Canson said on 4/Dec/24
@Shane: yea Steph measured 6’2 barefoot and his brother 6’1 and then 6’0,5 with the sixers. So that works bring them to 6-3 and 6’2 listings. My guess is Seth was prob that at a low and Steph is prob an inch taller or that Steph could be close to 6’1.75 best case
Canson said on 4/Dec/24
@Shane: yea Steph measured 6’2 barefoot and his brother 6’1 and then 6’0,5 with the sixers. So that works bring them to 6-3 and 6’2 listings. My guess is Seth was prob that at a low and Steph is prob an inch taller
Shane Gray said on 27/Sep/24
@JA Wilder most American sports list players in shoes or add to barefoot height. Nba isn't/wasn't the only one
187/6'2 said on 22/Apr/24
He's 6'1 1/2 186.69cm max no taller
Canson said on 11/Jun/23
188 CM Legend said on 10/Jun/23
The level of neuroticism you have for a height you almost certainly do not measure (6'2) is insanity. A half-centimeter height gap is not discernible at all - so I find your markings suspect at best (though feel free to post a YouTube video sometime, as I'm sure it would make for an entertaining video). At your height, you almost certainly should shrink more than 1.5-1.6 cm per day; it should be closer to 1.9-2.2 (which would put your true range somewhere between 6'1 and 6'1.75, so 6'1.5 should be the height you claim most of the time, which you seem to do).
That said, Steph Curry is the definition of a solid 6'2 guy, like Pattinson is the definition of a solid 6'0 guy. The vendetta or coping mechanism you have to deflate their heights makes little to no sense. Steph only falls below 6'2 if he's been playing basketball the entire day. He edges out most of the people that are listed as 6'2 on this site. The average guess here would be his absolute low (about an eighth below 6'2).
He measured 6’2” flat early in the morning. His time of measurement was documented as he tweeted at 630 am and they showed Blake griffin being measured and it was in the early morning
It says in the third paragraph
Click Here
Jawilder said on 11/Jun/23
@Shane I mean yeah of course, but those listings are closer to their actual height. That’s what it should be, like all sports.
188 CM Legend said on 10/Jun/23
The level of neuroticism you have for a height you almost certainly do not measure (6'2) is insanity. A half-centimeter height gap is not discernible at all - so I find your markings suspect at best (though feel free to post a YouTube video sometime, as I'm sure it would make for an entertaining video). At your height, you almost certainly should shrink more than 1.5-1.6 cm per day; it should be closer to 1.9-2.2 (which would put your true range somewhere between 6'1 and 6'1.75, so 6'1.5 should be the height you claim most of the time, which you seem to do).
That said, Steph Curry is the definition of a solid 6'2 guy, like Pattinson is the definition of a solid 6'0 guy. The vendetta or coping mechanism you have to deflate their heights makes little to no sense. Steph only falls below 6'2 if he's been playing basketball the entire day. He edges out most of the people that are listed as 6'2 on this site. The average guess here would be his absolute low (about an eighth below 6'2).
Shane Gray said on 9/Jun/23
@JAWilder nba heights were 99% shoe heights for over 40 years. There are still quite a few but I can tell you vast majority of players hate shorter roster listings and vast majority of players consider their actual height as height in shoes. Steph should be listed 6'3" and Seth 6'2". New listings are all over and mess up historical comparables.
Canson said on 5/Jun/23
@Jawilder: I’d lower Steph to 6’1.75 if I were Rob. I think 6’1.5 is really his low on the day so lunchtime 6’1 5/8 but 6’1.75 maybe and 6’1 5/8 could be his low. But if he’s listed 6’2 today it means he’s likely under it. If he were strong 6’2, he’d have retained the 6’3 listing by virtue of a 6’2 1/4 or 6’2 3/8 measurement in the AM being rounded up to 6’2.5 or 6’3”
Malcolm Oliver said on 3/Jun/23
Bronny and Steph seem the same height, they clear 6’2 in the morning that’s for sure
Canson said on 2/Jun/23
@Benzerious: possible for his lunch. I think afternoon 186-187 range
Jawilder said on 2/Jun/23
@Canson yeah I remember you posted that on here, that was a good find. But yeah 6’1 is the perfect NBA listing for him and 6’2 for Steph.
Benzerious said on 31/May/23
Bronny is like Kyries height. Steph looks like he has more 6'2 proportions than Bronny. They may even be the same height, but I don't think he's taller than Curry yet. Bronny 6'1.25-6'1.5 Curry 6'1.75
Canson said on 31/May/23
@Jawilder: Seth measured 6’0.5 with Philly one year I think 20 or 21
Samuel Oluwashemire said on 20/May/23
@RandyOrton That's what it looks like. I will say he is like 6'2 or maybe 6'2.5 barefoot because Steph was wearing sneakers and Bronny was wearing slides. I think Steph is 6'2.5 or more in sneakers. What do you think Bronny's height is?
Randy Orton said on 17/May/23
Bronny is taller than Stephen Curry
Jawilder said on 16/May/23
I’m surprised that they actually got him and his brother’s height listed correctly on most sites now. Steph is 6’2 most places I look and Seth is 6’1.
Samuel Oluwashemire said on 10/May/23
What do you guys think about Bronny James' height?
Bronny with Steph Curry :
Click Here
In my opinion, he looks over 6 ft 2 @Robtheeditor. He is also listed as 6 ft 3 190 lbs but people on this website think he is closer to 6 ft 1 without shoes.
Jtm said on 6/May/23
surprise how tall he looks with bonds. i always thought bonds was a legit 6'1 guy.
viper said on 4/May/23
Haven't seen enough evidence that Bonds has shrunk
viper said on 4/May/23
Bonds was no taller than 6-1
Click Here
viper said on 4/May/23
Barry Bonds was listed at 6-1 up till the late 90s. He isn't taller than that
oren metser said on 3/May/23
I think Steph is about an hour or two after bed 6'3 and a half or scraping 6'4 (roughly 1.92m). At Midday his height shrinks to 1.915m . Afternoon height will be 1.91m (6'3 and change), evening 1.90m-1.91 6'3 flat and at night his absolute low would be a weak 6'3 (1.90m).
He'd get 1.91m or just over 6'3 from me
oren metser said on 2/May/23
I believe Steph claiming 1.90-1.91m 6'3. He could even wake up at 1.92m or weak 6'4.
From my perspective he is worth listing 1.91m or 6'3 and change.
Solid 1.92m or millimeters above (6'3.5-6'3.75)-morning straight out of bed to 2 hours afterwards.
Weak 1.92m or millimeters under- 6'3.5 afternoon mark.
1.91m a tad over 6'3- evening height
1.90-1.91m- 6'3 flat by evening.
Cbrady said on 7/Apr/23
How tall do you guys think MLB legend Barry Bonds was/is? I believe he is around 6-1 but am not sure exactly where he falls? Is he 184.5? 185.5? 186.5?
With Stephen-
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Near Seth Curry--
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Near prime Denzel Washington--
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With Chris Tucker--
Click Here
Maybe Bonds was 186 range in his prime but shrunk a bit in later years?

Editor Rob
Looks to have shrunk...with Denzel seemed 6ft 2 at least!
QM6'1.5"QM said on 9/Mar/23
186.7cms evening and 187.2 afternoon, which is rounded up to 6'2".
He's solid one inch taller than brother, so 184.5 and 187 is a very possible.
Steph is a lanky guy, long legs too.
6'2" is a respectable list/claim!
Warren said on 7/Mar/23
Curry could be 6'2" or slightly under in 2 hours after out of bed (half shrink)
and like 4-6 hours after out of bed 6'1.5-6'1.75" for him (full shrink)
Jawilder said on 27/Feb/23
@Dallas I can easily see Steph 6’1.75 at a low. That should be his listing. 6’1.5 is def possible for a low however. Anywhere between 6’1.5-6’1.75 at a low would be a lock. If he got measured 6’2 within an hour out of bed, then he likely dropped a fraction. So 6’2.5 or 6’2.25 out of bed is possible.
Canson said on 23/Feb/23
@Dallas: he measured 6’2” flat early morning. 6’1.75 is not unreasonable for his lunchtime but he didn’t measure that at the combine
Dallas said on 22/Feb/23
I say Stephen Curry is 6'1.75" because apparently he was measured barefoot at 6'1.75" and 6'3" with his shoes.
Jawilder said on 13/Feb/23
Click Here=
6’1.75 Mahomes and 6’1.5 Curry.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 5/Feb/23
Curry is closer to 186.5cms than 188.5cms. He's like 6'3" shoes on.
Canson said on 28/Jan/23
@Baltic Guy: agree with your estimate. 6’2.25 out of bed perhaps and may have been 6’1 7/8 or just over 6’1.75 and rounded up early morning to 6’2”. Hrs probably 6’1.5 at the end of the day and May range 6’1.5-.75 around lunchtime.
baldwin said on 28/Jan/23
@Canson: oh yeah i know. this listing is insane
i think he’s like 6’1 3/8
baldwin said on 28/Jan/23
@Canson: oh yeah i know. this listing is insane
i think he’s like 6’1 3/8
Canson said on 25/Jan/23
@Baldwin: he’s listed too high. His measurement was documented to be around 6-630 am
baldwin said on 24/Jan/23
average guess is too high
BalticGuy said on 17/Jan/23
I've stood within 6 feet of Barack Obama and I edged him out by about half an inch or so - we know how Joe Biden looks next to Obama very well and Biden just tweeted an image of himself with Curry where he looks next to Biden pretty much precisely what I'd look like next to my 5'11" to 5'11.5" brother - I don't think Biden is even quite 6 foot at his age and there appears to be ROUGHLY a 2 inch height difference there - no more - so Curry looks to me to be one of those guys who is EXTREMELY close in height to me - I am, at my lowest point in the day if I had a long day on my feet, 6'1.25" and on the higher end in the morning I'm just under 6'2", probably closer to 6'1.75", with 6'1.5" being a good middle ground for mid-day. I've been measured by numerous doctors and very carefully measured countless times at home because I was really obsessed at one point with finding out if I ever hit 6'2", going so far as to very carefully measure out to the cm marks for 184, 184.5, 185, 185.5, 186, 186.5, 187, 187.5 and 188 on either side of the doorway and placing a rigid object across the doorway at each mark then standing directly under it - the top of my head consistently touched the stick I placed across at the 185.5cm mark at night and slightly pushed it up and would just scrape it at late night at around 186 to 186.5 cm, but in the morning first thing would range up to around 187 to 187.5 or about 6'1.85" on the highest end early morning (only break over it with shoes sadly, though I do get really close some mornings - close enough that you'd have a hard time telling - I've considered doing stretches for a month or so to see if that pushed me over but never went through with it - I'm also consistently measured at "about 6'1" at the doctor's office, though worth noting this is mid-day very often and for some reason always performed by a female doctor who is considerably shorter to the point where I seriously doubt she can even tell where the top of my head is from her perspective, hence the home measurements with extreme care since I was betting they were kind of eyeballing it very loosely given how lazily they measure, plus the fact that stance actually impacts height a decent amount - putting my weight forward on my feet rather than on my heels results in a cm or so of loss, I determined through repeat experiments) -
SO on that basis, the Biden photo, my experience with Obama and other photos and knowing for SURE what my exact height range is - between 6'1.25" and 6'1.75" - Curry appears to be pretty much a dead ringer for me - so I'd say he's more likely 6'1.5" to 6'1.75" range than truly breaking over 6'2" - I doubt during his measurement in the morning they were really obsessing over a quarter of an inch and would round up, which is totally natural because who the hell wants to walk around all the time saying "I'm 6 feet, one point seven five inches tall" when they can just say "I'm six-two"? The former is too cumbersome and 6'1.75" is close enough for most people to say "dude just say about 6'2"".
Daytime height, I'm going with 6'1.5". Morning 6'1.75". COULD be 6'2" but almost NOBODY is EXACTLTY a given height on the dot - most guys who are measured at 6'0" are either over or under that by a quarter inch or so and this stays true for 6'1", 6'2", 6'3", etc. It's very rare for anyone to be PRECISELY 6'2" on the dot - and I just see him being closer to the low end than the high end of that spectrum.
Progking184 said on 14/Jan/23
6'1.75-6'2, tall but not legit 6'3. Though probably is 6'3+ in his shoes.
Canson said on 29/Dec/22
QM6'1.5"QM said on 28/Dec/22
Omg guys, Stephen Curry is between 6'1.5- 6'2" tall. The same height as Ryan Reynolds.
He's definitely not a "strong" 6'2" like 188-188.5cms range in the evening.
Maybe 6'1 5/8" is better. Probably we both are height twins :))
Agreed. He should at least get 6’1.75 being his measurement was documented to be early morning. He tweeted at 630 am and it stated that 2009 were all early morning. See below references to Danny green Ty Lawson and Wayne Ellington. Curry is best case 6’1 5/8 afternoon or perhaps 6’1.5”. I’d say 6’1.5”
Click Here
QM6'1.5"QM said on 28/Dec/22
Omg guys, Stephen Curry is between 6'1.5- 6'2" tall. The same height as Ryan Reynolds.
He's definitely not a "strong" 6'2" like 188-188.5cms range in the evening.
Maybe 6'1 5/8" is better. Probably we both are height twins :))
Canson said on 28/Dec/22
@Shane: I’d say half inch. He prob goes from 6’2.25 to 6’1.5 imho
Shane Gray said on 26/Dec/22
@Joanis no way is he over 6'2" barefoot in afternoon. Knock at least half inch off or that and you're close.
Joanis said on 9/Dec/22
He’s the same height as me 188cm
IceCold1 said on 11/Oct/22
Curry never looks a legit 6'2, like guys John Wall and Marcus Smart
Diego Rol?n said on 31/Jul/22
Curry looks 6’1.5 for me. I’m the same height as him. My dad is 6’1 and my mom is 5’7. So I may grow some more. 6’3 or 6’4 will be my final height
Warren said on 29/Jul/22
Looks taller than 6'3 with Jay, if that's true
Benzerious said on 21/Jul/22
Jay Pharaoh (listed 6'1) and Stephen Curry
Click Here
Curry looks taller by maybe an inch?
Canson said on 18/Jul/22
@Carlos Santana: Smart is probably at least 6’2 flat. He is listed 6’4 today
Carlos Santana said on 9/Jul/22
Stephen curry: 6'1 5/8
Russel Westbrook: 6'2.5" or just 6'2 ⅜
Derrick rose: 6'1.5"
Ja morant: 6'1" or 6'1 1/8 max
Damian lillard: 6'0.5"
Trae young: 6'0" flat
Chris Paul: 5'11.25" or 5'11.5" max
Marcus Smart: a weak 6'2"
Jrue holiday: 6'2.25"
Kyle Lowry: 5'11"
Fred vanvleet: 5'10.5"
Jamal Murray: 6'2 1/2
Dennis Schroder: 5'11 1/2 or 5'11.75"
Mike Conley jr: 5'11.25"
Patty mills: 5'10.5"
De'Aaron fox: 6'2"
Dejounte murray: 6'3.75"
Ricky Rubio: 6'2.25"
Malcolm brogdon: 6'3.5"
D'angelo russel: 6'3
Kemba Walker: 5'11 1/6
Canson said on 9/Jul/22
@Shane: while I tend to agree with 6’1.5 for Curry for his afternoon height I would say that 6’1.75 can’t quite be ruled out. Some guys may be up longer than others or have grown a small small fraction.
One guy is demar Derozan as he really does look at least 6’5. However his pre draft is unclear. He said in the interview I posted which precipitated rob adding him here on the site, 6’5 without shoes and 6’6.5 so that leads me to believe he’s 6’5.25 but he shows 6’5.5 somewhere else. But in DD’s case he may have been 6’5.25 then and grown 1/4” or maybe his was more equivalent to 2 hours say if he had been up longer. But I do agree 6’1.5 for curry.
What do you think about Derozan? You think maybe a 6’4.75 or 6’4 7/8 guy at a low if his 6’5.25 is early or 6’5 or 6’5 1/8-1/4? I think 6’5 flat unless he grew more than 1/4” or was up longer. But I don’t quite get the same impression of him as I do of a guy like Metta World Peace or Sasha Vujecic meaning I’d say he’s more 6’5 than 6’5.5 imho
Shane Gray@ said on 8/Jul/22
@QM6 Thats impossible. He was 6'1 7/8" to 6'2" flat very early meaning. The site stamdard here is afternoon. You're saying he doesn't compress at all to go from early morning to afternoon and still be 6'2", which is literally impossible.
Leopard said on 8/Jul/22
steph 187/8cm probably
QM6'1.5"QM said on 7/Jul/22
Appreciate comment section about Steph height.
To be honest, he's from 186.5 to 188cms.
Steph Curry is very lanky to be under 6'1.5". He's easily one inch taller than his brother Seth Curry, 6'0.5" barefoot.
Also Klay Thompson is probably about 4inches taller than Curry. I believe Klay at worst "strong" 196cms range even after game.
Steph Curry will be this average guess before the lunch/ afternoon and about 6'1.75" before the bed.
You can say that Curry is "weak" 187 or "strong" 186cms after the game. Kinda 6'1.5" extreme low!
He's 6'2" guy or as users loves to call that - "weak" 6'2" :)
P.S. If we going with evening heights then almost 95% pages here would be 1/4 or 1/2" less :)))
Shane Gray@ said on 23/Jun/22
Curry isn't over 6'1 5/8" afternoon. 6'1 7/8" to 6'2" very early morning at combine.
Canson said on 23/Jun/22
chi_mike said on 22/Jun/22
@Canson Curry looks 4 inches shorter than listed 6'5.25 draymond here Click Here Click Here and doesn't seem any taller than tony parker Click Here Click Here Click Here. Could he be as low as 186?
I think 3.75” between curry and Green. 6’1.5 and 6’5.25 at their respective lows
Jawilder said on 23/Jun/22
@Trae Stan Hmm I did look back at the pictures with him and CP3. I think you can actually argue under 6 feet. Plus he can look under 6 feet with 6’1 Donovan Mitchell.
Click Here
Trae Stan said on 22/Jun/22
Look, I'm a huge Trae Young fan but he's not 6 feet. He's just under it. When sports analysts in the NBA are constantly saying he's 5'11ish, there's some merit to it. I have C3P at 5'11.5 at best and Trae at 5'11.75. I don't doubt he clears 6'0.25 and possibly even 6'0.5 right out of bed, but he's definitely sub-6 feet by late afternoon. Steph curry has a solid 2 inches over him. So that places him either at 6'1.75 at worst. I'll give Trae 5'11.75 and Steph 6'2.
Jawilder said on 22/Jun/22
Click Here
With Collin Sexton who also measured 6’0.5. They obviously didn’t push down his hair down all the way lol.
Canson said on 22/Jun/22
Agree with Jawilder. Worse case 6’0 flat maybe 6’0.25. Wall’s height is tricky. He may be a hair over 6’2” if 6’2.75 was his morning. But I doubt curry is more than 6’1.5 or 5/8 either way
Jawilder said on 22/Jun/22
Click Here
I respectfully disagree. I gave him 6 feet flat at a low.
Well Maybe said on 22/Jun/22
Trae looks just under 6' by the afternoon, but I could see him around 6'0.25 right out of bed. He's not the full 6 feet bc he wears shoes that make him taller than the people he's with.
Jawilder said on 20/Jun/22
Click Here
Kind of a tough picture but probably close to two inches there. Trae measured 6’0.5 in the morning, I assume, so he’s got to be at least 6 feet. But in the picture you have @Canson I see no more than 1.5
Jawilder said on 20/Jun/22
@Canson if John Wall is 6’2 flat at a low, then Steph Curry is 6’1.5 at a low for sure. I think Trae Young is prob 6 ft 1/8 at a low. For sure nothing under 6 feet. I haven’t looked at Wall’s height too much @Canson, but if you say he is a 6’2 flat guy at a low I believe you.
Ghost of JT Yao said on 20/Jun/22
In State Farm commercials, assuming equal footwear, Trae Young looks to be almost the same height as Chris Paul. If CP3 is 5'11.5-5'11.75, then Trae is, at best, just under 6 feet. Which means, there is a solid 2 inch gap between him and Curry. Curry is a solid 6'2, and I don't see him following below 6'1.75 even on his worst day.
Warren said on 20/Jun/22
@Height Investigator
Yep, Curry's about 6'2" until about 2 hours after waking up.
Canson said on 19/Jun/22
This is how it should look and how they look on the court. It’s about a 1.5” difference between them. Trae could be 6’0 flat and Curry 6’1.5. See Curry with John Wall and that’s 0.5-.75”. Wall isn’t much over 6’2 next to Beal who is 6’3”
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Click Here
Height Investigator said on 18/Jun/22
You also have to realize Trae has better posture than Steph, but even on a good day, there is a 2 inch gap in height. Trae aint 6 feet lmfao
Height Investigator said on 18/Jun/22
Steph is a solid 188 cm by afternoon whereas Trae is 182 cm at best. Curry has at least 2 inches on him, if not more.
Canson said on 18/Jun/22
@Jawilder: he’s one of a kind for sure
RJ the Alpaca said on 17/Jun/22
6'2" to 6'1" 3/4 anyway, congrats, to our champ and finals mvp! LFG, Warriors!
Warrior777 said on 16/Jun/22
Same height as obama, or a cm taller.
Jawilder said on 16/Jun/22
4 in 8 years. Steph Curry is truly the man.
Shane Gray@ said on 13/Jun/22
@viper but he's not 6'2" by this sites afternoon standards. He was 6'1 7/8" to 6'2" very early morning at his combine. So it's impossible that he us 6'2" in afternoon. But I get your point! Super long arms for his height, even if we are talking 6'1 1/2" or so.
viper said on 12/Jun/22
18 inch arms at 6-2 175 is wild
Daveyy said on 10/Jun/22
How can he be 185lbs ? I'm 6'2 but I have 18" arms, 44" chest and I weigh 175.
Shane Gray@ said on 8/Jun/22
@Height investigator that's impossible by this aites afternoon standard. He was 6'2" flat ag most at his combine . This site goes by afternoon heights. For him to be 6'2" be would have to lose zero height from early morning to afternoon.
Shane Gray@ said on 8/Jun/22
@Rob Steph measured 6'2" early morning. Yet you have hin 6'2" afternoon. Nobody has ever suggested he grew. And nobody goes from early morning to afternoon without losing some height. So respectively, this listing is impossible unless you are saying he doesn't any height from early morning to mid afternoon.
Canson said on 7/Jun/22
No he doesn’t. He has maybe 1.5” on Young if that. Maybe 3cm tbh
Height Investigator said on 6/Jun/22
No shorter than 6'2. Makes Trae Young look like 5'11.5-5'11.75 at best
Canson said on 5/Jun/22
@Warren: that’s precisely where he is. Wall back to back is 1/2-3/4”
Click Here
Warren said on 4/Jun/22
Nope. People r saying that he's 6'1.5 to 6'1.75 range with the trustworthy evidence in the below comments yeah
Eli Shahar said on 3/Jun/22
He’s a flat 6’2. He may even fall a bit under or over that mark 👍.
Canson said on 28/May/22
@Shane: I actually lose 3/8” in my first hour. I’m 6’4 5/8 after an hour of being awake assuming a normal routine of being on my feet for the first hour with just normal activity. At that stage the NBA would round me up to 6’4 3/4 perhaps. But with Curry I would say you and Christian could both be right. My guess is he was 6’2.75 in shoes. I could see 6’2 3/8 out of bed and 6’1 5/8 at his low as a best case unless he gained a fraction and is 6’1.75 now. But I think a reduction to 6’1.75 is a good start here on the site as he’s clearly not as tall as John Wall. Rob even acknowledged that Wall isn’t over 6’2 next to Bradley Beal or Paul Pierce.
Click Here
ChristianPerkins said on 27/May/22
Shane Gray@ said on 26/May/22
@ChristianPerkins I disagree and there's two reasons why: One. he measured 6'2" very early morning, so he was likely within a quarter inch of peak height. 1/3" top. Secondly, they round these up to nearest quarter inch. So unless he landed right on 6'2" flat, he was somewhere between 6'1 and 8/10 and just barely under 6'2". In other words, there's a good chance he was slightly under the 6'2" mark. Any over it at all and he'd have gotten 6'2 1/4". All that said, I don't believe he ever touches 6'2 1/2" out of bed, but he could be like 6'2 3/8". I'm not sure he's quite that tho but its reasonable.
Jawilder said on 26/May/22
@Shane yeah I lean towards 6’1.5 more than 6’1.75.
ChristianPerkins said on 26/May/22
I can see Curry measuring something like 6'2 5/8" (rounded to 6'2.75") straight out of bed, especially if he's the type to lose a full inch at his low and come down to 6'1 5/8".
Shane Gray@ said on 25/May/22
6'1 3/4" at a low? No chance. Unless you believe he only compresses 1/4" inch from early morning to a low, which is literally impossible. Under 6'1 1/2" at a low if full 6'2" flat early morning. Shoot, 6'1 1/2" lunchtime is more likely.
Shane Gray@ said on 25/May/22
@Rampage No chance he ever touches 6'2 3/4" barefoot out of bed. No way. 6'2 3/8" max. They measured early morning during his combine.
Jawilder said on 25/May/22
6’1.75 at a low wouldn’t surprise me. I highly doubt he’s 6’2 at a low tho.
Andrey200 said on 24/May/22
187.3 seems reasonable given Canson's argument. He isn't 190 range so that claim must've been in shoes (NBA doesn't measure barefoot, so couldn't have been merely a morning measurement that would indicate he is likely as listed in the evening).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/May/22
Editor Rob: 6ft 1.75 is a figure a few have called for over the years. At least the idea he's something like 6ft 2.5-2.75 barefoot is a distant memory...
Worst case, I'd go with that but not lower and 6ft2 is still a fair listing. I do wonder though if he did once get close to 6ft2¾ after maybe 1 or so out of bed.
Shane Gray@ said on 24/May/22
@Canson I agree. If he wanted to keep his listing I am sure he would have. He had kept it last season, after all. You may disagree, but I hope the policy is dropped next season. It's just made things even more confusing for some casual fans who now assume every listing is barefoot when there are still some shoe heights and a lot of guys rounded up more than the half inch that is texhnically allowed. It's also caused confusion regarding height comparables from the late 70s until a couple years ago. Additionally, most of the players hate it as they've been listed with shoes their entire lives. I believe teams should be able to list players as they wish. It's been interesting to see how some teams have followed the new policy strictly (such as Cleveland) and others have not, either last year, this year or both. I could call at some of those teams but I won't here.
Canson said on 23/May/22
@Editor Rob: well he called himself 6’2.75 so that either means he’s actually 6’1.75 barefoot or 6’1.5 and gave himself 1.25 for sneakers. Maybe 6’1.75 is a fair listing being 6’2 was an early morning? If he were really a solid 6’2 guy I could see the warriors measuring him early morning 6’2.5 or rounding him to that and keeping him at 6’3”. They list him at 6’2 which means he’s a little south of 6’2 more than likely. He’s a superstar so no way they would not let him keep his listing if he wanted it (LeBron magically grew an inch in his 30s according to the listings)

Editor Rob
6ft 1.75 is a figure a few have called for over the years. At least the idea he's something like 6ft 2.5-2.75 barefoot is a distant memory...
Canson said on 21/May/22
@Shane: Yea I saw 6’0.25 for Jay Will. He looks as if he’s at least 6’0 afternoon so that adds up with a 6’1.5-6’2 curry lol
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Jawilder said on 21/May/22
Man I would love to see Steph measured at a low on a stadio.
Shane said on 20/May/22
Recently on ESPN First Take, former Duke star Jay Williams said he stood by Steph and he is 6'3 1/2" to 6'4". He's obviously thinking in terms of shoe heights, but not sure Steph ever comes close to 6'4" other than out of bed in an Air Max 720 or something. Williams also called himself 6'2". He measured 6'0 1/2" at his combine. A lot of people still don't realize that lots of these players-- who have been listed in shoe height measurements their entire lives -- think of shoe heights as the height that counts.
Jawilder said on 13/May/22
Does anybody agree with this?
Steph out of bed: 6’2 3/8
Steph before bed: 6’1 5/8
Seth out of bed: 6’1.25
Seth before bed: 6’0.5
Canson said on 12/May/22
@Jawilder: yes that’s where I have Curry. Wall at best could look a hair over 6’2”. Someone I know who’s met him pegged him at 6’1.5-6’2” or max 6’2”.
Jawilder said on 12/May/22
If Wall is a 6’2 flat, then Curry must be 6’1.5. There’s def a half inch between the two. Maybe even 3/4.
Canson said on 8/May/22
@Warren: agreed. Seeing him with Wall I’d lean toward 6’1.5”. Plus he and Derrick Rose look similar. Not sure if 6’1.5 is Rose’s low but 6’1.25 probably is a worst case. Rob said himself it’s max 3/4”. Wall was a morning 6’2.75 so best case 6’2.25” but he can look a bit lower tbh. He looks 6’2 with Pierce or Beal
Canson said on 8/May/22
@Warren: agreed. Seeing him with Wall I’d lean toward 6’1.5”. Plus he and Derrick Rose look similar. Not sure if 6’1.5 is Rose’s low but 6’1.25 probably is a worst case
Canson said on 8/May/22
@Warren: agreed
Warren said on 7/May/22
6'1.5 or 6'1.75 for Curry. Needs the final downgrade.
Canson said on 7/May/22
@QM: yea all depends on what time of the day Kaka measures that. But Curry could be what you said 6’1 5/8 at his normal low (same as Jawilder said). But keep in mind that John Wall had some height on him and Wall looks nothing over 6’2 next to Bradley Beal or Paul Pierce
QM6'1.5"QM said on 7/May/22
Canson said on 4/May/22
Steph Curry and Kaka/ 6'1.25" ... he's very close to 6'2" barefoot in the evening.
I think 187 flat is the worst case.
Click Here
Jawilder said on 4/May/22
It’s a lock that he measures anywhere between 6’1.5-6’1.75 before bed. I wouldn’t be surprised he he measured 6’1.5 or 6’1.75 at a low. I’m still sticking with 6’1 5/8.
Canson said on 4/May/22
Canson said on 2/May/22
@Editor Rob: you can see here that he is not more than about an inch taller than his brother Seth. And Seth also shows 6’1 for his pre draft but 6’0.5 for his Sixers barefoot measurement. Couple that with the fact that the Warriors reduced him to 6’2 this season and the fact that 5’11.5 Mike Greenberg also said he’s at most 2” taller than him, he’s likely under 6’2”. If Curry were really 6’2” flat at lunchtime or at an afternoon low, he would’ve been able to pull something like 6’2 3/8 or 6’2 1/2 or worst case 6’2.25” earlier in the morning to retain a 6’3 listing. A lot of guys who measured 1/4” over were bumped up 3/4”. That’s happened with quite a few as Chris Paul allegedly measured it in 2019 and was listed 6’1 one season then dropped back to 6’0 later. Curry doesn’t look over 6’1.5-.75 range. Dell Curry looks like a weak 6’4 in person but that was in 2002 I believe
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Editor Rob
I couldn't see Curry as a flat 6ft 1.5 from everything out there. Maybe I get the 1.75 estimate though based on his measurement.
@Editor Rob: here is Curry with John Wall. Wall doesn’t look over 6’2 next to Bradley Beal and Paul Pierce, which you also said once. Curry looks like a guy who may manage 6’1 5/8 at lunchtime and 6’1.5 in the afternoon with Wall absolute best case and that’s if Wall is 6’2.25”. I have 2 cm between them in the pic which you mentioned but it could be a bit less. While Pierce looks near 6’6, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s around lunchtime and he’s 6’5.75 at his low next to Brady. That’s not 2” that he has on Brady
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Canson said on 3/May/22
@Editor Rob: it was early morning. 6’1.5 isn’t ruled out.
Canson said on 2/May/22
@Editor Rob: you can see here that he is not more than about an inch taller than his brother Seth. And Seth also shows 6’1 for his pre draft but 6’0.5 for his Sixers barefoot measurement. Couple that with the fact that the Warriors reduced him to 6’2 this season and the fact that 5’11.5 Mike Greenberg also said he’s at most 2” taller than him, he’s likely under 6’2”. If Curry were really 6’2” flat at lunchtime or at an afternoon low, he would’ve been able to pull something like 6’2 3/8 or 6’2 1/2 or worst case 6’2.25” earlier in the morning to retain a 6’3 listing. A lot of guys who measured 1/4” over were bumped up 3/4”. That’s happened with quite a few as Chris Paul allegedly measured it in 2019 and was listed 6’1 one season then dropped back to 6’0 later. Curry doesn’t look over 6’1.5-.75 range. Dell Curry looks like a weak 6’4 in person but that was in 2002 I believe
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Editor Rob
I couldn't see Curry as a flat 6ft 1.5 from everything out there. Maybe I get the 1.75 estimate though based on his measurement.
Canson said on 20/Apr/22
@Ice: that’s actually decent for his lunchtime measurement. He could well be 6’1 5/8 afternoon but also 6’1.5
Jawilder said on 20/Apr/22
I wouldn’t mind a 6’1.75 listing but 6’1.5 is just as reasonable. I think he’s definitely in the 6’1.5-.75 range before bed. Probably exactly an inch taller than me and his brother.
IceCold said on 19/Apr/22
Stephen Curry's Height
6 ft 1 3/4 (187.3 сm)
since The Editor not using 1/8 fractions without measurements, it could be a good shout
IceCold said on 18/Apr/22
But the pic with Favre was from 2016. He could be lost height, based on the recent pics
IceCold said on 18/Apr/22
Canson, Yup, and i uset to think 6'1 for him. But it could be a bit low. 6'1.75 is very possible
Canson said on 17/Apr/22
@Ice: Reynolds has even claimed to be under 6’2 before. My guess is his afternoon height is just under the mark. I would go with 6’1.75” but with Brett Favre, who is a legit 6’2” and is older, he can look 6’1.5”
IceCold said on 13/Apr/22
Reynolds is not over 6'2, like some thinks
QM6'1.5"QM said on 13/Apr/22
Canson said on 10/Apr/22
Agreed with you, Canson.
Steph is def not under 6'1.5 but not over 6'2".
No doubt, this "188cm" mark everywhere is an very honest and true claim, but not his lowest/ evening height.
Curry also had about 3inches on Jimmy Fallon and just over 2inches on Denzel Washington, I have this important link:
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P.S. If you comparing Reynolds and Curry around to Fallon - they're almost the same:
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Canson said on 10/Apr/22
He should get reduced to 6’1.75. That’s a fair compromise and he’s near that at lunch if not right at. 6’1.5 or 6’1 5/8 afternoon
Oxhsks said on 8/Apr/22
188 right
Canson said on 7/Apr/22
If he really is 6’2 flat at lunch or afternoon, he would’ve retained his 6’3 listing in the pros. That would mean he would be 6’2.5 out of bed if not more. He’s not. Max is 6’2 3/8 and 6’1 5/8 afternoon or 6’2.25 and 6’1.5 which I bank on is his true height. He’s listed 6’2” now. He’s not 4” shorter than Draymond but it’s def 3.5+ range
Canson said on 5/Apr/22
@Ice: 6’1.75 would be a decent lunchtime listing. There’s a chance he’s 6’ 1 5/8 afternoon but that’s the max. I’d go with 6’1.5 at his afternoon though. 6’2 is too high
IceCold said on 29/Mar/22
Duhon said on 5/Mar/22
6'2" Curry w 6'1" Obama Click Here
So you saying me, that is even an inch?
IceCold said on 29/Mar/22
No more than 187 cm
Canson said on 18/Mar/22
Curry is closer to the camera in that pic
Duhon said on 5/Mar/22
6'2" Curry w 6'1" Obama
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 24/Feb/22
NBA List Him As This
Canson said on 7/Feb/22
Agreed Warren
Warren said on 2/Feb/22
Curry is 186.5-187cm before bed.
Canson said on 8/Jan/22
@RJT: yea but he only has an inch on his brother who measured 6’0.5 with the sizers. As for Ray I’ve been curious about his height. Can look as low as 6’3.5 then as tall as 6’4 at times. Maybe you’re right with 6’3.75 tho as that’s what I’ve always thought. 187ish is a fair estimate as that’s 6’1 5/8” which is good for lunchtime for him. That means 6’1.5 afternoon
RJT said on 7/Jan/22
@Canson & Editor Rob
Click Here
With 6'3.75" Ray Allen, Steph really looks 2" shorter even with seemingly taller sneakers and Ray slightly leaning in.
Steph is 187cm ish.
Chaoscontrol. said on 16/Dec/21
Google has him at 1.88 right now
Canson said on 12/Dec/21
@Editor Rob: you should say that he’s listed 6’2 this season
Canson said on 4/Dec/21
Jawilder said on 3/Dec/21
@Canson Good find on the 6’0.5” measurement from Seth. Steph looks an inch taller than his brother for the most part. 6’1.5” seems very likely at a low for Steph, just like you have been saying.
Thanks! To be fair (and I can’t stand him as a poster due to the lies etc but Kyle Kuzma was the one who posted that on LeBron’s page so I’ll give him the credit). I doubt Rob changes his listing to 6’1.5 if at all. If anything 6’1.75” maybe but 6’1.5 is what Curry should be listed. Funny part is I think Rob has Draymond Green listed appropriately but not Curry. There’s more height difference between them in most pics than he has. IMHO they almost align to 3.75” difference as their pre drafts suggest. At worst maybe 3.5” and Draymond could be 6’5 1/8 and Curry 6’1 5/8” at best
Canson said on 4/Dec/21
Jawilder said on 3/Dec/21
@Canson Good find on the 6’0.5” measurement from Seth. Steph looks an inch taller than his brother for the most part. 6’1.5” seems very likely at a low for Steph, just like you have been saying.
Thanks! To be fair (and I can’t stand him as a poster due to the lies etc but Kyle Kuzma was the one who posted that on LeBron’s page so I’ll give him the credit)
Jawilder said on 3/Dec/21
@Canson Good find on the 6’0.5” measurement from Seth. Steph looks an inch taller than his brother for the most part. 6’1.5” seems very likely at a low for Steph, just like you have been saying.
Canson said on 2/Dec/21
@Editor Rob: proof that Curry was a morning measurement
His brother measured 6’1 at the combine but 6’0.5 in the sixers measurements (6’1 morning height)
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Steph and Seth. Steph has him by an inch which lines up with what the poster Jackson said about his 6’2.5 friend when he met Curry and had an inch on him
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There is a reason why they made him 6’2” this season. At least if he were an afternoon 6’2” he would manage 6’2.5 early morning and would’ve stayed 6’3”. He can’t. He’s 6’2.25 out of bed 6’1.5 afternoon which is consistent with Danny Green Ty Lawson and Wayne Ellington
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Steph has his brother by an inch
Canson said on 3/Nov/21
@Editor Rob: how about a listing for Manu Ginobili? Recapa requested on Tony Parker’s page so credit to him. I’d give him a solid 6’5” listing next to Duncan or next to Kobe (take off the hair). Manu is a sure fit hall of famer
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Has a 6’5 listing here (6’6 in the pros in shoes)
Click Here
Canson said on 29/Oct/21
@Recapa: agreed. I’ve always had Steph as a 186.5-187 range guy. Max 187 (6’1 5/8”) or 6’1.5”
recapa said on 29/Oct/21
Click Here steph and listed 6ft1 1/2(186.7) john terry https they look the same height and i have JT right around his listing or in the 186.5-187 range i believe that steph should recieve a downgrade he is no way 1.5cm taller than john.
Jawilder said on 29/Oct/21
@RJT and Canson
That is a really great picture of the two. I’d think Curry edges him by just a little even in that picture. I can still definitely see a case for Steph being 6’1.5” at a low 👍
Shane said on 27/Oct/21
I'm not watching the NBA until they go back to their 40 year standard of shoe heights. Some teams have. I won't support the ones doing this like the Warriors.
Canson said on 27/Oct/21
@RJT: agreed. Also Gordon Hayward surprisingly looks near his measurement then again not sure if Korver is really 6’6.25 but I’ll give him 6’6 flat at worst. Hayward May still be a morning 6’6.75 and 6’6 3/8 afternoon
RJT said on 27/Oct/21
@Editor Rob @Canson
If Rose is listed at 6'1.5" then Curry should be downgraded
Click Here
Exactly same height.
Canson said on 23/Oct/21
@Editor Rob: I doubt it was any different than the morning measurement he received in 2009. They also likely measured Draymond and Klay around their morning measurements being both are listed 6’6” still.
Canson said on 22/Oct/21
@Recapa: they reduced him to 6’2 this season. Willing to bet he’s 6’1.5 afternoon and that Klay and Draymond also are 6’5.25 at best
Canson said on 22/Oct/21
@Editor Rob: he’s only listed at 6’2” now. Wonder if his 6’2.75 was in shoes all along. Meaning he’s 6’1.5 as I’ve said all along

Editor Rob
Maybe they actually did a decent measurement and he wasn't over 6ft 2 barefoot, even a tad shy.
recapa said on 11/Oct/21
186.5-187 before bed and 188.5-189 out of bed.
Canson said on 5/Oct/21
@Rampage: his measurement was early morning
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recapa said on 4/Oct/21
@Jawlider, perfect guesses to me.
Canson said on 4/Oct/21
@Jawilder: those look really good
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Oct/21
Out of bed: 189.5-190cm
Before bed: 187.5-188cm
Jawilder said on 2/Oct/21
Steph 6’1 5/8
Rose 6’1.5”
Kyrie 6’1 3/8
Canson said on 2/Oct/21
@Recapa: agree with everything you said
Canson said on 2/Oct/21
@RJT: yep that adds up about with what Mike Greenberg assessed. He said that Curry was max 2” taller than him and that he was 5’11.5”. I have Curry at 6’1.5 but maybe he’s a touch over at 6’1 5/8”. Iggy is probably close to a low. Maybe he’s 6’5 5/8”
recapa said on 1/Oct/21
@RJT,thats sounds about right .i have iguodala at worst at 197 and steph looks 4 inches shorter there he is probably somewhere between 186.5-187 just like what they always describe him at. d-rose is identical and kyrie is probably a hair or a 1cm shorter than both as he never never appeared 6ft2 as a strong 6ft1 guys supposed to look like .steph:186.5-187,kyrie:186-186.5, derrick rose: 186.5-187.
RJT said on 1/Oct/21
@Editor Rob @Canson
With 6'5.75" measured Iguodala, Curry looks solid 4" shorter
Click Here
He's not taller than 6'1.75"
The dude with headband is listed at 6'5, and look 2.5" taller than Curry so he's probably 6'3.75 or 6'4 barefoot.
Canson said on 15/Sep/21
@Recapa: yea I have Carmelo between 198-199 somewhere. Kawhi is likely 197-198. Bird is probably in that range where you have him
recapa said on 14/Sep/21
fixed some guesses : larry bird (205.5),kawhi(197),carmelo(199),luka(198).
Canson said on 14/Sep/21
@Recapa: actually Klay may be 196.5 and Draymond 196.2. I do remember Travis Schlenk say that Draymond was the third shortest player on that team back when Curry and I think Q cook or someone were there
Canson said on 13/Sep/21
@Recapa: excellent guesses on your part! I’d say Klay and Draymond are both probably within 196-197. Could be low end or higher end. Butler could be 196-197 too but no higher. I’d put Russ around 189 but that’s close enough
recapa said on 12/Sep/21
@Canson ;i want to hear your opinion about these guesses of some players heights :stephen curry(186.5) ,draymond(196),klay (197),chris paul(180.5),lebron (201),kevin love (202.5),kyrie (186.5),durant (206.5),kawhi(197.5),jimmy butler (196),giannis (209),kobe (195),luka(198.5),carmelo(198.5),harden(191.5),westbrook(188.5).dwayne wade (190),chris bosh (209),tim duncan (208) ,dirk (210),magic johnson (202),larry bird (205),dwight howard (205.5).
Canson said on 8/Sep/21
@Recapa: yea could be close to 4. I’d say 3.75”. Klay is probably Draymond’s height
recapa said on 5/Sep/21
Click Here curry back to back with klay.that looks like at least 4 inches between them .i can see curry being 186-187 and klay 196-197.
Canson said on 4/Sep/21
Ilham said on 27/Aug/21
1)Kevin Durant(207cm)
8)Steph Curry(187cm)
9)Damian Lilliard(186cm)
10)Chris Paul(180cm)
I would say
1)Kevin Durant(207cm) agreed close enough
2)Giannis(210cm) 209 cm
3)Nikola(210cm) About right maybe a bit less but close enough
4)Luka(198cm) looks about right
5)Rondo(180cm) probably more 183. Looks 6’0” more so than 5’11
6)Kawai(200cm) not close. He’s under 6’6” possibly or at best 198
7)Lebron(201cm) looks right. 200.5-201.5
8)Steph Curry(187cm) close enough and maybe dead on (6’1.5”)
9)Damian Lilliard(186cm) 6’0” and change (184 best case)
10)Chris Paul(180cm) accurate
Ilham said on 27/Aug/21
1)Kevin Durant(207cm)
8)Steph Curry(187cm)
9)Damian Lilliard(186cm)
10)Chris Paul(180cm)
Jawilder said on 16/Aug/21
He looks an inch taller than Obama, who seems to be a solid
6’1 guy. But he was measured 6’2 in the morning at the combine... Rob’s listing makes sense, but thinking he is 6’1.5” at a low also makes sense. He’s obviously somewhere in the 6’1.5”-2 range. I’m gonna stick with 6’1.5” but could easily see him anywhere up to 6’2. How tall would y’all say John Wall is, and how much taller is Wall in the back to back picture with Curry? I was thinking around 3/4 an inch.
Canson said on 15/Aug/21
@RJT: I would still say 6’1.5” with Russ. He would get 6’2 an hour out of bed though. Here he is with John Wall and Wall is shorter than Beal. I’m not seeing how Curry is still listed 6’2” when Beal is listed 6’3 and is taller than Wall very clearly. According to people who have met both guys Wall is at most 6’2 (someone pegged him under) and Beal 6’3 (one person thought he may have been slightly over but also said Beal’s footwear was likely thicker and he himself is not 6’3” flat at this stage in his life he’s 6’2.75). Beal struggles to look over 6’3” in pics
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Canson said on 15/Aug/21
@RJT: I would still say 6’1.5” with Russ. He would get 6’2 an hour out of bed though. Here he is with John Wall and Wall is shorter than Beal
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RJT said on 15/Aug/21
Shorter than Westbrook even when he was leaning in
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6'1.75" is what he is
Robbie Murphy Lee said on 10/Aug/21
hey Rob how tall does he look with barack
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Editor Rob
Although if you looked at his feet you would think Curry might be 4 to 5 inches closer, he is leaning back so his head might not be that much closer really. How much he’s losing with stance? At least half inch maybe but more, that is the tricky thing to guess…still I wouldn’t guess him much less than 6ft 2 there
Canson said on 25/Jul/21
@RJT: here is Wall with Curry. And we know Wall had to be a morning height being He’s shorter than Beal. Living around Washington I know people who’ve met Wall and said he’s max 6’2”. One person even said he looked under by a hair possibly but I’ll stick to 6’2”. Beal has gone on record to say he’s 6’3 and that’s about as high as he is imho. He may have been a couple hours out of bed at 6’3.25 or maybe he grew a tad.
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Beal Wall and Paul Pierce
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Canson said on 25/Jul/21
@RJT: Curry is max 6’1.5”. His was documented to be morning. Blake Griffin was in the same draft and he was like 630 am. Curry tweeted at 6:30 AM too. See article below. Then his pic back to back with John Wall he’s close to 2cm shorter. They explicitly state that all players analyzed from UNC that’s Lawson Green and Ellington gained at least half inch from the previous year.
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RJT said on 23/Jul/21
He only look slightly taller than verified 6'1.5" John Terry
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While having sneakers advantage
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Curry is max 6'1 7/8", and around 6'1.75" for afternoon height.
Duhon said on 21/Jul/21
Even with the lean I can't see more than 2" between Steph and 6'4.25" Tom Brady
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Canson said on 9/Jul/21
@Editor Rob: yea with Draymond it doesn’t look 4 on that pic but if you see them in other pics, it’s possible it’s 3.5-4”. 3.5 is prob fair.
Canson said on 9/Jul/21
@Beau: but he’s shorter than Wall. Wall is shorter than 6’3” Bradley Beal by more than just half inch. He doesn’t have an inch on Obama either
Beau said on 8/Jul/21
"I doubt that he is 6'2" He barely taller than Obama"
Plenty more photos of him and Obama where he's an each inch taller, in some cases looks possibly 1.5".
Canson said on 22/Jun/21
@Editor Rob: in that particular picture maybe that’s the case. In some others it is closer to 4” though. It’s possible Draymond is only 6’5” too. Curry looks under 6’2” with Wall considering Wall looks 6’2” with Beal and Paul Pierce like you said on Beal’s page. Not to mention, Curry is confirmed a morning height same as Blake Griffin that season.
RJT said on 22/Jun/21
@Canson @Rob
Click Here
Looks like 3" difference but accounting for Curry tilting his head up, the difference is at least 3.5" to 4"
3'5" difference would make Curry 6'1.5"- 6'1 5/8" which is how he looks.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't have guessed there was 3.5.-4 between him and Green, but 3-3.5 range
Canson said on 30/May/21
@Editor Rob: if Wall is clearly shorter than 6’3 (max) Bradley Beal and has 2cm on Curry, why is Curry still listed 6’2”? Curry was in the same draft class as Griffin who was proven 630am measurement. Curry tweeted out that he was getting measured and his tweet was in the same timeframe (630am) as the video and time griffin got his. Not to mention, it clearly states below in the article that all players sampled and measured in 2008 and 2009 Gained at least half inch from 2008 to 2009
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Click Here
Canson said on 29/Apr/21
@Recapa: I would say maybe that but I see times when Draymond looks taller too. I’d probably list him similar but 6’5.5 is arguable too. What’s certain is that curry is over listed
recapa said on 25/Apr/21
@Rob,i think klay deserves a page at this point .he was measured at 6ft5.75 barefoot here he is next to 6ft1.5 curry
Click Here looks about 4 inches taller .i think that 6ft5.5 would be a perfect listing for him.
Canson said on 23/Apr/21
@RJT: it’s def at least 2 cm. Rob needs to downgrade Curry imho if being consistent. At best should be 6’1.75 since it was proven early morning. Really 6’1.5” being consistent with the others that lost half inch in the article I posted. Griffin is ok but I’d have gone 6’8”. I guess 6’8.25 lunch is ok but Harden needs to be reduced at least 1/4” if not 1/2”. Really the latter
Canson said on 22/Apr/21
@Editor Rob and Viper: look at the quote too. It says up at 630. Listed below. It says the players measured 1/2” taller than the year before so they consider this class 1/2” shorter than the year prior. This covers Blake Griffin, James Harden, and Curry being all three were drafted that year. Look at Wayne Ellington, Ty Lawson, Danny Green’s measurements where they are all 1/2” or in Green’s case 3/4” higher than the previous year. Curry is 6’1.5, Harden 6’3.5, Griffin 6’8”. The only one who’s close to his measurement is Griffin at 6’8.25”
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Also it says pre drafts for 2009 (the year he went to the combine and was drafted) were held early morning
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RJT said on 22/Apr/21
Click Here
@Canson @Rob
Look like an inch difference when Curry had to look up to Westbrook at 1.06
Incognito324 said on 20/Apr/21
I doubt that he is 6'2" He barely taller than Obama
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 20/Apr/21
@Viper: afternoon shoe height though
viper said on 18/Apr/21
The 6-2.75 is most definitely in shoes
Canson said on 18/Apr/21
@Rob: more proof that Curry is a weak 6’2” 6’1.5 afternoon height. He’s not as tall as Brett Favre
Canson said on 18/Apr/21
@RJT: means Curry is due for a downgrade
Canson said on 17/Apr/21
@RJT and Editor Rob: Curry along with Harden are both over listed. Both were confirmed early morning measurements. Curry is 6’1.5” and Harden max 192 cm maybe 6’3 5/8 max. Beal I doubt is 6’3.25” but maybe he can squeak by at 6’3”. To be honest, I’d have said 6’2.75”
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RJT said on 13/Apr/21
@Canson @Rob
Curry is more than an inch shorter than Bradley Beal
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Editor Rob
In that moment maybe 3cm
Canson said on 24/Mar/21
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/21
Rob, any validity to that 6ft2¾ barefoot claim?
I think within an hour of waking up most feasible scenario. If that's later in the morning, then really he's a strong 6ft2 guy which I have a hard time believing...but 6ft1½ seems too low for him aswell though. Hard guy to pin down
@Rampage: I doubt he could even get there out of bed. He measured 6’2 at the same time of the morning (630) that Blake Griffin measured 6’8.5”. Likely Curry is 6’1.5”. Curry also tweeted around that time of the morning after he had been tested. See John Wall who measured 6’2.75 and Is taller. People who’ve met Wall around here when he played here said he’s not more than 6’2 in person
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Canson said on 24/Mar/21
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/21
Rob, any validity to that 6ft2¾ barefoot claim?
I think within an hour of waking up most feasible scenario. If that's later in the morning, then really he's a strong 6ft2 guy which I have a hard time believing...but 6ft1½ seems too low for him aswell though. Hard guy to pin down
@Rampage: I doubt he could even get there out of bed. He measured 6’2 at the same time of the morning (630) that Blake Griffin measured 6’8.5”. Likely Curry is 6’1.5”. Curry also tweeted around that time of the morning after he had been tested
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Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/21
Rob, any validity to that 6ft2¾ barefoot claim?
I think within an hour of waking up most feasible scenario. If that's later in the morning, then really he's a strong 6ft2 guy which I have a hard time believing...but 6ft1½ seems too low for him aswell though. Hard guy to pin down
Cbrady said on 19/Mar/21
@ Ivern If Dennis Schroedr is 6-1 then what is going on when he stands next to Chris Paul, who most think is a very weak six footer?
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Ivern said on 13/Mar/21
Here is some footage from the game, Mr. Rob:
Click Here
From 0:38 there're a lot of angles to analyze. I can't just see how Steph is taller than Dennis. Maybe Dennis was actually underlisted? Perhaps different head shapes could create such illusion?
Either way I doubt Curry is a full 6'2". He get 6'1.5" from me.
Canson said on 13/Mar/21
@Editor Rob: but just like Griffin he too got an early morning measurement. They were the same year. He looks no taller than 6’1.5 next to Draymond or Klay
heyyyyyyyy said on 12/Mar/21
Ivern said on 12/Mar/21
Looks too similar to 6'1" listed Dennis Schroder here Mr. Rob. If you watch the whole game, in some angles Schroder looks a bit taller even
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Editor Rob
If the camera is high up and the guy on the left a bit further away, it can actually make him look a little taller than he should.
Canson said on 11/Mar/21
6’2 3/4” without shoes my a$$. That’s in basketball sneaks
Canson said on 7/Mar/21
Definitely not over 6’1.5”. Solid 2” on 5’11.5 Mike Conley if Conley is even that
Canson said on 3/Mar/21
@Recapa: he was listed 6’1” last year before he went to Philly. He measured 6’1” at the draft so he’s an inch shorter than Steph you’re right. In reality 6’0.5” afternoon height Steph 6’1.5
recapa said on 2/Mar/21
how tall is seth .he is listed at 6ft2 and looks about an inch shorter than his big bro. i have him at around 184.5-185cm and steph around 186.5-187cm as for dell he looks about 2 inches taller than steph so 192-192.5cm range for him.
Canson said on 8/Feb/21
@Shane: no rush!
Shane Gray said on 6/Feb/21
@Canson thanks I will try to email you back today (Saturday).
Canson said on 30/Jan/21
@Shane: I emailed you!
Shane said on 29/Jan/21
@Canson: send me an email at therealshanegray AT I got some interesting stuff to share with ya, buddy!
Shane said on 29/Jan/21
@Canson Curry's brother Seth is listed 6'2" now on both and ESPN.
Canson said on 16/Jan/21
@Viper: only problem is Beal is 6’3”. He measured 6’3.25 when drafted (likely early am). Maybe he’s grown a tad but I doubt he’s any taller than you are. He’s probably at most 6’3 flat if he got that listing. Otherwise he would’ve been listed 6’4” if he were a guy measuring closer to it in the morning (after 1-2 hours). He appears taller than Wall. Maybe it’s only 2 cm or maybe Beal really is a strong 6’3 but my money is Wall is at most a flat 6’2”
slim 6'1 said on 16/Jan/21
Solid 187cm
viper said on 13/Jan/21
Wall could be 6-2 and some change there
Canson said on 30/Dec/20
I see his brother has been dropped to 6’1” this season
Canson said on 27/Dec/20
@Editor Rob: how much difference do you see between Curry and John Wall? It seems Wall has a larger head than Curry and possibly a bit more hair influencing the perception
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Editor Rob
could look just 2cm
Canson said on 26/Dec/20
@Junior: I’d say solid 6’1.5 and 6’2.25 out of bed
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Dec/20
Curry does look 6'2 with Kaka. Kaka real height is 185.6cm so Curry might a chance to hit 187.5cm just small fraction under 6'2. Curry confuse me more between 187-188cm which i don't agree 6'1 1/2 and even some people worst estimate had him 6'1 1/4.
Shane Gray said on 24/Dec/20
@Canson thanks buddy. It must have been an older post if those were from me. I havent commented on those in awhile.
Osna said on 22/Dec/20
I'd guess Curry is a weak 6'2", strong 6'1" barefooted.
Canson said on 22/Dec/20
@Shane: I saw your posts on Reddit too regarding LeBron and Zion and I agree with you 100%. Spot on
Canson said on 19/Dec/20
@Shane: great to hear from you! Agree with everything you said
QM6'1QM said on 18/Dec/20
If Kaka 6'1.25" than Steph is ~6'2":
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Shane Gray said on 18/Dec/20
@Canson: Interesting to see how this years rookies are getting listed, huh? @Duhon: You are wrong on shoes my friend. Lebron for example plays in his shoes which give around 1.4 and you know he has a thick orthotic in there too because he is fanatical about taking care of his body. So he ends up getting well over 1.5. Likely closer to two finches. Orthotics are not heavy and good ones give a good amount of height. Lots of guys are getting 1.5 or so on the court with that variable understood.
Canson said on 17/Dec/20
@RJT: yea Reynolds does have them although he’d possibly measure similar to Curry. I doubt either guy is 6’2”. Both 6’1.5 perhaps Reynolds 6’1.75”
RJT said on 13/Dec/20
Honestly Steph just doesn't have legit 6'2 proportion like Ryan Reynolds or Forest Whitetaker do.
At best he's 187cm so 6'1.5" or 6'1.75" is better.
Canson said on 7/Dec/20
@Tajuan Gibson: I agree. I think right out of bed 6’2.25” then 6’1 7/8 or 6’2 after that first hour. Then 6’1 5/8 lunch then 6’1.5 afternoon
tajaun gibbison said on 5/Dec/20
6'1.5" night, maybe around 6'1 5/8"-6'1.75" afternoon and 6'2"-6'2.25 " morning.
Canson said on 26/Nov/20
@RJT: I wonder about Beal. I used to think strong 6’3” or weak 6’4” but now not sure. He only got listed 6’3”. A friend of mine who was 6’3 (6’2.75 or maybe 190cm afternoon height in his 60s) thought Beal was slightly taller but then he should’ve been listed 6’4” if he got measured in the morning. I have a feeling he may not have really been or it could’ve been the footwear
tajaun gibbison said on 26/Nov/20
@Duhon They actually do wear shoes that give close to 1.5". If you compare their barefoot height and height with shoes, you'll see. Some even have 2" difference, though they might just be wearing padded socks.
RJT said on 25/Nov/20
@Canson & Editor Rob
With strong 6'2 Westbrook
Click Here
With 6'3.25" measured Bradley Beal
Click Here
Inch shorter than Russ & around 1.5-75"shorter than Beal.
He can look 6'2 next to shorter guys but to similar or taller guys, he doesn't look 6'2 at all.
Rob probably doesn't downgrade him because of his "official measurement" yet Donald Trump was supposedly measured at 6'3, yet when he doesn't appear that mark at all next to 6'2-6'3 guys, he gets his current listing.
Canson said on 19/Nov/20
@RJT: yea afternoon measurements, I’d give Wade 6’3” and Curry 6’1.5 (6’2 morning)
RJT said on 19/Nov/20
@Editor Rob
Meant to say Curry doesn't look 6'2 at all. Time to downgrade him.
RJT said on 18/Nov/20
@Duhon @Editor Rob
With 6'3 Wade, whether he's flat 6'3 or a quarter above it, Steph doesn't look 6'3 at all.
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Duhon said on 16/Nov/20
@RJT UA sneakers are not 1.5" thick even Nike Air Max's are only 1.34". NBA players could barely get up and down the court wearing 1.5" thick clunkers.
RJT said on 16/Nov/20
Click Here
In that pic Curry seem to have 1" on him but I'm betting that Curry wore 1.5" UA basketball sneakers while Djokovic probably wear casual Adidas which only gave him 3/4" or so. Curry was 6'3 in basketball sneaks and Djokovic was 6'2.25" which line up on how they looked in the pic.
Barefoot however
Curry is 6'1.5-75" max
Djokovic is 6'1.5
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
@Recapa: yea I could see 187 for him 6’1 5/8 possibly being an afternoon or 186.7 6’1.5
recapa said on 12/Nov/20
he edged djokovic who could be even 6ft1.25 at low so 6ft1.5-6ft1.75
Canson said on 23/Oct/20
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Oct/20
Steph dad must be around 6'3.
@Junior: Dell is taller than that in person. Maybe not the full 6’4” but a weak 6’4 is what I would have pegged him. 6’3.5 or 6’3.75”. Admittedly I don’t know if footwear was a factor although I don’t think it was.
Canson said on 22/Oct/20
@RJT: I also remember Barkley saying Gerald Wallace was only about 6’4.5 like he is although he’s listed 6’7”. About could mean 6’4-6’5 range likely closer to 5 but looks around 4.5 with 6’1.5 curry
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Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Oct/20
Steph dad must be around 6'3.
simon L said on 17/Oct/20
@Canson it's hard to take any sort of personal encounter with someone as evidence of another person's height. Comparing Steph with people on this site who have generally agreed upon heights is a much more accurate method imo.
But even in the picture you linked, Curry has worse posture than Jarret Jack and looks a quarter inch shorter to me.
If you think those pictures favored Curry, then we can look at videos instead.
In this video with Obama, from any angle you look at it, Curry has Obama by an inch. And I think that is a conservative estimate of the difference.
Click Here
This video is difficult because of Steph's poor posture throughout, but I think it's pretty safe to say that Steph looks at least 6'1.75 and at most 6'2.25 here as well.
Click Here
And lastly, in this video of curry and wade swapping their jersey's, I see around an inch difference.
Click Here
So all things considered, Curry always looks to be in the 6'1.75-6'2.25 range. He looks taller than 6'2 at times when he stands his tallest, and can look slightly under 6'2 when he holds that weak posture that he tends to do. I think in the evening he measures pretty much bang on 6'2.
RJT said on 17/Oct/20
@Canson @Editor Rob
The key here is to figure out Chauncey Billups' height, that'll relate to find out Curry's real height.
Like Canson said, Billups was listed at 6'3 but probably 6'1.5" barefoot himself as seen from these pics
With 6'1.25" self admitted Tony Parker
Click Here
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With 6'1 self admitted Steve Nash
Click Here (Closer to the camera but nonetheless only marginally taller)
With 6'3 Dwyane Wade
Click Here (With better angle & closer distance, that's near 2" difference,)
And finally that 2010 USA team picture
Click Here
Curry's slightly shorter than 6'2 Eric Gordon, and Billups look identical to Curry, yet in above pics Billups look only marginally taller than TP & Nash so he ain't 6'2 either, 6'1.5" seem spot on.
Finally here's the icing on the cake (again) for Curry to be donwgraded to 6'1.5" Rob
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Click Here (Curry's tophead only reach 6'6 Pierce eyelevel, if 6'2 should reach eyebrow)
Case closed, Curry isn't any taller than 6'1.5" Billups. If only 1 or 2 pic you could argue posture/angle etc, but in literally any pics with Billups, Curry looked to be his height twin.
simon L said on 15/Oct/20
@Canson I just don't see him being as low as 6'1.5
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in photos with westbrook he always looks at most half an inch shorter.
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with lebron he consistently looks 5 inches shorter NEVER 6 inches
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with people like 5'11 kimmel he really gives a 6'2 impression
with 6'1.5 djokovic he even looks 6'2.5
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and looking at other photos with people such as jimmy fallon, lillard, klay - the lowest he can ever look is maybe 6'1.75 and the highest he ever looks is 6'2.5.
I'd give him the 6'2.
Canson said on 5/Oct/20
@Fried Chicken: I’m not seeing Curry having 1” on either of those guys.
FriedChicken said on 2/Oct/20
I wouldn't mind a downgrade but then Kyrie would have to be listed 6'1 flat because Curry consistently looks an inch taller. He does look a solid inch on Obama which is strange because Curry's listing is in the morning.