the shredder said on 19/Aug/15
A 5'9 looking Cruise is not shocking in person plus boot , I'd be shocked If he looked 5'7 or under face to face.
dmeyer said on 17/Aug/15
I met cruise about 5 times he alwais looked 5'8.75-9.25 range but each time had high cut boots with a normal heel , minus the lifts he has to be near enaugh i measured a friend 5'8.75 plus nike show was 5'10 1/8 cruise was very simillar boots on also another 5'7. Friend who was There and was 5'7.5 shoes on he had a thin shoe cruise was notocably taller he was shocked ,
Truth said on 17/Aug/15
That's not true TalkingHeads, the new generation is taller due to all the hormones in meat, dairy, etc... Traces of anabolic growth hormones have even been found in poultry and tap water. Agree with you, long term, this can't be good but one ailment they won't have is being short.
177cmGuy said on 16/Aug/15
A flat 5'7 is too low but I think 5'7.5 is arguable
TalkingHeads said on 15/Aug/15
The average is lower now seeing how many short guys are in college. And especially with americans awful diets. I can buy 5'8,5 for the average, down from 5'9.
Gregory Barbosa said on 15/Aug/15
Ok now I'm seriously confused. If you pause at 00:01:35 at the beginning of Collateral, the scene when he and Statham bump and exchange suitcases, there's a clear close-up on their shoes. What's super weird is that Statham's shoes have heels that are twice the heights of Tom's.
Yet they both appear the same height. Can't wrap my brain around this one. Statham is listed as 5'9" so why would he wear elevators in a scene with Cruise? Either Jason is super short (Jet Li territory) or Cruise needs to be upgraded to 5'10". Unless the director (upon Cruise's request) shot the shoe scene (which lasts no more than a fraction of a second) specially to confuse the height watch brigade... and have them change shoes for the headshot?
Gotta say, that would be weird though.
So which is it, upgrade for Cruise or Downgrade for Statham???
Rend said on 14/Aug/15
Rob, is wearing 3 inch lifted shoes possible for cruise case?

Editor Rob
I don't think I've seen any obvious 2-inch lifts inside a 1-1.5 inch boot, but he could fit a 1-inch lift and most people wouldn't really notice anything different.
the shredder said on 14/Aug/15
Agree , average still is 5,9 , 5,10
jim said on 13/Aug/15
There is a scene in War of the world's in his house when he runs up the stairs and to the back glass door and you can see his elevators shoes come off.
I mean he was essentially on stilts, walking on top of the shoes. It was then I said this guy must be tiny to have to walk on top of his shoes next to a kid. way is he 5.7. Great actor though, that just pops off the screen and brings movies to life
Shawn said on 12/Aug/15
James, the average height hasn't increased 2 inches in the past 30 years. Maybe 1 at the very most. Yes, even amongst the "younger" generation, I still see a lot of short guys.
James B said on 11/Aug/15
I think amongst the young crowd in the US given the average is 5'10-5'10.5 he is considered to be short. In the 80s though he would be more like lower end of average.
So overall cruise is quite short for a man but not very short.
Cruise is slightly taller than me (I am 170-171cm).
Jack said on 10/Aug/15
5'7 barefoot
5'8 in shoes
5'9 in shoe lifts
5'10 in 3 inch elevator shoes
5'11 in 4 inch elevator boots
Emil 182-183 cm said on 9/Aug/15
@Gregory Barbosa
Painful truth about those rings is that they are not making your neck longer they're pushing down your shoulders

Editor Rob
don't tell Tom Cruise that!
Gregory Barbosa said on 7/Aug/15
haha Would make a funny postcard! A few more rings to tighten the noose and he'll be getting higher into the hypoxia zone, puffing nimbus with Tom Green
Click Here
The Toms are great :-)
Dom said on 7/Aug/15
Always looks at least 5'8
Duhon said on 5/Aug/15
90% of the public's perception is how tall they WANT him to be not how tall he actually appears. He appears around 5'8" really but many in the public for some reason want to believe he is 5'3".
Gregory Barbosa said on 4/Aug/15
Look at Tom's neck. It's very long relative to his body. I suspect he had it elongated. Also he's got short arms and a large waist. Like Damon, he's a mesomorph. If Jonah Hill worked out, he could be the next Tom Cruise.

Editor Rob
Parker said on 4/Aug/15
philip44 says on 2/Aug/15
lol this site is the only site that gives tom cruise a boost to his height, he is listed at 5 ft 7 on google and everything lol
lol - Every other site bar this one has
Kevin Hart listed at the same height as Jerry Ferrara. Google and everything.
Go and look at pics of them together and tell me which site you believe.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Aug/15
He looks like he's pushing 5ft8
Ellen said on 3/Aug/15
Hi Rob, i just want to be sure. Is 172cm his height in the morning or evening? How low do you think he can drop after a full day of standing and walking?

Editor Rob
Ellen, I believe Tom drops under 5ft 8 a fraction by afternoon, and wakes up comfortably over 5ft 8 in the morning.
Sam said on 3/Aug/15
Tom has always been downgraded for his height, ever since people began saying he had 'little man syndrome' (which to some extent may or may not be true, but doesn't diminish his real height). 171cm-172cm is probably his range. Below average definitely, short arguable. Either way I think he's past caring what the media thinks, you sort of have to be to be a celebrity because they will say anything about you to attract public attention.
philip44 said on 2/Aug/15
lol this site is the only site that gives tom cruise a boost to his height, he is listed at 5 ft 7 on google and everything lol

Editor Rob
it's not a boost unless Tom was measured 5ft 7 flat.
Chase Witherspoon said on 2/Aug/15
That's a serious arch he's taming, so I suspect some form of heel elevation skulduggery to achieve a 5'9" claim? That would translate to a barefoot nadir of 170/5'7" surely...
Johnny said on 1/Aug/15
Cruise really is 5'6-5'7 range. Certaintly no taller than a flat 5'7.
Tan said on 1/Aug/15
The difference w/ Tom Cruise is the he has "a little man syndrome!"
The Dutch Guy said on 30/Jul/15
5'7'' out of bed
5'6.5'' is his most common height (he is so tiny!)
Arch Stanton said on 30/Jul/15
I'd guess more in 155-60 pound range today, he's carrying more muscle than he used to.
Parker said on 30/Jul/15
Thing is with Cruise, with his posture and foowear he can really look the 5'9 he claims until you see him next to a legit 5'11.
He can't be more than 5'8.
Click Here
Jeff said on 29/Jul/15
Rob, what's the deal with those 2015 elevators? Cruise doesn't usually wear that outrageous footwear. The only time I recall him wearing elevators was for the Knight and Day premiere in Japan a few years back... I mean, if he's always wanted to walk tall, why wait now?

Editor Rob
I think he is just wanting to look taller, maybe he has fallen into the trap of reading some articles and heard more talk about his height?
It would not surprise me if many people in media are annoyed when they meet Tom he isn't some 5ft 6-7 range guy...and now with elevators he can comfortably look between 5ft 8 and 9 to people.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jul/15
He can pull off the full 5ft8
Duhon said on 29/Jul/15
According to most internet listings these two men are supposed to be the same height
Click Here 5'7"

Editor Rob
yeah and according to these billion dollar companies, they tell visitors that this girl is 169cm and tom a mere 170cm:
Yer Having a Laugh!...there are no lifts in those shoes...
But Tom is fighting back in 2015 with his new elevators. He's had it up to his neck with insults, digs and is now Walking taller...
Shawn said on 28/Jul/15
"gizmoqueen says on 28/Jul/15
It's a given. Guys always add 2 inches when asked 'how tall are you'. Ask any guy"
The editor of this website doesn't ;)
Ron said on 28/Jul/15
What do you think his weight is around? Im guessing maybe 140/145 max 150 lbs. he looks like he hasnt gained anything and always has stayed the same aside for movie roles. What do you think?

Editor Rob
I doubt he's anywhere as low as that in last 20 years, he looks more than that.
KJK said on 28/Jul/15
the shredder says on 22/Jul/15
He looks over 5'7 . The shortest he ever looked was 5'7.5 with Lea Thompso
I can see that you still ignore the Hamilton/Cruise Pictures. Lewis Hamilton is 171 cm and when Tom stood next to him on two occasions he wasn't the taller man. Search Lewis Hamilton Tom Cruise on google.. And since Tom is a famous lifts-wearer he might be even shorter than 171 cm. He is probably 5'7' max.
dmeyer said on 28/Jul/15
I have experience those can give 1.7-2.1in no more or less
Harold said on 28/Jul/15
"Yes, they look like elevator shoes. I think he wore them at another event, the one where Arnie was in shock as Tom was only a few inches smaller."
Well, Rob, maybe it wasn't shock on Arnie's face but envy. Cruise is worth a great deal more money and owns his own production company. Cruise has had a 35 year career and is arguably as big box office as he's ever been. Schwarzenegger goes directly to video. Arnie has a good five inches on Tom. But Tom has a good 500 million on Arnie. Who's laughing all the way to the bank?
Jimbo said on 28/Jul/15
Look at jimmy fallon lip sync with Tom, look at his shoes as he walks up on stage.
Jeff said on 28/Jul/15
Rob, are you saying that he's getting around one inch on other people with those shoes? How come he still looks a little shorter than Simon Pegg in those pics?

Editor Rob
yes he'll get about an inch more. I think in some pics Pegg had a decent boot himself, but then at recent event
Tom's All Smiles as in his 2015 elevator shoes and Pegg in converse style, he's looking not too bad against Simon...
gizmoqueen said on 28/Jul/15
It's a given. Guys always add 2 inches when asked 'how tall are you'. Ask any guy
lily said on 26/Jul/15
171cm morning
170cm afternoon
169cm evening
2toes said on 26/Jul/15
Excellent posture and lifts can make him appear a solid 5'9" on some events
Dmeyer said on 25/Jul/15
Those Will give no more than 2in , counting pivoting and room for lifts
jaymorgan007 said on 25/Jul/15
@ Jeff and @ rob
He is definitely wearing lifts at the premiere of Rogue Nation. Mind you, and I'm sure Rob would agree, they're not massive lifts. They looked about 4-5 centimeter ones. Would you agree, Rob?
By the way, I still believe tom is taller than 5'7, but not taller than 5'8, barefoot.

Editor Rob
they aren't giving him the kind of height that Downey gets at times (nearly 3 inches), but they are big enough to be obvious elevator shoes.
Shawn said on 25/Jul/15
Those are definitely elevators. The giveaway is always when the back end of the pant-leg can't seem to cover the ankle of the shoe.
Still though, those are by no means monsters. Rob, if I had to guess, I'd say in total he's getting 2.5 inches out of those (heels + insole). So really only 1.25 inches more than you'd get from a standard dress shoe... fair guess?

Editor Rob
I doubt more than 2.2 from them, that is a very hefty amount really when you see how big the insole has to be. Getting 2.5 I'd be surprised.
Jeff said on 25/Jul/15
Rob, how much do those shoes give him over a normal pair?

Editor Rob
I would say they give 2.1-2.2 maybe...I can't see them being more than that range.
Jeff said on 24/Jul/15
Rob, is he wearing lifts there?
Click Here

Editor Rob
here's a lighter, bigger
Shot of them.
Yes, they look like elevator shoes. I think he wore them at another event, the one where Arnie was in shock as Tom was only a few inches smaller...
Socalg said on 23/Jul/15
My dad always used to tell me doesn't make a difference how tall you are or how tall the girl is because it always even out in bed . Y'all seem to forget Susan Anton dating Dudley Moore now there was a height difference . As for myself I'm only 5'5"I dated a girl 6'1" I have to tell you she was the best lay of my life . And dad was right it all evens out in bed . Best of luck
andre said on 23/Jul/15
is possible tom about 5ft6.5 barefoot ?
he uses huge hells
the shredder said on 22/Jul/15
He looks over 5'7 . The shortest he ever looked was 5'7.5 with Lea Thompson
john said on 20/Jul/15
5'7 seems right for him...he wears those fancy shoes and boots sometimes...both give him almost 2 inches so he is almost 5'9 in them..but 5'7 would be right for him
mande2014 said on 16/Jul/15
Daniel Radcliffe, Woody Allen, Dustin Hoffman, and Al Pacino all have typical well-proportioned 'short dude' builds. Tom Cruise just doesn't look like that. He really doesn't.
mande2014 said on 16/Jul/15
Tom has the frame and build of a weak average guy. He just doesn't have the run-of-the-mill 'short dude' build of a guy who's over 5'4 but under 5'7.
jamie179cm said on 15/Jul/15
@will how is it obvious when the guy wears liftes?
mande2013 said on 15/Jul/15
I'm pretty sure he stands 5'7, no more no less. He's three inches taller than 5'4 Curtis Armstrong in Risky Business.
truth said on 14/Jul/15
@Will because he is short. The tallest shot height is 5ft9 and the shortest tall height is 6ft0 :).
Will said on 13/Jul/15
It is very obvious that Cruise is 5'7"-5'8". Anything 5'6" and under is garbage. He is below average, so not a tall person. Most people view him in the short category.
184.3cm (Night) said on 13/Jul/15
171cm 5'7.5" nowadays he lost a quarter inch :)
jamie179cm said on 11/Jul/15
tom a tricky one but i doubt he's over 170cm in barefeet anyway
2toes said on 10/Jul/15
He is exactly 172.38097654767894 centimeters tall - late afternoon height
Ricky muliawan hansyar: 5ft 7.5in (171cm) said on 8/Jul/15
Rob,might be possible he is 5ft7.5 now?he is 53 years old

Editor Rob
he is in very good shape for his age. He might have lost a few mm though, at early 50's, a small few mm loss is common, but most people aren't going to notice it unless they measured every year and tracked their height that way.
There was an article last year I think in Star which mentioned about Tom's worries about losing a 1/4 of an inch...
David 185 - 186 cm said on 7/Jul/15
Maybe 5 ft 7 in
jump said on 5/Jul/15
One that hurts him is his smaller body frame so it makes him look even shorter. Also limb lengthing surgery screws up your legs for life. Not worth it.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't say it screws up. It might depend on the doctor doing the surgery and the care given during the rehabilitation.
A good percentage will be back to good health after a year, but of course another percentage might end up with problems, complications and never quite get back to how their legs were before surgery.
jump said on 5/Jul/15
One that hurts him is his smaller body frame so it makes him look even shorter. Also limb lengthing surgery screws up your legs for life. Not worth it.
Emil 182-183 cm said on 2/Jul/15
an anonymous peach says on 11/Jun/15
Why hasn't Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr or Sylvester Stallone resorted to limb-lengthening surgery yet?
Lol there's absolutely no reason to do that...
Julian said on 2/Jul/15
Well, maybe 171cm. MAX in his youth, but I realy doubt it. I honestly think he is no taller than 170. Witch is not so bad as some may think, realy.
sabot said on 2/Jul/15
Matthew says on 24/Jun/15
The ground is sloped heavily in Tom's favor in the first 3 pics.
Indeed. PLUS they are not wearing the same typ of sneakers. Toms shoe sole is clearly thicker than Katies. The height listing ist fair, he must be arround that height.
Teyman said on 2/Jul/15
Its normal that tom cruise have a insoles in shoes. Everybody do this me too, i 'am about 1.76. But i think tom cruise 1.72
Jay said on 1/Jul/15
I think it's becoming more difficult. Certainly it would be a almost impossible today to market 5'4ish actors like Michael j. Fox and Emilio Estevez in the roles they played in major movies back in the 80s. But I think it's still possible for guys who are at least 5'7-5'8 as long as they have a decent build/frame which makes a big difference. Tom's shorter than all the women in those photos but he's still noticibly more substantial/manly and can easily look like he's 5'11 on screen with lifts and camera tricks. Someone like Kit Harington really feels the effects of being only 5'7 because he has such a slight build and narrow shoulders.
starLord said on 30/Jun/15
CRUISE cant be 5'6. Hes short but not that short. He's 5'7. He is only mocked because he always wears 2/3 inch lifts.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/15
5ft6 for Cruise is pathetic. He definitely clears 5ft7.
djjrr said on 28/Jun/15
When did Cruise start wearing lifts in his films? Do you think he would be seen different if say he was 5'10 instead of 5'7 or would he still wear lifts? Brad Pitt is 5'10/11
Ricky muliawan hansyar: 5ft 7.5in (171cm) said on 28/Jun/15
Rob,are you agree if I say tom cruise regulary around 171.5cm in the evening?I need your comment?

Editor Rob
I think it is far more believable than 170cm evening for me.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jun/15
@Djjrr Yes, plenty wore lifts in that period, Bing Crosby, Peter Lorre, Humphrey Bogart, Dean Martin, Dana Andrews to name a few.
andre said on 27/Jun/15
tom is 5ft7 barefoot
djjrr said on 26/Jun/15
Which came first? The fact that people mocked Cruise for being short or Cruise himself began wearing 2-3inch lifts? 5'7 is short but its not super short. When did he begin wearing lifts in films? In Top Gun he did not have lifts. Maybe it was Rain Man.
Were there big movie stars in the 30s or 40s or 50s that also wore lifts?
MJKoP said on 26/Jun/15
If the pics posted by DCarp don't provide a compelling enough case for Rob to upgrade Tom to a minimum of 5'8", then I don't think anything will.
hijopotamus said on 25/Jun/15
Just watched Rain Man. 5'6 for Tom.
With his tricky shoes he reaches the 5'9" mark.
Matthew said on 24/Jun/15
DCarp says on 18/Jun/15
He seems to be a strong 5'8. Considering that Katie Holmes is a solid 5'9.
It's highly doubtful for him to stuff a 2-inches sole inside the running shoes.
The ground is sloped heavily in Tom's favor in the first 3 pics.
Jay said on 20/Jun/15
Plus that pic with Katie wearing flats and Tom with boots.
Jay said on 20/Jun/15
Katie is 5'9 so it's more than an inch.
Parker said on 20/Jun/15
DCarp says on 18/Jun/15
He seems to be a strong 5'8. Considering that Katie Holmes is a solid 5'9.
It's highly doubtful for him to stuff a 2-inches sole inside the running shoes.
Yeh, the Katie Holmes pictures have been flogged to death, there are numerous pics out there to show there was little difference between their heights. An inch tops in Katie's favour.
Click Here
DCarp said on 18/Jun/15
He seems to be a strong 5'8. Considering that Katie Holmes is a solid 5'9.
It's highly doubtful for him to stuff a 2-inches sole inside the running shoes.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
BoysofToday said on 3/Sep/12
Honestly I think as generations go by the more recent ones seem to be physically superior. I'm fifteen and I'm about 5 ft 10. Believe it or not theres quite a few younger guys taller than me. I'm also one of the "shorter" males at my school
lol93 said on 2/Sep/12
5'8 cameron diaz in 8 cm heels and tom cruise in 7-8cm lifts
Click Here 171 cm out of bed and 170cm later for Tom
Maximus Meridius said on 2/Sep/12
Rob do you think Tom Cruise should look for a 5ft 1in woman or a 5ft 2in woman if he is so worried about his height there is tall women out there why is he looking for them he should go looking for short women.

Editor Rob
I don't think he's as bothered about height as the media would imagine, especially if he happily marries women taller than him!
I'm sure some would twist it that he's seeking out taller women so his offspring might be taller, who knows!
Rafa said on 1/Sep/12
The guy is not taller than Robs listing. Shorter than me and shorter than editor Rob.
Willy said on 1/Sep/12
With average height for an American-born male usually given as 5'9.5'', I wouldn't really consider 5'8'' to be "standard height". Michael Pena's true height might be as low as 5'5'', and Katie Holmes has stated both 5'9'' and 5'8'' as her height.
Some people should accept that 5'7'' was never shot at all even though we all know that Rob will never downgrade Cruise. And when I take a look at barefoot pics with Katie, Tom dancing in socks, and his weirdly short upper body, then I sometimes find myself wondering about 5'6''. But generally speaking, I'm willing to believe that Cruise wakes up at 171 cm and remains a legitimate 5'7'' for most of the day.
Chris Robinson said on 1/Sep/12
The reason I think he's no more than 5 7" is the following - if he was 5 8" then by wearing lifts he would never be considered short. However, there are so many instances of him appearing very short despite his lifts I only have to conclude he is shorter than 5 8". At the end of the day the women love him so what's his beef!
the shredder said on 1/Sep/12
Rafa has a height complex ... He just does not want him 5'8 because he is that ... 5'7 was shot a long time now , give it a break guys !
Will said on 31/Aug/12
Tom Cruise isn't short. He is of standard height at 5'8" tall. Yes, but true.
cocopuffs said on 31/Aug/12
Well, Katie Holmes stated she was 175 centimetres tall (5'9). And on the Oprah show and in every single shot I see of Tom Cruise and katie Holmes, he looks 2 centimetres shorter than her. So definitely 5'8. No way he is 5'10!!!! Whoever says this is either stupid or Tom cruise has paid them to say that! Nicole Kidman was 5'10 and a half, and she even said he was a few inches shorter. So 5'8 is looking really good!
rafa said on 31/Aug/12
With the lifts Tom Cruise usually wears I would look around 5'10" (I as a real 5'8er, Cruise is possibly under listed height)
rafa said on 31/Aug/12
Parker says on 30/Aug/12
Trust me, Im Spanish and I watched his program many times, Maxi Iglesias, an Spanish actor who was my classmate (and I know how tall is he), IS around 5'10.5." and he looked 6 inches taller than Motos.
Sorry rafa. Pause at 6.57. That's never 6 inches.
Click Here
Yes thats around 6 inches. Tommy Cruise the Scientologist is around 5'7.6" (171.7) cms, face it man, he ain't no tall dude.
Ka said on 31/Aug/12
rafa says on 30/Aug/12
In Scientology Church they lend Cruise huge lifts? 5'7.6" (171.1 cms) for Cruise
I don't get you, you insist on Cruise being just over 5'7 (171), and saying that's never close to 5'8, as if he's never a normal height guy. First of all, a 171'er can pass for 5'8 a lot in the public, without using lift at all, just have the dressing, cloth, hair, and 1-1.5 in heel. I have to agree w/ the editor and others that Tom is 5'8 or very close to it, which means not under the 172 mark. This guys can looks 5'8.5 in 1.3 in shoes, no lifts, just good posture and arch support insole, look at him w/ Pena. I would bet Cruise is taller than 5'7.5'ers like Spielberg and Seacrest. With taller women like Kidman and Diaz, he can pull looking like a 5'10'ers in 3 in lifts, and that's the max that any celebrity can pull off without looking ridicuolous or having trouble walking. Oh and he looks 2 cm taller than Dmeyer's friend, measure at 171 cm, and both are wearing same amount of elevators. 5'8 on the button for this guy IMO, or as listed minimum. Sorry but I think this listing has its point than other lower listing.
5'7.6 is actually 171.7 cm. Maybe it's a typo, I don't blame you, but it really makes no sense where it's barely any difference from this listing
leonari said on 30/Aug/12
backfiring: Never has Downey seen 174 cm. Never ever. 5'8" is too much for him. He is the #1 Liftwearer of all time. Cruise is taller than Downey not shorter.
Parker said on 30/Aug/12
Trust me, Im Spanish and I watched his program many times, Maxi Iglesias, an Spanish actor who was my classmate (and I know how tall is he), IS around 5'10.5." and he looked 6 inches taller than Motos.
Sorry rafa. Pause at 6.57. That's never 6 inches.
Click Here
rafa said on 30/Aug/12
In Scientology Church they lend Cruise huge lifts? 5'7.6" (171.1 cms) for Cruise.
rafa said on 30/Aug/12
Parker says on 29/Aug/12
rafa says on 28/Aug/12
Haahahha Motos is shorter than 5'5"
Doesn't really look under 5'5 if Emilio Estevez and Martin Sheen are listed correctly on this site.
Trust me, Im Spanish and I watched his program many times, Maxi Iglesias, an Spanish actor who was my classmate (and I know how tall is he), IS around 5'10.5." and he looked 6 inches taller than Motos.
backfiring said on 30/Aug/12
He is definitely 5'8. There are too many clues:
Nicole Kidman said he was a few inches shorter than her. And Nicole stated she was 5'10 and a half.
He is 1 centimetre under Robert Downey Jr who is 174 centimetres (5'8 and a half).
And he buys platform shoes at the 5'8 and under shop.
Parker said on 29/Aug/12
rafa says on 28/Aug/12
Haahahha Motos is shorter than 5'5"
Doesn't really look under 5'5 if Emilio Estevez and Martin Sheen are listed correctly on this site.
Click Here
rafa said on 28/Aug/12
Shaun says on 28/Aug/12
Google image Tom Cruise and Pablo Motos. Motos is 5'5". Anything under 5'7" for Cruise is nigh impossible.
Haahahha Motos is shorter than 5'5"
the shredder said on 28/Aug/12
He is not 5'7 , a weak 5'8 minimum .
Shaun said on 28/Aug/12
Google image Tom Cruise and Pablo Motos. Motos is 5'5". Anything under 5'7" for Cruise is nigh impossible.
Willy said on 28/Aug/12
Actually, Cruise managed to look 5'6'' with ease in the All The Right Moves group shot, a photo with the former Japanese prime minister, and in his dance scene in Risky Business. But since I'm willing to believe that Katie is 5'8'' or a bit over it - but not a full 5'9'' -, I assume that Cruise is a legitimate 5'7''.
Madman123 said on 27/Aug/12
I thought he was 5'10,interesting.
the shredder said on 27/Aug/12
5'8 minimum ... Maybe even taller .
lol93 said on 27/Aug/12
171 cm for tom in the morning that is what I believe and I would bet money on it ;)
Will said on 26/Aug/12
Anything 5'6" and under for Cruise is just absolutely ridiculous. He is still a bare minimum 5'7" tall.
runt said on 26/Aug/12
That's 5'9" with the shoes, so Tom is looking 5'8" and liftless or under 5'8" with lifs
Parker said on 26/Aug/12
runt says on 25/Aug/12
Julianne Hough is a short-build 5'3". She must have some serious heels on at this Rock of Ages premier shoot.
Click Here
Probably 4 inches, same as Zeta Jones. ZJ standing at 5'11, Tom at 5'9, Hough at 5'7.
tuite said on 26/Aug/12
tom look like 5´10 range in that photo, is a fact
Parker said on 26/Aug/12
the shredder says on 25/Aug/12
Rob , just asking but what made you guess 5'7.75 ? I mean can you really tell 1/4 of an inch just from photos and movie clips lol
[Editor Rob: I think from everything his range is very close to 5ft 8, he's been stuck at this for a good while I can't see me changing]
I don't see any reason to change, although I personally think that's the minimum height he could ever be, also because its 5'7 and change most sites would then just give him the 5'7, which is what you see listed for Cruise almost everywhere. That's why I find it so baffling that the media then try to give the impression he's 5'3 and wears 4 inch lifts lol.
Have a read of this tosh
Click HereThey post 2 pics. One with Katie in flats, and a second with her in heels,closer to the camera and with Tom in mid stride......and then suggest the difference is lifts hahaha........although sadly some people actually believe it.
runt said on 25/Aug/12
Julianne Hough is a short-build 5'3". She must have some serious heels on at this Rock of Ages premier shoot.
Click Here
indianfactmachine said on 25/Aug/12
Click Hererob what you have to say about this photo..
the shredder said on 25/Aug/12
Rob , just asking but what made you guess 5'7.75 ? I mean can you really tell 1/4 of an inch just from photos and movie clips lol

Editor Rob
I think from everything his range is very close to 5ft 8, he's been stuck at this for a good while I can't see me changing
Louis said on 25/Aug/12
Ka says on 24/Aug/12
i know it's a street shot and bad angle, but i think it's clear that Jude is shorter than craig, and that fit Jude's claim of 5'9
I've seen some photos of Jude where his shoes look really big, so why would he say that he is 5'9 if he is 5'10.5
To me that doesn't have sense
On photo that Parker posted his shoes really look normal, but there are also many photos where his shoes look large
And if Cruise is 172, he looks same height as RDJ, who looks 2-3cm shorter than Jude, so I still don't see more than 175 for Jude
the shredder said on 25/Aug/12
We posted the barefoot pics with Holmes and we had folk claiming 5'7.5 for her to match him 5'7 max ( Viper )
Ka said on 24/Aug/12
Louis, it's a street shot. You can ask the editor, he'd tell the same thing, as I do, it's not great for comparison. You know, I wouldn't trust an anecdote quote between celebrities, especially guys like Piers Morgan, who also inflate his height. Who knows what envy they have?
Kate Winslet is 5'7 btw, so Law isn't under 5'10.5, and Timberlake's a little taller than Law, so that guy is as listed
You know, there's already close shoe shots for Cruise. Go check on Parker's post, but I guess there are still people think it's big lifts/elevators/monster, whatever that keeps the degenerate media image of Cruise's height alive
Shaun said on 24/Aug/12
Mmm that said if Efron claims to be 5 ft 10 when he looks 5'8" tops then he might be conscious of it but 5'7.5"-5'8" frequently claim to be 5'10, Wahlberg, an old friend of mine I measured once at 5'7.5" in his socks and he always claimed 5'10!!
Shaun said on 24/Aug/12
I don't think Efron gives a s**t about his height Louis, he's a chick magnet as he is. And I don't think Cruise's life revolves around wishing he was tall either, His preference for those big Chelsea boots though which often have high backs does indicate he is conscious of it and is possibly a regular lift wearer, just not obsessed like Stallone is.
Louis said on 24/Aug/12
to cnvinvce me that he doesn't wear so big shoes i need some evidences, close up photo of his shoes from red carpet
many people think that
Zac Efron constantly is in elevators and lifts, I did think that also and believed that he is 5'6-5'7 but then i saw this photo
Click Here and now i think that 5'8 listing is correct
if somebody give me good proof that Cruise doesn't wear big elevators than i could believe 172, 'til then I stick at 169
Louis said on 24/Aug/12
Ka says on 24/Aug/12
ok then everyone who meets Timberlake and
Jude Law has to have their height down by 3 in. "Roll eye". Really?
No, but
Jude Law that he is 5'9, and there is a photo of him and timberlake and they look same height
Click HereLook
Jude Law with Craig
Click HereAnd about JT:
Piers Morgan claims that Justin Timberlake isn't as tall as he says he is.
In his 'Live' magazine column, the 'Britain's Got Talent' judge wrote about how he saw JT at a bar last month.
He said: "Had dinner with the former Office star Lucy 'Dawn' Davis and her husband, Welsh actor Owain Yeoman, at Soho House tonight, and standing two feet from our table at the bar all night was Justin Timberlake and his new lady Jessica Biel.
"He's always claimed to be my height, 6ft 1in. So imagine my surprise when I stood next to him briefly for a few minutes and his head appeared to reconcile itself with my chin. And that's with a hat on, and what looked suspiciously like built-up heels."
the shredder said on 24/Aug/12
Honestly guys and you can take what I say anyway you want , but It is not that you folks think 5'7 or under , it is the way you folks go about it ... Changing others heights to match his 5'7 , screaming lifts even if he is not , lying about how much his shoes are , saying that he is closer to the camera even if he could be behind the person , etc ... You guys just make ANYTHING up to match him being 5'7 max and bash us that think 5'8 or over , hell even as listed ... Like I said it is not even the fact that you folks think 5'7 ... I ONCE MYSELF THOUGHT 5'7 ... But SORRY you members of the ( mostly ) under 5'7 club are truly the most bias and closed minded out of any of us on this page .
Ka said on 24/Aug/12
Louis says on 23/Aug/12
@the shredder
yes if Garfield is 179, but he looks shorter than Timberlake who looks same height as Jude( I AM 5'9)
ok then everyone who meets Timberlake and
Jude Law has to have their height down by 3 in. "Roll eye". Really?
rafa said on 23/Aug/12
Have you ever seen a Tom Cruise pic barefoot or in sandals, Rob?

Editor Rob
there's a few floating about and been posted on this page in the past, usually with katie holmes
lol93 said on 23/Aug/12
He is 5'7 guys I am really sure and with lifts he struggling to hit 5'10.Is he the same height with peter andre,joe jonas,zac efron,michael trevino or mark walbehrg??To me he looks shorter than them ,take a look at these guys.
Louis said on 23/Aug/12
@the shredder
yes if Garfield is 179, but he looks shorter than Timberlake who looks same height as Jude( I AM 5'9)
the shredder said on 23/Aug/12
Well once again he looks 5'9 in that pic .
Louis said on 23/Aug/12
To me they look huge, twice as big as shoes of guy on his left
Louis said on 23/Aug/12
Rob, i've been looking 4 inch Dons elevators and they don't look bigger than this shoes, and you said that you can get to 3inch wearing them ;)

Editor Rob
when you put a dons 4-inch beside a normal shoe you see the difference, I don't see how tom's shoes look that big.
the shredder said on 23/Aug/12
Louis says on 23/Aug/12
the shredder says on 23/Aug/12
Thanks Ka ... I bet if he would measure as listed or over folks would still say 5'7 max !
i bet if he would measure at 169 or lower folks would still say 5'8 minimum
If he measured 169cm I would gladly admit I was wrong and expect the FACT and move on .
BTW you saying those are 4 inch lifts or even 3 makes me discredit ANYTHING you say !
Louis said on 23/Aug/12
the shredder says on 23/Aug/12
Thanks Ka ... I bet if he would measure as listed or over folks would still say 5'7 max !
i bet if he would measure at 169 or lower folks would still say 5'8 minimum
Louis said on 23/Aug/12
Ka says on 23/Aug/12
do consider that people like the editor or shredder do have some good points about this listing. It seems that no matter how much good evidence that Tom is 5'8 and can pull off taller, a lot of people just keeps turn away, as if Tom's as listed,
only photo of Tom Cruise with somebody who's height we know is exactly is with G, and he doesn't look 173 there
[Editor Rob: to me he doesn't look as concerned about height as much as people would like him to be.
Click Herethis elevators can easily be 4inches(and probably give around 3i to barefoot height), there is 0% possibility that person who is not concerned about height would wear them

Editor Rob
those black shoes are never going to give 3 inches let alone 4 inches ;)
the shredder said on 23/Aug/12
Thanks Ka ... I bet if he would measure as listed or over folks would still say 5'7 max !
Ka said on 23/Aug/12
No offense to the 5'7 folks, but you guys just keep pointing out ways to mash on the evidence to 5'8 Tom, and it really sound ridiculous. Instead of saying "but if", or Tom's a little insecure 'punk' that tip toes, wear custom, big lift, 3 inchers, whatever that keeps the "Tom Cruise as short stuff of a celebrity" myth that the media is carping on, do consider that people like the editor or shredder do have some good points about this listing. It seems that no matter how much good evidence that Tom is 5'8 and can pull off taller, a lot of people just keeps turn away, as if Tom's as listed, then the world's going to fall or something. Rob's right, people do really irk this guy
the shredder said on 22/Aug/12
Louis , I don't even want to ask you if those are really your fair guesses or if your just rearranging all these height just to fit your low , yes low opinion on Cruise height .
rafa said on 22/Aug/12
Great posture and physique makes him to not look so short. He was around 3 inches + taller than Pablo Motos, Cruise is around 171.7 centimetrs, around one centimeter under 5'8"
lol93 said on 22/Aug/12
ANDREA[ITA] I have the same question taylor lautner is 5'8 and in big boots he can look 5'10 why cruise has to wear lift to look 5'10?Shredder We cant judge videos where people are on sand, cruise could be in his tip toes.I still believe 5'7 for tom
Parker said on 22/Aug/12
ANDREA[ITA] says on 22/Aug/12
Shredder, in that pic Cruise is clearly closer to the camera plus he probably has his dear lifts on!
ok Andrea. Have a look at this pic with Jamie Foxx (listed 5'9 here, so 5'10 in shoes) and Bruce Willis (listed 5'11 here, so 6' in shoes)
Click HereHow tall is Cruise standing in his footwear to you? 5'10? same as Jamie Foxx?
Have a closer look at Cruise's footwear
Click HereA picture says a 1000 words. Under 5'7 for Cruise? No chance whatsoever.
Louis said on 22/Aug/12
Not more than 2cm even with forced posture, and i don't see Hoffman over 172
indian factmachine said on 22/Aug/12
cruise has 2 inches easily over 5 ft 9 listed seymour hoffman
Click Hereso even considering heels , he has to be 5 ft 8.5 atleast..
the shredder said on 22/Aug/12
At ANDREA(ITA) , Have you seen the Top Gun clip of him Barefoot ? He looks every bit of 5'8 to 9 next to a barefoot 6'1 , 6'2 Edwards ... They are both clearly barefoot on the same level ...
It started at 1:27 ...
Click Here I'm not saying it's 100 % fact that he is 5'8.5 , but he sure that hell in fact looks 5'8 to 5'9 there and barefoot at that .
Louis said on 22/Aug/12
the shredder, and how can we be sure that Dana Carvey is 173?
And look photos of Rob and Jenny on Elevator shoes, and there are even bigger elevator shoes
Without solid proof i still don't buy anything over 5'6.5 for him
ANDREA[ITA] said on 22/Aug/12
Shredder, in that pic Cruise is clearly closer to the camera plus he probably has his dear lifts on! And i dont even know who Dana Carvey is (i mean, is he a legit 5'8?)... Anyway i already said i dont really care how tall Cruise is, for me he could be any height! I'm not closed minded but, if a guy is really 5'8, why does he need to wears lifts all the time?
ANDREA[ITA] said on 22/Aug/12
Yeah, thats what i wanted to say! Rob said Cruise doesnt care about height but a guy who wears big boots or even lifts all the time is a person who's very insecure about height! If you find photos where he's barefoot or wears sandals and where he looks nearly 5'8, then i'm gonna trust this listing! Until then, i'm gonna doubt about him! Rob, just to say, you also were convinced that G was 5'8 but, if im not wrong, it came out he was a bit shorter than that :) (and i think he also didnt wear lifts, unlikely Cruise!)

Editor Rob
G mentioned he was once measured under 5ft 7 by a doctor, and mentioned morning height in 2006 so most knew for a few years he wasn't a real 5ft 8.
the shredder said on 22/Aug/12
Yea he does really look shorter then other 5 ft 8 ers , Just look at this he is looking under 5'7 for sure .
Click Here
lol93 said on 21/Aug/12
I think he is 171cm when he wakes up drop to 170 afternoon and a little under that by night .He is insecure about his height and he has been using lifts since the begging of his career,even when you see him in dress shoes or timberland boots how do you know he is not using some insole lifts??! 170cm for tom cruise and I truly believe that he looks shorter than other 5'8 guys
the shredder said on 21/Aug/12
At rafa , your last post just proves that you are closed minded and just want him shorter .
rafa said on 21/Aug/12
Cruise uses lifts, face it. And as a real 5'8er myself right now, I think this guy is shorrter han me by about one centimetet. Tom Cruise is a lift wearer, he is insecure about his height, face it. Barefoot I would put him at 5'7.6" 171.7 centimeters max.
Shaun said on 21/Aug/12
[Editor Rob:
with any actor, there are realms of reason surrounding their stature - for Tom I'd say 5ft 6 and 10 were outwith these realms. 5ft 7 I wouldn't put a bet on, although of course people are entitled to believe what they want about any celebrities height.]
Yes I think one could safely estimate Cruise to be between 5 ft 7 and 5 ft 9 barefoot. It is possible he is as low as 5'7" but no lower, lifts or not you can tell he is not as short as Jack Black and Ben Stiller. I still think Rob has him about right.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 21/Aug/12
Rob, you didnt answer shredder's question: is there a chance he's just 5'7 or even under it, WITHOUT HIS LIFTS? Dont say nothing is sure or something like that! Just say yes or no!

Editor Rob
I thought me saying '5ft 7 I wouldn't put a bet on' was as good as a no.
Parker said on 21/Aug/12
he shredder says on 21/Aug/12
Rob , is there ANY chance he is only 5'7 ? I stand by my 5'8 minimum esimate even if I'm alone !
Your not on your own Shredder.I agree with you. I think Rob's listing above is spot on. What you are getting on here is the influence of the press and media. Like Andrea's comments - He looks 5'8 at the premier of Tropic of Thunder not accounting for lifts - Never a suggestion he might not be wearing lifts ! There's been many postings showing he wasn't wearing lifts at that event. He was in white
Air Force trainers.
Personally I think Cruise in lifts is a myth, unless your describing those awful looking chunky boat shoes he used to wear with Kidman.
But as Rob says, people are entitled to believe what they want.
the shredder said on 21/Aug/12
Danimal PLEASE STOP READING MAGAZINES and using G's height when we don't know the ground level .
the shredder said on 21/Aug/12
Rob , is there ANY chance he is only 5'7 ? I stand by my 5'8 minimum esimate even if I'm alone !

Editor Rob
with any actor, there are realms of reason surrounding their stature - for Tom I'd say 5ft 6 and 10 were outwith these realms. 5ft 7 I wouldn't put a bet on, although of course people are entitled to believe what they want about any celebrities height.
Danimal said on 20/Aug/12
Will says on 19/Aug/12
Tom is a strong 5ft 8 tall. He is taller than 5'7" for sure.
Strong 5'6"/weak 5'7", NOT strong 5'8".
Danimal said on 20/Aug/12
the shredder says on 20/Aug/12
5'10 is just as insane as a flat 5'7 ... 5'8.5 max , 5'8 minimum .
5'8"-5'8.5" is insane. MAX 5'7" (out of bed).
Danimal said on 20/Aug/12
Len says on 19/Aug/12
A 5-7 guy who really loves his lifts and movie camera angles.
Yes and 5'7" is a roundup. He was barely taller than 5'5" Emilio Estevez in The Outsiders (early 1980's), which was before he started wearing lifts. He also was a good 4" PLUS shorter than Kevin Bacon in a Few Good Men, who was barely 5'11" AT BEST peak height.
the shredder said on 20/Aug/12
Then you guys explain him looking every bit of 5'8 to 5'9 BAREFOOT in Top Gun ? No LIFTS there . Anything under 172 is pure downgrading ... and some of you are even saying under 5'7 which is not even a realistic option . I am not 100 % on 5'8 , 5'8.5 it is just my opnion but I am now 100 % on that you guys just want him 5'7 .
nick said on 20/Aug/12
i think he is smallish but he wears shoes that give height like, wedged up shoes or work boots, like kickers
tuite said on 20/Aug/12
well if tom is 1.71 or 1.72 the real height of nicole is 1.79 or 1.80 that is much diference almost 10 centimetres where are they in the pic? even if cruise is wearing his lifts they looks the same height in the pic , in my opinion she´s
1´77 and tom is 1.74 in reality what do you think guys ?
Click Here
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Aug/12
Yeah, shredder, he can look 5'8-5'8.5 sometimes but only if you forget about all the lifts thing! If you consider his lifts, he should look at least 5'10, if he wore a legit 5'8!
John said on 20/Aug/12
the shredder says on 20/Aug/12
5'10 is just as insane as a flat 5'7 ... 5'8.5 max , 5'8 minimum .
I think 169,92cm min and 170,06cm max
rafa said on 20/Aug/12
Ahahaha! Mcconaughey is surrounded by liftwearer in that photo! Poor thing! I'm wondering how can he look so tall, considering they all have shoe advantage! Cruise looks 172, if you dont consider lifts! Maybe mccounaghey wears lifts too?
John said on 20/Aug/12
the shredder says on 19/Aug/12
John , how do you know Glenn has less footwear and we don't the ground they are on
I don't, but you also can't be sure that Cruise has less footwear, and only in that case he can be 173
My guesss for Cruise is 170 but I can buy 172 first in the morning
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Aug/12
Ahahaha! Mcconaughey is surrounded by liftwearer in that photo! Poor thing! I'm wondering how can he look so tall, considering they all have shoe advantage! Cruise looks 172, if you dont consider lifts! Maybe mccounaghey wears lifts too?
the shredder said on 20/Aug/12
5'10 is just as insane as a flat 5'7 ... 5'8.5 max , 5'8 minimum .
the shredder said on 20/Aug/12
Rafa is talking BS ... No way is Downey taller !
Click Here[Open in new window]
Brad said on 20/Aug/12
Ever see the young G with Iron Maiden in his "Iron Maiden booties"? They looked like bricks. G coulda been jacked with Cruise, Porties or IM Booties. At a weak 5' 8" Cruiser owns G.
matt678 said on 19/Aug/12
hey rob is it possible that tomcruise is 5 foot 10? because he called himself that in the movie "all the right moves"

Editor Rob
there is no chance he's that tall
Len said on 19/Aug/12
A 5-7 guy who really loves his lifts and movie camera angles.
the shredder said on 19/Aug/12
Rob , you know how you say he might have a 1cm wee lift with Pena ? Well then how is he 172cm ? If he had only an extra 1cm he would be about 5'8.25 , 5'8.5 minimum , If he is under that range and more the 172cm that you list then he HAS to have more !

Editor Rob
remember sometimes Cruise is standing at his measured height, but some actors might be standing half inch shy of what they could measure at...
the shredder said on 19/Aug/12
John , how do you know Glenn has less footwear and we don't the ground they are on ... To me he is 5'8 minimum , I have seen too much of him barefoot and in low cut shoes .
Will said on 19/Aug/12
Tom is a strong 5ft 8 tall. He is taller than 5'7" for sure.
Diesel said on 18/Aug/12
Tom looks about 5ft 8in
Diesel said on 18/Aug/12
Who cares how tall Tom is, Nicole K. shouldn't even be saying anything because she married an even shorter person, Tom is one of the best actors in th past 30 years there are alot of haters out there who make fun of him for being short but at the end of the day he will be the bigger person because of all the amazing things he has accomplished.
Mathew said on 17/Aug/12
[Editor Rob: it's hard to tell the kind of shoes he had with big G, but then G could have been in big ones aswell, who knows!]
Tom's posture was so forced with the G, it looks like Tom's no more than a cm taller if they stood with equal posture to me. But then again, yeah, who knows what either of their footware was like.
leonari said on 17/Aug/12
Ka: Rob nor this site can't change the media. This site is fantastic but hardly the gospel...So even if Rob gives him a full 5'9" the media will continue to pick on him.
leonari said on 17/Aug/12
rafa: How is that funny? Downey is THE worst when it comes to lifts.
rafa said on 17/Aug/12
Click HereRob would you agree he looks under 5'7.75" in this pic with Spielberg?

Editor Rob
generally he looks to edge steven out, but i'm sure like that, you can find photos of tom being smaller
John said on 17/Aug/12
@the shredder
But he looks 172 max with Glenn, and there is no chance that Glenn had Footwear advantage
bk said on 17/Aug/12
Yahoo News just had this video saying he's 5'7".
Click Here
the shredder said on 16/Aug/12
Rob , if that is his shoes with Carvey and Moore then what kind of shoes is that ?

Editor Rob
maybe a bit over an inch
Anon said on 16/Aug/12
Danimal says on 16/Aug/12
...I'm about 1" taller than you (morning height) and I know my weight has varied quite a bit, but when I have less muscle, I've been told my ideal weight is around 170-175. When I start dipping below that weight, I start looking thin...
Yeah. I'm 5' 8.75" and 165 lbs atm, and I'm trying to get to about 175. I'd like to weigh at least 170.
Anyway, back on topic, if anyone finds this interesting there's a mugshot scene in the movie Vanilla Sky where he looks around 5' 11" on the height board and even hits 6' to the top of his hair. Not saying he's 5' 11" - that's almost as ridiculous as the 5' 4" claims - but I'll try to post a screenshot when I can find one. :D
rafa said on 16/Aug/12
Its funny that some people here consider Tom Cruise 5'8" when Downey Jr. looked taller than Cruise in pics I posted before.
Ka said on 16/Aug/12
Rob, you should add another quarter inch for this guy, I think it's fairer. Otherwise the media would stick the 5'7 forever to him
the shredder said on 16/Aug/12
Danimal says on 15/Aug/12
the shredder says on 15/Aug/12
Cruise does not look under 5'8 at all ... He always looks 5'8 , 5'8.5 and 5'9 ... He did once look 5'10 plus with Dana Carvey !
He's under 5'7".
Then you think whatever you please , not a chance he is even as short as 5'7 .
Parker , if I had to pick between 5'7.75 and 5'8.5 I would choose 5'8.5 , but I think more 5'8 , I think he is 173cm minimum now .
Danimal said on 16/Aug/12
Danimal says on 15/Aug/12
Anon says on 12/Aug/12
Rob, sorry to bother you with another with another question, but what would you guess his current weight at? :) Someone a little far down this page said 150, but he can't be the exact same weight he was in the 80s. I estimate 165 range, maybe not too far from 170. Would you say that's a dead-on guess? What do you think? :)
[Editor Rob: well, I can perfectly believe his weight of 147 pounds back in the day.
He's got some decent muscle on him nowadays so 160 range might be reasonable. I mean I'm looking at myself at 150 just now and Tom has probably about 10 pounds more muscle than me!]
You're down to 150 pounds Rob? I knew it! You've looked MUCH thinner as of late. Why the dieting? You looked good at 175 pounds.
[Editor Rob: 175 pounds if I had a lot of muscle would be good, but 150 is fine for me I think.]
Weren't you almost 190 pounds a few years ago? I saw the weight loss in your face and neck immediately when you started posting more recent pics of you. I'm about 1" taller than you (morning height) and I know my weight has varied quite a bit, but when I have less muscle, I've been told my ideal weight is around 170-175. When I start dipping below that weight, I start looking thin.

Editor Rob
back in 2005-6 for a while I was in mid 180's yes, at heaviest close to 190.
the shredder said on 16/Aug/12
Rob , check this out . I think Tom is on the other right side in this pic as it looks like his pants and jacket with Carvey and Moore , If this is him then his footwear does not look much ...
Click HereNow , if that is his footwear then how is he pulling off 5'10 ?
5'8 vs. 5'7.75 ? ...
Click HereNow Rob , for the BIGGY ... The shoes Tom had on with G , They look normal to me ! ... What do you think Rob ?
Click HereTom with G ...
Click Here
Editor Rob
it's hard to tell the kind of shoes he had with big G, but then G could have been in big ones aswell, who knows!
I was saying to dmeyer who was mentioning why Sly looked quite short in some photos with Statham -
Here...the photographer's lense (and shooting quite close) has not been kind to Stallone there! He won't be on Sly's christmas card list for sure...
It is very possible the camera was a bit kind with Tom and Dana in a similar manner?
Danimal said on 15/Aug/12
Anon says on 12/Aug/12
Rob, sorry to bother you with another with another question, but what would you guess his current weight at? :) Someone a little far down this page said 150, but he can't be the exact same weight he was in the 80s. I estimate 165 range, maybe not too far from 170. Would you say that's a dead-on guess? What do you think? :)
[Editor Rob: well, I can perfectly believe his weight of 147 pounds back in the day.
He's got some decent muscle on him nowadays so 160 range might be reasonable. I mean I'm looking at myself at 150 just now and Tom has probably about 10 pounds more muscle than me!]
You're down to 150 pounds Rob? I knew it! You've looked MUCH thinner as of late. Why the dieting? You looked good at 175 pounds.

Editor Rob
175 pounds if I had a lot of muscle would be good, but 150 is fine for me I think.
Danimal said on 15/Aug/12
the shredder says on 15/Aug/12
Cruise does not look under 5'8 at all ... He always looks 5'8 , 5'8.5 and 5'9 ... He did once look 5'10 plus with Dana Carvey !
He's under 5'7".
rafa said on 15/Aug/12
This guy is under 5'8"
Parker said on 15/Aug/12
the shredder says on 15/Aug/12
Cruise does not look under 5'8 at all ... He always looks 5'8 , 5'8.5 and 5'9 ... He did once look 5'10 plus with Dana Carvey !
Agreed. If it wasn't for the numerous pics with Beckham who I think Rob has spot on, I'd be giving Cruise 5'9.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 15/Aug/12
Ok, Brand wears big boots but he surely has less shoe than Cruise, who's a well-known liftwearer! Anyway, I dont care about him being 5'8 or 6'4! If you say he's almost 5'8, that's ok! I just dont understand why a 5'8 guy must be wearing lifts all the time!
the shredder said on 15/Aug/12
Cruise does not look under 5'8 at all ... He always looks 5'8 , 5'8.5 and 5'9 ... He did once look 5'10 plus with Dana Carvey !
little sue said on 15/Aug/12
Explain how any man can get 3 inches out of lifts?? If I want to be 3 inches taller I have to wear heels about 5 inches, surely it works the same for a man??
B said on 15/Aug/12
Anon, I can tell you who it is that always give themselves 2 extra and completely fictional inches of height...every guy who has ever written down their own height. And so it goes with celebs, just like every schmuck out there on the online dating sites...subtract two inches from the claimed height. Always.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 14/Aug/12
Dmeyer, ask yourself why he looked that tall! He probably had about 3-inches advantage with his lifts...
the shredder said on 14/Aug/12
Rob , I came across a pic the other day ... And it was the day G had a pic with him in 1993 and Tom had very flat dress shoes on . So At least we know his footwear in the early pic .
Dmeyer said on 13/Aug/12
Looked noticably taller than 172cm when i met hé apeared anywere 174-176cm to achieve that hé has to be 172cm
Maximus Meridius said on 13/Aug/12
Rob would you like too meet tom cruise and get a picture of him him and this guy are about the same height near 5ft 8in.
Click Here
the shredder said on 13/Aug/12
Whats funny is he looks his claim of 147 in the 80's but in Top Gun he looks about 160 .
Drew said on 12/Aug/12
@Rob, wow looking good, I remember when you said you were about 170 or so but started to lean down a bit. :D Tom looked 147 pounds in his Risky Business days, but surely looks 160 range now.

Editor Rob
yeah today he's got a bit of muscle which puts him inside the 160's
Anon said on 12/Aug/12
Rob, sorry to bother you with another with another question, but what would you guess his current weight at? :) Someone a little far down this page said 150, but he can't be the exact same weight he was in the 80s. I estimate 165 range, maybe not too far from 170. Would you say that's a dead-on guess? What do you think? :)

Editor Rob
well, I can perfectly believe his weight of 147 pounds back in the day.
He's got some decent muscle on him nowadays so 160 range might be reasonable. I mean I'm looking at myself at 150 just now and Tom has probably about 10 pounds more muscle than me!
Drew said on 12/Aug/12
We need to step up the comments in here, it looks like Bieber's page is the most popular one now, noooo the horror!. 5'8 flat for Cruise.
the shredder said on 11/Aug/12
Rob , how much were G's Portman's ? 2.5 " ?

Editor Rob
considering G thought converse gave 1 inch then yeah, going by the G-nomitor 2.5 inches.
but more likely 1.75 range for bike boots like that
the shredder said on 11/Aug/12
I don't see how any guy over 5'8 can have a height complex ... 5'8 is the start of a decent range , even if some ppl think it is short its still a decent height .
hey i know that guy said on 11/Aug/12
lots of debate over short vs tall, etc. funny how tom cruise triggers the conversation. here's a guideline for male height a producer once told me, i've always remembered it:
5-8 to 6 foot is regular height
6-1 and over is tall
6-5 and over is very tall
5-7 and under is short
and that's it. apparently that's how principal photog. breaks it down for tight frames where they might have to worry about height differences and such. so gentlemen, if you're 5-9 you're fine. you are not short. you're taller than 95 percent of the ladies out there. enjoy.
Maximus Meridius said on 10/Aug/12
@the shredder i agree with you that 5ft 7in and 5ft 8in is is low end of average tall end of short yes 5ft 9in is average but not very average 5ft 10in is very average solid average under 5ft 7in is where short begins 5ft 11in and 6ft is high end of average low end of tall over 6ft is where tall begins.
logan noll 1996 said on 9/Aug/12
5'9 - 5'10 is average height. So yeah, he's short. 6 feet is considered tall.
tuite said on 9/Aug/12
I think cruise could be 5´8.5 and sly 5´9.5
the shredder said on 8/Aug/12
Rob , what do you think is more realistic to you ? 5'8 Tom or 5'9.5 Sly ?

Editor Rob
it's whether Sly lost height - a 5ft 7 man cannot look as tall as he does with say Carl Weathers, a 5ft 9 range man can though.
Tom looks 5ft 8 a lot - of course it is not impossible to have a 1cm lift in footwear and it just turns you into a solid 5ft 8-8.5 looking guy. You can get away with small lifts more than the Downey Jr's or Stallones.
little sue said on 7/Aug/12
It seems as soon as a male celeb becomes a 'pin up' for females other males have to find someway of putting them down, Tom, Brad Pitt, George Clooney and now Bieber, nearly every male on here tries to make them short to make them seem less desirable, when you males going to understand its 'the total package' that makes them desirable not an extra 0.5 inch!!
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 7/Aug/12
Anything under 6ft is short?
6'2 feeling short?
so many numptys lol.
Now some common sense:
Under 5'8 Statistically Short.
5'8-5'9 Still can look Short. Cant quite pull off the average look. always looks a kinda short guy but statistically its NOT short now.
5'9-5'10 Starts to look average. Still at times will look on the shorter side though.
5'10-5'11 Looks "normal" and very solid/ unmentionable height. Could look short next to huge people, tall next to small people and very solid majority of the time.
5'11-6ft Starts looking on the taller side, still has an average look though.
6ft-6'1 Starts to look tall. Starts to lose the average look for a more tall look.
6'1 - Statistically tall.
Under 5'8/ Over 6'1 it is short/tall end of.
5'8-5'10 very normal but can easily be seen as "on the shorter side"
5'11-6'1 very normal but can easily be seen as "on the taller side".
I think 177.5-180.5cm(5'10 flat night - 5'11 flat night) is the ONLY range, where theres NOTHING to say.
A guy under 5'10(possibly as high as 177) could be percieved as short, conversly over 5'11(possibly as low as 181) could be percieved as tall.
Anywhere in between 5'10 and 5'11 is when you would look stupid calling the guy short but also stupid for calling the guy tall.
Admiral said on 7/Aug/12
Rob , I feel like on this site people are taking the "height issue" way to serious. I know this is a site about celebrities heights and all , but it should be all entertainment. I believe that people over here think that the taller you are the more respect or appreciation you get , which it's wrong.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 7/Aug/12
Rob, a person who isn't concerned about height, as you're trying to say, wouldnt wear lifts! I read different articles here in Italy where there were photo of him with big lifts! That's also why they joke around his height! Same for Berlusconi! hahaah

Editor Rob
to me he doesn't look as concerned about height as much as people would like him to be.
if he wore lifts in the manner that Robert Downey Jr wears them then I could see some of the media's arguments, but when they publish photos of him in white
Air Force one and try to claim them as elevator shoes, that's desperation from them in trying to build the myth he walks on stilts :)
the shredder said on 7/Aug/12
Him with tall women plus there heels is the MAIN reason this " Tom is short " even started ... Even if Tom really was 5'9 minimum or even 5'10 he would still look shorter then his real height with 5'8 to 5'11 women plus heels ... And lifts can only do so much ... He is not a short ass 5'7 max guy .
Hob said on 6/Aug/12
tom ex-wife was 5'8.5 and tom right at 5'7 , 5'7.75 was probably out of bed for tom
nss said on 6/Aug/12
You probably get asked this a lot but why do you think Cruise gets slated so much about his height?
With the average in America being 5'9"-5'10" for men 5'7.75" isn't short, I would say it was a low average. In my and most others opinion you would have to dip below 5'7" to be noticably short.
I know the press want to put him down but why do you think they decided on his height when it really isn't short?

Editor Rob
society is quite heightist itself and it's strange that it's a kind of accepted 'ism' by many.
Tom is an astonishingly rich and successful's easier to highlight a 'negative' trait like Tom's stature, rather than go into the legal minefield relating to his beliefs.
the shredder said on 4/Aug/12
rob , remember him with Dana Carvey looking 5'10 ? Well here is an odd pic where he does not look as tall as he appeared with him next to Demi Moore and Demi is not in big heels ! ... Do you think Tom was on a elevated area of the floor with Dana ?
Click HereClick Here
Editor Rob
it looked like just normal carpet ground, but the cameraman is pretty close to them, but it's definitely one occassion Tom looks 5ft 9
jeffk1023 said on 3/Aug/12
If Tom cruise is going to play a Guy 6'5' they need to find another actor more suitable for the role. How about me, I am 6'6' and weigh almost 300 lbs. I would definately be more believable.
swm said on 3/Aug/12
@the Shredder. In that one shot with Anthony Edwards I agree that Cruise looks at least 5'9" However I am still not sold that he is over 5'7". There were some subtle camera moves in that shot and plus that is one shot where he looks 5'9" against lots where he looks 5'7". Thanks for the clip anyway.
DukeNukem said on 3/Aug/12
Anywhere from a strong 5'8 to a weak 5'9 is an appropriate height for Tom Cruise.
the shredder said on 3/Aug/12
5'7 - 5'8 is low average , under a flat 5'7 is short , 5'9 is very average , 5'10 to a max 6'0 is strong average , 6'0 and more is tall .
Drew said on 3/Aug/12
@james If that is the case, then anything under 6'5" is average. :D
james said on 2/Aug/12
anything under 6'0 is short for a guy, so it really doesn't matter if he's 5'7, 5'7 and a half or even 5'8, at the end of the day he's still short.
the shredder said on 2/Aug/12
swm says on 2/Aug/12
To me Cruise looks 5'7" flat. In his films post 1990 it is very rare to see a full shot of him standing next to a taller co star so I think that they do indeed use camera angles to make him appear taller, it is a trick that has been used in movies for decades. Also it is well known he uses elevator shoes.
Next to 188 Edwards in full shot IN BAREFEET ... Cruise honestly does not even look as low as 5'8 ( not saying he is 5'9 ) here , 1:27 ...
Click Here
tuite said on 2/Aug/12
for me cruise look like almost the same height that kidman in days fo thunder if kidman is 5.10 or 5,11 cruise would be 5´8.75" probably he really was 5´9 to me
Rikster said on 2/Aug/12
Cruise is playing Jack Reacher in a new movie. Reacher is 6' 5" tall (1.96m) with a 50-inch chest, and weighing between 210 and 250 pounds (100–115 kg). Cruise is 5' 7" & 150lbs? What a joke.
swm said on 2/Aug/12
To me Cruise looks 5'7" flat. In his films post 1990 it is very rare to see a full shot of him standing next to a taller co star so I think that they do indeed use camera angles to make him appear taller, it is a trick that has been used in movies for decades. Also it is well known he uses elevator shoes.
I wouldn't say he was under 5'7" but he doesn't look near to 5'8".
As for Billy Connolly estimating him at 5'10", I am 5'9" (5'9.25" morning, 5'8.75" evening) and yet my height has been estimated as low as 5'6" and as high as 6'1" so people really aren't great at guessing height!
I think that this site is spot on usually so I don't like to disagree with you but what swayed you from 5'7" which Cruise is usually listed at to 5'7.75".
Hullywood said on 2/Aug/12
Saw Rain Man, he looked like 1.70m, maybe 1.71m. But not 1.72m. Cause 1.72m isnt a height, with which you look tiny. But Cruise looks really small in Rain Man. Rob never looked small here, just next to a 1.95m freak.
Drew said on 1/Aug/12
6'2" is always tall no matter where in the world you are. Where I am from, that is massive.
Shaun said on 1/Aug/12
Only rarely in sports or something will 6'2" look "short". I saw 6'2" Ryan Lochte earlier stood next to some others swimmers who was 6'4"-6'6" and yeah he did look like an "average" height stocky guy in comparison LOL.
Brad said on 1/Aug/12
Correct about the sue stuff, his lawyers in Century City eat people except height stuff. I wish I was 6' 2".
the shredder said on 1/Aug/12
He can look 5'8.5 in low cut shoes too , 5'8 is a perfect fit for him ...
" BAREFOOT " WITH 6'2 ANTONY EDWARDS ... That's a 5'8 guy , honestly nothing but that range !
at 1:27 ...
Click Here
Drew said on 1/Aug/12
172cm is the lowest I can see him at. He is probably 5'8" flat.
tuite said on 31/Jul/12
rob you think cruise could be 1.74 barefoot?

Editor Rob
not sure about that but he can definitely appear it maybe with a bit thicker footwear
Shaun said on 31/Jul/12
Hob, a barefoot 6 ft 2 is solid tall practically everywhere. "Tallish" would usually be given to a 5'11"-'6 guy. Just because some guys are 6'4"-6'5" doesn't in anyway change the fact that the vast majority of men are shorter than 6 ft 2. I'm waiting for a 6'4" claimer to turn up and say he feels short now LOL.
Hob said on 31/Jul/12
which i know only if a person came from some area of the netherland there will had let a 6'1-6'2 feel short for walking down the street and malls. in other hand almost 6'2 feel short is insane.. 6'2 is tallish everywhere 95% in the world.
Shaun said on 30/Jul/12
BBman says on 30/Jul/12
Where I live I feel short and I'm almost 6'2".
Yeah, I know LOL! , every man and woman you see is much taller, it sucks being that height doesn't. I mean not even 6'2". Pathetic! The worst part is having to ask people in the supermarkets to reach stuff on the higher shelves for us isn't it?
KN said on 30/Jul/12
@@BBman IF you're feeling short at 6ft2, you are delusional and i, very strongly, advise you to go seek a medical help.
BBman said on 30/Jul/12
Where I live I feel short and I'm almost 6'2". I think they must put hormones in the milk around here or something... I ran into Goldie Hawn walking her dog at LAX one time. Now that girl is short! My wife said did you see the guy behind her? Some guy that was as short as she was... It was Kurt Russel. That is one short dude...
the shredder said on 29/Jul/12
Rob , check this out ...
Click Here
Metric said on 29/Jul/12
What happened to celebweights, Rob? Did the site not take off/make any money??

Editor Rob
over years I had spread wide approach and many sites on the go. Slowly I've sold, killed and reduced to the point of focussing on one big site nowadays - celebheights.
It's a lot easier for me now to spend time on this site
the shredder said on 29/Jul/12
Whatever height they say Tom is and whatever height they say is short does not mean crap ... He is well over 5'7 , barefoot pics , looking 5'9 in low cut shoes etc ... a guy looking 5'9 in low cut 1 " shoes would mean at least 5'10 in shoes which means if 5'7 would be at least 2 " lifts inside ... sorry but the most he is getting is maybe other inch , anything under a bare minimum of 5'7.5 is horse dookie !
Metric said on 29/Jul/12
5-8 for a grown man in my country (Denmark) is short.
Average height for males around here is 5-11.5.
If you´re short Scandinavia is probably the worst place in the world to be born. Because freaking giants roam around here!!
leonari said on 29/Jul/12
Andrea: Ok. I see. Tom Cruise has a stigma for being short. That has been going on for 15 years. So everyone expects TOM to be tiny.
jasperwazup said on 28/Jul/12
i was about tom's height a strong 5'7'' at 14 years old. only grew 3.5'' more inches by 16 years old.
satchy said on 27/Jul/12
Cruise 5ft 8
Brad said on 27/Jul/12
One foot away he was at lowest as listed. G had this one pegged correct.
Maximus Meridius said on 26/Jul/12
Rob is it possible Tom Cruise could be a weak 5ft 9in in the morning.

Editor Rob
Maximum, please limit the amount of questions as I simply cannot reply to them...if you ask 15 questions that's at the expense of me trying to answer some questions from other visitors :)
Cruise at worst I believe is 172, and there's a good chance he could be 173 aswell.