Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Mar/20
💐🎂🎈🎊 Happy Birthday Thora! 🎊🎈🎂💐
A Very Happy 38th Birthday to Thora Birch. I've just read that she partakes in the drama series 'The Walking Dead', which I have only ever seen round my boyfriend's, and she wasn't in it - not yet, anyway! Thora does like to scare us, doesn't she? 🙄 I remember she was just a bit taller than the late Brittany Murphy in the film 'Deadline', but notice it DID!
I do hope she enjoys her special day!
5ft4. 🎁😁🍰
Denali said on 7/Apr/19
Just a tiny hair taller than 5'3" Scarlett Johansson in Ghostworld. Am talking at the premiere, not the movie where Thora wore boots.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Oct/16
I enjoyed her performances in 'American Beauty' and 'the Hole' but what isn't mentioned here is that she played the part of a ghost in the film 'Deadline', with tragic actress Brittany Murphy, who was famously 5ft3, and in that part, you could tell that Thora was a little taller than Brittany, so 5ft4 seems about right. Also, she was notably smaller than Keira Knightley in 'the Hole', who is 5ft7.
so said on 30/Sep/16
Heres a pic they wearing equal heeled shoes. The best pic I can get. She could be 5'3.5 at the most. I could be wrong.
Click Here

Editor Rob
been a long while since seeing that film, I will need to watch it again some point.
so said on 30/Sep/16
In the film ghost world when enid played by thora birch, she wheres these platformed boots with about a 2 and a half inch heel, this makes here about an inch taller than Rebecca (Scarlet Johansson) who wear inch heeled shoe for most of the film. But at one point Enid ( Thora Birch) has a punk phase and wheres creepers this makes her smaller than Scarlet Johansson.
hattie Batten said on 27/Sep/11
you'd be rude to people if you had to meet a million people all the time. i dont know how people can go up to celebritys so serlf riteously and self importantly. do you have no sense of cringe?
Anthony said on 6/Nov/06
I've spoken to a few people who've met Scarlett, and their opinions of her have been generally positive. She seems really cool in inteviews. And rude or not, she's mindbogglingly beautiful.
Glenn said on 6/Nov/06
I meant Thora Birch a year ago.Scarllete I hear is rude too.
Glenn said on 5/Nov/06
She was very rude to me and others a year ago.
Anthony said on 4/Nov/06
Well, the people who I've spoken to met her before she became superfamous, so maybe's sick of all the attention she's getting nowadays. Constantly having the cameras around you can be a bit sickening. Not saying it's an excuse to be rude, but what do I know?
Glenn said on 4/Nov/06
Heard the opposite.
Anthony said on 3/Nov/06
Oh. : (. She's probably hard to get to these days. Though the few people I've spoken to who've met her said she is a very sweet and down to earth person.
Glenn said on 2/Nov/06
Oh.no,I havnt see Scarlette ever since.
Glenn said on 2/Nov/06
I think I have a lost pic with the 2 of them and me.
Anthony said on 1/Nov/06
She looks more 5'2 to 5'3.
As a side not, Glenn, if you ever find that pic of you with her and Scarlett, I'd love to see it, just because I'm a big Scarlett fan. (Ever met her since then? I'm just curious.)
Glenn said on 27/Jul/06
Wow.she looked near 5-8 when I saw her.massive boots? met her and Scarllete when they were 12 or so.
AtomicKitKat said on 26/Jul/06
The movie was Sugar and Spice. They showed it on TV here last year. If they show it again this year, I'll be sure to take a quick peek at the height chart. ;)
Haylie said on 26/Mar/06
Thora is exactly the same height as Scarlett Johansson in Ghostworld I am a huge fan of the movie and have seen it many times and in the scenes where they are wearing similar footwear you can see this. When Thora wears her massive heeled boots she is a good couple of inches taller than scarlett. However I beieve Scarlett is an inch or a half inch shorter than she admits so that really doesn't tell us anything
goobs said on 19/Jan/06
In Ghost World, Birch is always wearing boots with massive soles on them.