How tall is The Undertaker - Page 38

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
KingNick said on 5/Jan/08
In this pic I think UT looks just a tad taller but it may be cuz of his hair and his shoulders are a bit higher Click Here I'd be open to the fact that he's 6'7.5" and maybe Albert is 6'7" the other pic is too blurry to see footwear and the words are covering Albert's shoes.

Did anyone have an old N64 WWF game? I have it somewhere, I forget the name, but in the game both Test and Albert were listed as 7'. Weird.
Alex2 said on 5/Jan/08
Someone a while back posted here that they do training in the gym with Kane (must be hard work) and they measured Kane whilst in the gym at 6'8.5"
Frank said on 5/Jan/08
Also Albert has his head raised alittle uopward (Sids Trick) and Taker is still taller by about an inch
tuga said on 5/Jan/08
I agree with your estimations Alex, big show and khali are not below 7
brother_h said on 5/Jan/08
albert was billed at 6'8 dont forget, and wwe always adds 2 inches.
and he is a no neck so its harder to tell how much taller he is than other people.
taker looks abit taller but remember taker wears normal shoes. albert would be wearing large boots. so albert will be 6'8 in his and taker wearing normals would make him 6'8-6'9
JT said on 5/Jan/08
Click Here Click Here
Pretty much like Taker and Sid.
Danimal said on 5/Jan/08
One Man Gang was a strong and legite 6'6", being billed at 6'9".
ncmike said on 4/Jan/08
superfan i just saw that staredown between taker and albert youre right they are the same height if anything whatsoever taker has albert by a qtr of a inch
D-lurker said on 4/Jan/08
the irony is alex2, that the interview was used to push Wrestlemania, so in essence he would have to keep in character and claim near 8ft anyway, so its a partial non wwe interview :P....
Frank said on 4/Jan/08
Superfan i remember seeing a stare down between Taker ans Albert but it looked like Taker was an inch taller and i remember thinking Albert is a Big Boy
Alex2 said on 4/Jan/08
Here is a non wwf interview i found of Gonzales and Wippleman on a TV show, Gonzales claims his height as "almost 8 feet" Click Here
Alex2 said on 4/Jan/08
How tall was One Man Gang?
Alex2 said on 4/Jan/08
Look at this video with Gonzales and Undertaker, you can clearly see he has a least 1" shoe advantage over Taker
superfan23 said on 4/Jan/08
i have watched it closely. lol taker and albert are the SAME height! its not an opinion, its a fact! lol frank check out the vid...
Alex said on 4/Jan/08
I'd put Khali at 7'1, Big Show at 7'0 and Kane at 6'7.5-6'8. Leaving UT at 6'7 at most.
tuga said on 4/Jan/08
Ok, so lets not start downgrading nathan jones, he is every bit 6
brother_h said on 4/Jan/08
his shoes in his biker gimmick did seem bigger but not as big as his ministry boots.
so nate jones is 6'10, and if taker didnt want noticable lifsts he would wear 2 inches. so that'll make takers height 6'7 and in lifts he'll be 6'9 since he was shorter than nathan jones.
shane said on 3/Jan/08
i jsut saw the undertakler training at the gym he's about 6'6
Alex2 said on 3/Jan/08
Agreed, Jones look 0.5-1" taller than taker, maybe taker wore lifts around Jones?
superfan23 said on 3/Jan/08
Well frank, maybe you can vouch for me. in that staredown between taker and albert in 2000 or 2001, they had a match on raw when albert had a push as intercontinental champ. they had a staredown and they looked the same exact height! there wasnt even a half an inch between them and their boots were the same. idc what ppl say, hes the same height as albert. and in 2003 there was a staredown with albert and nathan jones. it was backstage. jones had albert by 1.5 inches to 2 inches. and in my veiw, thats about what jones had on taker. jones is taller than taker. so id put jones at 6'9'' and taker at 6'7-6'7 1/2. and albert at the same. they always bill wrestlers 2-3 inches than their actual height. come on ppl, hes still a tall guy, but hes not the tallest!
Frank said on 3/Jan/08
Taker looked about the same height as Nathan Jones if Jones was taller it could be almost an inch to an inch at most
Frank said on 3/Jan/08
The shortest Taker could be is 6ft 7 i believe and that would Make Kane 6ft 7.5
and The Big show 6ft 10 .5 to 6ft 11 and Khali 6ft 11 to 6ft 11.5
JT said on 2/Jan/08
Ghost, Taker could have been wearing big footwear with Khali. He suddenly grew close to two inches taller during the corporate ministry days due to larger footwear. Taker is also probably one of the few big guys athletic enough to wrestle with internal lifts.

WCW usually billed Taker at 6'9" as Mean Mark though the announcer said 6'8" in that one video.
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/08
look at the knae thread, i posted pics there u guys will love.
Ghost said on 2/Jan/08
If taker was under 6'7 today, it would put Khali under 7 feet tall and Tim Sylvia at about 6'4 or even shorter. I just don't see that.
Alex said on 2/Jan/08
No way does UT looks 6'8 today. One day get an old tape of UT in the 90's and compare it to now. You'll see he's a little shorter at least. I could buy 6'7 for him today but no more. 6'8 UT back then I can buy.
tuga said on 2/Jan/08
Sorry Danimal, but there
Danimal said on 2/Jan/08
Sorry, there WAS proof that Taker was 6'8" in the 1990's, but those days are long done. Taker does not appear to be a 6'8" man anymore and btw, he was being billed at 6'8" in the WCW, so he was never taller than that. He was 6'7" and change and is 6'6" and change today.
KingNick said on 1/Jan/08
And btw I definitely will back you up Paul, you're consistant with your posts and pics
KingNick said on 1/Jan/08
Alex2, I understand where you're coming from. We could get a picture of The Undertaker barefoot next to a height chart and some people would still say it was the camera angles or there's lifts in his feet.
tuga said on 1/Jan/08
Test is no less than 6
Alex2 said on 1/Jan/08
Why is it so hard for people to accept that Taker once or still is 6'8-6'9 there is huge amounts of evidence to prove it, im just making my point.
height estimater said on 1/Jan/08
I wouold say 6 ft 6 - 6 ft 7 is about right for taker... although he sometimes appears taller than kane so he could possibly be 6 ft 8.. definately not 6 ft 10 like he is billed to be though..
Frank said on 1/Jan/08
No Danimal i dont believe Taker is 6ft 9 or 6ft 10 I was just saying if Test was 6ft 7 then Taker would be 6ft 9 to 6ft 10 .. I believe Test is 6ft 5
When i met Taker and he told me he was 6ft 9 i did believe him because he did look it but he probably 6ft 8
brother_h said on 1/Jan/08
well, i guess he could be 6'5, he is 3 inches shorter than kane. which was how the 6'9 height came about, but he is also 3 inches taller than the rock.

a-train was billed at 6'8, like alot of wrestlers in '01 and '02. royal rumble, 2002, the godfather enters the ring and JR says "he looks in great shape now, 280 or 260lbs at 6'8" and he says for albert "here comes that big hiphop man, hippopotimus at 6'8 and 350"
when you look at albert and godfather walking by each other in the ring, albert obviously has 2 inches on godfather. how tall is godfather? 6'5 or 6'4? so that'll make albert 6'7 or 6'6.....ok haha, frank your right, and test is an inch shorter, so he'll be 6'5 or 6'6.
KingNick said on 31/Dec/07
Happy New Year everybody!!
Alex said on 31/Dec/07
Test was mininmum 6'5 and was an inch shorter than Albert who is at least 6'6. UT was around 2 inches taller than Test while he had Albert by an inch. Kane had a bit more on them than UT did.
Danimal said on 31/Dec/07
Frank, you're not saying that Taker is 6'9" to 6'10" are you?
nick said on 31/Dec/07
i met test. I am 6'2.5. Problem is is that i met him when i was 5'7 and i was 10 years old back in 1999 haha. He seemed very very large. I obviously couldnt tell the difference between a 6'5 and a 6'7 however, i do remember he was doorway concious which people only 6'5 and over do. The doorway was your standard 6'8 doorway.
Frank said on 31/Dec/07
I would say Test is a Solid 6ft 5 to 6ft 6 because Test was shorter than Albert who is listed at 6ft 6 to 6ft 7 and if Test is 6ft 7 and that makes Taker 6ft 9 to 6ft 10
brother_h said on 30/Dec/07
test cant be 6'5, he was billed at 6'9 when he debut. has to be a solid 6'6 or 6'7, he's nearly as tall as bigshow at last years survivor series.

and danimal, remember old men shrink, so iron shiek was 6'0 in his prime, and look at him now, doesnt even have a neck and he uses a walking stick. 5'8 or 5'9 maybe.
and i never did say bundy was never 6'4. im saying that in recent pics he looks 6'1 now, in old age, men lose 4 inches, my grand dad can vouch for me on that, when i was talking about my height and weight, he said at max ill be 6'4, i was 15 at the time and 5'10 and 75kg. and he said he used to be 5'10 and 260lbs. and now he's 5'6 and 203lbs. he used to be a irish wrestler. wrestled men all over the world. and he said his favorite men to get into a real fight with was muracco. they were fighting because my grand dad beat him in arm wrestling. i said this before on the HHH thread but i just like to share it now haha. and he;s famous in new zealand, australia and ireland for never losing arm wrestling and a bar fight. one of his best memories was this world arm wrestling champ who came in and challenged him, and my grand dad beat him easy, and not only that, he dislocated the guys arm and snapped his forearm =D!! cool. Lenny was his name.
tuga said on 30/Dec/07
Jiga, taker is clearly taller even if camera angle favors Test.
I think test is a solid 6'6 but I wouldn
JT said on 30/Dec/07
Test is at least 6'5", maybe a little taller, but is not as tall as Taker.

Cantstop25, Yushchenko and Bush are both about 5
tuga said on 30/Dec/07
KingNick, you can check loads of out of the ring Undertaker pics here:
Click Here
Paul said on 30/Dec/07
I agree its a good pic but its not ideal for comparing them. I can't see this height debate ending anytime soon but I will be publishing a new list of heights in the near future...KingNick will testify to me telling it the way it is...he knows I have published some truthful estimates in the past. Frank, yes I agree Taker is taller.
KingNick said on 30/Dec/07
Hey guys I got TONS of great pics here from that phenomforever site. Check this out.

This is all of him in street clothes. I think we can all agree it's easier to judge their height in street clothes rather than lifts. Now a lot of people argue that he lost height. I think its possible but I don't agree. But for argument's sake here's a group of photos of what would have been his

Click Here this is with the Godwins and Yokozuna. I think Yoko was 6'2" - 6'3" he never wore shoes

Click Here with Charles Wright (Papa Shango/Kama Mustafa/Godfather) I think he was 6'5"ish. UT is a bit closer to the camera but it's still a good pic.

Click Here here's a great pic with a ton of guys. Owen and Bret Hart, Yoko, Paul Bearer to name a few. UT is all the way in the back and still the tallest.

Click Here pretty sure this is peak with Paul Bearer. Towers over him.

And this is just a cool picture Click Here

Click Here w/ The Rock and HHH at a boxing match

Click Here w/ JBL at Owen's funeral. If UT were to pick up his head I think he'd be taller.

Click Here w/ Rico. I met Rico after a show. He was in dress shoes and I was in workboots, we were about the same height and I'm 5'10.5" barefoot.

Click Here w/ JBL and Rikishi in Iraq. JBL is closer to the camera and UT still looks taller and is in sweats.

And just to be fair, here's a couple where he looks shorter than normal. But I think it's due to camera angles, how he's standing, shoes etc

Click Here (anybody know who this guy is??)

Click Here w/ Lesnar, Angle, and Vince

KingNick said on 30/Dec/07
Jiga, I disagree. They're both leaning and Test is a little closer to the camera. I think Test is a minimum of 6'6" though possibly 6'7". What a great pic! Thanks for posting it, I love seeing them out of character.
Danimal said on 30/Dec/07
Bundy was not 6'1" you fool. He had 2" on 6'2" Bam Bam Bigelow. Hogan had 2 inches on him and Hogan was NOT 6'3" in 1985. He had 5" on 6'1" Beltzer in ballet slippers. You're making a fool out of yourself when EVERYONE on here agree 6'3"-6'4" for Bundy. He was 2-3" shorter than his tag team partner Big John Studd, who was NOT 6'4" and NO, Iron Sheik was NOT 5'8" HAHAHAHAHA.
Ray said on 30/Dec/07
Undertaker is clearly taller than Test in that pic and yes, Test is closer to the camera IMO.
Frank said on 30/Dec/07
Jiga how can you say Test looks taller ?? If taker would have standed straight he wold be a couple of inches taller easily
brother_h said on 30/Dec/07
omg. Jiga that is a great pic.
wats test? 6'7 or 6'6? on his myspace it says he's 6'7 or 6'8? idk for me it says 202cm. i think thats 6'7.
anyway, in that pic, undertakers head looks higher than test is. so maybe its just test is closer to the cam than taker. but still, taker doesnt look that big in normal clothes. he looks like a normal sized giant to me. thats like 6'3-6'4 around here.
cantstop25 said on 30/Dec/07
that president is taller then 5'11" he has at least 2 inches on bush who is 5'11". Though I know that really doestn amke much of a differnece, those photos are strage though, im jsut playing devils advocate here. the thing is when stadnyk slouches he looks so much shorter then when he stands up straight, I think this is largely due to hsi imense height and weight. He really doesnt seem 8'5.5" but it makes no sense for the endocrinologist to lie.
Jiga said on 29/Dec/07
test is looking taller than taker here at albert/a-train's wedding
Click Here
Anonymous said on 29/Dec/07

name of the show: "Flight of the Bumblebee"
tuga said on 29/Dec/07
I guess you
Viper said on 29/Dec/07
I thought Bundy looked taller than Duncan in that clip.
brother_h said on 28/Dec/07
ok now i just need to make a photobucket and i can show u guys the pics i found of a 5'11 guy with the wwe legends. the iron shiek alot smaller than i thought, he looked 5'8. and bundy looks 6'1 like i said, harley race looks 5'10, Muraco 6'0.
JT said on 28/Dec/07
Cantstop25, Stadnyk's mom is only 5'0" tall though. She's not standing straight in that pic either and she's farther from the camera. She has to be around 5'8" for Stadnyk to be 8'5.5". This pic (Click Here) has Photoshop written all over it; plus, if he is lifting himself off the ground, he is doing it (at 400 lb. +) with no effort whatsoever.

JimmyDavid said on 28/Dec/07
JT, i took a look. I can only say that the guy is being given way too much credit.
There are NBA guys taller than him, end of story. And the fact that he doesn't want to be measured doesn't add any trust to his claims.
tuga said on 28/Dec/07
About king kong bundy, I really believe he
KingNick said on 28/Dec/07
Oh btw guys, I was just at a house show at the Meadowlands in NJ. IT WAS AMAZING!! I was 6 rows back!! I've never been that close before. I didn't have a camera but the guy next to me said he would email me the pics he was taking. There were a few staredowns so if I get any cool pics I'll send them here!
KingNick said on 28/Dec/07
brother_h you're definitely right about him being called Mean Mark Callous,but i'm 100% he came in to replace Sid. Sid may have come back before Mark Callous (Undertaker) left but I don't remember them fighting. I'll keep looking for it if you find it let me know. Scott Hall may have been in WCW then.
HellBoundPower said on 27/Dec/07
Taker looks about 6'9" in the picture with Big Show and Vince. So take away the boots, and he's 6'8". I'd say Taker was 6'9" in his prime, and 6'8" now.
JT said on 27/Dec/07
JimmyDavid, look at Supes78's 12/11/07 post on Stadnyk's page. Guinness did not even take their own photos of him - they just used those same pics of Stadnyk and his mom that are floating around on the internet.
Danimal said on 27/Dec/07
Oh so you are now saying that Bundy was only 6'1" Brother, putting Hogan at 6'3" in 1985???? Bundy WAS 6'4". The majority on here agree with that.
JimmyDavid said on 27/Dec/07
JT, the article is misleading then, because it tells his height acording to the word of guinness. Anyway, measured by guinness people themselves or by others is irrelevant since guinness seems to accept his height anyhow. I even think he's in the current book edition. I can also say that i am 10 feet tall (obviously not) if guinness prints it without verification then they are responsible for the lie they print.
Alex said on 27/Dec/07
Danimal, yea but even if we dont agree its an inch or within difference. But with weights we tend to agree or are very close to the same estimate. Someone was saying Bundy was really 350lbs but I just can't see that possible.
brother_h said on 27/Dec/07
OH btw i found these pics before, i think i still got them and if i do then ill post them tomorrow ok.
its of most of the legends this 5'11 guy met, or i think he was 5'8.
anyways, the iron shiek was the shortest out of them, and i remember now he was 5'11 and Bundy, was 2 inches taller, and this is in normal shoes. Sabu is tiny, like 5'6. and i think it was ricky the dragon steamboat, yea hes 5'11.
Danimal said on 27/Dec/07
Thanks Alex. Honestly, you're one of the only guys on here who pretty much agrees with alnost all of my estimates and we've both been on here for years.

Ghost, I HAVE proven this in the past. It is not my fault you were not on this site when I did. Bundy had 2" on 6'2" Bigelow. There were videos and pics that showed this and they were displayed here. Bundy was at least 6'3", leaning closer to 6'4". Hogan had 2" on him, putting Hogan at 6'5"-6'6" in 1985-1986.
brother_h said on 26/Dec/07
Kingnick, are u sure about that? was his name mean mark callos. and i might be wrong, i mightve gotten the names wrong. but i know the guy he wrestled was 6'7 and 280lbs and they said "this is the first time *guys name* is being dwarfed, his opponent is 6'9 and 319lbs"
hmm it might have been scott hall.
Alex said on 26/Dec/07
He looked well over 400lbs easy in person too.
JT said on 26/Dec/07
In the 1980s, Bundy was at least 3 inches shorter than Big John Studd. Thanks to his staredown with 6'5" Bill Fralic at WM 2, we know Studd was only about 6'6". By the mid-1990s, Bundy may have worn boots with thicker soles b/c he did look taller than 6'3". Click Here

JimmyDavid says on 24/Dec/07
JT, you might be a little less than well informed about Stadnik. YES, Guinness claims to have measured him at 8'5'' in 2006! But i don't say i believe the given height, in fact i don't. It's beyond me...

Nope. No rep from Guinness ever measured him. Stadnyk refused their request, stating that he did not want the publicity even though he was claiming to be the tallest living man. That article just states that Stadnyk was measured at 8'5". It does not state who did the measurement. Some doctor was reported to have measured Stadnyk at this height but he denies ever doing so.
chris said on 26/Dec/07
if JBL is 6'6/6'7 Orton exceeds 6'5 easily.
Alex2 said on 26/Dec/07
Yup i agree Bundy 6'3.5 minimum NO LESS
KingNick said on 26/Dec/07
brother_h are you messing with us man? Mark Calloway came to NWA/WCW to replace Sid Eudy and tag team with Dan Spivey. As far as I knew by the time Sid came back Mark left and went to WWF/E as Undertaker. I'll definitely look for the match though.

I met King Kong Bundy several years ago. My uncle is 6'4" and they looked the same height to me. I can't find it on youtube for some reason, I'm sure its on there tho I'll keep looking, where Undertaker fought Yokozuna at Survivor Series 94. Bam Bam and Bundy tried to interfere but weren't allowed and were standing right next to each other. I remember Bundy having an inch or two on him. I'll keep looking for the vid.
Alex said on 26/Dec/07
Bigelow was 6'2 himself so Bundy was 6'3-6'4 but when I saw him in person in 2000 at a charity event in the ring the man could have passed for 6'6.
Jason said on 26/Dec/07
KKB was only an inch taller than Bam Bam Bigelow. Apart from that, I would say he's only about 6'2 1/2'' sans shoes.
brother_h said on 26/Dec/07
JimmyDavid says on 25/Dec/07
Brother_h, is there some footage of that Mark/Sid encouter? Undertaker is barely taller than Sid if any taller at all (and sometimes looks shorter. 3 inches is crazy... was Sid on his knees? lol

lol, sorry mate, i dont usually look at wrestling vids so i didnt favorite it. oh its on youtube, it was posted here i think 4-5 months ago.

try looking it up.
Ghost said on 26/Dec/07
Just saying that Bundy was 6'4 is pointless.

if you want to make something into a fact, try to prove it.

Otherwise use words like "I, think" or "to me".
nick said on 26/Dec/07
Click Here
1:35 to 1:40, kane and taker fan video they look the same height although they are both gased and slightly bent and they never seem to match face to face but close
nick said on 26/Dec/07
Click Here
Pause at 2:03 with brock lesnar looks 4 to 5 inches taller with head down but if he was to stand like brock there would be a 5 to 6 inch difference. This is the only picture with brock i need taker has very flat boots and you see full body.
nick said on 25/Dec/07
Click Here
Big show vince and taker, taker with his body/head straightened slightly.
Alex2 said on 25/Dec/07
Really how can yu judge from two sepearte photos by each other, edited etc, you got to consider camera angles, photo position, ring position etc, it just isnt reliable AT ALL
Danimal said on 25/Dec/07
No, Bundy was 6'4".
JimmyDavid said on 25/Dec/07
Brother_h, is there some footage of that Mark/Sid encouter? Undertaker is barely taller than Sid if any taller at all (and sometimes looks shorter. 3 inches is crazy... was Sid on his knees? lol
Red said on 25/Dec/07
Calaway was billed @6
Ghost said on 25/Dec/07
I don't buy 6'4 for Bundy, more like 6'3 peak. Maybe even 6'2,5. Also, I don't see Hogan ever being much taller than 6'5. Maybe just a bit over that mark if at all.

I don't think Taker is under 6'7 today because of his staredown with Khali.

If you put Taker at 6'6 today, you automatically put Khali and Big show under 7. feet.
Frank said on 25/Dec/07
Red, Taker head is leaning Downward in that Staredown with Bundy and he never stands straight with shorter men...Taker stands straight with guys taller than him
Danimal said on 24/Dec/07
Good point Red. King Kong Bundy was 6'4" and Hogan is looking every bit 6'6" there. Everyone fails to realize that Hogan was taller in 1983-1989 then he was in the early 1990's. Red's pick proves that. Hogan had 2" on 6'4" King Kong in 1985 and appears shorter than 6'4" David Hasselholf today. 3" loss baby.

As for Taker, he was between 6'7" and 6'8" at his peak and in the 6'6" range today.
nick said on 24/Dec/07
Click Here
4 inches between hogan and taker today
JimmyDavid said on 24/Dec/07
JT, you might be a little less than well informed about Stadnik. YES, Guinness claims to have measured him at 8'5'' in 2006! But i don't say i believe the given height, in fact i don't. It's beyond me...
Click Here
Red said on 24/Dec/07
Callaway was billed 6
Red said on 24/Dec/07
Danimal, I can
JT said on 24/Dec/07
Danimal, then why did Taker look the same height or at most an inch taller than Dan Spivey, around 2 inches taller than Jake Roberts (probably less than 6
Danimal said on 24/Dec/07
JT, Taker looked taller in the Ministry days, not because he wore bigger boots, but because he WAS taller back then. He was taller than a lot of big and tall men well before his Ministry days with those little black shoes of his. Today, his shoes appear larger than ever and he never looks to tower anyone anymore the way he used to.
Danimal said on 24/Dec/07
nick (not Kingnick), Taker was NOT 4" taller than Hogan. He was MAX 3" taller than him at any given point and probably closer to 2.5" in the early 1990's.
KingNick said on 24/Dec/07
JT, great pics once again. I still think UT is slightly taller than Sid, but they are very very close. It's so interesting how camera angles can change everything, this pic with Sid is from a Raw in 97 Click Here (I think UT looks taller in this pic. BTW, whoever posted that Raw 97 video thank you! I've always wanted to see that raw) and look at this picClick Here I believe that's from the same raw, certainly the same era. And see this pic with JBL Click Here as blurry as it is you can tell JBL has a footwear advantage.

BTW, i've never heard of that UK guy but either the photo is fake or he is lifting himself up, his feet are off the ground here. Like he's lifting himself from the fence Click Here

Merry Christmas everybody!!!
Alex2 said on 24/Dec/07
That photo is legit, it was in a magazine here in UK, as for Standick i really dont think hes anywhere near 8'4 more like 7'4, and Red do take it that Stallone wears heels in his boots to make him look 6'0, as for Sid i really do he could have been a legit 6'8
JT said on 24/Dec/07
Cantstop25, you misunderstood me. Big Show normally had at least 5 inches on Taker (Click Here) (Click Here) (Click Here) (Click Here) (Click Here) but not in the corporate ministry days, when Taker wore bigger boots and looked close to 6
nick said on 24/Dec/07
LMAOOOOOO, OMG. lOOK HOW PHONY IS FEET LOOK. That picture is doctored i can almost assure it. One way to tell. Look at the wall/fence next to him. The angle of it on the bottom goes down. Look at the mothers feet. The angle goes downward. Then you look at Lenoid's feet and the angle upward, It just doesnt match. His feet look awkward anyway. Also the only way that his feet can have an upward angle like that is if his feet were up off the if he were leaning back which is feasable, but its not because there is no shadow under his feet.

Wow Vegas if thats a real official photo there is somthing definetly fishy going on because his feet donot match the picture.
JimmyDavid said on 24/Dec/07
Stadnik really looks to me much shorter than what he claims (perhaps 7'4'' to be honest) but Guinness measured him at 8'5''.. hell, beats me.
Vegas said on 24/Dec/07
this one photo alone is enough to convince me Leonid Stadnyk is a fraud Click Here
Red said on 24/Dec/07
Look at the Hall of fame introduction of Hogan, he looks 6
brother_h said on 24/Dec/07
Bare foot for Kamala would make him 6'3 compared to other wrestlers.

JBL is billed at 6'7 and sometimes 6'8. his real height is 6'7 or slightly under it.
so that would make taker 6'8-6'7. but dont forget, undertakers shoes dont show to much lift as JBL's does(to JT's 4th pic)
In alot of other stare downs taker would have 3 inches over JBL and 2 inches over him.
nick said on 24/Dec/07
Click Here here is my photobucket, i altered the picture with taker and hogan. This is a realistic approach on how these two guys would measure up if the were standing full height. Hogan is also altered for his advantage. There is about a 4 inch difference between the two. Very similiar situation as the ortiz glenn picture. What do you guys think
nick said on 23/Dec/07
Click Here ok JT, well the first picture may be off because of depth. The second picture is tricky, i posted the video, It is funny that on AVERAGE* Taker looks taller in the video like at 8:47 he looks an inch taller at 8:50 he also looks taller, At about 9:09 i believe is the best indicator, its fair the angle of the camera is still and they are not moving. In this video i firmly think that the undertaker is taller, and just by the initial look when they stand up to one another he appears taller.

Look sid really impresses me with his height he is really really tall. If you look at the sid boards you will see that i have been fighting for this guys true height for awhile. The Undertaker is really tricky and thats why i like to challenge their heights because they are so similiar but im siding with taker and im having a fun time doing it. But we can not forget that one picture with their full bodies where taker does edge him by a half inch.
Alex2 said on 23/Dec/07
JimmyDavid i know how stupid could someone believe someone Khalis age has shrunk lol, i think you shrink mid 40's
cantstop25 said on 23/Dec/07
but jt they are just introducing this monster it makes absolutely no sense for him to be wearing the lifts, if anything khali should be wearing them...i mean have you seen him in the ring he doest even move undertaker is a big ugy that walks the ropes and for big show towering over taker in the ministry days he really didnt..people are jsut bias and tye only acknowledge the pictures where show towers over taker and not hte ones where they appear really close in height
JT said on 23/Dec/07
JimmyDavid, Stadnyk is a fraud. He's probably 7'6" to 7'7" max. Pituitary giants don't keep growing height-wise. I believe their growth plates fuse at a similar age compared to normal persons (they are just much taller at this point in time). After that, the bones just thicken horizontally. Like Andre, Khali is a poster boy for gigantism/acromegaly.
JimmyDavid said on 23/Dec/07
I find it weird that someone already mentioned "peek" and "today's" height for This is a young man on his prime. Besides, i believe his size is not genetic but due to a disease, and those people are known to actually add inches with time. Stadnik is still growing in his mid 30's, for example.
Danimal said on 23/Dec/07
Kamala was billed at 6'7". I believe he was a legit 6'5". He would wrestle barefoot.
Alex2 said on 23/Dec/07
Red i still think Big Show is a legit 7'0 and have you seen how much Hogan towers over Stallone in Rocky lol? He looks like 6'9 lifts?
JT said on 23/Dec/07
Same height again in 1997 (Click Here) Here
Red said on 23/Dec/07
nick, I think you
Ray said on 23/Dec/07
Yeah, Taker is literally staring down Hogan and still looks like 3 inches. If he put his head straight and stood tall I'd see 4-5". Taker at that time was probably around 6'9" in gear. He wore a work boot of some sort that prob gave him 1-1.5" over barefoot height.
nick said on 23/Dec/07
you have to take in account maybe hogan had footwear advantage etc,when u look at the khali taker vid when he is about to walk up to khali he looks short he has his head down and his back is not straight. but when he goes in his max height position you really see a difference in his height, take another look at the vid
nick said on 23/Dec/07
lol red. First of all did you not see the video of sid he is moving his feet and is leaning in , I REPEAT you can not judge by that picture because of that. If you know anything about the human body and motor functions you would know that when someone is leaning on a foot the add over a half inch. When someone is walking their height increases when they are in stride. Because we are looking for a mere half inch sid fidlling with his feet makes the picture no good*. Also I tested this just resently, i have a friend who is 5'10 and when i have my head down like taker's is to hogan it really diminishes a lot of height. If the undertaker stood at straight as possible then his head would reach the top of the picture. But come on, 3 inches with his head down red. If he put his head up and straightened his back it would be 4 inches or a little more making him 6'7.5
Alex2 said on 23/Dec/07
How in the world do you think Khali could have shrunk? Just how? Hes only 34 or something gees!
Alex2 said on 23/Dec/07
But come on, thers not even proof to say Hogans less than 6'4 TODAY never mind 6 years ago, he was probably 6'5 then i think, 0 chance of taker being anything under 6'8 at prime.
Red said on 23/Dec/07
JimmyDavid I think they were the same height in the nineties. Only if Sid tilted his head back he looked slightly shorter (1cm max) in staredowns with UT

nick Click Here UT stands as straight as possible with Sid.
At their WM13-staredown UT was 1cm taller than Sid but UT
brother_h said on 23/Dec/07
Viper says on 21/Dec/07
You can gain 2 inches by standing on your toes, at least.
[honestly, that is believable. i used to stand on my toes alot around my cousin(6'0 and 15years old and i was 6'0 aswell) and now im nearly 6'2 in less than a month]

Kamala was billed at 6'7, his real hieght is 6'4 or 6'5.

Have u guys seen mor recent videos? Usually, in the 2004-2006 when taker meets JBL, taker would have 3-4 inches over JBL. JBL's real height i would have to say is 6'6-6'7. he towered over crymetyme member Shad Gaspared who was listed at 6'7 but was 2 inches shorter than JBL(cybersunday).
like i said before Taker would usually have 3-4 inches over JBL.

and i remember on 2000-2002 he was billed at 6'8, and so was test.
cantstop25 said on 23/Dec/07
honestly in nicks video I see at most 4 inches between taker and khali, khali doesant look that tall in that video
JimmyDavid said on 22/Dec/07
Still about the debate over whos's taller, Sid or Taker, here is another video that shows they are exactly the same height. I just fail to see any difference between them. Click Here
Frank said on 22/Dec/07
Taker look more than an inch taller than Bradshaw and Bradshaw is probably wearing cowboy boots...I see atleast 3 inches in that Video
nick said on 22/Dec/07
its a really cool video pause at 1:34
nick said on 22/Dec/07
Click Here
really cool video, the undertaker is looking really gigantic with flair. Im reall starting to think those upward angle videos they usually have in backstage videos are really really tricky.

Undertaker is looking 6'7.5 6'8 with 5'11 to 6'0 flair here
nick said on 22/Dec/07
Click Here
Taker with bradshaw, bad angles but 6'6 bradshaw seems to be looking up to taker the whole time. Undertaker does appear a lot taller because of the bad angle but you can tell he is taller by atleast an inch
Alex2 said on 21/Dec/07
How tall was Kamala? 6'7?
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/07
I agree Nick Taker at times does not stand very straight but against Bigger men he does
Vegas said on 21/Dec/07
on smackdown this week BDV and mark henry were announced at 716lb, thats for both together

henry is 400lb easy on his own because he competed in atlanta in 1996 at over 400lb, that mean BDV is about 300lb, lol, WWE still underbill from time to time, for what reason i don't know
Viper said on 21/Dec/07
You can gain 2 inches by standing on your toes, at least.
Danimal said on 21/Dec/07
Sid has been billed at 6'7" at one point in his wrestling career. He was never over that. Sid was notorious for standing on his toes many matches I've seen. He like to intimidate his opponents, by attempting to tower over them. He did this with Hogan in the early 90's during a face off.

Sid - 6'7" Peak
Taker - 6'7.5"-6'8" Peak
nick said on 21/Dec/07
First of all, if the undertaker displayed maximum height like he does in this video Click Here at :51 with khali there is no doubt* in my mind undertaker would be taller. Mind you khali is 7'1 and taker is measuring up very well, this is actually one of the few videos undertaker stands so straight and if khali is 7'1 the undertaker is looking 6'8. But he never* did with sid, Sid is moving his feet and leaning in and moving his head while taker is calm. That picture you have looks good but in the video you see that he is going on his toes yelling all that good stuff so the picture doesnt count because we are looking for a half inch. Anyway im still fighting for 6'7 for sid on the sid page, sid being listed 6'6 is just rediculous.
BTW sid and taker are close in height actually very close , but i know thaty he has him by a half.
Tuga said on 21/Dec/07
About sid, in my opinion, he
Red said on 20/Dec/07
Vegas said on 20/Dec/07
viper; i don't see that, foley looks about 1"-1.5" shorter than HBJ throughout just like he looks Click Here
Viper said on 20/Dec/07
Vegas, that video doesnt make any sense. At one point Foley looks taller than 6-5 Jim.
KingNick said on 20/Dec/07
JT, gotta gree with nick. Sid's hair is poofier than Undertaker's while Undertaker's head is more pointed Click Here tell ya what, can someone adjust that pic as if Sid didn't have his head up?
Frank said on 20/Dec/07
Taker is Taller Sid put his head all the way Back so its hard to see the height difference
nick said on 20/Dec/07
JT, thats not all hair, its actually his head too. there is no way the undertakers head is wear you put that green line knowing how his head peaks. All of that purpleish hue you see above that green line for about an inch is the undertakers head the other inch is the hair. You can tell by the video that taker has the advantage in height.
JT said on 20/Dec/07
This is at 2:43 nick. Click Here They are basically the same height. Taker's hair stands up more than Sid's.
nick said on 19/Dec/07
also sid begins to go on his toes at 2:43 so the close up shots are null and void (agree rob?)
nick said on 19/Dec/07
Pause the below vid with sid and taker at 2:43 you clearly see that taker edges him out
Vegas said on 19/Dec/07
this video with 6'5 HBJ puts the cat amongst the pigeons regarding foley Click Here nobody believes my story, but hey :)

according to the WWE there should be 5-6" between HBJ and foley, hmmmm i don't see it, lol Click Here

getting your hands on a photo of foley standing up straight would be a worthy achievement
Alex said on 19/Dec/07
I saw a 6'8 listing for Murdoch before. 6'8 220lbs which is way off. He's shorter than that but heavier than 220lbs.
Alex2 said on 19/Dec/07
Does everybody around here still buy Foley 6'3?
Vegas said on 19/Dec/07
miz is billed at 6'1 220lb by the WWE, they usually bill those coming off tough enough close to their true heights, i am struggling to think of anyone who appeared on tough enough who was really overbilled by a large amount in the WWE

murdoch looks around 6'2 to me, cade around 6'4, both big guys, they dwarfed london and kendrick in the ring both in height and weight
Alex2 said on 18/Dec/07
How tall do you Think Trevor Murdoch looks? I think 6'3 minimun he stacks up really well to 6'5 Lance Cade
Alex said on 17/Dec/07
Isn't Miz Billed at 6'1 or 6'2?
nick said on 17/Dec/07
Click Here

At 4:30 sid and nash looks like a 2 inch difference slightly less. He looks taller than 6'7 godsey comparison. Why is it so hard to put sid at 6'7, doesnt this prove it? Nash is a STRONG 6'9 I think he was 6'10 at one point, ill settle with 6'9.5 for nash but sid being 6'6??, he matches so well with nash on two occasions.

Also sid can appear taller at times because he has such high shoulders and his eye level is so high to the top of his head. With nash, his shoulder level matches his and his eye level is an inch from nashes, And the undertaker is the is the opposite, he has a very high forhead and low set eyes.
nick said on 17/Dec/07
remember sid is slightly on his toes in reds picture, its very very subtle but at 2:44 you can see that he is slightly on them, at 2:43 he isnt and taker has him by a half inch, but they are close in height
KingNick said on 17/Dec/07
Red and JT, I get what your saying and I'm totally open to the possibility that they're the same height, I use to actually think that myself. I just think UT is an inch taller, but if not, they're close to the same height and yes, no way is Sid 6'6"!
Vegas said on 17/Dec/07
miz is at least 6ft, there was pics on a while back of miz with a couple of measured nfl stars, he was taller than the 5'11.5" guy by about an inch, and just a hair shorter than the 6'1 measured guy, i will try to find the pics
cantstop25 said on 17/Dec/07
id say miz is atleast 5'11" MAX 6'
Red said on 16/Dec/07
KingNick, I think the camera-angle is to low in the card-pic.

Click Here they look the exact same height, so no 6
nick said on 16/Dec/07
JT look at the video at 2 :43, the undertaker is taller. Those pictures u posted shows when sid is almost on his toes very slightly. And when your making lines your cutting a haldf inch into takers head. 2:43 is where its at
Also the last picture is good but sid is slightly on his toes. And who ever thinks sid isnt 6'7 is wrong
KingNick said on 16/Dec/07
JT, I definitely agree there's not 1.5" there. Sid needs to be updgraded!
JT said on 16/Dec/07
I agree KingNick on the size of Taker's noggin, but Taker's hair stood up more too. If there is a difference, it's no more than 0.5", not the 1.5" per this site.
KingNick said on 16/Dec/07
JT, UT's head is longer than Sid's it provides a slight advantage. They are very very close tho. Here's another pic of them in the same ring gear Click Here I know Sid's head is back but even in the pics you posted UT's head juts out a bit more.
JT said on 16/Dec/07
They still look about the same height there nick - Click Here Click Here Click Here
nick said on 16/Dec/07
Click Here


RARE VID, undertaker seems to have .5 to inch 1 on sid,
Scott said on 12/Dec/07
I seen the Undertaker outside the arena in Phoenix for Monday Night Raw a few years ago. I am 5'10 and he had at least 9 or 10 inches on me. He is 6'7 or 6'8. There is no way he is below 6'7 barefoot.
cantstop25 said on 12/Dec/07
can somebody make a comparison between hogans staredown with khali and the undertakers...I would but I dont have photoshop
cantstop25 said on 12/Dec/07
lol I thought electric shock was joking, was he actually serious?
KingNick said on 10/Dec/07
Electric Shock, I think Studd's foot is lifted up man. Look at the pic without the lines you drew.
Paul said on 10/Dec/07
Ryan, when did you meet him ?
I.R. said on 10/Dec/07
Click Here
Punisher(aka. The Undertaker) vs Steve Austin USWA at 0:23 the announcer says he is 6'8" he fought against Steve Williams(Steve Austin)
JT said on 10/Dec/07
Electric Shock, so he only wears lifts in the left boot? Must be pretty awkward. That line below the left boot is its shadow, but you knew that. Studd was likely no taller than 6'6" and looked it in the ring.
JT said on 9/Dec/07
Taker with around 8 inches on Shawn Michaels, who
Electric Shock said on 9/Dec/07
John Studd's lifts plain as day, boosting him 3 inches. Click Here

There's no way John Studd was any taller than 6'6.5"
Electric Shock said on 9/Dec/07
JT none of sense.

Those pictures of John Studd more than anything prove he has lifts on. Look at that white part of his boot; that's the lift. In the picture with Andre, Studd is boosted by about a 22 degree angle off the ground; he also has lifts in the Royal Rumble match which are very obvious. I reiterate, John Studd is no more than 6'6.5", at least a half an inch shorter than Akeem in barefeet. I personally put Studd at an even 6'6".

As for Nathan Jones and Undertaker that is not 2 inches by any stretch of the imagination... if that is 2 inches your assertions make than Kane is 5 inches taller than Big Ben in the picture previously posted. Jones has Taker by an inch maximum.
I. R. said on 9/Dec/07
Punisher(aka. The Undertaker) vs Steve Austin USWA on Click Here at 0:23 the announcer says he is 6'8" he fought against Steve Williams(Steve Austin)
I. R. said on 9/Dec/07
Undertaker was mentioned 6'9-6'10 by Gorilla Monsoon at his debut at survivor series in 1990 but was mentoned 6' 8" in an old match he had against Steve Austin in the late 80s I believe , I agree UT is no more than 6' 8"
cantstop25 said on 8/Dec/07
btw danimal JT was clearly being scarcastic
cantstop25 said on 8/Dec/07
I think cornette is around 5'11"
JT said on 8/Dec/07
It's called sarcasm Danimal. Read Electric Shock's comments about Studd towering over everyone in the 1989 Rumble.
Danimal said on 8/Dec/07
JT, you're amazing? I hope you're joking right? Studd fought Akeem until Akeem was thrown out. They didn't stop the Royal Rumble so that Studd could leave the ring to put on, or take off his supposed lifts. It's called camera angles and when how one stands. How do you not know this after all these years of posting your biased comparisons??
Derek said on 8/Dec/07
Alex2- Cornette I'd say is around 5'9"-5'10". Even in shoes, he was still a few inches shorter than Yokozuna.
JT said on 8/Dec/07
Did Studd change his boots during portions of the 1989 Rumble? (Click Here) (Click Here) OMG is about 6
Electric Shock said on 7/Dec/07
Watch Wrestlemania V and compare John Studd to Jake Roberts. Nearly identical heights. Then go watch Royal Rumble 1989 where he towers over everyone. Whenever he looked tall it was because he was in lifts; the biggest lifts I've ever seen in my 20 years of wrestling viewing. John Studd was no taller than 6'6.5", and no more than an inch taller than (at the time) 6'5.75" Hogan.

Click Here Jake with Studd...sorry for the brevity of the clip; I'm currently searching out the full match.
Click Here Royal Rumble 1989. Studd's lifts are HUGE.

The popular consensus here is that Nathan Jones is 6'9.5" - 6'10", but many of you list Taker has 2" shorter than him consistently. There is no more than an inch and more than likely less." Provided links - Click Here Click Here Click Here Make sure you pay attention to the angles and the position of the camera, you will see they come out even and jones looks slightly taller. Either Jones is an inch shorter than you guys estimate, or Taker is an inch taller. Since it is obvious from a decade of comparison that Kane is only ever taller when he wears the big lifts and they otherwise look identical height, Taker has to be in the mid 6'8" range since most of you think Kane is as well, but for some reason list him an inch taller. It seems like you guys want to be official, but go by the skewed billed differences in some situations. Kane at 7' does not coincide with the standard 1.25"-.5" overbilling"
Danimal said on 7/Dec/07
I'm probably just shy of 5'9" during the day then, if I'm 5'9.5" first thing in the morning these days.
Alex said on 7/Dec/07
I'd say UT is 6'6 1/2 at least today and 6'8 at his peak.
Frank said on 7/Dec/07
Andre's boots are flatter than Studds im not sure if Studd wore internal Lifts ??
Alex said on 7/Dec/07
Danimal, I'm not saying for sure but if you're 5'9.5 out of bed there is a chance you're 5'9 flat most of the day. Some say their out of bed height, some say their average or some say their lowest height. If I said my out of bed height I'd be 6'0.75-6'1.
Alex2 said on 7/Dec/07
How tall is Jim Cornette aka James E Cornette he looks a good 6'0 to 6'1 to me and look about 8.5 inch smalled than Morgan.
Vegas said on 7/Dec/07
again i see nothing out of the ordinary with ortons boots there with lawler, he is wearing the exact same boots again with the flap at the top, they might give him an inch but no more than that, otherwise we have underestimated kane and mark henrys footwear.

orton often appears on wwe tv in very low dress shoes, i have a pair with heels similiar to the ones he is wearing here and they give you nothing in height, maybe 0.5" max Click Here strange he would wear low shoes, batista certainly doesn't when out of gear, neither does edge.

speaking of orton in dress shoes here he is in dress shoes and leaning; everyone else in 1.5" army boots and orton is still looking like a giant, he has nearly a full head on those male soldiers on the right of the photo Click Here
KingNick said on 7/Dec/07
Vegas, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Orton wears huge massive lifts that make him twice as tall as he really is, I'm just saying the boot he wears is a little chunky. It may give him an inch. see 35 of 75 Click Here

Electric Shock, on the flip side, I don't think Studd wore lifts.
Vegas said on 7/Dec/07
Electric Shock says on 6/Dec/07
Studd wore enormous lifts that made him appear taller

ah the studd lift story, well studd wore the exact same footwear at andre just in a different colour Click Here i would like to see evidence of matches where studd "looked" taller because of massive lifts
Vegas said on 7/Dec/07
Electric Shock says on 6/Dec/07
At the Royal Rumble one year Kane came face to face with Matt Morgan and was identical to him in height, if not slightly taller

morgan only participated in one rumble 2004, they never had a staredown in that rumble, kane chokeslammed morgan but thats it....

morgan enters at 2:25 on this video Click Here and kane at 7:45 and is eliminated before the end of the video, where is the staredown???

i met morgan and kane in streets within minutes of each other and for sure morgan is at least 1" taller in person
Electric Shock said on 6/Dec/07
At the Royal Rumble one year Kane came face to face with Matt Morgan and was identical to him in height, if not slightly taller.

I've been toying with Black Jack Mulligan's height; he might be 6'7".
Vegas said on 6/Dec/07
i am not sure what you are seeing DaMan but Orton always wears the same boots in the ring, he is wearing the same footwear in these photos are in yours, with the distinctive flap near at the top of the boot near the knee, all of these photos were taken in the last 2-3 months or so
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

i have seen orton's boots up close at numerous live events i have attended, they are made from soft leather and there is barely any heel as the photos show.

If you can provide evidence of other footwear or internal lifts then by all means.. remember Orton would need to wear close to a 1" lift inside those flat soled boots just to provide the same lift as what kane is wearing; which kind of defeats the purpose of lifts.......
cantstop25 said on 6/Dec/07
yo vegas why has your photbucket account been set to private?
cantstop25 said on 6/Dec/07
I think morgan has about 2 inches on kane and undertaker
cantstop25 said on 6/Dec/07
electric shock do you honestly believe that blackjack mulligan was taller then Matt Morgan??
Da Man said on 6/Dec/07
You most be the most accurate in person height estimator on the planet to have these guys nailed down to the 1/4".
Danimal said on 6/Dec/07
Jason, I'm sure it's my posture. I spend a good part of the day leaning over my PC and I noticed in the mirror that at the back of my lower neck it is no longer fully straight like it used to be!! This sucks. I wonder if there is a way to straighten that out.

Alex, I'm a shade under 5'9" by the time I go to bed.
Ray said on 6/Dec/07
I would say too that if Sylvia is really closer to his billed height of 6'*' then Taker has to be taller than 6'8" btu my guess is Sylva is more 6'6"
Electric Shock said on 6/Dec/07
One Man Gang was taller than Studd. Studd wore enormous lifts that made him appear taller. There's a match from Puerto Rico where John Studd wrestled 6'5.75" Hogan and was virtually the exact same height. One Man Gang had more than an inch of advantage on Hogan (about 1.25").

At wrestlemania 5, when John Studd wears normal soles as opposed to his lifts, he has virtually no height advantage over 6'5" Jake The Snake Roberts; the absolute tallest I'd be willing to give John Studd is 6'6.25".

Batista is not 6'4". He is shorter than both Edge and Randy Orton in stairdowns. He also doesn't come off as more than a half an inch taller than Brock Lesnar in their OVW match.

Hulk Hogan is currently 6'4.25"; he was just under 6'6" in the 80s.

Kane looks taller than Undertaker because Undertaker's eyesockets are right in the middle of his skull; Undertaker's forehead is massive, granting him a slight height advantage over Kane. It is possible Kane lost a little height from his Isaac Yankem days; Kane carries more weight than Taker, on average 20-25 lbs, which could've caused this.
I. R. said on 6/Dec/07
nope, Batista is 6' 4" Vader is 6' 3.5", Hulk Hogan is 6'4.75" I agree with Big Show at 7'0.5"
Giant said on 6/Dec/07
One Man Gang wasn
Electric Shock said on 6/Dec/07
So many of the heights listed here I can say from meeting these guys are straight up wrong. This is a list of heights that I have worked on with another avid bill buster for sometime and we have about 99% aggreement on over the last few weeks starting with a mid 6'er with John Tenta at 6'5.75" via his sumo wrestling stats, branched and cross reference with videos and pictures from various matches over various time frames. These bills can all be taken as "peak" heights. Most notably at the moment however because of the thread subject, I do not believe the Undertaker has lost any height because there's been no evidence of steroid use and he's never carried excess weight for a extended period of time(a la One Man Gang). If anyone thinks he he under 6'8", you need to meet someone who is 6'8".

Giant Gonzales= 7'7"
Ron Reese= 7'2"
Great Khali= 7'1.5"
Giant Silva= 7'1"
The Big Show= 7'0.5"
Andre The Giant= 6'11.5"
Kevin Nash= 6'10.25"
Stan Fraizer= 6'10"
Kurrgan= 6'9.75"
Nathan Jones= 6'9.25"
Ernie Ladd= 6'9"
Black Jack Mulligan= 6'8.75"
Undertaker= 6'8.75"
Kane= 6'8.5"
Matt Morgan= 6'8.5"
Psycho Sid= 6'8"
Akebono= 6'8"
Viscera= 6'7.5"
Berserker= 6'7.5"
Dan Spivey= 6'7.5"
A-Train= 6'7.5"
One Man Gang= 6'7"
Bruiser Brody= 6'7"
John Bradshaw Layfield= 6'6.75"
Bryan Adams= 6'6.25"
Test= 6'6.25"
Bryan Clarke= 6'6"
Big John Studd= 6'6"
Dennis Knight= 6'6"
Barry Windham= 6'6"
Scott Hall= 6'6"
Charles Wight= 6'6"
Earthquake= 6'5.75"
Hulk Hogan= 6'5.75"
Hilbilly Jim= 6'5.5"
Typhoon= 6'5.5"
Jake Roberts= 6'5"
Snitsky= 6'5"
Big Boss Man= 6'4.75"
Randy Orton= 6'4.5"
Big Van Vader= 6'4"
Rick Rude= 6'4"
Edge= 6'4"
Sgt. Slaughter= 6'3.75"
Ted Dibiase= 6'3.5"
King Kong Bundy= 6'3.5"
Batista= 6'3.5"
Billy Gunn= 6'3"
Brock Lesnar= 6'3"
Bill Goldberg= 6'3"
Bam Bam Bigelow= 6'3"
Road Dogg= 6'2.75"
Triple H= 6'2.5"
Mick Foley= 6'2.5"
Ultimate Warrior= 6'2"
Shane McMahon= 6'2"
Yokozuna= 6'2"
Umaga= 6'1.75"
Steve Austin= 6'1.5"
Vince McMahon= 6'1"
Bob Backlund= 6'1"
Bret Hart= 6'0.5"
Shawn Michaels= 5'11.5"
Ric Flair= 5'11.5"
Macho Man= 5'11.5"
Kurt Angle= 5'10.5"
Chris Benoit= 5'9"
Eddie Guerrero= 5'7.75"
Tazz= 5'6.5"
Rey Mysterio= 5'3"
cantstop25 said on 6/Dec/07
though hennig was the same height as method man whi is belived by most people to be a legit 6'3"
KingNick said on 6/Dec/07
Click Here on this video, Studd and Ladd team together. Maybe someone can find that match online somewhere
Jason said on 6/Dec/07
Danimal says on 5/Dec/07
''Alex, I had been consistently measuring myself at 5'10" from 23-27 years old (in the morning). Since 28 until now (30 years old) I am NEVER over 5'9.5" in the morning. It sucks, I know.''

You must have done something to your back.
Jason said on 6/Dec/07
Vegas says on 4/Dec/07
''curt hennig with 6'3 236lb Steve Jordan Click Here

based on that video hennig was roughly 6'1.5" tall and weighed in excess of 240lb''

That's a good find. I'd had Hennig at 186cm/6'1 1/4''. Though he's got a bulky jumper on.
Alex2 said on 5/Dec/07
How tall is 5'10 listed Matt Striker? As the top of his head just comes up to Big Daddy V's shoulder i.e 1 foot, so if 5'10 vis is like 6'9-6'10 legit lol.
Alex said on 5/Dec/07
Danimal, so you're 5'9 by night I am guessing? I actually don't say my out of bed or early morning height. I tend to say my lowest height of the day mostly.
Da Man said on 5/Dec/07
What are you Randy Orton's PA? How else could you know with such certainty that Orton's boots are always the same? Orton's boots and Holly's boots are most definitely not the same, Holly wears legitimately flat boots Orton doesn't. The difference in-ring is blatant.

This is not what flat .5" - .75" wrestling boots look like.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 5/Dec/07
Alex, I had been consistently measuring myself at 5'10" from 23-27 years old (in the morning). Since 28 until now (30 years old) I am NEVER over 5'9.5" in the morning. It sucks, I know.
Vegas said on 5/Dec/07
you can clearly see ortons ankle in the shot i posted, he wears the same boots all the time in the ring, hollys heels and orton heels are the same.

jericho and rvds boots are very popular amongst the high-flyers; most of the european high-flying wrestlers wear them to give much better balance coming off the ropes, nearly all the guys in my local fed wear these wrestling boots, they do crazy moves you would never see in the WWE
Da Man said on 5/Dec/07
Vegas, Orton's boots are often chunky. Theres a photo of Orton on the WWE page of him doing an RKO and his boots are def. chunky. I've seen this in several matches now. You want to see boots with barely any heel check out Hardcore Holly's boots. Orton's boots are at times on the chunkier end of the spectrum for wrestling boots, very reminiscent of Jerichos, at times there looks to be some sort of arch lift going on.
Vegas said on 5/Dec/07
i posted a photo of ortons boots on khalis page, they barely have any heel Click Here orton always looks as tall in dress shoes anyway

as for spivey i see more than 2.5" between him and nash here and spivey is even slightly on his tip-toes there if you pause at 27 seconds Click Here
Ghost said on 5/Dec/07
Kingnick, Studd was only an inch taller than 6'5 Bill fralic and basicly the same height as the one man gang.

What's so strange about a 6'7 guy bein billed 6'10? 6'7 was a rare height for a wrestler in those days. Hogan was 6'5 and he was billed 6'8. Andre was 6'10 in the 80s and they billed him as 7'5! If Studd had really been 6'8,5 I'm sure he would have been billed as 7 feet tall.

What is really stupid is that the WWE hall of fame recognizes Studd as taller than Ernie Ladd. They say Studd was 6'10 and Ladd 6'9.
Vegas said on 4/Dec/07
curt hennig with 6'3 236lb Steve Jordan Click Here

based on that video hennig was roughly 6'1.5" tall and weighed in excess of 240lb
Frank said on 4/Dec/07
Also Jakes Wrestling Boots have a Big Hell on them and God knows if there is an Internal lift inside his boots ?
KingNick said on 4/Dec/07
Here's my list with a few minor updates:

Giant Gonzalez - 7'7"
Great Khali
Ghost said on 4/Dec/07
That comparison of Hogan and Roberts makes it quite obvious that Hogan was never over 6'5.
KingNick said on 4/Dec/07
Vegas, thank you! I was this close to loading those myself. It just goes to show how tall the Snake is. You can't see in those pics, but in the video (it's on the Jake the Snake Roberts dvd) Hogan has on his wrestling gear while Jake has on a normal shoe (you see his shoe very briely at the end of the segment)
Vegas said on 4/Dec/07
jake and peak hogan Click Here and Click Here
Alex said on 4/Dec/07
Danimal, you're losing height at your age already? That or you're comparing heights of different times of the day then.
Danimal said on 4/Dec/07
Viper, I met Bret and had a long conversation with him in Edmonton over Christmas 2001. Really nice guy. I'm 5'9.5" now. At the time I WAS 5'10". He was my height exactly. We were dead on eye to eye. My then girlfriend even commented on hey Dan, how come you're the same height as him? hahaha.
Ghost said on 4/Dec/07
Here are my size-estimations for big wrestlers in american promotions. I also tried to guess their peak weights.

Name: Height: Weight:

Don Leo Jonathan 6
Jason said on 4/Dec/07
Zeuz had more than half an inch on Jake Roberts. Hogan had an inch on Roberts and Zeuz edged out Hogan.
Vegas said on 3/Dec/07
Viper says on 3/Dec/07
Danimal says hes seen Bret hart in person and that hes 5-10 at best

bret looks close to 6ft with 5'8 mamun taking into account mamun is closer to the camera
Alex2 said on 3/Dec/07
I really don't buy 7'2 for silva and 7'0 for big ron reis id say ron reis is more 7'2 he had a solid 1.5" on Big Show in WCW and i believe Undertaker was 6'8-6'9 minimum peak he literally towered over everybody during the early 90's
Red said on 3/Dec/07
My current estimations

peak ft peak m today
The Undertaker 6
Viper said on 3/Dec/07
Danimal says hes seen Bret hart in person and that hes 5-10 at best.
Alex2 said on 2/Dec/07
I like those estimates, but come on Rhino 5'10 he stacked up quite well to 6'5+ Abyss last week and i don't think Show has lost any height hes only around 38 years old and you normally shrink around late 40's early 50's but they seem pretty fair to me but Bret Hart certinally looks 6'0+ with 5'8 Glenn.
Vegas said on 2/Dec/07
derek; there is no 2.5" between khali and big show, having reviewed 4 videos of the two side by side they look the same height in each
Danimal said on 2/Dec/07
Alex2, the word "prediction" means what you think WILL happen or be in the "Future". You're either young or not english. I usually don't correct people like this, but sorry, this drew my attention.
Derek said on 2/Dec/07
Alex2- I think your estimates are too high. Here are mine:

Goldust- 6'4 1/2"-6'5"
Abyss- 6'5"
Christian Cage- 6'0"
Tyson Tomko- 6'5"
Kevin Nash- 6'10" peak, 6'9" or a bit more now
Scott Hall- 6'5"
Undertaker- 6'8" peak, 6'7" now
Kane- 6'8"
Bret Hart- 5'11"
Snitsky- 6'4"-6'4 1/2"
Randy Orton- 6'4"
HBK- 5'11 1/2"-6'0" peak, 5'11" now
Booker T- 6'1"
Great Khali- 7'1"
Big Show- 7'0" peak, 6'10 1/2"-6'11" now
Albert- 6'6" or a bit more
Kurt Angle- 5'10"
Bubba Ray Dudley- 6'2"-6'2 1/2"
Brock Lesnar- 6'2"
Stone Cold- 6'0"-6'0 1/2"
Vince- 6'2" peak, 6'1" now
Umaga- 6'2"-6'2 1/2"
Triple H- 6'1 1/4"-1/2"
Mark Henry- 6'1"
Sid- 6'7"
Raven- 5'11"
Rhino- 5'10"
D-Von Dudley- 6'0"-6'1"
Jason said on 2/Dec/07
Teddy Long is short - seen him in person. I would say more like 5'7''.
Alex2 said on 1/Dec/07
Here are some of my predictions:

Goldust: 6'4.75
Abyss: 6'6
Christian Cage: 6'.75
Tyson Tomko: 6'5.75
Samoa Joe: 6.05'
Kevin Nash: 6'10.5
Scott Hall: 6'5.5
Undertaker: 6'8.5
Kane: 6'8.75
Bret Hart: 6'.05
Snitsky: 6'5 (why built 6'8?)
Randy Orton: 6'4.5
HBK: 6'
Booker T: 6'2
Great Khali: 7'2 1/4
Big Show: 7.05'
Albert: 6'7.5
Lance Hoyt: 6'7
Kurt Angle: 5'10
AJ Styles: 5'9.5
Bubba Ray Dudley: 6'3 1/4
Brock Lesnar: 6'2.5
Austin: 6'1
Vince: 6'1.5
Umaga: 6'3
Triple H: 6'2.5
Mark Henry: 6'1.75
Sid Vicious: 6'7.75
Raven: 6'
Rellik: 5'11.5
Rhino: 6'
D Von Dudley: 6'1.5
Festus: 6'6.5
JT said on 1/Dec/07
Taker with basically a head size on Teddy Long in 1990 (Click Here) I don
Derek said on 1/Dec/07
Goldust is 6'4" minimum and 6'5" max. He more than likely is in between the two.
Paul said on 1/Dec/07
I think Dustin is more like 6'5.
Alex2 said on 1/Dec/07
Sorry forgot to add they said that Snitsky said in person he was 6'7.5
nick said on 1/Dec/07
Click Here

with legit 6'4 goldust at 6:12, you can see height difference around 3 to 4 inches
nick said on 1/Dec/07
Click Here

looking pretty tall with 6'2 shane at 1:18
Vegas said on 30/Nov/07
bigJim who met snitsky estimated him at 6'4 and 280lb in person or just a little more than that.

snitsky looks ~6'4.5" with big ben but ben and starks are closer to the camera so thats not a great shot
Alex2 said on 30/Nov/07
Someone on this site posted that they had met Snitsky and he seemed 6'7-6'8 at very least and he does look 6'6 with Big Ben and why would WWE build him at 6'8 if he was only 6'4 thats a whopping 4 inches, just doesnt seem right to me :d
Jason said on 30/Nov/07
Vegas says on 29/Nov/07
''not this debate again :P

whats wrong with 1.48??

at 1:44 they are level, at 1.47 orton sways away from the camera as does snitsky at 1.54. no way the camera angle gives orton 4" at 1.54 as he is 2" taller and snitsky is supposed to be 2" taller in barefeet.

the most i can buy for snitsky is 6'4.5"

snitsky was barely taller than triple h on monday night, even my non-wrestling friend watching raw said that''

That's funny we agree on a big wrestler ... I also think Snitsky's 6'4'', maybe 6'4 1/2''.
Derek said on 29/Nov/07
Randy Orton and Snitsky are very close in height. Certainly not 2 inches. Snitsky might have Orton by 1/2", but that appears to be the most. Snitsky wears lifts and has very long legs for his height.
Vegas said on 29/Nov/07
this one single shot is enough to tell that snitsky is no 2" taller than orton, otherwise the camera angle is giving orton 4" lol Click Here

they are the same height when the camera levels out Click Here Click Here

snitsky looks taller at times in the video but so does orton Click Here but the camera angle sucks because it is on the shoulder of the camera man and it moves around to get a better shot
mike m said on 29/Nov/07
randy orton is 2 inches shorter than snitsky,randy orton is 6,4".
Vegas said on 29/Nov/07
not this debate again :P

whats wrong with 1.48??

at 1:44 they are level, at 1.47 orton sways away from the camera as does snitsky at 1.54. no way the camera angle gives orton 4" at 1.54 as he is 2" taller and snitsky is supposed to be 2" taller in barefeet.

the most i can buy for snitsky is 6'4.5"

snitsky was barely taller than triple h on monday night, even my non-wrestling friend watching raw said that
Anonymous said on 29/Nov/07
The thing is though, sometimes it seems like Taker hadn't lost any height at all.

Dan Spivey was probably under 6'7 in his prime and Taker never seemed to have him by more than an ich. Sometimes they appeared the same height. Spivey's boots might have been bigger, though.

I think Jake Roberts was about 6'4,5 and Taker seemed to have about 2-3 inches on him.

Sid, I believe was a legit 6'7 in his prime and I think there was no more than 0.5 between them.

Albert who has claimed to be 6'7, I think, but some people here say is less, looked very close in height with Taker.

Khali who I believe to be around 7.05 had Taker by only 5 inches.

Could he have been 6'7.5 all along? Who knows.
KingNick said on 28/Nov/07
here we go again pause it about 1:47 see for yourself Click Here
Vegas said on 28/Nov/07
nah, snitsky and orton were the same height in that staredown, when either moved further away from the camera the other guy looked taller.
Danimal said on 28/Nov/07
Don't quote me Ghost on things I may have said in the past. When I am confronted with NEW evidence, then my opinions will invaiably change over time. I DO believe that Taker has lost some height since 2001. He could very well be 6'6"-6'7" today. As for Khali, for all I know he's 6'11"-7'0".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.