Magnetised said on 1/Mar/23
Now that I have seen pics of them together, he is wearing heels, and she is wearing flats, and still looking taller than him, so, yeah maybe 172 for him,
Caner y?lmaz said on 23/Feb/23
What are the highest and lowest for Odell?

Editor Rob
For a lot of listings I might think there's a chance 1/4 inch above or below.
Plissken said on 3/May/22
This guy has magic boots, some say 5'8 some say 5'10.
Rob, when you hear multiple people saying 5'8 then multiple people saying 5'10, do you normally just meet in the middle out of confusion? For some reason, I'd have figured he was about 5'8 and a half to 5'9, similar height to Reedus, but he also does use very chunky boots, which probably pulls him to 5'10, for some reason I don't see him as a lift wearer. I think 5'9 is correct.

Editor Rob
Sometimes you can have quite a variety in guessing, like with this guy. I feel somewhere in the middle seems fair, but then maybe if I looked more at him I might edge towards another mark!
fanOdell said on 27/Dec/21
I met him in London, he was shorter than me, 172cm for him maximum.
Benjamin's Jam said on 22/Aug/21
Looks 5'8.5-5'10.5
Steve sdd said on 3/Mar/20
Probably 5ft10
khaled taban said on 24/Jun/19
I think this man is 5'8", he looks average at best.
MD said on 19/Sep/18
Oddly, while on Seth Meyers show just now, he didn't look anything shorter than Seth, though I did not see his footwear and though I'm convinced Seth is a bit shorter than listed. 5'9" is the absolute lowest for him, I think, and it's possible he's taller if I could see what footwear he was wearing on the show.
?m?l said on 28/Jun/18
He is taller than 5'9
Jennie said on 1/Dec/17
I think Tom is 5'8 but he has a long head so looks taller
Sam said on 8/Jun/15
Rob, what about 5'8?
Is it possible that he's around that range?

Editor Rob
he can look that height at times
Kara said on 27/Jan/15
Here he looks slightly taller than 5'9-5'10 Daisy Lowe who's wearing heels:
Click Here
Chris said on 26/Jan/15
I thought he was around 6ft, like me. His head looks big though
Sam said on 22/Jan/15
Oh, i didn't know he was on here ...
@Jessica Yes, I agree with you! I thought first maybe around 5'8.
AnaS said on 21/Jan/15
He has a small frame, that makes him look shorter but he looks average besides other people.
Jessica said on 20/Jan/15
He seems very average height and at times I think looks rather short.