Torrinator said on 21/Apr/24
I see this guy down the gym regular and I definitely feel he’s an inch shorter than me (I’m about 5’5.5”), so 5’4.5” is about right. Would love to take a picture with him but don’t want to disturb him while he’s training.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Dec/22
Never struck me as this short!
David Zelisney said on 20/Sep/22
He appears shorter than Jack O'Connell in North Sea and slightly shorter than Martin Compston in Line of Duty. O'Connell is no more than 5'7 so I would say 5'5+ for Stephen.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/May/22
When Stephen, as Al Capone, sang to his little son, who is hard of hearing, he had a surprisingly tuneful voice. This is often the case with actors, who learn to sing at acting school.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/May/22
Stephen looks like a real shrimp next to Steve Buscemi in the addictive gangster series Boardwalk Empire, in which he plays Al Capone.
Did the real Capone honestly get up to the practical jokes that Stephen’s one plays on people? We see him in the first season SHOOTING at Michael Pitt’s Jimmy while he’s asleep, causing the pillow to explode with feathers. Understandably, Jimmy isn’t in any way amused, and who can blame him? His girll, Angela, is in bed next to him and Al indicates to her to keep quiet before he fires. Would you argue with a man with a loaded gun? Eek…..!
Another time, we see a bunch of guys drinking in a bar. Mr Capone offers a rather old guy a cigarette. It’s one of those exploding ones you can buy at a joke shop. The recipient of said fag 🚬 shouts at him that he’s behaving like a 12-year- old. It was funny though, and the scene brought back memories of when I used to buy items from the joke shop to stitch up my pals down the pub. None of the butts of my pranks reacted like that old gangster fellow, but then that particular section of the public house building was overrun by youngsters. I was 20 at the time, but still use fart cushions to this day. 😀👍🏼💨
Always entertaining in whichever part he plays, this adaptable actor gets 5ft4.5. 😂
Mr Kieran D said on 26/Mar/22
Stephen Graham lives around my area and I have seen him a couple times although have never spoken to him as he was with his family on both occasions. He is no taller than 5'3, i am just over 5'5 and he was noticeably shorter than me.
Andy Cash8 said on 23/Mar/22
I think he is 5 6. His wife is 5 9.
Brilliant actor and in boiling point he deserves an Osca.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 22/Feb/22
5'4.5. he's fantastic in a new film called boiling point.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jan/22
Hey, Eric!
I recommend Stephen in the Jimmy McGovern drama series The Street. He stars in an episode with Maxine Peake.
Eric W Tam said on 22/Jan/22
A bit too short to have been Al Capone, but my god the facial resemblance.
Leesheff85 said on 11/Dec/21
He looks 3 inches shorter than Martin compston in photos 5ft 3.5 at best. Or Martin is 5ft 7+
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Nov/21
@ Rob - Yes, in this 1999 episode, Jim MacDonald remarked on Stephen's height, and he wasn't very flattering!
I've seen a great deal of his stuff SINCE I joined Celebheights; I've become something of a fan, and will buy a DVD if he's in it. I think he's great, and 5ft4.5 does seem correct for him.
I can't see the guy having lost any height yet. 😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Nov/21
Stephen was actually in Coronation Street, involving Steve MacDonald in trips to the Netherlands to pick up goods at a much cheaper price, then flogging them on.
Can you imagine when wads of money are seen changing hands right outside Judy Mallett's house, and she alerts Steve's father? He comes round sounding off and then when he looks in the back of the van, he sees that they've only a imported a dog....
...this time!
The ever comical Stephen gets 5ft4.5.

Editor Rob
Last shows I've seen Stephen in were North Water and a few episodes of Line of Duty and 5ft 4.5 is looking likely for him.
Leesheff85 said on 28/Sep/21
Charlotte riley and zoe tapper are both taller than him in 3 inch heels. I don't think he can be almost 5ft 5
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Aug/21
🎂🎁🎈 Belated Birthday Wishes! 🎈🎁🎂
A belated Happy Birthday to Stephen, who turned 48 eight days ago.
5ft4.75. 😄🎊
MaskDeMasque said on 19/Jun/21
I think 5'4.5 is more likely.
AlexJau said on 12/Jun/21
He's small but has a big presence on screen. A great actor and about 5.4 or 5.5ft is my guess?
Pete Mac said on 27/Feb/21
@Jenny M you are right. Police height requirement in 1960s to end of 1980s was 5'8 (or 5'9 / 5'10 in some forces).
Sonny Black said on 24/Apr/20
Just watching Boardwalk for the first time and taking issue with his casting as Capone. He’s was too short and looks nothing like Capone.
Jenny Mcgillicuddy said on 10/Jan/20
I would say 5.5 and great actor in the new series "White House Farm", he is superb in what ever part he plays. However,in 1985 was the height restriction for policemen to be taller? Come on researchers have you got it right?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jan/20
This guy is acting gold dust!
Never did I think I'd see the day when I'd be watching him play a detective but he is and the production is called 'White House Farm' and it tells the bitterly gruelling story of the slaughter of a family back in 1985. There is but one survivor, a young man.
This is the first of six episodes. Stephen is the shortest member of the investigating officers.
I agree with 5ft5 for Mr Graham. 😁👌
I wonder how tall he is when he wakes up in the morning? Nearly 5ft6 perhaps?
Paul Wood said on 8/Jan/20
I've seen photos of him standing side by side with the adult Thomas Turgoose (5ft 4.75in) and he looks slightly shorter. I think Stephen Graham is 5ft 4.5in.
Leonari said on 6/Dec/19
Looks 164 and nothing above that mark. Great actor
Nik said on 30/Sep/19
He's as cool as a cucumber and so is his height!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Aug/19
🎶🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Stephen! 🎁🎂🎶
Wishing the excellent actor Stephen Graham a fantastic 46th Birthday! XX
Littlelee5ft6 said on 30/Jul/19
I see 2 to 3 inches between him and Martin compston in photos together. Maybe Martin is 5ft 7 and stephen 5ft 4.5?
Dickie said on 22/Jun/19
See him regularly passing through Leicester station. Would say he’s around 5’4.5.
MaskDeMasque said on 5/May/19
I think 5'4.5 is a better listing. He looked more than 4 inches shorter than Alan Carr on Jonathan Ross show.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Aug/18
🎈🎂🎁 Many Happy Returns of the Day to Stephen! 🎁🎂🎈
Have the greatest of memorable Birthdays Stephen, with your wife, kids and friends - 45 today!
What a fantastic actor, and one who has caught my eye and interest just this year. I look forward to seeing many more of his films. 😁👍
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jul/18
One thing that watching a series as good as 'Boardwalk Empire' leaves you with is a renewed interest in its Stars and, as is the case for me with Stephen Graham, I have been alerted to his brilliance and am checking out his films with the sort of vigour that I never had for him before! I just ordered a film of his called 'Hyena', which promises to be the best British crime drama since 'Sexy Beast', and just yesterday I watched the hugely recommended 'This Is England', starring Stephen and little Thomas Turgoose. Although I had seen it before, this time I saw a more sensitive side to Stephen's character, and the tears and regret that he displays after attacking poor Milky. I thoroughly enjoyed Stephen's part as a troubled alcoholic in his episode of series 3 of 'The Street', wherein he stars alongside Maxine Peake and learns that he is the father of a 16-year-old Down's syndrome boy.
Too true, even Maxine is taller than Stephen in this, but the son is not, and looks about 5ft3 to me, with growing still to accomplish. Again in 'This is England', the only male actors smaller than Stephen are growing kids, but that matters not a jot, because it was films such as this that alerted Hollywood that if they needed a shorter-sized tough guy, Mr Graham fitted the bill, and would do any role they threw at him complete justice.
Only today I found out that Stephen is in 'Gangs of New York', and my - as yet unwatched - copy of the film is staring me in the face, though right at the bottom of a heap of films, I cannot think of a better reason to manoeuvre it out and give it a watch!
Stephen Graham is chalked up on Google as 5ft6, by the way. I doubt that this is even his morning height, but it could well be 5ft5.75, or just under. However, I will not err away from my last guess of 5ft5. Some actors simply don't need to be tall!
Tall Sam said on 11/Apr/18
The real Al Capone was I believe listed as 5'9" with a build like a linebacker so he was taller than average and heavily built I believe for a man of Italian descent of his generation, which probably made him even more imposing to rivals on top of being a mercurial sociopath. The Stephen Graham version suggests a more impulsive and diminutive hot head and reminded me quite a bit of Joe Pesci's roles in Scorsese's films but Graham was quite good at that kind of role.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Apr/18
How amazing is this?
The two brothers of Al Capone are played by 6ft1 Morgan Spector (Frank, I believe), and Domenick Lombardozzi, (Ralph) who is written up on Google as 6ft!
Compare that to 5ft5 Al!
I wonder how fact-based this actually is?
😒 🔫😋
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Mar/18
😑 Correction Time! 😑
That ought to have been 'Now that's quite something!' instead of 'No...'
That's all for the time being from CT!
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/18
Hey, I have just seen Stephen Graham in the film 'Season of the Witch', starring alongside Nick Cage and the great Sir Christopher Lee!
No that's quite something!
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Mar/18
No comments since 2013? Well I never!
I've just asked Google who plays Al Capone in the TV series 'Boardwalk Empire', and the result has amazed me! It's not that Stephen isn't playing his part well, because he is; it's that I KNEW I recognized this actor from other things, and now that I find out that they include 'This is England' and 'Snatch', I am truly amazed!
I am thrown by his progress and that he has gone from leaps and bounds into this American series and chosen, partly because of his short height, to play AL CAPONE! What an honour! I am more than impressed, and from what I've seen so far, he is playing the part very well indeed!
The results Google came up with for Stephen Graham included that his height is 166cm. I am inclined to believe the slightly lower option of 165cm, as written here, so that is what he gets!
I know the series first graced our screens around 7 or 8 years ago, and that I am commenting on a programme that's been around for ages, but my investigations are new and fresh to me, so I will speak as I find!
5ft5 goes in the box!
'Boardwalk Empire' goes on MY box again presently! 📺📀
Markus from Italy said on 14/Nov/13
In The Snatch he looks 160/163 next to Statham in my opinion. In Boardwalk Empire looks 165 but he probabily wears lifts on that show.
Sam said on 9/Sep/13
To me he's more likely to be 5'4" than 5'6" but I think 5'5" is probably legit. His head comes up to Michael Shannon's chest.
SAK said on 19/May/13
This guy looked really short next to Tim Lovejoy(180/5f11) on 'The Sunday Brunch'.
He looks atleast 7" shorter then Lovejoy(180/5f11).
He is no taller then 5f4.
Adamz said on 4/May/13
5'5" is the maximum height he stands at.
Hew said on 5/Jan/13
He's 5'3.75 at most. More or less 5 inches shorter than Johnny Depp and a good 7 shorter tha Mickey Rourke
Johnnyfive said on 14/Nov/12
I think he needs a downgrade. He constantly looks five inches shorter 5'9
Jason Statham in Snatch and also at the UK premiere photos of The Wrestler with Statham and 5'10ish Mickey Rourke. 5'4 is a better fit.
PW said on 26/Dec/08
On a radio show a few weeks back he was getting interviewed about the coming film Public Enemies. Asked what he thought about playing Baby Face Nelson he said, well he was similar to me 5.5 and bad tempered.
Daii said on 6/Dec/08
In This Is England I thought he was about 5'7, but obviously I was wrong. Hmm I could agree on 5'5 as he was wearing thick soled boots in the film
Anon said on 3/Dec/06
I met stephen graham at the london film festival and he's about 5'5 - 5'6
martin said on 7/Jul/06
Hi i have met steven i am working as a security guad in manchester where he is filming his new show inosence in a old police station he seems to be a nice guy and seems to have time for a talk. he is about 5ft 5in i am 6ft and he comes up to my shoulders. i am hoping to get his autograph on saturday.

Editor Rob
I think yes I agree that he's more 5ft 5...
some person said on 30/Jan/06
statham is 5'9"? really? i thought he was taller. stephen graham doesnt look like hes 5'4" i thought he was like 5'8" and like jason statham was about 5'11"
but i dont know
Anonymous said on 14/Sep/05
If Statham is decidedly 5'9, in Snatch Tommy is a lot shorter talking at least 4 inches if not 5 or 6. Assuming its 4 then this guy would be 5'4 tops