallville, I thought he could range anything from a solid 6'2" to a strong 6'3", depending on the footwear. Regardless, an undoubtedly tall man, who truly looked the part of a young Clark Kent... Seriously should have been a strong candidate for that Man of Steel. Maybe he grew tired and wanted to venture into new territory. But I digress. Hope his career is going well for him; seems like a great guy.
Lo sgozzatore said on 21/Nov/13
Btw, if you look a Zachary Levi next to Jared Padalecki, there's more difference than Tom next to the same Jared. And Zachary gets listed at a strong 6'3 on here...
Lo sgozzatore said on 18/Nov/13
Yeah, but i don't think he would say that :)
I doubt he'd be able to say he looks shorter than a John Schneider in person!
And yeah, James Marsters is way shorter than him, even 5'9 seems too much if Welling is 190, there are pics where Welling has birkenstocks, Marsters normal shoes (i think, if he's not wearing lifts) and there's still a pretty big difference
Banner said on 18/Nov/13
Lorne, 189cm max means 189 or less. That would be a correct guess to me, because I give a weight to the part stating "or less". Nevertheless, that picture of Rob's is quite an evidence that Hartley is not 189cm at all. Once again this is just my ponderate opinion, I can't sell any undeniable truth.
CelebLifts said on 18/Nov/13
Nothing Rob says is a fact, just guess work what he thinks. It's only a fact if you measured them bare foot. Guessing somebody's bare foot height in shoes is silly.
Banner said on 14/Nov/13
Besides Rob's good will, he still is a man. He surely can have a better guess for people around his own height, meeting them in person.
I've noticed that most of the times one over estimates height of people taller than themselves.
So you can't just say "Rob's says that", that really is immature from you.
If you go on Hartley's page, you can see I've given a very precise explanation for my opinion. I'm not saying I can't be wrong, but for me that is the max precision I can give to my estimate.
This being said, judging on the many pictures and videos where we can compare Hartley's and Welling's heights, I would never, never, give Welling more than 0.5" over Hartley. This, plus my estimate on Hartley's height gives me the strong impression that Welling is really nothing more than 6'2.25", but I would really put him around 6'2".
Once again I'm not saying I can't be wrong, but this is really the max one can do with these materials, in my opinion.
Lo sgozzatore said on 14/Nov/13
I trust Rob so if he gives Hartley 6'2.25, he is no less than 6'2, even if he doesnt look it in the pic with him. Puctures on this site are relative since many of them don't show real heights. It is more important what Rob says. Sometimes it is very hard to know if someone is leaning or not. If Rob meets Tom and says he look shorter in person than a Kevin Sorbo or a Zachary Levi, then i'll accept that. Until then, the discussion is open!
Banner said on 13/Nov/13
Even if Rob would meet him, this discussion wouldn't stop. For instance, the pic with Rob and Hartley shows clearly Hartley being nothing more than 8'1.5", many people agreeing with it, but still some others are arguing that's a proof for him to be 6'2.25". There is no way to close this discussions, unless the guy measures himself like Rob did.
Lo sgozzatore said on 12/Nov/13
One thing i'm sure of... If Tom just went with 6'3, Rob would have listed him no less than that! He'd be taller than 90% of guys listed at 6'3 on this site. I repeat: the only way to stop this discussion is that Rob meets him, it'd be very interesting to see what he says after meeting him.
KROC said on 11/Nov/13
@ Lo sgozzatore That picture isn't any better. Now Tom is closer to the camera. On top of that they are both seriously very far apart.
Balrog said on 11/Nov/13
No he was listed at 6'2.5", Lorne.
PepsiCola said on 9/Nov/13
I mean big heel on his left shoe
Click Here ,also look at his thick shoe bottom
Lo sgozzatore said on 8/Nov/13
Btw, that pic with Colin Hanks is just a pic! Yeah, he looks about 6'2.5 tops if Colin is 6'1 but Colin is a bit closer to the camera...
Click Here
This is another picture, in different positions and Tom does look easily 6'3 range
CelebLifts said on 8/Nov/13
You class not agreeing with as an insult, well I will never agree with you Lorne/lo/ANDREA. You talk complete stupid thinking your opinion is the only fact. You really think 6'2.75 is his lowest measurement? Clearly ignoring facts said by Tom himself, almost 6'3 MAX not lowest. Who gives their lowest height?? Nobody. Pure stupid. John is taller than Tom. Tom's almost 6'3 and John is 6'3. TALLER. FACT. You think Tom is only 0.7 inch shorter than Jared. That speaks for itself how stupid and you're just Tom Tom Tom. To you Tom is much taller than guys not much shorter BUT not much shorter than guys who are much taller LOL do you see how stupid that sounds? Apparently NOT!
Your over estimates will not make him taller :)
Who cares what you think? I don't. You need to control your tantrums better.
I'm not going to waste any more time talking to a kid.
I just say thanks to Ash . You right it's pointless trying to get through to somebody that negative. And bulgyeyes you say 6'2.5 and you met Tom. Thanks for clarification. You proved my point.
CelebLifts said on 8/Nov/13
You're sticking to facts? So at lowest you think Tom is 6'2.75? LOL. So in the many interviews Tom has done you think Tom is using his lowest height ???? You don't make sense. You want Tom to be 6'3 but he isn't. He said so himself. 6'3 guys don't say "almost" or "about" They say I'm 6'3 with confidence. There's no 100% fact on what that "almost" height is. That will only be proven once the world see him measured not your stupid opinion.I really sick of your bad attitude thinking your opinion is the right one and not listening to other peoples views unless they agree with you!
Lo sgozzatore said on 8/Nov/13
Thank you, Lorne. I'm not answering anymore since it's getting full of
trolls on this page. Jackman in my opinion could be 6'1.5, he doesn't look a full 6'2 to me but i never said 6'1 flat! I only said that next to Lebron James he struggles to look 6'1 and that's true... Look at the pic and do tell me there are only 13 cms between them ;) About Tom, i never said he's 6'5 but let's make him believe i did so he's happy. The funny thing is that he believes John Schneider is taller than 6'3 when they are actually pretty close in height and i still think Tom might measure a bit taller than him! We can't do anything to change his mind since he's so immature, just read his posts. He insults with no reason anyone who disagrees with him. He believes Tom is max 6'2.5? Who cares? That doesn't change Tom's height.
CelebLifts said on 6/Nov/13
Hey Lorne, have you met Tom? Didn't think so. Your opinion is invalid. No way Tom is 6'2.75 at worst if he claiming "almost" 6'3. He wouldn't measure himself just before bed, it be an morning or afternoon measurement most likely. Look at the picture with him standing next to legit 6'1 Colin Hanks, clearly you keep ignoring it. Tom only looks 1.25 inch taller not 1.75 inch. Tom looks a tad taller than 6'2.25 Justin, like 6'2.5 is a tad difference. If Tom was 6'2.75 he would look more than a tad taller than Justin.
98% of celebs lie about their heights. I've been to ALOT of conventions and met ALOT of celebs. They're always usually shorter in real life.
I think I know more how to judge heights than you! My facts are more real, yours are stupid based on a crush. TOM HAS SAID UNDER 6'3 MULTIPLE TIMES!!!! He's never said over 6'3 or 6'4 (CRAZY). Jared is at least 6'4 and Tom looked alot shorter. Arguing against those facts makes you look stupid. You can't go against his own words. He knows better than YOU. You obviously a massive Tom fan and to you nobody is taller than him.
"I don't care what you think" Oh yeah? Well stop repeating yourself, you sound like jive bunny. But yeah you obviously "do" otherwise you wouldn't keep trying to point your stupid opinion to me. Nothing you say will change facts that I feel are closer to the truth than the stupid things you come out with.
Ash said on 6/Nov/13
Lo sgozzatore you downgrade plenty celebrities here. You believe Hugh Jackman is 6'1 flat when he is strong 6'2. Hugh at 6'1 flat makes Christian Bale who's a legit 6'0 about 5'10.5 and Russell Crowe who's 5'10.5 about 5'9 flat.. You think Ashton is 6'2 flat when he's at least 6'3. Hes got 4 inches plus on 5'11.25 Sean William Scott and good 2 inches on 6'1 Costner. If he's 6'2 flat that makes Costner 6' 0 flat which is absurd. You even think Liam neeson is below 6'4. Oh but Tom has to be 6'5 hes soooo much taller than Hartley and Richardson when he's barely a hair taller than them. If this listing is at its worst than why was he barely an inch taller than 6'1 Colin Hanks? Face it your in denial CelebLifts proved you wrong you have nothing else to say.
Balrog said on 6/Nov/13
Welling was an inch taller than Ritchson on Smallville. This guy ain't under the current listing and is likely he is the full 6'3"
bulgyeyes said on 5/Nov/13
Lo sgozzatore 6ft 2.75 at worst? his he heck. I briefly met him in NYC and he's 6'2.5 tops.
nofearsorregrets said on 5/Nov/13
Hey Smallville is one of my favorite shows.Wow Welling is a tall man, almost a foot taller than Kreuk.
CelebLifts said on 3/Nov/13
"So this listing is could be ok, AT WORST ! Not under this at any time of the day ". Just listen to yourself, you're like a broken record, really pathetic. Tom isn't the height of this listing. Tom's worst is 6'2. His best is 6'2.5. He doesn't have 0.7 on Alan Ritchson. He does not have 1.7 inch on Colin Hanks.
I really wish you would stop replying all together. I don't care about anything you say. You talk stupid. You ignore facts. How can Tom be 6'2.7 at his lowest? So you're saying he measured himself at midnight? You're crazy lol. That would mean a morning height of 6'3.5 and afternoon height of 6'3.25 which goes against facts said by Tom that he is indeed under 6'3. I'm sure Tom has measured himself various times and always got under 6'3. Like somebody said earlier, if Tom was 6'2.75 you would claim 6'3 not almost since there's hardly any difference. He's not big headed and he means 6'2.5 by almost.
Lo sgozzatore said on 2/Nov/13
Excuse me, where did i say he's 6'5? O_O
I said a lot of people who worked and met him also claimed he's 6'5. Noway he's 6'5, even if he might be near that mark in his timbs shoes!
Now, he's even 2.5 inches shorter than Jared Padalecki, Ash? He's about an inch shorter than him and with about i mean 0.75-1.25 inches. Jared Padalecki is a legit 6'4 guy, so this listing could be ok, AT WORST! Not under this at any time of the day ;) Celeb, you don't even deserve an answer to your post, it speaks itself...
Ash said on 30/Oct/13
Man CelebLifts glad you proved this Lo sgozzatore wrong.I mean this guy actually believes Tom Welling is 6'5 when hes barely an inch taller than Colin Hanks and he berates other celebrities to be an inch shorter than what Rob list them. Its all good let him believe Tom is 6'5 so Jared can be 6'7.5 and John Schneider can be 6'3.5 to 6'4. No more than 6'2.5 max as Tom Welling height.
Dejavu said on 30/Oct/13
He is like 2 inches shorter than Jared
CelebLifts said on 28/Oct/13
Funny how you can't name these people, more lies from you. If you really think he's that tall and continue to ignore real facts then whatever I say and others ain't going to change your stupidity.
You don't go with people's claims? Well until they get measured that's the facts. To force your own stupid opinion against it means you just want to argue.
Once again you're clearly
trolling. You think Tom is only 1 inch shorter than Jared? LOL so once again you're going against facts said by Tom that he himself has said he's under 6'3 . Everybody knows Jared is at least 6'4, could be 6'4.5. You're saying Tom is 1 inch shorter so you're saying he's 6'3 - 6'3.5 LOL. Your opinion is invalid cause it's based on stupidity not facts. I don't care what you say :)
Gambit points out that picture with Legit 6'1 Colin Hanks, Tom barely looks 1 inch taller. He' between 6'2- 6'2.5. 6'2.5 being his max height.
Lo sgozzatore said on 24/Oct/13
I didn't say he's 6'5. Read carefully what i wrote :)
You said that people who met him said he's 6'2-6'2.5 and i answered to you by saying that i asked many people who met Tom and they said he's 6'3-6'4-6'5, depending on the person. But i don't go with people's "claims". It was just an answer to you. Noway he's 2 inches shorter than Jared Padalecki, he's about an inch smaller at most, in my opinion. This listing could be ok, not under it though. You think he's 6'2.5? That's ok to me, i don't really care what you think :)
Gambit said on 22/Oct/13
Just my 2 cents: Welling kept wearing ALL TEN SEASONS significantly large shoes (Timberland styles) or heavy boots that give a great height advantage. As he should because Superman should be taller than most people he meets. Most of the scenes with Alan Ritchson, the latter is on flip flops or barefooted. Tom is between 6'2" en 6'3", can't we leave it at that? I don't believe he's much or even anything over 6'3". Great pic from penguinboy too, not that much difference with legit 6'1" Colin Hanks.
CelebLifts said on 22/Oct/13
You asked people who worked with him but are not actors???? Do you realise how much BS that sounds LMAO. Now you think Tom is 6'5? Lol. So why was he 2 inches shorter than Jared? You really are getting desperate to make Tom the tallest. Right so Schneider claims 6'3 or more but cause you don't like him you have him under, but cause you love Tom who has claimed under 6'3 MULTIPLE TIMES you think he' not measured right and he's wrong and you think he's much taller like 6'5 lol. Crazy.
CelebLifts said on 22/Oct/13
I agree, he's 6'2.5. No way he's almost an inch taller than Alan Ritchson. It just that females base their opinions on the size of the crush that carry for him.
Lo sgozzatore said on 21/Oct/13
Who are these people who met him? I asked on twitter to some people who worked with him (not actors) and they all said 6'3-6'4-6'5... Just to say. Anyway, who cares if Schneider has claimed over 6'3? That doesn't mean he really is. Justin Timberlake has claimed 6'2 but that doesnt mean he is that tall since he's just 5'11! He's not even a full 6'3, let alone anything over it. Alan Ritchson, Aquaman, does look clearly shorter than Tom Welling in Smallville, by more than an inch. Hartley is clearly shorter too. I repeat, this listing is what he might be at worst! Then you're free to believe he's 5' :) I don't care
KROC said on 20/Oct/13
Usually when most people say "about" they mean that their close to a certain height but aren't quite there. If Tom was the height that he is listed here on this site, he would just say 6`3. I mean really what is a .15 of an inch? You can't tell that in person. I grew up watching Smallville and I can tell you that he never really looked all that much taller then Alan Ritchson or Justin Hartley. He's 6`2.5 people.
CelebLifts said on 20/Oct/13
Lorne/Yaspaa - That's what people say that have met him, 6'2 - 6'2.5. They're not identical, Schneider tops him, deal with it. Also I base it on facts not fanboy opinions. Tom has said he's under 6'3 and Schneider has always said over 6'3 range. Tom always wore the Timberlands until the HUGE biker boots at the end of the show. Tom is bigger than Hartley as in he's broader, he's not any taller, this shows in face to face shots. Same with the actor who played Aquaman in Smallville, he's 6'2 guy and he was identical in height to Tom so you got to stop with the excuses of everybody's in clown boots and Tom isn't. You're just SO wrong. Why didn't you ask Tom what he meant by "almost 6'3"?? Why not tell him about this page so he can tell everybody what he means and stop the fanboys over exaggerating his height. 6'2.5 could mean almost 6'3.
On my DVD Justin describes Tom has a much taller, bigger man than himself. He goes on about this like Tom's 6'7. A case of hyping up the show. I don't see him being any taller than Justin.
I don't need to post under different names to agree with myself to look right.
Yaspaa said on 19/Oct/13
Tru' dat. Justin Hartley has never said that Tom is SO much taller, he's slightly taller.
Lorne said on 19/Oct/13
Ok celeblifts, this is getting silly. Tom "6ft2-6ft2.5?" you can't be serious, 189.5 is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM FOR Welling, after running a marathon, and not sleeping for 36 hours! Seriously, how can you say Schneider is minimum 191 and say Welling is 188-189? They are identical! Could he be a hair taller, yeah, but likely a hair shorter. Bottom line they are the same! And Tom is taller than Hartley, in fact he's comfortably taller. The reason they look similar at times is because the green arrow outfit had boots, Tom didn't always wear timberland styles, and yeah, his posture is great but so is Hartleys. With footwear disadvantage, Tom and Hartley look very similar at times, but ut'a clear watching the show Welling is the bigger man. B. Look, if you think Schneider is some big 191cm guy, fine, that's your bussiness, Rob has him 190.5, so 191 isn't that crazy, but if you really think John is 6ft3.25, then Welling is A6ft3 minimum, cuz they are the same! Saying John is 191 and Tom 188 is like saying Rob is 174cm and Jenny 171, it's just not true!!! ;)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Oct/13
He has a better shot at 6ft3 than about half the other guys listed here
CelebLifts said on 18/Oct/13
You know Tom does have a real twitter account, so if you're so confused what he means by "almost 6'3" ask him.
The reason most of the Smallville cast kept going on about Tom being so huge was because he his. I don't think they just mean his height , but they said Tom has huge hands and he's broad. Plus Tom is superman, so they have to get the ratings in and hype the fact this 6'2 - 6'2.5 actor is so much taller hence the need for Timberland boots. Tom has high shoulders, no neck with small head so can pull the look to appear so much taller than he is. He has great posture. That's why you think he's taller than Schneider who not got great posture. I don't think actors big his height now he's not playing Superman. I was always confused why Justin Hartley kept saying Tom was so much taller, lol in some scenes I thought Justin looked taller and others times exact same height. I think this is a perfect example of bigging up Tom as Superman.
Lorne said on 18/Oct/13
Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it either, but I don't think I'd bet him shorter! They are both near enough 6'3, I think. And I agree in this listing, but yeah, it's the absolute minimum.
Lo sgozzatore said on 17/Oct/13
I perfectly know what you're talking about, in those scenes they look very similar but i still wouldn't bet on Schneider being taller... This listing could be ok, yeah, but i don't buy anything under this! I'm talking to people who try to say he's not over 6'2! That's crazy! He's noticeably taller than legit 6'2 guys, like Ritchson or Hartley. The fact he said almost 6'3 and probably measured it, it's not a "limit". I mean, look at that Gina Bellman woman who Rob met: she claims 5'6.5 but still gets listed at 5'7 on here because Rob thought she didn't stand at her tallest when she took that measurement. We could say the same thing with Mr Welling... Why everybody always talks about his height, as a first thing? That doesnt happen with a John Schneider. You guys say: that's because he's Superman, that's normal... Ok, but i've never heard anyone describing Henry Cavill as a huge guy. Why? Because he isn't, even if he played Superman ;) I repeat: the only way we could be sure that he's not a full 6'3 is that Rob meets this guy. I don't think he'd be shorter than a Zachary Levi or a Kevin Sorbo, in person... I could be wrong though. Rob get him!
Lorne said on 12/Oct/13
@Lo Sg: watch the 5th season episodes, if you can. Where Jon is running for senate, a couple of episodes of him and Clark wearing dress shoes, and Schnieder is absolutely not shorter. Just saying(same thing in the prom episode from S4. Where the dead girl possesses people) Still haven't seen em barefoot though, but seeing Schneider in dress shoes, he does look a 6'3 guy...(though I still haven't seen him cleanly edge out Tom, w/same footwear).
bulgyeyes said on 11/Oct/13
I met tom in NYC and hes around 6'2.5 inches max. I was surprised cause I thought he would be taller.
CelebHeights said on 10/Oct/13
Why are u so mad? What cause I don't share your opinion? Like I said guessing is not A FACT. I'm not going to talk to you anymore since you're acting like a child. Bye.