Jake said on 16/Jul/22
Is it really possible for 5’8” to be his full genetic height? That seems so hard to believe considering his parents are very tall. He could’ve been Tyson Fury’s height and you would’ve thought ‘Yeah, that’s about right’. Crazy
ChristianPerkins said on 6/May/22
Is Jenny's shirt supposed to represent the Scottish flag or just a coincedence?

Editor Rob
I believe it's some stick figure drawing on top of a Scottish Flag. I forget exactly, but possibly done by the band Franz Ferdinand.
Jackie Lee said on 28/Sep/21
He is still in a better position than me although his is more extreme, at least he's 5'8. I'm 5'5.5 (5'6.25 out of bed and almost 5'5 flat at low) with a 6'1 father and 4'11 mother. I'm surprised I haven't killed myself yet. The males in my family are pretty tall, my grandfather was 6'3 uncles are 5'9-6'0. The women are not as tall, grandmother was 5'1 and aunts 4'8-5'3. Seems like I got some women's height gene
Elene said on 31/Aug/21
No less than this 5.8.25 is also a possibility
Andrea said on 17/Nov/20
LOL, is that really Stephen, Rob? If he is, he is a hero! 😂

Editor Rob
posting from his home city and a certain mobile provider...the odds are likely it was Stephen, in the original tweet (deleted) I believe he was talking to diana gabaldon the Outlander author.
Stephen Walters said on 3/Aug/20
Guys...it was a joke...I am 5’8...so is my father...my mother was 5’6...I was having a laugh...had a howl reading these comments though.😂
Nik said on 5/May/20
This is a great pic of a lady and two gentlemen who are all similar in height!
Paul Wood said on 4/May/20
There's always an element of chance in height. It's dependent on 428 variants on 657 genes I think. Although 5ft 8in is an unusual result from two very tall parents it's certainly possible.
Peter 180cm said on 14/Jan/19
Looks 172cm here but 5'8 works too,he might measure it in an army-type measurement.But boy,how the hell didn't he grow taller if he has such tall parents?Makes you wonder..
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/18
His parents are absolute giants. Crazy how he's 5'8". That's not that short or anything but considering how giant his parents are you would think he would be 6'3" or 6'4" at an absolute minimum. My parents are 5'2" and 5'3" and I'm 5'11" 5'10" range so that makes no sense at all!
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Sep/18
Hmmmm! If ever there was a person who fitted neatly between the two heights of Jenny and Rob, then this is he!
5ft8 exactly.
184guy2 said on 12/Aug/18
yeah but he has a decent sized forehead like yours ,but the beard adds a lot in fact
184guy2 said on 9/Aug/18
Maybe a ''legit'' 5'8 ?
btw, do you think his head is over average for a 5'8 man like yours ?

Editor Rob
A beard+thick hair adds a bit to head size, so I'm not sure much over average.
johaness said on 20/Jul/18
I definitely would have blown my head off if this happened to me @tunman
Nik said on 15/Jul/18
For me 5'8" sure is liable, 5'8.25" is possible too!
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 28/Feb/18
You would have absolutely killed yourself would you Arthur? do you know how profoundly pathetic & weak that sounds? it's height for pity's sake! grow up lad.
Well, I am not a doctor and I know nothing about genetics or phenotypes but all of you guys must know people who themselves are tall but have short parents, I guess. My parents are shorter than my bro and me, for instance. So why is the contrary so unbelievable ? Ask poor
Kiefer Sutherland !
Don Julio said on 18/Jan/18
Random celeb got me here but wow, a 2 meter dad and 1.8 meter mom and yet he doesn't even end up at 1.9 meters. If his parents were like average height, dad: 175-180 cm and mom: 160-165 cm he might've been like 150-155. He is a short, tall man. But he looks Like a legit 173 guy
Bobby said on 21/Nov/17
With parents like that, the shortest I'd have expected him to be was 6'4. The tallest? 6'10. How he ended up? 5'8. This boggles my mind.
Peter175 said on 8/Jun/17
Really strange case. He's short but both of his parents are several deviations above average.
Arthur said on 15/Feb/17
Well, that's really sad... I mean, it's not his fault, but if I were him, I would have absolutely killed myself if I ended up that short with literally giant parents. 3 inches shorter than the mother? Oh God..
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Nov/16
Doesn't make sense. Two extremely tall parents

Editor Rob
sometimes Rampage, the short genes are favoured, although I doubt anybody would ever predict 5ft 8 based on 2 parents like that!
Arch Stanton said on 23/Nov/16
Wow. On those genes you'd have expected easily 6 ft 8 not 5 ft 8, in fact I believe his parents are tall than Neil Fingelton's, Neil's father was only 6 ft I think and mother about the same. On those genes he could have been nearer 7 ft actually. Very unusual for a son to be shorter than a mother. Is he sure he's not adopted?