Pedro said on 6/Dec/15
I never understood why people here post pictures were people have different postures or you can't see their footwear. I think this picture is much better for a comparison:
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Innyboy said on 4/Dec/15
Rob, what do think Tom's height is now based off these picks, same or taller? I still think he's a solid 5'8".
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Editor Rob
he can appear near 5ft 8 there
Victor Polk said on 19/Nov/15
Jon Bernthal is obviously 5'10.5 or 5'11. Still that doesn't prove that Tom Holland isn't 5'8. But I'm not sure if he really is 5'7, 5'7.5, or solid 5'8. Tom may have grew a bit taller after HeroicHollywood have posted about him, Asa Butterfield, and Robert Downey jr.
Victor Polk said on 19/Nov/15
He obviously isn't 5'6 (170 cm) anymore. He's either 5'7 or 5'8.
Victor Polk said on 15/Nov/15
@james You are obviously wrong. He would be either 5'8, 5'7, or 5'7.5.
Victor said on 14/Oct/15
Wasn't his shoes compare the same with his father's, despite look kinda different? It's either he is in fact 5'8 or is 5'7. I really don't know anymore.
james said on 4/Oct/15
@innyboy that doesn't necessarily look 5'8, that can very well be 170-171cm.
Innyboy said on 9/Sep/15
He's been looking taller recently. I say he's 5'8.
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Justice said on 28/Aug/15
check out the new updated tom holland photo in his instagram with john bernthal who is 180 cm. i don't see a 4 inches differences, it's about 7 cm or 8 cm
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Justice said on 20/Aug/15
i think 172 cm will be more accurate for him. he's not that small
True said on 17/Aug/15
I don't agree. Heroic hollywood said he's smaller than robert downey...they said he's 5'7... And I think he use, almost all the time, shoes with shock guy said that in a site...if you can believe that XP
Justice said on 15/Aug/15
Judging from his look recently from instagram, i think he is a solid 5'8", coz he looks taller now
i think he's 5'8'' said on 29/Jul/15
hey look, google listed he as 173 cm now
JustNeedToLeaveAComment said on 26/Jul/15
Yeah, Tom's 5'7 & a half.
true said on 16/Jul/15
@Tom is more than 5'6
i bet 5'7 or 5'7 1/2, but not 5'8
true said on 16/Jul/15
now i'm pretty sure he is 5'7. He next to 5'10 punisher
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Editor Rob
Jon in person looks 5ft 11 to me
Tom is more than 5'6 said on 7/Jul/15
So what is your final opinion about tom holland height? How tall he actually is?
MD said on 6/Jul/15
Wow, I guess it's the lighting, because he just looks visibly younger in that picture with Jolie. How many months apart are they? Either way, I'm not sure whether it shows elevator shoes, or just a shoe with a bit more heel. Given the angles, it could be just a more heeled shoe, or it could be elevators. I'm not convinced either way at the moment.
Tom is more than 5'6" said on 6/Jul/15
So how tall is tom holland actually? I think 5'7'' still be fine for spiderman
true said on 3/Jul/15
@Tom is more than 5'6''
The pictures are recent from 2014.The 2º photo shows a pair of elevator shoes,while the first one don't.
MD said on 2/Jul/15
Those are some interesting photos, but I think they kind of refute your estimate. Yeah, the footwear seems to give him a slight advantage in the second, but It's not an inch difference over his fathers. In fact, that you chose those two photos show that he's grown, if anything, since the first picture is obviously a younger shot of him.
Tom is more than 5'6'' said on 1/Jul/15
I believe he is solid 5'8''.. here is the picture he and his father (5'6'') in 2014
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true said on 30/Jun/15
Actually the article says:
"Can you picture the skinny Asa Butterfield (6’0’’) screen testing with Robert Downey Jr. (5’8’’)? Tom Holland in the other hand is shorter than Robert Downey Jr. (5'7''). While that wasn't the main reason that Holland got the role instead of Butterfield, it certainly didn't hurt Tom's case to look good next to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's main man."
i bet 5'7
true said on 30/Jun/15
tom with his father an angelina jolie
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look his shoes
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in my opinion 5'7
MD said on 30/Jun/15
Actually the article says "Tom Holland in the other hand is shorter than Robert Downey Jr. (5'7'')." So, they are saying he's even shorter than 5'7". Not sure if that's the case - and it's clear to me they have no better idea than any of us do - but I wanted to correct that.
If his father is a legit 5'6", it's really hard to see him below this listing. At the same time, he just looks so small to me. Maybe, it's his baby face. Or, maybe his father's 5'6" claim is a generous one. Wish I could find better (and more recent) pictures of Tom with celebrities of known height.
MD said on 29/Jun/15
I don't know why, but he gives off an almost tiny vibe despite not being unusually short.
true said on 28/Jun/15
the heroic hollywood said he's 5'7
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peter parker said on 25/Jun/15
is he really 5'8''?