How tall is Sylvester Stallone - Page 8

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Average Guess (610 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 8.89in (175cm)
Current: 5ft 8.02in (172.8cm)
Shredder said on 15/Jul/17
5'7 Sly is like saying Jaye Davidson is 5'3 ;) lol.
RisingForce said on 15/Jul/17
I think the first Expendables is a great time to judge how tall Sly was because he wore dress shoes a lot, but judging how tall he could still look with Randy Couture in his Hogan sneakers, I don't think he had lost anything by that point. I think people who think Sly has lost an inch only have Sly as a superstar in their mind. When you see him pre-Rocky, he could look shorter. Going by eye level(since they had hats), I thought he looked an inch, maybe 3 cm shorter than 5'10" Ben Gazzara in Capone(1975) for instance. But yous see him tower Woody Allen in the early 70s and it's also clear to me he was closer to 5'9" than 5'8".

For reference, Statham is somewhere from 174-175 cm, perhaps in between at 5'8.75" as Rob lists him. He can't be less than 5'8.5", otherwise Tom Cruise may be the flat 5'7" people insist. Dolph appears in a few 2010 photos and I'd give him 191 cm in 2010 to be safe as it's in between the minimum 6'3" and max 6'3.5" he was at that point.

2010 German photocall: Click Here (Dolph also stands well for once and Sly is not more than 6" shorter)
2010 UK premiere: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
2010 Las Vegas Planet Hollywood screening: Click Here
2010 Ritz Hotel Paris w/ Dolph: Click Here

And as a bonus:

2014 Paris photocall w/ Statham: Click Here

I'm convinced Sly wasn't shorter than Statham and I think it's likely he was slightly taller, especially since he still appeared at least as tall or slightly taller in 2014 when I think a 1/4" loss is pretty likely, but Statham is close enough that considering Statham's posture often isn't very good while Sly has great posture, the difference could have never been much. Outside of his shoes looking flat and normal, if anyone wants, I can post examples of how Sly looks when he does wear lifts with Statham, which I think demonstrates pretty well that he's in normal shoes. Actually, Sly could look 175.5 to 176 cm back in 2010, such as with Dolph, but I think that's just the advantage of impeccable posture making him appear 1 cm taller than he really is at times since a flat 5'9" is the most I'd argue personally as I think he was likely anywhere from 174.5 to 175 cm(5'8.7"-5'8.9"). I think there's a chance that Sly is actually still as tall as Statham today as both could be 174, but it's a shame there are only walking pics from their meeting late last year.
Johan said on 15/Jul/17
Montana said on 12/Jul/17
Click Here

this is the closest Sly and Arnold might have ever looked on TV

Arnold isn't standing straight he is lowering himself. Pause at 3.39 min and look in the screen on stage, he has him by 4 inches.
Harris said on 15/Jul/17
Not to be funny or anything, but its barely even detectable to spot a quarter inch difference. To argue whether Sly was 5'8.75" or 5'9" peak is crazy talk! There's too many variables, for example his use of lifts, posture of others or himself, camera etc...I'd stick with 175 for peak and 173-174 today. He can still look over 5 8 even today!
MJKoP said on 14/Jul/17
Brad said on 13/Jul/17
G held a lot of power on this site and I can't figure out why.....his photos were a joke at 5' 6.5" with 5' 8" listed as the G height. Did G call people loosers (sic)? I bet he's a runner for Mead. I guess runnin' with autograph hunters can change your life, the ones in L.A. are real Stern wack packah types. The black guy with 5 teeth is my favorite.

Who, Beetlejuice? G would make an amazing wack packer...he could contact Howard and include a freeze frame of their two seconds of screentime together in "Private Parts". Yeah, "loosers" was pretty much his insult of choice; conjuring up everything he could possibly do to discredit anyone living on planet earth who dared defy him. Throwing whatever he could at the wall to boost his non-existent authority on x, y and z. In one of the actual phone conversations I had with him(circa 2008ish) he raged over Mamun's presence on the site, complaining that the 'SuperMun' and persona and cape made it so visitors wouldn't "take the site seriously". I've never seen so much audacity elsewhere in my entire life combined.

Nobody had a "looser" grip on reality than the 'G-Man'. Rob, you still up for cosplaying as Mister Freeman? Rise and shine...the Half-Life dude vs. the No-Life dude. :D
Editor Rob
Glenn certainly wasn't happy with that whole Mamoon situation.

He was worried he'd look a fool and that Mamoon would upstage him...Mamoon was infinitely easier to converse with and the whole cape and being aged 17 forever was just a bit of fun I suppose.

Didn't really effect the site, but can effect the site was insulting others...that leaves a worse impression than a guy dressed in a cape who never said anything bad or insulted people.

If Jenny makes me a costume, you never know, one day in the future I may turn up at a local convention as Gordon Freeman, though I'd probably have to trim back to a goatee.
RisingForce said on 14/Jul/17
Considering Weathers could still be a full 6'1"(see my April 19th post on Carl's page of Carl with Philip Winchester), Sly does look 5'8.5" there to me and I believe his shoes are normal, but even by merely having perfect posture, Sly is a guy who can look a bit taller so 5'8.25" is equally possible.

Arnold still had 3" max on Sly at the Terminator Genisys premiere as well. Video: Click Here Full pic: Click Here I'd bet they have similar shoes there as well. One reason I'm so convinced is the comparison I just posted of Sly in what I believe to be subtle lifts with Arnold only a year earlier in Macau(where Sly is wearing red and white). Even considering I'm pretty sure Sly lost 1/4" to 1/2" in that year, I think the difference is striking enough to demonstrate my point.
Des said on 14/Jul/17
In '98, a girl I met said she recently met Sly, & was shocked he was short. I replied no way, since he looks tall in movies, but she insisted he was not tall. She said he was MUCH shorter than me, & I'm exactly 174 cm / 5 foot 8.5 inches. My shoes would have added 1-2 cm, so I'd have been 175-176 cm. So my guess for Sly would be around 172-173 cm in shoes. That's accounting for the girl thinking he's much shorter, as to be fair, she was tiny (petite, low 5 foot range), so from her perspective, a small height difference would look large. So my guess for Sly is barefoot around 170-171 cm.
MJKoP said on 14/Jul/17
I'm going to let it all go now. Even though there's SOOO much more that I could say and show that would only further reinforce what I've already relayed to you, I'm sure that by now everyone can more than get the picture. I've gotten a LOT more joy from posting and contributing here than from any G interactions EVER, let alone post-2009. Rob actually has a brain in his head, and dealing with him never feels like a chore. With G, the "chore" was always tantamount to walking through an active slight misstep, and you're incinerated. "Glenn, is it even remotely possible that you could be 5'7.9999999999999999999999999999999999999 instead of the full 5'8?" *KABOOM!!!!!!!* :D
loka said on 14/Jul/17
I think Rob is right with this Page : a good 174cm now and a strong 175cm peak...
RisingForce said on 14/Jul/17
MJKoP: Yeah, after I realized Glenn didn't know how tall he was himself and started to question more of his estimates, some of them became downright silly at times. For instance, saying Stallone, Mel Gibson, Colin Farrell etc. are 5'10" is one thing as that's how tall they claim and certainly can look with bigger footwear, but seeing Glenn now in Stallone's case(and would undoubtedly say the same for others as he estimates them all at 5'11" instead of their claimed 5'10") makes a point of saying NOT 5'9" OR 5'10", but 5'11", it gets ridiculous as he's literally now telling Sly himself, "no you're wrong, you're taller than you claim." It kind of reminds me of when he asked Gary Sinise how tall he was, Sinise replied he was 5'8" and Glenn said something to the effect of "you seem taller because I'm 5-8" and if I'm not mistaken, Glenn said Sinise just kind of looked at him. That always was a problem with Glenn and others like Frank2 have had it at times. An absolute certainty what they were saying was fact and not just an opinion open to error, albeit an educated one in that they had seen the person in question. It's one thing when you're friends with someone to not bring up a sensitive area like their height, but when you post on a website dedicated to it, your photos are being used as a reference and someone, perfectly innocently at times asks if you're certain about your height, it's certainly not a question to attack someone over.

@Montana: Good video, I forgot about that one. It's probably the best comparison we have of Sly next to Arnold back when Arnold was still pretty much at his peak height. Of course, Sly looks a good 5'10.5" or so, maybe 5'11" with a still near 6'1.5" Arnold so he must have lifts, but it's also obvious he's well over 5'7".
Brad said on 13/Jul/17
G held a lot of power on this site and I can't figure out why.....his photos were a joke at 5' 6.5" with 5' 8" listed as the G height. Did G call people loosers (sic)? I bet he's a runner for Mead. I guess runnin' with autograph hunters can change your life, the ones in L.A. are real Stern wack packah types. The black guy with 5 teeth is my favorite.
RisingForce said on 13/Jul/17
I agree, Rob. I also see 173-174 range with Weathers. MJKoP, I tend to agree with when Sly lost height. I don't think he lost anything through 2012 and The Expendables 2 and through the Expendables 3, I think we're talking 1/4" loss at most, but 2015 is when I think that Sly started looking more strong 5'8" than weak 5'9". I don't think he's gotten shorter since 2015. I still say he's probably only lost half an inch, maybe 2 cm tops. Not bad for 70+, but then he's still in incredible shape and has great posture. As for Glenn, I got along with him because we had some common ground like music, but I noticed he likes to think it's a competition of how much music he knows or owns. I'm not crazy about that mindset since it's just supposed to be about enjoyment for me. I would say I think Rob's right to maybe not go for screencaps and all that simply because you said you have anxiety, so do you really need to be worrying about someone you don't think very highly of? I'd actually say the same thing to Glenn and his silly Andrew Garfield post calling Rob a "height troll" for listing Garfield 5'10.5" instead of the 5'11" Glenn thinks he is. These back and forth arguments, especially indirectly through the internet will be much more stressful and nasty than they need be.

@Real Anonymous: Thanks, I appreciate your comments as well.
MJKoP said on 13/Jul/17
Forgot to add: Even if some third(fourth or fifth) party would so much as "like" a reply on fb of someone who was politely telling Glenn that what he was saying is completely uncalled for, he'd STILL unleash his vitriolic practices on literally anyone his limited convoluted mind deemed to be an "enemy", when they had absolutely no involvement in whatever debate or argument otherwise.
Note: I realize that the adverb "literally" may very well be the most overused and therefore misused word in the English language, but I have no choice but to continue implementing it into my descriptions, because what I'm describing might otherwise be LITERALLY unbelievable. It's simply that he is LITERALLY the most undiplomatic and uncivil person I have ever encountered(and that is actually saying a LOT!).

I am ashamed and embarrassed to have stood by him for so long, but I need to admit my own mistakes and blunders by being brutally honest about everything.
Editor Rob
I'm certainly a little bit surprised at the 180 degree turn, as I know over the years you were a vehement supporter. I admire your honesty about it.

I wouldn't feel ashamed over it, we all can look back at periods in life and think 'what the hell were we doing', be it a relationship, friend, job or interest.

Sometimes you reach a tipping point and realise enough is enough and that it's time to move on. On this page, maybe it is also best we do that too (which is why I advise against linking to any screencaps πŸ‘).
Montana said on 12/Jul/17
Click Here

this is the closest Sly and Arnold might have ever looked on TV
MJKoP said on 12/Jul/17
I know you have no reason to believe me, Rob, but I 100% did post that on his wall. Scouts' honor(w/ three fingers). You can check my fb page and see he's no longer on my lists of connections. I would've screencapped it, but I sent it and then blocked him before I had the chance. I'm sure it's deleted by now, and by the time I realized that I hadn't documented it properly(about literally one second after I blocked him), it was too late, and figured it would be in my best of interests to force myself to ignore whatever juvenile and mean-spirited retaliations he'd no doubt try to muster up. I only had a copy of the text I wrote because I typed it up in an MS Word Document so I wouldn't accidentally hit the "enter" key I've done many a time in the "passed". ;)

It was a daily occurrence that this social reject would instigate fights with those on music groups, 100% unprovoked. Someone would say, 'I personally prefer X to Y' and G would immediately butt in and colorfully express why the dude's opinion was completely wrong. And then continue to up the ante when someone would call him out for an unwarranted personal attack, culminating in a hateful back and forth(mostly "forth", if you catch my drift) exchange that could for last hours on end. I've lost count of how many times he'd dwell on someone not having a profile picture "loser coward who wont show his face hiding behind a screen talks big but doesnt know **** about anything" or when they DO have pictures, Glenn will pull no punches in saving and uploading whatever public photos the poor sap has; Glenn going on about how fat, ugly, disgusting him/her and their spouses and children are....all while his Gary Oldman(some irony in that name) duckfaced pic from the early 1990's remains his cherished avatar to this very day.

And when the Discovery Channel would post a promotional video about an upcoming BigFoot documentary? Fuggedaboutit!!!

I'm not even joking or exaggerating about ANY of this. This is actually the type of guy we were dealing with around here. Glenn apparently blackmailed Rob into deleting numerous comments and even banning multiple users, threatening to take all of his pictures with him. Glenn Cunningham is the epitome of what is wrong the Internet as well as our society as a whole.

I honestly think that Rob's facetious headline: 'Scottish Man found bludgeoned to death in hotel by Stadiometer.' is way closer to the truth than anyone would ever want to acknowledge or accept.

Go the Billie Joe Armstrong page and read the log from "Billie Joe Armstrong said on 7/Sep/06" to "Glenn said on 4/Dec/06". I was "anonymous" on 11/Oct/06 and 14/Oct/06; hopefully y'all can recognize my writing style. That was probably my very first EVER post on celebheights, or at least the first time I ever addressed Glenn. Should've trusted my gut instinct from more than a decade ago.

I still may not agree with everything Brad does and says, but I'll graciously concede that he had G down to a T before any of us ever did.
Editor Rob
I haven't read many old comments on here, but I read those you mentioned and it is a good example of G being quick with the insult and cussing.

If you feel somebody insults your intelligence, or they have a different opinion of music, there are better ways of handling it than flying off the handle!

As for Stallone's height...till mid 60's I feel he held onto his height pretty well, but last 5 years I think he succumbed to losses.
MJKoP said on 12/Jul/17
Also, I can't believe I wrote "passed" instead of "past". Perhaps I really DID have way too much G exposure. Well, we all know for a fact that "G" doesn't stand for Grammar. ;P
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 12/Jul/17
Hey MJKoP... its good you stood up for yourself. Life is to short to take abuse like people like little G
I got Banned a couple of times because i wouldn't take his BS... Little G was the classic keyboard warrior that would
crap his pants if you ever ran into him.

Hey Rising you always bring up good points and i respect the detail and thoughts you take the time to post in here
loka said on 12/Jul/17
what do you think Rob ? Would you give Sly the 1 cm that he seems to have over you ?

Click Here
Editor Rob
beside Carl I can't see Sly any less than 173 minimum, and 174 is possible with him.
Brad said on 12/Jul/17
Weak 5-8 but that Serena shot is amazing. I hated G height lies. If I met him I'd gab about Festah, Blinky and the rest of the 30 Rock "wack pack" from '83 I bumped into. He shoulda put a Nikon around his neck and Pap'd the real non red carpet stuff like Tupac. More money there, you hold the negative rights. Hey, I voted for Trump, G knows Trump got things done in the Big Apple. On welfare? Rare Trump supporter indeed. What is "his wall"? Dreyfuss wanted like 70 bills at the Hollywood Show last Saturday.....I was told he needs loot bad and does shows all over. Didn't look happy, Beav' and Wally did.
andre said on 12/Jul/17
stallone no more then 169cm 170cm barefoot at night with lift he reach 179cm
RisingForce said on 12/Jul/17
loka, Sly, this year and Rob are very close in height, that's for sure. Both solid 5'8". Although both Sly and Weathers stand straight in the shot of them while both Carl and Rob are leaning so it's not an exact comparison. But as Weathers is still around 6'1", Sly isn't under 5'8" with him. Likely 5'8.25"-5'8.5", imo and probably would still just edge out Rob.

Real Anonymous, I agree on Sly's height. Not under 5'8", but debatable whether he reached a full 5'9", though I think he was at least close to it. But while I think 1 cm, maybe half inch lifts can be virtually undetectable, I have to disagree when we get up to an inch. I'm not going to say it's impossible as I don't have access to the resources Sly does, but I'll say I believe with some types of shoes, it's far less likely than him being liftless. For basically any recognizable celeb, not just Sly, money isn't really an issue as they're all worth tens or hundreds of millions, while even expensive shoes are hundreds to a few thousands. Take Tom Cruise for instance who has the same resources. He'll have subtle 1.8"-2" type elevator shoes at times that almost nobody will notice, but the signs are there as the front isn't so flat and if his pant leg comes up, you can see his ankle is high while the shoes aren't as low cut as some dress shoes. Rob posted an example of Tom on a talk show recently. There are examples where midsole technology gets you more height out of the same size lift, but in some cases where Sly's pant leg has been up enough to show they're low cut and the heel on the shoe isn't even as big as some normal dress shoes, I see no real benefit to doing that since that's the type of detail not all celebheights users will pick up on, much less ordinary people. I can't think of anything that could make one's ankle not appear too high as well, so in at least the cases where the ankle is visible, I'd rule it out. In cases like the pic of Sly above with his brother back to back, that's a shoe that looks pretty normal, but could be an elevator. That type of shoe wouldn't surprise me, but those flatter ones with no type of an angle, I just don't see much. I think it adds up a lot better as well because there's a big difference between Sly when we see him in lifts and when we at least think he's liftless. Take the Guardians of the Galaxy premiere for instance. You guessed those at 2.5"-3" among viewing, I said I believe 2.5"-2.7" so we largely agreed on the range. And he's looking at least a solid 5'10" in them, yet in a lot of the dress shoes months before, he's looking closer to 5'8", maybe 5'8.5" tops. This was similar to when Sly first started wearing more normal looking footwear again around the first Expendables. You take any event in dress shoes and he's a couple of inches shorter than 5'11" guys like Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke and maybe barely edging a guy like Statham at 5'8.5", but then he brings the Hogan shoes out of retirement at Comic Con 2010 and suddenly he's at least as tall as 5'11" minimum Randy Couture. However, there are examples where Sly has done something at least similar to what I think you're talking about.

At this 2014 event, his shoes look normal at first glance, but he looks taller than he usually does in normal shoes: Click Here
Similar at this event at the end of 2014: Click Here

Actually, the second one with Tom Jones may be an even better example since I do think you can see those aren't as low cut or quite the same as a lot of his dress shoes. Those are cases where I think Sly had subtle lifts, but then he looks around 5'10". He actually looked at least as tall with Tom Jones that day as Mel Gibson did in cowboy boots and there are videos of the event to confirm all this, so this all does suggest he's worn some very subtle lifts. But remember, not all of Sly's shoes are custom, or even elevator shoes. Outside of the Hogan sneakers, there are also those Prada shoes he's worn at times in recent years. It's odd because he looked taller than Van Damme in them and not too much shorter than Arnold, who had a decent heel himself. Those are fairly low cut, but he looked closer to Van Damme's height in the dress shoes and farther from Arnold's height. I do think we have to look carefully at Sly's shoes before assuming anything, but I really think he's been liftless a lot the last 8 or so years.

MJKoP, when I was still in touch with Glenn, I did think he could get upset over some childish and petty things that really surprised me. I have nothing against Glenn to this day, but he can be a difficult guy to get along with over some stuff that I thought was a non-issue. I know he has his demons, as we all have ours and I think his manifest themselves in stress or lashing out.
MJKoP said on 11/Jul/17
Hey, Brad(and Rob and all other pertinent parties): I had a serious wake-up call today. I'd like to apologize to you; I owe you one, big time. No joke. I've hated Glenn for a very long time without even fully realizing it...until now, that is. You were well within your bounds to say everything you said to and about him...and then some. Same thing goes for me, because my blind delusions of allegiance to him. I'll let some pictures do the talking. Btw, that was my 3rd post in about 1/2 an hour, and the only one that asked for or warranted a reply. Before that, I hadn't commented in weeks because of....well, I think you can all see why. And, yes, that is him liking his own post just like he does for literally all of his two dozen-plus(no exaggeration) daily wall posts.

Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
you mean, after all these years you unfriended him?

I can empathise with the volatility of Glenn as I dealt with it here and in probably a thousand emails over the course of the 4 years he was active.

Going off the handle at friends the way he seems to do, and over something as petty as a comment on a Bigfoot* video, is a bit 😲

* actually I seen Glenn mention it as "not a Bigfoot,but certainly is a hairy hominid of the most sinister it was proven to be impossible to hoax,eyeball wise."

Maybe this Hairy Hominid is just a Sinister 'TV License' Inspector, peering through people's windows looking to see if anybody is watching BBC One without a TV license 😱
loka said on 11/Jul/17
I did this... I don't know if it's legit or not.

Rob, Sly and Weathers !

I think it shows that sly has 1 cm (perhaps a little more) on Rob (who is a strong 173 cm).

Click Here

Click Here
MJKoP said on 11/Jul/17
Pierre said on 11/Jul/17
@RisingForce=RisingForce you write Ellen is a solid 5"8',who has measured her?

He said solid 5'6", and I don't think she's even that low.
Frankie68 said on 11/Jul/17
I agree with real annonyomous ,, if serena is in fact 5'9 ,, Sly would be 5'7 flat ,, cause like real annonyomous said ,, 1inch heel & 1 inch lift ,, his foot does pivot ,,not much to be fair ,, but it does pivot up ,, shes in really flat shoes ,, & appears to big a much bigger person body wise ,, he looks frail next to her ,, theres no way hes 5'8 1/2 just because of the 1 inch heel ,, so if he has a lift in that shoe ,, he will clearly be 5'7 ,,,
RisingForce said on 11/Jul/17
I agree, Parker, loka and Richard, but I do think we have to see photos with feet visible or videos to determine how tall Sly actually looks in lifts. Otherwise, there's photos like this: Click Here If Tom Arnold hadn't lost any noticeable height by late 40s then he'd be 6'2" in his sneakerss and Sly appears slightly taller in what were by no means 3.5"-4". This is the type of reason I erred years ago in thinking Sly was a legit 5'10". Similar here with 6'0"-6'0.25" Denzel Washington: Click Here Click Here (Sly had Hogan sneakers, so maybe 2.5"-2.7" with lifts, so he couldn't have actually been standing 6'0.5"-6'1" in them)

There are quite a few others like that where Sly manages something similar. In 2010, Sly managed to look taller than 6-foot Adrien Brody in pics as well. But there wide shots and video comparisons that show Sly genuinely passing for about 5'11", in fact, Rob use to have a note on this page that mentioned Sly could pass for that height. I just posted the 2010 Comic Con pics and videos where Sly seems at least as tall as Randy Couture, who Rob lists 5'11.5". Granted, Couture looks to have more 2 cm type shoes while Sly has his Hogan sneakers and Couture could be more 5'11"-5'11.25" himself, but there's plenty of evidence of Sly being able to look that height.

Bruce Willis is still somewhere 180 cm range, imo. Whether he's still a full 5'11" or has dropped to 5'10.75" is the question, but those pics were from 2006 and 2010, respectively. Arnold was a solid six footer in 2006, but I'd say more weak 6 footer by 2010, perhaps already into that 5'11.5"-5'11.75" range. Mickey Rourke more a solid or flat 5'11", don't know about today.

How tall Sly passes on here depends on how tall you think Vince McMahon was at 59 years old: Click Here Click Here

I think Vince was still near 6'1". There's pretty good video footage of Sly and Hulk Hogan that day as well: Click Here If Hulk was about 6'3.5" then I'd say Sly passes for about 5'11" with him.

As for Sly's arms, well in that Playboy interview in '78, he claimed to have a 73 inch reach, but that's the same interview he claimed to be 5'10.75" in so take that for what you will, but I do think Sly has a relatively long torso/arms and relatively short legs. Not disproportionately short as we saw barefoot next to his wife Jennifer, but it made him a perfect candidate for lifts as that made his legs match his relatively long torso. Particularly when Sly bulked up from about 2004-2008 and was between 190-215 pounds plus wearing lifts everywhere, he gave the illusion of a legitimately big man. If you see him by himself in the last Rambo for instance, I would have thought he was a six footer. Mel Gibson is pretty similar. You can see this in the gym photos when he got in shape for Expendables 3.

But I would add one thing to what Parker said. Sly went liftless a lot between late 2008/early 2009 and 2014, but would still wear big footwear on some occasions for promo appearances, usually more casual ones and he did appear liftless at virtually every event between 2015 and early 2017, but he clearly decided to wear them for Guardians of the Galaxy. He pulls off looking taller than his brother Frank here: Click Here As long as Frank is still relatively close to the 5'10.5" Rob lists him at, Sly can still easily pass for over 5'10". Same thing here with Michael Rooker, who is listed here at 5'9", but probably 5'8.5" these days: Click Here

So I think Parker was right about Sly being liftless, but it looks like he's started again for Guardians. I don't know of one 5'7" man who can pass that height so he's still clearly somewhere between 5'8" and 5'8.5". As for Serena, McEnroe and Lindsay Davenport apparently thought she was 5'10.5"-5'11". She's obviously not, but she could definitely be 176 cm. Serena in heels has made an apparently 6-foot Common look quite small.
Pierre said on 11/Jul/17
@RisingForce=RisingForce you write Ellen is a solid 5"8',who has measured her?
bernie said on 11/Jul/17
We know Frankie68's opinion is 170cm, maybe right maybe not..; but wachting the pic with S. Williams, ok hes a tad shorter, but for S. Williams at least to me 175cm is not enough. Standing besides Mcenroe (180cm) , shes nearly his height, max. 1inch difference. Standing straight shoulder to shoulder with Angelique Kerber, Serena has easily 3 inches on her, significantly longer legs, much higher shoulders. Shes more 5'10" than 5'9"! Can't see also much height advantage concerning sly's shoes.., so 5'7" does not fit....
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 10/Jul/17
The Serena Williams pics are quite interesting. Thanks for posting them Parker.
I think its is quite possible that Sly could have a one inch lift in that shoe. I think that shoe could be built up not quite like a high top but enough where the back of the foot did'nt stick out and the shoes look relatively normal. Sly has the very best Taylors and shoe makers and money is not an issue.
I cant see him being under 5'8...
I think he has proven to be the hardest guy to be pinned down regarding height.
Regardless of his height ive been a huge fan since Rocky 1
RichardSpain said on 10/Jul/17
Parker, thanks for sharing with us the pics. As we can see Sly is near 5'11 with lifts sure.

174 cm barefoot. So lifts give him around 5 cm .

And our friend Willis is under 5'11 nowadays maybe he is a strong 179cm .
Arnold 181 /182 cm sure.

Good team and good moments gave us
Loka said on 10/Jul/17
I agree with Parker. And I add : a 5.7 guy could have Never entered the ring against Carl Weathers or Dolph Lundgren... Never... Even not Antonio Tarver in Rocky 6. His arms in Over The Top have Never appeared short also. His 5.9 daughters and wife are not way taller than him in any pic. Several pics of him barefeet with his wife show the same 5.9 height. All in all, 175 cm peak and 174 now is the most rational height we could give. This being said, i saw on the web, myself, people claiming he is only 5.7 But i really dont see how it's possible. He Never appeared That short in any pics even barefoot. Brigit Nielsen said the truth : 174-175. And with HGH it's not sure That Sly lost a whole centimeter yet.
Brad said on 10/Jul/17
His Rambo boots in each film built him up big time.
RichardSpain said on 10/Jul/17
I watched movie "first Blood" last weekend and to me Sly seems 179 cm in his boots next to Crenna, also Stallone always with his" tall hair" good advantage and trick!

So ...175/176cm in peak to Silvester Stallone is very credible not less.

Nowadays he is under 175cm it is sure, but the question is ; how tall is Silvester today?
well , no difficult guess it because he seems taller than 170cm but smaller than 175 cm,so we can give him today 173 cm barefoot.
Parker said on 10/Jul/17
@Frankie - You are entitled to your opinion but a 5'7 guy could never pull off 6ft unless he's on stilts
Click Here
Click Here

You can clearly see when he is not wearing lifts
Click Here
Click Here

In fact, he looks to have virtually dispensed with lifts completely in recent years. If you put even 1cm in those shoes with Serena his heel would be falling out of the back of the shoe - the outer heel looks less than an inch to me. 5'8 - 5'8.5 looks bang on the nose for his height.Only my opinion of course.
RisingForce said on 9/Jul/17
Look at how Sly looks these days on video with Ellen who is a solid 5'6": Click Here And here's a photo from that appearance: Click Here If Sly were 5'7", even today, he'd be just a little taller, instead, you can see he still clears 5'8" in comparison. And just to show, he had flat shoes: Click Here To show how we know he wasn't wearing lifts a lot of the times, here's another appearance on Ellen: Click Here Flat and low cut. And on that appearance, he went with flat, liftless shoes without much of a heel even with 6'3" Gabby Reece appearing on the show.

He's somewhere right around Rob's listings and the average guesses of 164 people. There's a mountain of evidence to support this at this point. I'm not concerned with whether someone wants to guess 5'8.5" or 5'9" peak or 5'8" flat or 5'8.5" today, or somewhere inbetween either, but the 5'7" stuff is baseless. You hear it for countless average to low average leading men and action stars, both past and present.
loka said on 9/Jul/17
There are several Pics of sly and serena williams both in flat shoes and they don't really show serena towering over sly. I'm not sure at all that Serena is a real 5.9 girl... She looks more 176-177 cm when she's next to Nadal and Federer for example. Not saying that Sly is over 5.9 but Serena is an athlete who downgrades a bit her height IMO. The Pics confort me that Sly could still be around 175 cm Guy even at 71...

Click Here

Click Here
Brad said on 9/Jul/17
Rambo boots wedged up each film. The Serena knock-out photo. Yes, weak 5' 8", maybe 5-7 and 7/8....yes under 5-8.
RisingForce said on 9/Jul/17
Only Frankie could see Sly at 5'7" there and could see a possibility of lifts in shoes that thin. He really wants Sly to be 5'7". Those are thinner type dress shoes, similar to the ones he wore with Gibson, who had at least 1.5" heels, btw. Serena is a solid 5'9", possibly 176 cm as the average guess on her page is actually above that. Add near a 1/4" for her flats and she's between 5'9.25"-5'9.5". Sly isn't any shorter so given 0.8"-1" type shoes, he's 5'8" minimum and 5'8.5" max today, just like everyone without an agenda thought.
RisingForce said on 9/Jul/17
Brad, I posted one sometime probably within the last 5 years of Sly on his toes with his wife in heels, so he has done it. Probably more than that, but that's the clear shot I remember. Funny thing is Snipes and Kellan Lutz were doing it with Sly!

berta, I always thought he looked an easy 5'11" in that film, if not slightly taller, but his boots were noticeably bigger than in Rambo 2 when he didn't look that much shorter with a tall cast, but was shorter than Rambo 3. It also helped that Sly had gained 13-15 pounds of muscle since Rambo 2. A poster on a Stallone forum bought the Rambo 3 boots at an auction and confirmed they had lifts in them - he didn't say how big. But he measures up quite well to 6'1" Richard Crenna in the film. Not even 2" at times. Crenna could have lost a small fraction of course, but since he looked good and fit at 60 and had good posture, he may have not lost anything. Fwiw, in this on set photo, Sly looks 5'11" if David Morrell was the 5'9.5" he told me he was back then: Click Here If you're wondering about Morrell's impression of Sly's height he told me that Sly struck him as being the same height as he was, but the "sturdy Rambo boots", as he called them, made Stallone taller.
Frankie68 said on 9/Jul/17
Great pics with serena williams !! He's clearly shorter than her & her flats give here no height advantage at all & sly has dress shoes on with a minimum 1 inch heel & a very possible surprise inside the shoe !!! He's 5'7 flat !!
berta said on 9/Jul/17
i saw rambo 3 yesterday and if i wouldnt know better i would have thought he was almost 180 cm tall. But of course that was because of perfect posture and lifts
burby said on 8/Jul/17
Weak 5'8" next to Serena in flats...
Brad said on 8/Jul/17
I've never seen the "on toes" Stallone. I wonder if one exists. Good shot with Serena, 5' 8" he is.
RisingForce said on 8/Jul/17
Slim, shhhh, people are going to start thinking we're the same person...I'm even what you could call slim myself! But I'm 181 cm only in my dreams, or possibly with very large heels and lifts!

I'd say he was weak 5'9" range, likely through at least the first 2 Expendables. I give him the range Brigitte Nielsen did now. 175 would be 5'8.9" and between 174-175 would be 5'8.75". That looks right to me and I could see him holding onto that possibly as late as 2014, but then definitely lost some height in 2015 and is now somewhere in the 173-174 range, imo. I saw him in normal shoes enough with guys like Statham, Van Damme and Snipes to know he wasn't shorter and is definitely taller than a guy like Banderas. He couldn't have been much less to pull off 5'10.5"-5'11" regularly in those Hogan sneakers, which Rob concurred could have given him maybe 2.5"-2.7" with lifts, but no more as they're too low cut and he'd be falling out of them with any more of a lift. The shortest he could be peak and currently, imo would be 5'8.5" and 5'8", respectively.
RisingForce said on 8/Jul/17
Parker, I'd definitely say 6" minimum on Hart. In the photo you posted, posture is similar to mine, but Hart seems to be closer as the photo is taken from his side. Hart is leaning a bit again, but he's standing in front of Sly: Click Here Sly had a looser stance himself in this pic, you can drop height in your hips if you turn to the side like this: Click Here

I agree he's the height listed, Parker. Possibly down to 5'8.25" barefoot, but then 5'8.5" still looks possible at times as well. Those are thin shoes, perhaps even just 2 cm type though Serena has probably 1/4" type flats. It's difficult finding a pic where there's no noticeable camera advantage or posture advantage, but I think this one should give a pretty good idea: Click Here Both are dropping some height there, Sly in his upper body, Serena in her legs. He's 1 cm max taller in their footwear, but the footwear difference is bigger than 1 cm so Serena is a fraction taller than Sly these days. Unfortunately, I couldn't find video of the two, that would really tell us, but good find regardless.
Slim 181 cm said on 8/Jul/17
RisingForce, I guess we agree on Stallone as well...

Definitely ticked off 5'8.5, but was he ever a weak to medium 5'9??
Parker said on 8/Jul/17
I think Hart is losing height in your pic Rising, I reckon he's 5-6 inches shorter than Stallone.
Click Here

These pics with a self confessed 5'9 Serena Williams I think are more representative
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

As listed IMO. He may just hit 5'9 in the footwear he has with Venus, but I doubt they give him anything over an inch.
Brad said on 7/Jul/17
DeNiro has shrunk. He's never been a lift guy. Sly's wedged up boxing shoes in each Rocky are obvious. Guess he wanted to top DeNiro in the ring.
RisingForce said on 7/Jul/17
Frankie is running out of material. I've already shown Sly without lifts in Cop Land to be slightly taller than a 5'8.5" De Niro in 1997 and noticeably taller now. He's actually right about De Niro's height. These days he's 171 cm, imo and probably 5'7.5" for Grudge Match and Sly in dress shoes was at least 1.5" taller: Click Here Even De Niro's hat doesn't make him as tall. Sly was an inch taller than Arkin too: Click Here Note Sly also has 7" on Kevin Hart who doesn't even come up to Sly's nose. Still 5'8.5" minimum in 2013.

Brad, that's gotta be mostly Sly on toes and/or positioning himself closer to the camera, which others like Pitt, Vin Diesel and Mel Gibson have a habit of doing. We always must see their feet!
Brad said on 6/Jul/17
Who is this masked Michael Jackson? Are you associated with the Bronx G? A female? Ever see the photo of G with Abe Vigoda? That's my G fave photo cause he looks confused by Abe and he got shined for a graph. G coulda made more munny taking 35MM candids than graphs. He'd own the negative rights. Most of his shots are non red carpet, the ones magazines want. I sold some 110 Kodak strip negatives for a ton. Bundy n me, man (or lady) you really are getting wild. Feb. '75 Winter High School break, Victorian house with rooms with bunk beds for $15 a night. He was in another room shacked with his next prize though I checked photos, she wasn't missing. The rare things he said to me was "I don't ski" and "This F'er hates snow, I carry chains". "You can't do S here after skiing under 18 so why are you here?", "That cookie shop is cool" (years later I laughed and thought of Anthony Perkins saying "That cookie shop is killer")."I like Oly (Olympia Beer)" I remember telling Matt Lauer (he was in my home room at GHS) you ought to check that place out this winter but under 18 it sucks in Aspen. Leonardo ought to curl his hair and star in the movie. He could use the cookie shop line. Great shot Rising of Sly and a legit 6' 3.5" Chevy Chase...that might be the most baffling shot of Sly I've seen! A 5' 8.5"er! On toes? Mega boots by an Italian shoemaker? I stood next to Chevy in '08, he's legit tall. I'm in L.A. now for another Hollywood Show. Maybe Super Mamun will show up. Except the Beav, it is the same tired guests and higher autograph prices. Hey Supe, they need to get Ray Courts to ramp up his shows in Burbank again....this one is getting worse.
Frankie68 said on 6/Jul/17
Anybody in this forum ever look at the pics from grudge match ,, A 5'9 alan arkin clearly taller than Stallone ,, even in his laughable wedged up boxing shoes !! Alan Arkin is wearing very ordinary shoes ! Furthermore , sly bearly edges out a very shrunk 5'7 -5'7 1/2 Robert DeNiro in that same pic !! DeNiro's boxing shoes are as flat as a dime & Sly's are wedged up to the max !!! 5'7 for me Max for Sly !!! DeNiro has shrunk horribly & has the worst posture ive ever seen !! Look up the pics ,, go to grudge match 's pics !! Very evident !!!
MJKoP said on 6/Jul/17
Brad said on 5/Jul/17
Joe Walsh for president. Gee saying both Spears will turn into foxes is a nice thing to say. I met Ted Bundy in Aspen in '75 (not joking) he was in the same flop house when I was ski bumming. He wasn't creepy. He drove a beat up Herbie VW n loved the cookie shop. Yes, he had females around him. When I found out! I'm not a teenage Lou Costello lookalike. I'd do a photo but my computer is too old to attach. Maybe soon to Rob to attach. Mamun was really cool. He lloked like Super Mamun! Where'd he go?

LOL, and you made fun of Glenn for *his* spelling and gramm....WAIT - did you just compare yourself to TED FREAKING BUNDY?!?!?!?!?!?! I think I should make peace with you now, Brad, before I end up in.....pieces. :O
RisingForce said on 5/Jul/17
No you can't, Frankie. Read Rob's page on elevator shoes. Sly didn't have anywhere near a 1.5" heel at Cannes, more like 1" just like Gibson and a 1" lift will show a bulge in that type of shoe. You could just as easily assume Gibson was in lifts, but there's no proof either was. Video is better than pics are as well and you can find pics of either looking taller, which suggests they're very close. At the one event you obsess over and misrepresent, Gibson himself had these heeled boots: Click Here while Sly had these flat dress shoes: Click Here That's an absolute minimum 1 cm footwear advantage for Mel. Btw, You never support any of your ridiculous assertions and if you knew what you were talking about, you'd know that a 1.5" heel and 1" lift doesn't get you 2.5" because of your foot pivoting. Most people think Sly and Gibson are or were within a fraction of each other. They managed to make Sly in Cobra measure up at least as well to Brigitte Nielsen as Mel Gibson did to Sigourney Weaver, who is shorter than Brigitte. Plus, Sly measured up better to Kurt Russell and Sly in cowboy boots was more than inch taller than Geoffrey Lewis in Tango and Cash while Gibson in cowboy boots was shorter in Maverick. Sly had bigger heels, but it's more proof they had to be close in height. Sly was 174.5 to 175 cm range while Gibson should be around 175.3 cm and Sly has lost at least 1 cm at this point, while Gibson may have not lost anything, or at worst, a 1/4" since late 2015 since he's a decade younger than Sly. You'll keep your baseless assertions going, but Sly will keep being listed here around these heights because that's what the evidence supports. But of course, you know his height better than his wife Brigitte does since she only saw him regularly without shoes for several years and filmed 2 movies with him.

even, Sly only claimed to be close to 5'11" once and never claimed the full 5'11". He's mostly claimed 5'10" and for a decade was claiming 5'10.5" at times. Most actors Sly's height will claim to be at least as tall as he did, many make worse claims, whether celebrities or otherwise. A 5'8.75"-5'9" action star or any leading man claiming 5'10" almost doesn't even register for height lies. But Sly has been described taller. A 8/21/81 Herald and Review article described him

"although "Sly" Stallone is 5-foot, 11-inches tall."

Maybe if I alert Sly to this article so he can frame it, he'll reward me with an autograph and photo! :) But this 1/23/77 Detroit Free Press article explains why people have considered him short

"This 30-year-old actor is slimmer in person than he looks on screen. And he looks like a six-footer on screen but he really is only 5 feet 10."

As you can see, that writer expected him 6 feet. Even 5'10" seemed short to that writer in comparison to Stallone's heroic onscreen image. Of course, with Sly never more than 5'9", the surprise would be even greater for anyone expecting him to be a six footer.
Brad said on 5/Jul/17
Joe Walsh for president. Gee saying both Spears will turn into foxes is a nice thing to say. I met Ted Bundy in Aspen in '75 (not joking) he was in the same flop house when I was ski bumming. He wasn't creepy. He drove a beat up Herbie VW n loved the cookie shop. Yes, he had females around him. When I found out! I'm not a teenage Lou Costello lookalike. I'd do a photo but my computer is too old to attach. Maybe soon to Rob to attach. Mamun was really cool. He lloked like Super Mamun! Where'd he go?
MJKoP said on 5/Jul/17
Brad said on 4/Jul/17
He Jax I admire yer honesty. Both Spears are fox. Word up to the G and MJKoP.

"Are" being the key word. Not "were". *Any* dude in his late 40's or 50's describing a 15 year old female as "fox" is incredibly creepy, irregardless of the stuff you say about Glenn and heights. It might actually help your case at this point if you were to admit to being just a horny teenage boy. Rob knows your IP address.... ;)

Shredder said on 4/Jul/17
Brad is Jared The Subway Guy.

Nah, they don't give unsupervised net access in prison. Brad is more than likely the infamous Jack McClellan. :D
Editor Rob
I'm sure mamun said he met brad at the hollywood show and was very tall!
Frankie68 said on 5/Jul/17
Like I said ,, anybody who thinks Stallone is as tall as Mel Gibson truly has no clue & shouldnt be here !! And there are plenty of pics of them together that prove that ,,,Furthermore ,, "low cut dress shoes" ,,, you can easily get 2- 2 1/2 inches ,,, with a 1 1/2 inch heel & 1 inch lift inside is very do able ,,,and not that noticable & i dont need 5 paragraphs of nonsense to make people see my point ,, everybody here has a right to there own opinion ,, thats what makes a forum work ,, not somebody's thick headed view & everybody else doesnt know what there talking about but the person with the thick headed view ,,,people that small minded i dont respond to cause there ignorant to begin with !!
Junior31 said on 4/Jul/17
Brad for president.

Sly was just a strong 5'8 guy.
even said on 4/Jul/17
listen well all of you i am a male and i stand 5'9 tall i can not say im 6 feet tall because im not and i know im not . its like saying i dont exist does it make any sense? this man is 5'8 but he says hes 5'11 i mean it just dont make any sense .
Shredder said on 4/Jul/17
Brad is Jared The Subway Guy.
RisingForce said on 4/Jul/17
In fairness, I do think Brad is right on the minimum heights for Sly since 5'8.5" peak and 5'8" current is the shortest he could be, imo, though I think he's a bit taller. But the idea that Mariah Carey was almost as tall as Sly is pretty funny since Sly looked taller in those Hogan sneakers than Mariah does in those enormous platform heels. Wahlberg looks shorter than he is because of his build, imo. You could say he's short depending on your definition as some consider 5'8" short. Beach shots are terrible for judging height precisely due to wildly uneven ground. I don't understand the Gibson at 5'8" stuff either. There are a few comparisons like with Anthony Hopkins where one could be forgiven for thinking 5'8.5", but I'm convinced he's 5'9" just like Sigourney Weaver said. No more, no less. He probably has fooled people into thinking he's taller than that, though. I could be wrong, but I don't think I still have the reputation as an upgrader anymore. That was more back when Glenn was still here. I think Viper came up with that name.

As for Frank Stallone, he's not 5'9". He was at least 179 cm peak, maybe 180 and now might have shrunk to 177-178 range judging by how he looks with Sly above and Sly pulling off taller than Frank at the Guardians of the Galaxy premiere this year.

Btw, we covered Sly and Travolta a while ago and I agree that Sly was somewhere from 3" minimum to 3.5" max shorter with Sly 5'8.75"-5'9" and Travolta 6'0"-6'0.25", but how on earth did Sly pull this off? Click Here If it was just that one photo, I'd say it wasn't even worth mentioning, but there's a whole series of them that day where Sly pulls off similar height. Here's 4 more: Click Here Here's one more, with 6'3.5" Chevy Chase also in the photo: Click Here Was Sly on his toes for all those photos? Was it the camera? I really don't even think he was standing that tall at that event. Shoes didn't even look like Sly would be near his tallest: Click Here Just goes to show that you can never read too much into photos, even a series of them unless they're full.
Brad said on 4/Jul/17
He Jax I admire yer honesty. Both Spears are fox. Word up to the G and MJKoP.
MJKoP said on 4/Jul/17
Brad said on 3/Jul/17
You must be a 5' 7" G lookalike.

Aw, c'mon know who I am and what I look like. Unlike you, I'm not at all ashamed of my physical appearance or identity. Glenn and I have the balls to show our face online even when there are creeps and trolls like you abound. You once copped out of posting a picture of yourself you claimed to have with a celeb by saying "I don't want my picture out there for everyone to see"...either you were lying about the picture existing, or there's something major you're trying to hide(protect?). I'm actually going more with the former, because Rob can easily 'black-box' your face as he has with others in the past. Not to imply you might not also have some serious skeletons in your closet...

Brad said on 3/Jul/17
Yes her sister was starting to look like a fox at 15....Spears did too.

I just got out of the shower, but I feel like I need to go take another one. Ciao.
even said on 3/Jul/17
to be extremely fair and truthful , the man on the left is 5'8 and the man on the right is 5'9 .
Brad said on 3/Jul/17
I guess you have to meet people to judge heights. Dion is 5' 8" at least. "Raising Farce" man that's funny!He never touched the G 5' 6.5" reality, nobody did. Mariah walked right by me at Caesars, she's 5' 8" but slouch is her problem. G fooled everybody too, Marky and Gibson fool everybody. Grab a Marky beach shot. Spears is 5' 5" easy. I've seen her close-up from most tours (I don't have a life so I see Spears) I'm the biggest loser in the world but I don't look the part. Yes her sister was starting to look like a fox at 15....Spears did too. Good point, no cringe. You gotta be bored outta yer mind buggin me, try the G, there's the loser of all time...80% of what his height opinion was clowny. You must be a 5' 7" G lookalike. Grab an umbrella, hit the Plaza with a bag and sharpies.
MJKoP said on 3/Jul/17
Brad said on 2/Jul/17
Marky is short, grab any beach shot. Gibson is 5 foot 8, he fools everybody.

He fools everybody besides you, right? Aren't you omniscient one.

Interesting that you insist Carey is 5'9", but even RisingForce(who would always be accused of upgrading to the point where he was called "RaisingFarce") just said on her page:

RisingForce said on 1/Jul/17
Rare for a woman to inflate her height so much. The most I could give her is 5'6.5". Looked near 2" shorter than 5'8" Rihanna with both in big heels, looked similar to 5'6" Beyonce, about 2" shorter than 5'9" Taylor Swift with at least 1" footwear advantage, definitely shorter than 5-7ish Whitney Houston and if she were anywhere near 5'8.5"-5'9" then she'd be undoubtedly be pushing 6'1" with a lot of the heels she wears, yet anyone who has seen her with 5'10.5" Nick Cannon knows she's lucky to hit 5'11" in them. One of the worst height claims mentioned on this site.

Brad said on 2/Sep/13
Be a few feet from here standing on level ground, she's over 5 feet 8 easy out of her slouch. You people don't get it.

A 6'6" guy can distinguish a 5'7ish woman from a 5'9er? You must have a real knack for judging height. I'm sure you'll bring up that one sacred letter(yet again) as your crowning achievement.

And with Celine Dion:
Brad said on 11/Jun/14
5' 8" at the least.

Seems like a pretty bold assertion from someone who now admits he never even met her.

And with Britney Spears:
Brad said on 27/Feb/13
5 feet 5 at the lowest.

Odd that she was claimed 5'4" on video at least once recently. Did you sneak into her house and measure her while she slept?

Actually that might not surprise me, after what he said about a then-15-year-old Jamie Lynn:
Brad said on 15/Nov/06
Her sister is starting to look like a fox.

Cringe, much?

And almost one month later on Jamie's page:
Brad said on 14/Dec/06
She'll be 5' 7" by August.

Yeah, just like Bieber will never hit 5'5".
Brad said on 2/Jul/17
Marky is short, grab any beach shot. Gibson is 5 foot 8, he fools everybody. I don't own a Dion (Dion?!)but I did meet the other Dion in 1974 at a record store in NYC. Carey is legit as I said. They are as I listed much like a 5 foot 6.5" G. I don't Adam Antly claim bogus heights like the G. F2 was right 95% of the time, his Jackson claim is wrong. I was 14 when Nixon was in the White House, I did like Karen Valentine ragingly back then. Lennon was a bit shy of McCartney, I met Lennon '77 and he'd be shorter than a '17 McCartney. Sage Stallone at 5-10 is a joke much like Sly at 5-10.
RisingForce said on 2/Jul/17
MJKoP, I'm not so aware of Lennon's autopsy, but yeah, Lennon going off memory was more like 5'10" or so, certainly not 5'6". Of course, Sly wore lifts while Sage probably didn't, but you see what I mean that Sly just looks noticeably bigger physically and if you compare Sly even at his shortest to Frank, there's a noticeable difference. Same with Jennifer Flavin. I can believe Sage actually was about 5'7" and that wasn't inflated much or at all. It seems plausible seeing him on screen in Daylight.
MJKoP said on 2/Jul/17
RisingForce: I guess he *was* 5'7", then. I'm positive he was listed as 5'10" immediately after he passed away, but perhaps that was before the autopsy was conducted. Of course, when you said just now that he was 5'7"-range, I googled it again and it "still" said 5'7", so I just made the logical assumption that he had been listed as 5'10" this entire time, with no knowledge of the coroner's findings, or the previous listing. He definitely looks shorter than Sly, but I thought that might be only because of Sly's lifts/boots. You were probably right about this one, Rising. But I have to add that not all celeb autopsies inflate the height. Walker's badly burnt and mangled body is one extreme exception, but John Lennon purportedly has 5'6"(168cm) on his death certificate. He had lost more than 80% of the blood in his body from four major bullet wounds, so I don't know if that was a factor for his "shrinking"(or at least on paper). From pictures of Lennon, he usually looked a very similar height to McCartney and sometimes even taller.
Loka said on 1/Jul/17
As i said. In the gym club or in fight sports, nobody Will downgrade someone because he's short or average. Arnold in the top of his rivality with Sly in the 80's never said something like "stallone is only 5,9". No real boxer, no famous wrestler never said something bad on sly height, even now. Because everybody knows that the guy is a real fan of BodyBuilding, boxing and Sport. Everybody know how hard he trained and pushed himself.

Oups... Now I remember Hulk Hogan sayin in an autobiography "sly was only 5.8". Not cool but Hulk hogan is special, as you know.
MJKoP said on 1/Jul/17
Brad: If you are so obsessed with dwelling on the past(Frank2, G, etc.) I should bring up how you would accuse F2 of downgrading his personal hates(whenever his credibility came into question) when it's pretty evident that you do exactly the same thing. For instance, Wahlberg at 5'7"? I hate him, as many do(and with plenty of good reason), but he's not really a short guy. Ditto Mel Gibson at only 5'8". You also seem intent on UPgrading your apparent female celeb crushes and insisting some are as much as two inches taller than Rob's listings. Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton...all listed at least an inch lower than what you "Atom-Antly" claim for them. The more you talk, the more you sound like a fourteen-year-old with a chip on his shoulder and a raging libido.
Frankie68 said on 1/Jul/17
Its just to funny how some in this forum know when Stallone wears lifts & when he forgets them at home !! There are some true height experts in this forum !! And anyone who claims Stallone is really as tall as Mel Gibson truly doesnt belong here !!
loka said on 30/Jun/17
To Rising Force : Brigit Nielsen said 175 cm at 2 occasions, I'm sure of that but i can't tell you where and when. At one occasion, she even said 174-175 to be complete. So Sly was 175 and is more 174 cm now... No Big Deal and not strange for an italo-american born in the 40's... He managed to play "bigger than Life heroes" on Screen. But even he was only a 172 cm Guy, his Body would still be perfect. When you bhave a Body like he used to have, nobody care if you are 172, 173 or 174 cm. In the Gym, when you're fit, you're fit and nobody will say "oh, yes but you are short !". Nobody... A perfect Body is perfect... No Matter what the height says. I'm 177 cm but i could loose 3 cm if i could get the same Body than Sly had in the 80's and early 90's. I would not hesitate. I would put some lifts in my shoes... ah ah ah.
Brad said on 30/Jun/17
Sub-par level of comprehension? Hey Atom Ant I was the only (maybe Frank2)person in '06 that said the G (Glenn Cunningham,resident of The Bronx, NYC, NY, the pictured 5' 8" listed) was 5' 6.5" in all his pictures. Guess what, I was right. 6 hours loaded down after a 3 PM wake-up he gets splashed (Pap talk) with celebs 1.5" under the listed 5-eight. Portmans and tip-toe action can be assured in some. Sly was 5' 8.5" with Kojak in '75....not under 5' 8" now. If Sly is under Snipes then the game has changed for 5' 8".
MJKoP said on 30/Jun/17
@RisingForce...because Sage is listed everywhere as 5'10"? I don't see how you're getting 5'7".
RisingForce said on 30/Jun/17
Sly was still at least as tall as Snipes in 2014, very possibly a bit taller. A lot of the video is taken high up, but it's level at the beginning and Sly was about the exact same height as Mel Gibson, who couldn't have been that much below 5'9" with both forgetting their big shoes that night. I had Sly at 5'8.5" in 2014, but now I think he may have been hanging onto 5'8.75" then shrunk a bit in 2015.
RisingForce said on 30/Jun/17
MJKoP, how on earth is that speaking ill of Sage? He apparently was around 5'7". There's no shame in that. The joke was merely a reference to andre saying Stallone was around 5'7", but he didn't specify which Stallone.
MJKoP said on 30/Jun/17
@Brad: I said, er, "said" once. Like most of the time, I can't for the life of me figure out what you're trying to get at. And are you really pointing out my alleged overuse of a word? At least I don't habitually resort to a specific letter...(G)ee, I wonder which one that could be?
Dmeyer said on 29/Jun/17
AT cannes vidΓ©o he realy looks smaller than snipes who himself could be 5'8,5-8,75 so in the last 3-4 years Sly is 173-4cm
Brad said on 29/Jun/17
Randy Orton is the reload G not the Nonono. Lotsa "saids" lined up by MJKingof pop. 5' 11.75" was ridiculous in '75 and 5' 10.5" in '06 and now. G-zuss.
MJKoP said on 29/Jun/17
RisingForce said on 28/Jun/17
andre isn't completely wrong, though. That does sound like the range Stallone was. Sage Stallone that is!

Don't speak ill of the dead.

@Brad: You addressed the wrong person. You meant to say "randyorton" but instead said "Nonono", whom had merely quoted the former before agreeing with you. Another "momment" where we can "proove" your sub-par level of comprehension.
RisingForce said on 29/Jun/17
Good post, loka. But when was the other time Brigitte said he was 175? I only remember that reality show appearance in Europe I think it was where she said he was 174-175. Jennifer Flavin's height was actually given as her modeling agency as 5'9.5", which is about 176.5 cm, though Fashion Model Directory rounds that to 177 cm. The 2 are very close in height. As for Kurt, regardless of whether it was them walking to the shower, it's obvious the 2 must have been very close in height since in the wide shot walking to their cells that I posted a while back, Sly(obviously in lifts), looks minimum 1.5" taller, same with an interview I posted recently from back then. Brigitte would know his height better than anyone who has chimed in on the debate thus far and it makes sense. It's obvious from his build and how he measures up to others that he couldn't be less than 174-175 cm.
RichardSpain said on 29/Jun/17
Well guys! is possible that Sly was a solid 175cm not more. And with his elevator shoes a good 179 /180cm. Also he has an good advantage to ; add that he wears a tall hair in his movies.

his 175cm+tall hair+elevator shoes /lifts= looks 179cm/180cm

End of the mistery.
Nonono said on 29/Jun/17
Brad said on 26/Jun/17
Nonono must a be 2006 G reload but G said 5' 10.5" then "cantcha tell I met him 20 times, who'd you meet yer postman". 5' 9" for Marky Mark is ridiculous...Sly "well over 5' 8"" in '17 is G "proove (G momment) me wrong" stuff. Rob did, subtract the 6 hours out from wake-up loaded down to 5' 6.5" with Sly in NYC sandals (lifts). Zzzzz how many times have I said this.

Might help if you spoke something more like English, Brad. I'm not a reload of G or any other letter of the alphabet. But there's no way I'm accepting that Stallone was almost a 6 footer, and is still well over 5'10 to this day. Even the man himself never claimed such a thing, and if it was true then he'd have never got a reputation as a short man. And that's in plain English.
loka said on 28/Jun/17
Facts :
- Brigit Nielsen (his ex-wife) said at 2 occasions that he is 175 cm. If she could has say something to bash him, she would have done it. So you can believe her.
- Jennifer Flavin : his wife is 175 cm according to Model Agencies. Several pics or her and Sly barefoot showed the same height.
- Sly and Kurt Russel are the same height when naked in the shower scene in the movie Tango And Cash and st is really Sly. I'm a fan of Sly since 1985 and i can recognize his back even if i'm not gay. So it was him of course.
RisingForce said on 28/Jun/17
andre isn't completely wrong, though. That does sound like the range Stallone was. Sage Stallone that is!
andre said on 27/Jun/17
stallone height from 169cm to 171cm barefoot at night max
MJKoP said on 27/Jun/17
Nonono said on 26/Jun/17
randyorton said on 25/Jun/17
sly 5'11.75" back then.
sly 5'10.5" today.

Just no. Even Sly himself would crack up laughing at this one. Thanks anyway.

It's much closer than pretty much everyone else's guesses.
Brad said on 26/Jun/17
Nonono must a be 2006 G reload but G said 5' 10.5" then "cantcha tell I met him 20 times, who'd you meet yer postman". 5' 9" for Marky Mark is ridiculous...Sly "well over 5' 8"" in '17 is G "proove (G momment) me wrong" stuff. Rob did, subtract the 6 hours out from wake-up loaded down to 5' 6.5" with Sly in NYC sandals (lifts). Zzzzz how many times have I said this.
Nonono said on 26/Jun/17
randyorton said on 25/Jun/17
sly 5'11.75" back then.
sly 5'10.5" today.

Just no. Even Sly himself would crack up laughing at this one. Thanks anyway.
MJKoP said on 25/Jun/17
Brad said on 24/Jun/17
Somebody just put up Marky in massive whoppers lined up with celebs, he was far right, can't remember which celeb height section. Marky is 5' 7" tops. In socks with Will Farrell in socks is priceless. Funny shot. Stallone is a weak 5-8.

First off, it's "Ferrell", not "Farrell"(he's not Colin's cousin) and secondly, Wahlberg is not even as low as a flat 5'8", let alone '5'7" tops'. As for Sylvester, he's STILL well over 5'8".
RisingForce said on 25/Jun/17
Tom Cruise is not an inch taller than Marky Mark, Brad. Stallone in their most recent appears(Expendables 3) looked at least as tall or a bit taller than Statham in normal dress shoes and easily taller in lifts, while Cruise looked looked at least an inch shorter in Statham's Collateral cameo. Actually, Wahlberg in socks with Will Ferrell convinced a lot of skeptics that he could be 5'8" after all, but then this was assuming Ferrell was 6'3" instead of 6'2.5". But he's 5'7.5" minimum - at least as tall as Cruise. Not too much of a point of me continuing arguing with you that Stallone is still a strong 5'8"(5'8.25"-5'8.5") rather than a weak 5'8".
randyorton said on 25/Jun/17
sly 5'11.75" back then.
sly 5'10.5" today.
Brad said on 24/Jun/17
Somebody just put up Marky in massive whoppers lined up with celebs, he was far right, can't remember which celeb height section. Marky is 5' 7" tops. In socks with Will Farrell in socks is priceless. Funny shot. Stallone is a weak 5-8.
even said on 24/Jun/17
he must admit that hes short i mean real short because hes five foot eight . i am five foot nine and i am short without a doubt . if he was telling the truth ( claiming to be 180 cm ) which is extremely unlikely , hes height is actually very very good .
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/17
Brad, you'll have to name an example of Marky Mark wearing elevators outside of movies. He does wear Timberlands a lot, which do add extra height - about 1.5" - but there's no lifts inside, just an extra insole. Roberts is very height conscious. At least 2" Cuban heels in The Specialist, similar on his sitcom then he'd wear cowboy boots on Conan. Now, he embarrassingly goes way up on his toes and does the arm around the shoulder push down at premieres and meet and greets. Cruise was already in big footwear by '93 because he was with Nicole. Mostly cowboy boots at that time and he requested lifts filming Interview with the Vampire at that time, then by mid to late 90s, you'd see him in logger boots or some other chunky 90s shoes he'd often put lifts in. You may be right about the dress boots you describe, but you ALWAYS assume Sly has lifts with low cut dress shoes. Tom had a stretch from probably 2002-2007 or 2008 where he didn't appear too height conscious and wore normal shoes with no lifts frequently, but not when he was with Nicole.

I think you're pretty close on Sly, but he's at least a strong 5'8" even today. You want to see the difference between Sly and Cruise look at how Statham had at least an inch on Cruise in his Collateral cameo, while Sly in dress shoes was still at least as tall as Statham in their most recent appearances together for The Expendables 3 less than 3 years ago, though I do think 2015 was when Sly lost noticeable height, but he hasn't lost an inch. You saw Rob say Sly got 2.5"-2.7" out of his Hogan sneakers with lifts and he looked to be wearing something similar at the Guardians premiere, yet pulled off taller than his brother Frank meaning he must have pulled off somewhere 5'10" range. Cruise has never looked that tall.
RisingForce said on 22/Jun/17
Brad, Cruise has worn lifts for years as well, much more than Stallone has since 2009 actually. You're Stallone estimates aren't that bad, a little low, imo. 5'8" flat is at least arguable these days, but there's no chance he's lower while there's only an outside chance Cruise reaches a full 5'8" and is probably 5'7.5". Cruise has worn lifts that give as much as Sly at the Guardians premiere recently yet has never looked as tall as Sly did at that premiere. In fact, his boots at the Bruckheimer Walk of Fame Star were clearly as much, yet he's looking 1.5" max taller than solid 5'7" and Bruckheimer and clearly shorter than a maybe 5'8.5" Johnny Depp in cowboy boots. Inflating Cruise a bit for some unknown reason is what throws it off.

Also, why do you throw Marky Mark in there? He's never been shown to wear lifts outside of a movie like The Italian Job. He just made a stupid height claim. Cruise, Gibson, Cowell, Banderas, Michael and Kirk Douglas, Eric Roberts and Jeremy Piven are/were all more height conscious than Marky Mark. Even guys like Brad Pitt and Colin Farrell are. Matt LeBlanc at least as much.
RisingForce said on 21/Jun/17
Thanks a lot, Rob. I'd be surprised if the shoe came with an insole THAT large on its own, otherwise, I think it'd be marketed as an elevator. Here are some other good shots of Sly wearing the black ones: Click Here Click Here It makes sense to me that Sly, especially during that 2003-2008 period picked a sneaker that gives more than most, and supplemented it with a lift. Actually, I wouldn't mind getting a pair myself at one point, though they range from 200-400 USD!

One other identifiable pair of shoes Sly has worn that are even more puzzling are these Prada shoes: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here I don't know how Sly managed to look at least 5'9.5", possibly 5'10" in them compared to Arnie, Dolph and Van Damme at the Expendables 2 Paris photocall. They are called platforms, so maybe they give more than a typical shoes because there's really very little room to put something extra in. Maybe we won't know how he managed until we see a shot of him sitting with those shoes, but I think it pretty safely rules out anything below 5'8.5" as recent as 2012.
Brad said on 21/Jun/17
Barefoot to barefoot: Cruise and Stallone would be tied in '17. Sly is as bothered as Vin, Robert, Burt, Marky. Vin needed a board with The Rock.....that about does it for who is #1 in wanting that height.
Brad said on 20/Jun/17
Burby is another person you ice cube '07. Jacksonville '84 with 80,000 okay, Bad Tour row 5 okay, '81 NYC not okay, rampaging black gangsters in the Garden. 4 times by me, in and out of court and lunch. No eye contact with people, he's shy. Bought I Want You Back in '70. I'll bully the 5' 6.5"er who thinks he's 5' 8". I'm serious Rob, I'm gonna sumthin drastic if he says 5' 6.5" again. Boat over the waterfall with his Mummy stills on the way to see Mead.
RisingForce said on 20/Jun/17
Thanks, Rob, 2.5"-2.7" range is what I had figured because looking at those basketball shots I have no doubt he put lifts in them and explains how he can look a consistent 5'10.5"-5'11" in them. But if it's that big a sneaker then he may have worn them without lifts at times, which may explain if he were to look shorter than he usually does in them.
Editor Rob
based on his ankle, it did look like either the Hogan sneakers have really large insoles or he slipped a little half inch extra into it.
5'11.25 at noon. said on 20/Jun/17
5'10.75 really?? Peak height was 5'9.5 max for him
burby said on 20/Jun/17
Why is it that when Cruise goes barefoot with then 5'9" wife in flip flops/sandals, he comes out being taller than expected? But then, bare feet Sly, Marky Mark, Vin, Damon all come up shorter than expected? Fully body shots of Ben/Emile posted by Peter175, we all know what one of them is wearing for sure, "meaty" lifts. The whole point of lifts is to go beyond physical limitations, it's just that some "bother" to do it more than others, and have better shoe makers and tailors. Sly is more "bothered" by it than others is my guess.
MJKoP said on 20/Jun/17
'You doofus'?? Why get so defensive over something you claim isn't true? Seems a far cry from the nonchalant, idgaf Braditude. You're telling me to go 'grab some ice cubes', but it seems the heat is getting to be too much for YOU. ;)
MJKoP said on 20/Jun/17
Okay, so for the sake of argument let's say burby and you are NOT one in the same. That actually makes it all the more worse. Instead of cyber-troll bully "Brad" utilizing two separate online personalities, we actually have someone else who clearly *aspires* to walk, talk, and act like Brad, chiming in whenever the former appears to add his repetitive two cents that incidentally are worth even less than a penny. And I've been a frequent visitor here since circa 2005 and I still haven't the slightest clue of who 'Sal' is/was. And you really got me there, Brad...being only 22 when 'Jax' passed, I never got a chance to see him in concert. Instead of having to jump through flaming hoops so I could squint through binoculars in a standing outdoor crowd of more 80,000, I'll have to endure watching 4k res, professionally shot, multiple-angle, directly-fed audio on my 60" flat plasma screen and enhanced surround-sound system from a comfy sofa, in a climate controlled environment, with the ability to pause, rewind, and replay to my heart's content, AND with no additional purchases is truly hell. If you had spent an entire afternoon one-on-one with him, you might be able to invoke some envy in me, but the man walked by you in courtroom once. I bet you're now going to tell me that you two briefly exchanged glances and that it was nothing short of life-altering. :P
RisingForce said on 20/Jun/17
Thanks, Rob. So that's about 2" with lifts? I honestly would have thought more, but then they're not high tops, so I don't think you can fit say a 2-inch lift without falling out. I'd think at least the regular sneakers added about 1.2" without lifts.
Editor Rob
If he put a lift in them, he may be pushing 2.5-2.7 range
Brad said on 19/Jun/17
Burby isn't me you doofus, he's been here since the Sal days. Grab some ice cubes and go back to '07 for some fun on the 5' 8 incher lying through his teeth. I saw Jax on 4 different tours, grab some youtube and wish ya were there hoss. Hey Burby, 30 more minutes til the wild one is due upstairs with Rob...think Sal will get lunch in time to the Volvo...he can't leave it due to potential height loss in the measure.
RisingForce said on 19/Jun/17
Sly is noticeably taller than Alvarez, but Alvarez is close to 5'7" than 5'9". I guess you're not even bothering staying within physical limitations, Burby. Sly can still look an easy 5'8.5" wearing dress shoes, which is what Cruise looks in elevator shoes. Sly in lifts can still look over 5'10" with his brother and Michael Rooker, Cruise never has. The Emile Hirsch pic is meatingless, since we can't see their feet. I can show you pics of Sly looking as tall as 6'1"-6'2" guys in that case. Sly being eye to eye with Tom Arnold should tip you off that you must see feet and more than one photo.
Loka said on 19/Jun/17
There is a video with the boxer canelo Alvarez who is a legit 5.9. Sly has 1 inch over while he is in normal sport shoes and Alvarez is in boxing shoes. That means That sly was 5.9 while shooting This little video. The photo taken This Day says the same. It was few months ago.
MJKoP said on 19/Jun/17
Hey, burby/Brad - can either or both of you at least make some form of an effort to disguise your distinctive writing style(s)? I'm not even going to bother to ask Rob for the verification, because I know he's already having too much fun as a spectator to intervene...remember, as the 'Brad' incarnation recently said, it's all about the entertainment. XD
burby said on 18/Jun/17
People gotta go to the Ben McKenzie page, Peter175 post on May 18th. If Emile can get the height and overtake Ben, imagine what Sly can do. Sly is worth a prettier penny than Emiley, so there won't be a "bulge". Sly and Cruise are like the same height 2017. I'm not gay, but Sal would never be my boyfriend, the food never gets there on time.
RisingForce said on 18/Jun/17
Rob, can you estimate how much the Hogan sneakers Sly has worn a lot give without and lifts and how much you believe he managed to get out of them with lifts? Click Here Click Here Click Here
Editor Rob
I don't know how high the insole is, but based on the design and the ankle needing to sit just above the curve, I'd say the total might be around 2 inches.
Brad said on 17/Jun/17
Actually I'm 5' 5" 287 and just love Charles Nelson Rielly and George Maharis. Go to Ice Cube height 3/3/07 post by the G. He's so afraid of me saying he's 5' 6.5" "Iced" with Ice Cube he is ready to leave if I print his real height again. "Wob I'm gonna do sumthin drastic, I'm not 5' 7"". Sal, I'm getting mad, the burgers are not even warm in dis Volvo. I met my Christie Brinkley.
RisingForce said on 17/Jun/17
People will believe exactly what they want to believe, except that for Sly to have lifts in his dress shoes for all those comparisons with Van Damme then that would mean he was getting near 3" out of those Prada shoes, which is impossible. Claims that Sly and Cruise are the same height get even more silly.

Here's Sly in dress shoes with Julie Benz in heels in late 2008: Click Here Click Here

Compare that to how Rob looked with Julie in heels, or look here at Julie in heels with Erik King to the left, who Rob lists 5'8": Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 17/Jun/17
IMO I doubt over 5-8" prime. Now under that imo.
MJKoP said on 17/Jun/17
'Bradley Sonia Burby'
Vital stats
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 278 lbs.
Race: White/Caucasian
Sex: Never
DOB: 9/18/74
Marital Status: Single; lives with imaginary boyfriend, 'Sal'
Favorite letter of alphabet: G

Brad said on 16/Jun/17
Burby is a real human and not me. Very smart individual in the Frank2 tradition. He knows the G had the head out the window asking for Sal to get napkins cause he was due with Rob upstairs soon plus he knows his astronaut (and postman). Mead in Forest Hills wants ta know if da Mummy 10 by 14's signed by Cruise at da Plaza are coming his way or Mikey W? We gotta move dem Mummys before people know da movie stinks. Did Travolta wear heels in Kotter or was it Bowsah Chuck Taylor footwear? I can't remembah. 3 Sweathogs were at a Ray Courts Celebrity Show in Burbank years ago, man that was a day gabbing with them, 2 died.
MJKoP said on 16/Jun/17
@burby/Brad: Not much for subtlety, are we? ;)
RisingForce said on 14/Jun/17
Canson, thanks, glad we agree on this one. On pages like this, I'm able to be a little more selective with the photographic and visual evidence I post since.

burby, that's true with the Prada shoes where Sly was at least an inch taller. Probable 1 inch lift there. They're both in flat dress shoes with no bulge or anything out of the ordinary for those other ones. Sly as of 2012 was at least as tall as Van Damme.

Travolta could genuinely seem the 6'0"-6'0.25" he implied he was so I've never really doubted his height much, except he's shrunk noticeably by now, while Sly barefoot would most likely be somewhere from 3"-3.5" shorter. Both in big heels back then. Travolta for fashion and Sly for style and height. Sly's heels around that time were typically about 2 inches, maybe a little more at times. Don't know about Travolta. Likely similar from what I've seen on their talk show appearances at that time: Click Here I don't think Travolta was wearing heels quite as big as in the original '77 movie.

These 1997 photos of Sly, Travolta and their wives are pretty useful since the shoes are more normal than the 80s: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here The reason Sly looks no shorter than 177 cm in any of these photos is because I think he could have had a more tasteful 2-inch type elevator shoe, which is why I included the 4th pic since I think it shows the possibility. Or, it could just be posture and placement from the camera.

There is a series of photos of the two from 1993 as well, but the height results are very weird so who knows?
Canson said on 13/Jun/17
Rising force: I agree with a lot of what you said!
burby said on 13/Jun/17
Sly owned JCVD via stealthy inserts, nothing new here. Sly is a weak 5'8", guess I'm a fibbah (NYC accent).
Brad said on 13/Jun/17
No, those Mastiff boots are custom Mastiff-Massive. I wonder if that dog was his.
Leo2001 said on 13/Jun/17
Sly(normal shoes)and Finola Hughes(listed 5ft4 here)
Click Here
Editor Rob
looks like something similar to Nike Cortez
Leo2001 said on 13/Jun/17
Stallone with Travolta(Claim a bit over 6ft)
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Shoes:Click Here

Others:Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Video:Click Here
RisingForce said on 13/Jun/17
Actually, I saw some of Cop Land again the other day and Sly looks more 5'9" than 5'8.5" in it. 5'11.5" Robert Patrick doesn't have 3 inches on Sly, an apparently also 5'11.5" Ray Liotta did have about 3 inches on Sly in the beginning, but Sly was almost barefoot with those flip flops, so Liotta probably had half an inch footwear advantage, 6'2.5" Michael Rapaport didn't look 6 inches taller than Sly and Sly was definitely a bit taller in that ending scene. Here's a still from right before they walk away at the end: Click Here When they're walking away, Sly is a bit taller when he doesn't have his head down. I had thought they were the same height in the film from a few on set pics, but even in this on set pic I just found recently, Sly is clearly taller when he stands straight: Click Here

andre, 5'8" is possible today, though I still think he's a bit over it, but he was taller up until the past few years. Absolute nonsense on both counts, Costa. For just one small example, I guess you must think Randy Couture is short then because Sly with lifts in sneakers looked as tall in full pics and on video at Comic Con 2010. I can cite too many other examples of Sly looking about 5'11" in lifts. Other 5'9" lift wearers like Michael Douglas and Mel Gibson didn't look taller in their lifts than Sly in his. As usual, no evidence is presented to support this 5'7" fantasy. I wouldn't go lower than 5'8.75" peak personally, but 5'8.5" peak is certainly possible as well. No shorter. This is beyond obvious when you compare Sly to men who actually are 5'7" or even a flat 5'8". Scroll down a bit and see the full pic and video comparison to Van Damme. No lifts there and JCVD definitely isn't any taller than Sly. Do you think Van Damme is 5'7" as well?
RisingForce said on 12/Jun/17
Brad, you've got it backwards. Those Rocky boots didn't raise many eyebrows in '76. Meanwhile, the ones I posted are obvious elevator boots that you really don't see many others wear. You can see they're built for about as big of a boost as Sly could want with the overall thickness, lace and ankle area, plus, his toes do not seem to reach the toe area. If Sly has ever walked around in 3"-3.5" elevator boots, I'd bet those are it. Years ago, someone posted Sly wearing those during an interview on this site and you could see the intense angle in a close up when he was sitting on a stool.
Costa said on 12/Jun/17
No way Stallone is 5'9". He's always in gigantic lifts and still looks short. He's more like 5'7".
Brad said on 12/Jun/17
No "downgrate" (sic), he's still 5 foot 8 by a hair....anything under is a fib.
andre said on 12/Jun/17
stalone always been 5ft8 with shoes with massive hells he is 5ft10, is time to downgrate him and many more in this website
Brad said on 11/Jun/17
3" on the '76 Travolta shot. Non custom. I was in NYC twice a week in '76, Italians loved those things. He didn't need them. Laker wear, naw, not as big as we might think. The Mastiff ones are really mastiff massive.
RisingForce said on 11/Jun/17
Since I posted Sly in those Prada shoes with Van Damme, here they both are at multiple Expendables 2 premieres in dress shoes.

Paris premiere: Click Here Click Here
Hollywood premiere video: Click Here
UK premiere: Click Here

Van Damme is clearly no taller. If you split the difference between JCVD's peak and current listings on this site of 175 and 174 cm, respectively and say he was 5'8.75" then at 51 years old then you could still argue 5'9" for a 66 year old Sly and no lower than 5'8.75" at the time if you give Van Damme that. Doesn't seem Sly had lost much, if anything by then.
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/17
Correct, Butkus was a mastiff. I'm not going to argue whether he has a lift or not, Brad. I really don't know and it wouldn't surprise me. You're about right on the heel, but you throw around figures like 3.5" too casually. That's really rare. I do think Sly has gotten it or at least close on occasion, but I think it's more likely those monster elevator boots at the Laker game in 2008. This is the type of crazy angle you'd be looking at: Click Here Burt probably had 3"-3.5" there, but I don't even know if he got 3.5" that often. I mean, how much do you think Travolta has here? Click Here Click Here Bigger heel and more of a slope. I just can't see anything conclusive in the pics on the stairs beyond a heel around 2 inches. It's really tough to tell with boots, especially ones that already have a big heel. I think we can all be prone to confirmation bias at times with these things.
Brad said on 9/Jun/17
That doggy (Mastiff?) photo on steps is killer. 2 inches on the heel and the slope is classic Burt Reynolds Hooper/Shamus custom boots: massive. The angle from a few inches in from the toe is huge. Crammed with a big wedge. Haven't seen Rocky in years...has to be a non walking shot.
RisingForce said on 8/Jun/17
Jim, they're a type of sneaker you can buy yourself online for a few hundred dollars, Sly just puts lifts in them, but they won't make a 5'7"-5'8" man look anywhere near 5'11". It's easy to recognize: Click Here You can see Sly wearing that color of them here: Click Here Here's even the same color he wore on Letterman: Click Here A thick sneaker like that without a lift might add near 1.25" and you can't fit a lift bigger than 1"-1.5" in something that's not a boot or high tops, so you're looking at around a 2.5" boost at most. They look even bigger because if you don't get elevators with built in lifts, you have to buy bigger than your normal size, plus a big lift will cause a bulge, just look at the sneakers I posted Mel Gibson wearing on his page.

You can ask Rob about those shoes and I bet he'll say something similar. The Hogan sneakers are similar to Robert Downey Jr's high tops in that they stand out as bulky so they lead people to believe they're giving a bigger boost than they really are. Here's Sly with normal dress shoes on Letterman 7 years later: Click Here It's a good comparison because they do almost the exact same greeting except Letterman walks to Sly a bit from the side. But if we give Letterman a flat 6'1" there or even the current height of 6'0.75" Rob has for him, Sly still looks about 5'9".

Shredder, the outside heel is actually similar to a cowboy boot, maybe slightly more, but that's not bigger than a 2" heel: Click Here Click Here We can't say for sure what he actually got without seeing inside. The heels themselves were completely normal for the 70s. John Travolta for instance wore bigger ones the following year in Saturday Night Fever. In fact, Sly may have worn bigger heels himself when he was appearing with Travolta around 1983, they both may have. Sly could have been doing what Burt Reynolds does with those black boots and be supplementing a 2" heel with lifts inside, but still nothing more than 2.5"-3". I posted a photo a while back where I thought Burt could have been getting 3.5" and the angle was insane, much like Rob's 3.8" Don's elevator boots. You're not going to get 3.5" from an off the rack sneaker that isn't even a high top, you're going to need it custom designed for that and it's going to be conspicuous.

Here's Sly in another pair of shoes you can identify: Click Here Click Here Click Here With Arnold 5'11.5", Dolph still 6'3" minimum back in 2012 and Van Damme between 5'8.5"-5'9", Sly passes for near 5'10" in those shoes. Those are Prada sneakers, here they are in a different color: Click Here I'm sure Sly has a lift, but those can't conceal even as much as the Hogan sneakers. Even with a lift, the absolute most he'd be getting there is 2". Actually, Arnold has a pretty good heel himself, Sly isn't even getting a 1" footwear advantage over him with those shoes. Stallone isn't shorter than Van Damme. I don't think people realize even how big 2.5"-3". Look at the James Kyson Lee page, those are 2.5"-3".
Brad said on 8/Jun/17
Those steps shot with the dog have boots with 2" just on the heel....the slope is massive (Huge wedge inside). 3.5" easy. Still 5' 8" (weak).
RisingForce said on 8/Jun/17
Brad, I assume we're not including Sly in the Judge Dredd suit, but while we can't say too much without seeing inside, the Rocky 1 boots weren't his biggest and they didn't give 3.5", much less 4".

As for Sly's biggest, here's another shot of the ones I posted from the Lakers/Rockets game in 2008: Click Here I wouldn't be surprised if those gave 3"-3.5". Here's a shot from the German/Austrian talk show Wetten Dass interview I posted below: Click Here I've seen Sly wear those on other occasions. Probably 2.5"-3" range.

As for movies, these ones he wore in Over The Top, looked, well, over the top: Click Here Of course, Demolition Man were some of the biggest, presumably Cobra and I'd say Rambo 3 come to mind.
Frankie68 said on 7/Jun/17
@brad ,, funny post & very true ,, Our height experts in this forum will claim those whoppers wont make a 5'7 person appear 5'10 (lol) ... They look like boots Gene Simmons wears on stage !!
Jim Hopper said on 7/Jun/17
Looking at those shoes on Letterman they are not normal shoes,,,insane looking TBH. Id say 5-8 peak height,now 5-7 just over.
Shredder said on 7/Jun/17
Brad those shoes on the step with the dog were no more than 2.25 , even Rob said this before.
Brad said on 6/Jun/17
Yea, Downey Jr. does rock and he isn't stealth. Sly wore 3.5"ers (maybe 4) on the steps with the dog in the first Rocky...those things MUST be his all-timer built up whoppers.
RisingForce said on 3/Jun/17
I really don't see much chance of anything under 174-175 cm peak seeing Sly with Hogan sneakers and lifts able to come relatively close to David Letterman's height: Click Here I'm skeptical of Sly getting more than 6 cm out of Hogan sneakers just based on how much lifts you could fit into them/ Those are the shoes Sly has most often surprised me with how tall he can look in them. I mean, seeing the shoes he has on the German talk show, I get why he looks over 5'11" in those, but he really should never look more than 5'10.5" in the Hogan sneakers. The only thing I can figure is that posture does the rest and Letterman may have shrunk to a flat 6'1" by 56 years old. But such details aside, 5'7" range was and continues to be laughable.
Gary said on 2/Jun/17
Houss said on 1/Jun/17
Sly looked taller than Jason statham in the expendables

Of course he did! You really think Sly would let anyone look taller than him in his movie? :-)
Gary said on 2/Jun/17
Fred84 said on 1/Jun/17
Stallone really 174 cm only? I can't help me, but in my opinion he looks very big about himself ... every time, when I see him in movies, I would say he is taller than this height. And when I see him with the other actors (who are the same height - 174-176), like Belmondo, Jean Claude van Damme etc, he looks bigger (I mean height and width, too) ... Maybe his width makes my thinks false ...

Stallone's a big fellow, no doubt about it. His frame and his physique make him seem a lot more solid than, let's say, Van Damme (who has a much smaller frame). Height (or lack of it) aside, he's a solid guy.
RisingForce said on 2/Jun/17
Brad, you have to at least mention Robert Downey Jr. The most over the top, non-stop for a decade now. Also Banderas and Simon Cowell. If those 2 don't fall from the lifts and heels, they'll probably trip over their extra long pants they think is fooling someone.

Fred, they're all extremely close in height, but Sly has great posture and wears lights and they have different builds and proportions. Statham seems to be more stocky naturally while Sly and Van Damme are leaner and more cut, Van Damme was usually a bit bulkier than Sly in the 80s, but the smallest of the 3 now. JCVD has relatively longer legs while Sly has relatively shorter legs and longer arms and torso so when he wears lifts, he looks like a bigger man with good proportions. Mel Gibson is similar. Especially when Sly bulked up to 215 for the last Rambo he gave a bigger impression or even being above 190 most of the 2000s. He was back down to 175-180 for the Expendables while Statham was pretty similar at about 175, but Sly was leaner so he looked more bigger, plus his lifts made him taller. Statham also slouches, which Van Damme also does for some photos. All pretty clearly in that 174-175 cm range, though it's possible Sly at his peak was slightly taller than Statham since he still seemed at least as tall by the time Expendables 3 came out in late 2014 and I do think Sly had probably lost a quarter inch by then, maybe half an inch. Wesley Snipes is the same height as these guys as well.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 2/Jun/17

I guess you're not aware of the fact that Stallone frequently wears lifts or elevators, even in movies.
Brad said on 1/Jun/17
Try custom made Rambo boots with big wedge and boxing shoes with wedge and NYC sandals. He's in top three behind Vin and Burt.
Fred84 said on 1/Jun/17
Stallone really 174 cm only? I can't help me, but in my opinion he looks very big about himself ... every time, when I see him in movies, I would say he is taller than this height. And when I see him with the other actors (who are the same height - 174-176), like Belmondo, Jean Claude van Damme etc, he looks bigger (I mean height and width, too) ... Maybe his width makes my thinks false ...
Houss said on 1/Jun/17
Sly looked taller than Jason statham in the expendables
RisingForce said on 30/May/17
bernie, if we agree Sly can look 5'11" then don't you think that makes it more likely he's over 5'8"? Sly has probably worn some big boots that add 3", maybe 3.5", but that still means he'd have to be over 5'8". if you look at my full picture and video comparison below with Randy Couture, Sly still pulls this height off and he only has sneakers with insert lifts giving him no more than 6-7 cm. Or you look at the full picture I posted below with Joe Calzaghe, I think it's impossible Sly is 4"+ shorter. I just don't see below 5'8" as possible prime or realistic even now. After all, his ex-wife saw him barefoot many times, probably knew his real height and said he was 174-175 cm and she has no reason to say he's taller than he is after their divorce. This accounts for the tall and short appearances, much better, imo. Look at Sly in some of his bigger lifts on this German talk show: Click Here The host who greets him is supposed to be 192 cm, but he doesn't tower over Sly. I don't know if the host's height is accurate, but he's clearly well above average height. It's just impossible for a man under 5'8" to pull off. As for Telly, I agree he was taller, especially in the footwear they wore in 1975.

I don't see anything suspicious on the Graham Norton show since those dress shoes are low cut with no bulge. A small lift is always possible, but I think it would have to be less than an inch to not be noticeable and regardless, I can't see him under 5'8" there. If you want to see Sly with subtle lifts giving him around a 2 inch boost, look at the 2010 Arnold classic: Click Here Click Here Sly manages to measure up well with more subtle lifts and Arnold back then was still around 6 feet, maybe 182 cm at the absolute worst.

As for Rocky 4, you're right, Dolph said Stallone had him stand on a box when they touched gloves, but Stallone wore lifts for some of the actual fighting, probably because it made it easier to hit Dolph with an extra 2 cm in his boxing shoes. Other than that, I suspect Sly wore lifts in the scenes with Carl Weathers because Weathers was definitely a solid 6'1" guy back then, but Sly measured up better than he should in that film.

I appreciate that you seem more genuine so I'm more happy to debate this with you than some others I disagree with, but I really think you should reconsider your estimate since Sly both with lifts and without lifts is always taller than a 172 cm guy would be, even today. Though we disagree on his actual height, we do at least agree that he hasn't shrunk that much - 1, maybe 2 cm max - though I think Rob has listed him about right for peak and current and wouldn't be off my more than a 1/4". Anyway, cheers.
bernie said on 30/May/17
@RisingForce - yes, i agree Sly got on the 5'11" range in the Rambo III, at least he looked it compared to R. Crenna.
So i am one of those, who believes that Sly never was taller than 5'7.75" (172cm), today maybe still between 171-172.
Ok, don't have exactly the differene in mind with Telly S., but remember he was significantly shorter. I know Telly wore big heels and lifts to get in the 6 area, but Sly really looked clearly shorter... seemed like up to 3inch to me, have to look once more to it...
In the Graham Norton show his shoes look definately suspicious to me. Plus 2 inches here he gains, seems no problem..
I am pretty sure, he wore lifts in Rocky Balboa for sure, but why should he wore them in Rocky 4, especially in the ring? It was intended the huge height difference to "Drago"..Just before the fight walking to the ring with Paulie they seem very similar in for me no lifts used here..
RisingForce said on 30/May/17
Bernie is half right. Sly was wearing lifts in Rambo 2 and I think bigger ones in Rambo 3, that's why he looked about 5'11" as Rambo. But where he's wrong is there was no 3 inch difference between Sly and Telly, plus, by forgetting Telly's footwear, you're doing the exact same thing Richard did. Telly wore big heels and lifts on every episode of Kojak to look his official height of 6'1". Whether Telly was 5'10" or not barefoot, he was effectively 5'11" or six feet on that show. There's not a good height comparison that entire episode to tell you the precise difference anyway.
bernie said on 30/May/17
@RichardSpain - nice pics, and we all know them..but you forgot an important thing, especially in this aera...his 3" - 3.5" wedged up custom Rambo Boots. If he really was 5'10" peak, he wouldn't have looked about 3inch under 5'10" Telly Savalas...not realy logical; just to mention one example... Regards.
RisingForce said on 29/May/17
I don't know or care about in the ring. Sly did wear lifts in the ring for Rocky 4 and Rocky Balboa, but Sly was simply no less than an inch taller than De Niro by that point regardless. Both in dress shoes: Click Here Even De Niro's hat doesn't make him as tall. Sly was also clearly taller than De Niro when they appeared on the Graham Norton show. I can't find the full interview anymore, but at 1:57 here, he stands up with Graham Norton(listed 5'8.5" here) and is actually taller: Click Here Sly was in dress shoes that don't set off a single red flag: Click Here In fact, Jonah Hill's shoes if anything look more suspicious. Norton was taller than De Niro as you'd expect. Find the full interview and you'll see video of Sly in dress shoes visibly taller than De Niro at the time of Grudge Match to go along with that nice full shot. Of course they were very similar at peak, but no longer similar by 2013. Sly was still at least 5'8.5" in 2013-2014.
RisingForce said on 29/May/17
Danimal, he's still 5'8" minimum and looks it in every full pic or video regardless of what shoes he has on. Merely being 70 years old doesn't guarantee you lose 1.25". I'm really not sure where you got that idea. He still looks just about 2" shorter than 5'10.5" Michael B. Jordan with both in dress shoes and almost as tall when he wore lifts in the film. Sly still looks over 5'10" when he brings out lifts for appearances. While a guy like Tom Cruise really only pulls off 5'8.5"-5'9" and Robert Downey Jr. pulls off just about 5'9" in his usual lifts.

Definitely taller than 5'8" flat peak. Here's Sly about 10 years ago, a full shot with Joe Calzaghe: Click Here Rob estimated Joe at 6'0" in person and said 5'11.75" was the least he could be. Forcing his posture more of course, but to use a more appropriate spin on Frankie's terminology, physically impossible for a 5'7" man to pull that off in anything less than Boris Karloff's old costume boots or a big box.
RichardSpain said on 29/May/17
I think Stallone was more taller than 175 cm in his peak. I think he was a perfect 177cm barefoot when he was young. In my opinion.

Here we can see with actor Richard Crenna ( 185cm )

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

I give him 177 cm in peak and 175cm barefoot nowadays.
MichaelR said on 29/May/17
With due respect, no taller than 5ft8. Anyway he handled that very well in his life and career.
Frankie68 said on 29/May/17
Nice pics Leo2001,,Sly is a constant lift wearer,, he uses them in all his movies & in real life ,, And theres no dont in my mind he's not gonna try to edge out DeNiro in copland & in grudge match ,,In grudge match he has lifts in his boxing shoes !!! Lol
MJKoP said on 28/May/17
Danimal said on 28/May/17
It's amazing how many people Sly has fooled over the years (same with Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr. and now Justin Bieber)

In his younger years, Sly was a 5'8" (MAYBE 5'8.5" at best) guy. Today at almost 71 years old, he will have lost over 1" in height which is the average height loss for a man his age. He is around 5'7.25" barefoot today imo. Give him 3" heels/insoles, he still can look 5'10".

You are the one being fooled.
Brad said on 28/May/17
His brother is just a bit taller than Sly. Sly looked 5' 8.5" in Copland cause that's his peak height.
RisingForce said on 28/May/17
Cop Land was a rare film Sly didn't wear lifts for and completely gave up his vanity for(temporarily, of course). Outstanding performance, btw. He did look only 5'8.5"-5'9" in that film. De Niro was also somewhere in that range, though I think there's a better chance Sly reached the full 5'9" than De Niro. The 2 looked very close in height during that ending scene where they walk away, possible Sly edged him by 1 cm or less when he didn't have his head down, but impossible to tell such a small difference in an outdoor scene. Despite both men being close to the same height at peak and Sly only 3 years younger, by the time of Grudge Match(2013) and the subsequent promo appearances, a 67 year old Sly looked 1.5" taller than a 70 year old De Niro. Some of that was probably posture, but Sly was a minimum inch taller as De Niro was probably no more than 5'7.5" by that point and is now looking only 171 cm to me. Michael Douglas, another long time lift wearer was probably the same, about 5'9" flat, but has shrunk just like De Niro and now looks to be only 5'7.5".

On a different note, 2-3 years ago, Sly pulled off looking 1 cm taller than Tom Jones.

Full picture: Click Here
Video: Click Here (Good comparison when they pose for photos at about 40 second mark)
Of course, both look like shrimps with 6'6.5" Penn Jillette: Click Here (I give Sly credit for not tip-toeing there as Penn looks 8+ inches taller)

At first glance, Sly's shoes look flat in some pics, but when I zoom in in the pic with Jillette, I could see him having a lift in the lace area and I could see this with his knees. I don't know if Tom Jones was still 5'10" at this point, though. He looked about the same with Mel Gibson(in his cowboy boots) that same night as he did with Stallone: Click Here (Gibson looks slightly taller than Jones at 0:28, but oddly Jones then looks taller right after at 0:32) My best guess, Jones was more 5'9.5", maybe 177 cm max by this point and Stallone and Gibson with extra footwear were simply passing for the 5'10" they've always claimed to be. Sly did consistently pull off about an inch taller than Jones mid 2000s, but this was during Sly's most blatant lift era. My opinion is Sly in 2014 was still minimum 5'8.5" and then lost a fraction in 2015 while I think Gibson was still at his peak height of a flat 5'9" and might be down 1/4" to 5'8.75" the past year or so.
RisingForce said on 28/May/17
Leo, I've seen those pics, in the decent ones for height comparison, they look similar in height, much like the pic I posted. Christian, I wouldn't doubt 5'8.75" peak, but I really wouldn't go any lower for afternoon height and 5'8.5" evening. 5'8" flat is arguable today, but he usually still looks more 5'8.25" or 5'8.5" today when he doesn't have lifts and can still look more than 5'10" when he wears lifts like when he was taller than his brother Frank at the Guardians of the Galaxy premiere, or when he looked to have near a couple of inches on Michael Rooker shooting promo pics.
Danimal said on 28/May/17
It's amazing how many people Sly has fooled over the years (same with Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr. and now Justin Bieber)

In his younger years, Sly was a 5'8" (MAYBE 5'8.5" at best) guy. Today at almost 71 years old, he will have lost over 1" in height which is the average height loss for a man his age. He is around 5'7.25" barefoot today imo. Give him 3" heels/insoles, he still can look 5'10".
Leo2001 said on 27/May/17
Stallone and DeNiro in Copland(1997)
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Im 171CM said on 27/May/17
Sly I'd give him 68.5 inches..
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 27/May/17
Sly might not even sniff 5'9". A flat 5'8" today. Peak, he might've pulled off a full 5'9"
Leo2001 said on 27/May/17
See that pics with Flavin.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
RisingForce said on 26/May/17
Sly is WAY taller than 5'9" with his lifts. Just look at my full body pics and videos below with Randy Couture, who is at most, an inch shorter than your apparent height. Here's Sly with his wife who has always been listed either 5'9" or 5'9.5": Click Here Looks like Sly may sniff 5'9" without ANY shoes. I've already shown Jennifer can look over 6 feet in heels so she has to be at least near 5'9". I don't know who you saw, Michael. Maybe you saw Sly's son Sage when he was a kid, or maybe you think all Italian-Americans look alike and you actually saw Joe Pesci.
RisingForce said on 26/May/17
Original, we may not agree on Pitt, but we agree on this one.

Christian, I can say as someone a little over 5'8" or maybe 174 cm on a good day who wears Burt Reynolds size lifts, it makes more sense for people around average range to wear lifts because they work better. Look at my post about Joe Pesci wearing lifts. It looks off and doesn't create successful illusion. He just looks like a short guy standing on a box, who is still short. People like Sly and Mel Gibson can successfully pull off that 5'10"-5'11" range with ease when they have lifts and heels, especially since they have the right proportions with larger torsos and shorter legs. To Rob's point, look at Robert Downey Jr. He basically tells everyone he wears lifts and doesn't care who knows. He even had those 3" heeled boots that one time, or showed up in platform shoes in a premiere. Burt Reynolds joked about his lifts all the time as well and still wears them!
Harris said on 26/May/17
@Michael so by that logic Sly was a whole head shorter than you??

Considering the average head length is 9 inches, your basically saying Sly was at max 5'3" or under when you met him if your the 6ft you claim!
Original said on 25/May/17
5'9 peak, 5'8.25 now.
Michael said on 25/May/17
I stood in line behind him at Warner Bros. in 1995, and I'm exactly 6' tall. Sly barely reached the bottom of my chin. There is no way he even sniffs 5'9" without serious heels (aka lifts)
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 25/May/17
Rob, have you ever wondered why the majority of celebs who wear elevators/lifts are not short, but actually average-heighted? Stallone, Banderas, Cruise, Pitt, Burt Reynolds, Vin Diesel, Robert Downey, and Simon Cowell are some of the people who do, and they all fall in the average range (170-182cm). I find it funny that some average-heighted men are even more insecure than short men.
Editor Rob
Christian, you can still have a desire or wish to be taller at any height.

lifts and elevator shoes might be purchased more by shorter men, but there is still a proportion of average and taller men who will wear them.

Are they all insecure though?

Not all...some might even wear them in a trolling manner. A bit like Vladimir Liftshko. Other's may like them as a fashion item...

Always worth remembering in the late 60's and early 70's a ton of men were out and about in 2 or 3 inch platform shoes...the lifts were external in nature then. Now over last few decades, it's more frowned or looked down on for men to wear platform boots, so the internal form of lifts are a popular alternative for boosting height.

The only thing with lifts is it makes guessing height harder...
RisingForce said on 25/May/17
Rob lists Randy Couture at 5'11.5". Here's video from the event Sly looked about his height: Click Here Click Here They're always close, height varies with movement, placement from the camera and posture, but it never looks to me like much more than 1 cm difference either way.

Here are the photos, which show footwear and pretty good full photos for height comparisons as well: Click Here Click Here
If you didn't know it was Sly, you probably wouldn't even think twice about those shoes. For some reason, they look less conspicuous than when he wore similar shoes to the recent Guardians of the Galaxy premiere. It looks to me like Sly wore the Hogan shoes he was wearing a lot in the 2000s, probably similar to these: Click Here As for Couture, his shoes look unusually flat, perhaps 0.7" max.

Realistically, Sly may have gotten around 3.5" from some of his custom elevator boots, but here, how much do you really think he gets from insert lifts in an off the rack sneaker? I say 2.3"-2.7" range out of those Hogan sneakers with insert lifts. They don't conceal enough to support a 3"+ boost. Randy could also be a flat 5'11", though I do see him still looking about 181 cm even these days so Rob's listing is probably pretty close. Either way, 5'7" is completely out the window with this comparison. He has to be around Rob's listings and probably still basically his peak height back in 2010.
Brad said on 24/May/17
Vin wins in '17....his monster frankensteiners rule the site...3.5" easy. Clump, clump, clump.
RisingForce said on 23/May/17
Pierre, maybe in the 2nd pic, as I said Sly must have lifts in those boots as he's 2 inches taller than Statham there, while they were really about the same height then. But in the first pic, I'd say BOTH Sly and Banderas had normal shoes.

Really when you think about it, the best we have is Brigitte Nielsen saying 174-175 cm a decade ago. She knows height since hers is always emphasized, if she were lying to spite him, sge'd have probably said 5'7" and I'd she were lying to please him, she'd have said he was 5'10"-5'10.5", just like she said when they were married in the 80s. She saw him barefoot many times. I think that's as precise as we'll ever get.
Pierre said on 22/May/17
@RisingForce =the difference between Sly's heels and Antonio's heels could be that Sly's heels would be less visible, imo it's very possible they have the same advantage of shoes
RisingForce said on 22/May/17
Pierre, I see Sly 1 cm taller there. Sly at 174 cm and Antonio at 173 cm. They have normal shoes in the 1st pic and in the other, Sly has boots and Antonio has stacked heels like Simon Cowell wears. If I had to guess, I'd say Antonio's heels add more looking at the angle. He was able to look taller than Eddie Murphy and only an inch or so shorter than Justin Timberlake when he promoted Shrek! You can tell Sly was wearing lifts that time though since he looks about 2 inches taller than Statham.

Here's Sly at peak height in Hogan sneakers about 3 cm taller than Antonio in chunky platforms: Click Here I don't know how much Antonio's shoes add, but the thickness gives him the potential to gain more, although the shoes aren't covered enough for a near 4" gain: Click Here There you see his foot sits high enough to tell you he has another lift, but if he put in lifts too big, his foot would fall out! You can see sitting down that those aren't just normal chunky shoes: Click Here As for Sly, he puts big lifts in those Hogan sneakers and probably got somewhere between 2.3" and 2.7". Much more and his foot would fall out. For that, you need a boot, like the ones I posted Sly in not long ago.

Brad, I agree Burt beats Sly in lifts. Still wearing them at 81 years old too! Robert Downey Jr. and Vin Diesel are probably the contenders to challenge Burt. I think Vin's Frankenstein boots usually give more!

Btw, Mr. T has lost height. He was taller than people think prime. Look at him with Carl Weathers and Hulk Hogan in the 80s. If Mr. T wasn't near 5'11" then he must have worn lifts himself. Nowadays, Mr. T is only in the 5'9" range. I'd say 5'9.5" max.

Hey at least, Frankie downgrades others clearly shorter than Sly like Banderas and Jeremy Piven as well. Of course, Banderas at 5'6" is as ridiculous as Sly at 5'7", but at least he's trying to be consistent. It's not as ridiculous as his inappropriate "mathematically impossible" nonsense.
Frankie68 said on 20/May/17
Antonio bandares is lucky if he's 5'6 ,,,5'8 for him is laughable !!! I guess if he's 5'8 & then with lifts on he pulls 5'10 5'11 like Sly ,,,thats more of a joke than Sly being 5'7 ,,, trust that all the experts in this forum !!! Antonio couldnt sniff 5'8 if it was next to him !!!
Brad said on 20/May/17
Burt '78 versus Sly '75...who would win wedged up heeled whoppers? Burt!
Pierre said on 20/May/17
Click Here Click Here = Antonio and Sylvester have very similar height here.Antonio seem to have advantageous shoes but Sylvester too
andre said on 19/May/17
i have a 5ft8 with shoes friend from america that saw sly in a hotel pool and barefoot they where the same height , this website exagerates allot
World Citizen said on 19/May/17
I think this listing is ok for him
Squidney said on 19/May/17
I stood next to mr T in 2001 at the London eye. I'm 6-2 he was pretty short in real life. 5-10 tops. Sly was wearing wedge boots in rocky 3 to be roughly same height. Imo prime sly height is 5-8. I bet he's just under that now. Very much a user of enhanced footwear.
RisingForce said on 17/May/17
5'7" was and still is nonsense. I posted this comparison on the Antonio Banderas page a while back. Antonio is listed 174 cm by Rob, though I think that's the most he could be and probably a bit generous. I'd say somewhere in the 173 range, whether 5'8" or 5'8.25".

Go to 2:49 in this video: Click Here Sly looks a good 2-3 inches taller than Antonio in a full shot. Antonio must have forgotten his lifts, but still has boots himself.

Sly at 68 years old was still a good half inch taller in similar shoes as well: Click Here If anything, Antonio seems as though he's trying to look taller more looking at their heads. Sly's head is tilted a bit, while Antonio's head up and neck stretched.

Sly in dress shoes, still looks taller than Antonio in heels: Click Here Click Here

Antonio has been as much a chronic lift, elevator and big heel guy himself as Sly. Just look at the photo Rob uses on Antonio's page, he's in elevator shoes there. Other times, he does the Simon Cowell trick where he covers his big heels with extra long jeans. Yet with all this said, I would give Banderas a solid 5'8", perhaps near enough Rob's height. At worst, I highly doubt he drops below 172 cm minimum, if he ever gets that low. Sly is simply a bigger man, regardless of shoes whenever you see them. Sly still at his peak height looked a good 3 cm taller in his Hogan sneakers with lifts than Banderas in these chunky shoes with lifts and at least a 1" thick front/platform and iirc, Sly was bigger in Assassins as well. I'm pretty sure Sly was closer to 5'9" than 5'8".
Frankie68 said on 17/May/17
@andre ,, couldnt agree more with your estimate !! The whoppers that Stallone wears only to pull 5'10 or so,, its hard to believe & mathematically impossible that he's 5'8!or 5'9 flatfooted like some really smart people in this forum claim !! The King of Lifts !!
andre said on 16/May/17
stallone 170cm barefoot at night
Brad said on 15/May/17
Sly needs a Burger King crown, home of the Whoppers.
RisingForce said on 14/May/17
That's true, Rob. I expect you'll be getting an email soon that reads: "6-0.5? This website is a disaster! Why does celebheights have low IQ people? I'm a big league 6 feet 3, believe me! You're fired!"

Back on topic, here's video of Sly and Kurt at the Guardians of the Galaxy premiere: Click Here Unfortunately, all I can tell is that they seem similar height that night since he's positioned closer to the camera, but when he movies back closer to where Sly is, he loosens his posture. Here's a still that shows about as decent comparison as you get in the video: Click Here We know Sly had lifts in those shoes that were like those Hogan shoes, while all I know is that Russell had cowboy boots: Click Here I'm not so sure about Russell in cowboy boots these days as he can look surprisingly tall, such as measuring up pretty well to 5'11.5" Vin Diesel who had his Frankenstein boots. If Goldie Hawn is about 5'5" these days and her heels are about 6 cm then Kurt does look like he'd measure at least 5'11" or so in those cowboy boots, so going by that and Sly looking taller than his brother, it seems both were passing for legit 5'10" range men that premiere. I'd bet Kurt would be at least 1 cm taller barefoot now since I don't think Sly is over 174 cm these days, while Kurt does generally still look more 5'9" to me.
RisingForce said on 13/May/17
REAL ANNONYMOUS, I actually thought about that myself when Sly was suddenly appearing a lot of in dress shoes. It did cross my mind that he came across this site or someone told him and he realized his lifts didn't fool anyone and were getting more attention than any lack of height on his part. Most celebs do google themselves, after all, Billy Bob Thornton was quite upset about the comments about him on this site, so it's not impossible. It makes more sense than Sly suddenly losing his vanity. Although I do have to hand it to Sly, based on the recent instagram post with his friend who owns the pizzeria, Sly is still impressively shredded. Even considering the advantages and access of a celeb, it's not often you see someone in that shape at anywhere near 70. Frankie, if you read my last post then you'd see my point was simply that Sly in lifts could be easily taller than Russell because a while back, someone on this page made the claim that Sly in lifts only managed the same height as Russell, which I've now shown to be untrue. I agree, Harris. Sly did pull off a solid 5'9" with Tyson at their induction in 2011 and there is a good picture of his shoes out there and they seemed normal. I also don't see how he could have been any less than 5'8.5" peak and I don't think he's much shorter than that even now. But as far as Rocky Balboa, he must have gone with lifts in his boxing shoes for that. Eddie Murphy is most likely 176 cm as Rob lists him as anywhere from 5'9"-5'9.5" is possible. I'd bet more on 5'9" flat than 5'9.5", but it's strange he could look taller with Tyson and at other times so he may have worn bigger footwear himself at times. I'd bet on Murphy being 1 cm, maybe a half inch max taller than Sly at their peaks.
Editor Rob
it is natural for some celebrities to occasionally read about themselves.

Waves to Trump πŸ‘‹ πŸ‘‹
Frankie68 said on 12/May/17
Stallone looks taller than Rooker & Russell because he has his Munsters on ,, its not rocket science !! He's shorter than both of them ,,, every pic of Stallone doesnt require a 1000 word explanation ,, you only need 2 words "shoe lifts" ,,, Wow im smart !!!
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 11/May/17
Hey Rising Force,im willing to bet Sly comes to this site on a regular basis just to see what people are saying regarding his height. Maybe thats why he is packing the bigger lifts lately
What do you think?
Harris said on 11/May/17
I agree, there's no way a 5'7" man is comfortably pulling off looking at least 5'10" or taller in lifts without it being painfully obvious. I can't see Sly under 5'8.5" at peak. I'd say he was a flat 5'9" without shoes in the 70's and 80's. I do find it odd a handful of people guessed him at 5'7" in his heyday...

Legit 5'10" Mike Tyson appeared only about an inch taller than Sly in 2011 and Sly didn't appear to have wedged up shoes that event from what I remember: Click Here (50 second mark and 1:00 to 1:06) and here's some pics: Click Here Click Here (Sly appears to look at least 5'11" in this photo, but I'll admit I'm unsure of footwear here). He could also pull off looking quite close to Arnie's height in a ton of pics, and appeared close to 2 inches taller than Eddie Murphy in 1986: Click Here (and Murphy was even speculated for wearing lifts around this time, as he appeared taller than 5'10" Tyson himself in '89 at the Sammy Davis show: Click Here
height said on 11/May/17
i think 172.2 5 ft 7.8
RisingForce said on 10/May/17
Sly looks a couple of inches taller than Michael Rooker in this shot from a recent photoshoot he uploaded to Instagram: Click Here Rooker is listed here at 5'9" and he probably was around that back when he did Cliffhanger, but is now probably no taller than 5'8.5". I'm sure Sly brought his lifts back for that. He seems to be wearing them more again and pulling off 5'10"+ as he did with his brother at the Guardians' premiere. Btw, going back in time, here's another example of what I was talking about when I said Sly in lifts isn't merely the same height as Kurt Russell. Just like the wide shot I posted from the movie where they walk to their cells, Sly must have had something in his shoes for this interview with Kurt: Click Here You see them standing together at 1:29 and about the 10 minute mark and Sly looks noticeably taller. Just seeing them together, it's hard for me to picture Kurt taller at their peak, I think there's a good chance both were 5'9" flat, but there's a better chance Kurt was 176 cm than Sly, imo and also a better chance of Sly being only 174 than Kurt.
Brad said on 9/May/17
Hanging on at 5' 8".
andre said on 7/May/17
5ft7 barefoot at night and about 5ft8.5 with shoes in the morning
Leo2001 said on 7/May/17
Mike Summerbee(On the right)with Sly-Click Here
Listed 178cm by these sites-Click Here
Brad said on 5/May/17
I've seen Stallone's brother in person, the 6' 1" is comical. Stallone laughing gas from Sly.
Wrs567 said on 4/May/17
To be fair to Slys Brother

He is probably claiming 6'1'' in his customized cowboy elevating elevators lol
RisingForce said on 3/May/17
Btw, here's a more recent comparison. Sly and his wife both in cowboy boots: Click Here They look similar, but we need a sideview to see if Jennifer has the same size heels as Sly or if she has a bigger style you see on some woman's cowboy boots. Also, it's very easy to slip a decent lift into cowboy boots, though I'm more certain Sly did that at the Escape Plan screening when he looked nearly Arnold's height since if he's walking around liftless at times in recent years, even when his wife has high heels, there's a chance he wouldn't bother when he already has a shoe that adds a lot of height and similar to what his wife is wearing. There's no way to tell really, but I do think Sly and his wife have always been similar in height, no more than 1 cm or so separating them either way. It's possible she's shrinking now as well since she's what? 48 or 49? I still think Sly's shoes have often shrunk more than he has. I think the earliest he started losing height was 2008-2010 and possibly not until 2013-2014.
RisingForce said on 3/May/17
Hyde, I agree with weak 5'9" peak for Sly and that Frank doesn't even look like he's much taller than Sly anymore. It's tough to pinpoint someone's height based on only comparing them to Sly, but it wouldn't surprise me if the 179 cm was peak and Frank is only 177-178 cm today. Brad, he did list the Rocky Balboa character as 5'11", but I've always seen Sly himself say 5'10" with the occasional 5'10.5" and the one time 5'10.75". I had thought he actually described himself as 5'9" while talking about Hulk Hogan on one of those shows like Good Morning America a few years back, but I guess not. Anyway, this is a good comparison. Sly and Robert Downey Jr. in 2008, both in lifts: Click Here Click Here Sly looks 1.5"-2" taller considering the conditions in both pics. Courtside shot showing they're both in massive lifts: Click Here I'd guess Sly and RDJ both get somewhere in that 2.2"-2.8" range from their shoes. It wouldn't surprise me if Sly is getting an extra cm advantage over Downey since I believe Downey is 172-173 and Sly 174-175 cm and I think there is a chance of Sly getting a full 3" from those shoes, but less of one for Downey, though this shot in particular shows Downey's foot sits higher than usual in his high tops: Click Here This comparison is made better by the fact that 2 years later, both show up to the Iron Man 2 premiere, this time, Sly is in dress shoes that look flat: Click Here I chose that pic as well because Jennifer wasn't bending for that pic like most others so you see she in heels stands potentially near 2" taller than Sly in dress shoes, maybe slightly less if the photographer was on her side giving her a subtle advantage, but if she's 6 foot in heels give or take, he doesn't look much more than 5'10" in shoes there. While Downey was in his usual high tops with noticeable lifts: Click Here With these shoes, Downey looked like he just edged out Sly, by maybe 1 cm, possibly less: Click Here Normally, I'd worry about posting a pic of these two without feet visible since I've seen both tip-toe, but I checked the video from that premiere and to me it confirmed them looking very close in height with Downey just edging him out on this occasion. You can probably get a decent idea of at least how much the boots Sly wore at the basketball game added assuming Sly didn't shrink much between 2008 and 2010 and assuming Downey had similar lifts in his high tops each time.
Hyde said on 3/May/17
His brothers ''6' 1'' claim is hilarious.

Stallone was a weak 5' 9'' in his the late 70s..
RisingForce said on 1/May/17
Johan, I always saw Johnson listed at 5'11", but you're right that Sly's 5'10" claim really isn't that bad. Van Damme is no taller and always claimed the same. Same with Snipes who claimed both 5'10" and 5'11"! Similarly, Mark Wahlberg is visibly shorter yet has claimed 5'10" for decades and Jeremy Piven who is even shorter than Wahlberg and looked like a child posing with Sly and Willis has also claimed 5'10" a number of times. Many people in that 5'8.5"-5'9" range are gonna claim 5'10" as well as some shorter. Mario Lopez seemed a bit shorter than a 66 year old Sly yet claims 5'11"! Chuck Norris is also in that same 5'8.5"-5'9" range and has always claimed 5'10" as well. Kirk Douglas is yet another no taller than Sly yet has claimed 5'11" longer than Sly has been alive! The 5'10.5" Sly use to claim and especially the 5'10.75" he claimed so he could be taller than Rocky Marciano's official height were pushing it as he got into 2" rule territory, but at least to my knowledge he never tried the full 5'11".Sly's shoes looked normal at the 2016 Grammys: Click Here But it's a moot point since not one of them is a full shot and 2 photos show Sly shorter anyway, but not by more than an inch, which may be accurate. Incidentally, Johnson has been said to have worn lifts if you look at the quote at the top of his page, though the shoes he wore on Miami Vice didn't look like they could fit much. I do still agree with Rampage that 176 cm peak is at least possible or arguable, but I imagine Brigitte Nielsen probably knew exactly how tall Sly was having lived with him for at least a couple of years so I imagine between 174-175 cm is the most likely guess.
Richardspain said on 1/May/17
Sly was 177m in peak no more. He looks tall because he is bodybuilder and always wears heel and elevator boots.

Nowadays he is a classic 175 cm or maybe 174cm.
Brad said on 30/Apr/17
Johnson doesn't wear custom wedged up whoppers.
burby said on 30/Apr/17
Sly goin' all stealthy with Foxx...
RisingForce said on 29/Apr/17
Again, this comparison should be taken with a grain of salt as there are no full pictures available, but at the 2016 Grammys, Sly with Jamie Foxx can look both taller: Click Here Click Here and shorter: Click Here Click Here Of course, Jamie's height can vary wildly the last half dozen years or so. Back when he did Collateral, Ray and Miami Vice, he typically looked 5'9" max, like he claimed, but in recent years, he can look much taller such as with 184 cm Channing Tatum where he can look no more than 3" or even 2" shorter as well as taller than 5'9" Andy Garcia and even 177-178 cm George Lopez as you'll see once my post on Jamie's page goes through and on Garcia's page. Quite strange as I haven't seen any proof Jamie wears lifts and even more interesting is Don Johnson could still look taller than Jamie in a full shot as of Django, though also about the same height other times. Also, Wesley Snipes was taller than Jamie in a recent full shot, or at least the same height even if Jamie had equal posture, yet Sly was at least as tall, sometimes taller than Snipes in normal shoes during Expendables 3 events. Weird how all these guys height can seem to vary quite a bit. It goes to show how foolish it is to put too much stock in any photo.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/17
I think 5ft9ΒΌ is arguable for a 70's Sly. Give him a generously heeled pair of dress shoes and you have him pushing 5ft11
RisingForce said on 29/Apr/17
Brad, we have seen him without the wedge and heel a lot from 2010 on. I guess like any addict, he just had a relapse! Give him time, there's no shoe lifts anonymous 12 step programs yet. Btw, take it with a grain of salt as we typically can't see feet, but considering I'd think Don Johnson could have a good chance of being slightly taller than Sly, it's strange that in all the photos together over 20+ years, Johnson has never been taller once. Early 90s: Click Here 1993: Click Here Mid 90s: Click Here At gold course, 2003: Click Here and 2014: Click Here Here's a shot of Sly's shoes on the last occasion: Click Here Like I said, it doesn't prove anything since you can rarely see shoes or full shots, only can you come close in the series of '93 pics, but you would expect Don Johnson to have been taller in at least one. Then again, DJ's height varies a bit as well with different footwear, but is likely same range as Mel Gibson.
Brad said on 29/Apr/17
Sly, retire the wedge and heel bro, we know....5' 8" hoss.
Arthur said on 28/Apr/17
Frankie : 1.69cm peak

Sly : 1.75cm peak

Frankie sorry mate ... ))
RisingForce said on 24/Apr/17
REAL ANNONYMOUS, yeah I have some Italian heritage myself as my grandmother was born there and emigrated to the US when she was 6 and being from the same region as Sly I've related to him as well. As for the shoes. They could be 2.5" over barefoot, but I wouldn't go any higher since they look like those Hogan shoes. They have a thick sole, which helps get more of the benefit of the lift, but if they go up only as high as the Hogan sneakers then they don't go up as high as a lot of boots or some high tops, which is a limiting factor. Here's a type of boot I think Sly could have gotten 3"-3.5" out of: Click Here Seeing side views and walking pics Sly did indeed have a big lift in there, but in general, the Hogan shoes and the Guardians of the Galaxy seem more 2.5" give or take a fraction. More than 2", but less than 3" for sure, imo. Again, you look at the Burt Reynolds pic I posted below and you see just how crazy the angle of a
3+" is. Leo, as for the shower scene, Sly was taller, but there was a lot of bending. Sharon still looked at least 5'8" until her 50s (don't know if she's less today) so that does support a 5'8.5"-5'9" Sly. I think I figured out Frankie, he's actually Frank Stallone trying to get the upper hand of his brother and he's especially annoyed Sly showed up taller than him the other night.
Brad said on 23/Apr/17
Those are sick 3" or more wedged up whoppers with his brother. He won't stop.
RisingForce said on 23/Apr/17
They're walking in those pics so you can't tell much, especially with the slight tilt, but Sly and Michael Douglas were about the same height, about 5'9", though a better chance Sly fell just short of the mark, and they both went to the same shoemaker for lifts. A 60 year old Michael Douglas with a 58 year old Sly in golf shoes makes me doubt Douglas was much, if any taller: Click Here I think Michael's lifts fooled more people. That's why he's struggling with 5'7.5" today while Sly still comfortably clears 5'8". I think Douglas just stopped wearing lifts by his late 50s so it seemed like he shrunk even more, but he was already looking 5'8" range years ago. I think Sly, Douglas and De Niro were all about the same peak height, but Sly has kept great posture and maintained his height better so he's noticeably taller than both who aren't much more than 171 cm these days.
Frankie68 said on 23/Apr/17
Great pics leo2001 !!!especially the pics with douglas where Sly is clearly shorter with his lifts on !! Lol !! 5'7 for me !!! & not a drop more !!!
BarryFl said on 23/Apr/17
Frankie68 said on 21/Apr/17
@HarryF ,, could u imagine how short his is next to his brother (who isnt tall) without those boots on !!! 5'7 for sure !!! Sly's hairline looks weird to !! Probably implants !!

I think it goes beyond implants - way too thick. Some kind of hairpiece. Comparing Sly to his younger self, his face gets higher and his hair gets lower. How fitting that at a premiere for a sci-fi movie, Sly himself looks like something OUT of a sci-fi movie! I wonder what he'd look like, naturally, as a 70 year old man without all that 'help'?
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 22/Apr/17
Hey Rising im a huge Stallone fan as well. The Rocky movies got me into working out and being of Italian heritage was pretty cool for me
The hairline looks like its a transplant... Pretty sure he was using a hairpiece while it grew in.
looks like he was rocking some pretty good lifts with his brother...what do you think 2.5 maybe 3 inch??
Leo2001 said on 22/Apr/17
91 with Sly-Click Here
97 with Bruce-Click Here
Many pics with Douglas in 91-Click Here
RisingForce said on 21/Apr/17
No problem, REAL ANNONYMOUS. It's actually a pretty decent movie too. The movie Sly gave a surprisingly short impression to me was his brief appearance in the Mitchum movie Farewell My Lovely. Check it out and you'll see what I mean. Btw, I love Sly, but he really has to reconsider the hair thing he's got going on lately. His hairline is looking like Judge Andrew Napolitano, who I also love, but it stands out to say the least! I hope he doesn't go down the Steven Seagal route!
RisingForce said on 21/Apr/17
Frankie, I was referring to his dress shoes. Those shoes do look suspicious, but 4 inches? Get real. You have any idea the angle of 4 inch elevators? Besides, Sly was at least half an inch taller than his brother Frank in them: Click Here And it's hard to tell exactly as Kurt was positioned closer to the camera most of the interview and they moved their heads at times laughing, but Sly was at least as tall as Kurt Russell that night, who had cowboy boots himself. Btw, here's the angle of MAYBE 3.5" elevators for reference: Click Here If you see Sly at that premiere in shoes like Burt's, much less bigger than you're blind.
Frankie68 said on 21/Apr/17
@HarryF ,, could u imagine how short his is next to his brother (who isnt tall) without those boots on !!! 5'7 for sure !!! Sly's hairline looks weird to !! Probably implants !!
Michael said on 21/Apr/17
Leo2001 said on 20/Apr/17
@all users
what do you think about the shower scene with Stone in The Specialist?

You mean Sly was in that scene as well????? :-D
Frankie68 said on 20/Apr/17
Nice post HarryF !!! So much for sly not wearing the 4inches anymore !! Lol
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/17
Looks noticeably taller on their new commercial than Canelo Alvarez, who is listed at 5'9", but looks more 5'7" range, certainly a max 5'8", but likely under. Though Sly looks taller next to Alvarez than Amir Khan did. Sly is still at least 5'8", likely a bit taller
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 20/Apr/17
Hey Thanks a lot Rising!
I see Sly at a peak height of 5'9 or close to it as well.
Arthur said on 20/Apr/17
Rob prooved his listing on 1.74cm many times. And I am still supporting very closer estimate to him..
Leo2001 said on 20/Apr/17
@all users
what do you think about the shower scene with Stone in The Specialist?
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/17
You can see literally whatever you want, huh, Frankie? They're the same height in 1 pic, Sly is taller in the other 3, though he has a camera advantage in 2 of them. The cowboy boots they wore in the 90s had a similar external heel. Anyway, when Mel Gibson appeared on Jimmy Kimmel's show to promote Edge of Darkness, he was almost as tall as 181 cm Kimmel: Click Here These were his boots: Click Here If you find video of that appearance, you'll see Mel was looking close to Kimmel's height, just as the photo shows. Mel has looked looked 5'10"-5'11" range in boots other times as well. So you either must acknowledge that Mel could be 5'9.5" minimum, or Mel could wear lifts. Either way, your whole argument is severely damaged.
Frankie68 said on 20/Apr/17
Im sure sly's cowboy boots are way higher than Mel's boots & Mel is still clearly taller than Sly ,,Sly is under 5'8 without those boots on , end of story !!
HarryF said on 20/Apr/17
Click Here

Sly's climbed back up on those big ol' boots.
James B said on 19/Apr/17
Rob is 5ft9.25 (176cm) a possibility for his peak?
Editor Rob
you could make a case for it, but I'm still ok with about 5ft 9 on the nose for SLy.
RisingForce said on 19/Apr/17
Frankie, I already posted pics and video from that if you scroll down to February as well as many other pics of Sly and Mel over the years. Sometimes one is taller than the other. As far as Planet Hollywood days: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here I'm 95% sure BOTH were in cowboy boots that night. You can't even see their feet in any of these so it's ridiculous to make such a big deal out of them, but here's a recent one I didn't posy where they look about the same: Click Here Sly also looked at least as tall on video in dress shoes at 2014 Cannes. For you to act like there's just one consistent height difference between them over the years is disingenuous. I've seen people do that all the time arguing much more serious topics. Gibson is probably a bit taller than Sly today, but wears thicker footwear today. There's also a good chance Gibson edged out Sly peak, although Sly measured up much better to Kurt Russell than Gibson did. Brad, lifts really aren't your strong point since you look for height DECREASING footwear. Sly's shoes are usually normal outside of movies these days. Pierre, Travolta is definitely under 6 feet today, but almost everyone agrees he was a legit 6 feet peak. But then compare Jennifer to Kelly Preston as well. You start having to downgrade evefyobe. At worst, she's 5'8.5" and at best she's 5'9.5" so 5'9" makes sense.
RisingForce said on 19/Apr/17
Real ANNONYMOUS, I remember the scene you're referring to. I'm on my phone right now and don't have access to a computer or my DVD. Here are a few screenshots online now. Click Here Click Here I haven't seen the film in several years, but I thought it was the grass. If you look at the 2nd shot, Winkler looks close in height to Perry King, who is suppose to be 6 feet. If you scroll down to my post April 13th, you see Sly and Winkler side by side leaning against a car. The lean makes it impossible to pinpoint precisely, but seeing them side by side in similar boots on solid ground makes it obvious to me that Sly is several inches taller. Let me put it this way. Say that my estimates for Sly and Winkler are roughly accurate with Sly at 5'8.75" or just about 175 cm like the average guess here with Winkler 5'6". That means a 3" or 7 cm (2.75") difference suddenly becomes closer to 2" with Sly in dress shoes (still in the nicer clothes he put on to buy his girlfriend a ring, iirc) and Winkler still in thick biker boots. Walking outside on grass, particularly on a hill, a 2" difference can easily disappear, same thing with pavement or the beach. I think this adds up here: Click Here as well as here keeping in mind Sly's pavement advantage: Click Here and they're fighting here, but you at least get the impression Sly is several inches bigger: Click Here When I have access to a computer(or DVD player) in the next week, I'll watch the scene and see if I missed anything in this post or I'm forgetting something.
The Real ANNONYMOUS said on 18/Apr/17
Just watched the Lords of Flatbush and there is a scene where Stallone and the boys are on there way to fight with somebody on the football team. Stallone is not in his biker boots or leather jacket. It's crazy but as they are walking on the grass together on what appears to be level ground he and Winkler look the same height??
What the hell its crazy!

Rising could you take a look at it and tell us what you think? Could you post a screen shot?
Pierre said on 18/Apr/17
John Travolta could be shorter than you think=in some pictures he look a little taller than Nicolas Cage and in some pictures Nicolas Cage can look a little taller than him,so i think they are in the same range of height.I have posted two pictures in his site at Nicolas Cage (27/Mar/17) page in which you can see him next to Tom Sizemore (Tom Sizemore is in picture with Rob)
Frankie68 said on 18/Apr/17
Theres a pic of Sly with Mel gibson from the LA festival Italian & Mel is an inch or two taller in every pic & Mel is 5'8 or 5'9 ,, show how can Sly be 5'8 or 5'9 ,, And let me make it abundently clear ,, im more inclined to believe Mel Gibson is 5'8 or 5'9 before Sly can ever be ,, My problem is i dont know how to load my pics to this forum ,,if someone can help i would appreciate it !! And Mel is taller than Sly in old Planet Hollywood pics from back in the day so i dont believe time matters cause it looks to be the same height difference & Sly was in his famously extra high black cowboy boots & Mel still topped him off !! They both cant be 5'8 or 5'9 ,, one is taller by a few inches & I know who it is !!! Lol
RisingForce said on 18/Apr/17
GP, you may be right about the reason. I can't say either way. Amazingly, Burt Reynolds is still limping around with a cane and elevator boots! I don't think there's much doubt Sly has wanted to be taller than he is for at least 40 years regardless. It's also possible he realized so many noticed his lifts, which defeat a lot of the purpose. But yeah, photos where you can't see feet should always be taken with a grain of salt regardless as there could be tip-toeing (I caught Sly doing this a few years back with his wife), uneven ground etc. If possible, full body shots and video are always best.
GP said on 17/Apr/17
Arthur, you do realize that all your photos don't show his shoes? At least RisingForce attempts to post better photos that are full body. If you believe that Stallone is a lift wearer then any photo without showing his shoes are not valid.
I will say this again, I bet the only reason Stallone stopped wearing or is only wearing an inch lift nowadays is due to most likely developing joint pains and possibly arthritis from wearing those munsters for 3 decades. And I believe he hasn't lost any height, maybe a cm since he has been using HGH by his own admission.
RisingForce said on 17/Apr/17
Frankie, we're simply discussing Sly's height, just as you are (except for the one important difference that we're being rational and providing evidence) But unless I've missed something, nobody has insulted you. We don't know exactly how much his lifts are, but if you're informed on the subject, you can get a general idea. Sneakers like the Hogan ones for instance aren't giving Sly more than 2.75" max and that's assuming he was putting near 2" lifts inside. On topic, I think Sly can look the solid 5'9", but balancing the shorter evidence, I think the 174-175 cm Brigitte Nielsen said is the best we have. I mean who would know better? They was long divorced when she said that. When they were married she said he was 5'10"-5'10.5" barefoot and 6' in shoes in response to Eddie Murphy saying Sly was 5'9". So 5'8.75" peak midday and now I think Sly has lost about 1 cm, mostly the last 3 years and is currently 5'8.25", which makes sense as he still consistently looks at least 5'8". Still 5'8.5" in 2013-2014 when the barefoot pic with Jennifer was taken and the Expendables 3 era.
Frankie68 said on 16/Apr/17
Its really funny how some in this forum act over what someone else thinks of Sly's height ,,like as if its personal to them how tall he is ,, and its more funny that they act like they know exactly what size lifts he wears ,,, lighten up people its a forum of opinions ,, not facts ,,some of you take this way to serious & im sure thats not why Rob created this site ,,My estimate for Sly is 5'7 flat !!!
RisingForce said on 16/Apr/17
I'm glad you asked that, Pierre, here she is towering over 5'5.5" Kelly Preston, both in heels, and she measures up well to a then solid 6 foot John Travolta, who was at least 6'1" in most shoes: Click Here Click Here Jennifer has a long body, I never doubted she was near the 5'9"-5'9.5" she's been listed at. She can clearly top 6 feet in heels, especially since she often doesn't stand straight and her heels are always around the 3" range, but never much more. Incidentally, Sly's shoes look flat there and if he were 5'7", he probably wouldn't even be as tall as Preston in heels, certainly no taller. Even at 5'8" flat, Sly in those shoes would only edge her by a fraction. Sly could only fit a modest lift in those shoes without showing a bulge as I'm pretty sure Rob would agree and really, Sly's foot looks flat in those shoes without much of an angle. Rob has Sly pretty much spot on with very little margin of error. Look at him above with his brother less than 3 years ago. Impossible he's anywhere near 5'7" there.
Brad said on 16/Apr/17
He's in whoppers in '17, don't kid yourself.
Pierre said on 16/Apr/17
If his wife is really 5"9' barefoot.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/17
Frankie, you've never proven ANYTHING. Sly has never looked 5'7" in any full body shot equal distance from the camera. He wore normal dress shoes at the Golden Globes, just as he has at most events for about 7 years now. Weathers is still near 6'1", maybe 6'0.5"-6'0.75". Sly looked at least 4" shorter, but no more than 4.5". And you know that, which is why you're making up wedges to try to twist him into being 5'7". As MJ said, I'm sure he has 3-4 inch lifts in his bare feet: Click Here That's Sly at age 67 with his 5'9"-5'9.5" wife. In any of the decent side by side barefoot pics, they look similar in height. You can't seriously argue she's 2 +" taller than him. That pic even confirms Sly's legs aren't as short as I thought meaning he's gonna look way out of proportion with 3-4 inch lifts.
Pierre said on 15/Apr/17
Imo around strong 5"8' peak
around 5"7' now
Frankie68 said on 14/Apr/17
I proved my claim of 5'7 many times & for the last time look at Sly with Carl Weathers at golden globe awards ,, he doesnt look 5'8 or 5'9 to me & his shoes are wedged up as usual !!
Arthur said on 14/Apr/17
MY only guess for Sly again :

1.74.5cm peak

1.73.3cm now
Arthur said on 13/Apr/17
Christian I am making insane humour not being serious about 7 inch elevators.. Just making a point that If sly was 5ft7 like frankies claim he should have weared 7inch platforms thats what I am saying .)))

Cause Frankie is a marginal member of this site saying Sly was 5ft7 in his peak and I am trying him to proove that claim.
Personally I am 5ft8 - 5ft8.5 not really need big elevators. I Just sometimes wear 1inch ones in rare occasions that gives 1.8 total with the heel of my shoe..)) I am not a elevator abuser...))) I also really dont like walking in them cause making my shoes heavy..)) Generally I only try big lifts in home to test their total gain... Otherwise I generally wear normal shoes.. The point I am saying there are members quoting Sly is 5ft7 or 5ft10 and I am trying to meke them proove their claim. For example I post a photo that Nielsen has 4cm cubans making her 1.87 cm and Sly only looks 2cm shorter than her.. So how can be Sly was 5ft7 ? Concerning the fact that the most a person get with elevators are around 10cm range how can SLy be 5ft7 ? Thats the thing I am saying for 3 years... For those that guessing 5ft7 the only possibility is photoshop.

Click Here look again

Click Here look again

Click Here look again
Click Here look again

I think Robs stadiometer is wrong ... There is no other possibility.

1.74.5 CM PEAK

1.73.3 CM NOW
RisingForce said on 13/Apr/17
With Henry Winkler around 5'6" peak, if Sly were 5'7" max he'd look similar in size, yet you'd have to be blind to believe that: Click Here Rob has him pretty accurate. You can argue quarter inches, half inches or 1 centimeter. He looks too tall to be below that range, but can look too short to be much above it. The idea that he's not much taller than Winkler, Woody Allen, Elton John etc. should not be taken seriously.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 13/Apr/17
Arthur said on 12/Apr/17
Hey frankie do you know a site that sells 7inch - 8inch type of elevator shoes ? I am looking forward to try them since I am 5ft8.5 normally maybe I can pull of 6ft2 in weddings. I will be very glad If you send me link of the site ? I also asked allan from dons that could he make a 7inch Midsole walkable elevator shoe . He replied I could make Arthur but you cant walk with them so better buy a photoshop program to make yourself that much taller. Also I am looking forward to meet G in NYC next winter he send me a mail that he is trying to design the expendables 3 version of portmans which adds 3inches. Offered me a good price. He also said he is the same height as Rob but he is thinking Rob weared 1.2inches lifts in his socks that measurment day. So Sly can maybe be 5ft7 Δ±f he wears 1inch lifts in his socks 5cm heeled cowboy boots and 3inch internal lifts = 5FT7 sly appeared 5ft11 in 1980s.. Thats the only possibility that comes into my mind. But I only had one confusion Frankie how Sly could able to run in movies or jumped , punched , kicked you know that movements ? Can you explain how a person can run with 6inch elevator shoes ? I am not offensing you are a nice member of the site but nearly most of us wonders you to explain your 5ft7 claim with logic ? Also last summer you dropped your claim to 5ft6.75 range. Of course Sly is getting older everyday Δ±t can be also guesseble...


7-8 inches? That's insane. Trust me, you don't want to buy/order elevator shoes that thick. You'll be tripping over after every 10 steps, not to mention it'll be very noticeable, it'll look like this Click Here (and even this is only 5 inches). I would stick to 3 inches at the most.
Pierre said on 13/Apr/17
Probably not very tall.Very good look and very good actor,one of the principal stars of action movies.Sly is the proof there is not necessity to be 5"11' to be very charismatic ,when i look at him in a movie or in a interview i forget to ask me what is your height,he's a giant!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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