Gerald S said on 18/Feb/23
Rob, could Van Zandt please get 5’7.5” for his youthful days?
Many here seem to agree with that figure (including those who have met him) and in the photo you’ve provided, he looks the same height as Drea (maybe even taller), and she is very likely wearing heels. Van Zandt also looked the same height as Michael Imperioli on The Sopranos. Remember, Van Zandt is often hunched.

Editor Rob
Considering his age, for peak it is fair.
Adrian Levi said on 14/May/22
Steve is around 5 ft 7 1/2 . My height . Worked with him in the mid 80s
dreus23 said on 13/Apr/22
Definitely looked 170.4-171 cm range in Lilyhammer. I could imagine the average height as Steven in his youth.
The rest of the Lilyhammer cast, if anyone except myself is interested:
Marian Saastad Ottessen (Sigrid): Billed as 172 cm/5'7 ¾. Looks a bit shorter than or the same height as van Zandt in equal footwear imo, could be 170-171 cm/5'7-5'7 ¼.
Trond Fausa (Torgeir): Billed as 185 cm/6'1. Always looks 13 cm/5 inches taller than van Zandt. 183.5-184 cm/6'0 ¼-6'0 ½.
Steinar Sagen (Roar): Billed as 187 cm/6'1 ½. Always looks his claim, 186.5-187 cm, could hit 6'1 ½ on the dot.
Fridtjov Såheim (Jan): Billed as 175 cm/5'9. Consistently looks taller than van Zandt. Could be 5'8 ¾ but generally 5'9 flat makes sense. Sometimes looks shorter in the series due to camera angles in order to make the character diminutive
Tommy Karlsen (Arne): A bit taller than Trond Fausa, 184.6-185.2 cm/6'0 ¾-6'1.
Pretty tall main cast. Trond is portrayed as a tall guy in the show but can still look average next to some of the side characters in the series. Also a really funny show
Sinclair said on 22/Mar/22
I appreciate the upgrade, Rob. It's a step in the right direction.
Sinclair said on 24/Nov/21
Even with his slouched posture as Silvio in The Sopranos, he looks over 5’7” to me. Very equal in height to Michael Imperioli and not much under Tony Sirico so I think Van Zandt deserves an upgrade to 5’7.5”. I would not rule out 5’8” for when Van Zandt was younger but I think 5’7.5” remains the best peak estimate.
MaskDeMasque said on 15/Oct/20
Looks 5'7 in lilyhammer. Rob, I think it's worth mentioning he's an actor too.
Mike9 said on 31/May/19
Met him at a broadcasting conference. I am 5'6, and I had 2 inches on him. He's extremely short.
Scott said on 15/Nov/16
His posture is terrible. I'd say 5'7'' to 5'7 1/2''; not quite 5'8''. He, Michael Imperioli and Tony Sirico are all around the same height, with Sirico being a hair taller.
Lafonte said on 13/Aug/15
In lillyhammer he looks close to 5'10 and in the sopranos he's at least the same height as chris and polly. A weak 5'8 like 5'7.5 is possible even considering his bad posture wouldn't u say rob?
bluefish76 said on 26/Nov/14
5'7.25. If his posture wasn't so bad he could be closer to 5'8. I heard he was in a bad car accident when he was younger, flew out the windshield. Maybe that has something to do with his bad posture.
Celebs said on 20/Jun/14
For a 5 ft 7 guy he looks taller than most of the other 5 ft 7ers even when slouched. Could be wearing lifts and given that he's got long limbs he can pull off a 5 ft 10 build. His hair is another factor. I'd say a solid 5 ft 7.5
Zdxcgdhb said on 20/Jun/14
His hair and long limbs make him appear taller perhaps
Tim said on 28/Jun/13
He is shorter.
EJ said on 6/Mar/11
Yes, Horatio.
Sal Rinella said on 13/Mar/09
5'5'Sliced his head in an auto accident and he wears cowboy boots.
derek said on 24/Feb/08
Brad- if want to see him with no hair then watch The Soprano's... lol
AshnarLynx said on 26/Jan/08
He might've lost a little recently, who knows.
Schnouzer Breath said on 29/Sep/07
dead ringer for Paul Stanley in that pix, lol!
G-unit said on 5/Jan/07
Coolest character in The Sopranos. He appears a bit taller in sopranos, maybe 5'8 but 5'7 seems right
Brad said on 7/Aug/06
Has anybody a photo of him without something on his head since '74? Mystery hair.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
Yes, the Sopranos' Sivlio
Glenn said on 21/Mar/06
5-7 is right.
Horatio said on 18/Mar/06
Is this Steven Van Zandt of Sopranos and "E-Street Band" fame?