Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/23
Having been reading about Tina tragedies, I played - and dedicated - Queen’s song ‘We Are The Champions’ to Tina. The line ‘I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face but I’ve come through’ is of particular relevance to the late songstress’s life. 🕯
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/23
What dreadful news to hear that the great Tina Turner has passed on at 83.
Here’s thinking of the children she left behind…..
This beautiful lady had a tragic life, losing two of her sons, but she kept strong. She raised Ike’s two sons, Ike Turner Junior and Michael as her own. She had a wondrous passion for life.
Tina Turner 💐
26/11/1939 - 24/5/2023
Nik Ashton said on 28/May/23
R.I.P Tina Turner.
Weak5'11james said on 26/May/23
5'4 for Tina Turner.
RIP :(
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/23
This one stings...was half-expecting her to still be up there dancing up a storm in her 90's. Shorter than I thought as well
Absolutely outstanding performer. Overcame incredible obstacles in her early life and the post Tina & Ike years were...wait for it...simply the best!
Johan 185 cm said on 25/May/23
RIP Tina, fantastic performer but not any taller than the avg woman. 5'4" it is.
Arch Stanton said on 25/May/23
RIP Queen of rock (and Queen of hairy armpits "You look like you're got Tina Turner in a headlock" hehe). I must admit I thought of her as taller, must be the big hair and personality which gave a bigger impression.
Alanna said on 25/May/23
RIP Tina Turner
Leesheff1985 said on 14/Apr/23
I know it's unrelated to tina but can singer Donna summer get a page please she is listed 5ft 7 on most places

Editor Rob
That is what she claimed to be.
little sue said on 27/Feb/23
Tina has the typical short body long leg ratio going on, similar to Jane Russell and Betty Grable, 5ft 4 peak at her age she probably under 5ft 2 now, you loose the inches in the body so her legs would look even longer now
Sandy C said on 16/Jul/22
As we can see from the picture, Tina really does have a mane that a lion would be proud of! 🦁
On You’ve Been Framed just now, Harry Hill introduced a lion as Tina Turner. There were families watching him, enjoying a day out at the zoo. The lion positioned himself towards the fence and sprayed urine at the screaming, laughing spectators, and then you could hear them scattering.
It would seem that’s the lion’s tried-and-tested way of getting his privacy!
Tina gets 5ft4, though she’s doubtless lost some height now.
Rapha said on 9/Apr/22
Hi Rob
How much height has she lost from her peak now ?

Editor Rob
maybe an inch or so
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Nov/20
🌹🎶🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Tina! 🎁🎂🎶🌹
Congratulations to Tina Turner, who turns 8️⃣1️⃣ fabulous years of age today. When I was nearly 15, about half my class went to see the movie 'Tommy' after school. One of the girls, a blonde called Sally, who was 5ft5, very attractive and trendy, remarked on Tina's appearance, saying she was really pretty. Coming from Sally, that meant something! Thinking back, we were all outspoken like that. It seems like just the other day....
5ft4. 😄🎈🥂💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Nov/19
💐🎂 Happy 8️⃣0️⃣th Birthday Tina!🎂💐
A Very Happy Birthday is wished for singer and actress Tina Turner, who turns 8 decades young today, and is still going strong.
She deserves a great Birthday!
5ft4 - peak. 💝🕯️🎁😁👍
Gracian said on 21/Jun/18
I am asking you again, please Rob add Tina to the rock singers category. It will really be more just for her.
Gracian said on 27/Apr/18
Rob, please add Tina Turner to the rock singers category.

Editor Rob
You could class her as Pop or Rock, actually I'm not sure which is better!
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Oct/16
I am surprised! I thought she was 5ft nothing! That is what I had heard, honestly.
I have never seen her without her enormous shoes on though, and as they were so high and clumpy, it is possible that people were making their own assumptions!
rosabell said on 11/Jun/09
@ Josephine says on 12/Jul/08
Wow I always thought she was 5'7" at least because of her great legs. She is living proof that you don't have to be tall to have a great body!
oh,my god, i am european ( french) and where i come from is considered ugly for a woman to be tall like a man ( a woman is not a girafe, nor is she a mare or another biiiiiiiiiig animal). a woman si supposed to be feminine , have tiny foot, not that of a giant ( like the obama woman , for instance )! Tina is great and NORMAL
Blaine said on 5/Dec/08
I met Tina at her concert in December 1988 (I was on the road crew); she's incredible proof that dynamite comes in small packages. For only 5'4" she has a powerful personality and presence onstage.
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
Wow I always thought she was 5'7" at least because of her great legs. She is living proof that you don't have to be tall to have a great body!
Lauture Purdie said on 23/Jun/08
Tina is at 5'4'', I think Ike is maybe 5'9''. I've also given them Ninja Turtles' nicknmaes for Ike Turner at 5'9'' as RAPHAEL and Tina Turner at 5'4'' is LEONARDO. "TURTLE-POWER/PROUD MARY".
Brad said on 6/Mar/07
Wears big heels and I don't think has been seen in public without a wig since '61. Ike was at an in-store in West L.A. a few years ago. He was 5' 9" ish. Guy doesn't get credit for his arranging or guitar playing. He looks way mean. Bet he got his gig payments from club owners.
Glenn said on 15/Feb/07
Yeah,not more than 5-9.
Lmeister said on 15/Feb/07
According to pics and concerts etc...I'd say that she is around 5'2''. I might be wrong, but she seems shorter than 5'4'' since 5'4'' women aren't short...
Claire said on 15/Feb/07
I saw her in an airport once and she looked shorter than that - more like 5'2
Anthony said on 14/Feb/07
I'd say Ike may have been 5'9, but nothing more. I just googled, Ike is noticably taller but not by a great deal.
Glenn said on 14/Feb/07
I think Ike was on the short side.maybe my height.I could be way wrong.
Anthony said on 13/Feb/07
Tina's shorter than I imagined. I would've guessed at least 5'6 for her. Does anyone know how tall Ike Turner is?