How tall is Tom Hiddleston - Page 2

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Average Guess (272 Votes)
6ft 1.71in (187.2cm)
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 24/Apr/15
Looks shorter than Chris Hemsworth with posture advantage:

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Bishop said on 12/Apr/15
What are the chances of you ever meeting him, Rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Apr/15
189.5cm out of bed
187.5cm before bed
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Mar/15
"Tom Hiddleston's height is 6ft 2in (188cm)"

Consistently has 2in on Cumberbatch and looks about 1in below Hemsworth (sometimes less)
Celebheights 6'1.5"-6'2" said on 21/Mar/15
He appears to be 6'1.75" in the photos where he stands up straight.
joe 193cm night said on 12/Mar/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Mar/15
Could he have measured 189cm early morning and gone with the 6ft2-3 claim?
Hypado said on 19/Feb/15
For me, Tom Hiddleston is a strong 6ft 1.75in - 187 cm guy. No more, no less.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Feb/15
Rob, he looks near 6ft3 beside Edward Norton. Similar shoes
Bronte said on 16/Feb/15
I know this isn't the best angle for an accurate measurement, but doesn't Tom appear to be more than one inch taller than David Tennant (listed as 6. ft 0.75in) here?
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Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Feb/15
Rob, any chance he could still hold 188cm?

He looks 6ft3 with Edward Norton
Editor Rob
at times I think he can look 188 then I think he looks more a weak 6ft 2.
Beebee said on 11/Feb/15
Either Hiddleston is a good few centimetres taller than listed or Cumberbatch needs a serious downgrade. He was bent at the knees with torso tilted to side and feet 4355 metres apart, Cumberbatch was standing upright and Hiddleston was still about 2 - 3 cm taller.
A6'1Guy said on 19/Jan/15
@ Rampage(-_-_-)Clover
Got anything to back this up, or are you going off your own personal experience? (Which is flawed logic) I am all ears, please tell me where you got this from.
I start the day off at 6'2 exactly (Sometimes more than) and for the most part at the end of the day I am 6'1, but some times it dips below that and I sometimes get to 6'0.5- 6'0.9", I have never seen my self go under that, but I have seen myself being around that at the VERY end of the day, or if I've gone days without lying down for extended periods (Which would decompress my spine and give back height that I lost).

If you have anything conclusive to back this up with I am all ears.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Dec/14
A6'1Guy says on 15/Nov/14
Mike, I myself start off at 6'2 in the morning but at the VERY end of the day 10-13 hours I shrink to 6'0.5, regardless of this I am about 6'1 four hours after wake and stay that for a few hours, I lose a half inch one hour after waking but keep at 6'1.5 for a few hours, case in point that estimate seems quite poor, but I guess slouching can speed up shrinkage and I do not have the best posture but I am working on it, so it varies even more so between everyone.
Realistically I guess 6'2.25 morning and 6'1.25 to 6'1.5 at mid day, 6'0.75 to 6'1 at days end. Sorry for going on about my height at the start so much, just using this as an example to gauge people's height shrinkage, so it adds to the discussion but most likely is not 100% conclusive.

There's no way you can go from 6ft2 down to below 6ft1.
Njp said on 15/Dec/14
Looks to have a solid 2 inches on 5'11.5" Benedict Cumberbatch
Exskinnymini said on 30/Nov/14
I agree on the six two claim. Having heard from quite a number of friends, including one seriously tall 5'11" lady in in two inch boots when she met him at SDCC. Not to mention also fans of mr H who've met him personally they generally agree that he is actually taller than he seems. It's seems a little unfair to say he has bad posture but in most pictures he is always bending, slouching, angling some parts of himself to appear closer to the person he is being photographed with. The legs three feet apart things is apparently real too. The tall hair is also real but dude is legit taller than he seems on screen compared to certain actors who usually seem smaller in real life.
A6'1Guy said on 15/Nov/14
Mike, I myself start off at 6'2 in the morning but at the VERY end of the day 10-13 hours I shrink to 6'0.5, regardless of this I am about 6'1 four hours after wake and stay that for a few hours, I lose a half inch one hour after waking but keep at 6'1.5 for a few hours, case in point that estimate seems quite poor, but I guess slouching can speed up shrinkage and I do not have the best posture but I am working on it, so it varies even more so between everyone.
Realistically I guess 6'2.25 morning and 6'1.25 to 6'1.5 at mid day, 6'0.75 to 6'1 at days end. Sorry for going on about my height at the start so much, just using this as an example to gauge people's height shrinkage, so it adds to the discussion but most likely is not 100% conclusive.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/14
He has the the long lanky frame of a 6ft3-6ft4 guy, so I can understand why some people might think he's taller. I do think 188cm was closer though.
mike said on 30/Sep/14
Night: 6ft 1.5in 187 cm
Morning: 6ft 2.25in 189 cm
Bah said on 24/Sep/14
You mean this picture? Click Here

Look at their shoulders! Hiddleston is not standing up straight at all, either.
Fruit said on 12/Aug/14
He was a lot taller than Tilda Swinton (5'10.5") in Only Lovers Left Alive. She was wearing boots with about 2" heels and he was barefoot, but he still had several inches on her. Definitely at least a strong 6'2".
nope said on 1/Jul/14
I think he is easily 6'3" on a good day. No one takes into consideration that he always stands with his feet nearly three feet apart.
Realist said on 25/Jun/14
186 Rob thats a clear one for me. He does not tower over people like Hemmesworth but still quite a tall guy. He is the healthy tall example.
PLB said on 1/Jun/14
Hiddleston mostly appears happy. He smiles a lot for a guy who is typecast as a villain. I think it's because he knows he's tall enough, but not too tall. He lacks that anxious look you see on Robert Downey's face as if he's wondering "How tall do I look?" or "Can I stay on my feet wearing these ultra tall lifts?'. But he isn't so tall that he would lose parts the way Christopher Lee undoubtedly did.

The best height for a male movie star has always been around 6'2".

Pat Boyle (6'4")
cole said on 27/May/14
Hiddleston dropping posture, Evans in bigger footwear on uneven ground, and a "near 6ft" guy vs a "near 6ft 2in" guy suddenly looks quite equal, but in reality Tom has about 2 inches on Evans - it's quite clear looking at other shots of them.
Elizabeth Renant said on 19/May/14
Plus, he seemed quite a bit taller than the very tall Swinton in "Only Lovers Left Alive" . . .
Jane said on 16/May/14
Just wondering how much Tom's bending in the picture "Seahawksfan 187-188 CM" posted below:

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chrisssss said on 6/Apr/14
Hiddleston is a tall guy, no doubt, minimum 187cm, i think in the morning he's 189cm hence the 6'2/6'3 claim
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 4/Apr/14
oops i posted my comments on the wrong page when i meant to post them on the michelle marsh page, rob is it possible you could move them over to the michelle marsh page?
Elizabeth Renant said on 25/Mar/14
Either Evans is taller than 6'0" or Hiddleston is having a short day in that photo (actually he seems to be bending over a bit).
MD said on 24/Mar/14
Huh?! You just posted a picture where they look almost identical in height! I think he's closer to 6'2" than some think, but why in the world would you post evidence where the evidence shows these two almost being identical in height?
Elizabeth Renant said on 23/Mar/14
And, as a P.S., you get a pretty good view of the bottom of his bare feet in a scene in Thor: The Dark World as Loki is leaning back against the wall of his cell, and they are clearly the feet of a quite tall man. If they are the feet of a man anything under 6'2", they are not an amusing characteristic!
Elizabeth Renant said on 19/Mar/14
I think Hiddletson is way too close to Hemsworth's height in the Thor films to be anything less than 6'2". Hemsworth has to be 6'3" and is far more bulked up than Hiddleston in those films, so the slight difference is exaggerated by width, but either way, Hiddleston is way too close to Hemsworth's height not to be at least 6'1-1/2"-6'2".
TNTinCA said on 14/Mar/14
It could be footwear related, but in the Dark World, he did not appear to be that much shorter than Hemsworth, who I believe is around 6'3". So I can easily see at or near 6'2" for Hiddleston.
Amanda Lee said on 8/Mar/14
6'1'' is spot on for him. I saw pictures of him with Mark Gatiss while they were both working on Coriolanus, and they were exactly the same height.
Sam said on 19/Feb/14
5'11" to 6'1" is a very large range and he always looks over it, actually. Rob's listing is alright, he might dip as low as 6'1.5" for the latter part of the day but I don't buy lower.
MD said on 19/Feb/14
He really looks at least what he's currently listed, and even entertaining 5'11.5" is patently ridiculous. This man is a legitimately tall man.
Sarah said on 19/Feb/14
Good listing. Almost 6'2". He looks taller because he is on the lanky side. 12 stone = 168 pounds
Kenneth said on 18/Feb/14
seems accurate but he's hard to pinpoint b/c of good proportions + being very lean/thin

He never comes off as a huge 6-2 or forget 6-3 guy

i'll guess somewhere within the strong 5-11 til max 6-1 range period
Hondo said on 10/Feb/14
So Rob do you think he's 188 out of bed?
Editor Rob
probably wakes up a fraction over it
Balrog said on 31/Jan/14
Long legged guy. Can pull off 6'2" easily. Solid 187cm for him
Kacey said on 18/Jan/14
Rob have you met Tom Hiddleston before?
Editor Rob
no not yet
cole said on 4/Jan/14
Spot on with the downgrade Rob! A weak 6'2 is what he looks most of the time. 6'1.75 has been my estimate for him for some time now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Dec/13
Regardless, they're both pompous jerks...the photo of them at Wimbolden says it all.
I think Chris Hemsworth might be 6ft2.75/190cm since he looked exactly an inch taller than Hiddleston in Thor.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Dec/13
Rob, could Matthew Goode be 187-188cm range aswell?
Editor Rob
both could be similar
victoria said on 2/Dec/13
i belive tom is correct that does look true becuase of how tall he look with flat boots on!
jamz said on 8/Nov/13
Doesn't seem taller than 6'1"
Sam said on 7/Nov/13
Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgard (he may have lost some height with age but I wonder if he peaked closer to 6'2" than 6'3") and Adewale Akkinouye-Abjaje. Hiddleston maybe a fraction taller than the latter two, but all pretty close in height (6'1.5" range). Idris Elba, Chris Hemsworth, Ray Stevenson (who looks more 6'3" range like Hemsworth and Levi rather than 6'4") and Zachary Levi, in that order from shortest to tallest, are clearly a little taller than the first 3 guys, something like 1.5-2 inches higher.
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Jolin said on 5/Nov/13
Rob, just look at the pic of Zack, Nathan and Tom. what the height difference do you think between Nathan and Tom?
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Editor Rob
from the premiere photos he looks more a weak 6ft 2 guy.
vtec said on 5/Nov/13
time for downgrade. looked at least an inch shorter than nathan fillion ath Thor premiere.
(S)aint said on 26/Oct/13
This is the first time what a height search has told me is actually lower then what Rob thinks. Its only a cm though, haha. Tom Hiddleston is definitly pushing 6'2".
Frum said on 24/Sep/13
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Dude, look at their shoulders. Hiddleston is definitely way more than an inch taller.
lans said on 17/Sep/13
Here he is next to 6ft Benedict Cumberpatch - I have a feeling he may even be more in the 6'1 range

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Ananana said on 12/Sep/13
Wow.. A foot taller than me. That's only slightly depressing.
cole said on 5/Sep/13
I'll join in on 187 cm for Tom Hiddleston. He doesn't look a strong 6'2 with 191 cm range Zachary Levi (Tom even has bigger footwear in the shot linked by Jolin).
Balrog said on 12/Aug/13
187cm would be my guess too.
Larc 74in said on 8/Aug/13
He's more likely closer to 187 than 188, he looks exactly 1.5 shorter than 6'3 Hemsworth.

Jolin said on 30/Jul/13
Rob, sorry for the photo of Tom and Matthew i posted last time, now i know how lame it is as we can't see the footwear, how they stood and also, the distance to camera. Howerver, I found a better one this time. Tt is about Tom and Zachary Levi(191cm)at SDCC this year(see the link below), and how much height difference do you think between the two guys?

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Editor Rob
zach can look 6ft 3.5 range, I posted a photo a couple days ago on his page from the same area and thought he could look that range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jul/13
Not a great picture. Matthew is closer and is wearing a hat.

Tom Hiddleston - 6"2"(188cm)
Matthew Goode - 6"1.75"(187cm)
Jolin said on 8/Jul/13
Pretty surprised by the photo from the under link, since the two are reported to have the same height. Rob, I wonder why Matthew Goode looks so much taller than Tom?

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Editor Rob
the photo is a hard one as it's so close and matthew nearer
jamie said on 5/Jun/13
6'1". He's skinny which undoubtedly makes him appear taller.
And Chris Hemsworth is really 6'2.5"
Roic said on 5/Jun/13
Robb, do you think this is what 1 inch difference looks like? I know we can't see footwear etc. So this isn't even to height of either one. I was just wondering whether this would be an 1 inch difference.

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Editor Rob
could be 1.5 inch
Jimmy said on 30/May/13
@Alex A bad posture and different camera angles can make a 195 cm be as tall as 190 cm individual, I myself have experienced that.
Alex said on 6/Feb/13
Hemsworth didn't have much on him, really.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jan/13
Rob, is 187cm or 189cm more likely?
Editor Rob
I stick with between the 2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/12
"Tom Hiddleston height: 6 ft 1.75 in (187cm)"
Kennerty said on 6/Dec/12
Tom is 6'2. That's that.
Joey said on 3/Dec/12
I'd buy 6'2 in the morning
Ana Madrid said on 12/Nov/12
LOL, you are too funny Rikashiku, I will let you have your 15 minutes of fame, and I never said you hated Chris, never did I use that word, I Said, envy, envy is obvious in you, it shows, but I can totally understand, Chris is a gorgeous man with talent and has become a mega star, and if you are his peer, and went to school with him, well it just shows that he made it and you did not, end of story, hate is a strong word, but being envious of a 6"3 Thor, it is ok I understand, over and out.
Rikashiku said on 11/Nov/12
Wow, what crawled into your bowl of ceral hate Ana? So when someone doesn't agree with you, it means they hate the person in the subject? Thats just childish. I don't say they are shorter out of envy,because I am also the same height as they are.
I may not be a movie star, but neither are you. What I can say however is that I knew Chris and Liam in school and you know what, I was also on TV and movies. Oh right, and you haven't. Don't get jealous now little girl.
Ana Madrid said on 11/Nov/12
If yousay so Rikashiku, the truth is the truth, I am a fan, but not blind, and If I had not met this man, Chris I mean, I would not try to emphhasize such a thing, if a 1.5 inches shorter than 6"3 makes you feel better by all means believe it, he is a famous now and will be more so in time, and well you, not.
Rikashiku said on 11/Nov/12
Despite the fact that they look the exact same height most of the time and in this following pic, Liam is taller.
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Your fangirlishness gets the best of you Madrid. 6'1'5" for both brothers.
Ana Madrid said on 9/Nov/12
Pretty accurate 6"2 he looks about an inch shorter than Chris, and Chris is 6"3 without a doubt, met the man in person, and short I am not, a good 5"10 or slightly more with 3 inch heels, and I had to look up to see his eyes, both gorgeous tall men, loved them both on the Avengers.
logan noll 1996 said on 21/Oct/12
6'2. Pretty tall. Original Loki character is 6'4ish.

He did play a really good Loki. Hemsworth played a really good Thor. What I like about the film is that Thor(Hemsworth) and Loki(Hiddleton) are the same exact height.
Rikashiku said on 19/Oct/12
6'1.5" - a weak 6'2".

He's actually the same height as Chris Hemsworth who is the same height as his brother who can't be taller than 6'1".
J said on 7/Oct/12
A neat 6'2.5", pushing 6'3".
Second Try said on 24/Sep/12
Hey Rob i think this need a fix....

According to this photos she doesnt look taller her friend Lucy Pinder (165cm), or just marginal taller (definitely not 5cm)

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And they heels seems to be about the same high

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Besides all this, Fernando Alonso is listed as 171cm, i dont know about the footwear in F1 but Michelle will be towering him with those heels, but....

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And finally you know nobody claim his real height, much more when his job depends of how pretty, attractive, sexy and tall is, like models

Excuse my bad english
thinker said on 26/Aug/12
needs upgrade 189 spot on
the names Bond said on 2/Aug/12
He is a tall guy. I'd say about an inch shorter than Chris Hemsworth from The Avengers.
alodia said on 24/Jul/12
he is definitely 6'2. He towers over the cast of The Avengers,
Travizion said on 14/Jun/12
he looked 6.3 to me
Kimber said on 15/Jan/12
I agree. Looking at set pics, he towers above a lot of the Avengers cast and is pretty even with Chris Hemsworth.
HollywoodFan said on 29/Oct/11
Oh yeah! Looks nearly Chris Hemsworth's height in Thor! Looks several nearly several inches taller than Chris Evans.
prs said on 17/Feb/08
she wears 6' heels though doesn't she?!! so that is definitely going to make her appear taller! I'd say 5'6''.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.