Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/May/23
Rob, maybe 6ft3¼ peak?
Makes more sense given he's only appeared to claim 6ft3 as his height, never directly heard him say 6ft4. I think he can still clear 6ft1 today if measured...
ike57 said on 5/Feb/23
One of the most uncanny looking people I have ever seen; he is 6'4 with one of the largest, most neanderthal-esque skulls I have ever seen, and his philtrum is gigantic! You could land a plane on there!
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Nov/22
I think Stephen King will approve of the remake of his ‘Firestarter’. The original doesn’t show Charlie at school, so we are getting a really good grounding in what she is going through as puberty hits.
Stephen openly rated the remake of ‘The Shining’ as it was so much truer to his novel. He made a cameo in it too - as the conductor of an ensemble of jazz musicians.
Peak - 6ft3.5 and today - 6ft1.25.
Andrey200 said on 14/Aug/22
Rob how likely is a fraction taller at peak? Could look 6'4 but 6'3 ¾ looks closer than 6'3 ½.
Matt6'4.5 said on 10/Jul/22
Here is King recounting his injuries I am article in The New Yorker:
“I’m lying in the ditch and my right leg hurts. I look down and see something I don’t like: my lap appears to be on sideways, as if my whole lower body had been wrenched half a turn to the right”
He talked about having eight vertebra chipped. At first his height loss seemed extreme, but now I can totally see why!
Andrey200 said on 20/May/22
Actually, it’s rather convincing he was 193 range peak, and lost height because of his car accident.
Andrey200 said on 20/May/22
Not sure if he was closer to 192 or 193 peak
viper said on 1/Mar/22
I would have guessed King to be 6-2 physically in his bare feet
Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Feb/22
Yes, Arch, I know he wasn't impressed at all, so he made the elongated 'Stephen King's The Shining', starring Rebecca de Mornay and Steven Weber. It's well worth checking out, AND is true to the book.
Now I'll say what I popped along on Stephen's page for. I like his music taste. I think I prefer it even to Quentin Tarantino's, but in comparison to Stephen, Quentin is a comparative youngster, with less experience. I liked Stephen's inclusion of the song 'Get Together' by the Youngbloods, which is included in a 60s-based film called 'Riding the Bullet', starring David Arquette and Barbara Hershey. The Youngbloods were a 60s band.
Peak height - 6ft4
Now - 6ft1.5
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jan/22
He looks a lot like my old Irish doctor, though he wasn't tall like Stephen. "It" is still one of the creepiest films I've seen, albeit a mini series, the clown in the drain and the whole atmosphere of that film was horrible. "We all float". The book was a little bloated to read, and I'm a very fast reader! King absolutely loathed Kubrick's The Shining, you can't win 'em all!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Oct/21
@ Arch - Sorry about the late reply. Unfortunately for me, I fell asleep before 'Carrie' started, and now I keep hoping that I get round to watching it, but STILL I haven't!
Stephen gets 6ft4 for his peak and 6ft1.5 for today's height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Sep/21
🎂🎈🎁 Happy🎊Birthday🎊Stephen! 🎁🎈🎂
Many Happy Returns to Stephen King on his 74th Birthday. I've noticed that the Horror Channel are celebrating the Horror King's birthday with two of Stephen's films tonight. Firstly, they are showing 'Christine', the classically original horror about a haunted car, and after that, there's 'A Good Marriage', a far more up-to-date movie of Stephen's, made in 2014, I think.
In early 1977, a spattering of copies of 'Carrie' were being passed round my class, and read by nearly all of us. I saw it at Bromley Odeon, a few days after my 16th Birthday. Thereafter, I'd go out of my way to see his films on the silver screen as and when they came out.
6ft3.5 peak; 6ft1 today. 😄👍 XXX
Arch Stanton said on 29/Jul/21
"Remember, cool is not a way of life; it's a state of being. Like your height. I can't help being 6'3", and I can't help being cool. Same way Michael Crichton can't help being 6'9''...and not cool."
First rule of being cool is not calling yourself cool LOL. I always read 6 ft 4 for him, 6'3 range probably more accurate. Lost a lot of height for his age already.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Jul/21
Well worht watching Sandy, I missed it unfortunately!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jul/21
I've just discovered that there's a triple bill of Stephen King films on Film 4 tonight.
At 9, or 10 if you wait for an hour, on Film 4 or Film 4 + 1, there is the 2019 remake of 'Pet Sematary'; at 11.05, or 12.05, they are showing 'Misery', and at 1.20, or 2.20, there will be a chance to see the original 1976 version of 'Carrie', starring Sissy Spacek.
When something shows on Film 4, there's every likelihood that it'll be repeated. If you're a fan of horror films with excellent and exciting plots, you can't go wrong with these three.
6ft3.75 for Stephen's peak. You can check him out in 'Creepshow', wherein he made his acting debut.
6ft1.25 for today's height, having suffered height loss due to being hit by a car which, as I've mentioned before, he purchased and smashed the 💩 out of the offending vehicle to vent his anger!
Gaspergoo said on 7/Jul/21
Peak height 6'2.5 to 6'3"
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/May/21
200lbs, or 14st4lbs is a good weight for someone of Stephen's height. 👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/May/21
Every so often, the Horror Channel show one of Stephen King's long masterpieces in the afternoon and I checked today to see if either 'The Stand' or 'The Langoliers' was on and it was the former. Okay, so I have it on DVD but it's still enjoyable to see it with advert breaks. Another long Stephen King classic is his own version of 'The Shining', but it's far too violent to show in the afternoon and it wouldn't make any sense if they cut it, the way they're able to with 'The Stand' and 'The Langoliers', to make them suitable for afternoon viewing.
There's an enormous cast in this, which I've described before as the ultimate good versus evil movie. Stephen himself has a speaking part and look out for John Landis and one of the Raimi brother, probably Sam.
6ft3.25 peak; 6ft1 today, aged 73 and 7 months. 😁👍📺
berta said on 20/Mar/21
nice to see he claimed 6´3 he looked that height. peak 191 and 185 now.
Mickie said on 14/Jan/21
6'3" peak height as he stated.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Nov/20
If the car accident wasn't happen, i think a massive chance that Stephen King will be 6'3 now.
vastlybetter566 said on 3/Nov/20
Hard to believe that King was once as tall as 6ft4. Never gave a "very tall" impression to me. Guy's head looks rather huge.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Sep/20
🎁🎂👹 Happy Birthday Stephen! 👹🎂🎁
A Very Happy Birthday to Stephen King, who celebrates his 73rd Birthday today.
I'm watching Stephen's 'The Langoliers' at the moment, a film I was so taken aback with when I first discovered it that I watched it one Christmas Day and then exactly a month later, on my Birthday, in '97 or '98! Now, of course, I have it on DVD, along with goodness knows how many other of the King of Horror's movies.
I wish this literally genius a fantastic Birthday!
6ft4 peak and 6ft1.5 today. 😁🎉🎈
Danimal 176.7cm said on 3/Jul/20
This was King almost 6 years ago. You can clearly see the severity of his hunched over back at the time I started the video at. He has lost even more height since then:
Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/20
Stephen King collaborated with Lars Von Trier to make a series of 'The Kingdom'. I'm not in the least bit surprised that the two genius writers hit it off!
Stephen studied English at University and it shows in his beautifully described and atmospheric writing.
6ft4 and, alas, because he underwent a great deal of pain after a car hit his person, 3" less today.
Danimal said on 17/Nov/19
Stephen King has lost over 3" since his prime. He used to stand 6'4" and today is under 6'1".
Here he was with THEN 6'5" George Romero in 1981/1982:
Click Here
Here he was with 6'1" Obama in 2015:
Click Here
Here he was with 6'1 3/4" Morgan Freeman in 2018 (remove King's puffy hair):
Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Nov/19
I am watching an episode of 'Pointless' and the category is literature. I couldn't believe that Stephen King's 'The Shining' was the top answer on the board, with only 5 out of 100 knowing that Jack Torrence, Danny Torrence and Dick Hallorann being the three clues.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Oct/19
Stephen's work is so thoroughly well researched and or orchestrated. I'm watching his 1999 movie 'Storm of the Century', which was a natural progression from seeing Colm Feore actually playing a NICE part in the film 'The Prodigy' and seeing the rehash of 'Pet Sematary'.
I can never tire of Stephen King's films. I don't know exactly how many I have, but it must be little short of twenty. They are all so utterly different. This one includes the Biblical demonic conglomeration 'Legion' in the form of one man, played by Colm Feore. (In the Bible, he tells Jesus, "... for we are many".)
There are loads of other stars in this including Tim Daly, Jeffrey de Munn and Julianne Nicholson. I haven't quite finished it, but it's coming to its conclusion now.
Stephen does appear in this briefly. We see him on a broken TV set, which is being watched by Andre Linoge, an anagram of Legion - scary stuff! So don't expect to pick up on Stephen's height from THIS brief appearance!
I noticed that Roanoke, from 1587, was mentioned in this, as was Stephen's own story 'Dolores Clayborne', the latter of which 'took place', as it were, on the same remote island off Maine. That has renewed my interest in American Horror Story's 'Roanoke'.
Stephen's peak remains 6ft4 and 6ft1.25 for today's height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Oct/19
No, Stephen didn't make a cameo appearance in the 'Pet Semetary' remake, as he did in the 1989 version. He appeared as the Vicar at Gage's funeral. You can also size him up as the chemist in 'Thinner', the head of the (imagined!) board meeting in 'The Langoliers', the conductor of the orchestra in 'Stephen King's The Shining', and a member of the chosen ones in 'The Stand'. Then, of course, he has a solitary part in 'Creepshow', as I mentioned yesterday, and they'll be plenty more besides, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Ideally, I need to check it out with my old robot chum, Google....
😲 "Yes, it's me again!" 😝🖕🤖
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Oct/19
I have just started watching the remake of 'Pet Semetary' and I am sure I will enjoy it. I have never seen a bad Stephen King film to date. I preferred the remake of 'The Shining' - far truer to the book - and the new 'It' was so successful that they've made a follow-up. How about this one guys? There's another 'Shining' - based film on its way round the cinema houses come the end of this month, which is great news!
I look forward to finding out if Stephen makes a cameo in this version. It would be an excellent chance to view his height today, not to mention, in this day and age, 71 isn't at all too old to star in a film, even as a man of working age. I know he had a horrible run-in with a car years ago, which contributed big time to his drastic height-loss. I saw him at the pictures in his acting debut in the film 'Creep Show' in 1982, I think, and he looked very tall indeed. He took on a part, a short story, for which a tall actor was ideal.
Well, I will continue with my new film now....
6ft4 peak
6ft1.25 today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jun/19
In the 1996 film 'Thinner', when Stephen will have been 48, he still looked well and truly tall. He has a bit part as a shop Chemist, who has to appear as a witness to a RTA in Court. I'd say he looks about 6ft3.75, but will have been 6ft4 in the morning.
6ft3.75 peak and 6ft1.5 now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/May/19
He looked a good 2in taller than Letterman in the 90’s
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/May/19
Yeah 6ft3½ could be closer for his peak and he wasn’t quite a 6ft4 guy. I don’t think he was lower than that though. If you look at old photos of him, it’s clear he was very tall
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/19
Yes, cmillz, he lost height as a result of a car accident. He then bought the car and beat the cr@p out of it!
cmillzz said on 14/May/19
Wow, I never realized he was this tall. He’s lost a ton of height though, 3 inches is excessive.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/May/19
I must say, Stephen doesn't half play the right sort of music in his films! I just heard the Stones' 'Beast of Burden' in a film based in 1978. Spot on!
It's from the album 'Some Girls', which came out in that year. 💿
Peak height - 6ft4
Now - 6ft1.5
179cm guy said on 21/Feb/19
Rob wasn't King listed at 6'1 1/2 for his peak height just a month ago? Did you downgrade him within the past week or so? Also, do you think that there's any chance that King might dip below 6'0 if he ends up living to be eighty-years-old?

Editor Rob
Current height was changed a while ago as he has dropped several inches by now. His peak of 6ft 4 is still debatable I feel, sometimes 6ft 3.5 looks as possible as 4.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Feb/19
⭐️ I heard that Mr King bought that lousy vehicle and gave it a darn good spanking!
(I'm talking about the one that nigh on crippled him. He gave the arrangement of metal a Basil Faulty-style kicking, only this one didn't get to tell the story. Good luck to him for that!)
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jan/19
You'd never guess what I came across across early today? It is a Stephen King mini series called 'Kingdom Hospital', based on none other than Danish genius Lars Von Trier's 'Rigit', meaning 'The Kingdom'. Needless to say, I sent off for it without delay!
It is based on the goings on in a haunted hospital, and although I am just over an hour into it, I can see overtones of both Stephen King, what with his humour, and Lars Von Trier, with his strange, talking animals.
I'm in for a real treat here, especially as Von Trier helped produce this!
Who'd have thought it? Two of the best and most legendary names in the weird and wonderful collaborating together!
Stephen gets 6ft4 for his peak and 6ft1.5 for today's height.
Richie said on 20/Oct/18
King was never 6'4", there are production stills from the movie Creepshow which was shot in 81' and he is stood with George Romero who was close to 6'5" who had between two and three inches on King. His peak height was a strong 6'2" no more, though he is probably closer to 6' these days.
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 15/Oct/18
Stephen in 2018 next to 6'1 3/4" Morgan Freeman. You can see how bad Stephen's posture has become. He's barely over a flat 6'0" today Rob:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
You really can't ignore these brand new pics Rob. The man once stood 6'4" and weighed 236 pounds (before he was hit by a truck in 1999). He's a shadow of his former self today.
Angel Howell said on 28/Aug/18
Um...i guess it doesn't matter too much, but he was hit by a mini-van. Not a truck, not a camper-truck. Thrown into the air and landed in a ditch. He tried to buy the van at an auction, much later, with the intention of taking a sledge hammer to it...as I recall none of that came to pass...When he started writing again, mist critics and readers thought his work suffered, as well, due to the accident. It took a lot of time and many a fair number of books but he's been in fine form fir about the last 10yrs I'd say. Grateful he's ok
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 22/Jul/18
To all those who only know of the old skinny and hunched over Stephen King POST-truck accident (he was hit by a truck in 1999 and shattered multiple bones and lost several over 100 pounds and several inches in height), here he is in 1980 looking very tall (6'4") and very heavy. Funny enough, George Romero is facing him (brown hair and beard):
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 20/Mar/18
It is a miracle that he survived. Normally, anyone would question the height lost. Once they about the accidents, then it’s no surprise about the dramatic height loss.
Danimal said on 19/Mar/18
People don't realize that King lost most of his height after his MAJOR accident when he was hit by a truck and broke almost every bone in his body. He lost 100 pounds while recovering and when he re-introduced himself to the public he was a shell of a man. The accident literally took inches off his height in 1999. It wasn't a gradual height loss. It was immediate. Prior to the accident he was a 50 year old man who may have dropped slightly below 6'4", but post accident he was down to around 6'1" and thin as a rail. His posture has since been atrocious too, due to his major back issues due to the accident. He needed new hips, had spinal discs fused and other major operations on various bones because of the truck that hit him. It's a miracle he survived. He is now 70 years old and may have even dropped more height due to age. I'd say he's under 6'1" today and was a solid 6'4" man.
Dream(5'9.5 said on 18/Mar/18
Rob, if Stephen King wasn’t met by those accidents (In this case, getting hit directly by a camper truck and breaking two of his legs in a car crash) what would you ‘estimate’ his current height would be?

Editor Rob
He might have been an inch better off.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 10/Mar/18
@Tall Sam
I agree. King did have the advantage in that 'one' picture. Like you said, there isn't many good pictures of them because they usually have lax posture.
Romero will measure a little taller (Who is 6'4.5"-6'5"). It's also a good reference to show Stephen King was really tall in his youth before tragic accidents happened.
Tall Sam said on 9/Mar/18
Stephen has the advantage of being closer to the camera, not any great shots of them standing together but I'd say Romero was definitely a little taller.
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 6/Mar/18
He can look taller than a peak George Romero (who is 6’4.5”-6’5”) in this one picture.
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 26/Feb/18
Here’s Stephen King with 6’4.25” Michael Duncan.
Click Here
(Now, King has a low eye-level here, but he does actually look only an inch shorter than Duncan (going by the top of their heads). This is after King had that horrible camper truck accident where he had a collapsed Right lung, hips broken, pelvis broken, and his legs bones broken).
That is a lot of height lost.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 20/Feb/18
He isn’t standing well, but King would look taller than Obama if he stood straight.
Click Here
Also, Stephen King looks easily taller than ‘peak’ Tom Hanks—even when he’s on crutches from his accident.
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 12/Feb/18
So, he got into a car accident, broke two of his legs, got directly hit by a camper truck. Combined all that, and it’s no surprise he stands at 6’1.5” now.
I’m glad he’s alive though. He’s my favorite writer (alongside JRR Tolkien).
King did really look a full 6’4” in the 1970s.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Feb/18
@ Dreampuffe(5ft9.5) - Alas, I have never met Stephen King!
@ Ian C and Junior Hernandez - Hi you two! I've just been reading through Stephen's comments and find that the writer was run down by a TRUCK!
No wonder so much damage was done!
I'm glad he could afford to buy the vehicle in order to inflict as much damage as he was able back to the piece of machinery!
You could say, he really got rid of his aggression that way, which I think is thoroughly healthy!
Cheers boys!
Junior Hernandez said on 4/Feb/18
@Ian C.
I read it somewhere too. If he wasn't meet in that tragic accident he did still be clear 6'3 at 70 now.
Ian C. said on 4/Feb/18
King was out walking on the side of a road in Maine, and he was hit by a camper truck. His pelvis was broken. This would account for his dramatic height loss.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 10/Jan/18
Rob, who do you think would measure taller Stephen King or Randy Orton?

Editor Rob
Randy for me
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 9/Jan/18
He actually looks 6’5” in this picture near this door way.
Click Here
This is from a movie called ‘Creepshow.’ Stephen King is literally in the movie and he does look giantish.
Bobby said on 4/Jan/18
Peter Benchley needs a listing, if for nothing else but his contribution to one of the greatest bestsellers of the 1970s, Jaws. I recall some sources saying he was 6'4, like Stephen King at peak height. I even found a picture, who showed Benchley next to Speilberg, there was a big difference in height. 6'4 is believable for Benchley. I honestly never thought that Stephen King would have been as tall as 6'4 though. You always think that an author would be average to above average but nothing over that. Maybe that's just me.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 10/Nov/17
He broke both of his legs during a car accident. He also had some back problems.
Bobby said on 12/Oct/17
He lost quite a big of height, from 6'4 down to 6'1.5? That's 3 and half inches of height. Now I understand how my dad went from 6ft to 5'8, it's possible for guys 6ft and over to lose more height than average in old age. Though Stephen King is a writer, I don't think he's done anything strenuous in his life. I think if I recall, another author, Michael Crichton, or Peter Benchley, were exceptionally tall, like 6'6.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 14/Sep/17
Rob, I never thought he was this tall, and I only read his 'Dark Tower' series. I'm loving it so far!
Aw man... he broke his legs? 😵😵😵 I can understand his height loss.... hope he's doing awesome. he did look very tall.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 7/Aug/17
.........Holy crap. I never knew he was this tall. Rob, I didn't really paid attention to his height and I just adore his novels!
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jun/17
@ Capp'Happy - I agree there's no way Stephen King would lie about his height! All the reasons you gave are spot-on!
PS I like what he did to the car that caused his injuries!
berta said on 20/May/17
hahah i see current listing 187 now haha yeah that sound about right but could be down to 186
berta said on 20/May/17
yeah look at him with obama , they are about the same height in photots. i guess king would be taller of he could stand normal.but he is for shore no taller than 188 today and looks shorter. can he really ahve lost that mutch height since peak?
S.J.H said on 20/Apr/17
After a serious injury from car accident in 1999 he broke his two legs and might have a few vertebrae break and lost near 2'. Losing total of 6cm nowadays sounds right. But i never thought of a peak King is over 6'3 maybe he just goes with shoe. I think the positive side he would stay this height untill he pass the age of 80-85
berta said on 14/Feb/17
was he this tall :O i have never paid atention to his height but i have maybe thought that he was 6 foot ore shorter. now looking at photos i see he is tall.maybe he was this tall
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/16
@ Rampage - Hello! Stephen was without doubt 6ft4. Try to see 'Creepshow' and you'll see what I mean! He also plays the conductor of a band in his own remake of 'The Shining' and that was made in roughly 1997. He didn't seem to have shrunk by then at all!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Dec/16
He did look 6ft4 in the 70's
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Dec/16
Ha ha ha! I made a mistake! That 'few' was meant to be a 'view' - excuse me! That's it for now....
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Dec/16
Further to my little Stephen King sound-off of the other day, I would like to add that I really appreciate the era he's from and how it is reflected in his films, from a musical point of few and otherwise!
I have just finished the film 'Riding the Bullet' and it is awash with lovely songs from the hippie era of the late 60's! The film itself is one that just has to be seen at least twice, so if you'll excuse me...
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/16
I am very excited to say that I have just tracked down a copy of 'Cat's Eye' on the internet! It is a beautiful story and one which was sorely missing from my ample and ever-growing film collection. I like the fact that Stephen King incorporates sensitivity, humour and a happy ending into some of his novels. This is one of them and it tells the story of a little tabby cat's struggle in the big, bad world before he finds happiness and hugs!
The first time I caught a glimpse of Stephen was in his acting debut in 'Creepshow' and he came over to me as a big, hairy giant of a guy! 6ft4 is entirely believable. I think that the latest of his cameo film appearances I saw might have been in 'The Langoliers', wherin he still came over as huge! I haven't seen him lately, so I cannot really comment on his current height, but he'll likely have lost some inches so I'll opt for 6ft1.75.
One last thing: I remember reading about Stephen buying the car that injured him so he could knock seven shades out of it! What a splendid idea, and something I would relish doing myself to the cars that ran over my cats!
Harold said on 2/Nov/16
Perhaps "peak height' should be replaced with 'billed height.' Don't mean to pick on Steven King, but on celebrities in general. Peak is almost impossible to verify in so many cases. Billed, well, that's the publicist's job.
bobby3342 said on 16/Jan/16
perhaps your right never saw him in his prime(70s) as im only 34 but in the mid 90s he was not 6'4 not even close to a barefoot 6'4. good call rob
177cmGuy said on 29/Dec/15
Read pet sematary this year. Yeah I think had to be at least 6'3 range.
Sam said on 29/Sep/15
Don't know when you've seen him, bobbyh, but he's been involved in a few serious accidents and has probably lost more than average amount of height for his age.
richie said on 13/Nov/14
King was never 6'4", saw photograph of him stood next to George Romero who is 6'5" and he had nearly 3 inches on him
jimbo said on 1/May/13
Wilton, when a truck drives over you, you're bound to lose a bit of height.:)
wiltonstilts said on 29/Apr/13
Stephan king peaked at 6'04 there's no reason anyone should dispute that. But, my question is, how did he lose so much height? I mean was it surgery? It certainly couldn't of been age could it? I wonder...
Trent said on 18/Jan/13
Click Here
Here's the photo I was talking about. They're standing next to each other in this one. You can't see their footwear and King is a bit loose with posture, but I make a rough guess of 6'2 for King. Certainly can't have been 6'4.
Sam said on 15/Jan/13
This is a bad photo where King's back is turned and he looks bigger since he is closer to the camera, but it's hard to believe under 6'4" peak for King here with George A. Romero:
Click Here
Trent said on 24/Nov/12
He certainly didn't peak as high as 6'4, yeah. I mean, I know he must have lost some height, but he really did look the same height as Craig Ferguson and King was actually in cuban boots. 4 inches or more would be a lot. I could see 2 or more inches though because of the accident. He does look pretty bent nowadays. I will say he peaked at 6'2 because of how he looked with George Romero and is down quite a bit now because of the accident.
Mathew said on 20/Nov/12
I think his peak height is probably more 191 - 192 cm than 193, and his current height is probably more 188 - 190 cm than 191. He is certainly a tall man, but he doesn't give off a 6'4" impression.
Danimal said on 24/Aug/12
truthman says on 24/Aug/12
He has lost some serious amount of height, looks as tall as Craig Ferguson recently. Also, Stephen looks way skinnier now, probably around 175 or so.
He broke almost every bone in his body a dozen years ago when hit by a truck. He was a tall man (close to if not a fully 6'4") and he was a heavy man in the 1970's and 1980's. He has lost a tremendous amount of height since the accident. MAX 6'2" today.
truthman said on 24/Aug/12
He has lost some serious amount of height, looks as tall as Craig Ferguson recently. Also, Stephen looks way skinnier now, probably around 175 or so.
Michael said on 8/Jan/12
In his latest book the main character is said to be 6 ft 4, so whether the character is based on King's appearance is questionable, but it seems likely.
LAN Jiao said on 25/Oct/11
6-2 on king.
Didi said on 22/Oct/11
knew that guy was a tree.
avi said on 17/Aug/11
6'2 flat. has big head so looks bigger but too many people are taller or his height in order for him to be a true 6'3
Danimal said on 5/Jul/11
With age and his major car accident from a decade ago, he has lost height. Was close to 6'4" in his younger and healthier days. Conan Obrien had noticeable height on him a few years ago. I'd say he's down to 6'2" today.
runt said on 4/Jul/11
hmmm...either you guys are all wrong, or Stephen King always takes photos with NBA sized dudes...
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Aaron said on 2/Apr/11
I'd say King is an eay 6'6", he's a very large man. You can tell by comparing his cranium to the size of his body. Could be mistaken for a 7-footer as well.
XJV said on 16/Jan/11
I'd say around 6'3.5 peak, but I do think he's slightly less now, probably around 6'2.75.
dirtyharry1979 said on 22/Dec/10
Bumped into the author Lee child in aWaterstones in York in the UK promoting another Jack Reacher novel. He's tall 6'3" tall, I should know because that's my height. He looked more like a CIA spook, also could have passed as an Actor type.
Doug said on 6/Apr/09
Definately not anywhere like 6'4" now. He had 2-3 inches on a guy who is listed at 6'. He looks between 6'2" and 6'3" definately no more than 6'3".
Doug said on 6/Apr/09
Always listed at 6'4". Wonder what it is with best selling authors and giganticism!
Fredie said on 11/Feb/09
I also was very surprized when I found out how tall he was , I used to figure the guy was more like 6'. Seen him once, it was up in Maine and I was on a bus trip, we were in between Rockland and some other small town and while the bus was nearing a cross road he road by on a bicycle past the window I was looking out off, he had a beard sunglasses and ball cap on.
Matt |Thomas said on 10/Feb/09
Probably more 6'4 at peak 6'3 ATLEAST at peak.
The dude said on 12/Jan/09
No way. Either King has shrunk or he was never 6'4". Look at him with Mike Fleiss (Heidi's cousin) who's a legit 6'4" :
Click Here Fleiss appears to have about 2 inches on him. Maybe it's old age or whatever, but King is NOT 6'4" anymore.
5'8" and 15 said on 3/Jan/09
i was shocked to find out he was this tall :P
glenn said on 31/Dec/08
danimal-what are you talking about? i saw him recently and he was 6-2 min with a horrible slouch,looking 6-3 anyway.not counting the slouch.6-1 is way off.the guy is still huge.
Danimal said on 30/Dec/08
NO WAY is he 6'3" today. He had MAJOR reconstructive surgery on almost ALL of his bones after his major car accident. He had SERIOUS spinal, neck, hip, ankle, knee surgery. He was ONCE 6'4". Today he is lucky if he is 6'1". Anything since the late 90's, he is a shadow of what he once was. He is a RAKE today and his upper body is SO much shorter than it once was. Very noticeable when he is sitting in a chair. They must have removed quite a bit of vertebrae. He was once 6'4". Today he is 6'1" if he is lucky.
Sami said on 29/Dec/08
Kind of like Conan O'Brien, I was shocked to hear he was this tall!
Anonymous KinG said on 25/Mar/08
king is huge.. i ever saw him in real once in my life.. he looks about an inch over many 6ft2.5 celeb i have seen like ashton kutcher, tom welling and hugh jackman.. 191 sounds correct..
Kablah said on 17/Feb/08
You can tell Stephen King is sloutching...he may be between 6ft 3 and 4 and therefore just says he's 6ft 3...Either way, he is a HORROR GENIUS!!!!!!!!
anonymous said on 17/Jan/08
he looks about 6`2. I suppose he is hunching a bit, but still looks only 6`3 at absolute best
Scott B. said on 9/Jan/08
I agree with Glen. He looks 6'3 to me.
sam said on 14/Nov/07
Stephen King says "I can't help being 6'3"" in the 11/16 issue of Entertainment Weekly.
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/07
That is some serious slouching, I think he is at least 6'3.
He was propably taller in his younger days.
Chemer said on 15/Sep/07
he looks just exactly 6'2.5 considering he is slouching and wearing converse
T said on 6/Sep/07
I'm six 6'5" and I've stood next to him. I'd put him at 6'4" easy. He slouches A LOT.
Smok said on 8/Aug/07
On the picture above he looks 6'2 at best, taking into account the way he stands.
anonymous said on 27/Jun/07
he looks pretty massively built. could pass off as 6`4 in a photo alone, but with glenn, doesn't quite look it.
glenn said on 24/Jun/07
6-4,no.thats sounds extreme to me.but anything is possible.
Viper said on 24/Jun/07
Glenn, did you ever see him at 6-4? It looks like King is only wearing converse in the pictures.
glenn said on 21/Jun/07
he still looks 6-3 to me.got him again 2 weeks ago.those moon boots genius are
Reeboks that give you barely an inch.
Danimal said on 20/Jun/07
King WAS obviously 6'4". He lost some serious height after his car accident. This is King next to a LEGIT 6'4" guy in 2005:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 31/May/07
glenn is standing erect with what appears to be moon boots and king is standing iwth one knee bent and slumped over with all stars... king is obviously 6'4''.
snrub said on 7/May/07
He does'nt look 6' 3" in that photo, but he's much more heavily built than I thought. Probably makes him seem taller
Moke said on 13/Feb/07
No! he doesn't stand full height! I'd say he's 191cm
Franco said on 16/Nov/06
looks 1.88 there.
James said on 30/Oct/06
King certainly isn't looking 6'3" nowadays. Here he is with some 6'2" guy; they look the same to me. I have no idea what he was in his youth.
Anonymous said on 30/Sep/06
i think glenn is tip toing lol
kenneth said on 13/Sep/06
look clearly at the pic above!! king was't standing a good posture while hes wearing converse sneakers (only 1.5cm thickness shoe).. while glenn standing a good posture beside him while his shoe lift was unknown..
Regus said on 5/Aug/06
My uncle went to college w/ King, was in a couple classes w/ him. 6-4 or so is right on the money, trust me.
Anonymous said on 15/Jul/06
King is not an actor so his physical appearance isn't so important. He'd have nothing to gain by exaggerating his height. He doesn't look quite 6'4'' today going by that Conan clip though. Still quite a tall guy 6'2'' or little over I guess.
Danimal said on 15/Jul/06
Furthermore Beaner, on closer inspection, in that YouTube clip, King's upper torso is far shorter than it once had been (pre-accident). Just compare that pic with Glenn the that clip of his with Conan. It's possible he is 6'2" TODAY!
Danimal said on 15/Jul/06
Dude, the man is just about 60 years old. He had a MAJOR car accident and I'm sure lost height as a result and is severely slouching that clip with Conan and Conan has stated that he is between 6'4" and 6'5". Bring on a younger and healthier King and he'll be that 6'4" he always claimed to be. BTW, he lost 100 pounds after his accident!!!
beaner said on 29/Jun/06
He is obviously not 6-4 in this clip with Conan O'brien. Check it out. Looks 6-2ish at the most.
Click Here
Glenn said on 19/Jun/06
Those are black
Reeboks that made me ridiculously short.one inch soles.and I was possibly 5-7 at the time.
Viper652 said on 18/Jun/06
Glenn said he was only 6-3. He might have just been 6-3, and still is around that today.
TNTinCA said on 17/Jun/06
Being older, and the fact that he had to recover from that horrible car accident, likely affected King's height. Every source I have ever found seems to indicate he was 6'4" at his peak.
Anonymous said on 30/May/06
king is wearing chucks and he is not only slouching, but his knees are bent, while glenn is standing completely erect with what looks like boots on. king is clearly 6 foot 4.
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/06
On The Biography Channel, they said Steven was 6ft at age 11! So 6ft 3 or 4 would be right as an adult.
Radagast said on 16/Apr/06
I am exactly 6 feet tall and recently met (and took a photo with) Mr. king and I can say with a fair degree of certainty that he is definitley not 6'4. However, he is still pretty tall at around 6'2.5''. if you click on the link below you can see that his shoulders are higher than mine and that he is leaning in with his head at an angle. If he were standing up as straight as I was at the time, the height difference would be clearer.
TheJerk said on 29/Mar/06
If he's 200 lbs. in that picture at 6'3 I'd be very surprised. I look/and am quite a deal thinner at 5'11 and weigh about 200+. He looks fatter and is most likely at least 2.5 inches taller than 5'11 so I'd give him 225 lbs. at the least.
Glenn said on 19/Feb/06
he looked 6-3.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/06
I'm taking my Stephen King books back to the bookshop today for a refund. There's no way I'd have bought them if I knew he was only 6'2''.
6' and 18 said on 6/Feb/06
There's one thing about this site, the people who post generally tend to underestimate/try to reduce someone's real height. Look at the pic; his shoes, the way he stands, of course he's min 6' 3" and pushing 6' 4" most likely.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/06
Glenn, did he look 6'4'' when you met him? It's hard to tell from the foto, he's at least 6'2'' but was he taller?
Glenn said on 4/Feb/06
before the accident.this is 1992.
wrestling said on 4/Feb/06
I SAy Hes About 187-189cm Range .. 6'4" IS Just Too Tall For Him ... + Conan Has Him By An Inch Or 2 And Conan Is Solid 6'4" MAybe Even 6'3" Soo ...
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/06
Maybe the accident has affected his posture making him look slightly shorter.
Superfuzz said on 3/Feb/06
I agreee with Anshelm. I saw that show and I'd say Stephen was an inch or and inch and a half shorter than Conan. He did look like he could've stood straighter though,
ahaha said on 2/Feb/06
well glen is wearing boots that look like they have a decent size heel and stephen has on converse so yea 6'4" or 6'5"
Anshelm said on 2/Feb/06
No way he was Conan O'Brien's height, more like 6'2"/188 cm. Unless his posture is REALLY bad. No idea what he was in his youth.
Yea, I guess he looks about that much in that photo too.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/06
King is indeed all of that 6'4". My cousin went to a book signing a couple years ago in Vegas and he is my height (5'11") and he said King had at least 4 inches on him in the minimum.
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/06
really? i think he looks at least 6'3 in this picture...notice his knee is bent too which probably is affecting his full height a bit too
Mike said on 31/Jan/06
Only looks about 6-2 in that photo...
Mikex said on 31/Jan/06
King has always been quoted at 6'3'' or 6'4'' and he does look it.
Danimal said on 30/Jan/06
The man is tall and his son is even TALLER. I am a huge Stephen King fan. He is awfully thin today. He never really recovered after getting hit by a truck. He lost a hundred pounds and never really gained it back. The man was 6'4". He's creeping up on 60 years old. He is maybe 6'3" today.
Buster said on 30/Jan/06
The truth is out... Glenn is 6'0"!
He just gets off on downgrading celebs by pretending to be 5'8".
Jon Smith said on 30/Jan/06
when he does cameos in movies he looks much smaller like the 5'11-6' region im really surprised he is this tall.
Cycklops said on 30/Jan/06
Looks like if King stood up straight, Glenn would come about to his lip.
I buy 6'3" or 6'4" there. Especially considering both men's footwear...