Brad said on 12/Jun/07
Amazing photo. Somebody is wearing customs and its gotta be Game, he's 6' 5" in that photo. GGGG-Unot.
Deondre said on 8/Jun/07
The Game is a good 6'5. Look at this pic with him and 50 cent who is 6 ft.
Click Here
Brad said on 13/May/07
Eazy was the best. Jerry Heller ate him alive in the cheese dept., but he threw down the rap. Game is cuffs again.
Brad said on 9/May/07
6' 3". 50 Cent still gets paid from his CD sales so 50 doesn't want to crucify him in diss records stalling his sales like other people Mr. Fifty-Cent has creamed in verse. Better to let Game come on strong and have people buying his material to catch cheese. Smart guy that 50 Cent.
Anonymous said on 4/May/07
he said in french's radiostation ("skyrock") "im 6'3"
Viper said on 3/May/07
So Game could be 6-2?
Brad said on 3/May/07
Get the Stop Snitchin' Stop Lyin' Game DVD....Game looks like a weak 6' 3". Ggggg Unot.
M. Jordan tha 2nd said on 24/Apr/07
Click Here
Kobe is listed at 6'6 but admitted he is actually 6'4- 6'5. Game is not 6'4!
Viper said on 22/Mar/07
Im still not sure how tall he is. Hes looked as short as 6-2 and as tall as 6-6 next to Matt Leinart in pictures.
jay said on 20/Mar/07
Hes easily 6'4 and he most likely weighs 210-220 lbs
JT said on 9/Mar/07
THE GAME is a LAGIT 6.4, i was stood next to him whilst he was on tour in the U.K I am 6.3 bare foot, and he was 1" taller then me...
Geets said on 2/Mar/07
I just saw this dude the other day at Cerritos Mall...its about 10 min away from Compton...I passed right by him and being 6'4 myself I can truly say he's probably the same height. We both had on b-ball shoes. His weight however is another story...definitely not 220 lbs...200lbs max.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 26/Feb/07
well i knew he was 6'5 i tohught he was 255 but that was last year at LSU(when he was only a So.)
Viper said on 26/Feb/07
Actually Jamarcus Russell is 6-5 265.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 25/Feb/07
game is very skinny no way is he 6'5 or 280 get him next to jaMarcus russell of LSU the QB he's 6'5 255lbs his scout combine lsitin then u can see how much a difference there is
M said on 9/Feb/07
I met the guy on 2 seperate occasions up close. He's no shorter than 6'3, no taller than 6'5
J. said on 6/Feb/07
If this guy actually claims 6'5" and 220 lbs, he must have been in a unsober state, when he stated that. No way is he 6'5".
keenan said on 5/Feb/07
your talkin bout wouldn't get far and he did say he was 6-5 220 pounds
mary said on 3/Feb/07
Actually, I saw access granted with The Game's new video and he stated himself "I'm 6'5' and 220 pounds"
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/07
He's not 6'5", and he's most definitely not 280lbs.
d.m.l said on 1/Feb/07
The game is really 6 foot 5 280 pounds because he said it during the making of wouldn't get which came on january 31 2007 on bet
brother_h said on 30/Jan/07
the game is 6'4,mabye because most famous ppl add 1 inch to they're real heights. i think i said that on snoop doggs thing.
but yea the game is 6'4 and snoop rite now is 6'3 i think, maybe just barley 6'4.
in the 90's he was a legit 6'5
hulk hogan wears lifts alot now b/c of his wrestling bio saying he is 6'7
real height 6'4
Anonymous said on 14/Dec/06
america should swithc to the metric system it's so much easier...

Editor Rob
I mention both because outwith america, metric is used...a lot! Hopefully a few folk reading this site are a little more aware of metric equivalents to the feet/inches
Lil D said on 2/Dec/06
I think I saw that picture of Game being taller than Leinart. I might have saw a different picture but Leinart was in the middle with a trophy(possibly Heisman or National Championship) and The Game was farthest on the left. It probably was just a camera trick because its safe to say that Leinart is 6-5, maybe more but no less. I couldn't see him being no less than 6-4 and a half maybe.
CJSmalls said on 30/Nov/06
Snoop is like 6 foot 5 at least because he is about a couple inches taller than the game and he is about 6 foot 4
Ball-A-Hallic said on 5/Nov/06
well how come in the NFl he's listed at 6'4 i mean i think he is a solid 6'5 cause at USC they had him at 6'5 and i cant see him being below 6'4 and that pick proves Game is taller than 6'4 and unless Game is wearin like 2inch timberlands that's all i can think of for him being taller
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
Leinart isnt 6-4 with shoes on. That guy is close to 6-5 barefoot. I seriously cant explain that photo.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 22/Oct/06
Matt Leinart is supposed to be 6'4 with shoes on
Gretz said on 15/Oct/06
This guy isn`t even 6'3" in A picture with currently 6'31/2in. Hulk Hogan he is An inch shorter.
A-DUB said on 14/Oct/06
The Game is around 6'6" because in this pic he is next to Matt Leinart and he is listed as 6'5" on espn and NFL sites...look here
Click Here
KINGCARL said on 12/Oct/06
I don't think The Game is 6'4. My friend is a guest dj on L.A.'s power 106 and met and took a picture w/ The Game. My friend is proabably 5'10-6'0 and the game was only looked about 6'1-6'3, no taller.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
I never met him.but he can look 6-4 next to 50 cent.who is a legit 6ft.
stan said on 3/Oct/06
I think game is a full 6'4, he is a big guy and looks only a little taller than myself.
edgar said on 23/Sep/06
MoZ said on 17/Sep/06
Charles you foo', when game talks about leveling his 6 4 frame out, he earlier talked about 3 wheelin' the 6 4, which is a 64 impala, not his own frame.
Viper652 said on 9/Aug/06
I saw that episode too. I think Game is 6-2.
J-Sinn said on 8/Aug/06
I just watched the game get punk'd and him and ashton are about the same height and ashton's height is listed as 6'2 and a half. So, I dunno. Ashton had some regular sneakers on and so did the game, jordan 13's to be exact. I say he's 6'3 or so.
Ellis said on 5/Aug/06
I've seen on the Game's website Snoop standing next to him and the game was 1 inches to 1.5 inches off snoop who is listed at 6,4
Wadan said on 18/Jul/06
Sometimes ppl's height can change by what their posture is. I'm 6'5 and my bro is 6'6 tho i sometimes look over him because he sometimes stands a bit boggy which will lower him 1 to 2 inches at least.
Charles said on 12/Jul/06
He said it in one of his songs "Start From Scratch"
Level my 6 4 frame out
Ujane, Moscow said on 17/Apr/06
think it is one of the persons who is listed about his possibly true least he looks that tall in the shows, clips, interviews and so on! Respect that honest gyes!
Vincent said on 26/Mar/06
no, game said he was six foot four on hot 97
Mets said on 18/Mar/06
Last summer i was in the Game's gig. I'm a solid 6'4 my self and I swear he wasn't 6'4. Rather somethin around 6'3. I was standin a meter away from him on the same level as him as he hopped off the stage.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 17/Mar/06
Game's 6'4 snoop's 6'3.5 Meth is 6'3 and busta's like 6'1.5 50 he gotta b only 5'11 slim thug's 6'6 and that Charli 2na is 6'7.5
Nick said on 14/Mar/06
Click HereGame is taller than snoop.
M. Jordan tha 2nd said on 14/Mar/06
To big tyme baller. Baron Davis is listed at 6'3 but isnt. He is around 6'-6'1. Most NBA players give themselves an extra few inches. Game is probably about 6'3.
Jake said on 13/Mar/06
My Opinion: The Game is 6'3". Busta Rhymes is a weak 6'2". Method Man is 6'3". Snoop Dogg is 6'3.5". 50 Cent is a weak 6'.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 11/Mar/06
That Charli 2na is like 6'8 or 6'7 i heard
snowy said on 10/Mar/06
DON'T BELIVE THE HYPE! if the game is 6'4 so is Prince! STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!
dave said on 9/Mar/06
the game says he 6 4 on the show about his life and in afew songs and few songs buster ryhmes is also around 6 3 or 6 4
Jake said on 5/Mar/06
The Game is 6'3", 1/2" shorter than Snoop Dogg. They look the same height when The Game has bigger shoes on.
Emily said on 3/Mar/06
in his song Start from Scratch on The Documentary he says:
"level my 6'4" frame out"
big tyme baller!!! said on 1/Mar/06
OK im going to prove that the game is "6,4" ATLEAST!!LOOk at this pic with "6'3" nba star baron davis and look at the pick next to "6'4" snoop...he's taller than snoop by 3/4 to an inch and atleast 2 inches taller than baron davis
young clover said on 11/Feb/06
I know the game is 6foot4 because i have the games documentary and on the dvd he said it himself.
BigDenz said on 11/Feb/06
Isnt the rapper from Jurassic 5, Chali 2na, the tallest rapper ever? I don't know how tall he is, but he looks gigantic.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 3/Feb/06
I kno but they wer untill Slim became popular i kno he's 6'6 but then i guesse now them 4 are the tallest.
wrestling said on 2/Feb/06
Ball-A-Hallic , YOu Said Method Game Snoop Are Talest , But Slim Thug 6'6" Is Taller Then All Of Em
Ball-A-Hallic said on 28/Jan/06
No s*** i do 2 but next year im hopin 4 linebacker or te but i'll probally get put on o-line and d-line again.
6 foot 1.5, 16, still growing said on 28/Jan/06
i play d-tackle
Lil D said on 27/Jan/06
I thought Game was 6-4 but now that I think about he could a half an inch or a lit bit under 6-4 and just rounds up to 6-4.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 26/Jan/06
ok forget about slim thugs weight wat position do u play in football 6 foot 1.5, 16, still growing
Ball-A-Hallic said on 26/Jan/06
He says I'm 255 u a quater once 2 me in Get it started unless it stands for sumthin it us im jus sayin that cuz it sounds right.
6 foot 1.5, 16, still growing said on 21/Jan/06
game is OBVIOUSLY 6 FOOT 2 TO 6 FOOT 2.5 But what we gotta realize is this, my friends, he very well could be 6 foot 3.5 in the morning. I'm suffering from some back problems right now, and I'm 187 centimeters in the morning and 182 centimeters in the night. Because of my spinal cord compression, due to nerve problems and tissue problems, I shrink 2 inches throughout the day. However, my dad only shrinks half an inch throughout the day. So it really depends on their morning height, because when you start get back pains, it can really mess up your height. That's why for height measurements for football, I always find somewhere to lie down and sleep right before it.
6 foot 1.5, 16, still growing said on 21/Jan/06
slim thug don't say he was 255 pounds. bull
Ball-A-Hallic said on 21/Jan/06
Yea slim Thug is 6'6 and 255lbs he says that on songs Still Tippin and Get It Started. Also Method Man I was told is 6'3.5 and is the same height as game while Snoop is supposly 6'4.
biker said on 4/Jan/06
THE game said on "hot 97" the NYC hip hop and R&B radio station he is 6.3

Editor Rob
due a downgrade now?
Danimal said on 18/Dec/05
I read that Snoop was 6'3 1/2" and the Game was shorter than Hulk Hogan, but then again, we didn't see the Hulk's footwear in that photo. He could have been back to wearing his high heels from the eighties that always gave him an extra 3+ inches...
Lil D' said on 16/Dec/05
Snoop and The Game ain't the tallest rappers no more because Slim Thug is 6'6. Snoop is probably 6'4 and 3 quarters and Game is 6'3 and a half.
nieceboo said on 15/Dec/05
game is the most finest person i have ever saw and he is 6-4 and snoop is also fine and he is 6-4 almost 6-5
nieceboo said on 15/Dec/05
i think that Game is about 6-4 even and Snoop is about 6-4.5 because the both look the same height and Snoop always wear flt shoe which is Chucks and both are fine expecially THE GAME!!!!!
Viper652 said on 7/Dec/05
Snoop would have to wear lifts in his shoes to reach 6-5. He is 6-3. Why do people think Snoop is this giant??
UalreadyKnow said on 7/Dec/05
Game is 6'4 snoop is 6'5 the reason they both look the same height is cuz snoop always wears chuck taylors(flat sneakers) and game is always in timbs and
Air Forces(1 1/2 sole).
asap said on 23/Nov/05
you guys are just infatuated by the guy but its no way he's taller than snoop every time i see them snoop is taller ... game probaly is "6,4" but snoops not i am goona get the url because i have a picture with me ,the game, snoop,and my brother ... my brother is a certified "6,6" and game wasnt close to his height but snoop was really close i said when i get a scanner i can put the pic on the pc then make a url ...
Viper652 said on 22/Nov/05
Game looks a good deal taller then Snoop in some of these wireimage pics. Game is 6-4 and Snoop is 6-3.
Mr. R said on 21/Nov/05
A number of my students saw him last week at the fifty cent movie in Burbank, near LA. Apparently, he lives close to me. One of my students who saw him is a pretty solid 6 feet, and said Game was "very tall", so 6-4 is not out of the question.
Lia said on 21/Nov/05
on his documentary that came with the cd he said he is 6'4 so yes he is definately that height
c======8 said on 19/Nov/05
games a solid 6'4" i met him once and im 6' he was about 4 inch taller
=rod said on 17/Nov/05
this is the truth for all u people cuz im 6-5 and seen snoop and the game at the same time snoop is 6-5 and the game is 6-3 maybe 6-3 1/2 snoop is tall not just cuz hes skinny and read methodman is 6-4 1/2 the game is shorter than both .. plus watch starky and hutch snoop is the same height as vince vahn and vince is a certified 6-5 !!
G-UNOT said on 9/Nov/05
Yo when he says level my 64 frame out he means a 64 impala wit hydros not himself lol
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/05
In XXL Magazine 8th Anniversary Issue( coincidentally with the Game on the cover, looking extremely ugly) the writers said that the cover with Snoop and the Game was taken from two seperate pictures of them and put into one photo. So you can't really judge who's taller. Game and Snoop are probably both 6'4. I think Game is not a few cm's taller than Snoop.
Anonymous said on 26/Oct/05
I heard that on one of games songs he says my 6'4 frame. I think it's start from scratch
Ball-A-Hallic said on 28/Sep/05
Game's gotta be a legit 6'4 plus hes pretty skinny(not like snoop dogg)and that makes him look taller so hes gotta b 6'4 but if not than 6'3.5 atleast.
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/05
7I have a pair of AF1's lows and the souls are maybe 1 inch thick. No way they add 2 inches. Game is probably 6'4"
jason said on 21/Aug/05
just because a person looks taller in a picture, does not mean that person is taller then the person he looks taller in the picture! for example snoop looked taller than game in the xxl magazine cover, but when i went to see a concert with snoop and game in person, game looked taller than snoop and that was in my own eyes. i know pictures don't lie, but in person game looked taller than snoop!Seeing it in person is different than it is in photos, but eyes also don't lie! so when i saw game taller than snoop, it is more true because you see it in person!
Ball-A-Hallic said on 4/Aug/05
The Game maybe 6'3.5 but hes always in Tims or AF1s and they add like 1 or 2 inches on so He might be shorter than Snoop but Snoops like 6'4.5 I'd say hes taller than 6'3
Ball-A-Hallic said on 19/Jun/05
I heard that part of the song 2 but wen i heard it I had all ready none Game was 6'4
Ball-A-Hallic said on 17/May/05
Snoop and Game might be the same height cause my cousin showed me a list of top rap stars and it listed bio stuff and it read Method Man-6'3, Snoop Dogg-6'4, and Game-6'4 plus it said those 3 are the tallest rappers posiblly
Anonymous said on 4/May/05
Game looksed taller than snoop on snoops european tour. But yeah he does wear large Timz.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 5/Apr/05
Yeah Game is 6'4 I read a bio on about him and it said how he was a 6'4 shooting guard in high school.