Nik Ashton said on 26/Jul/21
@ Rob - Please add Matty Lee, he’s from Leeds! Matty is listed as 177 cm online, just like Tom! He often appears to be similar in height to Tom!
Congratulations to Tom Daley and his friend Matty Lee for winning gold medals in the olympics today! 🥇🥇!
Tom did once claim to be 5’8” when he was 16 and he also said that he feared he would grow too tall to be a diver! 👌
Also Matty Lee’s Mum looks like she could be a little bit taller than his Dad, I dunno about footwear though!
OriginalAnon said on 4/Apr/20
Daley is not as low as 5'7''. 5'8'' or slightly over is more believable.
Nik Ashton said on 29/Dec/19
@ jazz - Very interesting! 🐩
Kimblemur said on 16/Apr/19
5’7 and a half, his 5’9 claim has to be a joke
Vibram said on 6/Mar/19
Def. 172cm 173cm range. A high 5'7 or low 5'8 guy. Clearly over 1 inch shorter than 5'9.25 Gary Lineker (gary was 5'9.75 at his peak probably)
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uhuh said on 22/Dec/18
I've walked past Tom and am 171cm myself. He was about an inch taller similar footwear. I'd guess 173 - 174cm
Matt99 said on 5/Oct/18
Tom claimed “just under 5’10” on a radio 4 interview today and I cringed in the car, it’s unfortunate for legit 5’10 guys. He looks 5’7.75-8 imo

Editor Rob
One man's 'just under' is another man's 'miles under'.
Banga said on 17/Sep/18
Click Here
Joe Delaney who’s a fitness Youtuber claims 5’10 and he looks a good 3 inches taller than Tom Daley with them both being barefoot in this photo. I think Tom’s 5’7 based off this photo, he’s definitely not 5’9 like he claimed. What do you think Rob?
Paul Wood said on 26/Jun/18
I've seen a photo of him standing next to Greg Louganis and Greg Louganis is usually listed as 5ft 9in. I think Tom Daley is 5ft 8in, maybe a fraction of an inch shorter, and I don't think Greg Louganis is anywhere near 5ft 9in, more like 5ft 6.5in to 5ft 7in.
MD said on 16/Feb/18
Wow, hadn't realize this one had been changed. Good revision, Rob. He did grow to be not much below average, but he was not 5'9", let alone the 5'10" listings he keeps getting these days. But, I find this often happens with folks who are smaller and have late growth spurts; people are always tricked they grew more than they did simply because they grew so quickly.
Joshua said on 5/Nov/17
He is 5’10!!!
jjj said on 10/Jul/17
Honestly thought he was 5'10, but i can start to see 5'8/9 compared to other people.
Lee168cm said on 5/May/17
Rob how tall would you say Chris mears and jack laugher are? From photos Chris looks around Tom's height or maybe a bit shorter but weirdly him and jack can look similar height and he's on Google as 166cm while Chris is listed 174cm

Editor Rob
I'd have thought Chris was shorter.
Jack looks a couple of inches shy of Daly.
www said on 25/Aug/16
honesty rules
James B said on 23/Aug/16
I thought 5ft6
Johno said on 14/Aug/16
At first look, does not look 5'9.
MD said on 28/Jul/16
Can you take another look at this. The instagram photo with Colton Haynes needs to be looked at. Can't see footwear, but I really think you will find that this listing you've given him is in shoes.
Chris Hastie said on 26/Jul/16
He looks about my height I'm 178cn
Ollie said on 13/May/16
Really???? With 5'8" colton haynes!!!!???
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anon said on 21/Mar/16
5'8", 5'9" at most, saw him in a photo with my friend recently who's a legit 5'11 and the top of Daley's head comes up to just above his eyes. A good 3" difference between them.
JKE168/169 cm said on 2/Dec/14
With Ronan Keating
MD said on 30/Nov/14
With 5'6" Dynamo:
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Click Here
Honestly, unless Dynamo is in some serious lifts, this 5'9" listing for Tom has always seemed a bit much, to me. I think he's 5'8" tops, and probably just adds and extra inch.
jazz said on 28/Nov/14
He was shorter than 5'7 Linda Barker on Splash .
Fox said on 4/Aug/14
She's obviously in 4" heels with her hair up. And his hairline looks about 3 inches higher than hers. Minus an inch for his shoes, his reported 5'9" would seem fairly accurate.
Like another poster suggested, compare him to David Beckham who's 6'0 and he does look 5'9 - 5'10
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JSSW94 said on 24/Jul/14
He's given as 172 on the Official Commonwealth games website. I know its not that reliable, but it seems fair for him.
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5'10man said on 31/May/14
He is identical height to myself when wearing a little bigger footwear. I am 178 cm out of bed so I say 176-77 for him.
Mr. R said on 5/May/14
He's listed at 5-10 everywhere else.
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 3/May/14
Just saw tom daley goes global on TV. He met Ronan Keating and he was shorter than Ronan(although camera angle favoured Keating). Still think 5ft 9 is too high thought Rob?

Editor Rob
not seen the clip, but he can look anywhere in 5ft 8-9 range.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/14
He does look tiny next to Dan Osborne and Vernon Kay but they're very tall. Whatever anybody says about him though it takes real balls to jump off those high boards. I jumped off the 5 metre board facing the pool a few years back which was bad enough, and I could barely even look at the 10 metre high board above it, it's really scary trust me on this. To jump off one of those boards backwards!!! and do what he does in the air and then land safely in pool requires extraordinary skill and courage. I mean can you imagine even trying to learn how to dive off of it, you're gonna need a lot of practice and you know its really going to hurt as you try to learn.. To keep doing that, eesh.
simon said on 16/Feb/14
Click Here he says hes 5'8 here

Editor Rob
it was from age 16
MD said on 21/Jan/14
It's werid, because he can look short for some reason. Maybe, it's his youthful face. He looks like a young child at times.
Beliavskiy said on 20/Jan/14
Always thought he was 5'8, anyway, he looks short.
Lara said on 15/Dec/13
Rob, What about the other british divers Chris Mears and Jack Laugher?

Editor Rob
not really looked at any apart from Tom
Oops dropped one said on 3/Dec/13
@Arch Stanton The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Marc said on 4/Nov/13
wow! his height and weight almost same with me! same age also.
Rachael said on 11/Jul/13
He's 177cm. It was on the official Olympic page.
5 10 said on 1/Mar/13
he looked taller at the olympics opening ceremony, like 5' 11. i was surprised, but he usually looks 5' 9. beckham was 2 inches taller when they met during the olympics
truth178cm said on 5/Feb/13
more than a strong 5ft8, less than a strong 5ft9. 174-175cm would be my guess.
SAK said on 26/Jan/13
Not the best angle.
Click Here
On the show Splash, he is completely towered by Vernon Kay. Not surprising as Kay is 18cm/7" taller the Daley.
Balrog said on 23/Jan/13
He doesn't strike me as a full 5'9''.
Trent said on 21/Jan/13
The official site did have measurements for the Olympians though. I'm not sure where they got those numbers.
SAK said on 20/Jan/13
ali says on 17/Jan/13
he was measured for the olympics as 177cm
There are no official measurements for olympics.
Trent said on 19/Jan/13
A lot of professional sportsmen end up getting fat actually because their body gets used to taking in the massive amount of calories but is no longer burning it off. Hopefully he stays in shape and he has a great face anyway.
ali said on 17/Jan/13
he was measured for the olympics as 177cm
Maximus Meridius said on 16/Jan/13
@Arch Stanton i doubt he will let himself go he will never be like 14stone but no way maybe 12stone at the most.
Maximus Meridius said on 15/Jan/13
@FACE 5ft 8in i don't think so now way is 5ft 8in he is a strong 5ft 9in guy he doesn't drop below that what he says he looks he is at the range that you call near 5ft 9in he might drop slightly under 5ft 9in at night.
Trent said on 12/Jan/13
I meant growth in height.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jan/13
Have you seen his parents Trent? His mother and late father both overweight and heavily built. Tom's still a teenager and built like one I guess, I'm pretty sure he'll bulk out later in his 20s.
Trent said on 11/Jan/13
Considerable growth for him is very unlikely, but it isn't too rare for a guy his age to pull out a fraction more or even an inch. We'll see.
And yes, the girls swoon over him. He'll get way more attention the way he is than if he was just a regular looking 6'1 guy.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jan/13
Sure that's what you mean Miko LOL. I must admit I was surprised when Tom said he's straight. But he seems to have no problem attracting pretty ladies so kudos to him.
Mathew said on 10/Jan/13
Doesn't give off a 5'9" impression in the above photo. More 5ft 7-8.
Maximus Meridius said on 10/Jan/13
Rob is there a chance he is still growing he is only 18 there is still time for him too grow taller he could reach 5ft 10in one day maybe even 5ft 11in or 6ft 0in do you think he could reach 6ft 0in when he is 20 is it possible for guys too grow 3 inches at 20 he could be a late grower.

Editor Rob
his fitness/diet probably has probably helped him achieve near his programmed height. Will he be finished or grow more, well we'll see in a couple years if he managed anything else.
miko said on 9/Jan/13
I'm sure he'll lose height from constantly being bent forwards, and I mean from all the diving he does!
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jan/13
Must have grown, last I saw he looked 5'8" tops.
Chris said on 9/Jan/13
Rob, do you think he has finished growing?

Editor Rob
I think he is now
SAK said on 9/Jan/13
I use to think he was taller, but recently seeing him next to many celebs, he looks the 5f9 listed.
Tonio couch is listed as 5f4 on many sites and looks it. She has gone from 5f4>5f9.5. Daley from 5f9>5f10.
Rich said on 9/Jan/13
He's wearing subtle height increasing shoes there.
The estimate of height is probably correct. I'm sure he just wore them for the red carpet event.