Giant said on 25/Jul/08
I really want to know where you get this 6
Jason said on 20/Jun/08
IMO, 6'3'', peak, is too much - 6'4'' is crazy! I would say not more than 6'2''.
Lebowski said on 7/Jun/08
This one looks like a 3-3.5" difference from the definitely 6'6 hulk hogan (1979) versus DiBiasie. That would make a 6'2.5 to 6'3 Ted DiBiasie in his prime. period!
muta said on 13/Apr/08
There is no way he was only 6'1'' or even 6'2''. I've seen the man standing next to someone 6'1 1/2'' and he was at least two inches taller. This was in 1986 and he was taller than Ultimate Warrior because the
Warrior was Rock of the Blade Runners with Sting who was named Flash at first and they fought Dibiase and Dr. Death. Dibiase was taller than Rock.
Hugh said on 29/Mar/08
Could have been pushing 6ft4 at his peak.
Frank said on 17/May/07
I would say Ted was 6ft 3 peak he did look alittle taller than the 6ft 2ish Donald Trump
muta said on 21/Apr/07
I have no photos. I am only going by my personal experiences of seeing him every week in Shreveport, Louisiana from 1980-1986. The man was definitely six foot four but this was a long time ago. I admit he may be shorter now.
muta said on 24/Dec/06
I still say Ted Dibiase was 6'4'' in his prime and he maybe 6'3'' now but there is no way he has ever been shorter than that. I'm with Danimal.
Viper said on 21/Dec/06
Danimal said he looked close to 6-4 in person. Very strange. Maybe he was wearing lifts.
Jason said on 20/Dec/06
Warrior was 6'1'' at the very, very best BTW.
Lawrence said on 12/Jun/06
The WWF consistantly billed the Million Dollar Man at 6'3, which wasn't much of a stretch, as say Hulk Hogan who was billed at 6'8 and was about three or four inches below that.
Jason said on 10/May/06
Didn't he used to say he was 6'4'' back in the 80s? He didn't become a Born Again Christian until after his ''Million Dollar Man'' days. At any rate, George Bush is an ''authentic Christian'' also. ;) WWE used to bill Dibiase as 6'3'' when he was The Million Dollar Man, I was a fan back when he was still in his old WWF days and I did used to believe it once upon a time until I found out the action in the ring and storylines weren't the only things that weren't real lol. Regardless of whatver Dibiase's real height is/was, it is interesting debating it with you, muta. Sure makes a nice change from the insults and that kind of thing one can unfortunately frequently incur debating stuff like this on the internet. :)
muta said on 9/May/06
Dibiase is a authentic christian who has no reason to lie. The man is 6'4". If that is the case, I guess we can't believe anybody is telling the truth. Everybody must be measured barefoot with a witness present but I can't complain, I love this website and I guess this is what this website is about. I appreciate your comments Jason, your a tough debator.
Jason said on 9/May/06
I wouldn't believe Dibiase because wrestlers are notorious for lying about their height, even in kayfabe let alone on tv playing their character. The guy never looked 6'3'' let alone 6'4''. 90%+ of wrestlers' heights are lied about, not just the big monsters.
muta said on 8/May/06
I was stating my opinion in reference to Mike Tyson's height and a couple of people argued saying if Mike Tyson said he was 5'10", he is 5'10", why is it not the case when Dibiase himself says he is 6'4". He has no reason to lie. It's not like he was this big monster of a wrestler that needed to be billed taller than he actually is.
Jason said on 8/May/06
Dibiase was shorter than both of the Natural Disasters, Earthquake and Typhoon. Typhoon was only 6'3'' -
Click HereDuggan was shorter than Sgt. Slaughter. I saw Slaughter in person in 2003 and he wasn't even a full 6'2'' - about 6'1 1/2''. He couldn't have been over the 6'3'' mark himself when he feuded with and teamed with Duggan in the early 90s.
Click Here
muta said on 7/May/06
Well I am talking 1980-1986. I know my dad is definitely 6'1.5" and I said he looked more than three inches but he may actually been two or two in a half inches taller. I know the Junkyard Dog and Hacksaw Jim Duggan were billed as 6'3" and 6'4" sometimes and he was taller than both of them. I hung out with Jim Duggan about three months ago and he was a legitimate 6'3" at the least.
Jason said on 7/May/06
Ted Dibiase looked more than 3 inches taller than your 6'1 1/2'' father? That would put him at at least 6'5''. Sorry, but Dibiase appearing 6'5'' is what's crazy. The only 6'2''-6'3'' wrestlers Dibiase was taller than are those with 6'2''-6'3'' BILLED heights.
muta said on 6/May/06
Ted Dibiase is definitely 6'4''. I saw him up close in person all the time in the early 80's. My father is 6'1.5" and Dibiase actually looked more than 3 inches taller and the man has said he is 6'4" . I don't know why the WWF billed him as 6'3" and anybody who says he is 6'1" or 6'2" is crazy. I'vc seen numerous of photos with Dibiase with other wrestlers who are 6'2"or 6'3" and he is taller than all of them. If you watch his interviews throughout the years, he never had good straight posture and I will admit that he appears to be an inch shorter or look it anyway but Danimal is correct.
Jason said on 11/Jan/06 - pic 5 of gallery 4 - 6'5'' Jim with Ted. Ted looks 6'2'' max there.
Danimal said on 9/Dec/05
Ted in his prime was 6'3"-6'4"...A friend of mine who now lives in NYC, used to live in Connecticut (headquarters of the WWF) and he used to frequent a restaurant where Ted and Brother Love used to go...My friend is 6'3" and 220 pounds and he felt small next to Ted...In the match against Hulk Hogan in 1979, when Hogan was at least 6'6"-6'7", Ted was only 2-3 inches shorter than Hogan. They gave him a weight of around 250 pounds and by 1985 he was 277 pounds, however during his reign in the WWF, he ranged between 248 pounds and 260, but was always listed at 6'3", but referred to himself as being 6'4" in interviews. I believe it...
J-Dog said on 7/Dec/05
In the picture he actually looks higher than 6'2". Not sure where any skepticism would actually be coming from with Ted? Why? The 6'1.5" is standing straight while Ted is slouching and is still taller.

Editor Rob
I asked the guy in the picture what he thought and he said 6ft 2
Texas Tom said on 7/Dec/05
Dibiase has a history of neck problems, and is well over 50. Probably has lost an inch or so since his prime. I'd give him 6-2 or a shade under now, 6-3 neighborhood back in the day.
wrestling said on 6/Dec/05
ted dibiase is 6'2" 1/2 (189cm) ... and yes hes leaning down ... used to get rated as 6'3" 245 ... not quite there TED ..
J-Dog said on 6/Dec/05
He has always looked a very solid 6'2".
Jason said on 6/Dec/05
Not convinved Ted is a full 6'2'', but he's in the 6'1 1/2'' range.