US Actor, Bodybuilder. This was the height he was supposed to have been measured at early in his career.
berta said on 27/Sep/23
imagine what he would look like wiht just trt if he was natural, like chris bumsted or Arnold. There are two ways. 1, he have the best genetic the world ever scene or two he was on testosterone.
berta said on 27/Sep/23
Fraction shorter than Reg Park. Legit 184 could be closer maybe 6 foot 3/4 is the overall best listing for him.
al001 said on 27/May/23
Bodyfat perception is so highly warped today and people continuously think sub-10% bodyfat is is bulkier than it is. Reeves never looked anywhere near sub 10% bodyfat imho. In most of his pictures he always looked to hover in the 12-15% range.
DM61flat said on 8/Mar/23
I think 6'1" flat in his prime. He comes from an era where they measured honestly. @Sebastian, Steve is bending one leg in all 3 pics. Reg has some sort of footwear on in pics 1+3 which may be worth a .25"+ boost. I also don't think Reg was 6'1" flat, but perhaps a quarter or third of an inch taller. That could have escaped measurements as I don't see any quarters or eighths from that era. On the same token, it means Reeves could have been an eight or quarter inch under 6'1".
@berta, I wasn't always convinced Steve was au naturale, but the more I look at him the more I think he was. Observers peg Steve at somewhere between 8%-9% bf which is very doable for many people all year round depending on your genetics. From the pictures, he did look like he sometimes went a little upwards of 9% perhaps to 10%-11% probably due to water weight. Many people can maintain 8%-10% with some effort all year round it is not considered a PED bf level. It depends on diet and time spent which Steve got high marks for both. Genetics is the final factor and fat requirements for life processes are also dependent on them. There usually isn't a staggering difference like 7%, but 1%-3% variation is common. I also think we can agree anything below 7% bf is very difficult to maintain all year round with perhaps some exceptions. That being said, while you may require 10% all year round, Steve realistically may require 8.5%. I've also seen Steve not always look 8%-9% as in some pics he looks smoother and closer to 11%. When I was in high school, they measured all our bf % and very few of us at that point ever did any working out or regular working out. People ranged from about 7% all the way to 15%. Some of the lower bf% kids were naturally in the middle range of size. I grew up with them seeing them from age 6-7 and they always looked lean though they appeared to live and eat like the average person.
berta said on 25/Jan/23
i looked at him a little more and i am not really confident in that he was natural. To get his size is no problem with good genetics. But being that size all year around with that low bodyfat all year around. Its hard. The times i was in that shape was maybe 5 procent of all my bodybuilding time, rest of the time maybe on average 13 procent bodyfat. And his overall shape of the muscles was better. the only part that i had better was biceps. Most people dont realise its mutch harder to get lets say 45 cm arms with 8 procent bodyfat than to get 48 cm arms with 15 procent bodyfat for a 185 cm dude. You prett mutch must starv yourself and still pack on muscles. its almost impossible. I could only get to that shape by eating like crazy and put on some fat and then slowly shed away the fat and being hungry all the time. This guy never bulked and was not out of shape 1 day in 20 years. Is it possible? maybe. Could i do it or anyone i ever meet, no way. His genetics was on a nother level or there wasa a low dose of something in his symstem. Height closer to 184 than 185.
berta said on 21/Nov/22
yeah this guy could possible been have 100 procent natural. this is what good genetics and hard work looks like. reg park was not natural his whole career only in the begining.i have reeves at legit 184. but 185 could be possible
5'11 1/4 guy said on 12/Mar/22
Steve Reeves' physique is natural and amazing, he was excellent in Hercules. 6'1
Sebastian_6ft_ said on 26/Nov/21
Doesn't look as tall as listed, when standing next to Reg Park who's 6'1 and looks 2" taller in every pic.
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Maybe 6' in shoes. Not barefoot, as the pictures show.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Sep/21
Decent 6ft1 in his prime. Heβs arguably the greatest bodybuilder of all time along with Reg Park (slightly thicker) and Arnold (amalgamation of Steve and Reg but did use roids)
Arch Stanton said on 18/Sep/21
Bon_ said on 27/May/11
Sean Connery at 6'2 is a hoax to start with. He was never over 6' flat.Poor man, thanks to being Bond he is height fudging bond in movies for the rest of his life.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Sep/21
6'0.5-6'1 range I think. Amazing physique, 52 chest and 29 waist LOL!! I'm currently doing intermittent fasting and trying to see if I can get down to a 32 waist from my current 34, 29 is insane! It's definitely at least 80% dieting and 20% exercise. You can train your body to eat less and it gets used to that, it's all about how many calories consumed at the end of the day.
Pierre said on 8/Jul/21
Steve Reeves /Robert Duranton billed 5"11' =
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Johan 185 cm said on 16/Dec/19
Bodybuilding Legend. One of the guys who inspired me and millions of others. I think this was maybe a max for him he could look 6'0.5" alot.
I see someone contesting 97 kg for his weight below and saying 80 kg. Thats nonsense sorry, at 84 kg I was a twig ( in my eyes). I actually weigh just over 98kg atm and don't look freakish at all. Big shoulders, legs, arms, Steve had that also, that weight is perfectly believable.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/19
The only vowel in Steve's name is 'e'! He he heeeee! He has five of 'em!
Well, it's eezy to see that it's attracted yours truly to his page, so Steve at leest deeserves a guess: here goes: Six foot one! ππ
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Jun/19
Reeves' "Hercules" footwear...
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Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jun/18
No less than 6ft1 peak
Caesar said on 17/Apr/18
Grandfather met him back in the 60s, 6'05(184cm) according to him.
berta said on 10/Apr/18
the possible heights for reeves are beetween 183-185,5 i go with 184
Real Cavill said on 30/Oct/17
Johnny G said it right when he said in an era when the measured honestly. Straight up 6'1". Ng said 6'0.5" at the Mr. Universe 1950? Proof? A Hollywood height would be suspect, but there are pictures of original judge's cards from Steve's competitions showing height as 6'1".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Aug/17
Rob, which one of these would you go for?
A) 188cm/186cm
B) 187.5cm/185.5cm
C) 187cm/185cm
D) 186.5cm/184.5cm
E) 186cm/184cm

Editor Rob
I'd stick with near B
berta said on 1/Aug/17
rob maybe knock of about 1/4 from this lsitng? could even been only 184
@6'1.5 said on 25/Jul/17
183-184 cm (strong 6ft guy), not 6'1".
My vote: 6'0.25.
even said on 22/Jul/17
a weak 6 foot 1
Johnny G said on 8/Mar/17
He was measured 6'1" & 215 lbs during an era when they truly measured honestly
Ng said on 17/Dec/16
Measured 72.5 inches mr universe 1950
jtown said on 27/Jun/16
Exactly on. Dead even with 6'1" reg park. I have no doubts on this one
Henrik said on 3/May/14
6 ft 1 in is probably pretty much spot on. I doubt they would feel a need to inflate heights in bodybuilding anyway. Steve himself was very strict on calculating how much muscle mass one could put on every inch of his height. Apparently one inch made a 10 pounds difference if you were 6 ft and above.
His legs were amazingly built for their very long length.
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ot said on 24/Feb/14
72.5 inches at 1950 mr. universe look it up
KROC said on 14/Oct/13
Rob what's your verdict?
KROC said on 8/Aug/13
Definitely 6'1. Lowest he could have been was 6.05. Pictures with Reg Park proves this.
Anonymous said on 27/Feb/13
The listing is correct, I would say
sasa said on 20/Jan/12
This man has a proportional physique.The lower part of your waist with the upper part of the same length and very broad shoulders.I think his height 183-184 cm or flat 6 feet.What do you think is the real weight?97 kg is called, but this is too much.I think 80 kg
AMD said on 15/Oct/11
He measured 72.5 inches at the Mr. Universe contest in London in 1950, if you don't believe me look it up.
Bon_ said on 27/May/11
Sean Connery at 6'2 is a hoax to start with. He was never over 6' flat.Poor man, thanks to being Bond he is height fudging bond in movies for the rest of his life.
Alex (London) said on 30/Apr/11
After having watched Steve Reeves in a number of films I know he is definitely one of the taller Body Builders of ANY era, calling anything smaller than 5'11" would be silly.
I am not totally convinced of 6'1" however.
Partly because Gordon Scott, the actor and friend of Steve's who played his twin 'Duel of the Titans' AKA 'Romulus & Remus' (1961), looked noticeably shorter than Sean Connery in 'Tarzan's Greatest Adventure' (1959) DESPITE always been billed at 6'3" compared to Sean's 6'2"!!!
Gordon Scott as Tarzan was barefoot in the film.
Bon said on 22/Jan/11
There is also ex-NBA player Bryant Reeves who stands 7 feet tall.
Bon said on 17/Jan/11
I wonder were Steve Reeves, George Reeves and Keanu Reeves all of the exactly same height. Perfect height - good genes obviously.
K-ROC said on 13/Jan/11
He's always looked 6'1 in most photos that i've seen of him. In one particular photo with reg parks they look virtually the same height. And it is a well known fact that reg parks was 6'1.
Anthony said on 30/Jun/09
For a free subscription to Classic Physique Builder (CPBzine) - a pdf zine patterned after the muscle mags of the pre-roid, Golden Age of bodybuilding, visit CPB Blog at
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mark said on 13/May/09
re: Albert's supposed 1953 Mr Universe measurement of Reeves's height: Reeves last competiton was in 1950. While it's remotely possible that he was 'only' 6'.5" then, it's quite possible that after 1950/24yrsold, he grew another .05". Many healthy males don't reach their full height until 28.
6'5guy said on 24/Nov/07
this guy was shep in the movie fargo
albert distefano said on 18/Sep/07
reeves measured .5 inch above the 6 foot mark at the 1953 mr. univrse contest
Bad Radio said on 31/Mar/07
I have met him several times...amazing guy...very charismatic. He is definately 6'1. He was a natural bodybuilder. He trained in the forties when steriods,prohormones,testosterone boosters and creatine weren't around. He was and still is the greatest bodybuilder !!
Brad said on 10/Mar/07
Shrunk a few by the time I saw him a year or two before he died at Ray Courts' show.
Dannny Dio said on 26/Jan/07
6-6'1 sounds true. Based on eyewitness testimony, 6'1" sounds right which is how he was billed in his bodybuilding days. Off topic here, Reeves is often acclaimed as a great natural bodybuilder. This I doubt, myself as although he was steroid free, he probably did use Testosterone.
drake said on 15/Apr/06
I saw Steve Reeves when he was about 55. He was 6'1" then.