Editor Rob said on 2/May/06
In recent Marple he squared up to 6ft 3 Laurence Fox and I thought he still looked nearish this mark...
anon said on 29/Apr/06
I just finished watching the Rocketeer. He's slightly shorter than Paul Sorvino so 6'1 1/2" or 6'2" is correct.
Paul said on 17/Apr/06
The picture suggests Moore could be 183cm, Brosnan 186cm and Dalton 187cm.
Moore probably was taller was he was younger. Maybe 185cm. Also, Dalton may have been 188cm a while back.
Check this out said on 7/Apr/06
Here's a picture of Mr. "Bonds":
Click Here
tomking said on 13/Mar/06
Exactly ludovic, thats what my colleg (photograph) said about Pierce Brosnan.
ludovic said on 12/Mar/06
Pierce is 185 cms, Moore 183 cms, Dalton 185.
I've met them in 2001 in a meeting.
I'm 183 myself.
Vincent said on 22/Feb/06
Dalton is the tallest of the Bonds. He is obviously a legitimite 6'2'' And in Hawks Janet McTeer is not taller than him, she is 1 inch shorter
Mario said on 2/Feb/06
The funny thing is that if you watch the movie The Lion Winter, Dalton looks taller than Peter O'toole. I have picture with my brother who is 5 ft 9 and he looks taller than me. In The Living Daylight, Bond lose one of his boots and he can still walk good. If Dalton was 6 ft as some still want think, he should have 3 inches in that Boot, but why can he walk normal?
Some pictures of The Lion winter
If I get the DVD again, I will post some better pics for you Rob.
Has somebody also watch it Wuthering Heights? Dalton looks like he is 6 ft 4 in that movie!
I'm also surprised that you have seen the movie Hawks. I rented it some time ago on video! Dalton posture is horrible in that movie, but there are a lot moment in wich Dalton is about the same height as Anthony. I also don't see so much difference between Visnij and Anderson, more a 3/4 cm.
Tubbs said on 21/Jan/06
Looks much taller than Cary Elwes, who is listed as 5'11, but describes himself as 6ft, 6'2 here in my view here.
Tubbs said on 11/Jan/06
If you watch the fight scene on the plane near the end of The Living Daylights, when Tim cuts his boot off with a knife, if you look closely you can see a lift fly out of it, suggesting that Dalton is only 6'0, did you spot that one Rob? No really, Dalton has always looked a 6'2 fella, and back to Brett's point about Anthony Edwards being 6'3, I believe that could be true, I have a brother, who is 6'4", but for some reason describes himself as 6'2, 6'2.5, 6'3", 6'3.5, anything other than the 6'4 that he is, so in my view Edwards is atleast 6'3, meaning on the Hawks picture Dalton is a genuine 6'2".

Editor Rob
Dalton yeah, briefly he was walking with Billy Zane in that film and he did still look taller than Zane...the hawks thing, his posture matches the character type.
tomking said on 8/Jan/06
The height is correct,when he was younger, congratulation rob.
TheMan said on 1/Jan/06
IMO Dalton has never looked 6,2 i geniunly thought he was only about 5,10 5,11 can't belive he's as tall as 6,2 just doesnt look tall for some reason.
Tubbs said on 5/Dec/05
Timothy with 6'2" Anthony Edwards in 80's movie Hawks, not much in it here, Edwards is doing what Rob may call the 'Sir Ian McKellen' trick , by putting his arm on Timothys' shoulder. A geniune 6'2 in my view.
Brett said on 21/Nov/05
Mcfly, I have met every celebrity I claim to have met, before making such statements about my ability to string a sentence together, consider you level of education, mine is a bachelor of commerce and arts Law double degree, whats yours pal..... unless your the deane at my university, you really have no foot to stand on making such comments. Insulting people on here is somewhat petty, I am only persistent over the heights of celebrities that I have met, although Dalton does look taller then Brosnan ( who I have met) and thus in my opinion would have to be over 6'2". By the way Mcfly, I was talking about the "Paste " person who clearly cannot spell, and his so-called encounter with Dalton is obviously ficticious, as claiming Moore lazenby brosnan etc to be 5'10" is ludacris.
Brett said on 20/Nov/05
I reckon that Dalton is no less then 6'2", most legitimate claims put him at above this, but lots of people on here like to come and claim they have met celebrities, most of which are not able to string a simple sentence together.
Mario Nariano said on 17/Nov/05
In this picture he looks 3 inches taller than Jeroen Krabbe
I need to rewatch The Living Daylights.
Viper652 said on 13/Nov/05
Then how come Dalton looks a good deal shorter then 6-1-6-2 Anthony Edwards in Hawks, and in the promo pics?? He looks no more then 6-0 there.

Editor Rob
I think his character is supposed to have dodgy posture?
Mario Nariano said on 13/Nov/05
That was sometine ago added in the trivia section of Dalton. Maybe by a fan...
A lot of fans want that there favourite Bond is the tallest. Of course Dalton is 6 ft 2 (or maybe taller, he looks taller than Peter Otoole) but Lazenby and Connery where definetly 6 ft 2.5 at the time they played Bond.
Brett said on 12/Nov/05
Rob, campbell really looks 6'4" in the O.C, he dwarfs adam brody by 3/4s of a head and hes 5'11", Id say dalton is 6'2" plus, he does look to be a large man
Mario Nariano said on 11/Nov/05
Nope he was slighty shorter than Lazenby and Connery.
Seb said on 10/Nov/05
Stop lying Paste, you never met him. Dalton was definitely the tallest actor to play Bond, at 6'2".
Paste said on 9/Nov/05
I meeted him, Dalton is probably 5 ft 11 nowedays. He told me that he wored lifts too look taller. He also said that he is teh tallest Bond at this moment, does this mean That Brosnan, Moore, Lazenby are in the 5 ft 11 to 5 ft 10 range? Or did Dalton lie to me, I will aks him again!
Gotxo said on 7/Oct/05
Lol, Mario, I agree with you. He's a Shakespearean actor. He did great plays, he's not interested in that hollywood s***. And he looked similar to Benicio de Toro in
height. An Honest guy too, that was raised in the past to match the idea the public had on their co-stars :)
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/05
I think we can all agree that Tim is 6-0 barefoot now.
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/05
If dalton is really 6-2 then why does he look considerably shorter in that 80s pic with 6-1 to 6-2 Anthony Edwards?? He looks 6-0 there.
Mario Nariano said on 18/Sep/05
I don't think that Dalton wores lifts. Some poeple claim that Dalton wore 2 inch elavator shoes, this would mean that he should look 6 ft 1 barefoot but he looks 6 ft 2 to 6 ft 3 in his movie's.
His shoes also don't look suspectious. Stallone can look 5 ft 9/ 10/ 11 and 6 ft because he wores different elavator shoes. Dalton always looks in the 6 ft 2 range.
Mr. Klaus said on 13/Sep/05
I watched the Lion Winter recently and this movie makes me think.
Sometimes Dalton looks about the same height as OToole and sometimes dalton looks an inch taller. I also watched also Licence To kill again, and Dalton looks an full inch taller than Benicio Del Toro!
Peter Otoole was for sure not shorter than 6 ft 2 at his peak. in his recent pics he still looks close to the 6 ft 2 mark.
Mario Nariano said on 7/Sep/05
In fact Dalton is those days the tallest bond actor. He is taller than Brosnan by an inch and he is an half inch taller than Lazenby. Roger Moore still looks over the 6 ft mark. Lazenby was at his peak for sure 6 ft 2. The rumors that he wored lifts when he become Bond are fake.
I saw Connery 6 years ago in Marbella and he still looked tall like 6 ft 2, but i can say that for sure.
Mr.K said on 6/Sep/05
As I have said before Mr. Moore is today 181-182 cms. I have met him several times in Stockholm. I have also met Mr. Dalton and I have always claimed that he today is about 183 cms. Maybe he was 185 cm 25 years ago. Mr. Lazenby has never been taller then 186-187 cms. Today he is about 183-184 cms max. THE ONLY BOND ACTOR THAT HAS BEEN 188 cms or 6'2" is SEAN CONNERY. Today Mr. Connery is about 185-186 cms. Please have a look at the photo which "Anonymous" has sent and then forget all your dreams about Mr. Dalton as a 188 cms person. If he was 185 cms 25 years ago that is tall. He don't need to be any taller.
Mario Nariano said on 27/Aug/05
I was at the Die Another premiere and Dalton was clearly the tallest.
Rob, why don´t you give Dalton like Eastwood and Connery also his peak height?
Anonymous said on 23/Aug/05
Lazenby, Dalton, & Moore
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
From james bond newsgroup: "Met Dalton years ago, when he was finishing Flash Gordon and he seemed about six foot two or three. I'm six four, so when you meet an actor you look up to, that you don't have to look down at, you remember it."
Mr. Klaus said on 3/Aug/05
In the movie gleopatra (1999) Dalton wore sandals and Billy Zane also. Dalton is two inches taller than 6 ft Zane in that movie. That movie proofes that Dalton was in 1999 at least 6 ft 2.
James said on 18/Jul/05
It is a fact --- Dalton was the tallest Bond, at 6'2. Connery was 6'1 and a half, Lazenby 6'1 and a half, Moore 6'1, Brosnan 6'1.
J.J said on 28/May/05
Well, for me it's quite simple - in The Living Daylights there is a clear shot of him standing straight right next to Jeroen Krabbe.
He looked exactly 2.5inches taller than Krabbe. So if he is 1.80m (5'11), which I think he is, then 1.87m (6'1.5") is right on the money for Tim.
But then of course, Krabbe could be smaller...
Mr Luis said on 22/May/05
I Think that you are the one who can't accept that Dalton was 6'2 at his peak.
As I sayd your are basing your facts about one movie. Robert De Niro looked in Cape Fear like a tall guy of 5'11 but is he that in real life?
Dalton was in 2000 an inch and half (5 cm) taller than Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore who are 1,83 in my opnion .
Dalton looks the same height or maybe slighty taller than Benicio Del Toro (6'2)
Dalton was in 1969 a little shorter (1 cm or 2 cm) than Peter O Toole (6'3 at that time)
Dalton was in 1969 between 15 and 18 cm taller than Anthony Hopkins
Dalton was in 1987 two inches and half taller than Jeroen Krabbé
My Brother Meeted him in 1994 and he sayd that he looked really tall like 6'3 guy and my brother is exactly 6' ft
Conclusion, Dalton was at least 6'2 ft at his peak.
Mr.K said on 22/May/05
Dear Mr. Luis, I don't understand why you can accept the fact that Mr. Dalton never has been 6'2". Of course he is probably shorter today then he was 20 years ago. But please, I have met the man and so have for example Mr.R. Please watch the movie Hawks from 1988 and compare him to Janet 6'1" Mcteer. You will see clearly that Janet is about 2 inches taller then him. Because her heels are a few cms higher I can give him 184 cms in that movie. As a comfort I can say that in my opinion (I have met severals) about 80-90% of all actors listed at 6'2" are actually between 185.5-187 cms.
Mr Luis said on 21/May/05
Let me see some pics in wich Brosnan looks taller than Dalton. I have seen pics in wich both actors are standing to each other and Dalton looks an inch and half taller than Brosnan.
Brosnan is 1,84 or maybe even 1,83 and Dalton was in 1995 at least 1,88.
Mr.K said on 19/May/05
The picture that J.J is refering to is the picture that all Bond fans use as height chart. I admit that Mr. Dalton looks taller than Mr. Moore and Mr. Brosnan, but it's also a very bad picture angle. Mr. Dalton is standing closer to the camera than Mr. Moore and Mr. Brosnan and this will of course make him look taller. But I agree with J.J that Brosnan probably never has reached 185 cm. If you look you can also find (as our editor also says) pictures where Mr. Brosnan and Mr. Dalton seems to be the same height. You can also find pictures where Mr. Brosnan looks just about 1 cm taller than Mr. Dalton.
J.J said on 19/May/05
The Dalton/Edwards poster from 'Hawks' is indeed puzzling, but looking at this link
Which gives you a good idea of height comparisons for some of the bond actors, I'd say if Dalton really isn't more than 1.84 then that would make Brosnan 5'11 at the MOST. Brosnan is the same height as Moore who must have lost a few cm at his 70+ years! So if Moore was 1.83 and now about 1.81 then Brosnan is NO WAY 1.85 as listed here on Celebheights.
I'd say at the time they played Bond:
Dalton: 1.87cm
Connery: 1.87cm
Moore: 1.83cm
Brosnan: 1.82cm
Mr.K said on 16/May/05
To Mr. Luis
I think you have misunderstood something. Mr. Daltons Bond films are from 1987 and 1989. The movie Hawks is from 1988. He was 44 years old when he did the movie Hawks, 43 years old when he did The Living Daylights and 45 years old when he made License to Kill. In all these movies the same age and the same height. As I said to you before watch the movie Hawks and see for yourself. I have met the man and so has others (if you watch the comments). Mr. Dalton has in my opinion never been taller than 184 cm. You can also watch several other movies with him and you will be convinced that I and many others are right. Concerning Roger Moore I have met him today and he looks like 181-182 cm. My guess is that he was about 183-184 cm when he played James Bond. Pierce Brosnan is today 52 years old and if he does not have some kind of illnes I would say that his height today is about the same as 15 years ago. Perhaps you can add 1 cm and make him about 185 cm at his peak.
Mr.K said on 14/May/05
My last comment concerning mr. Dalton. I wonder what Mr. Luis think of the picture with Anthony Edwards standing beside Mr. Dalton. If you should say that Mr. Dalton is the same height as Edwards then you will be the first one. I also recommend you to see the movie Hawks (if you haven't). After seeing that movie nobody can believe that Mr. Dalton is 6'2", especially if you have met him as I have. I will be generous and give him an extra cm because of the fact that it's very hard to determine other peoples height, even if you have met them. Let's say he can be 184 cm.
Mr.K said on 13/May/05
I have seen the movie and the shoes Mr. Dalton wears has a heel of about 2-2.5 cm. I would say about the same as Edwards tennis shoes.
Mr.K said on 12/May/05
I and friends of mine have met all the Bond actors and here is my list of estimated heights and when I or my friends met the actor:
Roger Moore is about 181-182 cms today. I have met him in Stockholm several times (He is married to a swedish woman)
Sean Connery is about 185-186 cms today. I met him in Spain where he lives.
George Lazenby was about 185-86 cms several years ago. A friend met him in England.
Timothy Dalton is about 183 cms today. I met him in England
Pierce Brosnan is about 183-184 cms today. A friend met him in England
Luke said on 12/May/05
he is max. 183 cm!
Mr.K said on 11/May/05
I have sent our Editor a picture from the movie "Hawks". The picture is about 15 years old and show Mr. Dalton standing beside Anthony Edwards. Edwards is in my opinion a strong 6'1" but even if he should be 6'2" every person can see the difference in height between these two actors.
Mr Luis said on 11/May/05
I have meeted Benicio Del Toro and he looked like 6'2 or maybe 6'2 1/2 (i'm 6'1). In License to Kill (1989) Dalton was exact the same height as Benicio. In the most recent pics Dalton still looks 6'2 ft that he was 15 years ago. There is also a pic of 2000 in wich is standing next to Pierce Brosnan and he looks almost two inches taller than Brosnan (who is supposed to be 6'1).
Mr.K said on 10/May/05
Dear Mr. Luis,
As I have mentioned before I have met the man. I'm slightly over 186 cm. We had the same height of shoe heels and I was looking down to Mr. Dalton. I was surprised and later asked my wife and she said that there was a clear difference of about 3 cm. Of course it's hard to determine the exact difference but Mr. Dalton is definitely not more than 184 cms.
Mr Luis said on 10/May/05
Timothy Dalton is really 6'2 and Lazenby also. You must compare the Bond actors with the co stars. Ive Timothy Dalton is 6' ft as you say, benicio Del Toro would be also 6'ft and that would make Tim Robbins 6'3 or 6'2 1/2, And Pierce Brosnan would 5'11
Mr.K said on 10/May/05
The only Bond that has been 6'2" is Sean Connery. Today he is almost 75 years old but still 186 cms.
Viper652 said on 9/May/05
If hes 6 foot even, then no Bond has ever been over 6-1. Lazenby's true height is 6-1 also
Mr.K said on 8/May/05
Mr. Editor is doing a great job and therefore I can't understand why Dalton is listed being 2 inches taller than his correct height. As I have mentioned before I have met the man and he is no more than 183 cms. Also Mr.R has met him and says he is shorter than 6'2"
Mr. Luis said on 5/Apr/05
Watch License To Kill, you can see clearly see that he is taller than Benicio Del Toro.
Mr. R said on 5/Apr/05
Ahhhh, sweet vindication!
Mr.K said on 4/Apr/05
I agree almost completely with Mr.R. I have met the man and now in his sixties he is probably no more than 183 cms. I have also seen him play against Anthony Edwards in the movie "Hawks" and Edwards seems to be at least 3-4 cms taller. This movie is about 17-18 years old and I'm pretty sure that Dalton never has reached more than 6 feet. If you search for "Hawks" and look at the front cover you will understand what I mean.
Mr. Luis said on 4/Apr/05
In License to Kill he looked yust a litte taller than Benicio Del Toro.
He must be 6.2 1/2
Mr. R said on 12/Mar/05
I saw Timothy Dalton at the Actor's Fund benefit a few years ago. He walked past me, and I believe that he is 6'1". I was stunned that he wasn't as tall as he looks. He was also very old looking, with wrinkles, age spots, and he was balding!