Larry said on 17/Aug/06
Folks: EVERYONE loses height during the day. I tested this out on myself, my wife, and my son AFTER Rob pointed it out. Test it yourself; you may be surprised at how much height you actually lose during a day. Frankly, with cancer EACH doc measures you and weighs you. My main oncologist has me weighed AND measured everytime I come in for a visit/treatment. I GET the weight thing, but I have throat cancer, not skeletal cancer, so I'm not QUITE sure why he needs me measured every time? But it's no biggy to me.
The thing with Glenn is: he provides photographic evidence. As an old scientist, data is like candy to me. He usually also includes observations regarding footwear, level-ness of the ground, etc. And REMEMBER: some of these celebrities are "tricky". :-)
GlennFan100 said on 17/Aug/06
Glenn, it doesnt feel nice when an idiot calls your height as 5'6", even hinting at 5'"5"...the nerve!! But in all fairness, people who always see other people as 2" shorter than reality are A SPECIAL KIND OF PEOPLE. With all due respects to them, they also rub elbows with celebrity! The main difference? THEIR EYEBALL SOCKETS ARE MOUNTED 2" ABOVE THEIR FOREHEAD!!! Now THAT explains why these "special" people can see you as 2" shorter than 5'8"....
Here is a picture of one of them "special" people, with a hot celebrity chick!
Click HereGlenn, you are a cool 5'8" dude, keep it real!
HelloKitty said on 17/Aug/06
Vaj, that pic compilation is incredible!LOL. I specially liked the pics (because i've never seen them before) with Stallone being shorter than his brother in two pics and the last pic he's towering over his brother, he's basically looking down on his brother and brother looking up to Stallone. LOL. No doubt he wears "special shoes" but in order to pull off his growth in height, he must at least be 5'9 to come close in height to the 6footer celebrities. Again, I never met him, I firmly believed stallone was 5'7 for several years, but the pics just show that he can't be 5'7. Tom Cruise ( who I did meet) is listed at 5'7 and when Tom wears his lifts, he struggles to reach 5'9. When Stallone is wearing lifts he is hitting the 6foot mark. If anyone has any authentic (and undoctored) pics with Stallone that proves he's 5'7, please post and we can judge for ourselves. But at this point, I have to agree with Glenn that Stallone is at least 5'9-5'10, unless other pics prove otherwise.
Brad said on 16/Aug/06
Munster boots. Now that's funny! I wonder if I asked Sly if he wears Munster boots he's do a Macho Camacho flurry? I guess we'll never know unless he gets arrested.
Earl said on 16/Aug/06
So how tall are you really Glenn?
Chris said on 16/Aug/06
Well said honey, give Glenn some respect for his time and efforts!
Pete said on 16/Aug/06
Yeah whatever Glenn. You hurl false accusations at members,call Vaj a 'chick' lose ur temper and curse anyone and everyone...and then u demand apologies and respect?!
Frank and Rob - theres a difference between them n u - they write with dignity and maturity. And sadly ur immaturity has driven the respected (in everyones eyes but urs) Frank away.
One day when theres just u left here and ten parrot chanting sheep saying after u 'yes master Glenn, Sly is 5'10,we dare not argue with thou lest u lose ur adolescent temper yet again' you'll realise........
I'm saying it as it is cos ur behaviour makes everyone think twice b4 giving an honest alternative opinion.
vaj said on 16/Aug/06
I do not recall saying that, but if I did I do apologize.
leonari said on 16/Aug/06
JK: geezer? one of the biggest movie stars of all time?? yeah right! but he does wear lifts and I think he is 5'9.5"= 176 cm. perfect posture. special designed shoes and serious lifts...and btw: had the most athletic body seen on the big screen during the 80's...
honey said on 16/Aug/06
Hey people, even if you disagree with some of Glenn's estimations, pay respect to the ammount of time and effort he invests in this site, his only aim being to enlighten and/or amuse us.
Glenn said on 16/Aug/06
Vaj-who says Im intimadating you.thats your machismo talking.if you didnt say,I was 5-6,I apoligise.but you still didnt answer the fact or be a man and apoligise that you said I was measuring myself like a madman.
Anonymous said on 16/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Glen, not that it really matters but i think i coined the term "munster shoes". I could be wrong and if i am, my apologies to Vaj. I usually hang out in here when i come to celebrity heights as Sly is my favorite celebrity. It is rare that i go to the other sections, but if i saw that Frank2 was acting like a dick, i would tell him so. Glenn, i have only gone after you when i have thought you have gone over the top with some of the members i like in here. The first time i punked on you was when i made a comment about your height and weight in the Sly pick. That was a low blow on my part and it was to easy and wrong. I think I probably have misunderstood some of your rants in here at times. Some times I feel like you come off all high and mighty, but maybe you do so because you have a passion for what you do and care about the site. You seem like a good guy to sit down and have a couple of beers with. tenaciousC, i like the wrestling anology. My guys will kick the other teams ass anyday and you should put leonari's name on the other team because he is a half pint bodybuilder wannabe. I can choke you out,tap you out or knock you out, it all depends on the mood Im in. Hey Leonari, just messing with you bro.
JK said on 16/Aug/06
I think its really obvious that this geezer wears lifts, i think he is 5'8.25''.
Glenn said on 16/Aug/06
If anyone thinks I love myself too much,your right I do.but I dont let it affect the site.only my private life.those who think Franks more accurate never met celebs and needs to get a life.
tenaciousC said on 16/Aug/06
haha dis is becomin real comedy like wwf royal rumble smackdown.. glenn, nolifts, danimal, leung and crew in one corner.... pitted against frank, sf, realanonymous, vaj, pete, steve in dee other! hellokitty will be da ring babe, ill jus out on da sides munch my popcorn and hand out da lawn chairs! its funny how those who beleive slys tall side wit glenn defend insults at him, those who think hes short are wit da frank crew cos 'frank is more accurate' and defend insults thorwn at him.. at least sf is man enough to admit frank can be a bit of a joker tho he sides wit him on slys height... jus wonder why its so hard to accept an 'average' man whos wannabe tall?
sf said on 16/Aug/06
Okay - it's late last night and I'm sitting up watching tv at about 2 am. For some reason, I start thinking about this site and start thinking about the Stallone arguments. I turn the channel, and, of all movies, "First Blood" is just starting. Now - you gotta understand. I don't have cable, so this is the only channel that shows movies at night. Anyway, I started laughing and then, of course, had to watch to gauge Stallone's height.
The one thing I will say is that Stallone is easily at LEAST 2 inches shorter than David Caruso who is usually listed at about 6'0". Also, Stallone's hair is HUGE in the movie. Watch it again. I really was trying to be fair watching the movie last night and I would say, minus hair, that Stallone was 3 inches shorter than Caruso putting him no more than 5'9" in the movie. Screw all of those staged photos of Stallone looking 6'0". Don't buy any of them. But, even during the movie, Stallone looked only 5'9" to 5'10" at best. Take a way 2 to 3 inch lifts and you've got a man no taller than 5'7"...
vaj said on 16/Aug/06
I only repeated what you wrote, correct me if I am wrong. First of all I never said you are 5'6". You said that you are 5'8" barefooted and at night you are 5'7.25". My point is that your are a little taller in the morning maybe 1/2" taller but if you shrink as short as 5'7.25" that is your real height. Do you know how long you are 5'8" till gravity shrinks you? Don't get upset with me for repeating your own words and I am not trying to make fun of your height.
By the way Sly obviously has you fooled because I do call these pair of shoes MUNSTER SHOES compared to ordinary shoes.
Click HereI agree that you are a great asset to the site but you should calm down and quit kicking people of this site! And another thing do you think you intimidate me? You are a grown man as well as myself and I agree if we can not comminicate in a civil manner we should keep away from each other.
Now, to the rest of you someone please explain how a man known to wear huge lifts to get him close to 6' can be confused as short as 5'7". I know b/c he is 5'8" and why are there so many pictures of him comparing him to people who are 5'8".
Click HereNow here is Sly shrinking and then growing.
Click Here
raj said on 16/Aug/06
glenn makes a great contribution to this site and i dont think anyone in here can judge him and especially when we dont know him personally. maybe hes cool, maybe not but who cares when what matters is celebrities height!
Glenn said on 16/Aug/06
Vaj-Im not through old are you and what kind of attention were you looking for when you said I measured myself obsessivly,which is actually far from the said that only a month ago in different words in a wiseass tone.and lets not forget Im 5-6.that was 6 months ago,or less.your typical and predictable like the can dish it,but you cant take it when your called on. and THEN question my maturity when you,like the other 3 or 4 I had problems with attacked me first! balls and nerve you have. how would you like if the shoe was on the other foot? I EVEN kept silent! until now I found out you were I said once before vaj,unless we can talk to each other in a civil manner with respect,then lets keep away from each other.fair? I must say with respect,your MUNSTER shoe thing was redundant and getting out of hand,and was not the answer for every Sly sighting.
Glenn said on 16/Aug/06
Real Anonymous-its not about intimidation.its about respect.if you remember,you guys got wiseass with me first before my many tamptrums.and still got wiseass with have a right to your own opinion and can think whoever celeb is 5-8 all you want.its when one gets stupid with me,then the trouble least sf makes a valid point.if someones says something smart,I listen.he is right.the site has become the Glenn site,and for that I truly,sincerely apoligise.but is that a bad thing? to my haters it is.and I think it might be different for sf.he might not hate me,but he is tired of my mug.he has a right to that.and I dig that.sf, I find the most intelligent of the scufflers I had.thats cool speaking up for himself and he did it like a man,not a punk.Frank had a right to his opinion too,but as sf agreed he was stubborn and arrogant about never being wrong.Im tired of repeating myself,but I always said I could be wrong.Im not wrong on Colin.and small chance Im wrong on Sly.anybody else could be a mystery.
Larry said on 16/Aug/06
Brad - I'm 6'5" barefoot, so I can be almost 6'7" in cowboy boots. So, I don't wear 'em! :-) Sometimes being very tall is a hassle (like with finding decent clothing at a DECENT price), but mostly it's kind of nice. Handy for seeing in crowded theaters! Also, I weigh 235 pouunds most of the time, so I've got the "Mike Mazurki" look going! :-)
Larry said on 16/Aug/06
Jeezzz guys... let's play nice! :-) Glenn and Frank2 BOTH contribute to the wealth of information on the site and I've agreed AND disagreed with both of you. All data is helpful. We call it accumulating a "robust database". I KNOW my perspective can be 'Skewed' by my 6'5" viewpoint (my wife cues me in on that one!).
Rob - You have a secret identity?! :-) Someday I'll send a photo of me & scare the heck out of everybody. hehehe...
HelloKitty said on 15/Aug/06
sf, you have a point about body proportions varying among individuals. But in several pics Stallone's hands are normal in size to his body, they dont stand out as being humangous orangatang hands on a 5'7 frame. They look like the hands of a 5'9-5'10 man. Again, I dont know if the hand casts at Planet Hollywood were authentic or a guess, or exaggerated size by the architect. Or if lifting weights makes your hands bigger/longer.?? Pics with Stallone next to legitimate 6footer celebrities like ,i.e., Gov. Schwarz, travolta, willis, hogan, mcmahon, chippendaler can only be pulled off if he's at least 5'9-5'10. If tom cruise wore stallone's "special shoes" he would barely be as tall as 5'9. tom's 5'7.75 listing is very, VERY generous.
HelloKitty said on 15/Aug/06
Wow, this Stallone height page has been busy. Here's a link to Billy Jeffrey, a chippendale dancer with a photo taken with Stallone. Billy's bio lists him as 6'0" tall and looks like Stallone is his height or even taller by an inch or two making him 6'0 to 6'1. you cant see their feet, but I assume Stallone is wearing lifts. Again, I used to believe he was 5'7, but more and more pics with stallone next to 6footers tells me Stallone is at least 5'9.5 to 5'10 barefoot. A 5'7 guy with "special shoes" on cannot pull off what Stallone is doing.
Click HereClick Here
Glenn said on 15/Aug/06
I dont need attention.I get plenty and dont want it.I SERIOUSLY thought you were a chick.glad you have a real dont know me,so dont hint I bother celebs cause I cant get a job.your arrogant too in your own ways.I KNOW plenty of people with great occupations and houses,that are miserable losers.and of course losers with s*** jobs.of course Im not saying your one of them.I shouldnt judge you,so dont judge me.
Anonymous said on 15/Aug/06
Vaj, your the man!! Glenn loves himself too much and likes to be at the centre of attention! I think Frank2 is more accurate than Glenn for estimates of celeb heights! Frank2 don't leave this site!!
vaj said on 15/Aug/06
Listen Glenn,
How old are you?
Yes I am a man and the only reason I posted a pic of myself is that I do not bull s***! Someone did say that I was jealous of Sly and I needed to get a hot girlfriend and hit the gym and that I was insecure of my height.
That was the only reason I posted my picture of myself to prove that I was not a woman and that I do have a hot girlfriend and I do know Lee who still says Sly is 5'8".
Now I have met many stars like Banderas, Don Johnson, Chuck Norris, and many others. The only problem is I do not carry a camera with me all the time. I do not need to because I have a real job and do not like bothering celebs. I just say hi and shake their hands and move on.
Now do not try bulling me around, try sticking to the subject and quit trying to get attention!
Anonymous said on 15/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** wow there are some pretty harsh words being directed at some people in here. If Frank2 leaves, it will be a loss for the site. There is nobody else in here that has the behind the scenes knowledge that he does. Pete, Vaj and SF, i like reading your posts, because you tell it like it is and you don't get intimidated by anybody in here. Im blown away by some of the nuthugging that goes on in here, and i laugh my ass off at some of the Keyboard Warriors in here as well.
Glenn said on 15/Aug/06
Thank you Rob.I do it out of love for those that want to see and discuss the truth.Rob did awhile back,show me his true self in a photo,with trust in me.not a bad looking dude.shame he hides his indentity.look the man is very busy,though this is his love,its at the bottom of his list and is probably happy I take some of the weight off him by providing pics and answering questions.
sf said on 15/Aug/06
Okay - I'm going to do my best not to make comments about anyone. So, I'm sorry that I sometimes do. Rob has a great point, and let us know just how valuable he has found Glenn to be to this site and that he really was looking for someone like Glenn, etc. Rob - I am not trying to disrespect you when I comment about Glenn's pictures everywhere. Maybe we can superimpose Emmanuel Lewis over Glenn's face? one would buy Emmanuel being that tall.
The nice thing is that there are 4 or 5 people who seem to have a lot of experience with lots of celebrities - Glenn, Mister R, Frank, now Brad. Even Dmeyer has some good experience.

Editor Rob
there is one other reason apart from those mentioned related to pics - they do bring more visitors to the site...
Glenn said on 15/Aug/06
SF-I knew youd make a comment about my music statement.if thats the truth,its not arrogant,I dont mean the whole world,I mean amongst the Bronx,and most of this site.and I DID save the site,as Rob said on a couple you might have a problem with might not.I KNOW I can come off arrogant,but thats cause I can back things up.I wouldnt come of arrogant if people were more open minded,didnt attack me at first,or a subject I didnt know about.thank you for agreeing Frank was being was I,reactionary to for seeing my mug everywhere,I might get annoyed have a point.thankfully,most people dont mind,and love it.if you didnt like the way Frank was sometimes,then why pop off on me,and never say anything to him?

Editor Rob
Glenn doesn't mind having his face shown...I don't, ok my face is actually around the internet if you look hard enough, but in 2004 I was trying to find someone similar to glenn, with large collection of pics but none would allow me to use them, or wanted to charge $10 per picture shown etc...
sf said on 15/Aug/06
Man, if only Stallone knew how much controversy he causes on this site!
Glenn, when you say, "and no one can beat my knowledge and collection of music" you prove my point regarding arrogance. No one? No, I don't support Frank calling you, me, or anyone names like Napoleon. That's childish. But, I also don't support someone coming and always saying how it's their pictures that have saved the site, and how they've done this and that, and that....etc....
Supply your pictures and experience because you enjoy doing it, and like to help Rob and add to the site. Don't do it because you think it gives you the right to "take over the site."
I do feel you've added to the site, but, truthfully, to me, it really doesn't matter. I'm sure it does to Rob, but I'd be okay if you'd never posted your pictures and we all just went on people's experiences, anecdotes, things we've read, seen, etc. To me, quite honestly, this site is overwhelmed with your pictures. Seriously. It's like the "Glenn" site.
Now wait - before you get super-offended. I'm not trying to put you down, cause you're just trying to enjoy and add to the site. I know that. But, I'd rather NOT have so many pictures of you on every page. Nor would I like to see Frank, or myself, or anyone except Rob. Seriously. If Rob had all the pictures of himself, I would accept and respect that. It's his site.
I agree with you, Glenn, also regarding Frank in many ways. He's very arrogant and blunt and stubborn. I don't like the way he comes off, either, most times. If he wants to leave the site, that proves HIS maturity level.
And, I sure as hell know I come off as arrogant sometimes, too. Rob can attest to that! I still say he's wrong about Davey Jones!!! (But, that's another post)....
All right. I'm done. Stallone is only 5'2"...
Brad said on 15/Aug/06
You can just imagine him looking up at Sharon Stone in heels at 5' 10". That's gotta be not fun. I was about 12 years old at 5' 7". Nixon just got in, first term. I was 6' 7" in boots today. I hate it!!! I wish I was 6' 2".
Pete said on 14/Aug/06
If u mean that Frank you'll be truly missed but in a way I dont blame you.
Well done Glenn,pat yourself on ur arrogant back.
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Danimal,that is so of the biggest illusions ever for me and Mr R is DMX.look at that page.
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Liotta might be 5-11.but he looks 6-1 when I see him.Frank might be right on that.but NO WAY is Colin and Sly 5-8.
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Steve-I think Nolifts agrees with me and elaborates differently than me.not a mirror of me.oh if Frank reads this,which I doubt now,the only problem I had with you was my temper.and I apoligised endlessly.I NEVER insulted you until you called me Bonapart.
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Bon Voyage Frank.calling me Napolean isnt a cheap shot? it wasnt me alone Frank.thats a lie.your just making me look bad.maybe Im part of was the ribbing of others,cause I SAW your last email before your last dont try wasnt me.and we told each other we loved each too Frank.your exaggerating.I still think your an interesting person,and Ill never experience the things you experienced.thats magic,the legends you met.but your a stubborn old goat.
vaj said on 14/Aug/06
Many people say many stupid things on this site to try to piss people off.
For example, someone said that I had a vandetta against Sly and that I should go to the gym and get a hot girlfriend. Someone also said that I might be insecure about my own height that is why I try to down grade Sly height.
Well, I think I have been pretty honest with you all. I even posted a picture of myself and my girlfriend and even Lee who Sly use to managed. And you can clearly see that I am not short, I should just say I am 5'10.5"-5'11" in shoes like so many claim their height with shoes on. And I am in very good shape which I do go to the gym as seen in the pictures and by the way you can see that I have a beautiful girlfriend. I am very successful business man and I am not looking for fame so there is no reason I should hate or have a vendetta against Sly.
Just many people say stupid things not even knowing the person.
Frank2, I like to read your opinion and I hope you do not leave this site for your information is valued.
Here is Sly with Arnold looking short.
Click HereIn this picture you can see Sly has lifts on and Arnold is still taller
Click HereSly uses tricks like stretching into a military stands and mabe tip toeing to look as tall as possible.
Click HereIn this picture Sly is clearly tip toeing maybe he sees a camera about to take a picture of him.
Click HereJay Leno is 5'11" with shoes on and in this picture Sly has 2" heels + 1" lift in his boots next to Leno. If Leno lifts his head upright he is taller than Sly . If Sly was 5'10" he would of been taller than Leno with his boots on.
Click HereBy the way Don Johnson is 5'10" in shoes I met him on the set of Ten Cup.
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
claiming you might be shorter than advertised is hardly taking cheap shots. You on the other hand have been most insulting towards me as well as quite obnoxious in general.
It was you and you alone that caused me to leave. On every forum there's at least one joker full of himself, spoiling it for others. This one's no exeption.
Everyone can believe what they like. Once again I'm through, but this time I will not be back. Enjoy.
Viper652 said on 14/Aug/06
Liotta has looked just 5-11 in most of his movies to me. I think hes 5-11 barefoot.
Brad said on 14/Aug/06
Sharon Stone 5' 6"? No way, she's taller.
Danimal said on 14/Aug/06
Frank, because you look someone in the eyes, does NOT make them necessarily the same height as you. I look some of my closest friends straight in the eye, YET, if were were to look in a mirror or a passing window, some of the tops of their heads are taller than mine.
It's possible you're 5'11" and stair Liotta in the eyes, but that doesn't mean he's 5'11". He can be over 6'0". The janitor for my building claimed he was 5'11", yet I'm 5'9.5". I said NO way, so we stood next to each other and faced my mirror and he was taller.
Don't be SO steadfast in your convictions of height Frank.
sf said on 14/Aug/06
HelloKitty - hand size does not necessarily equate to a person's height. Just because someone has a larger hand, doesn't mean they are taller than your boyfriend. Haven't you ever known someone with really big feet? Or, a bigger nose? it happens. A friend of mine, who was 2 inches taller, had the smallest hands I've evern seen on a guy. My hands literally dwarfed his. I'm not kidding. he showed me his hands cause he knew I played guitar, and he told me his hands were too small to play. That's when he put them up to mine, and I couldn't believe how small they were. All, I'm saying, isn't you can't always compare "appples to apples" from the size of someone's hand, or length of their legs, etc. etc. Peoples' body part proportions can vary.
Nolifts81 said on 14/Aug/06
Hey Steve I am not Glenn's echo. I think only that Glenn's estimations are more realistic than Frank. Most of you believe at what Frank say because Frank has been in the industry, but you don't realize that Frank is (not volontary) downgrading all the celeb's height by 1 or 2 inches.Steve- You believe that Sharon Stone is 5'6"? or Colin Farrell 5'8"? Sly 5'7" ? Don Johnson 5'8"? James Woods 5'10"? etc, etc. If you think that these are their real heights you have serious problems with your eyes or maybe you are only a Frank's boot-licker.I only think that Glenn is more accurate than Frank! To me Frank sees people always 2 inches shorter than they really are.So Steve shut up!!!
tenaciousC said on 14/Aug/06
jus saw rocky 1 again, there was a guest appearance before da final fight by smokin joe frazier... frazier is 5-11.5 but wore big heels in da ring, came over and shook rockys hand... looked about 2inches taller than rocky
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
No Pete.cause Frank is the most inaccurate person on the site.if Frank was right,as Rob told me,he would be changing Colin to 5-8,Sly to 5-7,Don Johnson to 5-8,Elvis to 5-11,Patrick Stewart to 5-8,etc,etc.Frank HAS been made fun of.I NEVER was.sure,I get the occasional jealous idiot.and SF,if you think what Frank did by calling me Napolean was cool,then your a hyprocrite.I hope this changes your veiws of him a little.accusing me of always being right,but look what Groucho Marx did.Frank, he was complimenting me and Rob I sense the ego that I HAVE been accussed of? I wont back down.Im right over Frank on Colin and Sly,anything else,let him have.even though he is wrong on those too.
tenaciousC said on 14/Aug/06
liotta is like sly wears tons of big heels and lifts, terrible to use as reference..
tenaciousC said on 14/Aug/06
sf, cmon dude im not talkin bout movie scenes or glamor photos that enhance slys heihgt.. dont tell me every single candid shot of sly ever taken by the media must be prefiltered or photoshoped jus to ensure sly looks 6-1?
Click HereClick HereUR in denial if U say sly hasnt been seen over 6feet.. im not sayin sly is anythin near 6 like i said i dont have a clue what slys at but U jus cant deny da facts of what hes seen as.. ill jus say he cant be under 5-8 tho, anyone who sez he is is perpetuating a 'myth'
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Frank,do I sense cheap shots and hostility? all over the site no less.Rob clued me in youve been doin this for awhile now.IM GLAD,your hitting with the cheap shots cause NOW people will see your true colors you handsome hunk.did you guys ever see the one sole pic Frank ever posted? wow.sight for sore eyes.given that Sly pic with me is the worst I ever looked.what has your assistant done for you today? and what of the maid? you would think with all the loot you had,you would spend less time on the computer.goes to show.even a rich person can be blind and have no life.who came with the insults first? insecure Frankie? exposing the truth on you? I studied psychology for years,and your showing classic insecurity and jealousy.your dying an early death on the site quicker than I thought.I have a sense of humor and stab at myself Im not insecure.and everyone Franks shrunk me to 5-6 for the longest time.Robs been deleting since he was in the industry,he must be right.perceptive I am,and I smell a RAT.

Editor Rob
it was a 5ft 6 comment a few days, maybe Frank was joking a bit at first, I don't know but I am lenient with some commenters, although I have deleted comments like on Gibson's thread where it starts to go a bit off-topic. I don't mind anecdotes, but...
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
Liotta with 5'11" Sigourney Weaver:
Click HereWeaver usually wears ballet slippers when in scenes with shorter male leads. I saw this myself on one of her sets. If she's wearing shoes with one-inch heels that makes her 6' which is what Liotta is when wearing shoes with one-inch heels. They look the same height to me.
Height Tracker, thanks, but I don't consider myself to be awesome. Just an accurate observer when it comes to people's heights.
Height Tracker said on 14/Aug/06
I just got done watching the movie Something Wild. After seeing this, I see no possible way of Ray Liotta being 6'1". Here is why: In the final scene of that movie, Liotta and Jeff Daniels are fighting each other. At one point, Jeff Daniels sticks a knife into Liotta and they are both standing upright and looking right at each other. Well, in that scene Daniels is barefoot and Liotta has thick boots with at least a 2 inch heel. Daniels, who is listed here at 6'3" and is standing barefoot is a solid 2 inches taller than Liotta in his boots. Therefore, here is my conclusion: Liotta is 5'11" + 2" cowboy boots = 6'1". Therefore, barefoot 6'3" Daniels is 2 inches taller. Case closed, end of story. By the way, I'm sorry I wrote all this on the Sly page, and please do not tell me that Jeff Daniels is something ridiculous like 6'5", because he never looked it. In addition, there were no strange camera angles in that scene and everything looked normal. Thank you to Rob, Glenn, Frank, and all the other contributors. You're all awesome. Peace.
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
But Steve, Glenn tells us Liotta is over six feet so Sly must be 5'10". In fact, Glenn seems to add about two to three inches to all the celebs he's been photographed with and then becomes quite angry when challenged, even threatening. I suppose that if I was Napoleon, I'd do the same thing.
Steve said on 14/Aug/06
Liotta's 5'11 at most, which makes sly around 5'8. With lifts he gets closer to Liotta's height but we're talkin bout barefoot height. And Nolifts81 what are you Glenn's echo? You never have anything original to say, just copy whatever he says. Use your common sense.
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
If Ray Liotta is 6'1", then I'm also 6'1". Maybe that explains everything.
Nolifts81 said on 14/Aug/06
Yes Glenn, Ray Liotta is 6'1".Months ago he was in a tv show with the italian anchorman Teo Mammucari(Teo is 6'1")and Liotta was his exact height wearing normal dress shoes(very low cut!!!). Frank, with all the respect,no way Sharon Stone is shorter than 5'8".When she was in Italy for presenting "Basic Instinct 2" she has been almost in all italian TV programs and comparing her height with the height of some of the italian anchorman I can say without doubt that she is at least 5'8"!!!.I've read here that Colin Farrell is 5'8". Hey guys are you blind? I know for sure that Colin Farrell is a good 5'10" because yesterday my cousin Alex (from Las Vegas/Nevada))called me at the phone and said to me that, in Florida he met Colin Farrell and that he is exactly his height:my cousin Alex is 178 cm 5'10"+. I asked him if Colin had souspicious shoes and he assured me that he had normal dress shoes on. I've never had doubt that Farrell is a solid 5'10".
Pete said on 14/Aug/06
Glenn if Frank at 5'11 looks Liotta right in the eye whilst u at 5'7/8 are looking up at him trying to guess his height...dont u think Franks in a much better position to judge?
Glenn said on 13/Aug/06
SF-Ill hand you your Bra,if you can hand me my corset for my expanding gut. Height Tracker-Mr R also said 5-8 for DMX,who looks a shocking 5-11 in my photo thats going up any second now.good thinking Hellokitty! Rob,did you get the 50 new pics I sent?

Editor Rob
yes, I just seen them, very nice, I will firstly put up dmx to shock and awe folk!
Glenn said on 13/Aug/06
SF-I said many times everyone was important to the site.sorry you feel that way,BUT,as usual and predictable,you fail to realise I ADMIT my faults.Frank cant.Im 100% right on Farrell and 90% on Sly.any other celebs Im 75% on. AND I said Im bad with sports,wrestling and women no SF,you judged me wrong and put words in my mouth.I DONT know everything.but I DO know Sly and Colin.and no one can beat my knowledge and collection of music.whatever Franks capicity or past,it doesnt mean he is once again fail to realise his wrong estimations on alot of celebs.Frank-I accept nothing smaller than 5-7 on Stone.Liotta always appeared 6-1 to me as Brad said.thats why I said that estimation.REAL ANONYMOUS-though I have done extra work on a few films,no, on Copland I was prowling around.and others want to get technical,I guess im in the industry too.cause I worked on plenty of film sets.wheter it was a gopher or extra or maybe now I qualify SF?
Brad said on 12/Aug/06
True about Liotta, 6' 1" when I met him. He's taller in person.
Brad said on 12/Aug/06
5' 8" by Stallone!!? You got to kidding me? That would make Sly 5" 11" in the photo. 4" heels I guess. He's 5' 7" as he said to Phil's friend. The lifts in his boxing boots are so huge it looks like Sly is on a 45 degree ski slope. Lots of surgery around his eyes nowadays.
Viper652 said on 12/Aug/06
Sly has said 5-10 before. Why would he change his mind 5-7?
Frank2 said on 12/Aug/06
Glenn, are you Sly's new agent?
Stallone is not 5'10", never was and never will be.
"Franks classic shrinking of Stone to 5-6"
I didn't need to shrink her. She's 5'6". Have you met her or more importantly, seen her in person when she's wearing flats? I have. I could almost look over the top of her head. I can't do that with anyone who's 5'8".
Tell me Glenn, you ever measured Liotta? How in the world do you know he's exactly 6ft.25? I met him, spoke with him and looked him right in the eye. I was with my assistant at the time who's about 5'9" (who Rob has seen in a photo with me) and Liotta appeared to be about two inches taller. If he was over six feet he would have towered over him and he didn't.
Felix said on 12/Aug/06
Can I ask you guys something, is it really better to be tall than be short? Well I don't think it's better or cooler to be tall. So that it would be cooler to be taller than celebs is out for me, because I like to be pretty short (173-174) but it feels like people want's to be taller than the celebs, why not shorter? It's as cool as be taller than them? :) I think so!
Glenn said on 12/Aug/06
Maybe Sly did say 5-7 to mess with her and maybe he got the idea from this site!
HelloKitty said on 12/Aug/06
At that time I believed (as well as all my friends) that stallone was 5'7. My boyfriend said that the cast hand imprint couldn't have been stallone's because he to believed stallone was 5'7 and even said that if it was molded/cast after stallone's real hands, then stallone's hands were bigger because he lifted wieghts
HelloKitty said on 12/Aug/06
The first time I went to a Planet Hollywood , inside there was a wall with celebrities hands cast imprinted on it (similar to celebritys who cast imprint their hands or feet on Hollywood walk of fame). Anyways, I dont know if the hand imprints were authentic by the actual celebrity, molded after their hand imprints to make several of these walls for all Planet Hollywoods across the USA, or if it was some architech's creation and guess regarding celebrity hand size. Long story short, my boyfriend at that time ( who stands 5'7 barefoot) placed his hand on Stallone's cast imprinted hand only to find his hand smaller, shorter and thinner fingers than Stallones. If those celebrity cast hand imprints are accurate/authentic, my guess is Stallone's bigger hands are equal to a man who is 5'10 to 5'11 with a medium to large built body size. The cast hand imprint of Joe Pesci was the smallest of the celebrity hands we compared.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 11/Aug/06
Glenn, i noticed that you said you were on the set of Copland. Were you there as an extra or were you hanging with some friends? Hey Frank2, how tall was John Garfield? The reason i I am asking is that i saw a biography on his life and he did not appear all that tall. I like the old Hollywood stuff.
Pete said on 11/Aug/06
Stallone and Russel were exactly the same height in Tango and Cash shower scene.
If anything Sly's buffon hair and posture got him upto Russel's height.
Earl said on 11/Aug/06
I must say Phil I agree with Tenacious. Hypothetically, let us just say he was 5'7" and wore lifts to make himself appear taller. What would be the point if he were to tell people he was only 5'7" I am not doubting what your girlfriend says it is just that it doesn't seem to make any sense, sorry.
Height Tracker said on 11/Aug/06
If you look at the Ray Liotta page, Rob's comment on top says that Mr. R has also seen Ray Liotta in person and also estimated him to be about 5'11", just like Frank did.
Felix said on 11/Aug/06
HelloKitty - Ray Liotta is 5'11 he big lifts for Goodfellas.
Glenn said on 11/Aug/06
Don isnt 5-8.5-11 whenever I saw 5-9 min.
Glenn said on 11/Aug/06
Sure Phil.if that were true,the minimum he would say is 5-8.all true Anony,thank you.I think someone asked if I saw Sly in sandles yes.5-10. Hellokitty-you forgot Tango And Cash,the shower scene with Russle that Vaj disgustingly said was a double.Sly was clearly an inch bigger than 5-9.oh,and lets not forget the best.Sharon Stone shower scene.Sly must be 5-8 there.never mind the contorting,angles,and stances on that one.not to mention Franks classic shrinking of Stone to 5-6 for his convenience,as hordes othercelebs to proove his Liotta at 5-11.the smallest Liotta can be is 6ft.25.
tenaciousC said on 11/Aug/06
phil, either 1 - your story is bull / 2 - your girlfriends story is bull / 3 - sly was givin her bull for chance in hell sly would give da 'truth' tall do YOU feel slys at if you dont mind me askin?
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/06
"Frank2: wearing a push-up bra is the same thing as wearing lifts...Why don't you see that?"
Depends on who's wearing it. Now Jeff Chandler, a reported crossdresser, didn't need lifts since he was at least 6'3".
Phil said on 11/Aug/06
My girlfriend met Stallone at a book signing last year, and she had the audacity to ask him how tall he was! He said he was 5'7". I couldn't believe 1) she asked him that, and 2) that Sly would tell the truth.
leonari said on 11/Aug/06
Frank2: wearing a push-up bra is the same thing as wearing lifts...Why don't you see that?
Anony said on 11/Aug/06
I don't think Glenn is being conceited, it's just when you know something is totally truly right in your heart, you'd think someone else who's contradicting you is just doing it just to spite you, lower your ego and upping their's. I'm not saying Frank is doing that, as I'm sure he's probably feeling the same way about Glenn, but that's just the feeling. If I hypothetically saw Sly barefeet in the flesh and found out for sure he was say 5'9 or whatever, and somebody comes along and tells me he's something ridiculous like 5'5 or 6'4 I'd tell him he's loaded with bull, especially if he INSISTS on it! Heck, even for me who's seen Sly only in pictures and film, this thread sometimes gets frustrating to read, there's a lot of solid evidence that stares you right in the eye which people shall still refute using only wild, bold assumptions without an ounce of evidence, just to meet some number they have fixated in their head without being open to the possibilities. And I'm saying this for BOTH short AND tall Sly evidence too.
No offense Frank, I didn't even need Glenn to see the shrinking ways of your height estimates, you even gave some indication of it right on this page with Pacino:
"Pacino is not 5'6". More like 5'5". He could even be 5'4". I have a friend who does a little acting who swears Pacino is 5'3"! He also claims Dean Martin was 5'9" so I take his opinion with a grain of salt. But he agrees with me about Stallone."
Your part of it may be true (although I disagree, just saw "Scarface" but shall leave that for the Pacino page), it's just I don't see why you have to mention an unreliable friend's estimates just to lower Pacino's and Stallone's heights, especially if you knew he was a bad source?
To be fair, I think some of the "tall Sly" supporters sometimes inflate the heights of people who Sly stands beside in pictures in order to inflate Sly's height by an inch or so.
BTW a padded bra is the perfect analogy for a lifted shoe: both enhance you with bodily proportions you do not have but desire, and both are meant to be worn incongnito, nothing you would want to brag about to your friends.
If Sly had say, mostly "Tom Cruise-like" roles, I'll bet he'd never have issues with his height. But he was Rocky and Rambo who *undoubtedly* MUST be 6-footers who he had to live up to not only on screen, but in real life also.
I really believe the only way you can truly settle it for yourself is to actually meet Sly in the flesh and see for yourself just like Frank and Glenn, as obvious as that may sound.
Glenn said on 11/Aug/06
Danimal-Sly was the firs A-list star I 6ft.1990.unless you count then A-list Ricky Schroeder in 1982.and Sammy Davis.Planet of The Apes cast(sans Heston),Batman cast at age of 4.1976. and another thing sf,get your facts straight before you speak.the man can look 6-1.yeah hellokitty,I believe the story cause its from Frank.I believe his eyes decieved the height though.I BELIEVED Frank might be right with Sly at 5-7,maybe,until he screwed up with Farrell.and others.dont believe the hype.I said before I would ask Sly his height,but a couple of you with Rob said that would be a bad idea.YOU ALL forgot the guy who worked with Sly that said he was 5-11.5 with shoes that were normal.making him 5-10 barefoot.
HelloKitty said on 11/Aug/06
Felix, the only movie or picture I remember with stallone barefoot is in the movie Copland. There is a scene in that movie where he is wearing flip flops standing next to Ray Liotta. Stallone looked about 3 to 4 inches shorter than Liotta who I'm guessing is 6'1 or 6'2, he towered over everybody in Goodfellas. That would put stallone about 5'10.
Glenn said on 11/Aug/06
Sf-look at who your talking about here.this site would be pretty colorless and possibly gone now without my pics.while that doesnt mean my estimations are correct,I KNOW they are,and I say it like it is.if you dont like it,Im sorry.but I think you had it in for me for awhile.notice how the people that find Sly 5-7ish are the same people that agree with Franks estimates more than mine.CAUSE thats what you want to hear,and you dont like it when I dont take any s***.people on my side will on occassion tell me they dont agree.even via email.WHY? cause they are open minded and not close mindingly stubborn and possibly jealous like a couple of you life,I make ALOT of mistakes.but when it comes to music,movies and celebs,Im almost never wrong.those are my fortes,amongst other things.Im BAD with womens height,sports,and I DONT know everything. I DO know human nature and behaviour.this is predictable chids play that happens on all forums.grow up.and Ill grow up too.I was pickedon first months ago.
Danimal said on 11/Aug/06
Glenn, I have a question for you man. Do you find that Sly appears taller now that he did back in the early 90's when you started seeing him. I'm trying to determine if he had his bones lengthened just when exactly that occured, to give it almost a timeline, like before and after type thing, you know?
Nolifts81 said on 10/Aug/06
Frank-I believe you about that story but I think that you were impressed by how shorter was sly when he took off his elevator boots.If he was about 6ft when was talking to you and then without his boots he was about 5'.9.5(as I think he is), yes I believe you, is normal to be impressed by how shorter was Sly barefoot,but, I think, in these situation, people try to exaggerate.5'7" is clearly impossible and also 5'8"(to me), maybe he was a bit over 5'9" and you, that, with shoes on were close to 6'1" had the impression that Sly was a lot shorter than you. Is normal you were in shoes and Stallone was barefeet, there were between 3 and 3.5 of difference.With that difference you can however see almost the head of a person!Frank, really, is possible that Sly was around 5'9" and you were impressed and that's why you said he was 5'7"?Frank- I want to ask you another thing.You said that Don Johnson is 5'8".When you met him at Universal he was 3.5 inches shorter than you? Is possible that this man is a bit over 5'9" like Sly?After wiewing a lot of pics I am sure that Sly and Don are exactly the same height.According to you, Frank, who is the tallest beetween the two?
Felix said on 10/Aug/06
Glenn - No I haven't seen Sly, but I can tell you, I'm a golfer, and I know for sure that Ernie Els is 190cm and he is towering Sly ENORMOUS at the golfcourse pictures, and Sly in golfshoes is the same height as the 5'8 Jack Nicholson, and maybe Sly can't wear such big lifts in his golfshoes, and I tell you Glenn, there are a lot more evidence for Sly being under 5'9. I'm not telling you that your'e wrong or anything. I'm a huge Rocky fan and I love Sylvesters work with the movies and all that, but that doesn't matter, I'm here to discuss height and from what I know he is 172 +-2cm. But Glenn, I don't want to be unpolite or anything but, if you see Sly so many times go and ask him! =) tell him that people are curious and there are big rumors about his height and so on. that you seen pictures of him from 5'7-6'1. ask him and ask for a barefoot picture you can post here! :D

Editor Rob
ask sly for a barefoot picture and he's liable to go into Rocky mode!
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
"Glenn I have to agree, that story is funny. I think stallone would use more descretion knowing if he had lifts and boots to take them off in front of people and make an obvious comment like "my feet are killing me." That's like saying "the tissue in my bra is making me itchy" and then taking out the tissue in front of people."
What makes you think that all celebs enjoy having to keep up the appearance of always being taller than they really are? That logic will get you nowhere fast. Many famous celebs went out in public without wearing their toupees such as Bing Crosby, Humphrey Bogart and Ray Milland. Crosby hardly ever wore lifts in public. Sly did take off his boots. So did Burt Reynolds. Both lost several inches when they did. By the way, using the analogy of a bra just cracks me up! As if that equates to wearing lifts.
tenaciousC said on 10/Aug/06
RU serious sf not ever seein sly over 6feet?! hes seen 6feet everywhere with hogan, arnold, letterman, bruce willis etc.. do a google search on stallone and you most likely find a photo with him as a 6footer (of course we know hes NOT).....
Anonymous said on 10/Aug/06
Glenn, you say you have met Sly over 30 times in 15 years! (I believe you man!!) many times did you meet Sly when he was barefoot??...without any type of footwear?
tenaciousC said on 10/Aug/06
hehheh LOL for the thang wit da bra hellokitty!! good anolagy! nice to have a girls intuition here once in a while to diffuse all our testosterone filled boneheadedness! you and glen are right sly bein short is nuttin but a 'myth'. i think sly did it onto himself tho..wearin all da crazy lifts and stuffs...prolly went overboard if he jus stuck with 1-2inches lifts nobody woulda tryin to be taller make people think hes shorter..go figure!!? i aint gonna even try geussin his tru heighrt but cant be under 5-8 or over 5-10.....
vaj said on 10/Aug/06
HelloKitty says on 10/Aug/06
Glenn I have to agree, that story is funny. I think stallone would use more descretion knowing if he had lifts and boots to take them off in front of people and make an obvious comment like "my feet are killing me." That's like saying "the tissue in my bra is making me itchy" and then taking out the tissue in front of people.
HelloKitty that was hilarious! I am not sure but didn't you say you were on the set of demaliton man? And said you stood next to him and he was 5'8"? I not sure if that was you or someone else.
slysystem said on 10/Aug/06
To Pete, i believe easier his wifes !
ForensicNYC said on 10/Aug/06
Dolph Lundgren is 6'5"...
Click Here
Pete said on 10/Aug/06
Exactly sf. I agree with more of Franks estimates than Glenn's.
Slysystem - u forget that Slys sis says hes shorter than her 5'9, Hogan says sly is max 5'8 (24 years ago) and Frank and Goldberg both saw Sly barefeet at 5'7.
George H said on 10/Aug/06
Well, looking at Sly next to Glenn as compared to Beatty next to Glenn, there's no way in hell that Sly would differ more in height with Glenn than Beatty. And that's not just because I say so, but because in all, even incorrect, publications Sly has never been estimated at Beatty's minimum of 6'1". I've seen, only once, as a max height for Sly in some insignificant magazine 6ft even, but that seems way too generous. I like Sly. I think he's much more intelligent and artistically talented (painting, writing etc) than many give him credit for, but he just ain't that tall. He may not be as short as some would like to suggest, but taller or just as tall as Beatty> only in fairytale land.
HelloKitty said on 10/Aug/06
Glenn I have to agree, that story is funny. I think stallone would use more descretion knowing if he had lifts and boots to take them off in front of people and make an obvious comment like "my feet are killing me." That's like saying "the tissue in my bra is making me itchy" and then taking out the tissue in front of people.
HelloKitty said on 10/Aug/06
No problem Tenacious. I posted more on the Jackie page, among the martial arts celebrities he is one of the shortest i've seen, tallest I think is Steven Segal. I loved stallone in his movies, nothing against him, but i too fell into the myth that he was 5'7, but the pics posted on his height page along with Glenn's statements lead me to think he is at least 5'9, I can't see him 5'7 wearing massive "special shoes" which would be so obvious and look as tall or taller than gov.shwartz, willis, hogan, mcmahon, travolta, etc. Its just hilarious too.LOL.
Earl said on 9/Aug/06
I didn't realise you had met Sly over 30 times in 15 years Glenn. I would say you are more than qualified to judge his height.
sf said on 9/Aug/06
Man, Glenn - this is what i DON'T like and respect about your comments. You said, "it's about knowing I'm right." and, "Rob does change heights on occasion when I tell him." Talk about cocky and conceited. Editor Rob - sorry, but I just have to say it. Franks' estimates are just as good as Glenn's, as are Goldberg's, as are my friend's, etc. All of these people said 5'7" to 5'7". And, I do think that Stallone, out in publice, almost ALWAYS has lifts/elevator shoes of some kind, even in cleats, or any so-called "low-heeled" shoe people see him in.
And, personally, I think Glenn inflates some heights such as when he says people see Stallone as 6'1". Even on TV, movies, etc. I have NEVER seen Stallone look so tall. When I see him on talk shows, he comes off at 5'10" or maybe 5'11" and I put more credence into those, than I do movies or staged photos.
Leung said on 9/Aug/06
slysystem, I
mike said on 9/Aug/06
i know this should be on the michael douglas page but he doesnt get that many posts..frank has him at 5'10 close to his own height while glenn has him 5'8 to 5'9 i think, which is glenn's own height or a spec taller, so these men differ ALITTLE bit on some people which is understandable, remember with height it's just a guess/estimation
mike said on 9/Aug/06
i believe both of glenn and franks stories, both men are very crediable but there is a 2 inch gap with this man, so sly's prolly 5'9 frank is gonna think im stretching out sly, giving him too much height, while glenn is prolly thinking im jipping sly an inch, but u 2 are the height experts and one's saying barely 5'8 the other 5'10, maybe u 2 need to compromise.... no need for fighting/arguing though, frank appears to have nothing against sly, nothing to make him shorter then he appears even saying he's real funny and smart...more then people would think, i think if sly wore sneakers or regular boots with no lifts he'd be easier to judge in height
Felix said on 9/Aug/06
As I said, 5'8 MAX for Sly, Frank2 has it! But Sylvester Stallone is 172 cm!
Nolifts81 said on 9/Aug/06
Anony-That pic with Arnold you posted, show the reals heights of the two men! As I have always said Arnold is 187cm(6.1.75) and Stallone is 176cm(5'.9.5). Arnold is 4 good inches taller than Sly.In 1993,many years ago, They were together on the stage of tv show"Night of telegatti" in Italy (Milan). This is the most important show in Italy, is comparable to the USA "OSCAR'S NIGHT".That moment, in italian TV, is broadcasted very often. In that occasion Arnold and Sly had classic dress shoes on,(very low cut!!!)with only 1 inch of exterior heel.Arnold was 4 good inches taller than Sly,like in the pic you posted.So I am sure that Sly is 5'9.5(176cm).
tenaciousC said on 9/Aug/06
by the way my roommate (an art student) jus commented the 'gross' stance sly has next to shiffer is suppose to mimac michaelangelos 'david' statue
tenaciousC said on 9/Aug/06
sf i hear what UR sayin bro, but that 'gross' stance could also work against him... its only 'experts' like us that notice such things, the layman/laywoman could just think thats his naturally height he wuold do himself a disfavor standin like dat. i dunno about the whole photoshop thang it just seems a bit extreme and like i said if dats da route he went with hed go all out and prolly ask for them to make him 6' or even 5'11 to be around shiffers height... why would he hold back...dis is sly we are talkin bout!!
Pete said on 9/Aug/06
Slysystem - maybe because Sly's sister said he's SHORTER than her 5'9, Hulk Hogan said in his book sly's MAXIMUM 5'8 and Goldberg and Frank both saw Stallone barefooted at 5'7.
Kal-El said on 9/Aug/06
Yup Kitty ur right coz Jackie Chan is 5'7.5 whereas Sly is 5'9 (not including elevator shoes)
HelloKitty said on 9/Aug/06
Tenacious, I posted a comment on the Jackie Chan height page. Again I understand what you mean when you say Stallone shouldn't be a reference point to compare other celebrities height. Someone posted on the tom cruise page (who I have met) that they think tom wears lifts just to compensate his height because all of hollywood wears lifts too. If that is true, then for arguments sake if in that pic stallone is 5'10 and wearing lifts and jackie chan ( who says he is 5'10) also is wearing lifts to, then why does stallone continue to tower over jackie? I never met jackie but it tells me that he is shorter than stallone.
Pete said on 8/Aug/06
Glenn u made ur point bout low cut shoes n Sly being tall n all. not that we cant read. has it occured2u mayb pepz just dont agree with u when it comes2Sly? u cant force people2agree with u just by repeating urself.
ur just another opinion. and like it or not ur a less credible opinion than Sly's own sister,ex-wife,Hulk Hogan,Frank2 and Goldberg all of whom have seen Sly barefooted n shorter than u saw him.
And sure Rob doesnt always agree with Frank but neither does he always agree with u if that were the case all the heights on this site wud match ur estimations but thats not the case is it?
Have a bit of respect4Frank, I really wonder how u'd be reacting now if some of the stuff ur saying bout him were said2u. treat others as u want urself2be treated.
Sly's 5'8 tops. Ziggy went from 5'7 to 6ft no reason why $800m Sly cant go from 5'8 to 6'1.
sf said on 8/Aug/06
tenaciousC - that' where you'r wrong. I'm sure HE didn't photoshop himself in but someone else did. why not show a stance that doesn't show someone standing as tall as they could be, then photoshop it in, and wow - he's almost as tall the way he is - imagine what he would look like if he was standing straight! That't the line of reasoning why someone might stand funny that way.. Even if he isn't cropped in, he still has a very funny (and gross)stance, not allowing us to see how tall he might really be next to Claudia Schiffer....
Earl said on 8/Aug/06
I want to stay neutral here but I think Glenn has a point about the low cut shoes. I know people who wear lifts and you can usually tell because the back of the shoes are higher to allow for the lift and people who wear them seem to be perched forward if that makes any sense. You can see Simon Cowell wears them for example by his posture.
slysystem said on 8/Aug/06
A question :
why nobody seem to care about the fact that both Brigit Nielsen and Jennifer Flavin said durint interview that he's 5.9 !
and Nielsen said it two Times and in 2006 ! with no gain so why would she lie ?
Anonymous said on 8/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Yep, i still see him as 5'8. Vaj, you have done your homework bro, i appreciate you posting your pics and views in here.
tenaciousC said on 8/Aug/06
if he got photoshoped in and blown up he wouldnt care what his stance was..could be made 7feet standin straihgt OR arching.....
mike said on 8/Aug/06
yeah the only barefoot pic of sly is a bad one shes def a few inches taller though, we need to have frank look at glenn barefooted, and he can tell us whose taller barefooted sly or glenn, it's amazing glenn has sly at 5'10, frank has him barely/pushing 5'8, sly's ex/current wives say 5'9, he could very well be right in the middle at 5'9, we'll never know if/when he'll shrink though
sf said on 8/Aug/06
Don't put any credence into that Stallone and Claudia Shiffer picture! That could have been taken in so many ways you don't know what's what! Stallone could have been cropped into that picture (which I believe he was) to look larger, anything is possible in a picture like that. Okay - may he isn't cropped into that picture. Notice how he isn't standing tall and straight, but, well, just in a weird way kind of arching, whatever. Interesting, how they didn't want' to stand him straight next to her cause you 'd see he's only 5'8"!!!!!
tenaciousC said on 8/Aug/06
mike da hot model chick is cluadia shiffer shes around 5-11. dont think sly is 2-3 inches shorter like you say cos you may be judgin for the shoulders. diff is prolly only 1.5-2 inches from top of ther heads minus hair(sly jus has bigger head)....
tenaciousC said on 8/Aug/06
hellokitty ive gone back in this thread and just readin yer sly posts and find you are one of the very few unbiased ojective posters here which is why it really surprises me you could actually use sly to show jackie chan is 5-4 to 5-7 on the jackie chan page??!!
tenaciousC said on 8/Aug/06
frank2 RU heavily nearsighted and wear strong glasses? not sayin dis to be sarcstic. i have 20-20 vision but my bro and friend both have strong 'coke-bottle glasses' they say distorts hiehgt. i was talkin to them over lunch the other day they say i look loads shorter when they look at me wit glasses. im solid 5-8 they say i look 5-6 wearin glasses not sure if dis is true...but could explain why U see everyone shorter.....
vaj said on 8/Aug/06
I am sorry I think you are the one being stubborn because you are the one that has been fooled by Sly elevator shoes. How do you explain all the pic's I posted before with Sly with Deniro's height and then you with Deniro same height and you and Nickelson and Sly and Nickelson still same height? And the pic with Arnold he is for got sake about 4" shorter! And I am sure he has low cut shoes on. Is it starting to make sense yet?
Click HereThe picture above with you and Sly is obvious he is wearing lifts. Compare the picture with you and Deniro and then Sly and Deniro. It is pretty self expanatory.
Glenn said on 8/Aug/06
AGAIN FOR THE 10 MILLIONTH TIME,SLY CANT FIT 4 INCH LIFTS IN LOW CUT SHOES WHICH IS WHAT I SEE HIM IN.Frank,your stubborn and you can never be wrong.I know in my heart and gut Im right about 90% of everything and 100% on Colin.90% on Sly.I SEE these people in the FLESH often.not once or on a DVD.Im hear to dispel myths.and you are the king of myths! which is a shame,cause you have alot to be admired for.your all scrambling to be right.but your least I can admit I could be wrong.not with Colin.5-10 min on him.
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/06
Pacino is not 5'6". More like 5'5". He could even be 5'4". I have a friend who does a little acting who swears Pacino is 5'3"! He also claims Dean Martin was 5'9" so I take his opinion with a grain of salt. But he agrees with me about Stallone.
Look, I saw Colin Farrell and he's a skinny little guy. I don't care if he looked ten inches taller than Pacino. Movies are not real. If I could take you inside a set and show you just what goes on, you'd understand that heights are routinely adjusted. Sometimes it has nothing to do with trying to make someone who's short look taller. It's more in line with keeping people within the limits of the frame.
vaj said on 8/Aug/06
Great pic's Height Detective!
Sly is about 3-4" shorter than Arnold
Click HereSly with about 3"-4" with lifts
Click HereSly 5'8" with Ali ( I drew a line from Sly's eye to Ali's mouth. On the next pic I drew a line as well on Glenn's 5'8" eye to Ali mouth to compare Sly to 5'8" person)
Click HereGlenn 5'8" next to Ali
Click HereIt is pretty obvious that Sly wears 3"-4" lifts. Sly is no taller than 5'11" with lifts and stretches military posture to appear 6'.
According the pic with Hogan, I not sure but I believe Hogan is about 6'3" now but could have worn boots with build up when he was wrestlying to make himself appear even larger. I am not sure but he did lose alot of height.
Anonymous says on 6/Aug/06
Vaj, you have out done yourself once again. Sly really is 5'8. Vaj, does Lee Cantilito have good,interesting memories of his time with Sly.
Thank you Anonymous, yes Lee has many good memories of his time with Sly. Just think about it they lived together, I can not go into detail but let me put it to you like this they partied like Rock Stars!
I do not want to say too much about Lee's personal life but he came out on other TV shows like Magnam P.I. and Lee was even Tarzan with Bo Derek as Jane.
Other things happend that I do not want to say, but he is a very nice man.
ForensicNYC said on 8/Aug/06
The top of that door hinge pin is about 5'10"...
Click HereWoody Allen was about 5'4" back then...
Click HereHenry Winkler is about...What Duh!
Click HereBefore Rocky, there was
Click Here
Nolifts81 said on 8/Aug/06
Frank, how you explain that Farrell is 4.5 inches taller than Pacino in the movie "the recruits". If Pacino is about 5'6"(167cm) Farrell should be at least a solid 5'10".SF-Yes is possible for a 5'8" man to be 6ft with heavy lifts on but the problem is that Stallone, with lifts on can look also 6'1" or a little more!!! and for a 5'8" man is impossible to reach that height. He is 5'9.5(176cm)that's why he looks 6'1" or more with heavy lifts on.Don't forget that he was almost the same height of Letterman in his show!
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Glenn it's really possible to have your bones lengthened? That must be a crazy operation. Which bones do they lengthen?
Earl said on 7/Aug/06
I always imagined Sly was around 5'10" when I saw him in the movies, then this rumour of him being 5'7" went around but I can't possible believe that, especially seeing the above photo of him and Glenn. If Glenn is 5'8" then surely Sly is 5'9.5" minimum.
mike said on 7/Aug/06
also in the sly/hogan/vince pic where "stallone is 6'1" i really believe he's lookin close to 6'1 in that pic, i was 10 feet away from hulk hogan at a smackdown wrestling event, i had front row, closest seats to the action (gotta go all, and i was amazed he was only 2 inches taller then my 6'2, i had only sneakers on,..i was expecting 6'5 to 6'7,.... then i look at the sly pic, i would be only alittle taller then sly in that pic, if i got a pic taken with hogan that night, sly can defintely look 6 feet, but he shouldnt especially when his ex and current wife say he's 5'9, he should look 5'11 MAX in public, if sly can look 3-4 inches taller then his claimed height, we need to hook glenn up with his shoes to have glenn look close to 6 feet even and frank2 at 6'2 to 6'3
mike said on 7/Aug/06
my bad glenn, i thought u would only get a great kick out of sly's height if you ever saw him exactly at your 5'8 height or lower, b/c u alwasy see the TALL sly... i get a great kick out of him in his pictures, on his height ranges, it's histarical...Frank thats interesting that sly with his boots on was ur height or an inch taller in 1981, i almost thought he didnt start to look 6 feet until the mid 1990's, he should never be lookin 6 feet regardless whether he's 5'7 or 5'10, i was going to ask u if u ever saw sly in sneakers, boots or sandles but you already answered that question, in that barefoot pic with that model, if we bump her height up to 6 even, sly looks 3 inches shorter
Glenn said on 7/Aug/06
Yes,its possible would explain alot and solve arguments.
Glenn said on 7/Aug/06
Real Anonymous-he has been ridiculed on other pages and lost credibility with me when he said Colin Farrel was 5-8.Im not blind.I see the guy at 5-11 in moccasins and the proof is on my Colin page.not to mention he towers over 5-9.5? Foxx by 3 inches at least in one pic.Foxx must be 5-8 and was liftless for that.Frank was notorious for shaving inches and even Rob told me he didnt agree on the Franks Sly,Colin and maybe 1 or 2 more names.
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
Leno is an avid car collector. He frequents an auto book store that I also like to go to. I see him there at least once a month.
Over nearly forty years working in the biz I met tons of celebs. Some I knew quite well. Even before I worked in Hollywood I met them since my father was a producer. My Godfather was Rudy Vallee. My dad knew everybody, even Howard Hughes who I saw as a kid. I ended up in the business, first working at the old MGM Metrocolor film lab and later going into film editing. I ended up in an exec job for the last fifteen years of my career. I'm now retired and don't see that many celebs anymore unless it's just by accident such as when a few weeks ago I ran into David Hasslehoff and his female companion at a travelling art show in Santa Monica.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Frank, how many stars do you meet? I was just on the LEno page and you apparently meet him all the time too??
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
In 1981 I was working in the adjacent cutting room to where Sly was supervising the editing on Nighthawks. That was in a lousy motel across the street from Universal Studios. It was torn down after Universal sold the property. Expensive condos are now under construction. The rumor going around was he had directed the film after the director had been fired. Bruce Malmuth ended up officially taking over the direction, but Sly supposedly called the shots. Anyway, I met Sly and we spoke a few times. He was very nice. Very funny. Much more intelligent than he comes off on film or especially when being interviewed on TV. At one point he said his feet were killing him and he took off his expensive custom-made boots. That's when I saw how his height changed drastically. He had been about my height wearing the boots or 6'. After he took them off I could almost look over the top of his head! When he was just standing there in his socks I was only a couple of feet away. Then he left for the restroom. After he cleared the door the editor I worked with said he was shocked that Sly was his height. The editor was about 5'6" so with shoes he was 5'7". Then the fellow who was cutting Sly's film said something like, "Yeah, with those boots off he's not very tall." Now I wish I had looked closely at those boots. I do remember the heels were slightly higher than what's seen on normal cowboy boots. Maybe 2 1/2" heels. Then there must have been lifts inside in order to boost him from 5'7" to 6' which is what I am when wearing regular shoes with one-inch heels. I will say that Sly could have been 5'8" and was jsut slumping more once he took off his boots. When he had them on he tended to always stand as tall as possible, almost like he was stretching himself to look taller. Maybe he just said one day, "to hell with it" and relaxed. I hope that helps explain it.
"Has anyone asked the question if Sly has had his bones lengthened????"
I wouldn't touch that with........
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Anony im sorry bro but you got it all wrong. First of all Frank2 has not been shout down by many others. Many members in here think Sly could be 5'8. Frank2 can explain this on his own, but he did not meet Sly in a changeroom. i think it was at a movie studio where Frank2 was editing a movie or something. Frank2 can you please set the record straight on how you saw Sly baredoot and looking 5'7. Anony no disrespect to you, i just disagree with your last post. I believe Sly is 5'8, he could be 5'9. One inch is not a hug difference to me.
Anony said on 7/Aug/06
No disrespect Frank, but could your eyes have deceived you, at least on that one day you met Sly in the change room? Like yourself, I am no partisan nor anti-fan of Sly, I just call things as they truly are. That is why I've left it open-ended and said Sly could possibly be 5'8.5 or 5'9.5. If I was a drooling fan-boy I would have tried arguing he was 5'10 or over but have stuck with Editor's 5'9 based on my own interpretation of "sensible evidence". I think the reason you've been shot down by so many others is not because they're all obsessive Sly fans, but because there's just too much strong reasonable evidence that shows there's just no way Sly can be anything under 5'7 (5'8 "maybe"), pitted against only your word and encounter with Sly. My own defence would be this clip that shows how Sly can be very comparable (lookin 5'10-ish) with 6'1.5 Carl Weathers while they're running:
Click HereI'm not in any way saying you're lying, just maybe consider the possibility that you just perhaps/maybe/possibly could have seen things wrong in sizing up Sly on that day? Was he crouched, slouching, walking low, relaxed-stance, etc...?? Were you even near him enough to see (since it's usually a little awkward to stand near naked people in the change-room)? Were you standing on elevated ground? Also, I'm just real curious how you ever got a chance to see Sly barefeet in a change room in the first place? Knowing Sly and his cautious ways in not revealing his true height, how the heck did you manage to pull it off? Was this an exclusive gym for the stars, private party, etc...?? I'd imagine someone like Sly having his own personal training facilities, he can certainly afford it!
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Has anyone asked the question if Sly has had his bones lengthened???? IS that possible? If it is, I'm sure he can afford it, seeing he's worth more than 800 million dollars.
anonymous said on 6/Aug/06
mike there HAS been barefoot pic of sly
Click Here
Anonymous said on 6/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS**Anony, i enjoyed watching those two clips you were kind enough to post. There is a pretty significant height difference betwween Hogan and Mr. T. Liberaci who rang the bell for the match freaked me out, he looked scarier than the puppet in the movie Saw.
Pete said on 6/Aug/06
Exactly,well said Frank. Think some of us need2wake up2the fact that the ONLY person here who has met Sly barefoot is Frank,and like Goldberg both observe 5'7.
I'm with you Frank,u have my trust regardless of how many times certain individiuals try to slag u off, I personally have agreed with all the sightings u'v quoted.
If anyones underappreciated here its Frank. You're the man.
Glenn said on 6/Aug/06
I get a great kick out of Slys various height.its kidding me? whats also great is that people still think that a 5-7,5-8 guy can look 6ft to 6-2 in lifts.a 5-10 guy can.and a 60 year old 5-10 guy can be 5-9 now,and to an untrained eye,look 5-8.the man obviously takes a day off or 2 and parades around liftless too.
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/06
"people who've claimed 5'7 or lower have been ridiculed and shot down for good reason"
Good reason? Says who? How many who've supposedly "shot down" my opinion have actually been next to Stallone when he took off his shoes? Hmmmmmmmm?
People who attempt to ridicule instead of argue sensibly cannot be accepted as being anything, but partisan in nature. I, on the other hand, just call 'em as I see 'em with no particular feelings involved. I'm not a big Stallone fan nor am I someone who can't stand him. I recognize his talent. I don't worship the ground he walks on (with or without lifts!).
Anonymous said on 6/Aug/06
Vaj, you have out done yourself once again. Sly really is 5'8. Vaj, does Lee Cantilito have good,interesting memories of his time with Sly.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
Look, Hogan has lost 3" since those days. He's even stated it himself. Take that into account. I believe Hogan would be only marginally taller than Ali today, not have like 3-4" on him anymore. However, that doesn't explain how Sly looks short next to Ali and looks practically the same height at Hogan, when Hogan is AT LEAST Ali's height today. Sly is wearing lifts that give him an extreme lift!
mike said on 5/Aug/06
wow nice pictures vaj, i think its like zach says sly can be 5'6 to 6'2 on any given, we do need to get a barefoot pic of sly too bad he wasnt a bodybuilder back in the 70's like arnold so wed have some pics to go by with him barefooted
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
Im starting to come around with Sly being 5-9 1/2-5-10, mainly because of Glenn's many sightings and the picture above.
Anony said on 5/Aug/06
I really think Editor Rob has it right with 5'9, and here's why - because people have argued Sly being 5'8 and 5'10, both not out of the question for someone 5'9. Nobody's ever argued him being 5'11 and people who've claimed 5'7 or lower have been ridiculed and shot down for good reason. So 5'9 sounds just about right, although 5'8.5 is quite possible and so is 5'9.5.
Here's another clip showing just how amazing it is for Sly to be lookin within an inch or of the the Hulkster, in how he's roughly the same height as Mr. T. in Rocky III, but check out how much bigger Hulk Hogan was than Mr. T. in this so 80's Wrestlemania I (Muhammed Ali was a ref too)!
Click HereClick HereClassic!
vaj said on 5/Aug/06
That can be true that pele can be on a taller zone of the field, but do not be naive to think 5'8" Sly does not have custom made soccer shoes. I am not sure if you have notice that he is famous for wearing lifts. Come on this is Sly we are talking about.
Sly has custom made shoes for every occassion like the racing movie you can easliy tell he has lifts build up inside the shoes.He also looks small compared to the people around him.
Click HereSly and 5'8" James Caan
Click HereSly with lifts with James Caan (WOW!look how tall Sly elevates himself)
Click HereSly with Ali
Click HereAli with 5'8" Glenn
Click HereSly looks 5'9" in shoes next to 5'11" bruce must have regular shoes not sandles in that pic so I put Bruce at 6'
Click HereBruce with 5'8" Cybill( if she wore Sly trainers of course she would be Bruces height)
Click HereSly,Mel,Julia Roberts (Rob has Julia listed as 5'8" ,Glenn said she looked 5'6)
Click HereI can go on and on comparing Sly to 5'8" people. I still can not believe so many are still fooled. Haven't you read quotes above on this site people saying: (One fan comments on the E-Online site, "I turn to see Sylvester Stallone walking past me and into the casino. He is short!! I'm 5'9', he's definitely shorter than me.")(Another interesting quote is from famous screenwriter Goldman's book about lies stars tell. He says "I had a hot lead that Sly was 67 inches." going on to revealing his source was someone who was also that height and jogged with Sly one morning. He then describes how he went into a swimming pool that Sly was in...and about 10 minutes later, "He (sly) got out, grabbed a towel. I got out, grabbed a towel. He stood. I stood. Sixty-seven inches. Dripping wet.").
Too many people who are around the same height confirms that he is 5'8". We all know how to explain the taller sightings but how do you explain the 5'8"?
Here is Sly wearing extra large lifts(look how bulky and high the shoes are)
Click HereThat puts him as tall as Mr.T at 5'10" or 5'11"
Click HereHere is Sly 5'8" with Travolta 6'
Click HereSly with 2"-3" cowboy boots with Travolta 1" shoe
Click HereIt is amazing how those Muster trainers boots his height
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereBy the way Banderas is 5'8" and 5'9.5 in shoes but he usually wears high heel cowboy boots that boots him up to 5'10" I should know b/c I met him he was an 1" shorter than me.
Click HereClick HereAlso chunk Norris is only 5'8" and wears cowboy boots to make him appear 5'10" as well.
People usually include their shoes when claiming their height. For example Beau Bridges is listed as 5'10.5" and I was an extra on Side Kicks and we were the same height. Yes I am 5'10.5 in shoes but I am 5'9" barefooted and so is he.
Here is Sly's collection of Munster Trainers:
He's almost falling out of them
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereI think I have made my point.
Anonymous said on 5/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Good work Vaj. I believe that Sly is 5'8. The site has him listed at 5'9 and 1 inch really is not a huge deal. The second pic of Sly looks like it is at some type of gala where they are both wearing suites. Glenn, i am pretty sure Sly was packing at that event. We will never see Sly at a major event without his lifts, stomach pulled in, chest expanded to the max and military posture. If you can find a pic of him at a major event where he does not have the Sly thing going on, then you are truly the man.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
What's amazing to me is to see Sly being dwarfed by Ali in that pic Vaj provided and to see Sly at practically the same height as Hogan, when Hogan dwarfed Ali back in the 80's. Nothing makes sense. WAIT, something does. Sly CLEARLY wears MASSIVE lifts.
Glenn said on 5/Aug/06
Exactly Demolition Man,those are boots,not lifts.and to design something like that inside a low cut shoe would be impossible.
Nolifts81 said on 5/Aug/06
Vaj- In that pic (pel
JK said on 5/Aug/06
truely said, truely said.....
ForensicNYC said on 5/Aug/06
Stallone can mix it up with the 6 ft. problem...
Click HereBut he is equally at home with the 5'8" problem too!
Click HereTruly the International Man of Mystery.......height.
That in itself demands respect and admiration.
Glenn said on 4/Aug/06
banderas is 5-9.willis is 6ft.
vaj said on 4/Aug/06
Glenn says on 4/Aug/06
A 5-7,5-8 man doesnt walk or run right in 4 inch lifts.the post that shuts all of you was I think by nolifts or leanori.he was almost 2 inches taller than then 5-8 Pele in obvious liftless cleats, in 1978's Victory.or whatever its called.and you still doubt.
I am sorry but yes I doubt it with pictures like this:
Sly 5'8" & Pele 5'8"
Click HereSly with platform shoes and Pele regular shoes:
Click HereSly with Deniro
Click HereSly with 2" lifts and Glenn
Click HereSly with Jack
Click HereJack with Glenn
Click HereSly with Ray 5'11"
Click HereSly with lifts with Ray
Click HereSly with Bruce and Arnold
Click HereAnother
Click HereAnd another
Click HereAnother I sure Sly has at least 1" lift inside the shoes.
Click HereSly and Arnold
Click HereSly with extra large lifts
Click HereSly and Arnold
Click HereClick HereSly with Travolta:
Click HereSly with 2" or 3" cowboy boots Travolta 6':
Click Here{caad432b-a3bc-4129-b893-2daa136f599f}|{ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff}&qsPageNo=1&fdid=&Area=Search&TotalCount=7&CurrentPos=1&WinID={caad432b-a3bc-4129-b893-2daa136f599f}
Sly with Travolta:
Click HereSly and Ali
Click HereSly and brother Framk
Click HereSly with Frank again
Click HereSly with lifts with Frank
Click HereSly with huge trainers on
Click HereIt is pretty obvious that he does compare with people that are 5'8" and of course he compares with people 5'11" 6' b/c he wears huge lifts and has a military posture. Many say he does not wear huge lifts all the time. My next post I will show you his collection of trainers in different colors that he is always in and of course he has a collection of shoes as well.
Pete said on 4/Aug/06
Glenn,u say its not possible to walk or run straight in 4inch. take a look at demolition man boots pic someone posted below. sly walks n run fine in that film. how do u explain that?
sf said on 4/Aug/06
Rob - you edited out part of my e-mail! Not fair!

Editor Rob
sometimes things can be interpreted the wrong way, a comment that might seem rather tame to one person might not be to another and we end up with arguments ongoing...
Glenn said on 4/Aug/06
I work alone.sometimes with one or 2 people.
Glenn said on 4/Aug/06
It can be fun UNK.but it can have its downside too.6-10 waits, where you see nothing. getting turned down.beef with security,jealous competition starting with you or getting in your way.and all sorts of weather elements.
Glenn said on 4/Aug/06
A 5-7,5-8 man doesnt walk or run right in 4 inch lifts.the post that shuts all of you was I think by nolifts or leanori.he was almost 2 inches taller than then 5-8 Pele in obvious liftless cleats, in 1978's Victory.or whatever its called.and you still doubt.
sf said on 4/Aug/06
... yes, I do have reason to doubt Glenns' word when he says he's seen Stallone at 6'1". That is GOOD reason.
I can't explain anything, only that he was only 2 or 3 inches taller than Melendez, which made him at most 5'9" or 5'10". Yes, they both have shoes on, HelloKitty, but without them, Melendez is still only 5'7". I'm doing my comparision taking into the fact that BOTH have shoes on. Take off 3 inch lifts and stallone would have only been 5'8" or 5'7" cause he was only 2 to 3 inches taller than Melendez. Either way, you subtract the shoes for final height. STallone looked AT BEST only 3 inches taller than Melendez, both standing on smooth, even ground in a building. They showed wear Melendez was standing.
This means, Mr. Glenn, that this height citing is every bit as good as your 6'1" sightings cause he was standing on even ground right next to a guy who we know his height.
This was impromptu - they happened to catch Stallone at the Oscar De La Hoya fight. No staged photographs, taken at angles to make Stallone look as tall as Vince Mcmahon or anyone, etc.
Sorry, I DO believe when Stallone goes out like that, especially to a high profile fight, that he DOES wear lifts.
You can explain away the taller sightings, but no lift in the world or "anti-lifts" can explain the shorter sightings...
dmeyer said on 4/Aug/06
in the pics with brenden he has no lifts
HelloKitty said on 4/Aug/06
sf, dont forget that melendez was wearing shoes which would boost his 5'7 height to 5'8 to 5'8.5, maybe even 5'9. Now compare that to the 2 to 3 inch taller stallone and you have stallone at 2 inches taller at 5'10 to 5'10.5 and 5'11. With stallone at 3 inches taller than melendes, would put stallone at 5'11, 5'11.5, and 6'0. The proportionly sized stallone (with special shoes) looking as tall or taller than, travolta, willis, hogan, and mcmahon, by my estimations can only be pulled off if he is at least 5'10, maybe 5'9.5.
ForensicNYC said on 4/Aug/06
The year was 1973, Sylvester Stallone in his mid 20's with 5'6" Henry "THE FONZ" Winkler who appears to be the same height. Both wearing blockbuster heeled killer boots...Hmmmmm...growth spurts at mid 20's? Gotta be...
Click Here
Glenn said on 3/Aug/06
Get a life sf.what does that proove? what about all the other 6ft or more, pictures loads of people here submitted or fact,I think I had a problem with you once debate without me please.someone warned me of another trouble maker I was right all along with.
Pete said on 3/Aug/06
watch the specialist the church scene Sly has perfectly normal looking casual leather shoes there.
except they're blatantly elevators cos he's same height as stone who is on 3inch heel.
and hes shorter than 5'8 stone in shower. he tricks everyone. the guy is 5' 7.5 maximum.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/06
Guaranteed in that last pic Vaj posted of Sly, Arnold, Bruce and Demi that Sly is wearing his boosts. You can just tell. Besides, I still think that Arnold is still 6'1" today.
SF, how do you explain Sly looking only about 1-2" shorter than 6'4" Hogan?
Earl said on 3/Aug/06
If Glenn really is 5'8" then I would guess Stallone to be 5'10" from that picture.
leonari said on 3/Aug/06
G: what are you talking about?? Ali was 6'3 "in his prime! And 76 can still be considered shortly after his prime. Do you know how a 5'7" guy looks next to 6'3" thats almost a head difference. Your post is non-sense and the pic you showed cool but nothing we haven't seen before. Plus ALI isn't that much taller...
leonari said on 3/Aug/06
sf: you have no reason for doubting Glenn. Sly is the greatest enigma of height. Ever. But he is 5'9"...
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/06
Sly meets his "double":
Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS**Sly is just so hard to pin down. There is a pic where Deniro and Glenn are looking the same height. Then Sly looks 2 inches taller than Glen, Then Sly and Deniro look the same height. It really is crazy. I believe Glenn, but i also believe Vaj's friend Lee Cantillito, that says Sly is 5'8 max. Hey Vaj, does Lee have good memories of his time with Sly? Anything interesting you can share with us.
UNK said on 3/Aug/06
@SF - we don't know he wears lifts everywhere he goes. he is getting older, maybe he doesn't care as much.
mike said on 3/Aug/06
vaj ...nice pictures uve posted, stallone is extremely hard to tell, i believe glenn on all his sightings with sly even the pic above with these 2 gentlemen sly looks at least 2 if not 3 inches taller then glenn making him "appear" 510.5 to 5'11, its funny if u look at the 2 photos of planet hollywood where sly in the first pic looks small compared to bruce and arnold but in the second where it does "appear" he has on regualar sneakers/or small boots can't tell what they are but anyways he's almost as tall as both of them, but he pulls his pants over his stomach to make his legs look longer... i just have to go with the 5'9 height, 5'10 looks to tall for him 5'7 to 5'8 too short, both of his wives say he's 5'9. Stallone is easily the hardest person to judge on this site
vaj said on 3/Aug/06
Glenn says on 3/Aug/06
The problem is how does he look near 6ft in normal, low cut dress shoes or casual? FOR THE MILLIONTH time Ive been saying this.and Im not impressed by 6-5 or really tall guys in general saying Sly is 5-8.he could be 5-10 for crying out loud and will still get pegged at 5-8.any of us can be wrong and Im glad some are coming around to that.but Im not blind and I saw him more than anyone besides those who work or know him.and even those people can exaggerate or be just plain wrong.and Im not budgeing.the man was,and maybe still is 5-10.
Well I am sorry if you are not impressed by 6'5" tall guy that say's Sly is 5'8. Like I have said he deals with his boxers and measures their height and weight daily I think he can tell the difference. And he knows Sly better than you (barefooted) and he knows me and still say's Sly is shorter than me.
I think you even mentiond that you have seen Sly looking 5'10" in sandles, well someone who is 5'8" or 5'8.5" is 5'9 1/4" and with a 1" build up inside the sandles whala 5'10", wants to look 5'11" 3" trainers like picture with Aggassi, or wants to look taller he stetches in a military stands.
I have never been accused of being as short as 5'7".
Stallone with 3" trainers is 5'11" Aggassi is 6' in shoes. I met Aggassi here in houston resturant and he was an 1" maybe 1.5" taller than me like Sly.
Click HereLook how small Sly body is compared someone who is 6'
Click Here
sf said on 3/Aug/06
I was watching a late night broadcast of the Tonight Show the other night.(don't know if it was a re-run or not)
John Melendez was standing right next to Stallone at one point. I heard John Melendez say he was 5'7" when he was on the Howard Stern Show. Standing next to Stallone, Stallone looked 2 to 3 inches taller. At one point, about 2 inches. From another angle, about 3. AT MOST 3 inches taller. Sorry, Glenn, no 6'1" sighting here. At best, 5'10". Stallone at 5'7" or 5'8", plus 3 inch lifts gives him the 2 or 3 inches on John Melendez.
Stallone - no taller than 5'7" or 5'8". NO WAY is he 5'9" or 10 when he was only a few inches taller than John Melendez. And WE KNOW he was wearing lifts out in public with his nice suit.
I am starting to suspect the accuracy of your sightings, Glenn....mmmm....
UNK said on 3/Aug/06
I agree with Danimal, the whole process of Glenn tracking celebs down is interesting and must be fun. Discussing celeb heights, on the other hand, is pretty pathedic, yet fun and addictive. It's like a game, really doesn't mean much though.

Editor Rob
I do like the little snippets and stories glenn has about his business...
Danimal said on 3/Aug/06
Glenn, that's really cool. I find that WAY more interesting than discussing people's height. I think I'm the only one though. Do you work alone, or are you a crew of people doing what you do?
Glenn said on 3/Aug/06
The problem is how does he look near 6ft in normal, low cut dress shoes or casual? FOR THE MILLIONTH time Ive been saying this.and Im not impressed by 6-5 or really tall guys in general saying Sly is 5-8.he could be 5-10 for crying out loud and will still get pegged at 5-8.any of us can be wrong and Im glad some are coming around to that.but Im not blind and I saw him more than anyone besides those who work or know him.and even those people can exaggerate or be just plain wrong.and Im not budgeing.the man was,and maybe still is 5-10.
vaj said on 3/Aug/06
I am going to repost because my pictures did not show up. Thank's Rob for showing me how to upload my pic's. I hope this works!
Hello everyone, I just came back from a business trip from China. I can not believe all this bulling that is going on since I have been gone. We all just need to stay on the site's topic Sly's height! Everyone is intitled to their own opinion.
For example, megatron says on 18/Jul/06
the tone of voice sez it all "....embarressed wearing those ridiculous shoes"...........some real sly hatahs out theres have like some kinda vendetta with sly or somethin. this thread is gettin goofy....5-7 sly? 5-8 cindy crawford? some of you people get ridiculus in what you willing to say, you fixated on some stupid number like 5-7 and go out of you way to twist all weak evidance to fit your stupid claims and refutes good evidance........cant wait to see dat photo too but my guest is da girlfirends dad is prolly tall guy twisted to say hes short and sly is shorter, blahblahblah..........go get a hot girlfirend and hit da gym before you go hatin on sly
First of all I am not hatin on Sly nor do I have a vendetta towards him. I respect his work and admire him as a person. I just believe he is only 5'8" barefooted. I may be wrong but that is just my belief.
And I am sorry but those trainers are ridiculous that is just my opinion.
Click HereBy the way I am a man. My name is Robert and I am not affraid to post a picture of myself nor my hot girlfriend.
Click HereSecond, Leung says on 9/Jul/06
Vaj, you seem to be trying awfully hard to convince us that Sly is shorter. You stated that you are 5
G said on 3/Aug/06
I saw a picture of him near to Ali(in early 80s) and Ali looks much taller!So there is no way he is 5.9 or 5.10...closer to 5.7 or so...
Click Here
leonari said on 3/Aug/06
HelloKitty: Nonsense. Really. Stallone is always shorter than Weathers (Apollo) in the Rocky movies. ALWAYS!
dmeyer said on 3/Aug/06
it is true that he looks close apolo height in rocky who is 185 even in trainers in rocky he looks 175 to 180
Glenn said on 3/Aug/06
Danimal-its a number of things.a friend will get tipped,Ill get tipped,or Ill snoop around,make phone calls,follow celebs,know fake names they stay under,know management names,agent names,bump into, for who I sell to,I sell to other bigger companys.
HelloKitty said on 3/Aug/06
Yes it is amazing Leung that stallone can be so tall. He was as tall as apolo creed who looks like 6'0, in that rocky movie with the tall russian, but the russian towered over stallone, looked like he was 7 feet. It gave the illusin that rocky was 5'7 or smaller next to the russian.
Glenn said on 3/Aug/06
Alright real anonymous I respect and dig that you want no a man.I really am 5-8.even, I wondered if I was 5-7.anyway thats over with and my apoligies for my behavior.though not unfounded,I couldve handled it more maturely.nobody is perfect,and Im far from,but I take pride in my no bull way of things.yeah,there is the big one Ive been holding out on,the one with Sly in sandles.of course you cant see the sandles.that you have to trust me on.and actually there is another sandles pic taken minutes before.everyone is important to the site.including you real anonymous.and Frank who I just tried to woo back.
Brad said on 3/Aug/06
His ring footwear in the Rocky films makes him look like he is on a steep slope. Massive lifts in them. Okay, I'm 6'5" (and hate it) and met him once at the old MGM lot (Sony). 5' 7" plus lifts. All his goomba's were shorter. Guess he felt tall around them.
vaj said on 2/Aug/06
Hello everyone, I just came back from a business trip from China. I can not believe all this bulling that is going on since I have been gone. We all just need to stay on the sites topic Sly's height! Everyone is intiteled to their own opinion.
For example,megatron says on 18/Jul/06
the tone of voice sez it all "....embarressed wearing those ridiculous shoes"...........some real sly hatahs out theres have like some kinda vendetta with sly or somethin. this thread is gettin goofy....5-7 sly? 5-8 cindy crawford? some of you people get ridiculus in what you willing to say, you fixated on some stupid number like 5-7 and go out of you way to twist all weak evidance to fit your stupid claims and refutes good evidance........cant wait to see dat photo too but my guest is da girlfirends dad is prolly tall guy twisted to say hes short and sly is shorter, blahblahblah..........go get a hot girlfirend and hit da gym before you go hatin on sly
First of all I am not hatin on Sly nor do I have a vendetta towards him. I respect his work and admire him as a person. I just believe he is only 5'8" barefooted. I may be wrong but that is just my belief.
And I am sorry but those trainers are ridiculous that is just my opinion.
Click HereBy the way I am a man. My name is Robert and I am not affraid to post a picture of myself nor my hot girlfriend.
C:Documents and SettingsRoberto MendezMy DocumentsMy Pictures
Second, Leung says on 9/Jul/06
Vaj, you seem to be trying awfully hard to convince us that Sly is shorter. You stated that you are 5
CoolJ said on 2/Aug/06
Your standard Aquafina bottle measures 9" exactly.
Danimal said on 2/Aug/06
Thing is Glenn, how do you know where the stars will be? Are you told in advance, or does someone call you and say, hey Glenn, come down, so and so is here. BTW, where and who do you sell your merchandise to?
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANOYMOUS** From this day on no comments about Glenn's height. Glenn, i do like you, i like the stories and the pics. Lets put the bulls*** to the side and talk Sly's height. Do you have any other pics of Sly with you and can you post them?
Glenn said on 2/Aug/06
True Chris.thanks for editing out my info Rob.I think my# was elsewhere on the maybe do away with those too.foolish it was.but I was trying to proove a point that I dont hide.albeit stupidly.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
Danimal you have my upmost respect.
Chris said on 1/Aug/06
Stallone's height is 5'9" (1.75m) or maybe 5'10" (1.78m). Since Glenn has seen him face to face with the guy 30 times in 16 years, looking between 5'10" and 6'1" he can
Anonymous said on 1/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** I understand Rob. You should really take Glenns phone number and address off of here. The guys in here are real good, but you might get the odd member that could have a field day with that information. Good luck to you Rob, you have a great site.

Editor Rob
I will ignore what you said in that last comment and say yes, edit out glenn # is wise...I don't mind you arguing over sly's stature, but just not arguing if glenn is 5ft 6 or 7...
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
Danimal-keep in mind I meet the majority of the celebs in hotels.then its clubs, events,movie premieres, airports,restuarants,and very rarely,,Im not that interesting where I have celeb #s.Im the first to admit Im a least a good looking one with cool stories and photos.sure,some celebs know me.not too many say hi.I have #s to a couple metal guys.nothing big.I WAS truly friends with Lance Bass and Derek Jeter.lost touch with them.and Christian Slater and I hang a bit.I hung out with alot of celebs.dont know them.Sly(like most celebs)is here at least once a year on the early 90s he was here alot.4 times a year,and I would see him for all those sightings add up.I snuck into events kinda out of blue,at first without a camera.then I got hooked and brought a camera with me.then I realised I could make money out of it. didnt quite catch that REAL ANONYMOUS.speak up.
Anonymous said on 1/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Glenn, as i suspected my posts were deleted....[edited stuff]

Editor Rob
you know I can't post the last 2 posts.
Remember, in the past on this thread you had said similar thing, "Rob you should lower Glenn's height to 5ft 6" based on a few pics like hoffman where angle might favor the celebrity.
You said you moderate an mma forum. Understand that I try to moderate this forum with one of the intentions being to keep a large part of its photographic content permanently visible to the viewers, and to ensure future content is also seen!
Danimal said on 1/Aug/06
Hey Glenn, I have a question for you. Do these Hollywood stars call you up and tell you that they'll be in town and to come down? Do you keep in touch with any of them on the phone? Do you ever travel to wear they live or to premiers of movies? How did you get involved in what you do and who did you have to know and how has word got around? I'm really curious and of course interested and I can't help but be impressed that you met Sly 30 times, when he RARELY even appears on the David Letterman show.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
I keep it real.if I were a celeb,Id hang with everyone and give out my #.Jolie did.5 years a**hole got out of hand and called her too much.strange but true.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
J You are the man!
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
Pete-you missed the point wasnt about valid points.he was disrespectful.the comment was deleted.Frank never was disrespectful.and he wasnt kicked off.he kind of left outa frustration.he's still around a bit.Stallone at 5-7 to me isnt valid, its absurd.even Rob thought so.that isnt one mans opinion against anothers, it was downright asinine.Im not blind.I met the guy 30 times in 16 years.looking between 5-10 and 6-1.use some sense .a 5-7 man cant do that.and the countless pics proove my other height Frank estimations were ridiculous.other than that,I admire him.whats hard to understand Pete? dont assume.debate is fine,hint of sarcasm is too,but everyone deserves equal respect.and imagine how I feel.Im the main contributer besides Rob.I dont get paid for this,and Im not saying I want to and I know Rob cant.but I do this nearly for free out of the same interests you guys have,love,and the fact I want my photos immortalised in some way should something happen to me or my pics.
J. said on 1/Aug/06
Eh, Glenn, you left me out. :( lol. And f*** the haters.
Danimal said on 31/Jul/06
Zach, Liotta is actually much taller than that when being compared to Sly. Just watch Copland and you will see that Liotta has at least 3-4" on Sly. Sly is surely wearing his lifts for that premiere picture, where as in the movie, he didn't.
Pete said on 31/Jul/06
Interesting. I always thought 95%+ of the Real Anonymous's comments were perfectly valid.
Same for Frank2.
Disagreements,debate and the occasional off the cuff comment against one another are part and parcel of any discussion forum.
Whilst I respect both Rob and Glenn,I wonder how many interesting characters - and on the whole valuable contributers - will be left on this website if this raise an eyebrow against Glenn and get
Banned policy continues...
Chris said on 31/Jul/06
Yes Glenn, we all respect you!
Glenn said on 31/Jul/06
Sly looked 5-9 minimum in Copland.Nolifts,Danimal,Leanari,Shredder,Rob,Dmeyer,15,Dr.Ray,DJ,Chris,Larry,and the lovely Doris and Haylie are all family to me! I love you all and I hope I didnt leave anybody out.its so much the comments itself,but the intent that bothers me.its immature and low and I deserve to be replied to in a fair,descent manner.INEVER want to leave.but haters gotta go.
JK said on 31/Jul/06
who was offending you glenn???
Nolifts81 said on 31/Jul/06
Agree Glenn, Ray Liotta is a little bit over 6ft, maybe 6'0.5. Ignore the stupid comments Glenn. You work is very important for this site. Don't leave the site, we all respect you!
Danimal said on 31/Jul/06
Viper, Sly didn't look 5'7". Deniro isn't that short and they were the exact same height in that movie.
Hey Glenn, I respect you man. You stand up for yourself and that's cool. Mucho respect bro.
the shredder said on 31/Jul/06
yes zachary , iam still here ! iam more a part time user now ! editor robert , zachary has it right ... put sly down to 5'6 ?
Viper652 said on 31/Jul/06
Sly looked 5-7 in Copland.
leonari said on 31/Jul/06
Glenn: you shouldn't take stupid comments so seriously. You are a big part of this site and why many people visit it. Your pictures are priceless. Stay and keep up the good work.
TheMan said on 31/Jul/06
I agree it's the absoulute most ridiclous thing ive ever seen. Even i wouldent mind the lifts he's got id be about 6,4 lol. The pic with Liotta is like before and after he had lifts the pic where he's shorter being earlier.
Viper652 said on 31/Jul/06
So Sly can appear anywhere from 5-7 to 6-2, that is amazing.
Leung said on 30/Jul/06
The photos of Sly with Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon is a marvel, everytime I see them I shake my head in disbelief. Hulk Hogan stands about 6
Zach said on 30/Jul/06
Look! Sly next to 5'11 Liotta, he's only 5'8
Click Here ..*cough*lifts on*lets fool everyone* I mean 5'11
Click Here :D
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
Thank you Rob.who is laughing now real anonymous? gone like the other losers.who else wants permanent vacation on the site? Rob you are a man of tact and amazing patience with me and I try not to abuse power or pull rank but I think everyone should deal with each other with respect.Vaj,male or female,escaped my wrath some weeks back.I let it slide when he/she got stupid.I say he/she not out of disrespect but cause I thought Vag was a female,and someone mentioned otherwise.I made a stupid comment last week,and realised it and had Rob delete it.I REALISE my faults.Im real.again Rob,thanks for putting up with me.I have 80 new pics coming, not to mention hundreds and hundreds old pics too.just found a pic of me and I think Sean Astin.never knew I met him.3rd time thats happened,also with Paul Giamatti and Lilo Brancato.imagine I lost pics of others I never knew I met? that would suck more than being the real anonymous.

Editor Rob
I skim a lot of comments, but I hadn't read what anonymous said in the middle...I know such comments are annoying and since you're the major contributer you are due respect for not having to read or argue about your height. Since nobody can now question your pics - like they tried in the first month of your arrival here - little digs at other things are what some might resort to...
Sometimes they will slip by my eye but I will delete if pointed out to me!
pipo said on 30/Jul/06
Click HereBrenden is 5'10" , in the first pic you see Sly's no elevator shoes, and he's about the same height (maybe 2cm more), so I think Sly's 5'10" like he said
HelloKitty said on 30/Jul/06
You guys are hilarious. In the planet hollywood pic it looks like stallone is not wearing lifts and at the angle of the photo, I would guess stallone is 5'9 next to 6'2 terminator. The pic with vince and hollywood hogan who says he is 6'4 would make stallone 6'3. Hunky Colin at 5'11? Tom Cruise was the same height as him in Minority Report. I've met Cruise in Japan and although he is cute, he is short with boots about 5'7 to 5'8, without them is anyone's guess, like Anony says, may have to chop it down alittle.
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
You know what,now I remember cyclops being laughed at.
Anony said on 30/Jul/06
One of the problems with Sly, is people KNOWING he wears lifts. So when they see him at a regular decent height (liftless) they automatically presume he currently had lifts when he really wasn't, so they chop his height down by another 1-4".
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
Really Danimal? guess cause I didnt read the wrestling posts,I didnt know these guys.yeah Zach, guess you didnt know.he would bud in and tell me Im wrong,when even Rob areed with my estimations.he couldnt except being corrected.thats why he I hate the guy? no.he was important to the site for his knowledge of old names.I have eyes,and see guys like Sly and Colin Farrel in the flesh at 5-11.he saw 5-7 and 5-8 on both names.come on.and a handful of others he insisted on.
D. Ray Morton said on 30/Jul/06
"Is this Frank the same guy who stood next to the Undertaker?"
No, they are different Franks.
Danimal said on 29/Jul/06
Is this Frank the same guy who stood next to the Undertaker? Glenn, you're forgetting Jason who no longer is on this site. He was NOTORIOUS for downgrading people by 2-3" as well. One other guy was Cyclops (Jason's sidekick). Actually, Cyclops just hung around the wrestling pages, because if he showed up to a real celebs page, he would have been ridiculed as well.
I like the fact that Hulk Hogan once claimed that Sly was only 5'8" in Rocky III, YET, Sly is like an inch shorter than Hogan today...
D. Ray Morton said on 29/Jul/06
Zach - that settles it. Sly is 6'2". All of the other photos are obviously fake.
Viper652 said on 29/Jul/06
Glenn, I thought you and Frank's estimations seemed on target for the most part, at least to me. Its not like most of his estimates were to farfetched. I disagreed with a few of his for overestimating and underestiating, but I agreed with a good deal of his.
Glenn said on 29/Jul/06
No offence Zach,with all due respect,and I DO respect you,but that taking Franks word was pretty ignorant, being Franks history on this site to knock 2-3 inches off of a handful of major celebs.maybe not all,but he was ridiculed for some big names.I NEVER was.the closest I came was The Rock,and now even that is making sense to people are coming around to Gyllenhall and Owen Wilson least I provide PHOTOGRAPHIC dont give me enough credit Zach.I SAW the guy in sandles at 5-10.even if there was a lift,he would still be 5-9.sandles only have an inch lift and the heel part is covered.I cant remember if the heel was covered.I know I saw the notorious 5-7 Rod Stewart in slippers looking 5-10,5-11.heels exposed.stop buying into the short myths.the reason Sly has a myth going is cause this action hero isnt 6ft(though,can look it).he was 5-10 in his youth.possibly under now,and does get caught liftless at 5-9,hence the OMG,he is 5-7,5-8.people always exaggerate.human nature.
mike said on 29/Jul/06
wow very good zach, i never saw that mcmahon/sly/hogan pic i know mcmahon is at least 6 even or taller and hes basically even with him, the sly/arnie pic if u look at the second pic that u posted when those pics came out arnold still has sly and willis by 3 inches, the one where arnolds hands are in the air, but in that first one sly is alittle taller, in stallone's 5'10 pic hes nowhere near arnold
Glenn said on 29/Jul/06
You think Frank was right based on what? your estimations Viper? or reality by people who met celebs such as myself? even Rob just stated he didnt agree with some major names Frank estimated.thats smart thinking Hellokitty. Nolifts,you know your stuff.
Chris said on 29/Jul/06
hahaha...good one Zach, Sly is getting taller and taller.
HelloKitty said on 29/Jul/06
This might or might not help in finding out stallone's true height, but does anyone know what size pants he wears or size clothes?
Nolifts81 said on 28/Jul/06
Glenn you are right. I think that after wiewing a lot of pics, videos etc is evident that Stallone can't be under 5'9". I can be wrong(I accept this) but I am sure that the exact height of Sly Stallone is 5'9.5(176 cm) nowadays and also at his peak.Yes is obvious, he wears often elevator shoes for reach the 6ft or more.But remember elevator shoes or lifts don't do miracles! Is very difficult to obtain an height increase of 4 inches with elevator shoes but for Mr Stallone is possible. The problem is that when he wears 4 inches shoes,(Hogan Hall of Fame induction or for his 60
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
I actually thought Frank was right more times than not.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
I think Sly should receive an award at this point, because nobody truly knows what his exact height is. This guy is amazing honestly.
Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
I don't know where this 5'7" height came from? Did someone once upon a time arbitrarily choose 5'7" as Sly's height, like they chose 5'10" for Arnie's. Those are both two extremely low heights for men who have always claimed 5'10" and 6'2" respectively. Whoever is repsonsible for having started the controversy, was quite successful at putting doubt in the public's eye, because look at us and how much we are now intruiged by the possibility of 5'7". The man can't be that short and still appear almost as taller as the 6'3"+ Hulk Hogan. It just can't be.

Editor Rob
william goldman recalled the tale of meeting this mythical creature beside the pool one day, that of a "5ft 7 Sly", a being harder to spot than the abominable snowman.
watch the video when they meet after sly's intro at that induction ceremony, that's a truer depiction than some of the photos published where sly is closer to the camera.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
But how can a 5-7 guy look 6-0 without tripping over himself?
Zach said on 28/Jul/06
Exactly Viper652, I think thats what some of the new guys are forgetting - Frank2 is the only person on this forum to have seen Sly barefooted and swears Sly is 5'7. Given his unique experience and Sly's array of deceptful footwear I'd take Franks word over anyone elses.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
Does anyone think Sly had any leg lengthening surgery? It sounds pretty far fetched but with Sly and height I wouldnt put anything past him. But it sounds like lately he is appearing over 6-0 half the time!
HelloKitty said on 28/Jul/06
I thought mel gibson was 5'11? he looks tall in lethal weapon2 but lot shorter than his partner Murtuff who looks like he is 6'4? Couple months ago I saw the movie Over The Top and Stallone looked just a few inches shorter than Bull Harley who the arm wrestling announcer said he was 6'4.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
Its interesting how Frank insisted that Sly looked 5-7 when he saw him. Im really baffled by it all. Glenn has seen him a bunch of times and swears he looks 5-9, 5-10 minimum and up to 6 feet at times.
Danimal said on 27/Jul/06
Thing is Glenn, he has claimed he is 5'10" since before 1970 (when still in his 20's). Today he is 60 years old. I doubt if he was once 5'10" that he still is that height today. He can't be 5'10" forever. My Dad has shrunk, as well as my step Dad, as well as my Uncle and they are ALL his exact age. He keeps up his height, because he compensates with great footwear and an insane posture. I'm 5'9.5"-5'10" and I am pretty built myself. I'd love to stand face to face with him, when he would be wearing "normal" footwear and tell you his exact height.
Chris said on 27/Jul/06
How come rumors started about Stallone
Glenn said on 27/Jul/06
Thank you question the man wears lifts.but a 5-7 or 5-8 man would look and walk funny to hit over 6ft.had I not known any better,if I read he was 6ft,Id believe it.the guy is HUGE when I see him.the man is 5-10 and wears lifts to be 6ft,6ft.5.on occasion liftless,looking short next to a liftwearing
Mel Gibson,who is between 5-7 and 5-9 himself.or its just a weird pic.we dont know what they are standing on.a step? lets not forget the weirdest Mel photo I saw was him as tall as 6-2 Jim Carrey at an event.obviously Mel was on a step or 2!
Larry said on 27/Jul/06
Mean height for males in the USA is 5'9.1". For females it's 5'3.8". I know people think it's higher, but those are the latest statistics. "Average" height is more like a range of heights & involves a judgement call. :-)
miked2789 said on 26/Jul/06
i once read in an article on a website not sure if the website still exists, but in the article sly stated that for the rocky films he was 178 in the 1st, then 201, 163, and 173 for the following movies. in my opinion, myself being 5 9, i doubt sly can look that bulky, especially in rocky 4 at 173, when i am 175 at 5 9 and don't look close to slys bulkiness.