Jtm said on 16/Sep/23
she claimed both 5'1 and 5'4 so i would go with 5'2.5 peak.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Sep/23
Crikey, she looks tiny there, looks to have lost near 4 inches!! Why is the average guess as high as 166cm?? Dakota Johnson certainly doesn't take after her mother or Tippi! Looks to have more her father's colouring and good looks though I don't think she looks much like him or Melanie!
Click Here Wasn't she dating Chris Martin the last I heard?
Mimi said on 13/Sep/23
Rob, how tall do you think she is now at age 93? You think she's down to 5'1?

Editor Rob
Yeah it's highly likely she's not much over 5ft today. You can see her with
Dakota Johnson (who has a bigger heel) from 2018. In 2023 I'd expect she lost a bit more height.
Arch Stanton said on 15/May/23
The Birds is a much better film Sandy! I like the look of Marnie, but far from one of Hitchcock's best!
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Mar/23
Itβs hard to say which film I find a better watch, whether itβs The Birds or Marnie. You see far more detail of the actress in Marnie, in which she acts with Sean Connery, and looks quite tiny. I saw Marnie first when I was only 9, so it must have been one of those cases when I had to creep downstairs silently in order to watch it! π±
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jan/21
How quaint to see Hitchcockian heroine Tippi Hedren starring with her daughter, Melanie Griffith, in the movie 'Pacific Heights', in the same way as Alfred's other favourite blonde, Janet Leigh, starred alongside her daughter, Jamie Lee Curtis, in 'The Fog'!
I see here that Tippi is an inch shorter here than the height given for her in 'Marnie', which was 5ft5.
5ft4.5 from me. π±ββοΈπ
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/19
βοΈ It must be great to have a grandmother like Tippi for 'Fifty Shades of Grey' star Dakota Johnson, who has a Mum and Dad in the business and a LEGEND of a Grandmother. I've heard that they get on really well! π§π (Sorry Dakota - this is from when you were a little girl!)
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/19
I was sure I'd written a comment on Tippi Hedren's page before!
@ Arch Stanton - I remember that she was described as 5ft5 and 110lbs in 'Marnie' too. To find that she's an inch smaller comes as no surprise to me. Perhaps the character was 5ft5 in the tale, and Hitchcock wanted to have her again after her fine performance in 'The Birds'.
βοΈ While making 'The Birds', Hitchcock did so many retakes on the attacking scene, in which he used real birds, that Tippi broke down and had to recover in a psychiatric facility, or so I've read. How vicious can you get?
Melanie Griffith outgrew Mum by 4", which is quite considerable.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Oct/16
About right I think. Could believe a stronger 5'4 too, easily looked average range for her generation.
littlesue said on 23/Oct/15
Saw a pic of her this week with her daugther Melanie Johnson and Granddaughter Dakota Johnson, Tippi looked a good 6 inches smaller so would say around 5ft 2 now.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Nov/13
She's described at 5 ft 5 and 110 pounds in Marnie.
Russ said on 10/Jan/13
She's much smaller than that. Probably 5'1.
Frank2 said on 8/Jun/09
Tippi is very petite and is quite short. There used to be a photo of me with her on this page until I left and asked Rob to remove it. She pretty much came up to my chin.
Rock said on 8/Jun/09
Unless Antonio Banderas is about 6'1" (pretty sure he is about 5'9" tops) there is NO WAY Tippi Hedren is over 5'4". This picture says it all (link below), east meets west is probably spot on with about 5'1".
Click Here
east meets west said on 5/Apr/09
No, Tippi Hedren is absolutely tiny. Honestly, she is barely 5'1". She carries it off so well because of her beauty, elegance and poise, but she is actually extremely petite.
MIA said on 19/Sep/08
I watched Marnie the other night on cable. She is described as being 5'5" then. She might be indeed 5'4" though. Anyways, few women are as pretty and classy as she is. Back in the early 60's the average height for models like Tippi was 5'5", nothing of those nasty anorexic 5'11" tall mastodons we see today.
Gonzalo said on 14/Feb/07
What happened to Frank2 pics? Did he asked for his pics to be removed or is it the decision of the editor?
I still don`t understand what has happened: Frank2, wether an impostor or not, was worth to read, although he was very arrogant. People don`t seem to understand that this page is for fun and to share opinions. A little controversy might be healthy but a lot of people act like small children. It`s a pity.
Tippi Hedren looks 5`4 to me

Editor Rob
its only natural if not allowed to post, one would want their picture removed.
sf said on 31/Mar/06
I think that serval's wearing lifts...
Frank2 said on 31/Mar/06
I have! In fact while I was at Shambala I actually went into a lion's den! A bunch of female lions rubbed up against me like house cats. It was a trip. Also, I fed a 500 lbs. Bengal tiger a bottle of milk as well as a full-grown leopard.
larry said on 31/Mar/06
Thanks Frank2! As a wildlife zooloogist I (like most of my colleagues) applaud her work. Gee sf: cats are measured in length, but shoulder height is often recorded. Weight is the primary metric though. :-) A serval is still considered a small cat, but will run (typically) 18-22 pounds. You should see a lion or a tiger up close!
Frank2 said on 26/Mar/06
This is her website:
Click Here The incredibly handsome black leopard in the left photo on that site looks exactly like another one previously owned by some ass who kept it chained in his basement and would beat it whenever he had nothing better to do. Fortunately, Tippi rescued it and it's now thriving, although it hates men with a passion. The day I was there and got a bit too close to its cage it lunged at me. Tippi told me if I wanted to "adopt" it I could come out and visit it any time I like. Normally one needs an invitation or be part of a touring group or know someone to go there. I would have rather visited Tippi who's still quite lovely, but being happily married I decided to pass. Also, it would have set me back several hundred a month. I must take my proverbial hat off to her. She's sincerely dedicated and it shows.
sf said on 24/Mar/06
I saw a special on Tippi and her ranch. It's fascinating. She originally started accumulating all of these animals for her film, "Roar", I believe, and now has made her place a haven for unwanted, abused cats, animals, etc. she has ligers and tigons, as well. I saw in the special how she said Alfred Hitchcock basically black listed her in the movie industry cause she wouldn't date him, basically. Or, something like that. I think it would be amazing to work on her ranch. Okay, judging by that picture, that cat is only a foot and a half...oh, we're not assessing its height?
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
Tippi is still beautiful. Those photos were taken about eight years ago at her animal ranch in California. She keeps over 200 big cats there. I believe her food bill exceeds $40,000 a month! She gets donations or couldn't continue to support her huge menagerie of wild beasts which included many African lions, Bengal Tigers. leopards and two elephants. You can just make out the elephants behind me across the lake. She calls her place Shambala.
Yes, I've heard of Francis Cugat. He was long before my time. Francis was a color consultant working directly for Technicolor. Back in the late thirties up to the early fifties that company leased the huge three strip cameras to the studios when they wished to film a movie in color. Francis was on the set working with the Director of Photography, the set and costume designers as well as those in charge of makeup. The old Technicolor three strip system didn't register all the colors properly. You couldn't say have pure whites on the set so they'd use pale pinks instead. Later, that process was abandoned in favor of Eastman Color which used a single piece of film just like today. Francis continued to work on films when Technicolor processed the negative and made three strip imbibition dye transfer release prints.
Rod is about 5'9". I first saw Rod on the set of The Time Machine. They were filming the scene where Rod and lovely Yvette Mimieux are outside at night building a fire when one of the Morlocks attacks. The guy playing the Morlock looked silly to me at the time, all painted green and with glowing eyes. The actor playing the Morlock used a tiny rubber bulb in one of his hands to turn on the lights located around his eyes. He would merely squeeze the bulb and his eyes would glow. Later when I saw the film I was more impressed with the makeup and the glowing eyes. Many years later I saw Taylor when he drove up with two gorgeous women in his Rolls Royce Silver Cloud. That night I was when James Garner, Steve McQueen and a bunch of us nutcases that were known at the time as The Mulholland Racing Association. We'd meet up on that famous highway above LA to race fast cars on its hairpin curves. For some reason the police didn't bother us back then. Anyway Taylor drove up and in an obviously inebriated voice yelled out, "I'll race anyone for pink slips!" Garner yelled back, "You're drunk Rod! Go Home!" It seems that Taylor lived up around the next curve on Beaumont Drive, the same street where Sinatra had a home. That was the night a Corvette went off the highway while racing a Mini Cooper. Fortunately, no one was injured. Those were the days. And by the way, for what it's worth, Taylor wore huge lifts in The Time Machine as well as The Birds.
larry said on 24/Mar/06
Hi! :-) Looks like a lady after my oen heart! :-) Ironic that she was in THE BIRDS! So, that's you, Frank2? Scientists are kind of like detectives and I love movies! Have you ever heard of a color consultant named Francis Cugat (sp?). BTW: How tall is Rod Taylor?

Editor Rob
I think Frank2 has mentioned about Taylor before, go on Frank, mention your encounter again!