Christian said on 8/Feb/09
-RisingForce, great find with Stallone and Luke Perry. Luke is 177 cm barefoot, with normal shoes, just under 180 cm. In thoose pictures Sly and Perry look the same height. 5'10
Mickey said on 8/Feb/09
Rising, regarding the Perry pictures and the picture of him and FLavin on the beach where Flavin is barefoot and Sly is in some sort of trainer. You can't look at a shoe front on and simply say "he is liftless" especially from the distance that these photos are taken at. They might be lifts or they might not be. I certainly wouldnt say they are flat shoes either without a side on shot.
SayHeyKid said on 8/Feb/09
Rising Force: I don't care, and neither should you, what Stallone "looks like" in any photo in which: (a) he has lifts, elevator shoes or is otherwise being "helped" by his footwear; or (b) you can't see his footwear. This whole exercise of attempting to deduce his height by working backwards (i.e., noting that he looks 6'0-6-1ish in a particular photo, though acknowledging that he has "help," and then concluding, in self-serving fashion, that he can't be getting more than 2 inches or so via his "help," and therefore must be 5'10ish) is nothing but circular argument and of no value.
If you want to post photos where we can Stallone's footwear and then make your argument, that's another thing altogether. I'd be the first to admit that his height can be difficult to pinpoint, even when relying on only those photos in which we can see Stallone's footwear and in which he's not otherwise getting any noticeable help. In other words, it's hard enough to nail it down looking at the relevant photos; the debate is surely not advanced by the string of photos in which we know he's getting help and/or in which we can't determine whether and/or the extent of his "help."
Dural said on 8/Feb/09
Do you know what Sly is hiding in his "Converse type shoes" Rising?
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
exactly risingforce on all you said.anybody can find a photo where one looks shorter than they really are.or taller.but in this case we know sly looks at least 5-10.
Christian said on 8/Feb/09
But what about this pic?
Click Here
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/09
By the way I came across some things that suggest Sly is actually a little taller than 5-10 Luke Perry. These are from the same day that the pic vaj posted was from.
Click HereClick HereAnd before you use the excuse that Sly was wearing elevator shoes. He was in thin half inch Converse type shoes that day.
Click HereUnless Perry was barefoot(which I doubt) then there's almost no chance Sly had a footwear advantage. He certainly looks 5-10.5, 5-10.75 now in that comparison to Perry. Perry was measured in socks at 5-10 on the Howard Stern show.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/09
Rising Force, your pictures are really good to say that Sly is definitely as tall or even taller than Jen Flavin.
Under 5.9 is out of question now.
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/09
Thanks Lynn, I doubt it was a photoshopped. There are a few more from that. I didn't post it before because it didn't seem relevant for height comparison as she might be bending her legs.
Click HereNeither pictures look photoshopped to me. While he's taller in both the full body shot is better for height comparison because her leg seems straight unlike the other.
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/09
SayHeyKid says on 7/Feb/09
Rising Force: "Not all of those pictures are perfect?" You think? Talk about the understatement of the year. We can't see Stallone's footwear in ONE of the photos. As such, the photos are useless.
I never claimed he was liftless in them, but in a few of them he looks taller than her at events. She's 6 feet and likely wearing some sort of small heel. Even if she's wearing flats then he'd be reaching about 6-1 in a few of the pictures which backs up a 5-10ish Sly.
Lynn said on 8/Feb/09
IF are you able to proof that this pic is not photoshopped, than I must admit there is a good chance that Sly is 5'10".
Click HereI say this because there are all around the net modified pic of Sly and Claudia Schiffer to make him taller.
And still I don't believe Jen is 5'9". She seems to me 5'8"
Doug said on 8/Feb/09
Check out the image of him opposite Snipes in Demolition Man, Stallone has 3 inches on him easily, perhaps he was standing on a box??.
Ejel Khan said on 8/Feb/09
Brad sorry about the typo-reference coorect, should be correct. Sly is definately not 5'10" more 5'8.5-9", without lift!
undergroundmoleman said on 7/Feb/09
Hes short no doubt about that. As a celebrity (and with his crazy action movie roles) he needs to be really tall in real life or so it seems to the media which picks on him alot for his shortness. If it wasn't for his lifts or crazy movie editing, his 5'9 height would be known and poor sly doesnt want that.
SayHeyKid said on 7/Feb/09
Rising Force: "Not all of those pictures are perfect?" You think? Talk about the understatement of the year. We can't see Stallone's footwear in ONE of the photos. As such, the photos are useless.
RisingForce said on 7/Feb/09
Here are some good pictures of Sly and Jennifer Flavin. They aren't posted much.
Sly with looser posture is looking down at her a bit.
Click HereHis sneakers seem pretty normal and he looks atleast 5'10", but what's interesting to note is how much longer her legs are than his. I think that fools a lot of people. He has very short legs in proportion to his height, but he has a long torso and very long arms, this combined with his muscular physique can make him seem a lot shorter.
Here he looks a couple of inches taller than her and she has the camera advantage
Click HereWhile they're at the beach, they don't seem to be on the beach in that picture, they seem to be on solid ground looking at the area around them.
This shows what was one their feet. She's barefoot, and he defintley seems to be liftless, his sneakers seem pretty flat too.
Click HereThis last picture was not for height comparison but to show what was on their feet. Obviously a mid-stride beach picture where they aren't equal distances from the camera would be pretty bad for height comparison.
Click HereObviously 2 pictues aren't conclusive but you must admit, those are good for supporting my argument.
TELLEM said on 7/Feb/09
stallone with 5'9 charlie sheen...sly's closer to the camera and sheen has worse posture than sly.
Click Here sly looks no more than 5'9.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/09
don't forget that B. Nielsen herself stated that Sly is 5.9...She had no reason to lie. She could have make a laugh saying he's 5.7 or 5.8 but no, she said he's 5.9 in 2 occasions : on radio and on TV.
Let say he is 5.9 (probably 176 cm in the morning)
Brad said on 7/Feb/09
That's right Ejel, bit of a 1/2 "effect". Spot on. Yep. Coo-rect. Heavy on the "coo". 5' 8.5" and around 6' isn't the same height.
Dan said on 7/Feb/09
Looks 1.5-2 inches taller than Glenn on this picture(excluding hair.
derek d said on 6/Feb/09
Yeah that picture is pretty useless, lol he's like a mile in front of her.
Ejel Khan said on 6/Feb/09
5'9" without lifts is coorect for Sly .... Robs spot on with his estimates!
RisingForce said on 6/Feb/09
Yeah it's true that the Reagan picture is no good. If you want some legit pictures of Sly and Brigitte looking around the same height here they are.
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereNot all of those pictures are perfect, but in quite a few of them he has no camera advantage and in many not that much of one. Certainly none like the Reagan picture, they're pretty much side by side in all of those.
Actually if you watch Cobra, Sly is taller throughout a lot of the movie, even in full body shots. I remember one scene where he was walking with Brigitte to his car and he was taller when they were standing still and walking. She was in white sneakers and he was in these.
Click HereI think the difference between Sly and Brigitte is identicle to the difference between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.
Brad said on 6/Feb/09
Sly & Mrs. Reagan are closer to the camera. Sly has never been 5' 9" in his life. Let him stare up at the baby, stand by Caan in spikes, poolside, beach, with mother. Catch him without the boost and he's caught. It says 5' 9" above, only a small "effect" notch up.
Dural said on 6/Feb/09
Brigitte says herself shes 6' and Sly is about 3 ft closer to the camera in that pic, also wearing lifts for sure.
Kev said on 6/Feb/09
on that pic with the reagans:
come on now, sly and nancy davis are standing much closer to the camera. look how big their faces look compared to the president and bridgette. if anything, a better comparison for height purposes might be between mr reagan and bridgette. they are both listed as 6'1, and reagan is somehow taller by an inch even if we assume that bridgette is wearing some decent heels. so either she's not 6'1, or she's bending her knees heavily.
anyways, a horrible picture for height purposes all the way around.
Ralph said on 6/Feb/09
Brigitte is 6-1.
Click HereMaybe in this pic she is in low shoes.
Anyway even in this pic Sly seems 5-10, 5-11.
Ejel Khan said on 6/Feb/09
You can have custom made boxing trainers too .... you know! Seems like that's wh Sly did. He was obviously wearing lifts in the Rocky series, but they weren't more than 2". So with lifts, he reaches 5'10-11" in the Rocky films. More recently he's turned to wearing mega-lifts! Giving him a boost of atleast 3-4". So he now looks 6'.
Parker said on 6/Feb/09
In these pics there is one of Brdgett Nielson with her 5'7 boyfriend
Click HereHere's one of Bridgett with Sly
Click HereSorry. I've read all the short sightings, and some pics he does appear short, but there is no way a 5'7/5'8 man could appear 6ft+ in pics unless he was wearing stilts. Min 5'9 for Sly, evening height.
Parker said on 6/Feb/09
Fair enough derek d, but I really do think its virtually impossible to get the 3 inches unless your in boots or high sided shoes/sneakers. If the shoe looks 'undetectable' from the outside, 2 inches of 'hidden' lift will have your heel almost out of the back of the shoe, hence my reasoning you would have to build the outside up considerably, like this one,which gives you 2.4 ins from barefoot.
Click HereYou,can't get even another half inch lift inside as your heel would slip out of the shoe.To get 3 inches you'd need to go to these
Click Here
Christian said on 6/Feb/09
I was thinking that Sly could bee 5'10'', but with that photo of him and Luke Perry I think he is no more than 5'9''.
Mickey said on 5/Feb/09
Rising, about the Tango and Cash scenes you say that while they were walking barefoot Sly seemed taller but then you shun all the "mid stride" pics that are posted saying that its an unfair way to judge height. Shoudnt the same apply to the Tango and Cash scene?
Also i don't expect you to see 4 inches potential difference in the Rocky 3 scene, as that would pretty much mean you now think Sly is 5'9". But i see about a 2 inch physical difference, combined with Weather's bent kneesm slouched neck, back leaned to the wall, camera favouring Sly, i can easily see Weathers gaining an extra 2 inches factoring that. I doubt Weathers was ever 6'2 also, but thats my opinion.
Brad said on 5/Feb/09
What's a noob? Hey Rising, look at Sly's eyes. That's not 5' 11" looking up at the baby. He got caught. Great photo Mickey, he got caught again. Put Sly in spikes next to Caan, you not worry about thinking just under 5' 11". Weathers was 5" taller than Sly in '75 in barefeet. I shoulda asked Stabler last sunday night at Caesars how tall Weathers was.
Clay said on 5/Feb/09
Russel is bare minimum 5'9. I've seen him quite a few times here in Vancouver his son plays junior hockey here.
Zach said on 5/Feb/09
TELLEM says on 4/Feb/09
theres some noob on youtube going all over the stallone vids saying sly is 5'10 3/4. he goes by the name of matt. u guys figure it out.
Interesting you say that. There's also a character called 'rambofirstbloodpt2' who registered just over a month ago (dec 08) on the StalloneZone forum (running since 1996, probably the biggest stallone forum) and half his posts are just about how Stallone is 5'10 3/4 and how he matches up to Arnold now etc etc To the point where other fans, most of whom have no interest in height, couldn't understand how certain non height related threads kept being diverted to Sly's height and even asked for them to be locked. I've been on that forum for five years (I'm actually a huge fan of Sly regardless of my opinion of his height) and its amazing how only in the last month and a half you keep reading how tall Sly is and how he really is 5'10.75 or at least 5'10+.
Any idea who this character might be RisingForce?
RisingForce said on 5/Feb/09
Brad says on 5/Feb/09
Sly wore custom boots with Dolph. Big wedge like all the films. He's short. I love that photo with Jennifer & the baby. Crucified without the customs. That one's for Rising.
Not even close.
Click HereBoth in flat shoes. And in shoes flat shoes he's 6 inches max shorter.
Click HereIn elevator shoes he comes only about 3 inches shorter.
Click HereThere are some things that place Sly in the 5-9ish range, but comparing him to Dolph isn't one of them. In flat boxing shoes he looked atleast 5-10 and in elevator shoes he looked around 6-2 next to Dolph.
RisingForce said on 5/Feb/09
Mickey, I'm sorry but I can't see anyway that Weathers stretchs out to 4 inches taller than Sly in those pictures. Besides Weathers at his peak was taller than 6-1 flat likely. On the weathers page, Rob use to say that he was a little taller in his peak at the top. Which makes sense because he said he was the same height as Arnold and they looked the same height in Predator. With that being said, I can't see Carl stretching to more than 3 inches taller than Sly.
As far as the shower scene well they did look like they could be the same height, but walking barefoot Sly seemed atleast an inch taller to me, especially because of Kurt's hair.
As far as Converse, well Sly didn't always wear the hightop Converse and he had to run in them, plus this seemed to be before Sly's obsession with looking taller. Back in the 70's I don't think anyone is going to think of stuffing lifts in Converse, especially since every man wore big heeled boots most of the time anyway.
And yes Tellem, that is me on some of those videos. I've already said on this page that I've argued with Brad on some videos about that, because he goes around on random videos saying things like "5-8 max, he's short in eveyr motion picture", even when the video has nothing to do with his height. I've mentioned that before as a reason why Brad clearly has something against Sly. Noob? How old are you?
Brad said on 5/Feb/09
Sly wore custom boots with Dolph. Big wedge like all the films. He's short. I love that photo with Jennifer & the baby. Crucified without the customs. That one's for Rising.
Mickey said on 4/Feb/09
Um rising..
Kurt Russel did appear taller/same height as Sly as i have shown in the past. You seem to stick with the one or two pics that show Sly taller but thats only because Russel is slouching his neck bigtime.
Also, i wouldn't call eithr of you beach pictures with Flavin any good either. One of them has her standing behind Sly, and in the other she is bending her knees and we cant see what kind of ground advantage there is. And they are on the beach.
The photo where Sly and Flavin are most likely barefoot is the best, Flavin is taller.
Click HereAlso i havent seen the whole scene of the Specialist, im sure i could find some shots of Stone looking same height as Sly.
Also being 2 inches shorter than a bent knee, neck slouched 6'1" Carl Williams could be 5'9", my opinion. to mention the camera advantage given to Sly.
Also another poster showed us how easy it was to add 2-3 inches of lift into converse shoes very easily and comfortably at a minimum of cost, so i dont doubt Sly can. Anyone remember who the poster was?
derek d said on 4/Feb/09
Parker says on 4/Feb/09
On the site their avertised as 2.8 inches. In reality, they give 1.75 from barefoot,about 0.5 inch over a normal dress shoe. Never believe claimed gains from adverts. To get 3 inches you'd have to have a 2 inch outer heel minimum. I don't think you can do it in a shoe. I've tried.
Parker - Your actually right about all of that, my mistake.... But the ones that are listed as 3 inches (which in reality gives more like 2 inches over barefoot height) can be increased with possibly another another insole or sometime... I mean anyone can do it and its possible Sly may do that sometimes as well...
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
And no Sly wouldn't fake looking short, but I never claimed he was when he looks shorter.
First of all vaj posted a lot of mid-stride pictures. Everyone's height changes a lot between the high and low point of their stride, this is common knowledge. Then consider that Sly was farther from the camera in a handful of pcitures vaj posted which also make you look shorter.
Then don't forget that Sly isn't the only star who wears lifts.
Zach and Mickey make good arguments for Sly being no more than about 5-9, and I respect their opinions, but vaj's arguments and JTRon's arguments don't back much up.
I've given a good explanation for everything thrown at me. However I have yet to hear a good explanation for the Tom Arnold and Dolph Lundgren pictures where Sly looks 6-2, the Rocky Balboa premiere in general, the picture of Sly in slippers next to Carl Weathers or Sly looking about 5-11 in sandals next to Glenn.
Ralph said on 4/Feb/09
RisingForce is right.
Click HereThat's a pic of a 6-5 man near a 5-11 man.
Brad said on 4/Feb/09
Hey JTRoN just say "Caan in golf shoes, literally the same height". Saves words and effort on the keyboard. I think he really needs to market those NYC sandals. He's shorter than Luke Perry. At close to 5' 11" he'd own Stone in the shower, sorry, she must have had her heels on. I'd pay to see Caan or Hopper in slippers next to Weathers.
TELLEM said on 4/Feb/09
theres some noob on youtube going all over the stallone vids saying sly is 5'10 3/4. he goes by the name of matt. u guys figure it out.
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
And while he looks 5-9.5 with 5-10 measured Luke Perry we can't see their footwear. Sly could be in normal 1 inch shoes and Perry could easily be in 2 inch cowboy boy heels. That could make a 5-10 guy look a little taller than a 5-10.5 guy. So while he looks 5-9.5 in that picture with Perry it's far from conclusive and one of the few times he convincingly looks under 5-10. There are times when he looks 5-9ish, but there are equally as many times where he looks 6-1+ in lifts or 5-10+ in what appear to be liftless shoes.
Maybe you could say he rarely looks under 5-10 because he's almost always wearing lifts, but in quite a few of the limtied shots we have of him in probably liftless shoes he also looks 5-10 or taller.
Zach said on 4/Feb/09
JTRoN says on 4/Feb/09
Ever notice how sad his face looks too when he's in a picture liftless? its priceless
Click Here
TELLEM said on 4/Feb/09
risingforce posts are always repetetive. there always the same, with the same pics and the same vids. they go nowhere.vaj is right, just like i was too, sly stands on his tippy toes in pics with bigger stars. look at the man's shoes next to that water bottle. 5'8ish for sly. 5'9 max.
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
JTRoN you're delusional.
At your request I drew the line from Dolph's chin.
Click HereYeah, that's sure resting on Sly's head....what a joke.
The tip toes excuse is just pathetic. There's no way, I repeat no way he's going to stand on his tip toes with cameras around.
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. I've posted numerous pictures of him looking 5-10, 5-11 in flat footwear and then 6-1, 6-2 in elevator shoes. Glenn has met him well over a dozen times in all kinds of footwear, he has a couple of pictures with him and is convinced he's atleast 5-10. What does that tell you?
As far as the short pictures? Well he pretty never looks under 5-9 in any good angle pictures and even those pictures aren't that common. And if you're telling me that a guy like Sly who has been photographed millions of times won't look an inch or 2 shorter than he is once in a while? That's absurd.
I'm sorry but you're wrong and you didn't make a single valid point.
JTRoN said on 4/Feb/09
RisingForce stop posting the same pictures over and over and over again that prove nothing, the beach pictures are complete waste for obvious reason their standing on sand! He's barely 1 inch taller then Stone in that scene, he's same height as Kurt in Tango & Cash shower scene, you catch these angles where he appears taller, that's pretty much your only pictures actually, angles and other stuff that's in Sly's favor.
Click Here Click Here Draw a line on those pictures, Dolph could rest his chin on Sly's head if he wanted to.
But seriously I'm not sure what your obsession is with insisting he's in the 5'10 range, you see pictures of a short Sly, and decent pictures for judging as well and then you post stupid pictures of the guy walking on a beach where the ground isn't even level and there's holes and bumps, nice logic.
And yes, you do the math, how does a guy in lifts with constant military posture and always using camera and god knows what other tactics look 6ft one second and then shorter then Luke Perry the next???
Sorry but he can fake and fool people like you into thinking he's a whopping 6'1 but in reality or for those with common sense can see he's somewhere in the 5'8.5 - 5'9.5 range at most. I have friends that are 5'10 and change and they never look as short as Sly does in person or in pictures.
Your pictures of Sly without showing ground or shoes is also useless, the man could and i would believe it, be standing on his tippy toes or wearing massive lifts (as usual) with someone in regular to no shoes at all who knows, but one thing for sure, can't trust Sly's shoes. Hell the picture of Glenn proves you wrong, a weak 5'8 - 5'7.5 is roughly 1" shorter then Sly (minus his hair and Sly is a tad closer)
So I really don't care how many pictures you post and how many times you post them over and over of Sly "appearing" this tall and that tall, who cares its fake, the truth comes from pictures like Vaj's posts, where he can't and sure as hell wouldn't fake looking short, those rare pictures are his real height to be judging. Ever notice how sad his face looks too when he's in a picture liftless? its priceless
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
Wow, I just saw that someone thought this was 11 inches...
Click HereThat's 6 inches MAX.
Don't believe me?
Click HereSly's head isn't much below Lundgren's eyes. If it was 11 inches then his HEAD would be an inch or 2 below Lundgren's chin. Sly's lower eye is up to Lundgren's chin, nevermind his head which is well above Dolph's chin.
So 6 inches shorter than a 6-4.75 man. Hmmm you do the math.
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
TELLEM says on 2/Feb/09
so far all the shots of sly barefooted peg him at 5'8-5'9 and it clearly shows it.
Sly and 5-9 minimum Kurt Russell walking barefoot from 1:02-1:06
Click HereSly is taller barefoot than 5-9 minimum Kurt Russell, so how can he be 5-9 flat or under?
Sly and 5-9 Jennifer Flavin(NOT the ridiculous picture where they're mid-stride with him farther down hill with his head down)
Click HereHe looks around 5-10, 5-11 barefoot.
Sly and 6-0 Brigitte Nielsen almost surely barefoot.
Click HereHe looks 5-10, 5-11 barefoot again.
Sly and 5-8.5 Sharon Stone barefoot.
Click HereHe looks 5-10.5 barefoot there.
Stallone and Jennfier Flavin most likely barefoot again.
Click HereHe may have the ground advantage but he does look taller than her.
Then you have numerous pictures of him in slippers and sandals looking 5'10"-5'11". Slippers and sandals are nearly barefoot.
Sly in slippers next to 6-1, 6-2 Carl Weathers
Click HereHe looks 5-10, 5-11 there too.
Sly is 4" taller than then 5-7 Glenn in sandals.
Click HereI could post even more of Sly looking 5-10, 5-11 in Converse as well.
The fact is that in barefeet, sandals or slippers he usually looks 5-10, 5-11 so he most likely is. That adds up with him looking 6-1 in lifts.
vaj, I know he's in big lifts when he looks to be 6-1 in lifts, but if we agreed that his elevator shoes add 3 inches then how could he be under 5-10 and look 6-1? You didn't explain that. Before you post anything else explain that.
And to those who say a 5-10.75 wouldn't wear lifts as much as Sly. That's horrible logic. Look at 5-11ish Burt Reynolds who wore boots with bigger lifts and heels than Sly or Brad Pitt who is listed here at 5-11. Hell even John Wayne at 6-4 wore lifts and
Vin Diesel who is listed here at 6 foot wears boots bigger than Sly's.
Christian said on 4/Feb/09
This pic with Luke Perry is very interesting. I know for a fact since I worked with Mr Perry that he is 177-178 cm. On this pic Sly is shorter. Perry is with normal shoes 179 cm give or take, Stallone must bee wearing normal shoes standing next to him. 5'9'' tops for Sly according to that pic, but then again, it is a picture and I know pictures can bee very misleading.
Click Here
miko said on 4/Feb/09
Great to see Vaj back.
JTRoN said on 4/Feb/09
Click Here pretty short legs
Click Here Tarver is bending his legs and leaning
Click Here how tall is Adrian?
Click Here in boots looking same height as wife in sandals
Click Here 3" you think?
Click Here 4" are possible, maybe with more money they can be made a little bit more subtle
Click Here I see 12-14 inches (ignore Sly's 1.5" fro)
Click Here Click Here I see about 11 inch difference
Click Here just for fun
Rising Fore your in denial big time, how many 5'10.75 guys can you think of that wear lifts and are height obsessed as Sly? The times Sly can look tall in pictures are easily debatable, he can fake looking tall but the short sightings and pictures ring more truth.
Now lets see, its pretty simple just do the math. The tallest I think he looks in lifts is 5'11, which is an easy height to be mistaken for 6ft. (I am 182 and get 6-6'1 alot and can look taller in pictures)
Now take a 5'11 Sly in lifts, remove say 2 inches to be safe and you get 5'9.
Only problem is, his height fluctuates in difference so much and so drastically it's obvious 1) he wears lifts and 2) the difference in lowest height to tallest is probably whats in his lifts. Ex 5'8 and 5'9 sightings/pictures to 5'11 and 6'0, sounds to me like he owns a pair or two of 3-4 inch lifts.
So Question is, how much height is he hiding in those elevator shoes.
Gago said on 4/Feb/09
vaj the photo where he's standing on his tip toes is a classic, Frank2 was right all along.
Parker said on 4/Feb/09
derek d. I have a pair of shoes from the site W posted. Here they are.
Click HereOn the site their avertised as 2.8 inches. In reality, they give 1.75 from barefoot,about 0.5 inch over a normal dress shoe. Never believe claimed gains from adverts. To get 3 inches you'd have to have a 2 inch outer heel minimum. I don't think you can do it in a shoe. I've tried.
George said on 3/Feb/09
Stallone may have been 5'9.5 at his peek height so this could be why he claimed 5'10 and 5'10.5. Nowadays he's probably more like 5'8 barefoot.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/09
This Leg Extension story is pure STUPIDITY.
every sly fan will tell you : sly has never been out of sight more than 2 weeks in his entire Career.
A leg extension surgery is very invasiv... It takes 6 months at least of suffer. It takes years after that to walk normally...
Zach said on 3/Feb/09
The Caan pictures don't actually do any favours to those who believe Sly is any more than 5'9.
Sayheykid, good analysis.
derek d said on 3/Feb/09
SayHeyKid - great post, and vaj - that last picture of Sly standing his tippy toes is quite funny lol.
Christian said on 3/Feb/09
-Rob,Do you believe Sly has had leg extension surgery?

Editor Rob
I don't think there's no period of time where he has hid away from public for 6 months. He'd need that just to get walking again properly.
I think he may have done lots of stretching and exercise to try to not lose any height. He's in remarkable shape for his age.
RisingForce said on 3/Feb/09
It's possible Danimal, but sometimes he looked tall back in the 80's so I'm not sure. I think now he just wears bigger lifts, or lifts more often than he did in the 80's. He's also gotten a lot bigger as far as weight, especially after the remake of Get Carter. His much broader upper body could give the illusion that he's taller.
Danimal said on 3/Feb/09
MANY people on (the world's BEST bodybuilding site) that Sly HAS HAD the leg extension surgery and MANY people apparently in asia and europe have it.
Brad said on 3/Feb/09
The photo of him with his ex girlfriend Janice is killer. She owns him and she's 5' 9.5". He needs those NYC sandals more than anything. Look at him with Caan. That says it all. If you think Caan is 5' 11.5" go ahead and believe it.
RisingForce said on 3/Feb/09
TELLEM says on 2/Feb/09
so far all the shots of sly barefooted peg him at 5'8-5'9 and it clearly shows it.
Sly and 5-9 minimum Kurt Russell walking barefoot from 1:02-1:06
Click HereSly is taller barefoot than 5-9 minimum Kurt Russell, so how can he be 5-9 flat or under?
Sly and 5-9 Jennifer Flavin(NOT the ridiculous picture where they're mid-stride with him farther down hill with his head down)
Click HereHe looks around 5-10, 5-11 barefoot.
Sly and 6-0 Brigitte Nielsen almost surely barefoot.
Click HereHe looks 5-10, 5-11 barefoot again.
Sly and 5-8.5 Sharon Stone barefoot.
Click HereHe looks 5-10.5 barefoot there.
Stallone and Jennfier Flavin most likely barefoot again.
Click HereHe may have the ground advantage but he does look taller than her.
Then you have numerous pictures of him in slippers and sandals looking 5'10"-5'11". Slippers and sandals are nearly barefoot.
Sly in slippers next to 6-1, 6-2 Carl Weathers
Click HereHe looks 5-10, 5-11 there too.
Sly is 4" taller than then 5-7 Glenn in sandals.
Click HereI could post even more of Sly looking 5-10, 5-11 in Converse as well.
The fact is that in barefeet, sandals or slippers he usually looks 5-10, 5-11 so he most likely is. That adds up with him looking 6-1 in lifts.
vaj, I know he's in big lifts when he looks to be 6-1 in lifts, but if we agreed that his elevator shoes add 3 inches then how could he be under 5-10 and look 6-1? You didn't explain that. Before you post anything else explain that.
vaj said on 3/Feb/09
leonari says on 2/Feb/09
Man recently I thought: How nice this site has become since Glenns day Vaj was back. The guy is downgrading everyone to keep up his personal height. Not cool
Leonari, are you Glenn's personal cheerleader? I have been busy thought I would post since it's been awhile. I am not down grading anyone I am giving my personal opinion.
Ejel Khan said on 3/Feb/09
Sly has been wearing lifts for 2 decades ..... early in his career, he didn't. He's 5'9", without lifts, with lifts - 5'11".
glenn said on 3/Feb/09
thank you see it too.
derek d said on 3/Feb/09
Click HereHere is a recent picture with his wife Flavin at a event.... Something I'm surprised no one here has mentioned before is the fact that she is ALWAYS bending her knees in pictures with him when she wears heels. Usually her dress is covering her legs but check out ANY picture posted here with him and her and you will see it. It takes around 2 inches off of her height. In the recent picture I just posted, it looks like she really has to go to the bathroom or something lol she looks kind of ridiculous no offense.
derek d said on 3/Feb/09
W. - Good post with the link. Parker - I have read Rob's article and I definitely see your point but check out W.'s link. It shows that it is true that you can get 3 inches out of relatively low cut dress shoes, of course not real ones (elevator shoes). But thats not what were talking about, these "elevator" dress shoes are pretty low cut for what they are and could definitely pass for real ones. But I know real dress shoes when I see them, just not everyone else does though.
SayHeyKid said on 2/Feb/09
I have been reading the discussion about Stallone for some time now, and one recurring thought keeps coming to mind, previously expressed by derek d, namely the logical need to simply "throw out" from consideration all photos in which Sly is obviously being "assisted" via footwear. It's not as difficult as it seems.
In short, there are, roughly speaking, two categories of pictures of Stallone, the first of the categories being the "short" one (i.e., where he looks anywhere from say 5'7"-5'9"), and the second, taller "category" in which he looks 5'10" plus, up to over 6 feet at times, depending on the footwear. Since everybody, even Sly's number one sycophant RisingForce, admits that Sly is being "helped" in those photos in which he stacks up favorably to documented, legitimate 6 footers and up, those photos MUST BE DISREGARDED (e.g., Dolph photo). In horse racing, we call it a "throw out."
There is no point arguing, back and forth, on the amount of help that he's getting in those photos since no agreement will ever be reached on the matter, particularly since people have agendas. RisingForce's overall point is not that Stallone is not being "helped" but, rather, that he can only be "helped" so much, and that a man 5'8-5'9 cannot be "made" to look 6 feet. I don't pretend to know how much "help" Sly is getting in the various photos in which he is obviously getting some "help," and I doubt, on either side of the debate, that anybody knows for certain what is in his shoes. That is precisely the point. We just don't know. What we do, however, know is that he's getting "help" in certain photos, which must therefore, by definition, be disregarded.
By his own admission, the photos upon which RisingForce is relying for his 5'10.75 claims are fake and phony. The exercise of theorizing that, even though the evidence is fake, "I can still tell that he's a certain height," is pure folly.
Bottom line: look at the pictures where at least it's not obvious that Stallone is getting "help," and you can begin to pinpoint his height. I am not one of those people who want to go overboard about how "short" Stallone is, but I do find some of the public comments from various people to be quite instructive, even if not dispositive (see, e.g, Janice's statement that she almost laughed about how short he was). Yes, RisingForce, several of the "legitimate" photos (i.e., those where Sly is not hovering anywhere near the 6 foot mark) have variables to them such that one will not be able to pinpoint to near certainty his exact height, but they are still highly relevant and probative nonetheless. The Ernie Els photos come to mind. Yes, they are not perfect, yes there are variables, but they are photos of a man in golf shoes getting absolutely dwarfed by a documented 6'3" man in a manner that a 5'11ish man would never be. The older photos, before Stallone became larger than life, are also probative.
Editor Rob is probably close to spot on in his 5'9" estimate, though I suspect he's closer to 5'8" barefoot. I would never, however, say that I'm certain about my estimation, as we are dealing, in all cases, with non-dispositive evidence that greatly varies.
TELLEM said on 2/Feb/09
so far all the shots of sly barefooted peg him at 5'8-5'9 and it clearly shows it.
George said on 2/Feb/09
Yeah Stallone looks 5'11 next to Arnold but it's a premiere so he's probably wearing lifts. 5'9 for Stallone barefoot.
leonari said on 2/Feb/09
Man recently I thought: How nice this site has become since Glenns day Vaj was back. The guy is downgrading everyone to keep up his personal height. Not cool
Ralph said on 2/Feb/09
Thank you for this pic, Vaj.
Click HereArnold in shoes is still 6-2, maybe 6-2.5. So Sly in shoes is around 6'1".
Brad said on 2/Feb/09
I asked Thomas Hearns last night and he just laughed outloud about close to 5' 11". Hey Vaj, enjoy Rising. Put up the Caan-Sly in golf shoes again. What more do you want?
vaj said on 2/Feb/09
RisingForce says on 2/Feb/09
What do you say about that vaj?
That cool you defend Sly tall sighting I can explain that HE WEARS HUG LIFTS!
Here is look Perry with 5'9" Chris Odonald:
Click HereClick HereSly looks a little shorter than Luke Perry:
Click HereHow do you explain all the short sightings?
TELLEM said on 2/Feb/09
great photos zac. those pics are proof of sly being only a 5'8ish man
vaj said on 2/Feb/09
Parker says on 1/Feb/09
Military posture does not make you grow an inch. If you measure 5'8 with your feet flat on the floor, and then measure yourself with 'military posture'and your 5'9, as long as your heel doses not rise from the floor, you are 5'9. You under measured yourself at 5'8.
Arnold is taller than Sly in the 90's:
Click HereClick HereThis is a good example of Sly using military posture to look taller:
Arnold 6'clearly taller than Sly looking 5'11" thanks to lifts:
Click HerePicture time! Sly uses military posture to appear Arnold's height 6':
Click HereThat is how he tricks people he is taller in photos!
He will use any tricks to appear taller even standing on his tippy toes:
Click Here
Zach said on 2/Feb/09
Vaj is clearly back!
RisingForce said on 2/Feb/09
vaj, you can't post pictures of Sly when he's not in his huge elevator shoes and say "he doesn't look 6-1 here" as proof. Look at him with the Rocky Balboa premiere, hell he looks 6-2 with Dolph Lundgren and close to it with Antonio Tarver and Sharon Stone.
That Carson Daly picture is pretty terrible, they're both walking and Carson is closer to the camera.
As far as Arnold at the Rambo premiere well he looks about Arnold's height in these pictures.
In full body shots he's maybe half an inch max shorter than Arnold
Click HereClick HereClick HereArnold's shoes look suspicious too. Zach noticed this as well.
Click HereHalf an inch shorter than Arnold here again
Click HereHere Sly has loose posture and Arnie is standing straighter yet Sly is 1 inch max shorter.
Click HereHere Arnie is closer to the camera, but only an inch taller.
Click HereHere Arnie is standing straight but only half an inch taller than Sly who is slouching
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereThe fact is that those pictures show Arnie and Sly were very close in height on that night. Sly may have been in 3 inch elevator shoes but Arnie's shoes looked to add no less than 1.5 or 2 inches. The full body shot pictures showed Arnie at maybe a half inch taller max and there were other pictures that suggested Sly could be as tall.
What do you say about that vaj?
Don't ignore this picture either.
Click HereLook at this vaj. Sly and 6-1 Tom Arnold
Click HereThe man can pass for a legit 6-1, meaning he'd likely measure more than that out of bed in his elevator shoes.
RisingForce said on 2/Feb/09
That may be true Mickey but you can see Sly is leaning and not standing his straightest as well(which is rare).
W. said on 2/Feb/09
It's not true that lifts need be giant Pee Wee Herman Shoes in order to give 3 inches or more see:
Click Here
vaj said on 2/Feb/09
Dural says on 1/Feb/09
"good pics vaj, I don't think 3in is impossible"
This is Sly we are talking about he gets his lifts custom made. According to his specialist shoemaker once commented that "I made him 4.5 inches taller for 16 years!", although this is an exaggeration..
Let's compare his munster trainers to the water bottle next to him:
Click HereSame type of water bottle measures:
Click HereIt measures 3'3/4" but lets say 3"
1.5" sole + 1.5" inner lift= 3"
Parker says on 2/Feb/09
Your not going to get 3 inches out of low cut dress shoes.
Your right Parker that is why he is always shorter than his wife when he is in dress shoes:
Click HereClick HereClick HereSly does not 6'1" here:
Click HereNot here either:
Click HereBut when he wants to appear 5'11" he pulls out the big guns "munster trainers". He even has them in form black stealth to wear with suits:
Click HereClick HereEven with the aid of his munster trainers he is shorter than Arnold:
Click HereClick HereSly does not look 6'1" with aid of munster trainers next to Carson Daily who is 6'1"
Click Here
Mr. R. said on 2/Feb/09
Great camera work Vaj!
Parker said on 2/Feb/09
derek d. Please read Rob's article on Elevator shoes. If your getting 3 inches out of shoes, they will have noticeable outer heel height like these:
Click HereYour not going to get 3 inches out of low cut dress shoes.
RisingForce said on 2/Feb/09
Good picture Dural, 3 inches is very possible for Sly, but not much more than that. However I think those shoes are likely closer to 2.5" or 2.75" This is what Rob said about those shoes in this picture.
Click Here"Look at the ankle position compared to Katzenberg's, it could be 1.5 inches more."
So 1.5" more than the normal 1", 1.25" shoes that the other guy was wearing means that likely 2.5", 2.75" for Sly's shoes.
To Sly's credit though, he wasn't struggling to barely look 5-10, 5-11 in those shoes. Here he is from that same night next to Denzel Washington who is almost surely atleast 6 feet and very possibly 6-1.
Click HereClick HereReally he doesn't look more than half an inch shorter and he likely has about a 1.5" footwear advantage. So barefoot I'd say Sly is 2 inches shorter than Denzel.
Now this is an example of Sly with legit 3 inch elevator shoes.
Click HereBut in those he was looking even taller than he did at the Laker game.
Here he is that night with 6-4, 6-5 Dolph Lundgren
Click HereClick HereIf you didn't know what his shoes were like then you'd think he was atleast 6 feet next to Denzel. If you didn't know what his shoes were like next to Lundgren and Tarver you'd think he was no less than 6'1". Often when he wears those shoes he can pass for a 6 foot or 6-1 guy. If he was usually wearing those monster shoes and just passing for 5-10, 5-11 then I'd agree that he likely was no more than 5'9". But since we're all in agreement that his really big elevator shoes are about 3 inches then I don't see that as likely. Tom Cruise has worn huge shoes and he never looks nearly as tall as Sly does.
Zach said on 1/Feb/09
Nice pics Vaj. Some classics there not seen in a while.
Mickey said on 1/Feb/09
Yep i've seen that picture before, something tells me Brigitte could be bending her knees to make Sly look taller, tall chicks tend to do that in photos. Could be slouching her neck too, as her shoulders are more then 1.5 inches higher than Sly's. Good pic though and i can see why you would use it to back up your arguement. But to me Brigitte is not standing her tallest there.
With the Jen picture we can see her shoulders are higher then his, and Sly is standing straigt while Jen has an arc in her back.
Parker, while Military stature does not give you an additional inch of height, it can give you an inch or two advantage over someone who is standing casual or slouching.
Dural said on 1/Feb/09
good pics vaj, I don't think 3in is impossible
Click Here
derek d said on 1/Feb/09
Mikey, is that really jennifer flavin in that picture? Doesn't really look like her... And Parker, 3 inches is easy to get out of shoes, if you have the right ones.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
duvall was back to 5-10 in dress shoes when i saw him 6 months after that.
RisingForce said on 1/Feb/09
That's one picture Mickey. We also have a picture where he's just as likely if not more likely to be barefoot and he looks atleast 5-10.5 with Brigitte Nielsen.
Click HereThe chances that he's wearing anything on his feet there are slim, especially since he has been seen barefoot with his wives. Yet he looks an inch or an inch and a half shorter than Brigitte.
Parker said on 1/Feb/09
Good post vaj. Two things I would say though. Military posture does not make you grow an inch. If you measure 5'8 with your feet flat on the floor, and then measure yourself with 'military posture'and your 5'9, as long as your heel doses not rise from the floor, you are 5'9. You under measured yourself at 5'8.
Second point. I don't believe you can get 3 inches out of trainers or shoes. 2.5ins maximum in my opinion. These shoes give you 3 inches:
Click HereDo you really think Sly gets 3 inches out of shoes?
In my opinion Sly is never under 5'9 whatever time measured.
The Ben said on 1/Feb/09
stallone weighed 160-165lbs in rocky 3
if you met a guy who was 5,10 and 165 with a slim build i think he could seem very small, he could easily look 5'9.
I believe sly is 5'10
Mickey said on 1/Feb/09
Rising, while you did disprove some of the pictures, you can't really argue that Sly doesn't look shorter then Jen here, both of them most likely barefoot:
Click HereAlso the picture of Frank Stallone towering Sly, and Sly is in front of him(granted they are in mid stride but he towers him by alot).
Also if you want to go by what Glenn says about Duvall then you also have to consider he has said :
Glenn says on 4/Dec/06
In his youth he was close to 5-10,and did look this in the early him 2 weeks ago and he looked 5-9.
While there is one picture of Sly and Caan with Sly looking taller. I have shown you several pics(the one with Caan with golf stick in hand) where a hunched over Caan was shockingly the same height as a military standing Sly and(2 with Mark Walhberg) where Caan was a hair shorter than Sly. You believe Caan is 5'10", while the majority here seems to disagree. Not gloating or anything.
In regard to my opinion on Sly's height. He could probably be something like 5'9.25" in the morning, 5'9" during the day, and sips into the high 5'8" mark at night. Nothing like 5'8" flat or lower, but i could see him being 5'8.5 after a long day. 5'9.5" morning just seems too high for me.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
whatever you say vaj.alot here know your least some the ones that know your other never answer to that.instead,you choose the easy way out by saying im shorter than 5-8.yeah,i am.but rob is close to 5-9 when he wakes up.and claims 5-8 when i wake and i shrink to an average of a hair under 5-7.5.or just plain 5-7.5.there is no law to choose morning or evening i was always honest.yet you dont see also ignore what the other posters said that met sly. all said five foot ten.
Kev said on 1/Feb/09
Those are pretty d@mn convincing pictures. I won't deny that Sly appears 5'10 on some of his pictures. But its photos like these that confirm that sly doesn't appear CONSISTENTLY tall as his 5'10 claims. Being a legit certain height requires that you must CONSISTENTLY look that height. But his height fluctuates so much it's unbelievable.
The photos that stood out were:
1. picture with frank with their backs against each other.
I see a 1.5 inch difference there. Probably no chance that Frank has footwear advantage. It's impossible to have footwear advantage on sly lol. Either frank has matched sly's munsters or both or wearing regular footwear. either way, frank is noticeably taller.
2. Sly walking in his trainers with his ex-girlfriend Janice
His legs look remarkably short there. You can do all the math with possible ground tilted toward janice, sly's posture, sly in his mid stride and what not but there is no chance stallone is 5'10 there. footwear evidence is indisputable. sly is 5'9 at best in that photo and very possibly even shorter.
for every picture with sly in his munsters and his usual military posture trying convey that he's an above average tall guy, there are pictures like these that crush his pipe dreams. Going back to his picture with janice and seeing the length of his legs again, i would have to say that there is a very good chance that sly got his legs extended. going by his movie credits, he did have a hiatus between 2003 and 2005 so that notion is not so far fetched especially considering how paranoid he is with his height.
derek d said on 1/Feb/09
I know Vaj is trying to make Sly look shorter than his 5'9 listed height but these "short pictures" of Sly in my opinion are more valuable than "taller" pictures... I say that because pictures where he is obviously in lifts, we do not know the exact amount of inches he is getting from them. As a person, you cannot appear shorter than you really are, which is why we should pay more attention to these pictures where he is shorter than usually and clearly not in lifts... Just think about it. Anybody can/will appear taller in lifts. I still think 5'9 is possible but 5'8 is a little too low, 5'8.5 at the very worst.
Mickey said on 31/Jan/09
Some really nice finds there Vaj. Theres an interview with Janice Dickenson where she does a runs down of the men she has slept with and says:
Warren Beatty, I decided, was too good-looking; Dustin Hoffman too short; Robin Williams too frenetic; and Jack Nicholson too much of a wolf.
She then says :I didn't recognise him until I took a closer look. It was Sylvester Stallone. I couldn't believe how short he was and had to stifle a laugh.
Funny how she puts Stallone into the short category with Dustin Hoffman(5'5"-5'6"), a man close to 5'11" would never be lumped into that category. Action star or not. Jason Stratham(Transporter, Crank) is about 5'9" and doesn't get as much heat as sly. Even
Mark Wahlberg(the italian job, Max Payne) who is probably 5'8" doesn't get as much heat as Sly.
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/09
Vaj, thanks the pics you posted with Dickinson definitely prove he's 5.9 at least...
There's is a pic where you he's with Jennifer Flavin But I'm not sure it's her !
Even if it is her, we can't judge...
Sly stills 5.9 to me...
Gago said on 31/Jan/09
Good observations vaj. Caan is never 5'10 nowadays, may be his peak, but now he's around 5'9. If Sly was 5'10+ then he would never look as short as he looks without lifts.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
By the way Sly's shoes with Shatner look normal. Look at the ankle position, nothing weird there.
And no vaj Glenn is 5-8. Rob is going to measure him around that mark. Oscar looked short in your picture because he was leaning, you're blind if you can't see that.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
vaj, it's well documented that Arnold has lost a considerable amount of height since the 90's so that Tiger Woods picture is irrelevant to those 80's/90's pictures.
That picture of Caan, Phoenix and Wahlberg is horrendous. They're considerably closer to the camera than him.
Sly is looking down slightly in your first picture with Caan while he's looking up so if they come out the same height while doing that then that means Sly is a bit taller.
How do you know Sly has lifts in the second picture you posted? You can't see their feet.
Frank Stallone's height is hardly established as 5-10.5. He's listed on his own site at 6 feet, and he very well could be.
That picture with Janice Dickenson is TERRIBLE for comparing. They're in different parts of their strides. Take a video of people of similar height walking, you can get either to look taller in the picture depending on where they are in their stride. This happened when Mickey and myself took pictures from the video of Sly and Kurt Russell walking.
In one of the pictures you posted of Sly and Jennifer he's crossing his legs and leaning back against the side of the boat. If you think that's accurate for judging height then god help you.
Well I disproved just about every example. And there's no way he's 5-8 "barefooted".
Sly is 5-10.5, 5-10.75 out of bed barefoot and with his elevator shoes he can look 6-1. Just ask Tom Arnold, Michael Caine, Dolph Lundgren ect.
vaj said on 31/Jan/09
Here James Caan, with 5'8" Joaquin Phoenix and 5'8"
Mark Wahlberg all similar height:
Click HereJamas Caan and Sly same height:
Click HereJames Caan and Sly with lifts:
Click HereWilliam Shanter 5'8" and Sly wearing custom lifts":
Click HereSly's 3" custom munster trainer are exposed:
Click HereCompare Sly's large custom 3" munster trainers to the normal man's shoes:
Click HereSly is shorter than his 5'10.5" brother Frank:
Click HereClick HereClick HereBut when Sly slips on his munster trainer he is lifted to 5'10.5"-5'11" same height as his brother:
Click HereClick HereThat is how Sly fools people thinking he is taller:
Sly's tricks to becoming taller:
barefooted= 5'8"
normal 1.25" heel shoe= 5'9.25"
1.25" heel + 1" inner lift= 5'10.25"
3" munster trainers= 5'11"
3" musnter trainers + military posture= 6'
I have reveled Sly tricks to appearing taller.
vaj said on 31/Jan/09
Sly looks shorter than his ex-girlfriend Janice Dickson who is listed as 5'9.5":
Click HereLooking shorter than his 5'9" wife:
Click HereClick HereI guess he forgot his sandels?
Use your commonsense if Sly was really 5'11" in sandals then there would not be some many short sightings of Sly.
vaj said on 31/Jan/09
RisingForce says on 31/Jan/09
"Time to put this 5-8 garbage to rest though."
Arnold is not 6'2" compare him to Tiger Woods who 6'1:
Click Here
vaj said on 31/Jan/09
vaj-stallone is 5-10 on average.dont exaggerate.i have proven you wrong on owen wilson,woody harrelson and oscar de la hoya and mario lopez.
The only thing you proved to me is that you are shorter than 5'8" when I saw the pic of you Oscar. I did not look short in the pic of Oscar did I.
Ralph said on 31/Jan/09
In Las Vegas Caan seems more than 5'10".
So 5'10.75" for Sly is right.
derek d said on 31/Jan/09
Lol why does everyone think Caan is holding a walking stick in that picture with Sly? Its obviously a golf stick as they were seen playing golf in other pictures from that day.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
Fair enough Mickey, your picture with Duvall might be better than my pictures of Caan and Bruce, but my picture of Caan and Bruce is certainly better to judge than your picture of Caan and Willis.
How do we know that Robert Duvall is only 5-8.5, Glenn says he's 5-10. If
Mark Wahlberg is 5-8 as he's listed here than Duvall looks 5-9.5
Click HereBut if you're going by the logic that full shots are the best then this would be the definitive shot of Sly and James Caan so far.
Click HereBy the way Mickey, I know that you think Sly is 5-9, but do you mean morning, evening or afternoon height? As I've said when I say Sly is 5-10.75 I mean morning height.
Mickey said on 31/Jan/09
Click HereA hunched over James Caan with walking stick in hand looks about the same height as Sly standing straight up. Maybe 5'10" for Caan and 5'10.75" for Sly is possible for you but i've seen enough evidence to show me that neither of them are near 5'10".
Mickey said on 31/Jan/09
I saw the picture Rising, but alas, it is only one picture. The full shot of Caan and 5'8.5" Duvall is much better in my opinion, he does not look close to 5'10 in that one.
Click HereThe camera is tilted in Bruce's favour but i still can't see 5'10 factoring in that. Caan has been known to wear lifts also.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
Yeah Billy Dee Williams is a mystery. He was listed at 6-0 for years and Mr. R met him just a few years ago and said he still looked around 5-11. Keep in mind that Billy was already 69 by then too.
Time to put this 5-8 garbage to rest though.
Look at how well he could measure up to Arnold even in the 80's and 90's at times.
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick Here (Arnold is closer to the camera and Sly has loose posture yet Arnold is still only a couple of inches taller(1.5" eye level difference).
Look at the first 2 pictures. Sly looks max an inch and a half shorter when considering posture. In the first picture Sly has the posture advantage, but in the second picture Arnold does since he's tilting his head up.
A 5'8" man has NO chance of looking like that next to a 6'2" man unless the 6'2" man is barefoot and the 5'8" man is in not elevator shoes but 70's platform shoes.
Arnold obviously wasn't barefoot and I've never seen Sly wear platform shoes. The shortest Sly could be is a legit 5-9(meaning he never goes under that during the day), but I'd bet he's an inch taller than that.
glenn said on 31/Jan/09
billy dee williams is a mystery.i met him a couple of times and he seemed 5-10 in big i guessed 5-9 min,as this was some kind of illusion.but i read 5-11 for him also.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
Mickey, look at the picture of Caan and Bruce Willis from the Rocky Balboa premiere that I posted. James Caan at 5-10 is certainly possible. Here is the picture again.
Click HereKayenta, Brad doesn't make points and you can't say he looks 5'8" by the pool when you don't know the other people next to him.
Mickey said on 30/Jan/09
Rising, comparing Caan to someone(in this case Arnie) whose height is all over the place does not mean Caan is 5'10'. Arnie is in the list of the most popular articles on this site because his height varies so much, he is an enigma. Some people even say he can look 5'11". Hell there is even another site just dedicated to Arnie's height. I very much doubt Caan is 5'10 and has not been for a while.
Click HereCompared to 5'9" Duvall(this site lists him at 5'8.5") Caan looks slightly shorter.
Kayenta said on 30/Jan/09
Rising Force writes whole narratives by the paragraph and Brad's points in a few sentances are more conclusive. I've met Caan, in '06, he isn't even 5 feet nine and he was wearing big heel shoes to try to look taller at The Palms hotel in Las Vegas on his TV show. Sly looks like a short guy by the pool. People here think he is 5' 11" in sandals? He looks 5' 8" in barefeet by the pool with granny and that lady with baby.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
vaj-stallone is 5-10 on average.dont exaggerate.i have proven you wrong on owen wilson,woody harrelson and oscar de la hoya and mario lopez.they are all an inch or 2 more than you claim.even if im wrong,they are still an inch more than you say.those that met sly here that are regular poster all agree that he was 5-10.what dont you believe all the other 5-7 or 5-8 claims that come up? or are you back from vacation?.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 30/Jan/09
Rising, I was'nt joking. It does look like he is using his casted foot to appear a bit taller.
TELLEM said on 30/Jan/09
arnold could be 5'11 today risingforce. But hear me out, caan WAS SHORTER THAN 5'10 BILLY DEE WILLIAMS IN BRIANS SONG. both men were at their peak around this time. i guess u putting james caan 5'10 makes sense to you, just so you can put sly at 5'10ish.
Joshua said on 30/Jan/09
Vaj . . . Stallone is not 5'11 . . . I believe he is somewhere between 5'7 1/2 - 5'8 ish . . . add one inch of hair on his head, lifts and heels he prob gives the impression of 5'11 ish. I actually met the guy at that time there were always rumours that he was over 6 foot and some said he was 5'5, but he is prob between 5'7 - 5'8 without shoes or anything.
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
vaj says on 30/Jan/09
Are you sure Sly was only 1/2" taller than your brother who is 5'8"? Because Glenn swears Sly is 5'11" in sandals which I do not believe.
Glenn has a picture from that night.
Click HereOn the right Glenn(5-7 at the time) is tip toeing next to Sly who is wearing sandals. Sly is 4 inches taller, that backs up 5-10.75 for Sly.
Tellem, more evidence that Caan is 5-10. Caan and Bruce Willis(listed 5-11.5 here)
Click Here
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
Look at how well Caan measured up to Arnold at the Rocky Balboa premiere which was about 3 years after the picture I posted.
Click HereThe picture is tilted a bit in Caan's favor, but they appeared very similar in height and Arnold is about 6-0.
Caan is 5-10 and Sly is a little taller at about 5-10.5/5-10.75
TELLEM said on 30/Jan/09
james caan is not over 5'9. james caan at his peak was at the most a strong 5'9...the man was about an inch shorter than 5'10 billy dee williams in "brian's song".
vaj said on 30/Jan/09
Are you sure Sly was only 1/2" taller than your brother who is 5'8"? Because Glenn swears Sly is 5'11" in sandals which I do not believe.
Joshua said on 30/Jan/09
Guys . . . I met Stallon in 1983, at a hotel in LA. I'm 5'10 and my brother who is 5'8 was standing right next to him . . . Stallone looked about 1/2 inch shorter than my bro, both my bro and him were wearing normal flat sandals.
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
THE REAL ANONYMOUS says on 29/Jan/09
I hate to say it Rising, but it looks like Sly is standing on his casted foot to look taller.
You're joking right?
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 29/Jan/09
I hate to say it Rising, but it looks like Sly is standing on his casted foot to look taller.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
How the do you know Brad? Do you know the heights of ANY of the people in that video? NO.
Look at the full body shot with Caan, no lifts as Glenn pointed out.
Click HereHe sure looks in the 5-10 to 5-11 range there. What do you say about that Brad?
Brad said on 29/Jan/09
Great picture Mickey. Caan & Sly not over 5' 9". Poor Wahlberg, he never looked shorter. Go to poolside with Sly. That isn't even close to 5' 11".
Mickey said on 29/Jan/09
Leonari yeah i think Mark is around the 5'8" mark, could be less, not by much but.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
derek d says on 28/Jan/09
Glenns right, Risingforce thats a interesting picture you posted with Sly and his bad foot... Strangely enough if you look, Caan's legs appear longer than Sly's yet he is taller than Caan.... I don't quite understand but Sly looks 5'10 ish there.
Exactly, with that bad foot there's no way he was in lifts.
On a biography of Sly I saw a week or 2 ago, many people who know him says he takes his golf game seriously. Lifts would hurt his game.
Mickey said on 28/Jan/09
This is what i wrote before but the picture link was broken, should work now:
The first picture with Walhberg is pretty pointless, considering he is standing a fair bit behind and is slouching. You complained about someone posted the Sly and Denzel pic saying Sly was in the background(and rightfully so). This is not to the same degree but the same principal, you can't hypothesize how much taller Sly would be like that.
Caan's eye level is only slightly below Sly's, zoom in and you will see. Caan is standing behind Sly and Sly is standing as straight as can be, while Caan is fairly casual
Click Here
leonari said on 28/Jan/09
Mickey: whats your opinion on
Mark Wahlberg???? Slightly below 5'8" I guess?
derek d said on 28/Jan/09
Vibram, good point... If he's going to be with other celebrities on a golf course I really don't see why he wouldn't wear lifts, but eh who knows... He was seen in pictures wearing heeled shoes while playing soccer wasn't he? Theres really no way of knowing. One inch to even 2 inches lift wouldn't affect your game at golf, hell even 3 inches wouldn't really matter either lol, although I highly doubt he went that far.
Shean said on 28/Jan/09
If a guy is naturally 5'10 or 5'11. why the hell would he wear lifts? Obviously he is not that height so he needs the extra help.
vaj said on 28/Jan/09
Sly is 5'8" barefooted and wears 3" custom made shoes to appear 5'11" and when he stands military stlye appears 6'.
Here is Mamun and Shatner both 5'8":
Click HereShatner & Sly:
Click HereNotice that Sly has 2" on Shatner thanks to his Munster trainers:
Click Here
miko said on 28/Jan/09
Caan and Stallone are more than likely within 1/2 an inch of each other, both around the 5"9 mark today.
TELLEM said on 28/Jan/09
i agree with mickey, those pics of sly, caan, caan, wahlberg, sly isn't good enough evidence to back up the 5'10 estimate. plus we don't even know IF sly had an inch lift in his golf shoes.
bam said on 28/Jan/09
i would bet money from the stallone caan pic thats sly is 5'10 min. No way in hell is sly shorter, and obviusly no way in hell is he in lifts.
Vibram said on 28/Jan/09
Rising, If Stallone has been cuaght wearing lists picking up his groceries... why not at a golf event? Thats the mentality of the man. I'm sure a small lift (0.5 - 0.75") won't trouble ones feet through a haul of 18-round golf.
Shean said on 28/Jan/09
Here is a clip of Stallone in 1984 barefoot at the pool, made by a fan while he was vacationing in Hawaii . . . towards the end of the clip look at his figure, 5'7 ish
Click Here
derek d said on 28/Jan/09
Glenns right, Risingforce thats a interesting picture you posted with Sly and his bad foot... Strangely enough if you look, Caan's legs appear longer than Sly's yet he is taller than Caan.... I don't quite understand but Sly looks 5'10 ish there.
Annoyed said on 28/Jan/09
Shaun if Stallone is 5'7" then Carl Weathers is 5'10" and Robert Downey Jr is 5'5" you silly boy ! :P
Stallone is AROUND 5'10" judging by the majority of evidence. a 5'10.5" morning, 5'10" throughout the day and 5'9.5" evening is concievable. 5'7" though. I thought that had ended.
Christian said on 28/Jan/09
Rob, how come my posts don
Mickey said on 28/Jan/09
The first picture with Walhberg is pretty pointless, considering he is standing a fair bit behind and is slouching. You complained about someone posted the Sly and Denzel pic saying Sly was in the background(and rightfully so). This is not to the same degree but the same principal, you can't hypothesize how much taller Sly would be like that.
Click HereCaan's eye level is only slightly below Sly's, zoom in and you will see. Caan is standing behind Sly and Sly is standing as straight as can be, while Caan is fairly casual.
Click HereTheres about an inch and a half difference in eye level here between Sly and Mark. Sly is standing closer to the camera and is clearly straighter then Mark. I don't see 5'10". Mark would not even be hitting 5'8" with that posture.
Click HereAgain Sly's eye line is only slightly above Caan's. Factor in Sly being closer to the camera and standing a bit straighter and you can have Sly at Caan's height of 5'9" or possibly shorter(what i believe his height is).
I already showed you the pic of Sly and Caan on the golf course and Caan was hunched over with a walking stick and was still Sly's height.
glenn said on 28/Jan/09
excellent find risingforce.even better you forget to mention sly is 100 percent liftless with that bad foot.
glenn said on 28/Jan/09
its possible anon2.sure.
RisingForce said on 28/Jan/09
Here's an excellent full body shot picture of Sly and James Caan in golf shoes.
Click HereSly is a solid inch taller. Caan is listed 5'9" here or 5'9.5" here for his peak. I think he's 5'9.5" or 5'10" though.
That puts Sly in the 5'10" to 5'11" range.
Here are 2 pictures of Sly looking 2 inches taller than
Mark Wahlberg(listed 5'8" here) in golf shoes.
Click HereClick HereThis confirms he was in golf shoes in those pictures.
Click HereI'm unsure about Mark's height. For a while I thought 5'7.5", but lately I'm undecided between 5'7.5" on 5'8". I'm fine with either, I guess he could hit 5'8.5" out of bed too. So Sly looks anywhere from 5'9.5" to 5'10.5" next to Mark in golf shoes.
But the full body shot picture with Caan is really great evidence that Sly is indeed 5'10"+ without shoes.
leeloodallasmultipass said on 27/Jan/09
I met Stallone back in 1992 in Woodland Hills, CA. I'm a 5'7" female who was wearing 2-1/2" heels and I was looking down on him. And thats a FACT Jack! Side Note: He was wearing white jeans and shirt (unbuttoned with a thick gold chain) and had a very tall blonde on his arm at the time. He smelled good.
glenn said on 27/Jan/09
5-7 it is.and thats a fact.basing it out of almost nothing.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 27/Jan/09
Sorry Sean, but there is no way that Sly is a 5'7 guy. The 5'9 is probably right on for him in here.
Anon 2 said on 27/Jan/09
Right Shean, well I got a 3inch tall action-figurine of Rambo back in the 80s. But since people are on average 5-9 these days and not 3inches like in the 80s, Sly had to wear lifts. Stallone must really be 3inches tall then, and that is a FACT! ;)
Hey Glenn, one question I've got for you, is was there any possibility Sly was wearing only 1inch lifts when you saw him? The reason I ask, is that I recall you've mentioning seeing him wear a lot of low-cut shoes and sandals and didn't see any noticable lifts. You saw him at around 5-10.5 with shoes like these I think you said. The reason I ask, is that to me and in my humble opinion, Sly is probably 5-9.5 at the most, and it would make sense to see him at 5-10.5 if he had small 1inch hidden lifts. I do know that small lifts like these are widely available in slippers and sandals these days, and are real difficult to spot, very well concealed. They even make flipflops with 1" lifts. Any possibility Sly could have been wearing not the usual large 3inch+ obvious ones, but just tiny little 1inch lifts when you saw him standing around 5-10.5-ish?
RisingForce said on 27/Jan/09
Stallone is not 5'7" and hasn't been since he was probably in his early to mid teens. Frank2 was the last regular poster to claim 5'7" for Sly.
There's a reason that nobody on this page claims under 5'8" for him anymore.
Unless you believe that he had lifts in his barefeet with his wife or Kurt Russell or that he has magic 6-7 inch elevator shoes then 5'7" is just laughable.
Shean said on 27/Jan/09
During the 1980's at Stallone's peak his stature was made at the Wax Museam in London . . . my family member visited it and said that Stallone was listed as 5'7.
That is his actual height, but I guess since people in general are taller now than they were 20 years ago, Stallone probably feels the "need" to look taller . . so he started using lifts.
I used to work at a popular Radio Station and I got a chance over the past few years to meet may celebrities, and I was surprised on how short some of them actually were . . . the truth is that there is alot of lying about height and looks in showbiz, most people will never get a chance to meet Stallone or other celebrities, so a celebrity can pretty much lie about anything and the general population will believe it
5'7 and that is a fact.
bam said on 27/Jan/09
sheen looks like a 5'9 guy. However he is taller than the 5'9 guy on 2 1/2 men, by at least an inch so I think 5'10 is possible.
Mickey said on 27/Jan/09
That pic of Sheen Perry and Sly is a bad one in my opinion. Simply comparing the size of Sly's head to Sheen's is no comparision either as Sly's whole body is also standing closer to the camera. My use in the original picture was showing that Sly should tower over 5'9" Sheen but he doesn't, he looks maybe 1.5 inches taller than a slouching Sheen. This is on the same night as the Tom Arnold picture, theoretically if Sly really was 6'1" that night, he should tower Sheen, which he doesn't. Thats my view.
Christian said on 27/Jan/09
Here is Stallone with 5'10'' actor Paul Tracy
Click Here
Christian said on 27/Jan/09
That pic with Luke and the swedish actor did not work. However there were 6 cm between them. Now let
Christian said on 27/Jan/09
Now wait miute. I worked with Luke Perry here in Sweden for two weeks last year. Standing next to him every day during that time I can tell you for sure that he is almost 5'10''. He is at least 177 cm, could bee 178 cm. I asked him in person and he said 5'10''. Here is Luke with 5'9
glenn said on 27/Jan/09
there is stallone standing next to one confirmed 5-10 guy(luke) and one very possible 5-10 guy(sheen).i dont have a problem with him being 5-9.more i remember of him,the more he had his head down alot,while i work thick shoes.he looked 5-9.but if he straightened out,its 5-10.
RisingForce said on 26/Jan/09
Vibram, Sly looks taller than Kurt when they're walking side by side barefoot to the shower, and Kurt has much bigger hair.
As far as Sheen well he is slouching but he's leaning forward giving him even more of a camera advantage than just where he's standing. Overall that picture isn't as good of an indication of how tall Sly was that night in comparison to the Tom Arnold picture. I'm not saying it's worthless, just not as good for comparing heights as the Tom Arnold picture. I'd say Sly looks about an inch taller than Sheen in your picture
By the way Sheen's shoes look like Sly's, so he could be wearing lifts too. His legs did look unusually long in the picture you posted.
Click Here And of course it's possible that Sheen is 5'10" like he claims. I'd bet Sheen is a solid 5'9", but 5'10" wouldn't surprise me for him. He looks it sometimes and his proportions look more like a 5'10" man. With that being said I still would bet he's 5'9" and not 5'10". I'm only saying that 5'10" is possible.
Here is another picture of Sly and Charlie Sheen from that night.
Click HereObviously Sly is closer to the camera and standing MUCH straighter, but you sure don't get the impression that Sheen would be near Sly's height from that picture even if he was standing as close as him. That's not a perfect picture, but it's interesting to note that if you copy and paste Sheen's head next to Sly's(lining up their chins) Sly's head is only about 1.5" max bigger. He comes out to atleast 5 inches taller initially. Take away about 1.5" for the camera and 1.5" for posture and Sly is still a couple of inches taller.
Tom Arnold and Sly both had excellent posture, neither had a noticeable camera advantage and the picture didn't seem tilted. Tom Arnold is listed here at 6'1" and he was wearing sneakers that night.
Sly didn't only look to be reaching 6'1" in lifts next to Tom, but he looked like a legit 6'1" man. I can't think of an explanation for that picture either, except that the ground MAY be off a little, but that would only be hypothetical like you brought up in the Caine picture, and less likely than the Caine picture as they're standing closer together.
derek d said on 26/Jan/09
Christian I feel the same way, I believe that he is on the average end on average, not on the short end of average (5'7 - 5'8.5), nor on the tall end of average, (5'10 ish - 5'11) but just plain average which is 5'9, and people find that boring and can't accept it. But of course thats just my opinion.
Verbal said on 26/Jan/09
Met him in Cabo. He's 5' 9" and no more.
Christian said on 26/Jan/09
Sly looking 5'11'' in Brazil.
Click HereSame here and in the end his brother Frank is in as well.
Click HereSly is an visual height expert.
Click Here
Christian said on 26/Jan/09
Sly is 5'9'' and no more. He wife is the same height and she wore 3 inch heels making her 6 foot tall. Sly is almost 5'10'' with normal shoes. With lifts he is 5'11
TELLEM said on 26/Jan/09
thats true vibram and ppl also say kurt russell could be 5'8ish
Vibram said on 26/Jan/09
RisingForce seems to be in love with Stallone. He's written an essay's worth of comments on his height. It's not worth typing much on him due to his 3" lifts oneday, 1.5" lifts next; you just don't know what he's packing! The only legit pictures are barefoot, which, apart from the shower scene with Kurt Russell in Tango and Cash (Kurt = 5ft9; equal in height) are rare.
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/09
your choice of the pic of sly and jennifer with shoes is stupid. we don't know what kind of shoes she wears...
Stay on the Beach's Pic ! They're both barefoot and both the same height.
Mickey said on 26/Jan/09
But in all those times he was wearing lifts. I have never seen him look 6ft if he wasn't in lifts. There have been times where he struggled to hit 6ft in massive lifts too.
In regards to the Tom Arnold pic...
Click HereClick HereLooks like 5'9" Charlie Sheen who is slouching should be upgraded to 6'2" also. Same night as the Tom Arnold picture. Sly looks a bit taller but is standing much straighter, Sheen a bit closer to the camera but slouching. If Sly was a true 6'1.5" that night he would absolutely tower 5'9" Sheen, which he doesnt. Even you agree Sheen is 5'9".
RisingForce said on 26/Jan/09
I don't know Mickey, draw a line from the top of his head. It goes above the start of her hairline which would likely be less than 1.5". The eye level looks like it'd be more, but Sly has a bigger forehead so it ends up as nothing more than an inch or an inch and a half max in my opinion. I'd go with an inch though.
That is among the shortest I've seen him though.
I truly think he's been able to pass himself off as a truly legit 6 footer like with Dolph, Tom Arnold, Michael Caine, Hulk Hogan as well as other times where I think he's just hovering around looking like a legit 6 footer like with Denzel, Willis and Seagal.
Here is one of the former, Sly and Ashton Kutcher.
Click HereAshton is slouching and Sly is a little closer to the camera but he measures up much better than you'd expect him to next to 6-2.5(listed here) Ashton Kutcher.
Mickey said on 26/Jan/09
RF i think there is more then one inch difference between Sly and Jennifer in my pic, more like 2, thats what u see.
In regards to the Caine picture, yeah thats probably one of the better ones that show him looking 6'1" in lifts. Although the ground could be suspect, thats just a hypothetical possibility.
I still don't think he can look like a legit 6 footer though, not with lifts.
Kev said on 26/Jan/09
that's a great pic mickey. i see a two inch difference there. plus sly seems to have normal footwear for once on that pic, and those dress shoes look like they give him 1.25 inches as rising said. he looks 5'10.5 ish compared to flavin who looks to be easily reaching 6 feet possibly 6'1 in that pic, which should put him in 5'9 ish territory without shoes.
i think 5'10.5 stallone with normal dress shoes puts him close to 6 ft, which should put him at virtually same height with jennifer or just a smidge shorter. but jennifer clearly has him by a couple of inches.
The Ben said on 26/Jan/09
Click HereSly doesnt look to be wearing lifts here and he doesnt look short either.
Anon 2 said on 26/Jan/09
Again, look how long Sly's legs are in the pic with Claudia Schiffer. The man has a frame that can't really support really big lifts without being very noticable. He's definitely in the 5-9 range compared to Claudia. At his worst in the evening or with little sleep, he could very likely be around 174cm which could be confused for 5-8 (172.5cm). At his best, I think he may have been 176cm-177cm, which could be confused for 5-10 (177.5cm).
RisingForce said on 25/Jan/09
By the way here is Sly looking really tall near 6'1"(6'2" peak) Michael Caine.
Click HereClick HereI don't know if he stood on a box in the movie but he really did look about that close to Caine's height. I do remember scenes where it didn't appear he was standing on a box(although I can't remember if they were full body shots).
Here is a picture from the 1981 Victory premiere with Sly next to 6'2" Michael Caine.
Click HereCaine is oddly quite a bit closer to the camera and doesn't appear that much taller than Sly. I remember that you found this picture puzzling as well Mickey.
Sometimes Sly can really pass himself off as a legit six footer.
RisingForce said on 25/Jan/09
I thought the same thing Ben. I use to believe the short stories and now obviously I don't. I think many people picture Rocky or Rambo as a six footer. Especially Rambo. It didn't help also that Sly's "rival" in the 80's was Arnold who was about 6'2". I think that's what size people expect action stars, although I even heard short sightings for Arnold going back to the late 80's.
As far as the Schiffer picture, well there were many people(including guys who believe Sly to be 5'9") who said the picture was not them really standing next to eachother. Many times for magazines they'll shoot people seperate and edit them in together for a shot, this is especially common for movie posters and magazine covers. There was also another version of that Sly/Schiffer picture where Sly looked taller. Obviously that was fake, but they may have just edited them together for the shot either way.
Regarding that picture Mickey he does truly look an inch shorter. Best case for Sly in that picture(assuming Jennifer is 5'9") is that she's in 3.25" heels making her 6'0.25" and Sly is in 1" dress shoes. However that'd still make him closer to the 5'11" flat in the dress shoes which would put him clearly below 5'10.75" barefoot. I agree that unless Jennifer is taller than 5'9" there's no way he looks 5'10.75" there. That picture does point to a 5-9ish Stallone as his dress shoes probably are more like 1.25" than 1" flat and her heels probably are under 3"(although that's impossible to say because we can't see them), but because she rarely wears monster 3+ heels I assume she isn't there. I see her about an inch taller than him there, she most likely does have a footwear advantage though. I've never denied that he can look 5-9ish at times though. I just think that those times are rare when there are no angle explanations/posture ect. That however is one of them as the angle appears to be good and it seems he's standing straight.
Regarding the beach picture I base that the ground is more even on the fact that in the picture on the left his front leg is much farther ahead of hers while on the left they seem to be standing closer with both legs.
glenn said on 25/Jan/09
im never silly guk.dont start arguments here.i never put down peoples posts anymore.i use your words.stallone is 5-10.75 when he wakes,did i forget to mention that?.
TELLEM said on 25/Jan/09
the thing is glenn, harvey keitel looked .5 inch shorter than you in ur pic (which is no longer posted) which showed him being a smidge under 5'8.
Christian said on 25/Jan/09
-Mickey, Great find! Sly
derek d said on 25/Jan/09
Tarper says on 24/Jan/09
Cannot understand this discussion.
The man above, Glenn, is 5'8". So Sly is about 5'11".
Lol if you have been posting here for a while you would know that it isn't that simple. True, he looks 5'10 ish in Glenn's picture but how about the countless other pictures that are around where his height fluctuates? Not to forget with Sly's tendency to wears lifts makes pictures somewhat useless to judge his height.
GUK said on 25/Jan/09
Sly giving his daily range? don't be silly! He must be the only enhanced shoe wearing celeb to be truthful about their height. He's 5ft 9 especially after the schiffer pic
derek d said on 25/Jan/09
Interesting pic Mikey, that seems to be the shortest he has looked next to Flavin. He actually seems to be wearing normal dress shoes for once too.... to me looks no less than 5'9, assuming no lifts are inside.
The Ben said on 25/Jan/09
Click Here this is a pretty interesting pic...
The 5'11??? schiffer with the naked stallion!
The Ben said on 25/Jan/09
I remember the mid 80's and when i was around 10yrs old and all my friends used to talk about how short stallone was (without actually knowing)it was almost an urban myth.
Reading hogans book as well wher he says how small stallone is in rocky 3, i always thought he was 5'9, that went down to 5'7 after reading hogans book.
It seems everyone just thinks stallones short, maybe because when he first made it big in the 70's everyone thought he was 6'2 and was shocked to find the all powerfull rocky well under 6ft.
It almost seems the saying that he's a short guy has become ingrained in society.
After years of being a stallone fan and still loving his films today (which in my opinion stand up to the test of time far better then arnolds) and with all the pics one here im now convinced he's 5'10.
Yes he sometimes wears lifts boosting him to 6ft and making him nearly arnolds heights and closing the gap between him and dolph or hogan, but even without the lifts i could see 5'10.
Cant wait for the expendables!
RisingForce said on 25/Jan/09
Exactly, many of you count evening height anyway. 5'10.5"/5'10.75" morning height matches up perfectly with a 5'10" evening height.
Don't forget that Leung also saw Sly at 5'10" and Leung uses his own evening height of 5'11.5".
I think Sly is 5'10" in the evening and 5'10.5"/5'10.75" out of bed.
glenn said on 25/Jan/09
he just rounded it out to 5-10,or gave his lowest like rob does.or kept measuring more at 5-10,not realising he is at his tallest in the morning.i doubt that,but you never know how many people tell me "sometimes im 5-7,sometimes im 5-8" for their hight? people dont realise they shrink.i never did until i came to this site.i think i knew about it,but was reminded of it cause of this site actually.
Mickey said on 25/Jan/09
RF i dont know why you are taking the beach picture so serious. Its on the beach. Also how do you the ground on the right beach picture is not as sloped as the pic on the left? Do you have x-ray vision?
Going by that logic i could say Sly is same height or shorter thn Jennifer cause the other picture certainly shows that is the case, but i see the flaws in BOTH the pictures and don't use any to back up my case.
Click HereIf Sly was 5'10.75" then he would easily be 6ft in dress shoes(he might be in lifts but we will say dress shoes to be safe). That would make Jennifer at least 6'2" in this picture. Kind of hard to believe for me. Considering he should already have at least 1.75" on her from the start(if he is 5'10.75" and she is 5'9"), her heels would not give her that much height over him when he is in dress shoes himself.
RisingForce said on 25/Jan/09
glenn says on 24/Jan/09
whats guk talking about? he has claimed 5-10.75,5-10.5 and 5-10.clearly he just gave a range of his daily height.from morning to it 5-10 if it make you happy.nobodys called him 5-11.nobody.
Exactly. Everyone shrinks from morning to evening.
Mike said on 24/Jan/09
What the "tall" Sly supporters have to realize is that Sly has been proven shorter then his wife in some pics with the angles favoring him, and yes hes taller then her too sometimes, but I mean come on how can he can be 2 inches shorter then his wife, but 1 inch taller then Willis (5'11/6)??? and pretty close to Denzel/Arnold...if you put Willis/Arnold/Denzel next to Sly's wife no way there shorter then her
Mike said on 24/Jan/09
Dural pics like your first one is why Im very skeptical of the 5'10 plus, Sly is closer to the camera then his wife hes in regular sneakers (shockingly) shes in small heels shes def taller, Ill buy 5'9 for her, and I think Glenn said himself (5'8) was very similiar to Jenn, but Sly is always taller then Glenn but can be tied/shorter/taller then his wife....Im open to 5'8.5 to 5'10 for Sly.... I do find 5'7 silly and if Sly was anything over 5'10 hed claim 5'11 or 6 no doubt
RisingForce said on 24/Jan/09
Dural, there are plenty of other pictures that show Sly taller. Don't forget that women wear heels.
There are plenty of pictures where Sly is actually taller than her even while she's wearing heels.
The barefoot pictures suggest that he's taller too.
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
zach-yeah,i dont remember her being that tall.around my height.which could mean she was 5-9.but i could swear she looked 5-7 at times.but that would make sly 5-7 and thats impossible.with all due respect to those that think so.even brads 5-8.5 makes more sense.but he really is around confident on betting on that if i had money.i took a photo with his brother,and lost it in my apartment immediately.never to be seen again.if i find it ill post.cant remember what i said for him.5-11 to heels.sly seemed a possible 5-9 around his brother at one point.but i think he was truly liftless at that 5-10,5-11 friends also look 5-9 around me and others,with bizzare i cant say that was legit.sly also made this bizzare,funny military pose with nobody around but was classic.then he was back to
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
tarper-i know what you mean.
Zach said on 24/Jan/09
Mr R, good to see you posting here again. Hope your health has improved. Didn't realise you'd met Sly too, would you mind describing your experience of meeting him in more detail?
So from the people who have seen Sly face to face on these forums, their estimates are:
Glenn: 5'10.75
Leung: 5'10
Mr R: 5'9
Mamun: 5'8
Frank: 5'7
Re Flavin, I think Glenn said she was about his height, or between 5'7-9 when he saw her in New York last year, and that Sly towered over her, although wearing his munster trainers.
Tarper said on 24/Jan/09
Cannot understand this discussion.
The man above, Glenn, is 5'8". So Sly is about 5'11".
GUK said on 24/Jan/09
Glenn, I mean if he's 5ft 10.75 he would never have said 5ft 10. He's making allowances for his large footwear with the taller statement. I'm not saying he's 5ft 7 like some, I just think 5ft 10 barefoot is an absolute maximum and Rob is probably correct all IMHO!
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/09
Rising how do you know the ground difference in the pic on the right is not as big as the pic on the left on the beach? Do you have xray vision?
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/09
Dural...on the Rocky Balboa pic you put, you forget that sly is in boxing shoes so almost barefoot (boxing shoes have 0 Lift Inside) when Flavin obviously is with shoes...
Look at the pics from beach here under already posted and you will see that they have the same height.
Sly is at least 5.9 today and was probably a little taller at 30 or 40 YO
Sly appears smaller because he's very wide but when you're close to him, you realize he's average evn tall with his special shoes
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
didnt see you second post tellem.its possible harvey is 5-7.but most likely he is 5-8.
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
whats guk talking about? he has claimed 5-10.75,5-10.5 and 5-10.clearly he just gave a range of his daily height.from morning to it 5-10 if it make you happy.nobodys called him 5-11.nobody.
RisingForce said on 24/Jan/09
I don't buy that Flavin is taller.
Click HereOn the right Sly is tilting his head down and more downhill yet they still look about the same height as Derek D pointed out. Surely with his head up and standing as high as her, he'd be taller.
In the picture on the right she's bending her knees but also stretching her neck. This time Sly is a little higher, but the ground difference isn't as big as the other picture. Before factoring in these things Flavin's head is a little above Sly's eyebrows.
Barefoot he looks 5'10.5" if she's 5'9".
I still say he's 5'10.75" when he wakes and more like 5'10" by the evening, so I agree with leonari.
Mr. R. said on 24/Jan/09
By the way, TELLEM, Jennifer Flavin was taller than Sly. She was listed at 5-10.
Mr. R. said on 24/Jan/09
I also met Sly years ago in New York. My friend said he looked like 5-6, but I say closer to 5-9.
leonari said on 23/Jan/09
I have never seen a guy at over 62 (he is not 63) years of age have that kind of body. His face looks better sure, but the body is unreal for this age. Think of any 62 year old you know...It's not a very nice sight most of the time. Aging is normal but Sly does a great job fighting it. Whatever he does: he must do a lot of things right. He is my inspiration and has been for over 20 years now... Can't wait for the expandables. Oh yeah: He is 5'10
GUK said on 23/Jan/09
I don't buy the theories of Stallone being taller than he says he his. This man is clearly obssessed with height and would never talk himself down.
glenn said on 23/Jan/09
tellem-exactly.your talking talking reality.i and my peers and friends have witnessed harvey at various heights,at events.he must use lifts on occasion.i have witnesses to this.alot of you still talk with such certainty,without ever seeing these celebs in person.harvey is 5-8.not smaller.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 23/Jan/09
Zach, some of the outfits he has been wearing at premiers and talk shows over the last couple of years are pretty out there. When I see him dress like that he reminds me of his mother. I just think he looks in fantastic shape again, and I am looking forward to his next movie. haha yes he has redeemed himself.
derek d said on 23/Jan/09
The beach picture where Sly is looking down, he looks really close in height as Flavin.... And she has the slope advantage as well.... Meaning this is proof he is at least 5'9... Possibly the best barefoot picture of them too.
TELLEM said on 23/Jan/09
don't get me wrong glenn, i don't mean to be a douche...maybe keitel is 5'8 but i can't buy that, i can buy a smidge under...the same applies with my andy garcia theory.
TELLEM said on 23/Jan/09
i have NEVER seen a pic of harvey keitel look 5'10 or even 5'9...hell he was shorter than 5'8 steve buscemi...MUCH shorter than 5'9.5 mekhi phifer...5'7 for harvey keitel...he gets listed at 5'7 and a half everywhere....he looks short in films...hes much shorter than robert de niro...frank2 said andy garcia was 5'9..and hell hes listed here at 5'9.5. 5'9 for garcia...
Zach said on 23/Jan/09
RealAnonymous - does Sly redeem himself in your eyes for his Rambo Premiere outfit? ;) He does look amazing, apparently that is a recent pic, it was posted on several forums a few days ago.
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
Yes Glenn that is a recent picture, it's from this month I know. I think his face looks better because he's off the HGH or whatever else he may have been taking. He changed his lean physique to a bulkier physique for the last Rambo and his face got bloated.
Now he's leaner again(probably 175 pounds) and he looks much better than he has in years.
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
The problem with Mel it seems is that you usually saw him in cowboy boots. if you saw him in sandals like when you saw Sly then you might know better.
Cowboy boots are always tricky because you never know if someone has lifts in them(except when they make it obvious like Burt Reynolds).
The Ben said on 23/Jan/09
That shot of him at 63 is an inspiration! the man is a legend, for years i thought 5'9 but im leaning towards 5'10.
The curious case of sylvester stallone... the man gets younger!
glenn said on 23/Jan/09
i never saw garcia.he claims 5-11.he could be 5-9 or 5-10.i believe 5-10'
glenn said on 23/Jan/09
it came to a conclusion to me.years ago.1991.mel gibson i need to pin down.
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
Steve, everyone else shrinks over the course of the day. I always mean someone's out of bed height.
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
Brad, why don't you take the picture on the beach where they aren't walking downhill with Sly in front?
I know why because that picture suggests he's 5'10.5".
Rusty said on 23/Jan/09
This seems to be a height that will never come to a conclusion.
TELLEM said on 22/Jan/09
check this photo out w/ sly and flavin:
Click Herethough we cant see their feet, they could most likely be barefoot
TELLEM said on 22/Jan/09
jack nicholson is shorter than 5'9 andy garcia:
Click Here
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
if thats a recent pic,even his face looks incredible.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
i understand where your coming from steve.him and i choose to talk of celebs highest possible.and sly can look 5-10.75.but obviously he isnt 5-11.5 when he wakes.thats ridiculous.he might be 5-10 when he wakes nowadays.who knows.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
and how tall is harvey at events? ill tell you.5-8 to 5-10.he is 5-8 minimum.harvey that is.hopper was supposedly 5-9 in his prime.possible 5-7ish,5-8 now.
Mike said on 22/Jan/09
We'll also never know Sly's true height even if Glenn saw Sly tomorrow at 5'8/5'9 does it mean he is/was?? Not necessarily
Mike said on 22/Jan/09
With Sly its all about the footwear, not trying to drag Manum into this but the photo with him and Bruce Willis shows Bruce at 5'11.5 most people would agree on that, lets just say Manum thinks/saw Sly 5'8-5'9, hes basically saying in person Bruce is 3 inches taller then Sly, but in the past 4-5 years Sly is always taller then Bruce by an inch, thats a huge gap... in Glenns words he says Sly is 5'10/5'10.5 and Bruce is 6'0/6'0.5 hes basically saying Bruce is 2 inches taller but somehow Sly appears taller
Gago said on 22/Jan/09
To all who think Nicholson is 5'9: well he's not, I've seen him several times at lakers games, may be he's 5'8.5/174, but i'll say most likely at this age he's 5'8/173, but I do believe once he could reach 177/5'9.5
TELLEM said on 22/Jan/09
heres dennis hopper looking shorter than 5'8:
Click Here
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 22/Jan/09
Thats the best Sly has looked in a long time. The bloat is gone. Thats is an incredible body at any age. It is beyond belief that he is in that shape at 63 years old. Long live the KIng.
Source said on 22/Jan/09
I'd say he's a perfect 5'10. And it's pretty ridiculus that he's wearing lifts, he's not even short...
Big King said on 22/Jan/09
Rob, Sly towers exactly two inches over Glenn. So he can only be 5'10". But one remarkable thing is that Stallone looked almost two inches shorter than Mister T who is at 5'10 1/2".
Brad said on 22/Jan/09
Take the footwear off and he's reality. Jack hasn't been 5' 9" since Nixon. Hopper is 5' 7". He slouches worse walking. Wahlberg is short with everybody 5' 8". I'll take the beach over any Dolph shot.
Steve said on 22/Jan/09
Glenn look at the number of times risingf says sly clearly looks 5'10.75 whether it be morning, day or night pic. Its comments like that that makes everyone think twice about what angles people are coming from.
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
Yeah he's in incredible shape. I think he's off the HGH because his face isn't bloated anymore. I've only seen one or two other men that age ever in comparable shape.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/09
Look at this new Pic of him at 63 Y.O...
Click Here
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
Well 195 cm translates to 6'4.75" which is pretty much 6'5". So around 6'5" peak anyway for Lundgren.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
dolph told me himself he was 6-5 in 1994.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
nobody said he was 5-10.75 all day and night.its clear that is or was his morning height.he is around 5-10.
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
Here are some with lifts and without lifts examples.
Sly and Dolph in equally flat boxing shoes.
Click HereDolph is 6" taller when they stand facing eachother.
Click HereNow at the Rocky Balboa premiere
Click HereTheir shoes
Click HereClick HereDolph also said that he was 195 cm(6'4.75") peak and now he's 193-194 cm(6'4"-6'4.5"). So lets assume that Rob's listing of 6'4.25" is now correct for Dolph.
Sly in liftless slippers next to Carl Weathers who is about 6'1.5". Sly looks less than 3" shorter.
Click HereNow in a recent picture(almost surely in lifts).
Click HereSo lets recap. In even shoes he's 6" max shorter than 6'4.75" Dolph Lundgren. At the Rocky Balboa premiere Sly was about 3" shorter. Dolph was in normal 1"/1.25" dress shoes, Sly was in monster elevator shoes with lifts that maybe added 3"/3.25". So he had a 2.25" footwear advantage max and was about 3" shorter. That would make him a little more than 5" shorter barefoot. That adds up with him being 6" shorter in even shoes and Lundgren losing about ahalf inch like he said.
Sly was less than 3" shorter than 6'1.5" Carl Weathers in slippers. In the recent pictures he likely had a 2" max footwear advantage and he was 1" max shorter. That'd put him still likely a little less than 3" shorter barefoot.
That's the type of stuff that seals it for me, those examples add up perfectly with Sly at 5'10.75". He looks exactly how he should at 5'10.75", with and without lifts. I know he can look 5'9" too, but I think there is more placing him at atleast 5'10".
Mike said on 22/Jan/09
In regards to Franks short Sly sighting he had nothing but good things to say about Sly (funny smart then he is on camera) Glenn and other tall Sly supporters have to realize some people have seen Sly short(er) and posters like me and 90 % of the people have to realize Sly has never left Glenn a short(er) sighting
Mike said on 22/Jan/09
That "beach" pic with his wife they look ballpark the same height, If I had to guess hes between 5'8.5 and 5'10, I really doubt hes 5'7 or close to 5'11 ....People sometimes have differences in judging heights...Glenn says Sly is easy 5'10 Frank says 5'11 in footwear weak 5'8 barefoot, Sly left Manum a shorter impression, so you have 5'10 5'8 and 5'8 avgs around 5'9....even current Arnold Glenn says 5'11 Bronstein on video and email says 6'1 avgs out to be 6 even for him btw who is Goldman??? and how did he see Sly
RisingForce said on 21/Jan/09
Another garbage post from Brad. I'll take the still picture on the beach anyday over one of them walking and him with his head down. And when did I try to inflate Jennifer's height? I said she's 5'9", which is what you say as well. Sly looks 5'10.5" when they're standing still, even factoring in each of their advantages. They're walking downhill with Sly clearly in front in the other picture!
I never said Jack wore lifts on the golf course either, I said at the event he was likely wearing them. Once again this picture from the golf course does make Sly look 5'10.5" if Jack is 5'9".
Click Here Look at Jack here at the Departed premiere(about 4 years after the golf course pictures)
Click HereJack can pass for a 5-10ish guy even 4 years after the golf course picture at premieres. DiCaprio is listed here at 5'11.5", Damon at 5'10" and Wahlberg at 5'8". Most are probably right, give or take a half inch.
Jack is 5'9", that's not a stretch at all. It's only a half inch different than what he's listed here.
As for Hopper I said he could be 5'8", I didn't say he was. Glenn sees him all of the time and says 5'8" so of course it's possible and in my opinion it's just as likely as 5'7". I mean has anyone on this site spent much time comparing Hopper in pictures? No, so 5'7" for Hopper isn't exactly safe enough to assume.
Anon 2 said on 21/Jan/09
Beach photos with Jenn Flavin really do affirm a 5-9-ish height. Also clearly shows his athleticly built lean body and legs. The man does NOT have short "dumpy" legs. A man built like that reaching 6-0 in lifts CANNOT be under 5-8 without lookin stoopid! He'd look like a twig on stilts. I respect all the sightings from Mamun, Glenn and Frank2, but to be quite "frank" (pun intended) I cannot seriously buy Goldman and Frank2's accounts of seeing Sly at only 5-7 and being so adamant about it. It really does taint their height-guaging credibility.
Brad said on 21/Jan/09
Rising got beached. He's trying to inflate Jen, Hopper, Jack. No Rising, he got beached. Jack doesn't wear lifts on the golf course and Hopper doesn't either. Sly needed those NYC sandals at the beach.