How tall is The Undertaker - Page 21

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Canson said on 1/Jun/17
@Rampage: I agree with rob he would still measure nothing less than 6'6" today more likely he's prob still 199cm if standing straight imho. He has horrendous posture and looks unhealthy posture wise. But he looks taller than Ali Baba by a hair still
Royboy said on 1/Jun/17
Click Here USWA 1994 Undertaker and Sid. Staredown at 1:11 in.
Canson said on 1/Jun/17
Bobby speaks the truth taker is still taller than Ali ahaha in the pic and probably close to 199 or 199 if he stands right. 6'7" and change peak
Undertaker Frank said on 1/Jun/17
Again he was Taller than Ali Baba !!! 6ft 6 minimum more likely 6ft 6 .5
dewie said on 30/May/17
Rob do you list everybody 2cm shorter than they should be takers peak height was 6ft8.5 204cm not 6ft7.5 202cm do you disagree or agree with this point
Editor Rob
I try to guess height impartially, but 'what an actor should be'? I take it you mean according to what the actor claims. Certainly there are several thousand listings differeng from what the actor claims, but there are still a few thousand that are bang on or at worst a small fraction different than their claim.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/May/17
Rob, how likely is sub-6ft6 today?
Editor Rob
looking a bit under it, is certainly different than measuring under it. That's a problem with guys like him, he may still creep out another cm when asked to measure.
day day said on 29/May/17
Kamala was 6'4 taker looked 5" taller takeaway his boots hes roughly 6'8 in 1992
dewie said on 29/May/17
Batista 6ft3 191cm taker 6ft8.5 204cm barefoot
Logan said on 28/May/17
I thin taker is 6,8
Maybe 6,9 at his peak
Love you undertaker
Backend said on 28/May/17
Click Here

He was way taller than Batista, in 2007 he was still 6'7.
Danimal said on 27/May/17
With 6'2.75" Batista
Click Here

Undertaker is around 6'5.5" today. Was a full 6'7" in the 1990's.
Drake the dawg said on 26/May/17
Type in sid in Memphis 20 on YouTube, he and taker battled either uswa or smokey mountain wrestling. Its from either 94 or 95, but they had a staredown. Did does appear taller and more massive. I know in some pics takers head looks to be higher than Sid's. Not this time. Rob check it out.
dewie said on 23/May/17
Taker out of bed 6ft8.5 late afternoon 6ft7.5 today getting older 6ft6.75 standing straigt
insomniak said on 22/May/17
He was taller than ali baba and had terrible posture,if ali baba said 6'6 flat than he's off his game.
Santos said on 21/May/17
Click Here

He was taller than only 6'7 peak. I'd give him 6'8 peak height.
A AK said on 21/May/17
6'5 is fit ....
Drake the dawg said on 20/May/17
Ali said in 6'6" range.
dewie said on 18/May/17
Peak 202cm today 199cm
Tray said on 18/May/17
How now he can be shorter than 6'6, when he was taller than 6'6 Alibaba, IDIOTS.
Undertaker Frank said on 17/May/17
Hes between 6ft 6 to 6ft 7 most likely 6ft 6.5 he was taller than Ali Baba whos 6ft 6
Drake the dawg said on 15/May/17
Barefoot, taller than 6'5 3/4, shorter than 6'6". Near 6'7" in boots
Alex 2 said on 15/May/17
Anything below 6'6.5" even today when stiff straight is laughable.
Alex 2 said on 15/May/17
Venom said on 3/May/17
Click Here

Looked huge next to 6'2.5 Roman Reigns with Full Posture.

Taker is a different man when he stands straight and EASILY drops 1.5"-2" with his usual bad posture. Been saying it for years. I would put good money on him being around 6'7" today and around 6'8" peak and there is still a chance he hasn't lost any height. He was no more than 4.5"-5" max shorter than 7'1" Khali in 2008/9 and never more than 2" shorter than 6'10" Kevin Nash.
George F said on 15/May/17
Rob you think Mark Calaway has suffer brain damage so many years in the ring? How is it possible in your opinion that he thinks clearly and he is able to function very well generally all these veteran wrestlers, so many hits in the head and i wouldn't expect them to be that healthy in their brain not other parts in their body that are a mess. How do you think they are normal after so many concussions and sub concussive injuries? Your thoughts Rob?
Editor Rob
some boxers and sportsmen can end up with some damage, but I am not sure about Undertaker...
Jacob Wilson said on 13/May/17
I wonder why people say kane is 7ft they say" Here comes the big red machine/Monster kane only two inches taller than his brother kane is only 6ft7
Martin 6'2 said on 10/May/17
Huge Undertaker fan here, I think he's lost a good inch and a half due to knee and hip surgery.
I always go by doorways, and apparently American doorways are around 6'8", and he always looked about half an inch below, so I'd say 6'7.5" at peak in the 90s, when he looked about 1.5 inches shorter than Kane at WM14 when Kane stood about 6'9" in his boots.
Eugene Jericho said on 6/May/17
I can see him 6'8" barefoot, maybe in footwear, but that's it.
Bazza said on 6/May/17
I think he has always hovered around 6'7 good listing Rob maybe he was an inch or so taller back in the day. Obviously the 6'9 shouts are in boots.
Canson said on 6/May/17
He has bad posture likely cannot correct it either. A peak Taker is definitely at worst a strong 6'7. 201 or could be 202
Phenom! said on 5/May/17
I see these ridiculous claims of his peak height being around 6'6" and saying that announcers describing him to be 6'6"-6'7", they can describe him however they wanted, but his pictures don't lie. Kevin Nash, who was an easy 6'9.5" peak, was NOT 3 inches taller than undertaker. He was only 2 inches taller at most. And Sid was shorter than taker but he wasn't lower than 6'7" either. Undertaker edged him out by half inch, and Kane edged undertaker out by a half inch. The only time undertaker did wear lifts was a first few months of ministry era, I believe. As for today I still stick with 6'6.5"-6'6"
Wrs567 said on 4/May/17
Looking at older footage, Taker certainly looked 6'8'' range in the ring to me

Big Show was good 7ft man and Taker in the ring could look 3.5 - 3 inches shorter than him

Barefoot peak I don't think he was anything below 6'7.5''

I've heard rumors of Kane wearing lifts, but I don't think Taker did

With his footwear and everything yes, he was around 6'8.5''ish in the ring
Snake Plisken said on 4/May/17
I don't know how to copy link, Rob can you check it out on YouTube? Its wccw Texas red vs the spoiler. That's the match where the announcer refers to him as 6'6" 315 lbs. There's also a mini bio of Brian crush Adams when he was injured from 94, they referred to him as a 6'4" 310 lb Hawaiian.
Nik said on 4/May/17
@Snake Plisken

You have an interesting name!
Tray said on 4/May/17
Undertaker can look 3 inches Over Peak Hogan, but he didn't stand straight, he was always selling his Deadman Gimmick.
Click Here

He could be weak 6'8 peak.
Vulture said on 4/May/17
6'7.5 or Weak 6'8 peak, 6'6.25 or 6'6.5 max right NOW.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/May/17
Rob, would you argue 6´6.75" peak evening/ lowest ?
Editor Rob
he may well have looked it, but some of these guys I think could stretch up taller for measurements than some of us would have thought.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/May/17
Click Here 5:20 "This man is 6´8" 320lbs..." Doesn´t look over 6´7" with Sid "Lord Humongous"

Click Here 0:23 "6´8" Punisher"

Marc Calaway pre-Undertaker was BILLED 6´8" quite often, so chances are high that he was never 6´8"barefoot

Fact is he doesnt look more than 6´7"flat facing Sid 1989 in equal footwear.

Fact is, the father of is second wife Sara said Taker is 6´7".

Fact is, Bruce Prichard went up and down the road with Taker during the 90´s and said Taker is 6´7".

Fact is, Roddy Piper called him 6´7" in a 1992 WWF promo Click Here

Rob´s listing is fair, Taker could´ve been 6´7"flat peak evening.

Click Here 1992 Taker next to 6´3.5"-6´4" Big Bossman

I remember too the Hasbro figures starting Taker at 6´8", interesting is they updated to 6´10.5" after he fought 6´8" billed Hogan and was visible taller.

So 2.5" could be the real gap between them.

Imo Taker was 6´8.5" in ring gear and Hogan in ring gear 6´6", Hogan had about 1" boots,
Takers were a bit taller at 1.25-1.35" Click Here
Venom said on 3/May/17
Click Here

Looked huge next to 6'2.5 Roman Reigns with Full Posture.
miko said on 3/May/17
He never looked 6'8, his staredown with 6'6.5 listed Sid in the late 80's kills anything over 6'7 for a prime Taker.
zaq said on 2/May/17
that pic was a few years back
A Man said on 2/May/17
Yeah there's that Tale of the Tape from 2003 (I think with Kurt Angle) where they put him at 6,8". It was very odd because he was always billed 6,10" before and after.
Snake Plisken said on 2/May/17
Oh yeah and early WWF matches from 91. Few times 6'8" 6'9"
Snake Plisken said on 2/May/17
Dude type in Texas red matches its the one from July 87. Announcer said a big man at 6'6". Promise! ;)
Lyle said on 2/May/17
@Shuvayu. For what its worth there is a video on YouTube that was posted on here i believe, in a tale of the tape where Taker was one of the competitors and that had him as 6'8 on Smackdown in 2003
Shuvayu said on 2/May/17
@zaq, pure 6'8", but that was a decade back I guess
Shuvayu said on 2/May/17
@snake taker was never billed below 6'8". Infact thats the lowest he had at SMW. In WCW as mean mark he was 6'9" as a part of skyscrapers .... The lowest wwe billed hime was the same when JR said 6'9" 300 lbs in a segment with TBS ... show a video where he has been mentioned or announced as 6'8" or below.
zaq said on 30/Apr/17
Click Here

how tall does he look i am 5'8
Editor Rob
depends how big his head is...some have said it could be 11 inches long...if so then he might be 6ft 6.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 30/Apr/17
198-199 today
Realist said on 30/Apr/17
He's like 6'7 and 270-280 max they said on the game he was 6'10 and 305 lies smh.
snake plisken said on 29/Apr/17
Between 6'5 3/4" 6'6" today. MAYBE a tad over 6'6" at a younger age. Could've been around 6'7" or more in footwear. I remember Alfred Hayes once said what is he 6'6 or 7? Sean Mooney said he's taller than that! Bout 6'9" which is utter bs! I remember in one if his early matches with wwe Mooney said near 6'8". As Texas red, announcer said 6'6". Usually billed between 6'8" 6'11" I remember Hasbro wrestling figures. I had the 92 taker which was the first one made. It said 6'8" 328 I also had the 94 version with coat. It said 6'10 1/2" 328? Lol its all garbage.
dicksock said on 28/Apr/17
He was no more than .5" taller than Matt Bloom in the early 2000s. No way was he ever above 6'7". I would say 6'6.5"-6'7" prime and 6'6" now. The only other possibility is that Albert had lifts in.
dewie said on 28/Apr/17
Wwe billd taker 6ft11 he stated him self as about 6ft8 6ft9 barefoot so anything between 204 and 205cm his true barefoot height today 201 or 202cm he taowered over 6ft2 188cm romen rains
Canson said on 27/Apr/17
@Markus: he has horrendous posture. He may still go over 198 if he stands straight I remember Ali Baba said when he met him that he thought taker was taller than him. A peak Taker was 202 tho I bet
berta said on 26/Apr/17
my uncle always claim 185 and i measured him when he was about 60 years old to 186,7 and i have a friend that i measured to 187 but earlier on the day. my friend claims 188 and my uncle 185. that show that you really cant trust what people claim. two guys the exact height but 3 cm difference in claims
berta said on 26/Apr/17
i dont know i still dont think he is over 198 today and no more than 201 peak. 201 is very tall. most guys dont understand how tall it is i think many 197-98 guys claaim 2 meter so people think a guy that is 201 can be 204
Canson said on 26/Apr/17
Hogan with Dennis rodman is maybe 6'4.5. Rodman is a legit 199cm and had hogan by 2cm
Markus said on 24/Apr/17
The NBA-pics show Taker is no more than 6-6 (1,98 m) now. He´s lost much height,
he was 6-7,75 (over 2,02 m) at peak height
Thomas Veil said on 20/Apr/17
6'6 peak height barefoot
insomniak said on 19/Apr/17
Peak Hogan only looked 6'5 with Dennis Rodman.
dewie said on 19/Apr/17
Taker said he is 204cm peak today 200cm losing 4cm of height
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 19/Apr/17
I doubt he's tall as 6ft6.5 nowadays, but he's likely not under a weak 6ft6 either.
Eugene Jericho said on 18/Apr/17
Kane and Abel there are others angles from that same staredown Nash is more than 1.75 over him. Nash was 5 over hall taker had hall by like 3 maybe 2.5 inches
NCL said on 18/Apr/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Apr/17
NCL said on 12/Apr/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft I don't watch basketball, who's the guy next to Kevin Love in your photo? How tall is he?

Click Here

Oh thanks! Yeah I think Rob's listing is spot on on or very close
Canson said on 18/Apr/17
To be fair you can look at him and tell how poor his posture and body are. Ali Baba said it himself. If he looks 6'5 that's likely the reason. He's still prob if he stood straight 199cm at worst
Canson said on 18/Apr/17
Agreed Mike. A peak Hogan was a solid 6'5" worst case scenario but no more than maybe 196-196.5 peak
miko said on 18/Apr/17
Hogan has lost close to 2 inches. 6'5 down to just over 6'3.
Match from the early 2000s said on 18/Apr/17
Undertaker face to face with Matt Bloom/Albert/Tensai (start around 2:16).

Click Here
Wrs567 said on 18/Apr/17
We can agree Goldberg is about 6'1.5'' today??

Well that would put Taker at exactly 6'6.5'' today

since there is about 5 inches, ignoring Takers hair advantage

Click Here

Fair play to Rob, spot on listing
Canson said on 17/Apr/17
6'7.5 peak (202)
6'6" today

His 6'9" claim I can believe but it's in shoes or boots
Kane and Abel said on 17/Apr/17
Peak Nash was max 1.75 inches taller Than peak Taker.
Click Here
Click Here
Phenom! said on 17/Apr/17
Undertaker's prime height was closer to 202cm than 201cm. He was always a half inch shorter than Kane, if even that. Kane was always giving off the impression of being 6'8" in his prime, if he wasn't that he was at least 6'7.75." Undertaker always gave off a 6'7.5" reach with his head, if not that, he was at least 6'7.25." Today I don't know what to tell you, outta bed he has to be 6'6.5," not his regular height cuz by bedtime, he should go down to 6'6." You do the math, taller than Corbin and Ali Baba (with footwear taken into consideration), and shorter than Kane and Kevin love.
Danimal said on 17/Apr/17
Johan said on 3/Apr/17

He did lose some height from his peak, you can see it in his neck and he has bowed knees just like Hogan. He could look at times 2 inches over Hogan so he was 6'7" + in the 90's.

You could also see it in his back. Like Hogan, Big Show, Superstar Billy Graham, Roddy Piper and so many others, Taker's body has taken a beating and has had to be repaired by many height reducing surgeries.
Danimal said on 17/Apr/17
6'7" peak
6'5.5" today
Danimal said on 17/Apr/17
miko said on 12/Apr/17
What people need to remember is guys like Taker are very heavy men and most of the time aren't standing anywhere near full height, look at the Big Show, some thought he was only a few inches taller than 6'7 Braun Strowman, then he stands as tall as possible and looked well over 4 inches taller, maybe even 5.

Taker in full chest out posture is still likely in the 6'6.5/6'6.75 range, down from a 6'7.25 peak. Under 6'6 is ridiculous trolling.

Yeah, and Hogan hasn't lost any height in the last 30 years, right Miko?
Taker_sucks said on 17/Apr/17
I think it is pretty disgraceful that they would try to lie to us about the heights of these wrestlers. Very disgraceful to sell a 6'6 guy as 6'10. I mean an inch or two is understandable, but come on, 4 inch?
Eugene Jericho said on 15/Apr/17
Nash had more than 1.75 on taker.
chad said on 14/Apr/17
Taker was almost 6'7 at his peak. People need to remember that much of their presence involves their weight as well. Example, most NBA playes are skinny, and therefor a person who is 6'8 on tv, would actaully look smaller than Taker, who is 300 pounds.

Peak Taker - 6'7
Peak Kane - 6'7.5
Peak Nash - 6'8.75
Big Show - 6'10.25-.5. Big Show's weight added to his height in general for the "giant" look. But, standing next to 7'1 Shaq without his gimmicked boots, he was about 3 inches under.
Kane and Abel said on 14/Apr/17
Nash was max 1.75 inches taller than Taker in 90s. And Nash was minimum 6'9 peak.
Eugene Jericho said on 13/Apr/17
Taker may have been "near" 6'7" in his prime, BUT he's not now! Kevin Love you can tell is a bit taller. Wrestlers just aren't as tall as the program says they are. Its to make them larger than life characters. 6'5" to 6'7'' is still huge! I do recall as Texas Red in wccw 1984 he was wrestling an announcers said this Texas red is a big guy around 6'6" 315 lbs. I lean towards that. 6'7" or over in boots.
There's also a video on Brian Adams aka Crush kinda like a biography they referred to him as 6'4" 310 or 315. He and taker faced in late 93 early 94 and taker wasn't but 1.5 2 inches taller! Gorilla Monsoon was announcing and said both men about the same height too. Nash was 6'9' when standing straight was about 3 over him. IDC what program says these guys aren't as tall as it says they are. Although taker was always one of the "giants' he wasn't 6'7" barefoot. Its a fact.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Apr/17
NCL said on 12/Apr/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft I don't watch basketball, who's the guy next to Kevin Love in your photo? How tall is he?

Click Here
miko said on 12/Apr/17
What people need to remember is guys like Taker are very heavy men and most of the time aren't standing anywhere near full height, look at the Big Show, some thought he was only a few inches taller than 6'7 Braun Strowman, then he stands as tall as possible and looked well over 4 inches taller, maybe even 5.

Taker in full chest out posture is still likely in the 6'6.5/6'6.75 range, down from a 6'7.25 peak. Under 6'6 is ridiculous trolling.
NCL said on 12/Apr/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Apr/17
Click Here max 6ft6in with Kevin Love, Taker has also footwearadvantage

Click Here ~6ft6.25in with AliBaba, good chance for Taker having a bit more footwear than AliBaba

Today 6´6"-6´6.25", peak 6´7"-6´7.5

@HeightcrazyRed6ft I don't watch basketball, who's the guy next to Kevin Love in your photo? How tall is he?
Markus said on 12/Apr/17
Taker did not stand straight in some photos with Kevin Love, but he stood leaning on a leg
and was thus a little bit shorter. I tried it myself, I was about 1.5 cm (0.5+ ") shorter. The same
with Adam Copeland (Edge) and Rob.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Apr/17
Click Here max 6ft6in with Kevin Love, Taker has also footwearadvantage

Click Here ~6ft6.25in with AliBaba, good chance for Taker having a bit more footwear than AliBaba

Today 6´6"-6´6.25", peak 6´7"-6´7.5"
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Apr/17
Robby said on 8/Apr/17
On this week's something to wrestle with podcast with Bruce Prichard aka Brother Love. Undertaker 93-94 episode. Prichard refers to Undertaker being 6'7" several times. Prichard is a close friend​ to Undertaker.


Nice find, really worth listening to.
They went up and down the road and Prichard as longtime right hand for McMahon surely knows all about kayfabe billings.

He clearly describes Undertaker at 6´7"...

So this listing has always been spot on, as he was between 6´7-6´7.5" peak
dewie 5ft9.5 barefoot said on 10/Apr/17
jim ross said taker is 6ft9 barefoot 300 pounds
berta said on 10/Apr/17
i think he was over 2 meter at peak but not muthc 201 peak not more. today he looks the same height as me but maybe could measure 198
Hv123 said on 9/Apr/17
I believe that the Undertaker was a solid 6'8.5" at his peak. Due to injuries, he is probably around 6'7.5". Many times, he is slouching down, making it appear as if he has shrunk, but I believe that he is still pretty tall.
Robby said on 8/Apr/17
On this week's something to wrestle with podcast with Bruce Prichard aka Brother Love. Undertaker 93-94 episode. Prichard refers to Undertaker being 6'7" several times. Prichard is a close friend​ to Undertaker. Picture from Ali Baba who is 6'6" convinced me that Taker is in the 6'6"-6'7" range. Maybe more 6'6-6'6.5" range. Same with the Kevin Love pics when Taker met the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Tarinator said on 7/Apr/17
Click Here Stone Cold describes him as 6'10" in this video.
dewie 5ft9.5 barefoot said on 3/Apr/17
Type your comment here...taker peak 6ft8.5 today 6ft7
Johan said on 3/Apr/17
What needs to be narrowed down? He was as listed with 6'6" Ali baba from user heights.

Ali made Tyler mane look 6'7" in another pic and Rob met the guy and gave him 6'8" so even with thicker sneakers Ali seems an honest 6'6" guy.

For the people who missed it, Taker and Ali looked very similar but Ali said himself that he thought Taker was a little taller. Mark has a very long forehead as well.

He did lose some height from his peak, you can see it in his neck and he has bowed knees just like Hogan. He could look at times 2 inches over Hogan so he was 6'7" + in the 90's.
GS1981 said on 2/Apr/17
He was taller than Braun when they were on Raw recently, he wasn't last time, but last time Braun had heel lifts, he is a strong 6ft 7, he was easily 3 inches taller in his prime than Jake Roberts who is a legit 6ft 5 so 6ft 7.5 now, 6ft 8.25 in his prime
NCL said on 2/Apr/17
Would anyone like to try photoshopping the height difference between Undertaker and someone else against one or else of these pictures? Maybe someone's who's height is a little more narrowed down?

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
John said on 1/Apr/17
Peak: 6'9.5
Now: 6'7.75
Canson said on 1/Apr/17
I think he's strong 6'6" barefoot. Pending shoes he could be near 6'8 in them

@Justin: you're comparing a true legitimate height to your shoe height? Also what time of the day did you measure that? You could be under 6'5" in shoes later and only be 6'3" range barefoot. Shoes aren't part of your body
Canson said on 1/Apr/17
@Justin: you're also saying 6'5" in shoes. We discuss barefoot heights here
ma said on 31/Mar/17
the undertaker hat is not is head and doesn't count. With Strowman he always looks an inch shorter ( considering that taker has footwear advantage)
Strong 5ft9 said on 30/Mar/17
Hey Rob, do you think Taker has a huge head for a guy his height. His eyelevel looks if it could average someone who's 6'3" or 6'4" and also has a massive forehead. Click Here. Enters the ring at 7:00.
michael said on 30/Mar/17
on recent raw with braun,he looked identical in height if not taller,maybe rob can clarify
Sean said on 28/Mar/17
Rob, do you think Taker is as low as 6'6" today? The pics with Kevin Love (listed 6'7.75" at age 19, possible 6'8" today) and Alibaba a few years back makes the case that 6'6" is his true current height.
Editor Rob
Sean, I think he can seem as low as 6ft 6, but standing tall for a measurement may clear it.
Justin said on 27/Mar/17
Im 6'5 in shoes and met him at an autograph session like 3 years ago and he was about 3 or 4 inches taller than me so where do you clowns get 6'6?
dewie said on 27/Mar/17
Rob sid peak 201cm kane 203.5cm taker 205cm nash 210cm big show 214cm khali 217cm barefoot peak
dewie said on 26/Mar/17
Yes taker is 6ft8.5 6ft8.75 204 205cm taller than 6ft8 203.3cm kane 2inche bigger boots
Dave said on 24/Mar/17
Rob, in the Undertaker's 2001 documentary (Click Here) At 3:00 The Undertaker states he is "6'8 or 6'9"
Editor Rob
ok Dave, I'll mention that bit about how he described himself after the other quote, thanks.
Nick cantan said on 23/Mar/17
Is there any possibility that Strowman isn't much over 6'6?
He didn't have much on Orton and was quite a bit shorter than the big show recently?
I would have thought if Strowman was 6'7 or 6'8 he height would have been exaggerated to at least 6'9?
Canson said on 22/Mar/17
@Ma: he was over 6'7 prime. Maybe 202 tops but at least 201. Today probably198.
Shuvayu said on 22/Mar/17
@phenom ... where did you see taker being shoirter than strowman ... logic is good any logic bad... did u see this last raw where taker conveniently chokeslammed strawman ...I did see an inch difference... but it was taker over strawman
Joe said on 21/Mar/17
Looked identical in height to Strowman on raw.
ma said on 21/Mar/17
Just watched a video of a face off between him and Lesnar back in 2002... he seems that nowadays he loses lots of height....Probably more than 1 inc...Doesn't look over 6 ft 6 in his big boots with Reigns
Phenom! said on 19/Mar/17
Strowman is 6'7" and undertaker seems an inch shorter, but that makes him 6'6." But he seemed taller than Corbin even, that means he's definitely 6'6.25"-6'6.5." I'd give him lowest 6'6" and highest 6'6.5." He's still taller than most people except Kane, strowman, big cass, and big show. I think Erick Rowan and Corbin are same height.
Undertaker Frank said on 16/Mar/17
I would say Taker is 6ft 6 to 6ft 6 .5 He did look alittle taller than Ali Baba
dewie said on 16/Mar/17
Taker was 6ft8 2.03m today barefoot 6ft6 198m shoking height loss
RP said on 15/Mar/17
Anonymous is correct! I know Adam (Braun) personally...he is indeed a legit 6'7.5" barefoot! Personally witnessed him getting measured in 2012 at 6'7-1/2" barefoot & 402 lbs at a Strongman Event! He's currently 365-368 lbs. was a legit 380-385 lbs at his WWE Raw TV debut as well ! Adam also wears the normal 1.25 to 1.375" inch wrestling boot soles. Unlike Undertaker, Big Show, Kane & Big Cass...who all wear 2" soles wrestling boots! Kane actually wears 2.75" boot soles !
Kane said on 11/Mar/17
Click Here then pause at 3:39 Kane is taller he's 6'8.5 without boots and strowman is 6'8 without boots while taker is 6'7.5 without boots
ken-6-4 said on 10/Mar/17
Does Rob have a verified height of Ali ? ;)
Ty said on 22/Jan/17
Where is this Undertaker picture with the "AliBaba" guy? I keep reading his name and hearing about it but I've never actually seen the picture
dewie said on 10/Mar/17
Peak 203.3cm today 200cm
jullian said on 10/Mar/17
Undertaker was I guess in reality 6'7 but during his prime, he's actually 6'8.25 whereas Kane did the same thing but if you compared both, Kane is probably taller after seeing them together many times last one was only this nov 2016 and you can actually see Kane towering over taker. During the attitude era Kane also wore lifts to make him 6'10 but in reality he's 6'8.5 and he was never below 6'8 and if you compare him to strowman he's a little taller maybe by .25 only because strowman is 6'8( even during his weightlifting days) and now he;s also wearing boots just like what they did to both the brothers of destruction
Danimal said on 9/Mar/17
Phenom! said on 24/Feb/17
The lowest peak I can think of for undertaker evidently is 6'7.25." But I think he was a little taller than that as well. But who knows maybe Kane was never over 6'8."

Kane was never over 6'7" barefoot legit.
Danimal said on 9/Mar/17
Canson said on 26/Feb/17
I think peak he was more 202 not 201. And 6'9 in boots. He has lost a lot of height today which isn't surprising with his life he lead. He's around 198 today

More like 196-197 today. Was at least 201 in his prime.
Vegas said on 9/Mar/17
Kane and Abel said on 8/Mar/17
Strowman was standing closer to the Camera, and didn't look taller at all

Closer to camera would be disadvantage with the camera high above the ring in the stands
Kane And Abel said on 9/Mar/17
Click Here

Hard to tell who is taller, i'd say the looked the same height, but Peak Taker would be noticeably taller than Strowman.
Canson said on 8/Mar/17
He's 202 prime no questions about it today more like 198/199
NCL said on 8/Mar/17
I found another Undertaker/Strowman staredown that I think is from about a year ago. Their footwear looks comparable to me. It appears to me that Strowman is about 1" taller. See at 4:44:

Click Here
NCL said on 8/Mar/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft and Unknown, I'm with you guys on this one.

Here's the video of their staredown Click Here

4:01 Strowman's boots can be seen

4:09 Undertaker's boots can be seen

4:18 staredown between the two

It appears to me that Undertaker has a much larger footwear advantage. Also, I think Strowman edges him out. Everyone look at the top of the head, not the eye-line. Their eye-line is the same but Strowman's head appears to be larger.

Based on the Ali Baba photo and the recent pictures of The Undertaker with the basketball players, I think Rob's 6'6.5" is probably accurate. Lowest I'd go for Undertaker now would be 6'6", which to be honest I think is very possible. I do believe he was a full 6'8" at his peak though.
Kane and Abel said on 8/Mar/17
Strowman was standing closer to the Camera, and didn't look taller at all.
Click Here
Ronaldo said on 8/Mar/17
Today: 197/198
Peak: 200/201
Unknown said on 7/Mar/17
I'm honestly confused how people are saying he looked taller than Strowman, neither were standing fully face to face and Strowman looked like he was slightly looking down.
Braun said on 7/Mar/17
he is 199-200 cm right now, Peak 202-203.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Mar/17
Click Here
dewie said on 7/Mar/17
Strowman 6ft7 201cm taker 6ft7.75 203cm barefoot
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Mar/17
Clearly Taller?? Whaatttt????

He looked no more than flat 6´6" and was in bigger footwear than Strowman.
Strowman was clearly taller, wich shows that Taker lost noticable height.
Acid said on 7/Mar/17
why people in this forum says taker is a 6.6 and strowman is a 6.7?
Last night at raw taker looks slightly taller than strowman!!
The undertaker said on 7/Mar/17
He edged out braun strowman last night so...
Dicko said on 7/Mar/17
Looked to have a slight height advantage on Strowman on Raw last night.So still 6.7 for me 6.8 in boots.
Shuvayu said on 7/Mar/17
Yesterday taker and strawman met face to face at raw ... need pics
iton said on 7/Mar/17
he clearly looked taller than braun strowman. i think he is absolutely between 202-203 cm.
Strat said on 7/Mar/17
Looked as tall as Strowman today on Raw if not short!
Rob Zombie said on 2/Mar/17
6'2.125" tops.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Feb/17
MikeV10 said on 25/Feb/17
I think there peak heights barefoot right out of bed were:
Sid - 6'7,5
Taker - 6'8
Kane - 6'8,5
Nash - 6'10
Big Show - 7'0

They all lost about 1" during the day


Very good!
Canson said on 26/Feb/17
I think peak he was more 202 not 201. And 6'9 in boots. He has lost a lot of height today which isn't surprising with his life he lead. He's around 198 today
GS1981 said on 25/Feb/17
never under 6ft 7
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Feb/17
As Mean Mark Callous he wasn´t a full head taller than 176cm Paul Heyman, so just over 201cm/6´7" seems right for his peak even with his big head.

Interesting is their WCW billed heights:

Nash as Vinnie Vegas billed 6´11"
Mane as Big Sky billed 6´10"
Taker as Mean Mark billed 6´9"

seems like a usual 2" overbill...
MikeV10 said on 25/Feb/17
I think there peak heights barefoot right out of bed were:
Sid - 6'7,5
Taker - 6'8
Kane - 6'8,5
Nash - 6'10
Big Show - 7'0

They all lost about 1" during the day
Phenom! said on 24/Feb/17
The lowest peak I can think of for undertaker evidently is 6'7.25." But I think he was a little taller than that as well. But who knows maybe Kane was never over 6'8." They both could've been the same exact height for all we know. Kane definitely had a higher eyeline than taker, but undertaker had a longer head, and top of his head stretched out far.
day day said on 22/Feb/17
When he faced khali there was 5" in the difference at most, khali had thicker soles aswel. so taker wasnt 6'6 or 7" back then he was taller.
Dylan said on 21/Feb/17
How many inches do you think big show has on Taker (both at their peak)
Click Here
Jordan87 said on 21/Feb/17
Kane was always a Tad Bit taller than Taker. Taker the better Wrestler/Superstar or whatever. Kane was way Physically Stronger of the two that is without doubt.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Feb/17
Slim said on 20/Feb/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft why are you ignoring the fact that Issac was taller in flats than taker in flats???


Once again Slowi,

fact is there´s no angle pic/vid in the yankem and the unabomb staredown proving who´s taller - FACT


Even in 2inch footwear Kane was never more than 3.5cm taller measuring at the top of their heads - FACT

Ministry Taker had not big footwear and was the same height as Kane in bigger footwear - FACT

So back to estimations,

I think both were just over 6´7" peak, max 6´7.5"
I think today Kane would edge Taker by a 0.5-0.75 inch and I don´t think Taker is taller than6´6" flat today.
Kane and Abel said on 21/Feb/17
Slim. Why are you ignoring the fact that Taker was stadnding much wider than Jacobs?
Slim said on 20/Feb/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft why are you ignoring the fact that Issac was taller in flats than taker in flats???
Tuga said on 20/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft is right.

Click Here
Click Here
Full video:
Click Here

Good camera angle and BOTH standing straight.
Take away the footware advantage from kane:
Click Here
And the result is obvious.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Feb/17
Marc said on 19/Feb/17
so wait there was a time were undertaker and Kane were the same height? Was it before the arrival of Kane cuz Kane was always at least an inch taller.

Kane in 1998 with 5-6cm Monsterboots was never more than 3.5cm taller than Taker in 2-2.5cm boots, so they were nearly identical in height.
dewie said on 19/Feb/17
Kane said he is about 6ft8 203.2cm barefoot but taker said he is 6ft8.5.75 204 or 205cm barefoot so undertaker is taller
Slim said on 19/Feb/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft stop dude. You can be a taker fan and biased all you want but don't be ignorant to the fact that there was never a time, photo, or video where taker was taller than Kane. When both where in lifts or no lifts. Kane was taller than taker when they were both in different gimmicks and no lifts. Did you not notice how kanes knees are bent and he's hunched when takers in his face? And taker always has that straight posture?
Marc said on 19/Feb/17
so wait there was a time were undertaker and Kane were the same height? Was it before the arrival of Kane cuz Kane was always at least an inch taller.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Feb/17
Click Here

Rob, would you agree that in this staredown Taker would come out taller if both were barefoot?
dewie said on 14/Feb/17
Big show peak 7ft0.25 taker 4 inches shorter taker peak 6ft8.25 barefoot
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Feb/17
Click Here

Taker was one inch taller then Mabel/Viscera both standing straight.
JoeyT said on 12/Feb/17
Taker and Randy Orton with the lead singer of Rev Theory Click Here idk how tall the singer is but based on how he looks with both men i would say that Taker is still around 6'6.5 currently. I would give him a peak of 6'8 or just under 6'8
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Feb/17
Peak, right out of bed 6ft8in
Peak, evening 6ft7.25in
Kane and Abel said on 10/Feb/17
Don't be Funny Hegde, Randy Orton is 6'4 and Taker is taller than him. Taker is 6'6.5 max now, but 6'4 is funny.
Nishanth Hegde said on 10/Feb/17
My guess is he is 6ft4 to 6ft4.5 today. Was 6ft6 in his young age.
Brad said on 10/Feb/17
Peak: 6'8" (possibly weak). Current: 6'6.5"

Its difficult to get an accurate reading on subjects that are so abnormally tall.
Kane and Abel said on 7/Feb/17
Rob, Can he measure over 6'8 at his peak, in the morning?
Tarinator said on 6/Feb/17
Undertaker still seems to be pulling off 6'7" quite well. Looked at least 3.5 inches taller than Goldberg and Roman Reigns at a first glance in the Royal Rumble 2017. Maybe 4.5 or even 5 is the maximum I would put for the gap between them. I would postulate that I would look 7 inches shorter than Undertaker as I am 5'11.75" now.
Aloween said on 6/Feb/17
6'6" dead on!
Kane and Abel said on 6/Feb/17
This Picture with Cena is fake.
Ronaldo said on 6/Feb/17
Peak: 200 cm
Today: 197-198 cm
Junior31 said on 4/Feb/17
A 50+ year old wrestler loses significantly more height then anyone else. These guys have been wrestling for 30+ years and almost all of the have lost 2 inches plus in height and some 3 or more ala hulk hogan and the late roddy piper. I believe undertaker has lost at minimum two inches and his bowed knees staggered hips and hunched back and neck are indicative of that.

Today if he stretched out and stood up as tall as possible I believe he is 6'6.25-6'6.5'barefoot and can give the impression of shorter with his best up posture. I give his peak just under 6'8. It's possible he lost 2 inches. History has shown this.
Danimal said on 4/Feb/17
How many inches does Taker have on John Cena in 2017? Not many.
Click Here

How he used to tower guys around Cena's height in the late 90's:
Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 4/Feb/17
How Taker's posture used to be PRE-height loss (1999):
Click Here
Click Here

Here he was 1 year ago (severely curved/rounded spine with fused neck, buckled knees and hips that need to be replaced too):
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

He used to be 6'7" with impeccable posture. Today he's 6'5.5" at best and seems to have lost all the size he used to have (as high as 335 in 1998 according to him in an interview).
Danimal said on 4/Feb/17
jessman said on 2/Feb/17
I remember Undertaker being described as 6'10 early in his wrestling career and he definitely looked taller than most opponents. But soon after I heard him described as 6'5. The picture of him with Kevin Love now supports the 6'5 description. He looked close to 3 inches shorter than Love, who is described on this site ad weak 6'8. Surely Love is not 6'10? Anyhow, Undertaker's early listing of 6'10 was way off.

In all fairness to him, he was NOT 6'5" at his peak. He was LEGIT taller than 6'6" Mabel/Viscera in the 90's. He might have been 6'7" at his peak and is 6'5.5" today after a ton of surgeries since the early 2000's after the beatings his body has taken.
Kane and Abel said on 3/Feb/17
Peak Height 6'8, and now about 6'6.5. he lost height, and he still needs a full Hip Replacment surgery.
jessman said on 2/Feb/17
I remember Undertaker being described as 6'10 early in his wrestling career and he definitely looked taller than most opponents. But soon after I heard him described as 6'5. The picture of him with Kevin Love now supports the 6'5 description. He looked close to 3 inches shorter than Love, who is described on this site ad weak 6'8. Surely Love is not 6'10? Anyhow, Undertaker's early listing of 6'10 was way off.
Sean said on 2/Feb/17
Kevin Love looks to be 6'8" with taker. He was measured 6'7.75" at 19 so it's possible he grew some after that.

Taker looks 6'6", maybe 6'6.25" today. Pic with Alibaba is clear indication of his current height.
Ray Rocker said on 1/Feb/17
Seems people really want to use the Taker/ Kevin Love comparison as reason to downgrade his height. I can see at first glance how it looked like a bigger height difference, due to Love's shoulders and eyebrows higher. But the top of the head is where you need to look and I see around 1.5" advantage to Love there. But could be less if/when Taker is able to stand straight. So I'd say could be as close as an inch difference. Let's not forget Taker had just recently had hip surgery right before this amd still has trouble standing fully straight right now.
shane porch said on 31/Jan/17
i think last night royal rumble proved everyone wrong who says he is 6 ft 6.taker still had more than an inch on corbin who is 6 ft 6.i think taker is still 6 foot 7.5.he was not even dead straight in that much but had clear advantage on roman reigns and goldberg too
Jrv said on 30/Jan/17
Yeah I'd say 6'7 . His knees are bowing. Definitely going to need knee replacement surgery in the future. My father in law had it done last year he looks like he went from 5'10 to close to 6ft.
dicksock said on 30/Jan/17
Ministry said on 29/Jan/17
Click Here

Here's undertaker with 6ft 4 Brian Mcgrattan in 2013. Taker appears to be leaning a bit, but hardly a difference. I'd say 6ft 5 today.


That's how he stacked up next to 6'4" Billy Gunn at around the same time. He looks to be in the 6'5" range now and about than 250 lbs if that guy is 235. This pic, along with how short he looked next to the Cavs, tells me he is no more than 6'6" and between 240-260 lbs.
dewie said on 30/Jan/17
Taker is 3cm shorter than kevin love kevin love 6ft7.75 203cm taker 6ft6.75 200cm rob you must list taker 6ft6.75 200cm not 199cm
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Jan/17
Click Here

Taker has less posture with Reigns than he has with Goldberg.

Today Goldberg and Reigns looked the same height, weak 6ft2in imo

Taker looks around 6ft6in maybe a tad taller
tim181 said on 30/Jan/17
Still 5" taller than Goldberg
Click Here
dunkrules86 said on 30/Jan/17
Undertaker gave a tallish impression at the Rumble.
Looked to have around 4.5 - 5.5 inches on both Goldberg and Reigns. Also looked to have an edge over Baron Corbins in their momentary interaction.
I'd still say he's 6'7 if he gets his posture right.
Ministry said on 29/Jan/17
Click Here

Here's undertaker with 6ft 4 Brian Mcgrattan in 2013. Taker appears to be leaning a bit, but hardly a difference. I'd say 6ft 5 today.
Philip McMullin said on 25/Jan/17
we all know one think, taker is well back in the 300+ lb weightclass
Dylan said on 24/Jan/17
Rob how many inches you think Show has on Taker? My guess is 3.25 inches Click Here
I still believe that Taker is 6ft7 when he has good posture.
Editor Rob
Dylan, it might be 3.5 inches
Ty said on 22/Jan/17
Where is this Undertaker picture with the "AliBaba" guy? I keep reading his name and hearing about it but I've never actually seen the picture
Phenom! said on 20/Jan/17
Undertaker is easily the same height as Baron Corbin, corbin measured up to 199cm during his NFL combine, but that's probably early in the morning. He's 6'6." And Undertaker is the same way, probably taller. His peak height was nothing below 6'7.25". But today he's about 198.5cm. Braun strowman is a real 6'7" guy, undertaker was only like .75 inches shorter than him. Undertaker only seemed like he was 3 inches shorter than Brock but only because of his posture, I've always seen him with at least 4 inches on Brock when he was standing straight.
Strong 5ft9 said on 19/Jan/17
Cena and Eddie were having a kayfabe feud and Cena was mostly a heel in 2003, so that's how i know.
Strong 5ft9 said on 19/Jan/17
Hey Rob, mind adding the listing WWE used to did when they downgraded his billed height from 6'10" to 6'8" back in 2003. Click Here at 5:00. 6'8" is definitely a lot closer to his real barefoot height than 6'10".
Ball said on 19/Jan/17
Average Guess is right, i Think he was almost 6'8 peak, and now 199-200 cm, Taller than Alibaba from this site, who is 6'6.
steve said on 18/Jan/17
2 inches shorter than Kevin Love, 1 inch shorter than Braun Strowman, 3.25 inches taller than Lesnar

Love- 6' 7.75 202,5
Braun Strowman- 6' 6.75 200
Undertaker- 6' 5.75 197,5
Lesnar- 6' 2.5 189
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Jan/17
peak Taker looked 2-2.5in taller than Scott Hall.
In 1991-1992 he had the same height on Hogan.

I certainly would not put him taller than 6ft7.5in peak nor under 6ft7in.
He usually looked 6ft8.5in in his classic outfit with ~ 1.25in sole.

He was in very flat footwear in 1997, to help lifted Kane look bigger, but Kane never looked more than 1.75in taller - even in his munsters. So I would not put Kane higher than peak Taker, as Yankem he was already in 1.25-1.5in heeled footwear.
Bernie said on 18/Jan/17
Moishe Doyle, So Kevin Nash peak was 6'8.5, and peak SHOW 6'10 Max, thats impossible.
Moishe Doyle said on 18/Jan/17
Danimal I can give him 6'6 1/2 peak but that's max. He was near 6'8" but only in footwear. That pic of he and Mabel, Mabel doesn't have his head straight if he did, taker may have a 1/2 inch over him.
dewie said on 15/Jan/17
Taker was not under 6ft8 2.03m on raw 6ft9 in boots barefoot 6ft8
Big Benz said on 14/Jan/17
He claims 6'9 in 90s, and with Wrestling boots he was close to 6'9 for sure.
Slim said on 13/Jan/17
He claims 6'9 now? Funny. Kevin Nash claims 6'9" now as well and he was At least 2" taller than taker always.
Makaveli said on 13/Jan/17
He was taller than 6'6.5 peak, he was close to 6'8 or even full 6'8 with good posture, look at his pictures with Nash, Khali, Mabel, and Big Show, Peak Show was Taller than him by 3.75- max 4 inches.
Freak said on 13/Jan/17
Undertaker in his prime w Kane...Both in the 6'8' range..I'd say Kane was 6'8' here & Taker .5 shorter at 6'7'.5 ..I'd say Kane w his large soled boots was 6'10' atleast..Putting Taker 6'9' depending on soles.. Close to billed heights
Click Here
Danimal said on 12/Jan/17
Moishe doyle said on 9/Jan/17
6'5 3/4 6'6" is most I'd give em. Its just an opinion. But I've watched old matches. Taker wasn't more than 3 inches taller than tugboat who was IMO 6'3". Nailz was billed anywhere from 6'4"-6'6" I believe "near" 6'4" and taker looked about 2 or 2.5 over him. Wasn't but two or 2.5 over shango. I never thought he looked taller than spivey. Scott hall idk he never looked over 6'4" to me. I had a magazine where crush was part of demolition, in the mag it had him at 6'4" and he's been billed 6'6" 6'7" and 6'8"? Its really hard to tell unless you had a tape measure up to them. I think they fudge all heights. But these are just my opinion. He didn't look anything over Ali baba and the bball players in pics below tower him. Isis the amazon is 6'9" now listed 6'8" and change would tower him and Kane. She also had no problem stepping over the top rope. Kane and taker in the past decade seemed to have trouble doing so especially after they raised the height of the ropes. But in 2010 next isis had NO problem! She's over 6'8" and looks like shed have a couple to 3 inches over them.

Taker WAS taller than 6'6" Mabel/Viscera in the 1990's before height loss started to kick in. He may have only been 6'6.5" or 6'7", but today he's looking around 6'5.5"-6'6" MAX.
Slim said on 12/Jan/17
Tommy bc I know 2 ppl who are 6'7 and 1 that is 6'9. Myself being 6'1.5 I can tell the difference.
Canson said on 12/Jan/17
He was about 6'9" in boots AKA 6'7-6'7.5. Maybe an early morning measurement would make him near 6'8" or a full 6'8 barefoot to where he was 6'9 and change. This is prime of course. Today he is likely 198-199 tops
Tommy said on 10/Jan/17
He always looked Taller than Spivey, Inch or even more.
berta said on 10/Jan/17
peak 2 meters and now 198
MKaY said on 10/Jan/17
Rob what do you think of undertaker peak height was around 6'7.75-6'8'25 maybe? In the early mid 90s
Moishe doyle said on 9/Jan/17
6'5 3/4 6'6" is most I'd give em. Its just an opinion. But I've watched old matches. Taker wasn't more than 3 inches taller than tugboat who was IMO 6'3". Nailz was billed anywhere from 6'4"-6'6" I believe "near" 6'4" and taker looked about 2 or 2.5 over him. Wasn't but two or 2.5 over shango. I never thought he looked taller than spivey. Scott hall idk he never looked over 6'4" to me. I had a magazine where crush was part of demolition, in the mag it had him at 6'4" and he's been billed 6'6" 6'7" and 6'8"? Its really hard to tell unless you had a tape measure up to them. I think they fudge all heights. But these are just my opinion. He didn't look anything over Ali baba and the bball players in pics below tower him. Isis the amazon is 6'9" now listed 6'8" and change would tower him and Kane. She also had no problem stepping over the top rope. Kane and taker in the past decade seemed to have trouble doing so especially after they raised the height of the ropes. But in 2010 next isis had NO problem! She's over 6'8" and looks like shed have a couple to 3 inches over them.
dicksock said on 9/Jan/17
Brock is probably 6'2" on the nose as he was listed as low as 6'2" in UFC and was over 1" shorter than Hulk Hogan just a few years ago. Undertaker looks a solid 4" taller than him. He is probably a solid 6'6" now (maybe 6'6.5" tops) and was around 6'7" or a tiny bit over in his prime.
Tommy said on 9/Jan/17
WTF you talking about, with his good posture he looked 6'7 with Lesnar, 6'5? you're funny.
Slim said on 8/Jan/17
lol that's nowhere near 6'7 with 6 2.5 strong Brock. Maybe 6'5 max
Dylan said on 8/Jan/17
in fact, if you watch the video at 4:21, Taker strengthens his posture and he looks 5 inches taller than the 6ft2.5 Brock Lesnar which would make him over 6ft7
Dylan said on 8/Jan/17
In this confrontation with brock and taker, it looked like it was 3.75 - 4 inch difference which is evident in this video. if brock is 6ft2.5 (which i believe he is) then Taker should be around 6ft6.75 in normal posture but i'm sure he can be 6ft7 in good posture.

Click Here
Moishe doyle said on 7/Jan/17
Well he wasn't 4 inches taller than goldust. He had a staredown with nailz, didn't appear 4 over him. And with 6'3" tugboat, he didn't appear over 3 over him. Its just a matter of opinion. He could've been taller, but I honestly, just imo dont think he was ever over 6'6" barefoot. But he could be who knows?
Tommy said on 7/Jan/17
If he was 6'6 peak, now he would be about 6.4.5 inches max.
Moishe doyle said on 6/Jan/17
Ok I said never over 6'6" in my opinion. Go to YouTube and type in Texas red vs the spoiler. The match is from July of 87. During the match they talk about Texas red being a big man at about 6'6" billed at 315
Mo said on 1/Jan/17
Undertaker was about 6'8 at his peak but right now his about 199.5cm about 6'6.5/6'6.75.
Darren said on 1/Jan/17
Peak weak 6'8(203 cm) right now 199-200 with Good Posture.
Realist said on 31/Dec/16
I guess he was like 6'9 in 1988 but by like 2002 he was 6'8 and by 2016 like 6'7.
Simon said on 30/Dec/16
Take looks at least 6'8 for me
shane porch said on 29/Dec/16
taker was well above 6 foot 8 in his peak,around 6 foot 8.5,maybe dropped an inch,but not that much,he just slouches away due to back injury,still above 6 foot 7,compare him with brock of 2002 and 2015,almost same height difference in 14 years.this site has some serious underbilling issues,underbills everyone more than u think
Paul said on 27/Dec/16
dewie I partly agree but 6'8+ was the earlier years. No more than about 202cm I'd say by 2006, now 200cm.
dewie said on 27/Dec/16
Taker peak 6ft8.75 205cm today 6ft7.5 202cm look at khali undertaker 2006 staredawn taker was max 6ft8.75 205cm in that staredawn
James B said on 25/Dec/16
Undertaker is another example of the health problems that giant sized people can face later in life
Paul said on 24/Dec/16
Never the Kayfabe 6'10-11 but for peak height generally underestimated by posters on this site and he's not the only profile listing. Peak height 6'8-9 range depending of time of day. Currently I'd guess at 2m or just shy of 6'7 for normal daytime height. I think Rob generally takes the lowest estimate (i.e. after someone has been standing for some hours. (I would have used an average of that and morning height).
Happy holidays.
Teo74 said on 24/Dec/16
6'8 for prime is where I'd put him. Unfortunately it looks like he's lost significant height since then due to injuries
Taner said on 24/Dec/16
He got a hip surgery back in october, and I think he got problems with Hips since 2000-2001, and Tombstone Piledriver really f**** up his Knees to.
RP said on 23/Dec/16
Only 6'7" peak ...6'6" now
Was a hair over 6'8" in wrestling boots 1986-1990...which is why he was billed @ 6'8" (6'7" barefoot) When WWF created the Undertaker character, WWF creative team started billing him @ 6'9"...which was old WWF rule of thumb...whatever their height in ring gear "add one inch" for billing height ...this is why Hogan was billed at 6'8" in the early to mid 80's by The McMachons ...before eventually being lowered back down to 6'7" by the late 80's...after his early 6'9" billing by the WWF.. Undertaker in just a few months became a huge that point WWF creative team & McMahon bumped him up to 6'10"...which stuck for years.
Mark Calloway at his prime was 6'7" barefoot ...6'8" to 6'8.5" in wrestling boots "depending on style"...billed at 6'8" '86-'90...6'9" in '91...and then 6'10" '91-present ...current Mark Calloway is 6'6" barefoot & 6'7" to 6'7.5" in wrestling boots "depending on the style"...Rob, he obviously needs changed to 6'7" peak & 6'6" current! Look at his photos from the late 80's & early 90's...same height as 6'7" Sid Eudy, 1.5" taller than 6'5.5" Hulk Hogan & 2" taller than 6'5" Scott Hall & about 1/2" taller than 6'6.5" Dan Spivey.
Michael said on 23/Dec/16
6'8" Peak and just under 6'7" today. His 6'8" claims are well documented.
Danimal said on 23/Dec/16
Mark(5'9.25 said on 3/Dec/16
While I can't stand those who claim 6'2" while they're 5'11.5", I could understand why Undertaker would think he was 6'10". While he isn't even close to it, it's actually pretty hard to measure people who are very well above 6'6" or even more so.

What? Undertaker never thought he was 6'10"??? That was his BILLED height which Vince McMahon wanted him to be, much like Undertaker was a CHARACTER created by Vince McMahon. Taker was billed at 6'8" before his WWF days in the late 80's. I'm sure that was even a roundup of his true height BACK THEN. Looked about the same height as 6'7" Sid Vicious back then. Today Taker is looking max 6'5.5"-6'6". He began losing height in the early 2000's btw (which is when it started to slowly become noticeable).
Tener said on 22/Dec/16
Never over 6'6 means Khali Was 6'11 at most and Big Show peak 6'9.5 and Kevin Nash was 6'8 peak. In My view he was close to 6'8 peak and 200 cm right Now.
Moishe doyle said on 21/Dec/16
Never over 6'6" in my opinion.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/16
I think 6ft8 is more arguable for a prime Kane
Nexa said on 19/Dec/16
With Shaq in 99 he looked 6'8 for sure.
James B said on 19/Dec/16
Rob nearer 6'7 might mean 6'7.25?
A Man said on 18/Dec/16
Yeah I remember that Tale of the Tape video, it really made no sense at the time as WWE had been pushing Taker as 6,10" forever and have reverted back to it since.

I also remember during one of the Brothers of Destruction runs probably a good 7-8 years ago now, Michael Cole saying in commentary that "Taker was the slightly taller of the two, while Kane was the heavier", despite Kane being pushed as the taller of the two and 7 feet tall for most of his WWE career. Can't find the video unfortunately but I remember it well.

WWE are perfectly happy to mess about with billed heights and weights depending on the way the character is being pushed at that time. In 2003, Taker was being pushed as the American Bad Ass/Big Evil, rather than the big lumbering monster Deadman character. Hence the drop in height.

They've done the same with Big Show in the past as well. Why do you think he went from 7,2" in 1999 to 7,0" in 2002?
Strong 5ft9 said on 17/Dec/16
Here's the video Click Here
James B said on 17/Dec/16
Rob do you agree with me that 6ft7.75 peak is pushing it when you see him compared to guys like Sid and Kevin Nash?
Editor Rob
it depends on our estimates for guys like Nash/Sid...I think anywhere in 6ft 7-8 range is arguable, but nearer 6ft 8 is less believable than say nearer 6ft 7.
Mark(5'9.25") said on 16/Dec/16
6'7.75" would suit Undertaker for his peak. Again, not even half close to his 6'10" claim, but not under 6'7" at peak.
Slim said on 15/Dec/16
Some of you guys are as ignorant as they come im afraid. The pic of taker and gunn is being taken from below. So that angle is deceiving. Please let me show you how a 6'2 person as myself stacks up against a 6'7 person. I have pictures. How do I post them here??? I work with a 6 foot 6.5 guy and a 6'9 guy as well. I have a picture with Deontay Wilder who is 6'7!!! Real World.
Strong 5ft9 said on 14/Dec/16
Hey Rob, WWE did used to bill Undertaker at 6'8" as shown in this video at 5:00 back in 2003 (but most likely lasted very shortly). Mind adding that in?
day day said on 14/Dec/16
He was taller than 6'6 spivey and 6'7 sid he also was noticeably taller than 6'5 jake roberts 6'8 peak for taker probably a shade under 6'7 now
James B said on 14/Dec/16
I think 6ft7.75 peak is pushing it slightly when he was 6cm shorter than Kevin Nash.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Dec/16
Rip said on 11/Dec/16
Click Here
How many inches do you think there is between big show and undertaker.


Big Show is looking down and it seems 3.5inches, but Big Show is not in his big soled boots there,
he has pretty flat soled shoes, Taker has a bit bigger sole if you look at the heel range of there shoes,
so with both standing straight and barefoot it would be 3.75-4 inches.
Phenom! said on 13/Dec/16
People shouldn't confuse undertaker peak height either, he was above 6'7" definitely, he was close to 6'7.5", Kane would be about 6'8" in his prime. Undertaker today would be way below that. Undertakers eye level is below that of a guy who is 6'6", his eye level is like of a 6'5.5" person. But the level on top of his head is much higher than a normal person. His head stretches out close to an inch higher than a regular persons head. That would definitely make him over 6'6" today. Today he is 6'6.5"-(6'6") at the lowest.
mrtguy said on 12/Dec/16
Rob, do you think Big Show was 8'1'' Peak??
Editor Rob
8ft 1! 😅 😆

I think that quote by Big Show isn't unreasonable, when he said he was a little over his 20's at 10am he probably did measure it.
Rip said on 11/Dec/16
Click Here
How many inches do you think there is between big show and undertaker.
dicksock said on 10/Dec/16
Mark(5'9.25" said on 9/Dec/16
@dicksock my point wasn't about whether Undertaker was above 6'7" in his peak (which I believe he was a big 6'7" person). My point is that people above 6'6" are usually hard to measure because they're colossal. My friend 'Big Ben' is similar to current 6'7.5" Tyler Mane and Peak Undertaker except he would be at max 1 cm shorter than Peak Tyler Mane and similar to Peak Undertaker. Both guys, I would have a hard time measuring in person alone.


My point was that Taker was never with 1.5" of Tyler Mane. I don't know why you think it's hard to measure and 6'6"+ guy. You just measure them like anyone else. My best friend at one time was 6'4.5" (he claimed 6'5", so I measured him). I'm 5'10", and I was able to measure him pretty easily. I mean it is harder than measuring a person of your own height, but you do what it takes. A few inches wouldn't make much of a difference. Taker obviously never thought he was 6'10". He was billed at 6'8" before WWF for god's sake. He was about 6'7" at his peak and is around 6'6" now. I guarantee it.
Mark(5'9.25" said on 9/Dec/16
@dicksock my point wasn't about whether Undertaker was above 6'7" in his peak (which I believe he was a big 6'7" person). My point is that people above 6'6" are usually hard to measure because they're colossal. My friend 'Big Ben' is similar to current 6'7.5" Tyler Mane and Peak Undertaker except he would be at max 1 cm shorter than Peak Tyler Mane and similar to Peak Undertaker. Both guys, I would have a hard time measuring in person alone.
James B said on 9/Dec/16
Undertaker bent down next to billy gunn does not look over a legit 6'4

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.