How tall is Sigourney Weaver - Page 2

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Average Guess (113 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 11.26in (181cm)
Current: 5ft 10.41in (178.8cm)
Richard said on 30/May/08
By the way I agree with Candice, petite height for a woman makes a woman more of a woman and more feminine. And if she is pretty too that is a plus! Let's give it up for Candice and all those others who stick up for the beauty and advantages of petite women. I do find petite women much more delicate, feminine and prettier. And most men do.
Richard said on 30/May/08
True,but to me I like the petites. That is just my taste. As for Christie she is wrong on the way she is going about expressing herself about her height and tall women. She can do it in a much nicer way than talking as if tall women are superior to petite women because that is illogical and certainly not true at all. She has no right making herself seem superior to anyone else just because of her tall height. Its ridiculous and this is the point I am debating here with her. She can just say she enjoys the fact that she was created tall. She doesnt have to go putting others down about it because that just isnt fair. and it isnt right for her to say that petite women are jealous of tall women because that is irrational and absurd. There are plenty of petite women who I know who enjoy their petiteness and are very content with their height and bodies. Just want Christie to wake up and realize this.
Richard said on 29/May/08
Candice, you couldn't have expressed the truth any better to a snot like Christie and I am with you all the way on that. As for Supermanfan, look here, that is just you and your preference. Good for you if your wife is tall. I really don't care though it is not my preference. I prefer petite beauties. And nothing that you or a snot like Christie is going to change my taste and view towards women.
Supermanfan380 said on 29/May/08
Richard, petite or tall makes no difference at all, in terms of the quality of a person. Maybe to the NBA, but not in the quality of a woman. My wife is 5'10.5", and she is beautiful. I like taller women, always have, but it is just a matter of taste, nothing more or less. Maybe just what -Christie- says about the "statuesque figure". The limb length and long waist has always been attractive to me. The fact that she is taller than I am has NEVER been an issue for us. We have had arguments about MANY things, as any healthy couple does, but her being tall has never been a problem in any way. Shallow minded people first notice that she is taller than me, and they sometimes ask if it has ever caused us problems, but in reality we are both happy to tell them, it is the only thing that has never been an issue. She was always sensitive about her height, because a lot of men told her that it made her
Candice said on 28/May/08
Ya know what, Christie, do yourself a big favor and get your stuck up self off this forum. Nobody likes a bragger like you who thinks you are better than everyone else just because you are of tall height. Please! Just for your information I am a petite woman who is pretty and I don't care if 6ft tall supermodels invaded the rest of this earth, I love being petite because it is very feminine and pleasing to men and has great advantages and I wouldn't change my petiteness if i could for anything. You are really just a stuck up snotty B*tch who has very low self -esteem and feels that the only way to make herself feel big and on top of everyone else is to degrade them and their qualities and try to make them inferior to you. I have got news for you, honey,you are a very obnoxious person for having the nature to do what you are doing and you aren't fooling anyone else here except yourself because not everyone wishes to be tall like you and there are plenty of women on this earth who feel the same way just like me to be blessed that they are of petite feminie height and pleasing to the male eye for our petite femininety and beauty so why don't you just grow up and get a life and some logic sense and realize that nobody likes a bragger and not the whole world is going to favor you as better just because you are tall.
Richard said on 28/May/08
HA! Christie, who are you kidding? All I can say to you is that you really need to get your head examined! You really have some mental disorder by the way you think and write and I do feel sorry for you because there is no way you can feel good about yourself if you try to make yourself superior to other women just because you are taller than most women. If you had healthy self- esteem you would not have to be bragging on this forum about how great being tall is IN YOUR OPINION. And thinking that I am a woman and that petites are jealous of model tall women, girl you really belong in a mental asylum for such crazy, idiotic,stupidity that you post on these sites. To be honest I won't say any more to you because you obviously are just too stubborn to get through to and your are just not worth the time and energy to fight with and argue with whether it is a man or woman who is trying to get through to your demented brain.
Christie said on 24/May/08
Richard, you are not a man! No guy would ever write so many times a day about this petite/tall women issue. You are a petite woman hating the fact that you can never stand up to a gorgeous model like woman. Seeing the model beauties in various fashion magazines, all of them being above 5'9'', must make you green with envy. Nevertheless, if you really are a guy (no way!) then I feel very sorry for your beautiful petite woman.....:-) No normal guy would ever argue with a woman whether tall or small is better. Only a very, very insecure idiot!!! It would really be enough to write just once what you prefer. Look how many notes you have left on this chat, instead. You feel sorry for me but there is really no reason. I feel very good about myself. I only wrote that I find taller people (men and women) more beautiful because of their statuesque figure and aristocratic charm. You, on the other hand, find small ladies more attractive. Ok, it is your taste and you should be happy with it and stick to it! Just like I will always stick to believing that tall is better and more charming!
Richard said on 9/May/08
C., everything you said I commend you for however I honestly must say that in regards to Christie, not only is she biased but insecure and jealous. If she was content about herself she wouldn't have to go bragging about herself and degrading really beautiful petite women on a public forum. I will let her be, however, I do feel very sorry for her because jealousy is an ugly monster and can make a person very mean and bitter,as Christie is presenting herself, along with emotional and physical insecurities.
C. said on 8/May/08
Most women in Hollywood are stick thin regardless of their height. Many of them have little curves and could hardly be called having an hourglass figure (i.e. Jessica Alba)-- short, average or tall. So I have no idea where you're seeing that. Women in the real world, maybe. But in Hollywood? Hardly. All of those women you see, from Eva Longoria to Gweneth Paltrow are extremely thin and most say they appear anorexic in person.

And many men love these women, as some do like women whom are very thin, gauntly even. There are also those that like women a bit athletic, or curvier or whatever. There really is no standard, honestly. (Also, who's not to say they aren't real women either? Some of them may be naturally thin, and that's not their fault. Others whom have eating disorders need help.) The hourglass was popular in Marilyn Monroe's time, but the same can hardly apply in the 80s, 90s, and into the present day. But yes, men do like petite women, but they like all women honestly. It all depends on the country and culture.

And sure, models are tall and thin, but many of these actresses are just as thin even with or without the height. The media perpetuates thinness in general, not so much height-- unless you're a male. As for prettier faces, that also has a standard, particularly a western one, held by the media. Again, in other countries the same may not apply at all.

And Christie has her biases, but so does everyone else. It's not worth arguing over. Let her be-- you're not going to change her mind or anything, and her view on yours. But of course the whole "tallness is better" attitude will rub people the wrong way. Hell, it does for me and I'm tall. I have plenty of family members whom are of average or short height and I would be angry if someone said they aren't as pretty because of their height, because frankly, that has nothing to do with anything. Your perceived beauty is a luck of the draw. There are less attractive tall women due to sheer numbers, as most women are not tall. Most people period fall in between average height, therefore most of the attractive people are of average height. It's statistics 101.
Candice said on 7/May/08
You know what is really vexing? Christie and her jealousy of woman with hour glass figures and gorgeous faces. Over centuries men have said that they prefer the petite height, hourglass shape and a pretty face. This isn't to say that some men don't prefer other shapes, but a majority of men like hourglass, petite beauties. And you know what,Christie? If you aren'tone of these beauties, tough! I'm tired of the tall, stick- thin media calling short hourglass women and size zero women ugly just so they can boost the egos of insecure taller women who are emotional eaters. These ad campaigns (and you know which ones I'm talking about) who show "real women" are the works of denial. There are women who are better looking than you Christie, who have more desirable and dainty builds and prettier faces! You just have to accept that and stop trying to boast about yourself on this site to make yourself think you are above everyone else because you aren't. Once you come to grips with that you are living back in the real world.
Richard said on 7/May/08
C.,I am sure this madness will stop once Christie realizes she has low self esteem and is jealous of beautiful petite feminine looking women who have prettier faces and figures than tall women and learns to get over her overrated self. Candice, you are absolutely right! Christie is just jealous of naturally beautiful petite women because 1.)they are more feminine looking in shape and size, 2.)their petiteness makes their beauty dainty,feminine and prettier, 3.)petites are favored more by men over tall women because petites bring out a man's masculine qualities, 4.)Men find it much easier to have a relationship with petites in many aspects,esp.physical aspects. 5.)Christie just wishes she was one of the beautiful,dainty women and because she isn't she has nothing better to do than to make degrading comments about them to make herself feel superior out of downright jealousy. How sad for her. Hope she grows up and gets a life.
Richard said on 7/May/08
When snobby Christie learns to get over that inflated opinion of herself then maybe all this crap will stop. She has to stop trying to feel she is superior to shorter women just because she is tall. C. is correct!Beautiful women are beautiful regardless of their height and once Christie lets that sink into her thick snobby skull then maybe there will be peace once and for all on this forum!
C. said on 7/May/08
Will this madness ever stop? Pretty people are pretty people, regardless of their height. Most people do not care, except for perhaps most on this site. Short or tall women are not superior in terms of looks-- nor is one of them prettier or more attractive in general, it all depends on your taste. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, period.
Candice said on 6/May/08
I don't know why most people think that being tall is so wonderful. Don't get me wrong, I think tall women and models are beautiful. But I love how dainty and petite short women look. In fact they are prettier. I'm 5'2" and I would never want to be taller.
Richard said on 6/May/08
Oh and just to let you know Christie to prove your theory wrong about tall women there are lots of petite woman with the most gorgeous faces who outshine the tall women and have men taking notice of them over the taller ones!!! So sorry if you cannot accept that! You really have jealous, insecure problems,girl! So please do me a favor and get over yourself!
Richard said on 6/May/08
Christie, that is just your opinion. It's not a fact. You really need to get over yourself! And stop fooling yourself. It makes no difference what height you are, if a woman has a beautiful face then she is beautiful no matter how tall she is and just for your information you are nuts in the head if you think I am a woman! I am a 37 year old man with success as pilot and happily engaged to a petite woman whom I consider the most beautiful woman in the world. You really need to get over yourself because not everyone is going to favor tall good looking woman over petite ones. The whole world doesn't think the way you do and once you realize that the better off you will be.
Christie said on 3/May/08
Dear Richard, everyone has his/her own taste. I find taller people more atractive than smaller ones. However, I do not deny that short people cannot be good looking. Of course, there are a lot of petite women with beautiful faces but being short does not give them that extra "something" as it does for tall women. In Italy there is a nice saying about tall women. Their height adds an extra spice to their beauty. Meaning: a petite woman with a beautiful face will never be as striking as a tall woman with a beautiful face. By the way, I believe you are a petite woman, dear Richard......:-)
Richard said on 29/Apr/08
No kidding! Bill Murray was claimed as 6 ft. 2 in.? No kidding! Do you think he may in fact be? Something tells me he can't be that tall. Do check out Gorillas in the Mist and let me know what you think of Sig's height in that flick. Because she looks like she is about 5'11 standing next to a solid 6'1 Bryan Brown. I may take your word on it that she could be a real close 6 footer if you say she is 5'11 1/2"!
C. said on 28/Apr/08
I've seen "Ghostbusters" and yeah, she does only look a bit smaller than Bill Murray (who some claim is 6'2" rather than 6'1" on this site) so I'm thinking 6', maybe 5'11 1/2" at the smallest.
Richard said on 26/Apr/08
True,C.,but do you really think Sigourney may well in fact be 6ft? When I watch Ghostbusters she appears like only one inch shorter than 6'1 Bill Murray. In Gorillas in the Mist she looks more like 5'11 standing face to face near Bryan Brown who is a solid 6'1? Have you seen these Weaver Flicks? What do you think?
C. said on 25/Apr/08
I think Sigourney claims she's 5'11", but she may be like Uma (who is a weak 6') who claims the same thing. But they both look 6' or close to it, and with heels they look even taller. Because a 6' woman is more likely to downgrade compared to a man in Hollywood. At 6' you start dwarfing some of of the leading men.

Geena Davis is also 6' and I can't see Sigourney as shorter than her but given that it's an inch, it's very hard to tell. Also, she's probably lost a bit of height, given that's she's older now. But she's nothing shorter than 5'11" that's for sure.
Richard said on 25/Apr/08
Hello,C.!!! Absolutely correct what you stated back too. I couldn't agree more with you. I have seen petite women who have prettier faces than tall, long, legged women, while I have seen tall women with longer, slimmer, sexier legs. That is what makes each kind attractive in their own way! By the way, do you know that I read somewhere that Sigourney Weaver was actually placed as 6ft. tall and people have actually said that she was. Yet, Weaver is stating that she is indeed 5'11 so I bet that when she is in public she is in heals which makes her appear over 5'11 and people mistake her for being 6 ft. when it is the heels that give her an inch lift. What do you think, C.?
C. said on 25/Apr/08
Of course short women can be more pretty than tall women and vise-versa. And average height women can be pretty too (apparently it seems that they're always left out of the equation). It's usually one's genes that determine that. (i.e. Rebecca Romijn is about the same height as Sigourney, yet their attractiveness...very different.)

As for Sigourney, some sites state her as 6'. I think that's possible as sometimes she appears taller than 180.
Richard said on 24/Apr/08
Message For CHRISTIE : you are just jealous of petite women otherwise it wouldn't bother you that petite women have the confidence in themselves to know that they are much more beautiful than a tall snob like yourself. And you also wouldn't have to bash really beautiful petite women who are prettier in the face than you and compare them to your tall self. (THIS MESSAGE IS DIRECTED SPECIALLY AT SNOBBY CHRISTIE)
Richard said on 24/Apr/08
Oh and by the way C., I also forgot to commend you for that true statement you made in which you say,"attractive people come in all shapes and sizes." So true to that. Perhaps that statement will wake stuck up Christie up and teach her a lesson as well as all these other tall women braggers. Petites can be even more beautiful.
Richard said on 24/Apr/08
C., as you can see I deeply apologize for directing all of what I said at you that I mean to direct at Christie as I have posted on Kate's height forum. Sorry for the mix up there. But what YOU were also wrong for is thinking that just because another female dislikes Kate and doesn't find her attractive or pretty they are jealous? That is so immature and ridiculous. Everyone has opinions about Kate and not all of them are going to be the same. That is why they are called OPINIONS. So as I said if some opinions are that Kate is not attractive or pretty then so be it. Everyone is entitled to opinions and nobody is jealous just because they don't favor this certain celebrity. All the more reason these girls don't have any jealous issues when they know they are more beautiful than Kate. I was saying you must have insecurities about yourself if it bothers you so much that other women out there know they are more beautiful than your fave celebs. If it didn't you would be content about this and accept the opinions of kate as well and move on.
C. said on 24/Apr/08
@ Richard: What are you talking about? I haven't made any comment about myself whatsoever, so I have no idea where you're getting that I'm bragging (I also never mentioned my height on this page either). I also have nothing against short women, all I'm stating is that if you want to discuss height preferences, go to the general height section. This is Sigourney's page to discuss HER height.

Again, it seems that you're trying to stir up arguments when there are none. Christie was wrong for some of her comments, but so were you for your remarks as well. As I said previously, attractive people come in all shapes and sizes. Hollywood as well as the real world proves that.
Richard said on 23/Apr/08
C, all i am saying is you need to get over your jealousy of beautiful petite women who may in fact be even more beautiful than a tall attractive dame such as you. not to mention the fact that you have to brag about yourself only proves you have insecurities.
C. said on 23/Apr/08
@ Richard: I think we could care less about your preferences. Go on the general height section to discuss that. This is Sigourney's page and whether or not you think she's ugly or too tall or whatever is irrelevant. I've seen your comments a number of times and you're usually trying to stir up some sort of argument.

And if you're masculinity/femininity needs to be confirmed/reaffirmed with society's view on what is deemed as acceptable then that's you. That's not everyone. Some countries don't have this notion of height "acceptability" either. Especially when men or women are close in height, or when people in general could care less about height altogether, among other things. Wallace said it best-- striking and beautiful women (and people in general) come in a variety of sizes.
Richard said on 22/Apr/08
I think many women tend to like tall men because it makes them feel petite and feminine. In the same way men like women who are shorter than them as it reaffirms their masculinity.
Richard said on 22/Apr/08
Christie, don't fool yourself. There are petite women out there with the loveliest faces you can ever imagine who surpass tall women as yourself. So just because you are tall doesn't make you better than shorter women because there are plenty of petite babes out there who have a beauty that surpasses the likes of tall ones, yes, facially and bodily!
Richard said on 22/Apr/08
Yeah Christie better get a life because all she is is a stuck up prima donna who is jealous of truly beautiful petite women with gorgeous faces.
Wallace said on 22/Apr/08
Striking and beautiful women come in a variety of sizes. Christie you seem to have a chip on your shoulder... Mixture of Brinkley/Tiegs??? Self-praise is no praise at all!!!
Christie said on 20/Apr/08
Well, I am a very tall lady. Being 182 cm (5'11 1/2) tall, slim, small-boned and blond has drawn a lot of men to me since my teen years. I find it very often unpleasant because wherever I go, guys are going crazy over me. Looking like a mixture of Christie Brinkley/Cheryl Tiegs can truly be hard sometimes..... To be honest, I love my height and would never want to be below 5'10''. It is a great pity that so many tall and pretty women suffer because of their height and therefore, they slouch and wear only flat shoes. It is an advantage to be tall and a woman should wear her height proudly and be comfortable and happy about it. If there is a woman with a beautiful face and a tall body, she ALWAYS has an advantage over a short woman with just a beautiful face. The tall one always stands more out and the short one has always something missing there...... A lot of men (mainly the insecure ones) prefer shorter women without a striking face. This way they do not need to worry about their girl being "stolen" away by another guy. Only a strong character can stand other men turning their heads at his woman. By the way, Sigourney Weaver is not particularly pretty in face. However, she still has a very good figure and a great posture.
Richard said on 20/Apr/08
Well I prefer petite women over tall women,whether any of you tall ladies want to hear that or not. They make me feel more masculine than big tall women. So as you can see Sigourney ain't my type of woman. She ain't even pretty either.
C. said on 16/Apr/08
What's up with all this short vs. tall business? This is Sigourney's page to discuss her height, not for individuals to say whether or not a certain height is better. You must be very insecure if you have to come on this page dozens of times to state why you're better as a "petite" female or whatever. Seriously. People like different kinds of people, and most likely if it only boils down to your height, then that's pretty pathetic.

Anyway, Sigourney looks this height, although sometimes even tall. It's hard to determine sometimes.
ed said on 15/Mar/08
Im only about 5-10 but have a beautiful face too ;) personally i prefer women in the 5-6 to 5-8 range but no more...
lace said on 7/Mar/08
I'm 5'8 and LOVE IT! being a tall female has it's advantges also. weather you are petite or tall really doesn't matter. Personally being tall has 'rocked' sofar. those who are tall, use it. those who are petite, use it.
jennie said on 26/Feb/08
I love being petite. I think being petite has many great advantages. And I am so proud to be a petite young woman. Petites rock just as much.
Sam said on 23/Feb/08
I am 5'10 and i wish i was taller actually! Height isnt just good for modeling its good for sports and other things too. Besides, you can see more when ur taller... Tall people rock.
JW said on 18/Feb/08
I've seen babes in all heights - short and tall. Obviously tall women stand out more. But that's not to say there are'nt many hot "shorter" ladies. By the way, does'nt anyone here care about the personality and heart of a person? ...more important. I'd take an average looking women with a good personality over a total hotty with a bad personality anyday!
bruce_willis said on 6/Feb/08
Jenna most of the men like short or average women. NONE of my friends who i have discussed girls with (about 20 friends) is not interested in girls, taller than 5'8-5'9, neither am I. And i should even mention that none of my 20 friends mentioned are under 5'8 (I live in Sweden, all guys are pretty tall).
Leung said on 6/Feb/08
Jewel, yes all guys are different, each to their own is exactly right. Personally I like taller hotties. Some of my friends prefer petite women because they got the old school mentality that the guy needs to be taller. Here in Sydney there are guys that have asian fetish, so everyone is different has their own preferences to who they are attracted to.
JEWEL said on 5/Feb/08
Ofcourse everybody should be prejudiced to what they are.

If your short, then short is the best,
If your tall, then tall should also be the best.

In my experience, different men like different girls. I have met tall men who dont like short women because physical and eye to eye level contact is hard, and tall ones who dont like tall women cause they are "imposing". OR

Short men who looooovvee tall women, with their long legs and short ones
who feel intimidated.

Honestly, to each his own.
glenn said on 4/Feb/08
i also think thats to display the outfits better on their bodyframe and better visuals on the runway.not so much that they are prettier.
glenn said on 4/Feb/08
i love women of all shapes and sizes.
Jenna said on 3/Feb/08
HOw do you know if most men like short women??
And I am 5'10 1/2...
and i wasn't saying that all women want to be models and just because your tall don't mean that your an amazon..
I think you should get over yourself....
not just because i'm tall but i think tall women are much more attractive than short women why do you think they are models???????????
JEWEL said on 3/Feb/08
I model photographic and catwalk, and yes, you definitely have to be tall to model that type, above 5.9 is the requirement for those, 6ft is ideal. i dont do victoria secret though, and its for personal reasons. my body is for my man, and myself, so i do photographic, catwalk, sports and everynow and then catalogue. no glamour for me thanx.

and thanx for your comments by the way.
leonari said on 31/Jan/08
Jenna: Jenna , jenna...Maybe some woemn don't want to be models?? No?? You are right all of them are dreaming of the most superficial of all jobs... Your post is meaningless. Plus: most guys love petite women. Guys are not that much into amazon chicks...
How tall are you btw?
Jenna said on 31/Jan/08
At least tall women have a chance to be models you never see little short women walking down the cat walk, I'd rather be tall and fat then a little short ass with a big fat ass looking like an m&m!!!!!!
Tall women are beautiful Tall and skinny is much better looking than short and skinny thats very original and boring..
Mangina said on 28/Jan/08
Tall fat females look like nfl linebackers with long hair or sumo wrestlers.
To all tall supermodels, wait tell you get old, fat, and ugly.Maybe you can get a job as bodyguard to scare off short people.No guys would want to date a gigantic girl. I seen guys stand at 6'6 and weigh 350lbs. Imagine a girl standing at 6'2 and weigh 300lbs. What an eyesore. Tyra Banks looks like a horse.
Jennie said on 29/Dec/07
I am petite with a beautiful face and described by many as beautiful in a pixie like way. I am very proud and lucky about that. Whereas that is wonderful for you, Jewel,if you were born good-looking in a model type way. Good for you and best of luck with that. What do you model for, if I may ask. Hmmnnnn let me take a wild guess....errrrr.... Victoria's Secret? You need to be really tall to model off many of the fashion designs for that company. Do you model in that type of field? Good luck with it.
Jennie said on 28/Dec/07
Well I am petite and have a beautiful face so there are many wonderful advantages to that as well. You don't have to be tall to be beautiful! I love snuggling against men's chests when they hug me and they keep me cozy and warm with there arms around me since I am short 5'2! I do agree with Kathy, petites do rock and have many cute advatanges for the men. They feel big,strong and masculine around us petite women! And if you are born pretty and petite like me then that is really considered totally feminine! As for Jewel good luck with your modeling career. Of course good things come in small and big packages as you say! Best of luck to you!
JEWEL said on 21/Dec/07
If your really tall, and have a beautiful face - you couldnt ask for more from God personally.

I am one of the few lucky people who were brought up to believe their height was an asset.

I am a model, and being very slim, in very high heels, pulls off designer lines a petitte 5.2 will never even dream of carrying off. Catwalk models have to be NO LESS than 5.7 inches (even then thats short by supermodel standards - 5.9 minimum carries off good lines)

one good thing though, men do like short women and i think it looks and works better anyways, however of the men left there, there are still those (and quite many) who like the model types.

so everybody's not left out yeah!
Jennie said on 30/Nov/07
Well, I am petite 5'2 and I enjoy being small and having men tell me how cute that is to them and I enjoy watching most women towering over me. It certainly doesn't scare me but it makes me feel wonderfully petite and feminine to the world. By the way, Sigourney Weaver is a fantastic actress and, yes, she is 5'11" tall. It seems she claims that in what is posted above.
Rach said on 28/Nov/07
I said short men! you rude little person! Your obviously just a walking head job!! that's all your good for, maybe you should get over yourself before judging other women.oh and by the way maybe you have a complex you must be scared of tall women knowing that they tower over you and all !!
kathy said on 26/Nov/07
Yeah I'd figure as much that the same girl who was bragging about her intimidating tall height would fake that she is a man crazy about long legged women. Please don't even go there because I don't buy that joke. Petites rock and many guys prefer small girls over big ones. sorry but that's true. by the way sigourney is an inch taller than you. by the way what good are the long legs compared to a beautiful face.
Rach said on 23/Nov/07
I am 5'10 myself and love being this tall i like being able to intimidate short men with my height, i have never met sigourney weaver but i'm sure i'd be pretty close in height to her !!!
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/07
I find taller girls more attractive personally, maybe its the long legs that do it for me. :s
kathy said on 10/Nov/07
Thank you, Rusty James! Petite do ROCK!
Rusty James said on 10/Nov/07
Wait a sec lol, "anonymous" how did u go from 5'10 to '6'2? did u grow 4 ins?.
But yeah smaller girls rock kathy lol!
kathy said on 4/Nov/07
I like being petite 5'3 by the way. It means more feminine and appealing to men. Sigourney Weaver by the way I believe is 5'11. Really tall. I find being that tall of a woman intimidating to a man. Doesn't him feel as masculine,protective and strong with a big woman as he would with a petite one.
Anonymous said on 11/Oct/07
i think i'm about the same height as her. i do exactly what mattiew mentioned and i downplay my height. i slouch a lot and wear very flat shoes bringing my heiht down to 5'10ish then when i'mm fully upright i'm 6'. i tend not to wear shoes with any sort of heel, but if i wear trainers or well made shoes with low heels, my posture is corrected bringing me to around 6'2".
i like being this tall as a girl, it means i can eat more chocolate and dont look as fat as shorter people, and i can show off very long legs!
glenn said on 6/Oct/07
bumped into her 5 months ago.still seemed close to 5-11.wouldnt pose.i have an old photo ill post one day.
Marcelo C. said on 5/Oct/07
No doubt, she´s roughly 5´10" or a bit more.
Mattiew_^ said on 29/Sep/07
She appears to be 6'0 at least ...

No way she is 5'11 , she must downgrade her height like many tall women / actresses do ...
One of my best friends is 184cm and she claims to be 180 ...
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
I saw her fairly regulary around the time of shooting the Alien film (with Charles Dance) at my Cafe, I'd say she was spot on 5.10 then - barefoot.
Anonymous2 said on 22/Dec/06
I sat next to her in a fancy NYC beauty salon about 8 years ago. I'm 5'10" and she easily had an inch on me then.
anonymous2 said on 3/Sep/06
I woudn't be surprised if she is the same height she was 15,20 years ago. She's got fantastic posture. not everyone has lost height by her age.
Random Person said on 25/Aug/06
I am currently watching the television show "Richard and Judy" and Sigourney said that she is 5'11 barefoot.
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/06
give her 182 or 183 at peak
Louie John Buluran said on 14/Jun/06
She is a lovely 6 footer at 57 yrs.old what a very hot body this woman possess!!!
Anthony said on 21/May/06
In her prime, I have no problem saying that she was 6'. In "Alien" she wasn't too far off from 6'3 Yaphet Koto, and she towered over anyone else. In some shots she looked as tall as 6'2 because she was wearing boots a lot of the time. Even now, she still looks to be in the 6' range, I'd say today she is a solid 5'11 1/4 today. She towered over Jennifer Love Hewitt in "Heartbreakers".
trueheight said on 20/May/06
yea in the Locker Room scene in Aliens she looked the tallest out of all the men
Keddy said on 18/May/06
According to the book of guiness in 2000 says that Sigourney is 6'0 183 cm and theres two actor shares her same height and that is GEENA DAVIS & BRIGITTE NIELSEN.
D.K said on 17/Feb/06
The Guiness Book is wrong. Tamara Dobson, the lead actress in Cleopatra Jones, a seventies action flick is 6'3
JUSTMATT said on 7/Jan/06
She is exactly 182 cm and she was measured in the Guinness World records Book with Brigitte Nielsen!!
talker said on 27/Aug/05
I've walked past Sigourney about 20 years ago in NY and she was definitely 6'then.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.